Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 04, 1881, Image 7

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Sabjcription, $2.00 per Ytar, in Adtance.
ornriAi. iikk of tiir cou.vtv.
Turqiiolso-broiMtod birda htivo sunfrthesprlnx
Pink arbutus leaves huvo blushed farewell to
There's ii soft, swoot prosonoo hovcriiiK on
There's thowlioloof aummor In tho summer
"When tho daylight llutters from thoir swing
ing nests. , , .
lllso enraptured welcomes from enraptured
bromt; ... .
"When tho clouds of sunset atronin llko burn
Itur lights.
There's tho tulnt, low warbling of their sort
Thoro are rivers murmuring ns they onward
Thnf-thn pulo spring loosened Into fuller How;
Now u wider glory In their sparkling hides
There's n Hummer's passion in their throbbing
Thin wings, sunshine-dusted, thro' tho noon-
tldosgo . ,
Huttorlllesln sllonco Muttering to and fro;
Therc'stho wholo rlpo sweetness of tho spring
genu by
Thcrc?s tho wholo of summer In tho summor
Mr. L. C. WViHon.fn WMt-AwaJse.
NtrliBillc "I" 'I'M'
Amiitciir Our-
Tho first wool: or two of May Is en
chanting to tho amateur gardener fh
this latitude. 'Tis thou ho plants po
tatoes, ooru, beans, onions, lottuoo,
radishes, oystor-plnnt, Limn boans,
watormolons and mirskinolons. In tho
possibilities ot tho future, it is to bo do
lioious during tho summer to pull rad
ishes and dig potatoes from one's own
garden. It is to bo delicious to seo
one's vegetables grow and to hear tho
birds slug over them. Tho manage
ment of the house in the midst of which
this vegetable garden was situated de
pended entirely on her. Thoy kont no
servant. Thoy declared they stood iu
need of none. And while, during tho
day, ho was at his business in tho city,
shw essayed to euro for tho rapidly
growing vegetables. Tho gooit and
bad in this world do often prosper alike,
anil oft lines tho bad seoms to prosper
as well if not better than tho good. So
weeds, taking advantage of tho appli
ances placed in tho soit ground for de
veloping vegetables, grow as last if not
faster than vegetables by man doomed
legitimate to unit soil, simply because
he' takes pleasure in eating thorn, al
though, it tho question bo considered
on its real merits, any fair, level-headed
man would say that tho veods being
the original natives of tho soil and to
tho manor born, havo a bettor claim to
said soil than tho vegetables, which are
generally foreign importations. How
ever, the vegetables must bo protected
from the weeds by a hoe with a human
being at tho business end.
ShoSvas a plucky littlo woman, and
said sho would olliciate at this end of
tho hoo while lie was at business in tho
city. So sho did. For a few weeks it
was a drawn battle between hor and
tho weeds. Tho garden was on now
ground, and a low-lying, swampy bit
of ground, too. The weeds consisted
principally of fern and swamp-cabbage,
ller task was to keep down a voluntary
fernery and give tho potatoes a chance.
Tho garden soil was mainly sand; not
sand indigenous to tho place but some
hauled from afar and spread over tho
swamp. This was an idea indigenous
to his uncle, who had a mania lor im
proving tho worst pieces of land he
could pick out and buy cheap. Ho had
colonized him and hor on this swamp,
and granted them rent free for the sum
mor in hopes that the presence of such
respectable-appearing settlers might
attract others to tho spot. Sho was
not an export in tho knowledge of vpg'
etables. Didn't, in fact, known potato
vine from a skunk-eabbago. By tho
middle of Juno tho skunk-cabbage had
got thg start of tho potatoes,
threatened to swallow thorn up. Sho
was of this happily ignorant, taking
tho skunk-calibago for somo.logiliniato
vogotablo which ho had planted
among tho potatoes. Thriving on hor
ignorance the skunk-en bbago increased
and multiplied.
Ho came homo earlier than usual ono
day and would tako a look at his pota
toes. Seeing skunk-eabbago and pota
toes together from afar, and not then
being Himself well grounded in kitchen
garden science aiulindications of wood
evils, ho said: "How well things aro
growing!" Coming a little nearer, it
struck him theso might not all bo pota
to vinos. "Hallo!" ho cried to her,
"I thought this was tho potato patch.''
" So it is," said she.
"Where?" said ho. V
"Where you aro standing. Youlvb
knee-keep In potato vines now," said
Said he, " Good gracious! Thunder!
Why, these aro not potato vinos. These
aro weeds. This is skunk-cabbage.
And you have hood this?"
"Yes," said sho, " I hood all tho
nasty woods that camo un around
" Why, you've hood away tho potato
plants and loft this skunk-eabbago," ho
"1 thought I was booing tho pota
toes, and that they wore doing all so
nicely and so much bettor than the
onions, because that droadful forn has
got among tho onions," said she.
Ho got his big hoo and sho hor littlo
hoo, and together thoy slashed skunk
eabbago till dark. Thoy arose at live
tho noxt morning and pitched again
into skunk-eabbago, and, by breakfast
timo, tho few potato vines sho had acci
dently misled had a faint chance for
life. Meantime the kitchen garden and
lifo in tho country wont on and on.
Other weeds industriously sprang up all
over the garden. Tho mosquitoes camo
thicker and thicker. Did thov light a
Inmn at night, millions on millions of
small wingod things lost thoir livos try
ing to put it out. Strnngo insects;
wingod, horned, clawed, fangod and
pronged camo into tho house, got into
their bed, into his boots, into her slip
dors, l'rogs croakod in tho collar.
For a Week thoy wcro occupied in forti
fying tho windows with mosquito nets.
Three times a wcok tho butcher brought
scraggy pieces of moat from tho city,
for which thoy paid tho highest price.
Tho only storo was a milo away on a
sandy road. All this, added to the
woods, kopt her very busy. Sho began
to think that a rural llfo looked best in
a book. They had fifty-two hills of po
tatoes. "I wonder if this patch will
ralso us enough to last all wintor," ho
asked of her as thoy wcro going into
the house one evening, both pretty tired
from hoeing skunk-cabbage. ' " L guess
so," said sho, "but if they'd Only grow
as well as skunk-cabbnge wo might havo
some to soil." Just then an agricultur
al neighbor, passing tho house, called,
out to thomi " Got any bugs yot?"
Sho turned up hor nose.
lilies?" said ho. "Of course not."
"What a rude question,1' said she.
" All tho folks around hero havo got
said the native. "Beds full of
Thoy did not hoar him say "potato
beds.'L. Tho native continued: "Paris
green' is tho best Btujr' to kill 'om. Wo
sprinkle' item olii'-bods ovory day."
"Why, I should think it would ruin
your shoots and pillow-cases,"
"Sheets? Pillow-cases? lis
said she.
aw! Haw!
Haw!" roared tho native. "Potato bugs
don't trouble 'cm."
"Oh!" simultaneously remarked ho
and sho as tho true light stole into thoir
brains. Thou thoy wout and examined
thoir potato vinos. Thoy wore eovorod
with potato bugs. Millions! '! saw
thorn last wcok," said she, "but I
thought thoy wore lady-bugs at least
a biggorkind of lady-bug."
"Wo must pick them oft',11 said ho,
" to save the potatoes. You must com
mence picking our crop of potato bugs
to-morrow. What havo you got to pick
them in?"
"Nothing," said she, "save tho milk
Milk pitcher it is," said ho. " Des
perate diseases, desperato remedies.
We must commence to-night."
She brought out tho milk pitcher.
Together thoy picked it full many
times and emptied the bugs in the bab
bling brook which ran by theft' cottage,"
which babbling brook carried many
of tho bugs to tho groon potato holds
of their neighbors, and left thorn there
alive. Thoy seemed to havo picked all
tho bugs oil' thoir vines that night, vot
it was not so. On arising and going
fortli next morning thoy found as many
bugs as ever. Thoy recuperative and
regenerative power of bugs and woods
and all sorts of things jicoplo do not
want is wondortul. "Evil seoms catch
ing, but good is hard to take," said
he. Ho was obliged to go to tho city,
and there in tho whirl of business his
mind wandered to their littlo ngricult-
ural cot and potato bugs. She all day
picked potato bugs alone, and drowned
milk-pitehorful alter milk-pit chorful in
I the babbling brook. Yot next morning
! tho bugs had tho start of hor again.
1 This was kopt up for several days.
Moantimo tho swamp forn and skunk-
j cabbage got a fresh start on tho bean
and raddish beds and quite swallowed
them up. Tho potato bugs nionopo-
j lized tiro ontiro energy and attention
of this agricultural pair, Nor was this
j all. Pig-weed camo. First, a cautious
old Pig-weed, who had nourished thoro
I for generations, poked his head out of
j tho ground. Alter .rcoonnoitoring, ho
Save tho signal. Anon by scores, nun
reds and thousands, camo other Pig-
woods. She waged with them u feoblo
warfare. What could the, voting wife
, do, almost alone, against' Skunk-cnb-
bago, Swamp Forn, Potato Bugs and
Nothing. Emboldened by
tho success ot
tho Pig-woods, tho
rushed in from all quarters. Thoro
camo Dock, Hlack-wood, Wild Pepper
grass, Mullein and Stramonium, or
Thoy ravaged hor littlo llowor-gar-den.
Thov massacred tho tender
plants. Thoy ate up thoir sustenance.
Thoy crowded them out of existence
She laid down the hoo in despair. Ants
crowded along it? handle. Thoy erected
their habitation under it.
"How green your garden is gotting,"
ho said to her one day. Ho had become
sarcastic'. This was on or about tho
'25th of Juno. Sadly sho took hor littlo
hoo and out down a few pig-weeds. Sho
thou laid it down and took it up no
m'oro that season. There it lay, and
the pig-weed, tho dock, tho wild pop-per-grnss,
tho skunk-cabbage arid tho
stink-weed came up around it and over
shadowed it.
" How very groon your garden has
grown," said he to hor on" tho 3d of
August. It was very groon. Tho
wicked woods had run out both ilowers
and vegetables. Thov had full control
ol all tho governmental departments of
that garden. Thoy outvoted tho orig
inal occupants ten to ono. Tho Veg
etable Aborigines of tho soil had re
gained their original supromacv . Thoy
climbed tho fence and pokod thoir
heads riotously and impertinently be
tween tho pickets. Tho accidental, va
grant sunllower was elected Mayor of
hor garden. Tho streets and avonuos
sho had so nicely laid out botwoen hor
bods was invaded by a disorderly, acci
dental pumpkin vino. Tho only sur
viving rosebush was mobbed by pig
weed. Over all this ruin tho birds sung
thoir matin songs and Nature seoinod
as blithesome and joyful as though thoir
kitchen gardon had boon a? success.
Prentice Muljbrd, in the Ban Francisco
Chronicle. J
Kuiiuirknblo I'ndurnncc.
A romarkablo lnstauco of thetonaolty
of human llfo nnd tho possibility of
human endurance camo 1111(101 tho no
tlco of a Courier-Journal reporter yds
torday. Thoro aro oqunlly curious
casos on record whoro persons havo
survivod destruction of parts of tho
brain and enduring groat physical pri
vations, but this scorns to bo unique
and alone iu modical annals. On tho
ovcnlng of tho 2d of last April John
Platte, a moldor at tho Louisville Man
tol and Coskot Foundry, returned to
his homo, on tho pike, justonposito tho
Xnstituto for tho Blind, and found his
wifo sitting iu a chair, with tho loft
sldo of her faco and hoad resting on tho
hot storo. Sho was unconsoiqus and
alone, and no ono jknow how long sho
had boon in that position, but tho room
was tilled with tho odor of burning llosh,
and a neighbor was of tho opinion that
hor faco had hot boon on tho stove moro
than an hour, as sho was scon in tho
yard about that length of tiruo previous
to hor husband's arrival. Sho win
iplaced in hod and Dr. J. W. Maxwell
was summoned to attend her, but no
one entertained tho slightest belief that
she would over speak again. Tho doc
tor found that all tho flesh on tho loft
sido of hor faco, tho ear ami tho scalp
to the top of her head, was cooked into
a crisp, and was ready at the least touch
to drop oil". Sho remained unconscious
until tho next day, when sho rallied,
but wasi dolirious for nearly a wcok.
Healing applications wore made, and in
two or three weeks all tho burned llosh
boonmo! loose from tho bones and was
taken oil', and she complained of but
littlo pain. Sho seemed iu a fair way to
recover until erysipelas set in, and for
several days sho was again thought to
bo at the point of death.
Tho latter alllictionyioldod, howovor,
to tho prbpor treatment, and was
checked before it reached all parts of
tho burn. After it disappeared, tho
process of decay wont on until tho jaw
and cheek-bones and tho skull on that
sido of tho head wore laid baro. Tho
front lino of the burn extended from a
point on the top of the head, passing
just back of tho eye down by tho corner
of her mouth to' the chin, and after
the llosh was removed the drv bones
of the jaw, chock and side of the hoad
appeared as if they had been scraped.
Tho injury extended down on her nook,
and destroyed tho jugular vein and all
the facial nerves on that side. After
the erysipelas was cured she complained
of no moro pain, and during tho ontiro
period of hor atlliotiou has experienced
none of tho physical shocks mid pros
trations which wore constantly ex
pected. Her pulse roniained normal,
hor appetite good, and for tho past
month sho has been able to walk about
tho room or sit iu her rockuig-ehair tho
most of the time. Dr. Maxwell has
boon doubtful of hor recovery all along,
but alio expresses a determination to
get well, and as .sho has passed safely
through her alllictiou for tho past two
and a lialf months, hor indomitable will
may carry hor through. Recently the
exposed bones appear to havo been
soriously allbcted by tho heat, and avo
beginning to show signs of decay. Tho
point of Hho jaw-bone whore it is at
tached to the temporal is beginning to
crumble, and tho doctor thinks that tho
outer table of the skull on that sido will
come oil'. The cheek-bone-has drawn
away from tho temporal and caused a
cavitv into which the linger can be in
serted nearly two inches. She lives on
liquid food entirely, and eats it with a
lively relish. The wound presents a
most ghastly sight, and how any ono
can live anil enjoy good health under
tho circumstances is indeed a mystery.
Dr. Maxwell has been very attentive
to the ease, aud as none of tho family
wore nolo to properly attend to it he
dressed tho wound daily, and is, thorn
fore, thoroughly acquainted with it iu
all the stages" through which it has
passed. Do has strong hopes of the
ultimate recovery of his patient. He
has had Mrs. Platto photographed iu
two positions, in each of which the art
ist has produced a perfect hut a most
ghastly picture, Ho is preparing a re
port of tho caso for tho profession,
whioh will no doubt bring to light some
;new conditions under which a patient
can "still liye." rZoMtfift'fc '.Courier
Journal. The Discipline of Drudgery.
A "liboral education" Is a capital
thing, and tho thousands of young men
who ate now honored with the title of
A. B. aro to bo congratulated upon tho
good fortune that has permitted them
to acquire the mental discipline result
ing from a four ) oars' course of aca
demic study. But thoso young men
must not make tho mistake of suppos
ing that this discipline is an ull-sulli-ciont
preparation for tho higher call
ings of life. That is, tho younjj men
who propose to enter any of tho
branches of professional llfo, for ln
stauco, must not imagine that tho fact
of thoir having a college education will
permit them to leap tn the top rung of
tho ladder at once. Tho discipline thoy
havo is valuable but nhiolly-'ho as a
basis for tho acquirement of practical
knowledge, without which success is
impossible. By practical knowledge
wo mean acquaintance with the minutm
or littlo details which go to make up all
occupations. Spoil knowledge a coll ego
education can not give and is not in
tended to give, it is only to bo awjuirod
by patient application. Tho discipline
of a college curriculum must bo supple
mented bv anoihcr kind of discipline,
namely, tho discipline of drudgery. No
one, however largely endowed with
mental power, can bo exempted from
tho necessity of acquiring this, disci
pline. It is far moro essential to success
than tho discipline furnished by a col
lege courso. flew Haven Palladium,
Our Young Renders.
" I'll innko a noise," milil .leromy Uliiok,
Ah the dnys ilrow iiIkIi
To tho Pom th of July;
' I II lunko moro nolsu than u cannon or pnok
Of llre-crHckotri, or pistol, or kuii,
yonnimr-ornokor; I'll huvo moro tun
WiPh llfty cents than tho rest or tho lioyn
With ii dollar's woithof powder awl thlufjs
Willi tiny cents 1 will make moro nnNo
Than all tho rost of tho town, by JIiiksI"
So ho wont down
. To Abraham lliown,
Tho tinker buck or tho llluo Moll Inn,
W ho mended tho pum for nil tho town,
And lionet him to muUo nThluir of tin.
Then both of them tinkered and talked and
Hot ween the niendlinr of pot and kettle,
Aud drew tho patterns with elialk iu hand
I'ntll they manaued the UiIiir to settle;
And all tho boys were oajfor to know
What kind or a Thin thoy kept tinkering so.
ns It anythtnir llko a cannon, or rocket.
Or Itoman caudle, or plu-wheel, or kuii?
Vt as It Mitall ouoiikIi to o Into his pocket?
Or could ho lirt It when It was done?
Would tho tlilhtf k on", or would powder jro
And a dn.onof Kuril llkonuestlonsn minute.
Hut Jeremy Hlaek Just wave a sly wink,
And they could not toll what lueieallon to
Ho Fourth or July catno around at last,
And tho day was fresh aud tho sun was
Thou Just its soon as the nlxht was passed,
At tho caillost dawn or the dewy light,
Tne boys turned out
With noNo and rout,
Aud loud halloo and lust v Miuiit.
And racket of crackers, aud boom anil pop,
And rliiKlnirot' bells, and si., and splutter,
Till Rood I oik- tryliur to sleep would slop,
And net up and close the window and shut
ter. Hut Jeremy Hlaek Just turned In his bed,
And down in tho pillow ho nestled his head,
And lliouiflit, with hki'Iu,
How tho'lhlnjr or tin
Would make ououkIi iuiImo to drown tho din.
At loiiKtli ho arose and dressed himself,
And nrtcrward maniurod his breakfast to
Then took tho Thlnir from tho wood-houso
And carried it with him out In thostriet.
Now all tin) boys camo running to sro
What over tho wonderful ThliKr could ho
And lot 'twas a llsli-liorn six loot Ioiik.
"Now stand a littlo awav," said ho,
" Aud you'll hear a noise so loud and strong
And deep aud mlKhty that It will drown
All popnluur of uuus aud cannons Iu town."
Tlieu all the boys stood while ho
Stepped up to tho Mro-pliur tinder tho treo,
And rested thereon thoend of tho horn,
Then took a breath that was Ioiik aud deep,
Aud blow as he'd not blown since ho was born;
And out trom tho Thin came never u
Ho mopped, and wiped his mouth for a
Then blew as IT thodlelcous woio In it.
Ho blew till tho hair stood up on his head;
He blow till overytliiuu' swam around;
Ho blew till Ills forehead and ears Ki'ow red;
Hut out of the horn camo never a sound.
At Hi Ht tln boys were half afraid
Of tiio terrible Hound that would soon bo
Hut alter awhilo thoy houau to chair,
And then to Kittidc, and then to 1 uiuh.
Piior.leroiny know that tho noise was there
It only reiiulred a little more air.
Once moro lie blows till his intMcles strain:
Not a sound. Aud thou ho bewail to know.
TIioukIi ho had endeavored with mluht mid
mill it.
Tho horn was too larwo for htm to blow:
As one koos over this world of ours
Who ovoi rates the natural powers
wno irequontiy imus a .loremy inaoK,
I HIIMillUVl l' tlltlllllll lf!l"V
The Fates havo Kiauted blm uoniowhat
Those peoplo who build, though thoy may not
know It,
A horn so largo that they never can blowit.
Howard 1'ijle, In Ilaiint' Vounu I'eoiitc.
Perhaps it was because sho hated
My aunt's house is a largo ono very
like those you often see when traveling
in tho country square with windows
all shut, silent doors and empty porches.
Tho beauty of my aunt's house was its
back yard and back door, with a great,
lint stone stop. A gale at tho back of
tho yard opened on a lane, whoro trees
fjrowon each side, aud thickets, which,
n .summer, are full of birds, bufterllies
and blossoms. Tho deep ruts aro over
grown with grass; only tho breezes pass
to and fro, which Hotter tho loaves into
littlo rustling songs. Tho back door
led into a groat kitchen, built evor so
many years ago; the rafters wore coll'oo
colorcd, for my aunt would never havo
them whitewashed. Lots of things
wore stowed away among those rafters
pumpkiu-socds, oars of corn, bunches
of herbs, an old saddle; and, In the
winter, hams and links of sausage swung
from the beams. Piles of paper bulged
over their edges, and tho rubbish of
years was there, precious to my aunt,
but useless to everybody else
Ono dav in autumn, Josh, my aunt's
maii-of-all-work, while hoisting a bag
of dried beans into tho rafters, discov
ered a pair of gray striped squirrels.
He rattled tho bonus and "shooed,"
but thoy only skipped beyond his reach,
chattering, aud stood on their hind
paws, making motions with thoir foro
paws as if "shooing" Josh in return.
"1 doboliove, mom," ho called to my
aunt, "that these littlo thieves havo
come to eat up all my garden-seeds; but
I can't make out why ground squirrels
should roost up hero. '
"Let them bo, Josh," said my aunt;
"I'd rather have squirrels overhead
than cats under feet; tho creatures won't
trouble mo."
Nor did thoy, but, when peoplo talked
in tho kitchen, the squirrels chattered
louder and faster than evor. Although
thoy dropped seeds and straws on my
aunt's muslin cap, and although Josh
muttered about holes in bags, and
muss, and noise, she would not listen.
She declared thoy wore company for
her, and sho was certain thoy would
not forget her friendliness toward thorn;
they kopt thoir distanco, and wcro al
ways tho same bright, choorful, happy
littlo boings!
For idl this, Josh pondered a plan,
and carried it out. " (round-squirrels,
ho argued, "had no business up
iu tho air. So ho prepared a bag,
tackled tho old horse to tho wagon,
caught tho squirrels when my aunt
wout out, put them iu the bag, aud
rodo away up tho lane and into tho
woods. When ho got to a thick spot,
dark with trees, ho shook out the squir
rels, turned about, and jogged iiAiue,
with the satisfaction of having finished
a good job, just a littlo dashed with
dread of my aunt's scolding, which, any
way, wan not so bad as thoir chatter.
Josh opened the kitchen door and wont
in. The silence pleased him, and ho
began to rub his hands, as his way was
when pleased. Ho cost ills ovos up
ward and was Instantly greeted with a
merry chatter. Tho sqtiTrrols had got
homo before him, and.woro all tho moro
lively for thoir voyage In tho bag, tho
rldo'in tho wagon, and the picnic in tho
woods I -
"Maroy on mo!" ho orfod, his hands
falling apart. Just thon tho squirrels
lot drop n hickory-nut on tho bald spot
of Josh's hoad.
" I missed thoir nolso," said my aunt;
"thoy h'nvo boon cunning onough to go
out nutting."
" Yes," said poor Josh. "Thoy aro
very cunning, mom; I know so much
about thorn."
Kithor tho Indignity of tho raid upon
thorn, or tho lindof tho hickory-nuts,
was too much for tho squirrels; shortly
after, thoy disappeared. My aunt was
romindod moro than onco of thoir In
gratitude, but all sho said was
A cat was proposed for a pot onco
moro. "No cats!" my aunt said,
looking severely at Josh, who wont out
to tho uarn immediately.
When the spring came, ami tho lilac
hushes bloomed, 1 wont to my aunt's
tho old kitchen was my delight. Wo
sat on tho door-stop in tho afternoon
whon tho sun-rays loft tho lane, and wo
could rost our eyes on tho deep, cool
groon of troo "and shrub. My aunt
watched tho way of tho wind, whoro
tho birds How, ami tho coming blossoms,
and I watchod hor. Onco, whon I
happened to bo inside, I hoard a sup
pressed, wojidoring cry from hor, which
iiiado mo hurry buck; I saw hor atton
tlou was fixed on tho path below tho
stop, and lookod also, to seo the most
cunning procession that ovor was.
My aunt's gray suulrrol was trotting
toward us with tail curled up, and ac
companied by four littlo ones exactly
like her, with thoit mites of tails curled
up also- two wcro on hor back and two
trotted bosido her. Sho camo up to my
aunt foarlossly, and tho littlo ones ran
about us. Hor motherly joy and pride
wore plain to be soon. Thon wo board
a Hhrill squeak from tho lilac-bush it
came from hor companion, tho fathor of
the family, who watched tho reception.
My aunt sent mo for pumpkin-seou, and
to see them snipoing the shells and
feeding on the meat was a lino treat.
The babies were aboutalingor's length,
but their tails had as still" u ourl as thoir
mamma's, aud never got out of place.
Many a day aftorwarutho mother pa
raded tho young ones on tho door-stop,
and carried homo her pouch full of
numpkln-Hoed, but the father never put
lils dignity oil' to come any nearer than
the lilac-bush.
"Now, you unbolioving Josh," called
my aunt, onco, "what do you say?"
"Say, mom," looking up at tho raft
ers. " I say a cat might havo ilruv thorn
away." Elizabeth 'floddurd, in SI.
Nothing Completed.
I onco had tho curiosity to look into a
littlo girl's work-box. And what do
you supposo I found P
Well, iu tho lirst place, I found a
"bead purse," about half done; thoro
was, howovor, no prospect of its evor
being finished, for tho noedlos wore
out, and the silk upon the spools was
all tangled and drawn into a complete
wisp. Laying this aside, I took up a
nice piece of perforated paper, upon
which was wrought one board of a Bible,
and beneath it tho words, "llovo ";
but tuhut sho loved was loft for mo to
guess, lionoath the Bible board I found
a sook, evidently commenced for some
baby-foot; but it had como to a stand
just upon tho littlo heel, and thoro it
scorned doomed to remain. Near to
tho sock was a noedlo-book, ono cover
of which was neatly made, and upon tho
other, partly finished, was marked:
"To my dear"
I need not, howovor, toll vou all that
1 found there; but this mucu 1 can say,
that during my travels through that
work-box I found not a single article
complete; and silent as thoy wore, theso
half-finished, forsaken things told mo a
sad story about tho littlo girl.
Thoy told mo that, with a heart full
of generous alloction, with a hoad full
of useful and pretty projects, all of
which sho had both tho moans and tho
skill to carry Into ofl'oot, she was still a
useless child always doing, but novor
accomplishing, hor work. It was not a
want of industry, but a want of perse
verance itomembor, my dear young friends,
that it matters but littlo what groat
thing wo merely undertake. Our glory
is not iu that, but in what wo accom
plish. Nobody in tho world caros for
what wo mean to do; but everybody
will open thoir oyos by and by to soo
what men aud women and littlo children
have done. Childress Friend.
A largo Newfoundland dog in
Louisville was recently sheared, appar
ently much against his will. After tho
oporation was linished, tho dog sprang
to Ids feet, trotted oil' a short distanco,
lookod at himself aud the man with tho
shears, and then leaped into tho air and
fell dead. By-standors attributed tho
dog's doatii to grief for tho loss of his
haudsomo coat.
Tho widow of tho Gorman poot
Uhland has just died in hor eighty
second year. Sho wrote a biograpTiy of
her husband, whom sho.survivod nintr
teon years.
A Georgia farmer removed to Ala
bama and took his cow with him; but
the animal turned up at her old homo,
I ninety miles oil", a lew days afterward.