Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 21, 1881, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1881.
-- Window Shades at Niokell's.
For fhst class groceries call on
T. L. Jones.
Uonoless liam and dried beef by
Mevenson & Cross.
Knlsomining of all colors, at Nick
ell's Drug Store.
Stoves, furniture, and queenawnre
ly Stevenson & Cross.
New supply of nice cakes at Fur
man & Palmer's.
Furniture and tinware repaired
by Stevenson & Cross.
Extra copies of the Aivi:irnsi:n
lit A. W. Nickell's.
Berkshire hogs, highbred for sale
by Stevenson & Cross
Tin: Anvr.KTi.sKu's subscription
list is growing in length.
Bain Wagons, whips and cross-cut
saws by Stevenson & Cross.
A lad named Aaron Sharp, near
Ilratton.died a few days ago from the
kick of a colt.
The best cook stove, with the
latest improvements, you can buy of
Stevenson & Cross.
Hato thodovll and nit Ills worliF. Love
health nml buy a bottle, of I)r, 3IarHhall'H
llromollno for llfty cents. HI bottles. It
will euro blllotiHiio'H ntid IihIIupmIIoii.
"While the weather is still dry, the
moderation in the temperature for the
past few days has been graciously ac
ceptable. "Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
Quito a number of our citizens
went up to the show, last Saturday.
Many more would have gono had prop
er transportation been furnished.
Collins and furniture, a large stock
of all styles by Stevenson & Cross.
Last Saturday morning, Capt.
Carrington's thermometor, hanging to
Tio limb of a tree, showed 07 degrees,
and it got hotter and hotter all day.
We are selling tho first class Xew
Homo Sowing Maeliino and that gives
entire satisfaction in every way. Call
and see tho different styles.
Stkvkxsox & Cross.
The President continues- to im
prove; and while ho is not yet entirely
out of danger.there is little or no doubt
entertained of his final perfect re
covery. Xew Homo sowing machino, all
styles, at Stevenson As Cross.
The boss flour is made by
Henry Shifer at Home
wood's. Call for Gold
Furniture, largo stock, low prices.
Stevenson & Cross.
Tho Humboldt Hmtlml says:
F. "W. Samuelson has contracted
with .1. Walker, of this place, to make
130,000 brick at the new town of Cal
vert, Xemaha county. Work to begin
Ladies fine shoes and
slippers, all grades, at J. L.
Me Gee's.
Call on Stevenson & Cross and see
their new gasoline stoves. Xo smoke,
no heating up the room; no smell;
perfectly safe, and you can do your
cooking, baking and ironing, the same
as on any cook stove. Cheaper than
If you want tho local news and
the olllcial nows from the county seat,
and tho greatest variety, and most
general nows of tho country, tako the
Ai)vi:utiskii, as it has no rival amongst
tho country papers in these respects.
Oil cloth, brussels and hemp car
pet, by Stevenson & Cross.
On last Sunday morning while
some boys were in swimming in the
river, they discovered and brought to
laud tho dead body of a man that came
floating down. An inquest was held
but as tho body was entirely naked no
facts as to name, residence, ago or na
tionality wero elicited. Tho body was
that of a young man, probably not
over 20 years old. Decomposition was
rapidly taking place. His hair was
brown and he was rather under medium
size. Ho was probably some unfortu
nate who had ventured into tho treach
erous Missouri for a swim.
lion. T. L. Schick is still very sick
with malarial fever.
Master Clyde OTolt is visiting
his young friends in this city.
Geo. W. Berlin and family are
visiting in Falls City this week.
A. W. Nickell is paying Tecumsch
and Beatricoa business visit this week.
. Miss Sallie .ludkins is visiting
parents and friends in Urownvlllo this
II. II. Yonfelden gave us a pleas
ant call and substantial aid Wednesday
this week.
Our substantial old friend, David
Thomas, of Aspinwall precinct, favored
us with a call and renewal of subscrip
tion, on Wednesday.
Hev. II. O.Scott started for Con
fluence, Pa., last week on n two months
visit. Ilia many friends in this city
wish him a pleasant visit.
Mr. Arthur V. AValsh has receiv
ed the contract for plastering Mr.
Salisbury's largo double building at
Calvert. Arthur is a most excellent
plasterer and a rapid one.
Thoso who pay for the Advkk
Tisi:n in advance, hereafter will get it
at $l,:Oa yoar. Ofthoso who do not
pay in advance two dollars will be re
quired, Call, setile arrearage, and gt
tho advantage of these reduced terms.
Tell your friends who do not take the
boss old paper that it can now be had
for only 1.30 a year in advanco.
Cash Paid for Wheat.
The hiyhest market price
paid for yood wheat at Glen
lioelt Mills.
A Good Book.
We have received from tho publish
ers a copy ol foundations of Success
and J. aws of Trade." We have exam
ined it and find it just such a book as
is needtjd by every business man and
woman, and in fact all engaged in active
life. There are special departments on
Business, Public Life and Social Laws.
It begins at the foundation the A-B-C-
and is complete to tho most intricate
of complex relations in all departments
of practical life. It tells you now to
be your own lawyer, accountant, broker.
How to conduct public meetings. How
to dress in good taste; how to enter
tain company. The work is compiled
from 210 standard authorities, embrac
ing over :i,00O different subjects under
31$ general heading and is a perfect
mine of practical information. It is
sold only by subscription and tho pub
lishers advertise in another column
for agents to canvass for the work in
this and other counties. Address for
particulars Anchor Publishing Co., 40
and -IS, Clark St., Chicago, 111.
A Car Load of
Marsh No. 4, Reaper
and Mower
will arrive this week.
Call and see 'cm.
For Sale by
Ted Huddaht.
Oity Market.
Tho attention of tho citizens of
Urownville and vicinity is called to the
meat market of
at Body's old stand. Ever) thing per
taining to the shop is neat and clean;
meat is kept sweet and nice in tho ice
closet, cuts to suit customers are
handsomely mado by expert butchers,
and everybody is promptly waited upon.
The choicest beef and other meats al
ways on hand. Try the city meat
Just receh ed a new and large lot of
Cook Stoves, tho latest stvle, and can
give you tho best trimmings for the,
least money. Call and see
For the next sixty
days McGee & Moore
will sell all kinds of
summer goods at cost.
Largest stock of screen wire
has come to Brownvillo for
Stevenson & Cross. Can give you
plain, drab, green, black, ilgured and
landscape, all widths, cheap, by Steven
son & Cross.
Rfl Ti B
ead This
Stoves !
Fine Groceries
Flour, of all Grades,
Selectdd Teas, Pure Coffee and
Choice Syrups and Molasses,
Dried ninl Cnimrd KrultH In Vnrlcly,
Glass and Queensware,
Also, a complete stock of Ciyurs and
Tnbuioo, and a full stock of Candies at
itiuiiujCTcmmjimiwiiummni!uiumi.ji jumm
Attention Farmers !
Jf you want the host Head
er ijet the
Made at Veh'ln, 111., and for
sale by
Mrs. 12. J. Moxaiian, of Maryville,
Mo., will visit Brown villo July 'JOth
and remain four days. She will .stop
at the Sherman House where she will
be prepared to treat all forms of eye
diseases successfully, except such as
require surgery. Her treatment is a
permanent cure for Granulated ICye
Lids and all forms of inflammation of
tho eyes.
Honored nml ItloMKiut.
When a tioanl of eminent physicians nml
chemlHtH announced tho dlNoovcry thnt by
combining some well known valuable
rciiiodlcn the most wonilerinl medicine wai
produced, which wotilil euro such a wide
ruiiKti of illht'ivKon that tnoHt all other
remeiltos could tie (Unpenned with, many
were Mlcoptleal; but proof of tin merits by
actual trial ban dlHpcllud all iloubt, tuiil to
day tliPtllneoTerorH of thut ureal inedlclno,
Hon ISllttcr.i, are honored and blessed by all
in benefactor.
liny no other than
These aro tho leading machines. For
sale by the "Regulator."
Is hereby given that I will examine
all persons who may desire to offer
themselves as candidate for teachers
of the primary or coiiniHyi schools of
this county, at the Court House, in
Urownville on the llrst Saturday in
eacli month. Philip Crother,
'.! l-tf Co-Superintendent.
In lirlngltiK t'ie Thickly Asm Hittkus
buforottiu public, we olulm thnt It 1h oiu of
tho host reiiiuilli'H oxtnnt for tho pruvonllnn
iiml ourii of nil (llncmM'H uiIhIiik from n tilt
ordered I, Ivor. Ily usIiik them nccordliiK to
direction thoy will keep tho isMom In n
strong, healthy condition, nut! nrovent any
mlimniitlc Influence, AhU your drulbl
for thorn. I'rlco S1.U0 nor dottle.
I have just received a ear of Champion
machines consisting of Mowers,
Reapers, Combined machines and
new Twine Binder, Call and see for
yourself. D w id Camimii;ij..
in Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries
and Millinery Goods go to .John
McXeal. Lowinan's stand.
It Im Iho best remedy ol tho kind, the
lurj?eHt hottle, tho rhenpest In price and In
known dr tho llln Illood and I. Ivor I'uro.
Wo moan Dr. MnrnhnH'N Uromollne. Drug
Klsts aro nuentK.
When you want a good meal, call
at .1. R. Hawkins' restaurant, llrst room
east of .ludkins' furniture store. Meals
only 23 cents.
For Hunt.
A now Store Room in Nemaha City
a desirable location for business.
Apply to .Lno. S. M.IMCK.
Highest market price paid by I). F,
Douglas & Co.
Ifnown all inon by theso prcHuntH, that
tho 111k Illood and I.Ivor Cure (Dr. MarHhall'H
IlromollnoJ will ouro you If you aro IjIIIouh
or constipated. Auk your drtiKKtst.
For Sale.
Twenty head of two year old steers.
J5-1 w
.John Stoki:s.
.Tust received a very largo and
choice stock of groceries and confec
tions at the City Bakeiy.
Fresh Broad, pies and cakes at
ways on hand at Furman &. Palmer's
-- Call at this olllce for all kinds of
job work, at reasonablo rates.
For sale bv J. Rai'-jcjucomi.
Mr. J. 1). lleach has purchased an
interest in J56rlins Lone Tree Jlarbet'
Shop, and the new llrm invites vou to
call when you want a .shave, hair cut
esa foam or shampoo.
Mr. Beach is recently from Ottawa,
111., and is a llrst-class workman, in
every respect. Mr. Uorlin is too well
known as a skillful workman to need
any recommendation from us.
These gentlemen have tho
and best furnished shop in this part of
the State, and all they ask is a trial.
They also have on hand the best brands
of cigars, and lovers of tho weed are
requested to give them a call.
Mr. Berlin desires to return thanks
to his friends for 'past patronage, and
asks a continuance of favors in the
Champion Rea per $ Mower
For sale bv
David Campiiku..
Tho total number of postage stamps,
stamped envelopes, newspaper wrap
pers, postage duo stamps, and postal
cards issued for sale to the public for
tho year ending ,luno J5u, isso, was
l,:io:'vl!M,O.V.; value, 11,032,318; and
for the year ending June 1:0, issi, 1,-liU)-77:1,308;
value, $3., 182,311); increase in
number i:w,3 10,13(1 and in valueS2.331,
000. Increase, per cent, in number, 10:
in value, 7. The total of all issues, in
cluding olllcial stamps, olllcial stamped
envelopes and wrappers, was, in 1 sao,
l,J7,:i7,017; value, y:ia,087,.ll2; in
1881, 1,30 l,:ii 1,332; value, &j 1,023,131.
At Willinjr Bros. & .Jordan.
And now comes V. S. District At
torney Corkhill, not a stalwart, by a
a long shot, and officially announces
thatGiiiteau did not say "I am a stab
wait of stalwarts," or anything like it.
That takes the wind clear out of ninny
long winded editorials of tho slanderers
of Colliding and Arthur. The lie so
promptly started to manufacture bit
terness against the stalwarts, has run
its course; and of all the perfidy and
outrage pertaining to the whole mat
ter, the stalwarts stand free and blame
less from any of it.
Something new in Laces.
Call and see them at J. L.
The reprieve of tho Talbot boys,
who killed their father, at Marysville,
Mo., expires Friday this week, and
notwithstanding their ingeniously con
cocted confession, which went to show
that the killing was in defence of their
mother, tho probability is that they
will hang on that day. as the Governor
has expressed his opinion that tho
"confession" is a tissue of lies, and re
fused to further stand between tho con
victs and the penalty of tho law.
Fruit jars at J. L J.'e
Gee's. Hon. Warren Miller was elected
l S. Senator by the Xow York legis
lature, last Saturday, to fill the vacancy
occasioned by tho resignation of Mr.
I'latt. Mr. Conkling's successor was
not yet elected up to the ltith Inst.;
but, upon the ballot of that date Mr.
Lapham lacked only four votes of an
J will offer for the next .30
days the best bar(jains in
cloth iny erer oJ'cred in, this
town. An examination, will
prove it. liecollect th is ojfer
only lasts HO days.
J. L. McGEF.
The election of Miller in Xew York
to the ir.S. Senate reminds the Boston
Ulobo of Rev. Gabo Tucker's poetic re
mark: "For I hardly needH to toll you how you often
como aeroHH,
A Ilfty-dollar Baddlo on a twonty-dollar
.loliel, Baker and Scutts' patent li
censed wire at lowest Will-J
ing Bros. & Jordan.
Great Bargains in Sum
mer Goods at J. L. Mo
Gee's. lady In CIiIcuko wan troubled with liver
complaint, and after taking threo bottlen ol
tho JIIk Ilromollno was untlroly ourod. i'lty
coutH u bottle,
Gold Coin makes the
whitest and best bread. Try
Hay Rakes, Cotllns and Laco Cur
tains, by Stevenson & Cross.
. -.- -r
i lwm'MWfc-jwsiicunnmMijaurwsr'iy
II. H. Dolen has
purchased a full stock
of goods for his new
Store at Calvert, and
will be there about the
last of August or first ' "'
of September, and '!
will take immediate
charge of the Calvert .:;,;
store himself, while
he will continue at
the Great Interna
tional his usual full
and complete stock of Z
goods. My Brown- ;'
villc store will be un: ;
dcr the management
of my present clerks, .."
S. T. White and Al- '
bert Giimore, who
will as ever merit tlie ...
patronage of a kind -public.
Thanking my .'
friends in the county
for past patronage, I
ask a continuance of
favors in the future.
JIllOWNVIM.K, July L'0. 1KS1.
KnllmvliiKiiro the iiiiotatlotiN at noon on
Wodncrulay, iho llmo of K"'"K to jirchM :
COUItlUrriC!) 1IY II. .M. IA,i:v, HTOCK DKAI.KU , h
AND Hllll'I'KU. '
1I"H S3 0005 60 1
Htuorn, fair to choice (jot "fi v
Cuwm, fat a W(&2 ftU
cuiiiciurrici) nv n. k. douui.ah, uuain
Wheat No. a ... .. g.
Wheat No. :j $
tye (,i
Ihirley u
Corn In thooar fli
" Hhelled (T
Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses
By Stevenson & Cross. H(
Thoro seems to bo an effort systemat
ically to mistcprcscnt Senator Conk
ling. Tho messages ho sent to tho
white house wero not promptly given
to tho public.and he was greatly abused
as having sent none at all. The men
at the Washington end of tho wire aro
not Roscoo's friends, but they should
perform their full duty, nevertheless. ,
C Idea 1 10 Times.
(), anything is fair with the Guiteuus;
in tiio light against Colliding. ' '
Conkling's course showed him not
holding a political grievance, hut per
sonal hate and animosity rankling in
his bosom.ready to exult over hrs fallen
foe, if ho dare, in tho face and feeling'
of Mm nation. CMv fitundun.
The above is a monstrotw lie every'
word. Tho Htandavd sees Conkling
through Guiteau spectacles.
A. fashion writer states that "dur
ing the coming season ladies who wish
to bo considered fashionable will wear
nothing but longitudinally striped
hose." This is no doubt a comfortablo
costume fortius weather, but for mod- ,(
esty's sake there should be added to it a,
pair of ear rings, or a necklUcoat least.
At Hastings. Neb.. 17th inst., tho
principal business block was destroyed
by lire. Tho causo, as given, was "com
bustion of oils in a drug store."
Con. Jnov C. Pemberton, who com
mandnl tho rebels at A'ickskurg, died
at his homo at Pennyan, N. T tilth1
Inst., "god H. ' ' '
Fine teas at J. L. dlcGcc's. ' '
I want a good farm horse; will pay .,
a good price for a good animal.
tw C. Shaivje.
Dr. Mnrhnll'fl liromollnu makes tho liver
ind Btomaoh active, promotes healthy secrc
tlon and removcH tho bile and Rllino from
thudlHonlerod state Of theso organs. Drun
;1hU (toll It.
Our last report from tho Winston '
train robbery is that the robbers got,,
a i.j,0Q0.
' il
1 i
, r