tV tf ,, n H03IE, FAIUI AND (1AIUHN. Grained wood should bo washed with colli toa. Cut hot bread or enko with ti hot knifo, and it will not bo dummy. In dropping medioino plaeo the handlo of tho spoon between the leaves of a book. Moat can beprovented from scorch ing, during tho masting process, by simply placing a basin or cup of water in the oven. Tho steam generated not only prevents scorching, but makes tho meat cook nicer. A good way to cook liver is to fry it in butter, with an onion cut in small pieces scattered over it. Cook slowly; when done add a lump of butter and a little Hour; stir well, and turn over tho liver. Servo with Saratoga potatoes. , For general purposes on the farm, castor-oiK with a little korosono added, is tho best lubricator and preserver, lor saws, mowers, buggies, etc., it fur nishes more body, with loss gum, than most oil. Tho amount of kerosene, if any, to bo added, must bo governed by tho purpose for which it is designed. Drying Umbrellas. Most people dry their umbrellas handlo upward. This concentrates the moisture at tho tip, where it is dose, rusts the wires which secure the stretchers, and rots the silk. After the umbrella is drained, it is better to invert handle down, ami dry it in that position, or, better still, not to spread it open, as nothing so quickly spoils its shape. Apple Cheese-Cakes. Take ono pound of apples, boiled and pulped through a sieve, one pound powdered white sugar, tho juice ami grated rinds of three Targe fresh lemons, and font egH well beaten. Mix these ingredi ents carofuliy, and put them into a saucepan in which you have a quartoi of a pound of fresh butter melted. Stir it constantly over a slow fire for half an hour, and let it cool. Line pie dishes with fine pull' paste, pour in the apple mixture, and bake, without upper crust, in a quick ovon. Sprinkle with pow dered sugar, and serve when perfectly cold. Very Fine Currant Jelly. An equal quantity of white and red cur rants free from steins, leaves and dirt. Put into a white porcolain kettle with a very little water, just enough to keep the fruit lrom burn ing at first. Boil twenty minutes. Do not crush tho fruit. Pour into a clean jelly-bag. Hang whore the juico can run through, but do not touch 01 squuozo tho b.ig. To each pint of this clear liquor add a pound of loaf sugar and boil in tho cleansed porcelain kettle twonty-livo minutes. Pass through an other jelly-bag and pour into glasses. The bags can be well pressed out aftor--v ward and the juico therefrom made into 'an inferior jelly. An ant bed on the lawn may be de stroyed with hot water; stir up the bed and'pouron boiling water; by pouri.i on strong brine they may bo driven away, but as the' might take up quar ters as objectionable, it is always best to destroy them. When the bed is far enough from the house, and in a posi tion to admit of it, they may be de stroyed by building a liio around thorn, and wlicu hot enough, with a hoe dig tho bed up and thus burn them; when the bed is well dug out lill the hole with coals; in this way wo have de stroyed large beds; but near a dwelling hot water is the best, though it may re quire several gallons to make a sure thing of it. The small red ant's nest is easily destroyed in this wav, but large ones, being at a considerable distance bolow tno surface, must bo so dug up as to let the hot water to tho bottom before it cools. Massachusetts Hough man. (J nod Summer Drink. Hits of cracked ice in a pitcher of water, wlien and whero good, cool spring water cannot be had. Iced tea, with slices of loiuon cut in; no sugar is needed, and no milk need be used. Coll'ee, ice cold, can bo prepared in tho same manner. Milk set on ice is good. Sour buttermilk, sweetened with nut meg grated in for those who like it, is wholesome. A Good Stnuvbory Sherbet. Crush one quart ripe berries, add the juico of - a lemon, two teaspoonfuls orange-llow- or water, and tnreo pints water. Let them stand several hours, then strain over three-quarters pound sugar. Set in ice an hour or two before using. Soda Water. Take four pounds of I'olleo sugar, three pints water, three or four grated nutmogs, ono ounce gum arabiu, flavor to suit, and well beaten whites of ten eggs. Mi and heat over a slow lire a halt hour. Take from the lire and strain, and divide into two parts. Put into one part eight ounces bicarbonate soda, hub the other six ounces tartaric acid. Shake well. When cold put in three or four spoon fuls from each into separate glasses a third full of water, stir and pour to gether. Another ounce tartaric acid, one ounce bicarbonate soda, dividoeach into twenty-four parts. Dissolve in a tumbler half lilled with water, aud the acid and drink while oHeiveseing. Koot Deer. Sarsaparilla root and sassafras bark and wintorgroon, equal quantities, somo hops. Doil in wuter until the strength is extracted. To every threo gallons of liquor add one quart molasses and a cup of yeat. Strain and bottle. It will bo good for uso in two or three days. Mead. Ono part honey, threo parts boiling wator, llavor with spi- es, add a littlo ground malt, a piece of toast, and a small cup of j east. Allow the wholo to ferment. Limes, lomons and citric acids aro invaluable in preparing summer drinks. In lieu of them, tho pressed juice from acid berries can sometimes be used. Christian 'd Work. The losqiilto in I'nlanil. Hovo it niu-t be observed that mos quitoes are especially hard on two sorts of people. Young ladies and children, and many men, they sting till the vic tims aro all covered with blisters and in danger of erysipelas. This is pretty bad. but we think the nervous persons, whom mosquitoes sting little, but keep awake with their buzzing, aro even moro to be pitied. They find the mos quito's bark worse than his bito. Tho latter may not mark or hurt them much; it is a question of constitution; and there aro people with whom the bite docs not "tn-o," as they say of vacci nation. Hut they sutler all night long from tho shrill, persistent noise of tho mosquito's trunipet. ' At tho first warn ing they leap up, light a candle, take it into bed, aud try to catch the in truder. No ono can guess how difficult this is. You soOn llnd the mosquito on tlio curtain, whore ho lies apparently asleep. Very eautiousU you stalk him", your hand Is just over him, and jus tico is about to bo done, when tho vicious creature llios away and amuses himself in mid-air. Presently he settles, and tho ohaso begins ajrain, till the hunter sets lire to tho flimsy curtains, and has quite enough work to do in extinguishing the lire. After that mosquitoes come and go as they please, without let or himfrancc, and day dawns on a feverish and frantic man, who has only bagged two or three of his innumerable enemies. Late in tho morning mosquitoes sloop, overcoino with triumph aud the refreshment which they have snatched from their enemy. Tliey may now bo killed, and it is curi ous to see -as any ono who crushes them will see iiow much of man's vital fluid ono mosquito can absorb. They who aro fortunately inexperienced in tiio wins of mosquitoes will now under stand that tho insect is one of the great est plagues that nature tolerates. There arc more dangerous Hies though the mosquito's bito is sometimes poisonous and sevoro but there is no more irri tating creature in tho world than tho mosquito. Hitherto the absenco of Hies that bito has been ono of England's greatest charms. No other country in our latitude is so free from thorn. Norway and Sweden su Her oven mure than tho south from mosquitoes. The mild Bulgarian dreads them, and there is a ghastly story of a drunken Bulgarian who tied up his wife in a mosquito trap. The poor woman was bitten to death, and her husband observed in tho morn ing that he had sullered almost as much as if he had not thought of his savage expedient. Greece is, perhaps, more remarkable for the insect "whence is derived tho verb 'to lleo' " than for mosquitoes; and tho same remark holds good of tho Baden contingent. None of the countless snakes of America or India cause more trouble, whim tho host of minor miseries is added up, than luor.quitoes do. If they have real ly settled iu London wo may expect them to keep pretty near the river, and gonerally in tho damper and less de sirable parts ot the town. Our winters must kill them, or most of them, or so at least wo might expect it the ex perience of Norway with its far harder winters did not look the other way. If they do ellout a settlement, there is no help but to encourage trade by inv eat ing in mosquito curtains. Tho Ameri can humorist's plan is to got into bed, wait till all the mosquitoes have enter ed the curtains, and then rapidly bolt out, shutting up the mosquitoes behind. Sloop may then be obtained in an arm chair or on a sofa. Perhaps we may all soon have occasion to try both ways of ovading mosquitoes. London News. Brothers Meet A Her Many Years, Mrs. Deborah Button, a widow of North Adams, is the mother of seven children, who all lived to maturity, tho lirst death occurring a short time ago. On tho day of the fnneral two gentle men stepped from a Troy and Boston train and wended their way together to tho house of mourning. Total strangers to each other, these two gentlemen walked in company to their mother's door, there to be introduced to each other as own brothers. They had been living only twenty-six miles apart, but had not met in twenty-nine years, ami no ill-feolinir had ever existed between them. Tlioo gentlemen worJi Dennis Button, a farmer of Hooaick, aud Levi Button, saluiiuan in a wholesale cloth ing establishment at Albany. Troy (N. V.) Tiuus. A fair young German maiden was urraigned before the District Court of Dortmund for stealing a watch from a youthful handicraftsman of that city. The person she had robbed proved to be her own alliancod lover, who, upon his loss, had forthwith noti liod it to the Dortmund policu, without the faintest notion that the theft had been committed by his betrothed bride. Investigation resulted in the discovery ot the stolen property in a pawnbroker's shop, whore tho damsel had pledged it for a trining sum. When brought to trial she avowed her guilt with many tears and sobs, alleging that, unable to purchase her wuddiuir dross, and being ashamed to coiife-s her povoity to hor future husband, she had purloined his wat h with the object of realizing a sullicient amount by its hypothecation to oquip herself deeontly. It is pleasant to know that this piteous cont'e-sion was responded to iu a gallant and magnani mous spirit by the despoiled grooni, who declined that "the prisoner was and over would bo his only love, and that ho would marry her out of hand if tho iludgo womd consent to sot her at liberty." Without a minute's delav, the tribuiril annulled the ar raignment, an I the generous lover car ried oil' iiis liberated larcenbt in triumph. A Condensed Novel from n I'orthcom . iug Catalogue List. The' following Is a paragraph from tho forthcoming uow edition of Poole's In dex to Periodical Literature, contain ing Iho titles beginning How I but omitting the reforoncos. ltls a curious illustration of tho 'ingenuity displayed by writers of magazine stories in tho selection of titles. Tho titles aro hero given iu proper alphabetical order ex cepting tlio last, which is placed at tho end to give tho story a fitting conclu sion: How 1 becamo an Egyptian bocamo a pagan beoatno a yeoman came to be married caino to ho a manager came to bo a sloven eaino to liko dia mondscaught my firstsalmon- -caught my first trout courted Lulu discount ed my bill fought my lirst duel gained a wife and fell into a fortune got cured of consumption -got my cork legs got the pirate's treasure -got rich against my will heard my own will read -killed a cariboo -lost tho county lost my uncle's property mar ried to escape being hanged met my fate quitted Naples sahod tho Flying Scud sot about paying my debts - shot my lirst snipe -spent mv holiday in town - stood for tho Hallnmshiro "bor ough was rusticated from Cambridge was tracked by trappers -went to tho bar -went to court went to tho loveo- wont to sea won Polly and a Posttnastership won a wife wrote a novel, and how I llvo now and with whom. According to tho New York j1i7, women of tasto wear but ono bungle, and that of exquisite workmanship; this slender band of gold is set with stones iu gypsy style. The onds of tho oraceiei (to not meet, uut lap, and aro twined with a gold cord set with precious stones. Iinriu'ftvilln (Gii.)N'cws.l Million In II. For the past twelve months I have hern suffering it It Iiifliimmatory rliouiniitlsui, often bciujj confined to bed for several days. 1 tried sovcrul pliyblcluns, but they failed to relieve me. About Hoven weeks agon friend who had suffered with, rec ommended me to try St. .heoba OIL I at ouco procured a half dozen bottles, which I liavo used, nud find that I am improving all tho time. It relieves me at oneo when 1 am suffering terrible pain, and prevents mo from spending many sleepless nights. 1 take great pleasure iu recommending it to those who are suffering with rheumatism and similar complaints as the best remedy that ean ho liud. Nothing has donu me so much good, and as It only costs iifty cents a bottle, all can try It. J. D. Ai.kxaxdkk, A'lii'or "iVu," A Sunday-school picnic manager ex plained that he did not make the lemonade sour because the children had milk for breakfast, and ho was afraid to make them nick. - A I.mly'K Wish. " Oh, how I do wish my skin was as clear and soft a yours," said u lady toher friend. " You can easily make it so," answered tho friend. " How'?" inquired the first lady. " By using Hop Bit 'ere, that makes pure rich blood uud blooming health, ft did It for me as you observe." Head of it. Cairo BuIUUh. Tin: Norrlstown IfrraUt defines a city beor garden a Two trees, a 7x0 llower bed, kaventeen benches and six waiters. In a majority of cased trees and llower beds aro dispensed with. Kidnkv-Wokt h a remedy which removed foul humors from the blood, and creates healthy uctlon In every organ. Torpid kid neys and liver lead to gravel, diabetes, con stipation, iiiles mid rheumatism. Kidney Wort is the burest and safest remedy to iue. ltocky Mountain iewt. . llvtl-Iiuica, ICniiehru, Hats, cats, mice, ants, Hies, insects, cleared out by "Bough on Kuts" 15c, druggists. Bnnnixo's Kussia Sai.vk is the universal remedy for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc. Lioiit coi.oiiimi or yellow Axle Grease soon wears oft, Uut Hib genuine Fruzer. DltvwiN'O from nature Pulling a tooth. Oni: swallow does not make a .summer, ' biit, " says Suit kins, "It imparts u pleas ant warmth." A Chicago widower selected his second wife for the size of her feet. She wears men' eights, and he rightlv Judged that she would be a great homo-body. Tn i kty New York ladles start next month for a four months' tour In lCuropo. They will take a deaf and dumli man along as a protection to the limn. ''" Tribune. L.wi year the Pittsburgh glnss factories made Wl.dUJ.KU wot th of glassware. Ami during that tliiio we had, at different peri ods, ttireo hired girls m our kitchen who oroke Just about $U1:,-1GI worth of the entire product, aud would have smashed more if our credit at the china stores hadn't gicn int Just as we got down to the even millions. Jiurtuiyton llmekujr Tiinnnls a difference between tho lips of x young man and tho lip- of a young lady but sbmc'Me.s It is a mighty small one. A man's taste becomes rapidly depraved by cil associations. He lii-i-s ills sone of the pure and the beautiful and the good; ho "liters upon ii descending plane of morality, mil, falling from low to lower, tiuds all his hlglu r sensibilities blunted, his moral ua lure beiiiiiiiUed, until ai last lie ean even sit Jo wn in (ho face of mankind and eat rhu barb pie without ashudihr. Then lie is ost.1 liurUnyion lltiwkeyt. Tmuti: aro no printers iu the Texas I'eni .entiary t lluutsvllle, notwithstanding that .1 in ru easy to get proof in liu cau of a pi Inter. J 'txab h'jimji. Tin: new telephone! has an Induct Ion coll villi a resistance of Iho thiliMiuil Inns, How Hltlo our ancestors thought of such .hlngs! Alas! rhoy lived in an age when )hm were undreamed of. If they hud mot in ohm on .Main .Street In bio id tlitj light .hoj novor would liavo recogind It. Jtwk UtnU Vuurur. A miii ii-uuT Flour-washers. Ir afflicted with Soro Eyo, me Dr. Innac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. Va WOMAN'S' TRIUMPH! I MRS. LYQIA E. P1NKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS, Dtscovr.nrn or LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEQETABLE COMPOUND. Tim I'onlttvp Curo for all those I'nlnrul Complaints unit WrnlnrMC orummon lo our brut fcnmle population. It will cure entirely tlio worst form of Female Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcere, lion, Knlllntr Mid Il4iUrvmpntii, midtlm rntiKoqupnl Spinal WcaknrM, aud la Jwrtlculi y adapted to th Change of l.lfo. It will dlmolvo and f ipol tumori f rom tho iitoruii In an early itnee of development. Tho tendency to can, ceroui humorc thero Ii checked yitj ipoodlly hy Itn uso. It remorea falntncM, flatulency, drstroyfiull craTliiK foratlmulanta, and rcllTpa weakheft of thn ttomach. It cures Hlontlnif, lleadnches, Nervous I'ront ration, General Debility, 81ceplciieM, Depression and Indi gestion. That feellnjf of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always jci mancmly cured, hy Its uo. It nllt at all times and under all clrcunittnuccii act In liarmonr with tho laws that govern Iho female system. Kortlia cure of Kidney Complaint of cither mi this Compound Is 1.YIHA i:. l'lNU-IIAYt'H VEOl'.TAIIU: COM. rOUMHt prepnnxl at KI3 nnd 235 Western Avonue, Lynn, Maui. 1'ricoll. Hlibotlosfor5. Bent hy mall Iu the form of pills, also In tho form of loicni?es, on receipt of prlco, $1 per box for either. Mrs. rinkham freoly answers nil letters of Inquiry. Hend for ainpli lot. Address as abovn. Mention tlili iijr. No family should bo without LYDIA K. l'lNKHAM'S UVKIl I'lUA Thoy curo constipation, biliousness, nd torpidity ot tho liver. 25 cents nor box. Sold by MORRISON. PLUMMER k CO., Chicago, HI. roit mam: hy iiicuuointm. apox. OlxiXlw nnd JJ'o-trov AND ALL DISEASES Caused Iiy Mitlurlul I'oUiiiiIiik of tliu lllood. A WAKHANT13D OUUK. Price, Sl.OO. ForsalebyalinriijxtMt. WELL BOR.INGand bock mSLeWrK NV 81 "a&TtM. ; 1 eibI Dr. MUTTAUIl'S IU3AIAOIIK YITXJt curo moat vronilnrfully In n very hort ttino both SICK mill NEKVOUH lIKAnACIIIJt n"l wlillo iictlnr on tli iirn-oiiH Nyntoin, cloiuiHO tlio atoimicli of oxcobh of Iillu, pruduolut; uv regular livultliy uctlon of tbo bowels. HEADACHE A full l7.o bor of tliKao viilimblo VJ1AJS, with full direction for u roni vilnto euro, miilliul to imy nUilrnaH on rncolnt of nluo tbrno-cont postage HtumpH. lror aule by nil drucKtsts at SOc. Holo l'roprlotorn, MIIO'WH' OlUSaaCAX, C0M1ANY, IJalUmoro, Md. 96 1 t3r --- t i VMK ''J-trM ff"A " r4 1 lifflHlinisWaMfe 6-Ton Wagon Scale, $60, Freight Paid. .IONKH, Mi: I'ATN TIIK FltHIOIIT. Ilrsjwi lleam. Iron U'vers, bteel llcurliiK, WearliiKt, Knife Kdtrrs and Plvou TIIK IIKST SC ALK MADK. W' mean It nud wurrunt every Smlc live jcars For Free Iloolc on beaies addtcsa bom:s of itt;.iino, itB.jiAT).. . v. Vftf A ftl T B? r & I Ph IT" Bil IT. ".!" T..r ii'lBiLBCHI mt'iiiB iiir mil " " mw- Ur, LilUUT on tUe GREAT FUTURE. School Tea liuit hludiuts, ounifinen and Ijidlea aet Iiikss i;ii,ts for Ililn lf,ik arnmakliiirotrr IKKiu month Sells fa ,t One aRunl st.ld Jlllrst ndms aimlher 461n I days another 11 In onu day auuiher 16 and f lllhles in) duvs Seeiiie tei .,t .iy ,,1111'k Aw atfeius ttaiitcil lor the heit Ili'.ilnitwl liunstd Nmv Tiwtanieiit arul fur the llnest Family Ulblut uvui Mild hy aut ma Hi ml for Ur '" ,J,W ZIEOtER CO,, ,. ISO E, Adams St., Chicago, III. LadvAp'Pills f n" seuire pertnnnent mplovmenl t,MJH5fc,,,awihK..oililiiry-i-hiii(;0iHTii'll NUti-t nnd Miirl.lnKNiiiiii I'll-!','. :iii,iiroiHM J-iti. AdUrtba tjiiccu City SiinpoiKlei Co., Cm . U. WHY? WONDERFUL CURES! nectnse It action the I.IVEtl, IHWEI.S iiui KlllNtiYS nt tlio same time. TJeoausa It cleanses Uie system of Uiepolson I ous humom that develop in Kldnsy nnd Urt I nary Dlseasss, Biliousness, Jaundice, ConsU. patlou, Piles, or in niieumatlsm, Nouralfla,! Nervous Dliordors and Fetualo Complaints. BHH WHAT TEOrr.n BAY Knireno II. fltorL-. of Junction Cltv. Kansas. I ays, Hiuiioy.Worlcilieillilinarict'leKUiarruy stclans hnd been tiylnir for fouryears. , Jlrs. John Aniall.of Waihlnuton, Ohio, say; lirrboy wnsKlvriuiptnille by foni" liromlnent I Physician ami that ho was aftcl wardv cured by I Kidney tvuil. vi t n ,..... tiH ... ..ii.-i.. .i. .-.i.... m.Ia says ho wa lint eipeeled to live, hchik' liloatedl .ii, iiuiitiii. nil imiii ur ill iiiniiiuiia vinv, beyond belief, but Kidney Woi t cured film. Anna t Jnrtctt of Hmitli Halrm, N. Y,, says thatseven years sutlerliiK from kidney troubles snu oiner complications was enueii oy mu use oi muiiey iv on. Jnhnn. Ijiwreneeof Jackson. Tenn.. suffered for wars from liver and klilnev troubles ami after taklnc "barrels of other medicines," LI.I..A lf... ...A. I. I.ll.. H.ll IXIMIIl'J IIUIIKIHUVIIIIll T..-1I. sufWrdelKhtycaie with klilnev dlniculty audi was iinahla to woik. Kidney Wort made hluil "wen as o tor PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constinntlon nnd Piles. I frit, la nut tin In Drr Vearelubla Farm tn tin cans, ona luicknira of which makes sti nuarts of medicine. Also In Liquid Form, very Con centrated, for thoso that cannot uadlly pre pare n. ir Itact$trtth equal tflcltncv tn tlther form. UKT IT ATTI1K DMJaUlSTfl. PRICK, tM.OO WKI.T.S, ItKMIAlUISON A Co., Prop's, I (Wilt send tho dry post-paid.) rtUtl.tlflTOH, TT. I OHIOulVG-O ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS S. W. Cor. Stnto nnd Monroo Sts. School of Drawing and Painting. This Art School Is now In full progress, and Pupils may I'Mi'rut nnj llmi' Inilructtun Is glirn nuulnrly In limn Iiik from the Mnt, tin AnU'iur. nud from i.lfc. IVmprctlw', ('Injun nnd Cliurmnl Driwiwr, Kinem inlntiii HkrtrhltiK, l'nlmlniMn oil nnd Y til it Colors, AltlMIc Anatomy, Pen uud Ink DmwIiiK. uud Ktculnx on Copper 'I'mtlon IVi-.82.-S for Thren Months. Hpcc'liiliirriuiKcniniti fur hui irrti'rni Tin1 tuition fco Incliiili s mi) ur nil the ulioc brnnrhes, nnd nlinthn usd of the Helmut Miliary mi Art 'Hi" tent'liers urv: IIkniin I'. Kl'iiKAiinud.l lt IIoiii'kimi.n, Profess, nrs uf DruuliiK and Piilnilnc; It. Vanhkuiiip.i., In. ktiui'tor In IlrnwltiK; N. It (' mii'k.n i Kii, lnsiriietor li PirsiicetlM1. V. II. It. 1'iiKM'ii, lllini'tornnd l.i'eturer on rtlstle Aliiitumy, Mna V. N IIiinii, Teacher uf Uliluii Painting Hcud for Circular to W M It FlWVt'Il. becrctury Chtcnsu Acudcniy of Flue Art. RAILROAD. GAZETTE! A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Engineering and Railroad Nuwh. Pulillilicil nt "It llriiHilmiy, Nen Vnrk. HI.VO per ikiiiiiiiu-ii(iun Iron. THE ST. LOUIS MIDLAND FARMER iMImhrsl nud cAnfpMt AKilciiltunil Monthly No pro. inliims. No elulis AW hlniply iisk V eems fur each subscription livery Farmer uiuiis It INiiililllicd ulni! Ilium. Mjimi;) eni. fin I cent hihiui. Addn'in tIllll,AM IMICMniC, Nl. I.oiil., Mo. TAI'ANKHKnnit other ileHtfcns plnln and fancy a1 Tf pUIIIH'IS Joiiriial foi iraetleiil nl Miles, reeljict, ve , lullniiiyi nliiters. muni niy. r els. aycur. JUUIiJI I MANUV ACQ li'J Nussdii Ht , N V. PILLS Sut Jb,VS SCAL$ i tuilijhotdk 1 1 A I ITnd inpssentO O n anywhere. Wholesale; MA KM'l'Mi. Pnco''HIr'- "0LMIS. 8l ' llallBilt Iteod. li.C.STHKliL.157 Wiiliash av.Chlcago. HEW AGENTS GOODS 'KXAS." VOI'Ntl JII'N leatn lolecrapliy aud earn MO to MOO I niilniitli. lsvery ifiitduatu cnarftlitoeiiainyliii: sltua- Uon. Address Valemmo 111 oh.,. MuiiUL'urH,JuncsvlikVl3. Ar..TH WANT KII for the Dct and Fastest. hi-UliiK Plctortul HuoIch nud Hlhlus, Prices reduced Upcrccut. National rul.llihlnw't-'o., CltlvaKo, 111. ARHUTC Co1" money with Ilr. ('huso's .Vnw HUtll I vJ ICecelpl Itmik. Ni wly revised and cn larcU. Uy mall. rJ. Address (Jliitsel'ub'K Co., Tulvild.U, A. N. K. 53 m IVffK.V WIHTIXa TO AnVtlUTMSKUH, jilviiKv Hiti ;iiu Hnir tin: .Utvvrtlsemant in thin iimier. DOES 'H i I ii.w;i;.i i i ii i Mil n i SA..- Xr