Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 04, 1881, Image 3

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The whito of an cggswallowotrravr
It is saifl will carry a llsli bon.0 down
tho throat..
Farmers should romombor that
motlcratoly broad wheels aro profi'rablo
to narrow tiros for use on heavy
Blackberry Mush. Two quarts of
ripe berries, a (mart of boiling water,
two cups of whito fiiigar and a littlo
salt. Boll slowly live minutes, then
thicken with Graham Hour and cook a
few minutes longer. Put into a groasod
mold to cool. Servo with cream.
French Mustard Slico an onion in
a bowl and cover with good vinegar;
jfter two days pour oil the vini'gar,
add to it a teaspoonful of oaveuuo pop-
pur, a iciispoouitii 01 sail, a muiuspouii
ful of sugar and mustard enough to
thicken; sot on the stovo until it boils;
when cold it is lit for use
Kvery careful fanner, says a rocent
writer, will see that tho compost heap
and other refuse stored as food for tho
roots of irrasses and vegetables aro at
nidi a distance from tho house and woll
is not to contaminate tho air and water
essential to the- preservation of health
i uid life.
Corn Starcii Cake Two cupfuls
of sugar, a cupful of sweot milk, two
upfuls of Hour, a cupful of butter, a
cupful of corn starch mixed with Hour,
a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, half a
;enspoonful of soda, tho whites of oight
egjrs beaten to n still froth; dissolve
soda iu milk, ami mix cream of tartar
with, starch anil Hour.
Baked Tomatoes. Sprinkle a layer
of bread-crumbs into a yellow nappy or
i baking-dish, ami spread over it a lay
er of chopjxjd raw tomatoes, seasoned
with pepper and salt, and bits of butter.
Fill up tho dish, having tho upper layer
of broad, with bits of butter. Bake "for
three-quarters of an hour. An excel
lent breakfast relish.
For drawn butter sauce put two
ounces of butter into a stew-pan and
when it bubbles sprinkle in one ouuco
of Hour; stir it well with a wire egg
whisk until tho Hour is thoroughly
cooked, then niivin half a pint of water.
Take from tho lire and pass through a
sieve and stir in another ouuco of but
ter and reason with salt and pepper.
When properly mixed and molted it is
ready for use. This recipe makes
about one pint of sauce. When it is
desired that tho sauco shall bo slightly
acid, add a littlo lemon-juice or a few
drops of vinegar just before serving.
Here aro two recipes lor cako,
which aro nice to have on tho table at
tho same time: For the tirst, which wo
call familiarly Tir.a's cake, take two
cups of sugar, ono cup of butter, half a
cup of milk, three and a half cups of
Hour, the whites of several eggs, two
tvtospoon fuls of baking powder; Havor
wilh lemon. This will bo as light as a
feather and the quantity here given will
make two small loaves. For the sec
ond, which is a spice cake, take two
eggs, half a cup of butter, ono cup of
sugar, half a cup of molasses, half a
cup of milk, two clips of Hour, ono cup
of raisins (chopped lino), one cup of
currants, ono nutmeg, ono teaspoonful
of cloves, two of cinnamon, two of bak
ing powder.
One thing in tho troatment of work
horses in hot weather wo aro disposed
to doprecato, viz.: the custom of water
ing them three times a day and no
more. It is simply cruelty on tho part
of man towards his beast to compel the
team to plow or mow from early morn
ing until noon, or from noon until night
without allowing it tho privilege of a
refreshing draught. It is iiicomenient
many times to water tho team during
tho forenoon or afternoon, and we are
apt to think tho time thus taken lost,
but when the farmers' millennium
comes, tlnuo will probably be drinking
troughs iu every Held, supplied from
some elevated spring or from a running
stream. In the meanwhile, time "lost"
in doing good, even though it bo in be
half of the dumb animals, is well "lost"
it may bo regained. Could thoy
speak it might be to say that they
would like to bo treated, in tho matter
of times for food and drink, somewhat
as we their wise masters--aro accus
tomed to treat ourselves. liurul New
. Some Advice to Young Men.
This is the season when thousand i of
young men all over the country are be
ginning to woiry themselves lis to tho
future. The number of those who svill
Do able to follow precisely the vocation
they would prefer is probably limited.
A man who lias naturally a very stfong
bent toward a particular vocation is
generally best in it. t'lid it is expedient
to avoid, if possible, ono which is re
pugnant. At tho same time it is a mis
take to conclude that success is only to
be attained in tho direction to which wo
naturally incline. Experience is to tho
contrary. In his very brief and intor
eiting autobiography Sir Benjamin
Brodie, the chief English surgeon of his
day, saws that puoplo otttm said to him,
" I suppose you had always a great fan
cy for surgery?" Whereas ho had noth
ing of the sort, but merely took to his
profess on on account of family circuin
staii -cs and connections. Many simi
lar cases might be cited. Mr." A. T.
Stewart had no boyish bias toward dry
goods dealing, nor had Mr. Bennett
any notion, at tho outset, of journal
ism. Again, Lord Lynodooh, ono ot
the ablest military commanders Great
Britain over had, only entored the army
late in middle life, when seeking dis
traction on account of intense bereave
inont. Numbers of young nion, there
fore, who lind circumstances drifting
them into a channel tor which thev
deem themselves misuited, mav find it,
on tho contrary, tho very ono best
adapted to their capacities. N. Y. Sim.
The Mysteries of Mining.
I wish you would tell mo all about
tho way men getgold and silver out of a
mine, my dear," said a lady iu Kast
Laramie thq othor evening to" hor hus
band, as he peeled oil' his coat and sat
down in tlireo chairs for the evening.
" Woll, what kind of mine do you
wisii to hoar about; gold or silver,
quartz or placor, deposit or defined
"Woll, all of thorn briefly. I want
to know whether thev scrape oil' tho
gold from under the side of the ground,
and wash tho dirt on" In tho crook, or
how Is it?"
"Well, they don't scrapo oil' the un
der side of tho ground exactly. There
you aro in error. In placer mining they
have to collect tho dust and pan it out
with a gold pan."
"Oh! they have to uso a gold pan, do
thoy? That must bo what makes min
ing so expensive Does the pan liavo
to bo solid gold?"
"No. It isn't made of gold. It is
simply to pan gold, hence tho name.
In quartz mining tho prospector finds,
first, tho float, and, tracing it to tho
lead, ho boffins to dir for tho nurposo
of ascertaining how extensive it is and
what it will assay."
"Ohi that is it. I thought thoy first
bored into tho ground with a pay streak
until thoy found tho shaft, and then
they drifted for the assossmont and
when thoy found that thoy just nut a
blast in tho indications and salted the
dump. Now, it seems that you don't
uo that way. 1 on follow up tho niion
cious slate till you strike the bias fold.
Then you see if you can lind a color
that matches with the copper-stained
trilobitcs that you prospect, and you "
"No, I must stop you thoro, you aro
getting a littlo oil' the vein. You prob
ably have tho right idoa, but you aro
using terms that aro not .correct. After
thoy got tho wall of rock on tho dump
and pinch out the night shift, thoy salt
tho contract and blast tho vertielo chil
blain. Then thoy drift for tho blosoin
rock, baled hay and poverty till thoy
strike tho varicose vein. After that it
is a short job to put on tho bias folds
and sample tho stockholders. Where
tho bituminous duplex bisects tho bro
caded porphyry and scollops the gougo
with cross-eyed shirrings and bi-car-bonato
of bilious colic interlaced with
moire antique wads of gray copper and
free milling erysipelas. '1 his is not al
ways the case, however, for indirectly
or Inversely, perhaps more, or .some
times less, as tho case may bo, anil still
wo might or migli. not, and also bo
sides, if not always, as already do
scribed, perhaps, jot I wouldn't bo pos
itive ot anything which might Ix) doubt
ful." '
'Then he laughed a cold, hard laugh,
and went to bed. If husbands would
always explain these things to their
wives how much pleasanter our homos
would be. Hill Nye's lloomcranq.
Horses thai Stumble.
In the matter of stumbling Captain
Hayes goes into its theory, drawing dis
tinctions that may be very serviceable.
Ho explains that there are two kinds of
stumbling. Ono is really dangorous,
when the horso is either weak in tho
forelegs, or cramped in tho action or
with tho physical defect of too straight
shoulders. But when stumbling arises
from the kneo being insuHicionfly bent
or tho too unduly depressed, thereby
catching upon any inequality in tho
ground, it may bo safely disregarded,
unless the animal is intended for show
rather than use. Wo may add, for our
selves, that wo have ridden excellent
horses with this failing; that, frequent
ly as they might trip or stumble, ex
perience told us that thoy wore abso
lutely sure-footed; but that what wo
chiefly objected to was that, in cases
when they wore nervous, each trip led
almost invariably to a succession of
others. That such stumbling comes of
a slovenly manner of going there can
be no doubt. It happens comparatively
seldom in exhilarating weather or
when the horso has been brought fresh
out of the stable; but when listless
and languid, or when fatigue begins to
tell, then you aro quickly made' aware
of his condition by his blundering.
Captain Hayes backs up his own opin
ions and experiences on those subjects
by communications from well-known
trainers and jockeys. As to giving
"orders" in ti race, his ideas seem to
us very sensible. With a young hand
instruction may be necessary; but if tho
jockey be a fairly good one, tho riding
should bo loft to his discretion. It is
iniK).ssible to forosoo all possible cir
cumstances, and decisions must bo
taken on the spur of tho moment. As
for starting, ho calls attention to tho
necessity for " getting oil'" as quicklv
as possible--a mattor in which, though
it is obviously of paramount import
tancc, some people would appear to bo
strangely itidill'erent. As ho says,
"whatever distance is lost at tho start
must 1)0 made up when the horses aro
galloping, at which time tho etlbrt to
regain the lost lengths may eiy possi
bly lie equivalent to throwing away an
advantage of as many pounds." Sat
urday Jicviuv.
Tho old proverb is illustrated by
the inventors of thermometers. In En
gland they ue Fahrenheit's thormome
ter, the invention of u Gorman. In
Germany tho thermometer ot Reaumur,
a Frenchman, is still tho most common.
In Franco and in manv other countries
tho Contigrado thermometer, which
was invented by tho Swodo Celsius, is
universally adopted.
A Plain Seed Cake Half a quar
torn of dough, a quarter of a pound of
dripping, quai tor of a pound of sugar,
ono egg, ono teaspoontul carbonate of
soda, three ounces carraway seeds.
Bake for three hours in a slow oven.
Tho New Sir Roger Tlchbornes.
Apparently wo aro novor to hear tho
last of tho Tichborno ease Two now
claimants have anpoarod, ono at Win
nipeg and ono at San Francisco. It may
bo thought that thoro is safety in nuin
bors. Ii oach of throo claimants finds
it easy to mako out a good caso, no
more good case Will soom deserving of
attention. Tho Winnipeg pretender
cancels him of "Frisco," and ho dis
poses of tho unhappy nobleman lan
guishing in Dartmoor. So people may
think whj know not British credulity,
and how groat is its swallow. Tho
strong point of claimant number ono
was that ho posed both as a butcher and
a Baronet. Popular sympathy with
butcliors and Baronets united to honor
him, and his friends forgot that lie
could not bo botii. What is to prevent
roasonors of this sort from accepting a
triad of claimants? Thoy aro throo
honest men, kept out of their own by a
heartless aristocracy. Or if a romantic
mind cannot take this view, it will ar
gue that for so much smoke there must
bo some lhiino. If a real Sir Roger wore
not alive thoro could bo no personality
to cast three shadows of Sir Roger. The
San Francisco claimant, too, is said by
a good authority to bo either tho real
man or "a most adroit impostor. Lot
us honor his gouuino character in tho
former caso or his adroitness in tho sec
ond, and, perhaps, more probable ovent.
Ono more, and thoro will bo as many
falso Rogers as thoro wero falso Demo
tr'm. London News.
Women aro not so badly ofV in Tur
koy after all. A wifo may abandon her
husband's house for just cause, cannot
bo compolled to labor for hor husband's
Bupport, can demand that he shall sup
port hor, and can borrow in his name
or sell his property if lie refuses to
furnish her witli funds. It is a penal
ofl'onso for him to insult or ill-treat hor;
his oath is no hotter than hers on an
accusation of infidelity, and whatever
iroperty sho may have possessed bo
oro marriago continues to bo hor own
so absolutely after marriago that her
husband cannot touch it.
More than .?5,000 a day was cloarod
at tho old English Fair in London.
Henry'. Ciirliollc .Halve.
The Hfrt Sai.vk for Cuts, Hrulses.Sorcs, Ul
cers, Suit Kliuiitu, Tcttur, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns unci nil kltula of Skin Krtiti
tlons Freckles nml l'niiplcs. liny IIkkhy's
Caiiuomu Salve, all others aro counterfeits.
111. Oitpii'i Oxyireiiuteil Hitter.
Is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, lJllloimness,
Malaria, Indlt'estlon, disorders and UlseaseA of
the Stomuch, lilood, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc.
Duitxo's Cataukii Snuff cures all affec
tions of the mucous membrane of the head.
Du. Mott's Livkii 1'iM.s are the best Veg
etable Cathartic Regulators.
"Why Ii the houso of a fitly wife like a
motion to adjourn? You give It up? Mo
cause ft Is always la order. IavxII Citizen.
Nut ii lli'vernite.
"Thoy aro not a beverage, but a iiipiII
clno, with curat Ivo properties of the highest
degree, containing no poor whiskey or poi
sonous drugs. They do not tear down an
already debilitated system, but build It up.
Ono bottle contains more hops, t. e. more
real bop strength, than a barrel of ordinary
beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells
them, and tho physician' prescribe thorn."
Evtniny Express on Hop Hitters.
Ciiii.diikn should bo warned not to take
what doesn't belong to them especially tho
measles, and small-pox. J'hiUulefjihia C'iron-icle-Jerald.
A. rtnllriiail Knicliieei-
ill the employ of the C. M. .fc St. Paul R. It.,
had been gilelously affected with diabetes
for six years. He took four boxes of Kidney-Wort,
and now writes that bo Is entire
ly cured. Oct a box or bottle and try It.
Tribune and Jtrmer.
" JColitfh fill llnta,"
ABk Druggists for It. It clears out rats, mice,
rouches, bed-bugs, Hies, vermin, Insects, 15c.
Reihuno's Russia SAi.vBhas proved itselll-
clency by a test of three-quarters of a century.
Use National Yeast and be happy. Try It.
m p
A ci:nt'h worth of harvest tipples is al
most sure to return .I." woitli of colic Uf
troit J'rec J'rese.
Awiptkct (to Mr. tie Newvo Hitch, who
fs considering the fionl elevation of a pro
jected residence): If joii do not like those
towers, Mr. Rltch, we tan have them elim
inated. Mr. tie Newvo KHoli: The 're real
hnu'Homn an they be; but if 'lliuiiiutln' on
'em would make 'em haii'xomcr, let's have
'em 'limlnutcd. ('(Jumbia fyitctittur.
Ki.iXTitit'iiY can be put iu a bottle and
corked up. This explain why electricity Ii
more popular than a Kourtli of .July orator
'win hifiiniK.
Occasionally, yes, very often, n woman
Is more than a match for a man A farmer
Hvliiif in the outskirts of New Haven was iu
a hurry to net his farm work aloii', and
went out into the Held with his bojs and
hired man, entirely overlooking the fact that
the lat stick of wood In Ihe woodpile had
been burned to et the breakfast. Halue
hungry tho force e.iine In at noon. 'J'hrgood
wife hail the table set with all the taste of
which she was mistress, and It really looked
inviting, but there was no dinner upon it.
"Sarah, Where's the dinner!'" inquired the
farmer somewhat anxiously. "1 don't
know whether it in done or not. There wa
no wood for a lire, m I hum: it in the warm
est place I could find. Il' on the ladder at
tho Minth sltlo of the house." The whole
force was detailed at chopping wood that
afternoon. .tw Jtitvcn lOuier,
And now tin American fighting dog bus1
won the ohampUnihhlp of France. Is th re ,
any game ICurope can play? H' n 7W. ,
u lit) voir sell IMblci and Testaments
here':" inquired an elderly lady of the gen
tloinanl) clei I; In a bookstore. "Ves, liia'ain.
Wo have a line variety. About wtut stlo
would you like:'" "I don't want any of
the old one. I want a mewl Testament."
Kvldently she thought the whole business
had gone backwards. Xew Jluvrn JUykter.
Tiimti: are two poisiblo things greatly
dreaded by New Yorkers Just now. Ono Is
a beer famine, unil wo have forgotten tho
o' Jicr XvrrmtvwH Jhruid.
woman's TRnuinipjnrr
ciscovKnen or
The Positive Cure
far all tho. l'nlnrul Uomplalnl and Welnr.e
o common to our be. t female populutlon.
It will cure entirely Mia worst form of I'cmalo Com.
plaint, nlloTarlantrouhlcs, Inflammation and Ulrcra.
tlon, rnlllntr ami Displacements, and Mm consequent
Spinal Wcalcm as, and la rtlcularljr adapted to th
Change of Ufe.
It will dlssolra and expel tumors from the uterus In
an rarlr stage of development. Tlia tendency to ran
rvrout Inmiorr there is chccled Yry speedily hj it. line.
It remoTea falntncas, flatulency, destroy all erasing
for stimulants, and rcllerM Weakness of th stomach.
It enrea moating-, Headaches, Nerrous 1'rostratlon,
Oentral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indl
cr'tlon. That feeling of beating down, ranslng- pain, weight
and backache, Is always permanently rnred by In me.
It will at all time, and under all circumstances act In
liarmonr with thelawi that corern the female system.
Korttiocureof Kidney OomplaluU ot either iwxthla
Compound Is unsurpassed.
l'OUMHi prepared at B3J and U5 We. tern Avenue,
Ljnn,Ms,s. I"rlcol. Mx bottles for $. Bent by mall
In the form of pills, al.o In tho form of lounge, on
receipt of price, t per boi for either. Mrs. I'lnkham
freely answers all letter of Inquiry. Rend for pampli'
lot. Address u aboT. Mention thli iijep.
No family ahould bu without LYDIA K. l'lKKIUM'S
UVF.ll ril.I.H. They euro constipation, bUlousueu.
and torpidity ot the liver, t tent Dor box.
Bottlo Crook, Michigan,
Traction and Plain Engtnos
nnd Horso-Powors.
Moat Complete, Thresher Fnctory Established
In tho World. ) 1040
1 rt VIC ADO vf contlnuoiu anil meetmfulbutt.
aCa J I CHllOfifK, without chumro of tiatiin.
3 JL inanatreniont, or locution, tn"bntk up" tl.t
broad warranty giitnon all our yovdi.
Complete Htenui ttitMof mntchtestnuaUttrt.
over soon In uie American market.
A mi Uitiute of tirciat fmturet and fmprovtmrntt
for MSI, together with luprrlor quaUttf in ronslrue.
tfon and mattrlnU not drenmed of Iiy other tnakcni.
Four sizes of Separators, from O to 12 liorao
CHimcity,ur I'ram or norm imtctr.
Two styles of " Mntintixl " Horno-Power.
7th( trtf l'ert of Hclectcil J.umlirr
UUl)UUU frmthrtt(flxyirtnir.drltd)
conntnntly on liaml, from which Is built Mio ln
oomarai)iovNOOu-worKoi ourinacuiuury.
Urongtit.mnitilvrnbXr .and efflrient rrtr
maa. o, xj, 10 uorso lower.
I'nrinrrn nml Tlirenlicritirn aro Invited to
lmoHtUraU) thlH matchUu 'J lirfHhltiK Jlachluiry.
Clreulum sent f rco. Adclrinn
Battle Crook, Michigan.
JtnlfS Hud ii onf otht liftfitieitpftt and wui retuthtt
Ff.U VflJie Woiltl ttndthnttKlnilin rhihtrrn in rmrtdtrr u
yr.i. !,,, ,.,. It h "the I XV A I.fll'N 11MT.
HII)(r'S KOODrcceivesthHindorBeinentof pliju.
otaimof aUxclionlHthniviirldoi'ir IncnrinfifMcfiitf,
UculitsjFl ''. nndf 1 71 hi-nriiiKtho tlKnatiirniif
VUOi.KICIt A. CO. on etcry lubel.
Over 1,000,000 A;rH
of I lioicc fanning: l.aiulu
In tho ur W:nt.
.mli.lph .SI , ( lilciio, IIIh
For sak by tilts
lowaR R Land Co.
Cedar HanliU. Itiwu
Branch Oillcu, 02 ltiuitli.lih St
mr aucc maccs-
rrr pen noun.
st no ran cj tai ocur
l . IV MnDnarjjf rn
irlll huy hhiiuh) ciirilon which to nnd your address
llldriLilw fiM hy mull ft Hjl-p:ip luk on "Tlie
.... ... .. ... ,j ......... 1,,-,.,,,,- ,n,un ,, .,!-
Liter, Its l)leiie mid thnlr Treatment,"
liHliiillncIauiiilKe, IllllounK'n, Mul.irln, Custhemss,
McAd telle, tie Aildl-CK
1)11 SA.Nt'OUI), 17H Ilroadway. New York.
,.,! r.,i It, fii, I...
2 3 TZiS iiTMnTi r7
z, nl oCCTk7wBI mBWK& n.
Ifplf "IfMw JmSkm
I n r MJt
As It Is tar all dlaoaasi of the KIDNEYS,
It alcanas the system of ths acrid poison
that oauaea tho dreadful aufferlns; rrhloli
only tho victim of llhcumatlsm oan reallie,
of tha worst form of Mil tcrrlhln dlsftaso
haro btan quickly r1lvt, tn a ahort time
Iinshad stnndtrrulaiicrrss, and nn Immense
ain in eTcry imriui iuo oumrj. in hum
dredaofoasca I than cured whore all nlse had
failed. Itls mild, but elTIalcnt, CCItTAIN
IN rid ACTION, butharmlosalnallcaae.
T,r. ln.1l 1.a t n.l.H, 1 A hA.ttf.
The natural notion of tlm Kidney I restored. 11
mi.. I ... I- .1..M...I . .11 .11.... m .M.I m WM
Dowels move freely and healthfully. In this
J way the worst disease are eradicated finun
A It haa ben proved by thousand that
la tho moat efleotual remedy for oleanslne the
system of nil morbid secretions. It should be
used in every household a a
, Alway cure UlLIOUHNEHS, tONBTrPA
TION, TIKES and all VM ALT! Diseases.
1. nut (in In It mw Va.lal.1nFltrln. lilt 111 cans.
W on narkaira of whlchinakes (quart medicine.
rAlso III Liquid Form, Tery cone niraiemor wm
' th convenience of thoeewhocaniiotreadllypre-11
', parelt. Itacti uitntqutil tfflcttnevlntithtrform,
art iTorYoun nituuoisT.
' ll'l'I.I.U. UlfMllllltSON ACn.. I'ron's.
f (Will send the dry post-paid) BIKI HflT0H. TT,
llullera la a .el, stills Ifit
at Hit Tol.Je. 0., fair, Spl.
1Mb nd Kill, lM, In ids
preienee of 80,000 rtrmtrs
snd Trtihtimf a of lbs
CVwmirirr'f r. .... '. VMS lrr MOlft ISHt f r.
i.i .! ii tjHrarfrnmH Ias;erstown, Md.
vm s lrr Mold lent year.
The Best SCHOOL in tin Laui
Racine College, Wis.
For torms, apply to DR. PAEKEE,
Eaclno College, Racino, Wis.
MT, IlKCIIAM'Ali ACADKJIT.nrarWIieellnit.W.
vn Knuilili, l'lfiicli,; Music. Apply for caulomie,
8. W. Cor. Stato and Monroo Sts.
Sohool of Drawing and Painting.
This Art School Is now In full prow-ess, and Piiplli
may enter at any limn. Instruction (s Klvin ri'Kiilarly
Iu flrawInK from tho Flat, the Antlmir. and from Ufa.
l'ciiiHTtive, Cmyun and Charcoal DrawlnK. Klftccn
minute Bkctclilmt. l-alntlrtJ, In "J Wati-r l"".
Artistic Anatomy, l'cueuVW Drawing, and Etching
on Cower.
'I'liltlon Ic, HB.'S for Thrrr Sfonlha.
Special nrranaemrnls for shorter Irnns. Thntultlonfeo
lucludi's any or all the above hratirlii's, and also tho u
of Urn Hiluiol Library un Art. llm linchers an;:
Uknby K. KriiKAiiaml J ltor ltonitmaov. I'rofoss.
ors of IlrnwTiiK and ralntltiit; .I II VA.Mititr)iti.. hi
structorlnDrawlnni N. II. tiAitrfHTKii, Instructor Ifi
IVrspectlvci W M H. Khknoii, Dlrnlur and I,ictur
on Arllstlc Anaioinyt Mks. K N. Uonii. 'Icachcr of
Clilnu I'Hlntlnit, ,, ,,vtmi
Uend for Circular to W. M It 1 'IJ,Yc,,;rt.
Bccrciary Chicago Academy of Klnc Art.
TAIMXEME nnd other deilKti". 1'lnln nit fancy al
phabets, priii'ticiil nrtlcles. rrrllic. Ac . In '" K-5
Journal fur I'alnti'ra. miititlily, Uftcl n year. JhSbl
IIAN1CV . CO . Ill) Nauau St.. N. Y.
ItKrrrA'l'ION.H. Ilcst pieces In prone and
ftrsc. 'acu Any iicwsueiuer or uouKsciier.
Maps, Pamphlets and full information FR
Address Land Com r B. & M. n. R Lincoln,
FLUX, anil All Bowol Complaints.
Thii world linn ni'vcr proiliiLTil lln ciiutl.
'x' it 1 1
Prepared hy C kkkiki.ii ,v ( u , lliouinlnKioti. III.
(III Nl,l, lit ,11, 1 IMII1I.I.IS1H.
3Tior Olxills and 3J"ox7-oar
Caused by Alnlitrliil l'nlsinilnir of Ilia lilood.
l?l'i, $ 1 ,00. ForsalebyalllJiUKKlsta.
Itest III tlin World, )"! thr ueinilnr, Kv
cry iHiekuf has our Tinilfiiiiii-U nml Is
uiaiked Fruaer'a. KVIJIt V WII KICK.
tkiriWIa lOAl, In iisIiik Viirlitlilo
iiiisi i u Tt- on. ifr hi'iiniori HtnioKur.
A W MuitdAN A.U) , Indlunupiills, Ind.
1 JI',.NTM VN'I'l'.l) for the Ilcst nnd Fastest
J illiiK rieu-.lui Ilmiks mid lllhlcs, I'rlccs nducid
IHlKi Li-ni hiiuonul I'lihllsliiiiKCo , ChlciiKo, 111
A. N. K.
S3 1
ARHUTC rol'l money with Mr. Chase's Sew
MULtl I O U,cl,t Itnok. Newly retlmd mid en.
rnrwid. Uy mull, iJ.AddnnsChiiwl'uh'K Co., Toledo, O.
Machine thai beat tse
Tllrusrlls. Monltar. Jr..
snj Uie Ashland C lovnr
mm, ra