1 MimiiujA'jiiuj.'.iirn'imJUiiiuinmiiiimM.u)mHjim,umMi 0GAP Wf stt fli v v'rfr " ESTABLISHED 1856. I dot Pnpor in tho State.) Oltloat Pup II llll BUSINESS CARDS. T H. HHOADY, J i Attorney nil Ooiiimclor nt liaw, OltlceovorState Banlt.HrowiivllW .Net). Q A. OSUO R X , U, ATTOUMCV ATIjAIV. Oitlc,No.81 Malnstreot, Hrownvlle, Nebl T P. S T V L L , i J . AT'l'OKNKYS AT I.. AW. Oillcunf County JuiIko, Hrowiivlllo, Nebraska. A S. UOLLADAY, ii I'hynlclan, Surgeon, ())trtrlotin. Graduated In 1ASI. Located In UrownvlllelBW. Oillci-,41 Mln street, Iirownvllle, Neb. J W. G 1 B S O X , IMJACICS.MITIl AND HOIISIC SIlOKlt Workdoue to order and satisfaction Kiiarantced First street, between Mnln unci Atlnntlo, Brown jllle.N'oo. p A 'J' C L I X 15 , ISASHIONAIIMt 00T AMI SHOEMAKER CUSTOM WOUK mndeto unlcr. and tits ahvay mmrnntped. Itcpalrlni; neatly nnd promptly don Mhop, No, '.7 Mala street, Hrownvllle.Neb. 1) M. BAILEY, SHIl'I'KIt AND DK.AI.KIl IN LIVE STOCK JiltOWXVlLLK, XKllRASKA. KnrtncrH, plonso cull nnd sot prices; I wan. to handle your stock. Olllco Klrst National flunk. ItlAItLATT &. KIXG, TIKAI.KHH IN General Merchandise Dry OoodH, (IrnccrlcH.nendy Mniln Clnthlnu, Hoots, Hhoi's. Huts, Caps, and n Optiernl Ah sortinent of Drains and Patent Medicines tt.'U Highest prior paid for butter and ASllNWAlil., NKIIRASICA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will niako Mortungo Loans ON Al'lMlOVKI) I-'AHM SKCUKITY, AT 8 i tS. Annual Interest. J . NO COMMISSION. tfl. J. STOWELL, 0S llnrnim, o( lour - - nuuiuby av uuu, Sheridan, Neb. Jtm'. Jacob Marohii ati oiviivUlc. IVubra.NLa. MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealer lu I'lneKtinlNli, KibhcIi, Srotch anil Fancy Cloths Ydt ih, Ktc, Ktc. WKDDIXC! SUITS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED IN 1856. O L 13 S T Rsaf EsfaieAgency IJV NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Dooh u Ronornl Koal Kntuto HuhIiiphh. Hell Lands on CotnnilHHlon, examines Titles, make Deeds, MoiIkhboh, nntl all lnHtru nients pertaining to tho trmuror of Ileal Kh tntc. Huh a Oompleto Abstraot of Titles to all l'-ial Estate in Notnahn County. At'TIIOIIIZKU UY THK l'. S. UOVKIt.VMr'M' First National Bank OF BROWNVILLIi Vaid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500,000 IS PHKl'AKKOTO THANHACT A General Banking Busines. I1UY AND HULL GOIN & OUREENOY DRAFTS nil ull tlm principal cities of tlio United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Oralis dloount Pd. and special accommodations (.'ranted to deposit errt. Dealers In GOVKHNMKNT 1IONIIK, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Rfcolyed payableoudemand and INTKHKHTal lowed on clmecfrtttlcatenofdepoHlt. OIHFXTOHH.-.Wro.T7liMi, II. M. nailer. V. A Handley. Frank E. Johnnon, I.uttmr Hoadley W.KI.U.r. J0HNIiCAIlS0N A n.DAVISON.Cathler. I'rsildenl I,'C.lIcNAUaiITO.A5Ht.Calilr. C. L. Burroughs, M. D., I Physician and Surgeon.1 i "Lot well unuugh alono," Ls ontiral Omooln A. W.NICKELIS DHUO 8TOUK. ly acceptwl as about tlio tl.il.K to do, All callH promptly littoiiito.1 day or night ""SO any :ittiipt lit improvtlliuilll Spec ni attention to suuoKitY. upon "vull enough" gidioially turns Can Ih found nli?li8 at Mrn. I'mtrno'it real-' 01i(, l...,i 'I'imn will toll Imw if will dent-e, w.wttifl'rosliyterlnnChuroli. ' ullL l,,m' l ",1U v,m lim """ ,l U1" - .... work iii Xow York politics. For Sale Cheap. L he.st miiehine out-ono entirely niw.ono been In uie two years, which I will sell cheap tor ciihIi or on tlino. AIo, T II 1 VKTWO llV.VAHfln tntUIM Vll.m Two Farms for Orwln ' OdlG, In tho linmedlato vicinity of Hrownvllle. i Good ncurlim orchard on each, and plenty of wood and water. R. 8. IIAMS()ICI. LIVERY ! -4: UnKttt'' . E. OP Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St O-OOID IRJZO-SI AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AX I)- Driver Furnished when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Tanners' teams fed and cared for " at fair rates. How Lost, How Restored! Jinl publtMivd, a new edition of Dr. CulVert rll'it (Vlclirntril I'.anii) on the radical enre of .HpcrmHtorrliili'Mir Hemliial WcakniMM. Involun tary enilnnl J,on,i. Impotency Mental and l'liynlcal Incapacity. Itnpi-dlnn'niH to ninrrlnuo tC.i ftlnu, I'ONrtl mition, li I'll. kin and Fit-. Ill-(liictMlt)ysL'lf-lmllllKi'lK'(' or aextnnl estraMiKnnee, Ac. Tliuceli'bratt'd author. In thl admlratilo K-Niiy, cloarly dpiiioiMirntei, from n thirty years' ne fi'sfni prnctlcu, that the nlarmlnij coiiHi'iini'tiri-Hnf aflf-uhirte may he radically curud; potiilltiK out a modeof cnrual onco ulinple, certain, anil elfect nal.liy mean, of which every sntlcrer. no matter what Ills condition may hi), may cure hlnmiill chuaply, privately, and radically. O-'I'lils I.ectureahould he In thehamlit of every youth and every man In the laud. Went under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad lren, pont-pald, on receipt oflx centH, or two pnntnKO utainpH. Vc hnvc ulo it Hiirr I'lirr for Tn ie Worm. Addren THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., II Ami. si., .New York, N. Y. I'.O. llox. 13S.ll. 13 ly LEGAL NOTICE. riHAHlA-Jti J AM lis HAHKK. AM) JOHN j J. Kletuher, Kiiurdian of Mild Clinrlen Jiimes H irlf. and ail othera InteieMt d In the cstuto of William K. Sarll. late of Mnson County, Illinois, deceased, yon anil each of i .von win iiiutuioiieoinai.saran irn,minnn litlratrlx or the eHtuto of mild Wllllani IC. Hnril, (IcceiiHod, tins presented her petition to tlio District Court of Nemalia county, Ne braska, MittltiK lortli tho amount or pergonal property wlilcli has come Into her hand, tho (lelilHoiilHtandlnK axnlniil tho deceased, a desurrptlou of the real etitute of which tliu Intestate died seized, mid tlio condition arid value thereof nnd iimIcIiik for an order of tlio sjiM court to Nell the koutheast ouiirter of Kcctlon tiventy one f21J tn township four north, of raugo fourteen II IJ east. In Nemaha county, Htato of NetiritHka, for thepurposuof paylnu tho debts of the estate. On thelHIi day of .Juno, 1SHI, the .IiuIkh of the Mild District court uimlo tlm following order, to-wlt; It appearlnt; from the pell- i Hon attnuhod that thorn Is not Hiillluleut , personal estate In the bands of said admin- i Istratrlx to pay tbodebtNoutstandlriKUKolnst I Uie deceased, and the expeuseH of adtnlnU- I tratlon.and that It ls necessary to sell real eftlnto for tho payment thereof, It In hereby ordored that notice be nlvon by publication In the. Nebraska AnvKitriHKK an retjulrod by ' law In MiRh case, that all persons Interested , In tho said estate appear before tho Jinluo of tho second Judicial district of Nebraska Hit- tttiK nt clmmboru at olllco of clerk district court In tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster noun-1 ty, Nebraska, on tlio 27th day of AuioiNt, I 1881, at threo o'clock p. in. to show onuso why ' a llcenso should not bo granted to tho said , adinlnlntratrlx to nell ho inuoh of the real estate of Mild deceased described In tho po tltlnn.iiH shall bo necessary to pay snob debts I Dated Jurm'Jlllli, 1831. I .1. II, Hhoadv, H. B. Found. noMw5 Att'v for l'otltloner. JudBO. Iloiul Notice for OatnapreH. I To all whom It may concern: Thoro wuh a petition presented to tho Hoard of County I'ommlssUinerH of Nemaha County, Nobras. ka, at their Juno term. A. D., 1881, nsklnu tlio operiliiK nfn loctlou lino road, In ac cordance with tho provUloim of Hectlou -i( at pauo 1,'tfi aotn of 1870, at which time, the Hoard deomliiK that tho public tfomj ro-' qulrrn tho oponlnK of ,ft,(l rond, tlioy onlnrnd i that tho Muno bo opened uinl worked, In tin, , iiaino nmntier as other public roadN, Huld road, couunrnclnnat ttioHouth Kind oornnr of Hectlou :t0 Town I ItniiK 12 Kant, and run-, iiIiik two mllo Wet. i Alt clalmn for ttniniiK' miiHt bo filed In i tho County Clerk'n olllco on or before noon j. iiu hi uav oi nei",i" ."". County Clork. -irsvpwzr. w ELT. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1881. .,,,,., ... ,..,.,.. f NEBRASKA ADVERTISER 'vo.kiu.puimcansi.avoci.ang. rutlorthe Icjulership of "Uoss Conk lin Now York tfavc (Jarllchl about 20,- nin ..... :....:i.. mii... .. .. ..ii "" miujuihi. iii.ii t.i.-i a iiiuii.'i mcacro vlctorv ill a big Stato liko Xcw " 1 OIK, MIHl now under Boss Kobci'lson tlio disappointment will bo moat in- iK'uriifllin ItoiMililifiiiis of that State fail to pllo up .r,0,(K)0 for Oaitk'ld ill his - .. . . ,r , . n co for tlio seooml torni. Hurrah for Hobcrtson! With tho exception of soino papers iu this district, who have declared for .ludgo (Jaslin forSiiiremo .Judge, there is a very general unanimity iu favor of re-electing . I udge Max well. He is an able, experienced, and candid man, and his legal works have eomnie.ided him favorably to tho best legal lights of tho country. We could do worse than to continue him on thoupremo bench. Hit si iiiys Nehru slut u . Olive, tho murderer and man-burner, "Would yet be iu tho ponitontiary had .ludgo Maxwell's opinion been iu tho majority on ' ho supremo bunch. .1 udgo Maxwoll is what you do not llud every day an honest man, a conscientious judge and a deep. judicial mind. Tho prohipitory law of Kansas in mhiio places is enforced, iu others it is not enforced to any extent, and in still others it is partially enforced, or at least has hud a tenden cy to lessen tho number of saloons. It is reported from tho records of tho V. S. revenue olllco that since tho law haa boon in opera tion, thoro have been 875 saloons licensed in thoSbito. Iu.l88l) tllorowore .1,584. PhoVe'iUO 12 vtti-JIcaalf-Hcenacfl litjuor establishments against 27 in 1KK0. Last year there wore .'13 brewer ies iu operation; now there aro but 10. There were two distilleries last jour; this year one. There were 1)1 licens'Ml beer and ale shops lust year, this year, II. This gives an idea of how prohib ition is working in Kansas. .Prohibi tion does not prohibit as yet, but it may virtually do so after a fair trial. Tho law has boon in operation but a few months. The quarrel between (Jartiold and Conkling has done harm in many ways. It has made what looks like a hopeless breach in the ranks of the party iu Xew York; so that the chances that the Republicans will carry that State at any time in the near future uie so exceedingly small as to scarcely bo worth considering at all. Johnson (Jo, Journal. In the "off years" tne Democrats alwajs write about th.it "hopeless breach in the Republican party. Some how or other this breach is alwajs closed up and horeinetically sealed when a presidential election comus around. Linrofn Ufabv. Why didn't Hayes carry Xew York, then V Or maybe that wasn't a "breach." It doesn't take much of a breach in Xew York, in either party to throw the election on the other side. And Xow York lost all is lost. There is a breach in Xow York always in tho Republican ranks, and it takes masterly organiza tion to win. (leorgo William Curtis, of Harper, loads tho "seratchors" and educates the people to scratch all can didates who aro not their personal find individual choico. Collector Robert son, not only a scratclier, is leader of those opposed to tho unit rule that is if a candidate is nominated who a voter does not like, it is that voter's duty to bolt that candidate to scratch liiui tt all ovents regard Jos of instructions or the democratic principle of majorities, The foregoing aro what aro termed In Now York politics as "halfbroeds;" and aro opposed to stulwartisin, which means no scratching, adhesion to party, loyalty to majorities, regardless of por Honal proforoiicos. Those factions make a "broach" recently widened and deep ened by the Senatorial contest, which, if "closed up and hermetically sealed," will ontitlo the gentleman who does tho closing up and sealing, to wear tho bolt. imm,, ,!! Bimm m Mmi Tho St. .loo Gazittc writhes when Missouri Is called the "robber State." Wo can't see that Missouri ls any more of a robber Stato than several of tho Southern States whore Democrats mane the laws. While Missouri laws are rather favorable to her robbers she must have tho credit of not yet selling her citizens into slavery for trival of fences, as is done in Georgia and sever al other Southern Democratic States. Since tlio Winston robbery the action of Governor Crittenden has called very direct attention to Missouri's criminal code. The Governor himself seems not well pleased with tlio provisions of tho law regarding rewards and the capture of escaped convicts. Tho in adequacy of tho law compelled the Governor to either do nothing or to ap peal for backing outside of tlio law, for the apprehension of Missouri rob bers. The law iiuthorizing tho gover nor to offer rewards for the arrest of murderers and robbers, contains the condition that tlio person or persons for whose capture ir reward is offered must bo aivuruliij diwribed. This provision inhibits tho governor from offering any reward for at least three fourths of tho felonies committed in Missouri, because that proportion of tho perpetrators of crime are unknown and cannot be described. A train of cars and tho express were robbed at Winston, and two men weie murdered, yet becauso the robbers and murdoiors could not be described by tho governor ho could not lawfully offer any reward for their arrest. Gov. Critteden, how ever, showing himself greater than the State, has offered a reward on his own responsibility, and the a.ssur.ince of tho railroad otllcials that the reward money will lie forth coming when tho robbers aro caught. That is tho kind of laws Missouri has; and thu dazctk' had better take the occasioipfor calling for more elllcient laws instead of abus ing people for criticising tho present disgraceful ones. There is another de plorable thing in Missouri Unit goes to give tho Stato a bad name, and that is tlio great number who from down right sympathy with thb robbers, har bor and feed them, and refuse, many through fear no doubt, to do anything toward delivering them up justice. Ask I'inkerlon what ho thinks about going among tho people of Missouri to catch robbois. Tho papers may squeal, yet the facts remain, and past history is open conllrniing the right of our ueigbor commonwealth to lie dubbed tho "robber State.' Rut she has a Governor now who seeing the stain is endeavoring to wipe it out, but ho will not tlo it unless ho is indorsed and sustained in every possible way by the good t iti.ens of the State. Thirty thousand persons have petitioned the Georgia Legislature ask- inr (hut tlio noonln nl' tlm Stain ho allowed to vote on the prohibition of nit! liquor irninc. rno peuuou was (100 feet long, and had names from every county. That is no ovidonoo however that prohibition would carry, or oven come near doing so in that State. Cl. - A Columbus. Ga.. nannr savs: .Mr. .Joe Heasley lias been practicing ox- peiiiuetuai gardening recently, ami as a lesult of his labors he has succeeded in raising some delicious lomon-tluvor-ed watermelons. He has a method of making fin Incision in the vino a short ilistnnce from tho root, to which lie attaches a lemon, and by means of ab sorption tlio juice is taken into mo melons, PitoviDKNci:, R. I., .Inly 27. Rev. W. V. Wliitclier, pastor of the Mathow son street Methodist church charged, with purloining rare books from pub lic libraries, called the board of his church together this ovoning, confess ed himself guilty of tho grievous sin, expressed tlio deepest contrition there for, and announced his determination to retire from tho ministry and tho chiiroh, A bear in Colorado got hold of Josoph R rooks and sailed iu to eat him, but began on one of his logs and it happened to bo wooden. Joe laid still and let him chow. Ho says it was tho most disgusted looking bear ho ovor saw when "tho soil" broke over his countenance. Boss Robertson has entored upon Ids duties as Collector of tho I'ort of Xow York. VOL, 26, NO, 8, MM I I 'I' TTTfnTTTII H Willi MISCELLANEOUS. XearMt. Vernon, 111., after a dance was ended at a farm house, a baby was found smothered to death on thu bed by the clothing piled on it. At Oconomowoc. Wis., a voiiiil' telegraph operator named Fred. II. Brown.willcd himself for unrequited love. The girls name Is Miss Stella Aiken. T. G. Kierstone, of Cherokee, Iowa, ' whose daughter, aged 12 vears, gave birth to a child, of which he is alleg ed to bo the father, was placed under .f5,(K)0 bail. Ho claims that he is innocent, but thu child tells a dilVeient story. At St. Joe, Mo. a few days ago. some railroad working men got into it light, when out; named Howard was killed by Jones. During tho past llseal year Si:i.V22t, i002 were collected by the commission er ot Internal Revenue nnd paitl into tho Treasury. Tlie internal revenue otllcjals, Ijnil. that sweetened whisky U largely ship- ., poll to temperance localities as patent medicine. The amount of tax collected on spirits last year was Ml7,io,i,i)7'l, am hi crease of nearly 80,000,000 over that of the previous year. At Rochester, Intl., a young man ' named Chupin was drowned- in Mud Lake. Mike Rotteskey, fit Cedar Rapids fell, ,, from his wagon whiledrunkanil brolu: his neck. Chiis. Steel, a negro saloon keeper of Lexington, Ky.. resisting arrest, shot and killed dipt. Hendricks of the police. ' '' Thoro was no Roman Catholic fin' the revision committee. Curd i Bill Newman declined. A fair maiden's curiosity: "Xow do tell mo Charley," said Miss Gigglogush, who is snendlmr the summer in thu country, "which cow is it that gives the Ice'ereainV I'm just dying to see her." Grant Iliggins is tho mime of a horse thief captured at Lincoln, some days ago. Xo more cigars will be made at the Illinois State I'enitontiary at .lollut. Gulteau, bolngii lawyer, will defend his own case. Hois writing his auto- v, hioL'ratihv. Which lie thinks will )m'n 4 a great sale. " 'Wlioover supposes Roscoo Conkling is politically dead calls iu tho under taker to soon. ( Htii'mjo Tinu:i. Tliere was a terrilic explosion iu Woolnor'.s distillery, I'eoria, last week, killing and maiming 1 1 men. Tho fol lowing are some Unit have died: Ignatius Woollier, Henry Casliin. Chas. Hebner, .John Kirkland, Win. Keif. Henry Gootz, William and I'ritz Fehl. Frank Gill, a fireman, of Keokuk, was drowned last week. .Joint and Thomas Carney, brothers, were killed at Indianapolis by W. II. Collier. ,-The Carneys were both drunk. A Georgia ed tor says: "Gold is found in thirlv-six counties iu this state, silver iu three, copper iu thirteen iron iu forty-three, diamonds in twenty-six, whisky iu all of them, and tho last gets away with all tho rest," Tho government magazine, contain ing several tons of powder, at Mazat lan. Mexico, recently exploded. Seventy dead bodies wero recovered, and ipiite a number more are buried In the ruins. A notorious moonshiner and dare devil named Thomas Andrews, but known better by the name of "Silver tooth," of Arkansas, was recently cap tured In Maxtor county, In a deputy marshal. Alfred Angel, tho gentleman who was so horribly perforated with bullets by Kiiiohammcr, was in the city on Monday. He has not entirely recovered bat Is rapidly regaining his former strength. ltwkjnrt Jnnrnnf. A young man mimed .1. M. Rontly, near Rlanchurd, Iowa, was killed one day last week by being buried by tins cavliii' of a sand bank. Taylor Underwood, leader of a band of desperadoes in southwest Missouri and the murderer of Deputy Sheriff McKlruth.of Dade county, three months ago, was arrested at Carthago Friday, after a desperate struggle with Detec tive K. S. Sike. Three of the Cnder woodgang wero lynched by citizens of Dado county for being concerned in the murder of McKlrath. Cliarles Ouirland. a tinner of Des Moines, while In a drunkon lit cut his throat with a ra.or. Quo of the cheap "revised editions' of the Now Testament reads: "And they laughed him to corn." An Iowa wife sues for a divorce bo causo her husband bought candy for .mother women. Such a man is"worso than an intldot." From .January to .Juno 7.r,000 emigrants left Hamburg alone for tho I'llited Stilton. HNMffMIMM