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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1881)
A v , ffA 4fr -k k r- " II iMiAiMi Hi TT Y FuriinOo7 v,,. v . mwm ) SSTABLISHED 1856. b Mi Fpr in h Stats.) BUSINESS CARDS. T H. HKOADY, u Attarae? d Coiianlnr at Law, omeeorerttUU nnk.MrownrUlv,Zfb. Q A. OS IIO UN, O. ATTOItWKY AT LAW. ort1e.,No.81 Main street, llrownvlle, Nt, T S. S T U L L , J. ATTOIlNKtTI AT LAW. Omcoof County Judge, IlrownvlIIe, Nebraska. A S. IIOLLADAY, ll Phy-.tctan, iiurg.on, Obtftrlola. Graduated tu 1811. Located In nrownvlltelgsft. Office, 41 Main street, IlrownvlIIe, Neb. j" W. 0I1JS0N, blacksmith ahd iiousk SIlOKIl jWorkdone to order and satisfaction guaranteed First street, between Main and Atlantic, Drown vllle.Neh. pAT CLINE, mVANIUONAnr.E HOOT AM) SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WORK marteto order, and flta alway guaranteed. Repairing neatly nnd promptly don? Mhop. No.'iT Mnln street, IlrownvlIIe. Nob. 13 M. BAILEY, HIIIPi'KK ANO URALRK IN LIVE STOCK ItRO WNVILLK, NKHItASKA. Knrmern, plonse cull and got prlcon; I warn to handle your atock. OUlue-KlrRt Nutlonnt Dank. MARLATT & KIKG, DKAI.KIU) IN General Merchandise Dry QoocIh, Groceries Ready Made (,'lotlilnn, RooU, .Shoos, Hutu, Cip, and a Genera) Ah. aortment of Drug arid Patent Medlolnen. 3- IIlKhoHt print; paid for butter nnd ASPJNWAI.L, NEHRASICA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will make Mortgago I.oiuih ON APPROVED KA11M SECURITY, AT M S Annual Interest. '-NO COMMISSION. 0. J. STOWELL, Attorney at Lav Sheridan, Neb. !! Jacob Marohn, IlrownvlIIe. IVchrnNka. MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealorin KhinKnllNli, KihiicIi, Srotch mill Fancy Clot Iim Vesting, Ktc., Ktc. "WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED IN 1856, O JL. t 12 S X Real EstateAgency IN ISTEBTtiVSICA.. "William H.Hoover. Doom n Ronuml Renl Estate HuhIjiohh. Sells LnndH on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, nnd all inutrti. mentH pertalnlnc to tho transferor Heal Eh. tate. Huh a Complete Abstraot of Titles to nil Renl Estate In Kemnlin County. AI'THOIUKKU 1JY THE I'. S. tlOVKKNMF.NT First National Bank OF BROWNVILLE Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorised " ff 00,000 IH PIlKPARKOTO TRANSACT A General Banking Busines. BUY AND 8KI.L COIN & CURKENOY DRAFTS nail the principal cities of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. TlmeDraftH discount ed, nnd special accommodations granted to deposit ers. Dealers In CJQVKKNMKNT 110NDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Recolved payableondemand.and INTKHKHTal lowed on tlmecertltlcateii of deposit, DinKCTOHH.-Wm.TTnen, Jl, M. Halley, M.A" Ilandley, Krauk K, Johnson, Luther Hoadley Win. FraUher. JOHN L. C.Ut SOX, A. K. DA VIHON, Cashier, President J, C.McNAUQ HTON. Asst.Casblar. G. L. Burroughs, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office In A. W. NICKKL178 DUUQ STOHK. AH oaIIr promptly nttondod day or night nttentton to bUHOKUY. Can bo found niithtn at Mrs. I'ivhcoo'm rosl- denoe, weal of 1'ronbytcrlan Churoli, LIVERY ! W. E. OPELT, Ojiposit Lumber Yard, Main St. QOOID RIGS REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AND- Driver Furinshed when desired, dorses boarded by the day or week, and FarnuTs' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. NEMAHA CITY. B. BELL ANDREWS, M. D., & Nci.ialm City, Nob. Unite in the'Country Promptly Attend v ed, Uuy or niyht. QPECrAL ATTENTION Riven to aunrlcnl O'llKenHeH of womun and Hiirtlciil dlHeanCK of the eye. - I'atlentH from nbrnnd ean lie fiirnlHhed with pleasant rooms nnd accommodations. I&MM 8 MIMIGM GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Nemaha City, Neb.. jr. y Chrotiier, BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. .Mado nnd repaired nu well as can ho dom anywhere, nnd at short notice AXD WHY JlKA.SOyAIiLK TfiliMt,. .T. 1 i. XUJEStS, LIVERY AND FEED SATBLE. Oood htiKKlos nnd horHes, charROs roas onahle. Ilestjof cure taken of transient ntock JVK.VJH.t t'tr ,'Jh'H. ATTENTION, FARMERS! For your Agricultural Iinplements, oto DAVID A. MORTON, Farm nnd HprlLir. WaoiiB, Hulky Plows, HtlrrliiB Plows, Corn Plantom, Hnrrows, Hoapors, Mowern, Cultlvntors, Corn HhollorH, unit shu Honh TonguolPiiH Cultivator. How Lost, How Restored! Just publlsljid,a new edition of Dr. CiilVerl-I will' Olelirntril Ksay on tlionidlcal cur or Hpcrtimtorrhdeaor Hemlnal Wealcuess, Involun. tury ."(initial Ism-, Iiniiotency, .Mental und Physical Inrnpauliy, Impediments to niarUuu I ftc.j also. Co.vrtiiui-Tios, HriLici'-iy aua Kjth, in diicedbysulMndiilKencoor leztual extravaKance, I Ac. ' Thecelebratsl author. In this admirable Ksay, ! clearly deiiimiitrates. from a thirty years' sue' ' ceisful practice, that the alarmliiKronseiiiieticusof salf-abuse may he radically cured; polmliiK out a mode of cute it! once simple, certain, and ehVct- I ual, by mvatu of which every sufferer, no matter i whut his condition may be, may cure IiIiuhuII i cheaply, privately, and radically. S.a.TliU I.octureshould beln the hands or every youth and every man In the land. Hent under seal, In a plain onvolopo. to any ad-' drers, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two I postaitu stamp. We have also a Mure cure iur i iipr nrni. Adurc.i THE CULVE11WELL MEDICAL CO., 11 Ann St., New VcirU, N. Y. P.O. Ilox, 13SII. Call at this oflico for aU kinds' of job work, at reasonable rates. i?-Ar. i- " PHYSICIAN SURGEON BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1881. I NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Tho Xow York Tribune rIvo.h this short history of tho tford ntuhvnrt: "IMaino invented it; Co'nkling appro printed it; Guitcan npoiled it." Unt tho fun of it i tiuitenu was n J full Hedged half-hrccd, after tho Trib une's dwn stylo and strijje. Now that tho Senate 'aun liaa boon blotted out and a modloojo established in lli:if, liodv (nrrcmtoiulimr with Ihn ( ... ..... . , lutninarlos of its co-ordiniitos, it is to be hoped that tho benellts promised to the nation and the party an, tho results of tho convulsion will bo realized. When you hear a mimVabuuing lager beer as course st ulT, only (It for a fat Dutchman to drink, it is a sign that he has sworn off for a week. Ntb. City News. Tho News man ouglit to swear olf for a week, oven so short n time would let tho old machine wind tip a little. A little daughter ofj Mr. Win. II. Seward was baptized last week at Auburn with water which was brought from tho llivor .Ionian by Secretary Soward many years ago. Krchtinye. Well, did that touch the spot any closer ihau common water? Next Thursday tie, Virginia cam paign will bo formally topened by the meeting of tho Democratic convention at Richmond to nominate a state ticket. It is probable that th nominee for governor will be Connally I Triggs. of Washington county, u young man of illustrious family and untarnished Democracy. Hit, Joe Gazette. "Untarnished Democracy!" thou Mr. Triggs is not a Democrat at all. Such a thing is impossible. Xothing so exhibits the chaugo in management of tho Linc'olif Globe, as an editorial item tho other d;i.V to the elliect that Dr. CoIHiih is exactly the right man for tho reform school at Kearney. This is tho iirst intimation of tho kind woJlaV'c, seon In any paper of tho tntc.-7-Pnianer'jKntvrpri8P. Well here's another knowing Dr. Collins well, wo aro confident a better man for the position could not have boon found in the State. Tho district in which the. lames boys live, in this State, has a Republican Congressman. JFail. The district in which the .Tamos Hoys live lias a Democratic majority of about 0,000. Mr. Van Horn, the present incumbent, owes his election to tho biilbhoadedncss of his two Demo cratic opponents Crispand Allen. It is characteristic, however, of Demo cratic organs to deceive, and in that lino tho Mull takes tho XmvX.liovh port Journal. Tho Tribune says the death tho President now would of not makosomuch difference as it would three weeks ago, for the public has come to know tho Vice President bet ter. Yot General Arthur is tho same man now he was tliico weeks ago. Tlio inference to be drawn from what the Tribune says, therefore, is that the incendiary courso and narrow partisan ship of such sheets as tho Tribune, might have caused trouble, if the President had been shot dead by his assassin. New York Commemial Ad vertiser. When anything in said about the Hrownvillo .dfrerfV.vrr'.v Church Howe "stalwartism," it Hies off tho handle. He ward Reporter . And the Reporter seems to bo capable of saying "anything." whilst a true and worthy journalist will say only tho truth. It has got into a habit of lying in every reference it makes to us, and wo tell it so, plainly; and that's tho sort of Hying olT the liandio that hits and hurts tho sycopantic scribler of tho Reporter. While wo think Mr. Conkling made a mistake m resigning, we havealwayb admired him for ids great talents, true Republicanism, unswerving fidelity to his friends, and honesty of purpose. In all the salary grabs, star route steals, jobbery, &c, that has disgraced Washington and in which so many of our leading men have been involved, Senator Conkling's name has never appeared, and he retires for tho present from public life with a clean record. The differences between him and Presi dent (Jarllold could no doubt have boon amicably adjusted had it not been for the olliciousness of outside parties who worked to make the breach wider instead of healing ,Newurd Blade. Tills is the view that all fair minded and unprejudiced pooplo tako of matter. tho Lightning and Wir Fencos. Tliero hnvo been many fatalities from lightning in Nebraska Ibis year, moro perhaps than in any former sea son. Particularly with stock has tho electricity played sad havoc. A wire fence does not afford much protection in a driving storm. Hut tho animals imagiuo it does, and proceed according ly to take refuge thoro. However, It Ja a position as unsafe from lightning aa it is unprotected from tho storm. Wo published, a short timoago, an account of the tilling of stxty-fivo head of whoop by a single stroko of lightning, and last week, in Dixon county, this state, eight or ten head of cattle were killed by a single bolt. In those cases tho animals wore seeking protection from tho storm alongside tho wiro fence. In various portions of tho state there have been many casualties among tho stock in like manner, and it is getting to he a question whether, in view of tho losses fanners and stock growers are sus taining, it, would not bo better to do away with wiro fences altogether. Omaha lie-publioan. A year or two since, Rev. Kern, of Nuckolls county, lost nearly his entire herd of blooded cattle, worth several hundred dollars, in the same way. We havo also noticed several othor ac counts of similar casualities. Indeed, the danger from such accidents is one of the principal drawbacks tu tho wire fence. Hastings Nebruxkun. Kansas City, July i7 2 p. in. It has been discovered that the wife and child of the notorious Frank James were guests of the St. James Hotel, in this city, from tho 10th to tho 10th of this month, and that Prank James was at the hotel, with his family, registered under the name of II. 1). Wilson, Louisville, Ky immediately before and after tho train robbery at Winston, in which ho is charged with taking active part. James, alias Wilson, loft the hotel on the llith and returned on the nth. On tho 10 the party left for Denver. It is alleged the heat of tho family was seen in conversation at tho lTnlon depot with Mrs. Samuels, mother of the notorious desperadoes, and that Mrs. James, alias Wilson, was recognized by parties that knew, hor as Miss Annio Ralston in Independence, Mo., whero .lames married hor in 1874. It is nothing new for tho James boj to visit Kansas City with impunity, Thev have been doing that for years. They could not play that successfully, as a 1. abit, in any town outside of the State of Missouri. Oontradiction, Xv.w York, July 20.- Tho state inent mado by a V.ishingtnn papei that ex-Senator Conkling had declared his intention of withdrawing from politics and devoting himself to the practice of law is pronounced by his friends in this city to bo untrue. Mr. Conkling has been retained as eounsiil in so oral important cases, and has been engaged for a week or two in pre paring arguments, but his friends say that ho ho has not withdrawn from politics, and does not intend to do so. Tho Inter Owan whispers this warn ing: A cablegram from Glasgow reports tho arrival there of a cargo of wheat sloped from St. Paul by way of the Mississippi bargo line, via New Orleans. This is tho first arrival of a direct consignment, and tho pioneers are very jubilant. While there is no immediate danger to Chicago from this barge line, it is a warning to the railroad companies not to crowd the shippers too much in the matter of rates. Stark County, Ohio, will learn after n while that it is not safo to trive the control of public money to Democrats. Its County Treasurer, a Democrat, has been discovered to be $1 1,700 behind in his accounts, and Ills predecessor Is in the Penitentiary for twolvo years for getting away with upward of r0,000. Inter Oeeun. i.o m i - The question what dogroo of heat is npfoHHiirv toihttftrov trlchimo in swine's llesii is of importance. A German ox- port says tniu u mo pieces pui iw a pot to boil, aro large, trichina) in tho mlilillh urn nurtnln not to ho killed bv such dogroo of eooKlng as thoy aro usu ally subjected to. As long as meat re tains tho pink color known us "rare," it. linn hnen insufilciontlv cnokod to de stroy tho parasltos. Smoking and pick Hug tho meat aro of no uso whatovor. The prico of wheat is 95 per cent hlghor'ithun it was a year ago, and tho aggrogato crop will bo about 'Jo per cont less in amount. So tho farmers .will receive as much fur tho crop is thoy did thou, Inter (un. VOL. 26. NO. 7 fmametmmmmmammnmmummmm $5,000 fievftrd. St. Louis, July 20. Gov. Crittenden has issued tho following proclamation, which will bo published throughout tho State, and 15,000 for gonornl dis tributlon: State ok Missouri, Exi:m;rjr Department, July aa. Whereas it has been made known to mo as Gov ernor of tho State of Missouri, that cor trtin parties whoso names aro to mo unknown, confederated and banded themselves together for tho purpose of conurilttlng robberies and Other depre dations within tills State, nhd "whereas said parties did on or about tho tith of October, 1878, stop a train near Oion dalo, In tho county of Jackson, in said State, and with force and violence tako money and other express, and whereas, on July 18, 1881, said parties did stop u train upon the lino of tho Chicago, Rock island & Pacific railroad company near Winston, and with force atttl vio Inncolitid take, steal and carry away tho moiioy and other oxpress matter bolng'Carriod thereon; in perpetrating' tho robbery last aforesaid, tho parties engaged did kill and murder one Win. Westfall, the conductor of tho train aforesaid, together with one John Mc Cullough, who was at the time in tho employ of said company on said train; mill whereas. Prank and Jessie James aro indicted in tho district courts of dlvort). counties of tho State aforesaid for tho murder of John W. Shutz; and whereas the parties engaged in tho robborics and murders aforesaid, and each of them, have lied from custody and absconded and secreted themselves:, therefore in consideration of the prom ises, and in lieu of all other rewards, offered for the arrest and conviction of tho parties aforesaid, or either of them, by any person or corporation, I, Thorn is J. Crittenden, governor of tho Stato of Missouri, do hereby offer a re ward of lU-a thousand dollars for tho it r rest and conviction of each person participating In either of tho robberies or murders aforesaid, ex cepting tho said Frank James and Jesse James, I hereby offer a reward of ?:;()00; and for tho conviction of either of tho parties last named, par ticipating In elthor of tho murder or robberies above mentioned, I hereby otter a further reward of live thousand dollars, In testlmouoy whoioof I havo hereunto set my hand nnd uausod to bo alllxed tho great seal of the state of Missouri. Dono at tho nlty of Joffor. son City, this 28th tiny of July, A. D. 1881. (Signed; Tiios. J; Cuittendkn. Governor. MirnAEi. K. Guath, Sec'y of State. Mr. House positively asserted that they would not go to Calvert, that the only route beside the one by Sheridan is by Johnson, and assured iih that so far as he was able to decide, wo had no reason to fear for our welfare if all their requirements were promptly met, It now remains with our farmers, and we trust that all will see that tho prico of real estate will bo considerably en hanced by tho advent of so strong a road as all know Gould's to be.through our county, and imagine that thoy will follow tho example of those who havo already consented to donate the rhrhr. of way across their Umn.Post. Then Sheridan isn't dead sure of getting tho road after all, wo aro to understand. That little 'seems to bo in the way. Can Sheridan and Calvert afford to kick each other when tho best interests of the centre are considered? Let tho Courier correctly represent matters at Calvert and tho Post will accept it ami do likewise by Sheridan. Post, "An open confession is gtwl for tho soul," and doubtless, the soul of the Post feels better after the above plain admission that it has been lying. It is rumored that Manager Touza lin, of the Jl. M has been offered tho position of malinger of tho Atchison, Topeku and Santa Fe. We do not wonder at the offer. Mr. Touzaliu is u man of extraordinary abilities, and u gentleman of rare personal qualities, and is one of the foremost railroad men of the country. Rut, we very em. phatically hope he wont go ! We can't allortl to lose Uin,la&ti(iyz Nehrusk an. Tho Omaha ?W;ntm,has the JUe in Umbo. Rosowator by fraud and false hood obtained tho contract for the olty printing and ihoTeh-yrum oxposod tho littlo shister reformer, Atohiaou Globe.' Col. Evorest Is au thority for the statement that Jay Gould has not bought tho Atchison & Nebraska road, and that tho Missouri Paohlc extension will go forward to completion, Mary Kauo, of llrooklyn, kindled tho fire with an oi.l can, and sho has gone to Join tho angels, as thousands havo dono in tho smut) wuy befoi Uwr.