Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 04, 1881, Image 4

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    iiwiwi n iiipiii mm ii in i mi ii i ill ii nil inn mi in i ii ii i i i 1 1 n nam i um ,1,1,0
.. '
jmt : a
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IW 3.,.v. FYiiVbi'&Uiei' & Oo
VI ' v' ' -i '
' Mil lillriliMf m .1:. I iwiMrlttf ii r -
I .-.Subscription, 2.00 Por Year in Adranco
iu . OFI'IUI.Uj IVU'RII OF'rillM'Or.NTY.
TttirB in Nobroskn.
TlioSlutc Fair will beheld at Omuliu,
beginning Septoiubur I'illl and ending
Jolyimin coiuify,' TucjiuispIi, 2lsl to
Otoo county, Nebraska (illy, August
JflLli to fc'cpl. 3tl.
1'awnuo county, 'Pablo Hock, SepT.
-21lh to :ioili.
Mall county, Grant! Island. Poplom
bor7Lli tulHli.
Fillinoro eountv. Gonova. Sdiloinbcr
.U,;tlitp2i)th.. ..) .
Kt ' ..!.' 1.. a.-.,fc' B1...I ...1 ...null.
w . i iirit'ccHimy, i out, ppivinnci auiu
,, to 2!) I.
Allitii(l DlHlriot. 1-Vir, SonUinbur
anili to S2il.
Cuhh county, I'laltMuOutll.Scplcinbi'r
7th to OLIi. .J
Laucwtur, Lincoln, SonUnillicr (Rh to
Dili. ,
Keurnoy couiitv, Mi'mlcni Sonloinbor
rontnil NobniMlm Di.itiict fair,
, llaHUiiScpt. imh to28d,
;.-- -
V " l-'or H rst class groceries call on
' T, L. .Jolll'H.
New' supply of nice cakes at Fur
iiiuii & J'almor'd.
VurijiLuro kihI lluwaro repaired
by Slovunson & Cross.
- Oil clolli, brussols and hemp enr
poli by StdviMiMin & Cross.
Call at tins ofilec and getn copy oil
the State. Fail premium list.
Tlio Pliant WJi(to Seining ifu
'hhirie for siilo by 'i'. I Sealon.
For a good Cooking Slovo 'with the
niost-iiiid'litvt triiMbfingH, call on W'il-
A ling'JU'os. & .Joi'ilon. :
-r Galrart, Cimrivrt H'on. Cliurch
Howe has accepted an invitation to
1 presitlo at tlio union picnic of tlio
Catholics of Otoe, and Nemaha Coun
ties, ut Julians Grove, near Glon Hock,
on August lTth. A grand time is expected.
Mr. Hookwullcr, Demo -ratit; eau
(llduto for Governor ol Ohio, is one of
tlio many non-resident land owners
that have always been a ourse to Ne
braska. Ho owns about 12,000 acre.''
of laud in Pawnee county.
An old gentleman, uiinto 1 Thos.
McOnlTroy, residing near l?ulo wan re
uqtiUy found tlead near that -town. A
boltlo partly fllleil with whisky and ;t
roll of scrcon wire were found bc-ide
urn. This should serve as a warning
to all to beware of screen wire.
- Tecumsuh ('hielath: Saturday
night, last, u waif was loTt in a bug,
Close to tho residence of oho of our
citizens. Its cries were heard ami it
was taken into thehousoand cared for.
It was about ten days old. It has
ibceu adopted by another family resid
ing out of town, and has fallen into
good hands. From whence it came
has not transpired.
It is a pleasure to 'look, into Mr.
.luilkins' furniture house. Ho has the
largest stock of splendid, 'No. 1, furni
ture that has been In Browuville for
years, and probably tlio best in South
', eiwt Nebraska And lib Jam brought
prices down from thoso of preinus
d0j.iloriO that ho is selling a great
deal of furniture. Call on ,ir.
.Land look over his immense stock and
variety whether j on pui chase or not.
A meeting of the citizens of Xo-
maha-City was held T.ilursdstv last for
-t ho puiosi of makbig an effort to have
lhoMA, l. railroad make Nutualm a
polnfon the. line. Tlie followfifg gen-
tlomun. were, appointed a" commit too
to confer with tho proper oilieialH ol
the road: Win. H. Moowr chairman;
,ias. u., ir. i. iten Aiutrews,
Levi Johnson, D. Tourlelot, ,Ino. P.
Grbtbor. If a proposition to extend
the road via Nomahii can be obtained
tlio committee will ropoit to a. subse
quent mass meeting of the citizens of
Nemaha precinct. We noticed the
piosonoe of lions. ,1. ,. ('arson, .1. II.
lirondy, and Dr. 0. P. Stewart, nt the
meeting. If what is reported is true,
that the M. P. will not vary, for anv
consideration, from the- strulghlost,
most practicable and easiest graded
route from Dunbar, Noniaha will bo a
ihiii iimtmmiumaiimnrmwnimm:nrMTmnimuiiimiivontnrmmti isaJMmrmasntmau3BiBittMmiaMniammi
- "k '.g'fuf' i '' ' '" rri-"T - - ,
A sure cure for diarrlioea and
summer complaint at Nickell's. -
i '
(fr'uiU'Llmid bug jflijl'jirurjiws for
ftale by the Hegululor, T. ltrV'llAMJH,
Nearly t-wo hundred teams are at
work on the Kupublicaii Valley . H.
between this place itticl NeinidiaCily.
Vol vail Courfti'ri-r-
-i- A big mfw lot of tea, ficsh from
New York, just received at Nickell's
Drug .Store, and ho is selling it very
Wo call attention t.o l ho, curd of
H. S. Mannaford. The properly ho
offers for sillo would suit almost any
body.' ; '
"' ' ' llnrtlwurc,
a very large and complete slock of
s'ld'lf nnd'hciivv hardware will soon bo
received by Thos. UiHiurds.
"The Otoe Couiitv Uniphlr," is
the iiaino of a 7'cnl. paper started at
Tnadilla. by IX. .1. Fletcher and W. A.
Kcithloy. Hepublican in-politics.
School rui'iiifiii'c.
I linvo received tho agenev for A. II.
Andrews & Co. School furniture of all
kinds. Samples at my furniture
store, IJrowuville, Neb.
- Nemaha County District Lodge,
I. O. G. T meets at Howard on Satur
day, August til, issi. A full delega
tion from every lodge In" tho county is
desire I.
Pnh'irt Coitrtfi : Twentv wagons
from Ihe farm of Church Howe & Son,
lied ford, delivered l.orm bushels of
wheal to tho Nemaha City Klovator
on Monday last. And on Tuesday
twelve teams from the same farm
delivered eighty head of hogs to Dngftn
Oc Wilcox. - j,
Died, at his home at Glen Hock,
on the nlsrht of tlie 20tli nil. Mr.
Jonathan Gill, aged about .'i. ears.
Deceased was an ohl settler and hiulily
respected ( itizen. Ho was engaged in
itiercbandising, and' carried a very
large slock of goods, for a country
Syracuse Journal : Wejl, establish
ed newspapers retell tlio jt'eople and
are permanent and helping institutions
toa coinmunitv. New ventures have
an uncertain future befoie them. In
Nebraska there are One -or two news
paper failures nearly every week. We
boiieve in standing by cstablsihcd
newspapers in the matter of public urnl
private patronage.
There is but one boarding place
as yet at Calvert, ami the boys call it
the Grand Central, and they nil eat
their roasting ears at one pi ce, and
are a jolly crowd. The ('nui-'ur thus
alludes to the Grand Central's "boom."
HiglliV seven nervous tonk dinner nt.
the Grand Cent nil Wednesday, most of
wuoni tiro properly owners in our lit
Ho city.
MncliiiM' Oil,
if you want some that will not mini
.--.. .....V .,..,,., Mllll Oil! I
o machine go to T. Hichards
List of Tinf.t.orti
mn!iininr in llio nnuf .W lln,i,.
" fl v..v tM(ubunti.u l,v IJIVIU-
ille. Nebraska, for week ouding
uiy itu, ioo i ;
'aiuoron, Jmncs ICdwanU, James
Evans. F.d.
I'OSTAI. ( 'AltUS.
Curtis Fred F. Green, 11. F.
crouch, .1. C. K'e.sler, David.
Persons calling for any of the above
will please say ul cart fait.
Oillco hours o a.m. to S p. m. Sun
days, from ti to 10 a. m
T. 0. Hackuh.P. M.
SutUy IMown.
ihe best made for the least nionov Dv
Thos. id ads.
The namo signed to the following
card is one of the editors tlio Sheridan
J'mt. Mr. George llerliu to whom it
is addressed is a fi co-born American
citizen, and detests all styles of bull
dozing, and has entertained the idea
that it is entirely optloiiary with him
to take a paper and stop it when he
pleases so long as he, pays for the
timo he takes it. as he did' in this case.
lie wants this card published so tho
people may know what a daniphool
a one-horse editor can make of himself:
Siikuidan. Xki Julv 27tli.-l.ssi.
Friend Heilin: What In tlie Hades
do you mean liv stopping vour paper.
on subscribed for a year' and ought
to take it for that time.
Itespuctfully. E. fj. T.uuiAitT.
A now ainljh'st ilass stock of guns
all kinds and low prieus. Call an see.
AVll.l.lM. HllOS. &.JOKDAN.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
.Usui and ,lVitj Wanted.
The undei signed wants to hire a mar
ried man to live on his farm, three and
a half miles southwest of Jirownville.
For piulicnlars enquire ut the farm.
, 7w2 .1. A. I.AWlti:N(K.
Cash Paid for Wheat.
The n'(t(isf ma vUot privr
imiil j'oi'ijootl (cheat at (Hen
J I or: Mills.
Is hereby given that 1 will examine
nil persons who mnj desire to offer
theuiseUes aw candidate for teachers
of the primary or common schools of
this county, at tlie Court House, in
Urowinillo on thu llrst Saturday in
each month. Philip Crolhor,
. at-tf Co-Sirperlntendont.
Gold Com mrthes ihe
wlillcsi and besi bread. Try
Host Bread in the oily tit Furmun
& Palmer's and don't on forget it.
Best Bread in Browuville at the
now Bakery of Furmun & Palmer al
ways fresh and clean. Give them a
We are selling the lirst class New
ironic Suwing Machine- and that gives
eutiie .-.iti-lai lion in every way. Call
and sue ihe different "U les.
.vri; l m A; Cuoss.
run m
At Willing Bros. iS: .iordan.
t'orglseiipssuml u Millie are Hip host rp
vrngo ixMid tipallh miikps happiness and
Or. MurtlinU's UrnnioUno uinUcs nood
lionlth. onl titty cents nml Big HolllPs.
Sold by liucBtst'.
The latest styles of picture frames
at prices to suit the times. Call at the
Photograph Gallery, in Browuville, and
be convinced. Also get Tannar to (
take your photographs and be happy.
Call for Tfoniewood's
flour. Try it--and you'll
use- no other.
Furniture, large slock, low prices.
Stevenson & Cross.
.t leu.
Mrs. K. J. Mojjauan, of Maryville,
Mo.-, nvilf visit Browuville Aug. :W
and remain tlueo days. She will stop
at the Cnion House whole she will
be prepared to treat all forms of eye
diseases successfully. Her treatment Is a
permanent cure for Granulated Kyo
Lids and nil forms of inllamination of
the eyes.
Roinurlis Hip Tolrrio Jl mlc: "Good dilu
tion will do more to lucp a man utraluht
thaji i;iiu(I rusoluitoxN" u ltd l)r. MiirBlnllV
UroliinlliiU N jllht Hip tbltlij to lilvo J oil 11
good dlgostli;ii. Klity cunts buyH a bottle,
"" GRAIN ! "
HiglipaC rnurket price paid by D. ii,
Douglas yt Co.
Vot- S:tio.
Twenty head of two year old steers.
:1 1 w .John Srnuus.
Choice teas at Whlttoniore's, at Bed
Bock prices. .
Fresh Ibi'.el. pies and cak'M at
ways on hand at Purmuu ic Palmer's
.lolict, linker and Scntts' ptitcnl li'
censpil wire at lowest "Will
iny liios. tS: .Jordan.
Ilo Wise a ml II a pp. y
If you will slop all your PMiaviigant nml
wrnnn nollnns In tloctoitnt; yourself and
families with Pxppn.slvtMloelorsor humbug
curpoills. thjitdo harm always, and , use on
ly niiiure'-rslmplo reiiiedloK tor all jour
ulluuntH, you will tiowlsn, well and happ,
and wivo ttraat pxpense. 'J'hp fjrMitest ri med
for this, the ureal, wlso and j;ood will tell
you. Is Hop llltlprs ruly on It. Sou titiutli
pr column.
in Clotliiii";, IJnots, Shoes, (Jroccries
and Millinery Hoods jjo to .lolin
McXeal. I.owiunn's stand.
New Homo sowing niaehine, all
stjles, at Stovenson iV Cross,
"Wo Unvtt iPat faith In tha Piirp or iivs
pppsln, const Ipal Inn, uenoral dehllltv. tot phi
llvpr and all summer coinpinlnis hj jr.
Marshull'H UIk; nrouiollnp." Dakota
Hazel te.
The boss flour is ma do hy
Henry Shifter at ll'oni'o
wnnd's. Call for Gold
'IM.r. l.uv;! , .,.!, ,.. 11. .
latest iiniirnvpinonts, you can buy of
Stevenson Croas.
W HE! !
Oity Market,
. .
The attention of tho citizens of
Hrownville and viciiilty is called to the
iheut market of
tit Body's old stand. Everything per
taining to tlio shop is beat and clean ;
meat is kept sweet and nice in the ice
closet, cuts to suit customers aro
handsomely made by expert butchers,
and everybody is promptly waited upon.
The choicest beef and other meats al
ways on hand. Try tho city meat
Salmon, trout, mack
erel and white fish at
Hoiiot'cil nml Illt'ijNcit.
W'lirn a hoard ol emltiyiit iiliyMcliuis iind
clii'iiilHlbiuiiioiiiiriHl tlio Ulscovery Hint by
cntnl)luIiiK soliii1 wll known valuable
rcinoitk'8 the most wonUoi fill ineitlclno wiir
liroilucL'il, which wquld uuio muuIi ii wlilc
ruiio of iIInlubus tlint most, a'.t other
iPincillt'H enujil bp illsppiihetl with, iiiiiny
wpreHkej'tlcuI; but proof ol Its morlts by
tictiml trhil bus dispelled nil doubt, and to
dy tlipillsovort'isol iliitt icrput iscdlclno,
Hop Hltllcis, ure houoicd ami hlpshed hy u!I
as henefnclors.
Fresh fruit of all
kinds at Dolen's.
We are pleased to make a note ol
the fact that the
tliis oity lias acquired , tinder tiio
management of J. G1. Russell
a popularity that it nover had
before. By tho day it is only
tfJ.."U,yot its real substantial aeeomodu
tionsitre llrsl-class comfortable rooms,
good beds and excellent table fare
with an agreeable landlord and land
lady makes thoso headquarters a
pleasant place for the average pustoiner.
Farmers, call and get your dinner for
2o cents.
Imported pickles
at Dolen's.
Dr. Cillins, Dentist, Browuville
Ofllco hours, ( a. m. to " p. in. Xot at
home on Fridays.
Pried beef at Do
In tirliiKttn; Hip Pkicki.y Asn Hrrrifi
bplofelhu public, vu claim that It Is o'no of
tliPbpst tcineilles uxtunt for the prevention
mid eurp of ull dlapnsp.s a triny from a ills,
ordered Liver. By ubIiik Um.mii acconllnt; to
dlrpetlons ihpy will keep tho wj'-if'in In a
Mi'onif healthv condition, and pieveiit any
inliistioiili Iniluenpo. Ask your tli'
for them. Price pnr hottle.
Sardines in mustard
at Dolen's,
'iVlien you w.iiit a i;iod incal, cill
at .1. It. Hawkins' restaurant, iirst room
eiust of .Itnlkins' luriutuie store. Meals
only 'J.! coiit..
1 rfivx.Tv3noHraKml3f3VfmCT'J tTKnazsrczmrra
1 e 4J (.2 t Jl 1
X Inst hl.ieiillie oill oiii' 1 litlii ! V new, mo
been ill Use two cais, whicli I Will sell
cheap lot cash or on lime. A No,
Two Farms for Sale,
In Ihe immediate vicinity of Itrnw'tiville.
(ion I In nliiu orchtud oe pupu, and ph nly
of wouil and water.
ti. S. US. lXVa,(lKj'.
fSlty Hotel,
Contriillv lociitpd ; Uoodl in, nml tiotrou I
HIP sp.llell to limlJU quests ClllllloltllOlo
Good barn for horses atnl
CJiftrfi'cs Btvusmifebf:
.1"' ."i
1 Mtl ... J
" wiBi-urchtaini IlrstMciIIclr.PPTcr ja.ulr
ujitill a.u'....aii.wii'i:.lft '" 1. ,. l 1, (L
I-, t T1 1 iiirt li. !.. 1. ... IV I
tana iiiitn iu;io7. t . n r.rt ,.'"'' iU,a Ul"
B Tf i'Iui n.i t .11 1. 11- ...
Kwh?n.iroTmWs,i,...1-S ?-.' ."' :" Ti,f
KuieliulrdiM Vn ". "'" luiajwirti
A Tliey aire new I. iVutm! lini n. --.i . . .
rfrJ.,!?1' y',r?'.L"i,'.:,:jrilt'' ""'.-". ,lir ,01
lb. 1, ... t :," ",' Vif'" '"' " " "T. rr- rn
" !r'T nllJ."'l i.llabt.inUm.t.II..i i.i,,,,
luii! luvniuniiin u 1 uml 1. .......!.. ' ..v.a
v ., :. ""'v ......aiviiiiiik.
wi. t . . ii "nt y,"'r.fwii'lrs r JVmptomnrif.
HlhrLlnrmTu, .I.' .'".'. TSL. " ' ?" ' L hi1
l iiKT it TZ lJW,"uT- " umi
P., ,,0(J.TnU".!l?l','',p'!c',,tl"'JM lIln-TMrtMir
j l'Pinenilx"r.lIor)lMtteii.inoTll(..lni'T,,i ,!,,,
?.TlieTTni O . ..&... 717" 7".TT .....
rl.Pt.. n ."" "uuimrii.l.lviTBll : i, ; ,.yl,. v,n..
Lflorti. 4. lo-r.l'mXI(l,yslWT.ttuu i7,,,ffi
cLUJa,,lr"S:.",.! ,rrJ...".r'frl.nmk
. ,. ' ",'mi ivuwj imi nmji)ti(ti .
ll'l .lruggl.1.. I,..,. Ilht.r. Mfr.. Co. u i,Mr, N.y j
tw . ir iiii it irrn nr. J - 1
u..i... - - j-r i
Cull at this ollleo for all kinds of
Job work, l I'wisotutblo mtes,
J. KU-tPhur, Koaidlan of mukI ( initl.
James S irll.imd nil otiicru Intptpstui im,,,,
estate of Wllllain 15. ftuill, late of M,,v,,
County, I lllnolH, dcci'nsi'd, you nixl n-ii ,,r
you v 111 iiiliuiiiitlpu that fcurah Siirll, iidiiini.
lntialtlx ol Hit- estate ol said Wllllain I'
Saril, ik'ppiiMpil, hiix pri'Scliti'd her potltinn ',
tho l)lntrJct loin I. ill Noinaha counij , .NH;
bl'iiNkn. vpltltiK lorth thpiitiiouui otM rsoino
property whkh has come Into hei Iuuhn
HipilphlNOUtHtiindliiK acnltiMl the dcctiiMMi'
a duscrrptlou ol the real ( statu ol whicli n,,.'
lulcstatp dlpd nppd, and Hip pondltlon in,,!
aluu tlnHpof, nnd aslcltiK lor an onlcr ot ti,,.
Hal d cmi tt to spll Hip siuitbcast niimtcr 5
sppllnu twpiily oiip -MJ in township tour m
north, of riliiKP fointppii lljcast, In Nciiui i,n
county, .Statu ol N'rbraska, lor Hip puipoM-ot
paying the dphts of thu estnta.
On Hipi2uih ilny oIJuiip, ISSI, tlio .MkIkp or
the said District poiirl tnnde tho loiiouinn
onka, to-wlt ; it appcioliiK fiotn tbe uii.
Hon uttiit'hcd that tbt-ro Is not sullhli nt
pprsonal pstatp In Hip hands nftiihl iidiiiiu.
istiatilx to pay thpilpiitsoutstiindlnKim.iliivt
tho decpaspil.aml tlio e.spensPN ol ndiiiliil
trillion, and that It Ik neip.sarv tosi-il inl
pslatp for Hip paymnnt thpreiW. It Is intibv
orduli'd that not Ice Iip l veil hy publlcatioi'
In tliPNpbriisha AlnKliitHhit iih leiiulicd i.
law Insupli cas(, tlint all prisons mteti'-i, t
In the said estatp appear before Hip .liulitf i
Hipspcondjinllplal ibstilct of XcbraKn -It
tln at chainhpis at ollleo of clpil; dlstiii't
ootll t In Hip plt. ol MiipoIii, Kniiciistcl num.
tv, Nebr.isU-a, on tho -Tth day ol Aiilmi-i, thrpp o'clock p. tn. to showcntisc uo
a ItcPlisr should not he planted to tlie -;ml
adinllilstriitrlx to sell so liiucti the r . 1
estate or said dccpiisud dPKPi'lla-d In the pe
tition, us shall hpiipppssiuy to pay such li Us
Dat3(l June Vlllh. ISsl.
.1, II, llUOAUV, S. 11. l'lil'.Mi,
noflwj Att' torrollt toner. Jinlue.
Bto'.xl ir(l:e H'or :iim:jm-s.
To ail whom It may concprn: The com-
inlsslonur appolnicd to InciitP a ion. I, -
iikmicIiik at Hip Hoiilh lOast conici ot th
West half of Hip ortll West (piait.-i ut
Seetlon one '1'ownship four Xortii ot aiiif
llflppii I ''.list, and iiinulii thence Wi t plialns, thou ollspllug Soulli -". link-,
tbPliep West .'(I (u chains, than oINeiihi;
Not Hi 'Jfi IIiiUh. thelieti West lli.llli cli.niis. in
HipHouHi West coiner ol the Nmili iii tpr of Section two ToMioii l.mi
North of Knncp fifteen Hast. Amlnl mh
inciK.'ltiu at a HtiiUVrtWd rods Kast and two
rods Smith ot Hlej mist uml ot the I1..11
IlrlilCP nn the LltiQjlKpiiialia ltlver known
usthp llentiptt. UrfiJgn nnd runiilie; inein
North '.T.(!l cMalns tl'Hl South line ol tho
Noith West qtinitcl ill Section two Ii .n-
shin lour Noiili ol KniiL'c tlttepti f'nsi h ,,
Ulfptil ted III laVol ill tllPistablNhhlelil ol -.ill I
road and Hip viuation ol a roiul ciionn m
Itvijal thu South West pornpr or tin- N.i-i'i
U ust itinrier ot 'ep. '.'Town I llmiu'e i I -
and ruunlti(X South to the l.iltle N'en , ,1
Klvcr, men down Mild Utile X.-iiiiil, n l; 1
to thp lirliiue known ns the Ueuueit 1:1 ,1..,
AH oIiJppHuivk tlieicto 01 plainiH tor 1I11111 ,'
ps must he tiled In tin Couiitv Cieik s .
nil or bftotp noun ol the iUI daj ot i. m.
I'pr, A L) .issl or Mieli roads will he esini'li-h-pilund
vacate I without felereiKP tinr in.
Dated this. Iltli diu ot Jnlv Ivsi
SAMl'Kl. CUI.UKIl'ls.uv.
CountV l Ii I In. A'ol:o !'oi'i);uu;tKi's.
To all whom It.i'nay'cyiu'ern: 'lln 1. is
11 petition prpspiitPirtViMlie flonid ni 1 "limy
L'oiiimlssloiieis of Neinahii Couiilv. Neln is.
ka, fit their .lune term, A. D., lssl, nuns'
tne npcninu or a ipption Miip lona. in ,,
cnrdiiiiuo with the pmjdoiis ot Sped n 'i
nt piiup l!!ll iicis of i.sTlj, at which lino, iii
lloald dietiillli! thnl the public uoml u-
quiie.s the opcMilnu of said tond, ' cyi I
thai Hie sniup be opened and worlted, in ' 1 .
sump mininei us other putillc ioiuK -- 1 1
ronil. i-nniineiieln!,' nt the Smull T"st ninn'r
of Stcllo'i ."0 Town I ltnnj 12 Knef,
On) I Ull
lllliK two miles West.
UK iwo miles es. '
t.ll chilins nr damages tnust he t h ! in
e County Clerk's oillce onJLor betun imni
tlio ."Id day of cpTemheiMsSi .
SVML'i:i, crU'.KItl'si'N
- Count 1 I Hi
UwmtM 57
We Mean Cured, Not Merely Re!" "
And Can I'rovn What icu (l-mi .
, iMiitiurieiiix.
- fi-i' mo m iiiiuircs nnd no !t ,,,.
IMiitiliiieiilx. Jljtou me Iroulilt-il null
KICK Hi:.l.V('IIU . oil can lieeosll, ,..I
liilclilj cineil. iih liiiinljiils liMic I 1 u
uli'i'iid.itVo Nlitill Im nlcaseil ( mioU
1ip! il teslliiioiiiuls it. uiij .1.
SV.I. .w.,..t,,. 4.iin.ti-iiifftt, nri vi 111 i 1 11
alios nnd l)y,(insiiv, priiinotolJiueMi i 1.
Utrnfw from ton lieurty o.-iimu, eonoci 1 1 s, ,1 ,
Vf.U'.V s'nu'cli, WJmuintK thu M vr, uml :. m
litothull'ttuls. Tliuydnnll liu.s I.v 1,1. a m-t
a ui n rn ni mrma if ti ......... ..
...... . inn ,u hum . rntv iivi nure , .
tile.doriot Kriie ir Imiue. .nil iuiiu 1,01.1
nun lltfli. ..Ill ... .. .I...T mi. .. . ...
1 1-
Sfurft. -..'ii. .1, iSl. ,!,,' .,, 1," ,r, ,V J
CAIl'SKR 51I,.)3CI.M. CO., I.:t.. 1
pj (A .lludlclnc, not a JlrlnU.) a
nors, nrnir, .iianduaki:,
IH HHiOr ALL01UH.KjJUii.l.S.
they oxrasra
All niscaFCBof thi'Stomicli. Hnwi'l, V
i.itr. uiiiiu j, iiiki 1 rlimn 01,
iwuauten. -ii-imi
1 email
iili i-siu -.. ,!,,) uiiju.ij
alu toili,iJ,ii.iis.
,r?K ,
Will ho piitil for n enco fln- will
nt fir ! j
iujur.uiii 'O
uuip, or lur im win .!. 1 1 , ro uri
luiuai 1.1 lit ..1,
Afkyoiir ilr'i"i; i fur J Ttlttrrxii" t -
UiflU before J mi e'u ,i. 'I'.mo lit' JilUei.
IJ I.r Isaniitiilu'i'iu I'" IkM.' r 'W
Urunkcinifbs, uc 1.1 1.1 Kan, luii t.) .. i J9
lUllsuU.t. U
-veil iiiml b'uM- luii tn.tvi.Mi. !a.sj7-rrii
fi . . i '
U .T.I ..... ....... I .
JP llup Ilium SI 1 . I ., s 1 , 1 , ,
SYVhw 4
C ... . 1 1 .I. Am., y v.. ''im ... 1
fe lute,! 33 ,, ct. N.u.a I .UI.U'gl.1",niJ.rMol