m:ian,miMiimniiiwKi.vmiiJiiiiM'UMVJ.iiUimJii NEBRASKA ADVERTISER A correspondent of thu filter Ocean vinititif,' Uticn gathered njt many in toroHtiiiK fuctH about the innn whoso birthright in tho republican iarty lias been Hold out by bin brethen for hoiiio Hniall olllcofl and n littlo cjibIi. Ono of tho most curious circumstances is tho prediction of Mr. Conklin'ft wife, in 1870 and later, showing that she, us well as (Jen. (Jailleld's mother has pro phetic instinct. She warned Mr. Conk ling not to ha.aid his life in making tho single speech at lltica for Presi dent Hayes, and advised against his taking (icn. (Sraiit on thu stump last year. She said that he would be the target of Hlandorci sand thu victim of tho keenest ingratitude at the hands of tho administration, ho was trying to elect, and the republican party. jShe said last year after tho Wanen meeting in Ohio: "(Jeneral (Jrant is a historical char actor. The people do not want to wo him going about making historical speeches. Ho has shown on which side him sympathies lie, and now I think you should dissuade instead nl urge him to tako further active part in the campaign." This was Mr. Conk ling's own view, but lie yielded to the demands and entreaties of campaign committees, and so oilier meeting. where ho anil (irant appeared together wore tho result. "Hut for all that," said Mr. Colliding, "my wife was right as to tho principle of the thing, as she .generally is." When I was in New York, this point camoup in a conversation with Gener al (Irani, llu smiled when it was men tioned, and said, in his off-hand-way : "Well, itdidn.t hurt moany, and, as my name has been beforo the conven tion, and considerable fouling had been manifested, it seeiued proper thai 1 should leave no possible dotihlus to the earnestness witli which I supported General Garfield." In an interview with Mr. Conkling's family physician, tint correspondent asked him us to the facts in the case of tho campaign of 1870, concerning which Mr. Conkling has been so bitter ly charged with unfaithfulness to his party, and accused of "sulking in Lis tent!" "Tie cninn home from "Washington," replied tho doctor, "completely broken down. It was a sort of malarial pros ration, but his twos were seriously at- feoted, and ho was used up from over work. Ilowas compelled to sit in a dark room for twelve weeks, and walk ed with his body bent half double. When he dually determined to make tho speech mentioned above I begged him not to do it, and when ho came home utterly, exhausted by tho eitort I warned, if tho effort was repeated, it would cost him ids life." "IIo was an object of pity and sym pathy at Hint time," said Mr. l'oineroy, "if ever a man was, and jet the news papers were accusing him of hiding, and bitterly and shamelessly pursuing him." "I don't understand it," said Dr. "Watson. "In tho following year, when his friend Cornell was running for governor, he did no more speaking than for Hayes the year before, and yet ho was not assailed." Tho fact that Mr. Conkling rarely takes his family to Washington has frequently been mado uso of by the mudslingers as a proof of unhappy domostic relations, occasioned by Mrs. Conkling's suspicions of his infidelity. The correspondent says of this: As wo broke up and wero separating 1 asked Mr. (Jritlith, who was, in a manner, brought up in tho Conkling lainuy, ami Knows all tho parties inter ested, and who had come in during the latter partof tho conversation, why it was that Mr. Conkling did not keep an establishment at Washington, instead of having his family remain for so much of tho time at Ulica, New York. "Mrs. Conkling is tho one wlioshould have answered this question," said Mr. Griffith, "but 1 know tho truth and will tell you. Mr. Uonkling is poor; ho cannot maintain an cstubliKhmont in Washington without giving up his homo here. His family cannot live there as others in his station livo with out sacrificing this homo. Yon Icivo seen what this home is, and you will not wonder that Mrs. Conkling, who became familiar with Washington society, and lived there for somo time when herdaughter tlrst began to go in society, grew indifferent and oven tired of it after a while, and preferred to spend the most of her time, ovon during the sessions of congress, hero among tho friends sho prizes abovo all others. Apropos to Mr. Sohurz's advont with Horace White tot lie management of tho Now York Ecmlny Poil with tho avowed object of fighting Mr. Conkling in his own state, tho follow ing Is quite characteristic of tho dif ference between tho two inou. The correspondent aaj's: I romomborod hero a fact which I had learned, that in tho last campaign Mr. Conkling always paid his hotel bills and bin railway and carriage fares, .ami would permit no committee to pay any of these expenses or pay him uny thing for speaking, ub was customary with many oinor prominent men. When I mentioned this a gentleman present, by way of comparison, spoke of Schurz's last visit to Ttlca In the interest of republicanism. He came for an afternoon speech, but it rained, and alter a few words the mooting was adjourned till evening. Scltur. refused to speak in the evening unless ho was paid again, and it was actually done in order that the people might not bo dis appointed. "Yes," said another gentleman, "and Mr. Conkling paid the amount out of his own pocket." "I did not intend to mention that." said the first speaiuir "but It is a fact. Mr. Conkling insisted on giving his own cheek for tho amount of 8 1 00 or I ro and did so." In a New York Tribune editorial last week occuired tho following pas sage: Tho powei will gradually pass alto gether to the class of Republicans who act with the I'lesidentmostclosely and cordiallv. The man who wishes to light the administration will have to take himself into the Democratic camp, and even there will be regarded as a creal ure ruled by soured and disap pointed ambition and not by principle. If this were so, it would be only a change of bosses, and we trust that the (iieeley organ of 1872 does not speak by authority. Hut that is not the worst of it. The proposition that He publicans cannot oppose any man in the paity, however high in power, without being crushed or forced to 'tbandou the organization is a very dangerous declaration to set down as a principle. The statement that they cannot disagree with the 'resident, no matter who that President may be, without being driven from the party, is so contemptibly little and childMi as to excite only derision. Think of White law Held driving somebody out of the Ilopuhlican party. Inter Ocean. A telegram says large numbers ol grasshoppers have recently gone into Dakota. Tho State Journal referring to the matter says: "A thrill will be sent through thr State of Nebraska by tho jinnounce ment of the teported appearance of grasshoppers on the plains of northern Dakota. There are as yet no particu lars as to number, location or direction whence they came, Wo do not appre hend a visitation so far south as this, for years to come, if ever again. Here tofore the locust army has made a half dozen small raids, extending a little further south each year, until they would dually reach as low a point as Kansas. Admitting the worst, there fore, years must elapse before wo shall have another visit from them. If Speaker Sharpe has been detached from Colliding by a promise of the Heiiin mission, as is rumored, that is sharp practice of which his former chief will be bound to take notice. Boston !',.-1. Speaker Sharpe stood by Mr. Conk ling as long as there was a possible hope for him. The action of the caucus cut oil all chances of his succchs, relieving his adherents of all proper obligations t continue him as their candidate, as well as wiping out the last reasons for so doing. So the sharp missiles of the iW hurled at Mr. Sharpe are blunted. GALL, ON In UNION HOTEL, weit of Court House, and cxiimltiuoiir NISW STOCK of GOODS. Wai.tham, "J Key and Elgin, and V Stem-Wind Springfield, J Movements. AUo OOJiL A- SILVER CASICHi The BOSS GOLD CASE, The Wnltlium lunt Proof. WehiiVfJUHt ro f rrTCI Hclrrlrrt oi'lii-il u lilll of V.;I.AJLi0 fromtlH! IIMftnf tint lii'Ht milker", anil wlilcli our fxtcn mIvc rctmlrliiK ox)urtfiiri provi'H wont miltti tile fur the wiuiUof our mmiy uunlmiiurn. Y n'KpL-cM illy Mitmilt o llio ennntriern Hon ofthOHf liiliiulltK puri'hnriliiK TIME PIECES tlmt they poimult nntl tiuy Irmti Meoliiuiloiil DonlorH Oiily. '"" ' liu'lc-of-iiU-triiilcH, wlui run not Know nny ihlim of tho kooiJh thoy oiler, mitl nru nimble to k pop In rcpiilr when Hold. REMEMUER, Wo warrmU our clock HKitliiHl iilluccMcritH for yc-nrn. J !. V 10 1; R Y . Ourotnck In full In every ilopnrlnienl, bnliif; coiistnt tly repli-nlHlieil with the Intent ntyh'H. KtWAiKisn risi: wtrcurs orn jhvixess. I'lNO RA V I IS G .M.um.'rniiiK.'sll vcru'nrc Doini'i. Ktnuw, Niiine IMiiIch, etc. Give tin a call mill you will be sullnllert. STSELIOILERFERRY. KB AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST GROSSING -ON THE- A class mate of the President said at a Williamstown prayer meeting lately: "Twonty-M.x yc.xri ago to-night, and at this very hour, our class wero on the top of (Jreylock to spend the night ol tnu i ourlli of ,1 uly. As we were about to lie down for sleep, (iarlield took out his pocket testament and said: 'I am in the habit of reading a chapter every night at tins Hour witli my mother. Shall I. read aloud V All assented, and when he had lead he asked the oldest member of the class to pray. And there in the night on the mountain top, we prayed with him for whom wo have now assembled to pray." - ' i i The St. Louis lllobe Dtmwrat does tho republican party proud when it says, concluding a review of tho busi ness situation: A country at peace with all the world, prosperous beyond parallel and foremost of nations in wealthits taxes untelt, its bonds at a premium, its cred it sound and unassailable Is enough for any partv to oiler as a justification of its principles and its usefulness, and a guarantee of its fidelity in the future. North Platto Republican: Tho pa per caps that boys explode on tov pis tols are a source of lock jaw. Within a few (jays after tho Fourth eight bovn died of lock jaw in Baltimore, In everv ease tho cause being a slight burn from these paper explosives. A number of railroad hands at "Wy mote, Oage county, Nob., Wuro recently made dangerously sick by eating canned or pressed beef. We have heard of several cases of poisoning from the samo causo. Missouri River. NEWB0AT, Hates Low, Camps Shady. Jioads Good, Indemnity Ample. Connects with all Trains. Ono thousand and oighty-soven cars of stock passed over the A. & X. going south during tho past six months end ing Juno aotl). it In tho rcNiili of 'JO 5 cjiiV experience anil cxiH'rlmcntslu Hewluff Machines. It combine thu foixl potnlt of all tn'ttnt ami J'armtr makti, nlul in not a " oi:c twin " or " onoiiU u " machine, n otln rr tv. It ihoIiIh thoilcffctH of otliiTn, nl iKif fuMm new nml taluiMt feature ami coiiNtiiteuccn. It li latQf, MtfhUrunntnq, tioittltit, tmnilmue, . nifrnr, tturiitlt, uml itmplt Wiirriuit it aim hi'iii Iiirciulrtrcfrftyrtirn. I'ircularNwltli fiilMii-trii'fli iiM'Utfmiouri'oucet, HitmtrolyUiP Ikm trinl wlUviweH. Don't full to hoc li lfui you liny MANUl'ACTuncu v ri.oltKNf. .MAi'iiiK-ii,i'inrenr", mdn. viiot.tai?l OXO. 1'. 11ENT, fcl i N riitriiro ' DR.WMTTIEE 017 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo. A. rMrolM trrnilut of two Modioli (lollevf. him Un longiif loc4td tbnn nny otborl'hjilrliin In St Lotibuii cttpaixirishow.and nil old rMldonU know Uypml's. OonorrhtBO. Olpet, Stricture, OrchltU. Rjjituro.ail Urinary Bjrphllltlo or Mercurial A'ect onn of Throat. Skin or Bones enrrd Hnlelr. I'rlritolj BperniRtorrhen.Bexual DobUlty and ZmpotMicy M the remit of Helt.Abaiie, txiuol excwie In mutnfer jet.oroTr hmlnwotk, produclngnnrrouiinfM wimln t emlMlon, debllltr. dlmni'st of lht,defectlTe mwn otj, rtimlcnl Attcnj, kTernlon to ocltr eimfuilon of IdoM, lonof seiuslpower.nlirhtlotftt.renileplnBinftr. rlaRelmproper.nreiwrmaniintlrotirod. Consultation nto(Bc or br mull froo nnd Invited I' rasblol one tAmp. Mbdlrlnce iwnt bf mull or fiprosi. lre Rnnrnnteed. Whirn donbt ulttii It In fronilr tnld. carriage: i pSggi pfWia. I GUIDE.,1 The whole utorx. well told.ru It lutrufto !', oa ttia fnltnHlm. .nlili...f Whn miltf m irf. Mhl HOI. WIIT. MHnhoml.Wotnimhood.l'bt'lcnlde .r Wli Muiufd uinrriholtfennd hitpplnr.imnrbfllac immI Mf-cl of cflfncr nnd eirem, nnd mnny morn 'I M.o .mif Mid or rontrmnliitlnu mnrrlaira ibnulil ruinl it I lion l'f l uu- derlorknnd ker. 20 otfl. I7 mnlMn mfn tr pon tnpe. Kaitllah Oormnn French rend unit f.pokrn. FREE PRESCRIPTION SSWISSJ Wenknem, Jxilt MnnUood, f."otinn"w, flntifnilnn nf IiIbrh. Avprtloll til f-OCll'tr "lecliTo Memorrnnd Dltordcn lirouiilitou n. mi- AbuM. Anydtittfclathnitholncredlonta Ht Ixiuls rurntlrelnnt'w.eHOHtChntli'ii.Ht. Liiiiln, Mo. DP.JACQUES fit old otUro, Buernintorrlioja. Boral 111 w tni; neeii, Impotency.ull formof Byx,hlllE,Oonortffcoii, 7M nhn.nllf R. fl. I rmlft. Mn. contlDiie-t tn euro Bperrnntorrhoja, ftoral 11I Wtnk' Oleet, UrlnnryorlUndderdliouncs, lt'cmt enws cured 1 in few diijre. All tho dlwp reijl'lns from inlf.nlMiMi,oiefiieeoripoiiro curi-d for lllowittj Af modlclne. Advlco froo. Clmrmu loiv. 1 nil ir wrlln Inntrlctconndonco. Bymptom flool. f irtwnl irnp MARRIAGE GU.rU.Y&TS PRieKLY y. a. sAmBb'! ftfeSfaflSlh isz-veftspt&iiik.. !? aAMit'3TgH' twwta- .TTTUWBms. jTlti? "r RUPTURE THU TUll'Ml'H TIU'SS CO, cum llupturo In from R0 li) IH ili, mid will puy (I Kj for a llupturo tiiuy cn not cure. Send u.'o for ltoolc to 1H I . II liUUNIIAM tli-iVl hup't, as I iloii-r, U Y., or O South istU fJtriet, l'liilailelphln, ru.,iuul bo cured, AR ORDER RBV aUB b"Ce DAVID LANDEETH & B0NS, PH!rfri"Hi p, LADIES li tr Irnoblfd wllti Locorrhr lluor Altiu, or Whit.,, tboalj ,tJ for r.lf. llHrrUPuiuntilIIIMu,lril.J bf riilci) ll'luj Jt ,crl Hon e( tin IUmJj, itj lUowlcr lu it. rlictloB, Tbt rtnplilrt li itlgitlr In in, lid, In Jrfi. I itr h.illb, tif lliun.ufl I, i rirncl lmii pb tint JImiu, tw Vr. HARRIS RtUCOT CO.. ST. LOUIS. MO. fi fltllTC WANTED '" 4 Imcit gi ULrl I W clluc I Iclrrul heck. ii.J lltKi. i-nrn IrA roiocfi a jr . lllCLl riitiiik'iCo., m. lii. k. SS,, Zrr-ll I htmedf for the rAj tnd permanent TmUJCMAAK cure of Uemtnal EmlBsions nnd I m potency 1) ib oolf l r of im in, Dftia of InaoBf (iiwBM. to laUrferflvlUi tbtoMloftrr ruriuiti f bf. Tfcl mo4of trMtmttit b$ trot vtj.tts .Uifwl ArolwtDM wlhprlieitrbtof i cf tb rtrntn J U KUmlM wttn oo ria or Ina MM. Tb or (noon t iifeo m tod dMi ni looi tU U$ la ? try ivr iui, aod U figv ft pr n0unl turi Tbr b ll onm ftboul thll prirtiofi. ItfteWU bTf ktloo tutltl ui to ltltlr r4rnt tbti It w Jl if prfMi MUifMtion, 11 U eon-mJ-1 bj lb Mtilleti ftoftMhoo to U tb raoit mm! mui jt diT ra Oi rtMlilB ftlicunnf wumr juD imubii, igfiummj m itMl in. iiIm m fuh 13 h. 3 (IwdBf thr- nth iaM, fl, bm Vf MMI MM I - b ) rill k4 tMftnr ! tk wrM Jais a.a.aH- Fall J hhImi ttm uia naiHimi mkk tata. (64 r DMncU rMrkUif AiMarftll4MttiUM.blfb ftTlM iimi u Bai r41 hf tMt4 w pfet mmiU) t tod foe ! alatiM Lf. Mil M it -r a.lfli Burnt tll far at. HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'O CHEMISTS, iuarMCK ana om aireci pa. uvuioi aui j UitMollrltett tVHttmoHU to thr liljlrarii of ' J'rof. ll(t vHh'.Sc tit I mtl t 'nut tills, tit Urn from ItVtlcfH 'ccclvetl from Fntroitnt ) lndiini, April llth, IS79. Th rtronlr li orkis fxrlecllf. i Had epilepsy from w. ibnen. for etrhl yriri ait. ; Chltifo, Am II, l79. I im thormifhty currd ind (eel tip lop, The ) puny mm In Ihf counlry li r.lling betltr. Mlnourl.htpl, IB, 16791 rtceltcJ 10 much bftiffit fromlha me of your rcmrdif tint I want to try them in another cue. Thu II of iotlg Handing, anil will need iftnif Ihmg Tely llrubg. Mich., Jan, 35, 1879. I hare uicd up your pack if r of medi cine; mil me another at ionn ai pomble. That package topped all parent trouble, tint there na weaknen yet, aud 1 wuh jou would prepare thu lot for Ihe cure of that. Iowa, Oct, 10th. IB79. I am almoit lurprlaed at your Tua. tiltei. Thry hare woilfed like charm on I.e. I am jut (trice ai much of a man at I waa before taking;. I uai on Hi verge of the grave, I thought, an I there wai no curt for tun, !at now I am In gnol hnpi, nf a cure. Weit ilrginla, Aug 29, 1870. I received your medicine, and I believe il hai cured me, for which I am ery thinkfut. In cloied pleaie find ti, for which pleaie lend me another boi (N. 2) for a friend. Vou have done a great thing for rue. I will lend you all Ihr nrderi I ran. J'Vom a J'iiwfrfrtii ami burgeon, Mlaiourl, June 26th, 1H79. i'leate forward me at once another tog of the ratlillei. The patient on whom I have uied ruott of rne boi, In addition tn a aample hoi, li faat recovering, aud I think another will art him all Tight. Votii a Itt'uvnlHt. Maryland, Sept. i, IK79. I. all January we got from you a toi of your remedi, for one of our cuifomeri, and it hai made trerfect cure of him. We have another cuitoiuer now auflrr. l In the ume way, and wiiti by return mail one No. 3 tot. Tir ttinlorllll nftlio illmifttir Jitintitn body arUr from " ttcrangewrnt of the Liver, rfi( Ixilh Urn tomuch and Iwirrlt. In order to effict a cure, U in urceimiiry to remove Hie cause. Irreuu lor and StuaaUh action of the llntvelf, JI,itditcltc,Slckncniiat the Stomach, 1'aln in the Jtackand Lohin,etc., Indicate that the Uvcr It at fault, and that nature re ,ulret u$ltanev to enable thl oriynn to tltrinr off Impurttle. I'rlcUly AHli llUlcrnavccttprclally compounded for thl puriioc. Then are tnllil In their action and effertlre an a caret are plcanant to the taide and taUcn rullu by both children andadultn. Tn- according to direction, they are a mife and plramutcxtre for ViyHVtiVHUx, Cicttural cUIllly,ISntoltiuil Con Htlimtlon, nlHcnsccl itlclncyB, etc., elc. I" Itlootl l'ttrUlcr f i-7 ! mpcrlor to any other medicine cleansing the nyntem thoroughly, and Imparling nete life aud energy tothcln viitid. Jl in a mcUlciite ui not uu Intoxicating becerage. ASK YOUH DRUOGIST fCR PRICKIY ASH BITTERS, r.ud tako no other. PHICE. $1 OO per Bottle. MEYER BROS & CO., - SOLE PROPRIETORS, Bt t,oul nrt tf.. BUY THE DAVIS VERTICAL FEED n .L K? A lime, netr tad complete Ouide to Wed lock, eoutftlnlnj, with miur otheri, the fol lowing htpire ACompcteDt UouunhooJ, Selfttion of Wife. Ttajnerinif nli.romDitibl taj tiicuuiiuuljle, Slrrilllr to Womtn, ctuie tod treaticDt Ad? Icn to II rid eg room, Advice to Huibindi, Advice to Wivri, rroititution. iti cauiet Lchbicy and MaUimony couprd, Conjuitl Ihititi, CnflotDot, Lot ftitd CouruLIp, loipdiiuot4 to Uu. ?if , bcttncej of KprvducUoa. BlOfW life toBsllcrrd, law of Mtrritf ,Dd Pitotm, Lf hi ribu of mtrrUd wobmb. u.. teeludiDf UlttMM ptulu U Wtfott n, iblr omu ftod trMtmtai A bok for prlvu ad cnilirit rtftdlnf.of 8l1pH(,i lb ful l'Utt Ci.TitIdci. bj ntll, .!(!, Wpfct. On eyphiilfl. Oonorrjicea, Gleet, Btricture, Varico cele, fit o.. alio on flpcrmatorrhoea, 8oxual Debility, and Impotenor. from bHfAbuie and Liceuri, caunne; bm1ol EralMlom, NarvouiDMi, Arrrilcn toSdttj, I'bjilct. IWetr, Mm ben of blbi, iHftotlit Udjitt, Lmi tt IVaui. I'ovir, ie,, mkln( tnr.r ri(t Improptror uabippr, (Winf tr4tmfDt,ktd4rtiT)tirfi1utUtr Ipft for tbieutfl f ill pmtudlicaiti, 234 p-fi,-r&OpUui, tSOtetU, 'UoiiealAdTleo,' Lectnro on Minhc:4& wccinhccd, 10:. we aenu an mree oi int a. bovedeicribed booki.nut. bound in one oiuine. cutitaimne: biib parea, and over 100 llluitrationi. The combined vnlumt U pmltivrlr thr moit popular iMetlioal Ilnnk publlihed, The author ta an expert enced phTitciia of many vcari practice, (ai li well known). end the tdf l rlriB, and rulH ftr trttmit Uid doa, will bt fumt f Irftvt vilue 10 Uioi fuffirlne from Impurttlf of tb ijilim, rtvtlv rrrnrt, Ml tleor, or mr of Ibf troublta ootnlac uadf lb bii4 cf 'TIUVAT1 r CURONIC' dlM( pMt&c itMope ukaa Ib ;mtntfor book. pwfyuTTypifpEn?ftpY u ;-:, ,;: chrouic diieatea aud oumplicated caiei, and ilnrutt rriullin( from Impure aexual aianciatioua, ielfabuie or riul exceiin, ratTanta treated bj mall and exprait. Where pomllc, per on at cnniultatlon tapteferred, which U free an 1 Hinted ()uri ttona to be answered bj paticnti deiinu treatment mule I free to any addren on apiliettinn. Tor bnki or treilmrt addrei OK. IIUTTH, 12 North H(h 8(H Ht. l.uuU, Mo. UWTVyMLnCJifKT SEWIXG MACHIAT 10? POSSESSEB ne olume, cutitaimnK KH Jlmle. :s3xrjTUvcj3sstazKsat, U'liiiklnml lltt .Mi'i'li'inv oiii ImliLnMloii of Hnnn. Btiohii, Mnn- laiul Unntiollon.u tth ai. tn-j Iwnt mi J lur&tUii )u (hi tin of nil o'licr nittvrn, cicntt'at Blood Purifier, i.lvnr tor, n,ll Ili(uil Iliultli itubturuie I cut til. inoetlblrlonc evl't where Hop htxl,ioarieduud imifict Jjotlit-ir make Regu Aft'llt No illca.o o lllttfrsnif li oiH'iutiuiiB.iai Tiey ci tow U - l7lg:r t: tio coi si Isira. ToallttliuM) oQ"iplo incuts can so Ineculnrl tyoftliclioHilHoi'u'l"al''orfalls' or "llu rc qiilraon AMHtiwrX. inma """' """"", lloiil)ltUrittr8iim.ii.,la"l,)'WitnoutlntOX loatlnu No mutter wlmtj-ourfoLi'linKH or 8)niitnm Browlinttlioillsuoii,iirnllicnt U upu Hop mt. ters. Don't wait until yoiiRrn slcta tot If jou only feel Imil or lnmciable,!"'0' ,eni t once. Uinuy aavo.vourllft. it liasK9 tvtxl linuclnjs. $50OIIHopnlil foroc.in they wi no curoorlielp, Uo nut nulur utfer.lmt usoaiulurci) them Kemembcr, Hop lllttci-s U i drunken mulrum, but tlie I'u Uccllrlno cut made tlio "I.SMI.ins and IIOl'K" ami no person or family Blioulil lie Million t tuem D.I. C.I' an nb.oliiUi nml IrreiUtlbla curu forUnmweuneNa.useoropinin, looacco i narcotlca. All nolil lv iliuvr lies her lor Circular. Hap lllttera ir, Co., Itoeliciitr N Y and Toronio nnr GREAT iHGEu Over all other Machines and always gives PERFECT SATISFACTION. For HH'.iiiiLiiu Citciiti.k .ti.u C1:ttnIL;u( noikI to DAYIS S. M. CO. a HAuo BEST wl CEi PEST ti liiiirlfjbiip in the vnrlu. It lK.thDl!ORt I your 1 liccaiuo It dotio not gum, Uit forma n highly polished uurfnoo over tho nx'.o, ro- uuuinu iriutiun ana Hbnieninii tnu ur.iu ii is iiiu anouposi oecuiibu u costs no mora ono box will d6 ny otner axib urease luYbsuellfnr HantHtcw, Cat rlairi'R. lliimrloa, etc., ct&, uh lor ajront", thnn Inferior brands, nnd ono box will d ;nu vyoik oi two oi nny m:idu. ItnunwcrHeiiunlK' Mill tlearlnir.TUretihlnaf Macbiiio.Oirn.Pianti'rs, tho work of two of n no, itnunwcrHwiuai It la CUABANTFFDtn nnntnln nnPalrnlcum. Vov nalo by nirtirwt-cluss URaloif. fir- Our 1'oektt CuclojttiHa of Thing Worth Knotting lunlloil lroo. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, llllnolo. fiif rfW. rfh. A. &jtkj&ufajfa&&Lj.t1 30!ll.. CROOK'S ft of TAR CL'KKS THOUSANDS YEAKI.Y. A POSITIVE CURE t ForCoughs.Coltls, f AMD COKCaiiniOlT. r Is the Best of Tonics; J Cures Dyspepsia; l , Restores theAppetlte; iStMcitfni tho System; j 'L'siorc8 tne weak l nnd Delillitated. A ttial cf it wilt nrove all 3 ' weclnnn Ak ourdrii(rijii ; tnr !'.; iHtuk'a 'lnt of Tnr takp no othi-r. " Km l bj ail luugfiaL. i, S N. SMITH! CO., Prop'ff; haerr..on la Oilier Croa A U, M W.VYTO.N, OHIO. C "SJ Vr,3r'J'H?r-BF'Vr,0r,lW WNE s i S PLES Ml, ifricribfi i..ih M-ir ntiflo o,M, ( ctre I ml Harm' lllu.lrMeJ iir.pt.lei if LI fr,e ea aprllcjtiou. IIMIKI KUMUUY Co., Haxf (! Ihrml.l., hrn i Mardet la BU LouU. Mo. ErfKl:keilB.7 it 12 If. 8th Ctrest, ST. L0UI5, 110. THE rtiyiu ana in charce ol Ihn olJ anj ell krmnn n itl. lulioiiarereiulamradtuleui B.eJicine i.J mrrr lenrt of Laperienieio tbe treatmciii ol thronle IMr.r. have inaJo tbeir .kill ao4 abllilr u ibucb iu trior Ic thai of Hit rl i .rr practilwner, thai I lit) bate acquired a Lat.w.il tij ulallou tbroof h their lieatineut ol eouil licatrJ (kit ,, li.iliilir. a, Mj hlll., (.uuurrUea, lileet. blilflure, (Irrl. !!. all Iriuary Trouble, aud hiuhllltle or Ilrrearlal ailrctinoi ' ( the tkrual, ihla or booe, trealeil with luerei., on leieniil.c prio elplei, vitbout o, lot Mercury or other Pui.ui.oui Me.licn t YOUNC MEN 'ndlbneul mio.ll. ate uho are 1 ,f. tnaumtKmimtmtmAA ferli s Iron, tl e etlectt a( rlperaialor. rhea or benlnal llrakarM, the mull af nil abuie In loult or eicen In mitarcd leiri, are itrnianei.tlj (ureJ TM'i (111. cue proJucn aonit oi tbc followicr. etftcii en uioi.i, blotrl.ea, cu linen, ncrvouineta, dlnirri, of ,i(hl eourl, M ttUoa, tcriitipalion. ilnponJrr.tr, eonfualnn of bleu, aieriiou In 10. cielf, defrcllie ineniorjr, iriual eihauilUn, In polencr or Ion of n anly uror, which tin all fht ilrtimf rbuilDeiorniarriars. EftnEflTfinTPifTa B.W.? Vizv. rtnonal romuliahnii ia preltrretl, which i, FREE Bll i ntlt. a, l.iil of quetkioi to be laiw.rrd be ratiemi ila.iriir ir.n. u.ent aiaileil irte to any aidrtti on ippiicallon. jri'ertona aanenai i an4 leam Loainiuoiealini g OIL UV1 UU 1 .HI irroaaaiuuivraakoylilieaitthr rail.lr... aaetklaylalbalradiaiilare, II I. not a trun I caiinii. airlctlr eooJ.tlal,7ru ai.ni, i , " ,jjr,,, 11UTT. Aorth Blh Bt.. St. LouU, Mo 0ME TREATMENT. nAff"" for Norvoua XTiZZt-.. "oss. Jmpotonen.ote. UU, X. WILLIAHU, 4W E. Sat: tL, Bn&tt, Fa.