f THE ADVERTISER. V Snlicriplion, $2.00 per Year, in Advance. OFFICIAL IMI'KK OF TIIF. t'Ol'T, THE TWO VOICES. V'lllST VOICK. Llfo Is so full or trouble, So fraught with Krtof and pain, With striving ami with yearning For things wo ne'er attain; So tilled with vnln i-ndcnvor, So laden with IH loss. That tho stronxe.it heart must ahuddor At thinking nt Its cross. Oh, If wo eould but Hlumbor 'i'ln wenry hours away, Korirettlnir all tho trials That gather rounil the ilny I If wo eould drop our orosse Uesldo tho path we tread, And go our ways In gladness, With not u tear to shed I SKCONtt VOICK. Oh, life Is not for slumber! He strong to dare and do; Ho sti-adfast In euili avor, To (iod and man be true I Think not so much ot trouble, And not so muuh or loss, Ah of tho crown iu warding Tho bearers of a crosa. Help thojo who Journey with you Hy earnest words and deeds; Lear ono an ithor's burdens; Of thought sow precious needs. So shall tho wiy seem shorter, Le-s hedged about with pain, And llfo have more of sunshine, And less of chilly ruin. i:icn K. Itcxfont. STEP-MOTHER AND STEP- A Story of Liovo, Jealousy, Ha tred, .Revenge and Heroic Self-Sacrlik'c. IlU the Author of "Dora 'Hiornr," "A llrtda of Lnvf." "At War With llertdf," "A Golden Dawn," ' Which iMVCd Htm 1UM1" "A lioe in Thonu," dr., S.c. CHAPTKlt X.-('ONTiNUi:ii. One of tho most tittuntlvo timl do votcd of Ross' friunds during his weary convalescence wis Prince Conoi, wlioso interest in thu tragedy uovur abated. He told Ross of Lady Viola's promise; and he looked vory anxious. "You must make liasto to get well, Mr. Ross," he said, "and wo will try our skill together. I will aid you." Three days sifter that, Ross Cumnor, who had obtained permission from tho authorities, went to visit Learn. At first he could only hold her in his arms and kiss with passionate rapture the pale, beautiful face. For a few minutes they could say nothing but how well and how dearly they loved each other; and then Ross said: 'Now, dearest, what is tho mystery? Why have you taken the crime upon -yourself? Fpr I swear that you are not guilt' of it! I believe in your inno cence as 1 believe in Heaven." Hlib looked into his face with her dear, steadfast eyes. They seemed to read every thought of his heart. "You ask me that, Ross? Oh, my love, do you not understand?" 'No,'' lie replied, slowly; "indeed, 1 do not. I am sure only of ono tiling, and that is that you did not do it." Still she clung to him with quivoring lips and trembling hands. "Oil, my love," she cried, "think for mo! I I "am frightened now, and 1 knew no fear before!" "Frightened, Leant? You need not fear. It' 1 had been well and strong, instead of stricken with fever and crippled with broken limbs, you should never have been sent here. As it is, I will move heaven and earth to free you. Oh, Learn, my love, my darling, why did you say that you had committed such a crime?" She raised her head from his breast, and looked at him. "You will be angry, and 1 shall be frightened," she said. "I I did not stop to think. I heard all they said; ami, though I did not think that you were guilty, it seemed to me that you must die. I did not stop to consider, Ross, my darling. Do you not under stand?" For a few seconds tho two stood in perfect silence, looking into each other's eyes. "I begin to see," said Ross, slowly. "Perhaps, in tho impulse of the mo ment, hearing tho overwhelming evi dence thero was against me, vou thought mo guilty r "1 cannot remember my own thoughts clearly. 1 only knew that you were in danger. I remember that, "when Lady Cumnor pressed homo to you ono thing after another, and 1 saw the faces of the people around you growing dark, and heard how they muttered and mur mured against you, I said to myself: If ho did it, it was in ono of those hot passions of his when ho does not count tho cost of what ho says and does.' I remember that." "'If!'" ho repoatod, reproachfully. "Did you say 'If,' Learn? Did you oven for one moment think or beliovo that I had hurt that poor little child?" "I cannot tell. My only clear thought was that jou were in danger. You know, Ross, into what terrible passions you Hy sometimes. In one of those you might, by an angry word or gesture, havo frightened tho child, and so caused him to fall into tho water. That idea did once Hash across me." "Rut, if ho had fallen in, I should havo rescued him. Should I stand by and see a child drowned, do you think?" "Oil, my love, forgive mo! I did not rollect. I only know that you wore in dangor. I heard forgivo mo if 1 pain you, Ross a man close nehind mo in tho crowd say, 'Ho did it; as sure as fate ho did it. Ho drowned tho little ono, and he will be hanged for it.' Then 1 did not stop to think another moment; I did not care. I thought ouly of saving you; my own life seemed less than nothing to mo. My love, I cared only for you. I stood beforo you and said that, I was guilty; it was done in the agony of tho moment." "Rut. Loam, you said so cloarly that beforo Heaven you were guilty of tho child's death. How could you say that if it was not true?" She looked at him steadfastly. "It was truo," she said "truo In this way. A short timo after you had taken tho child upon tho lake Sir Aus ten came to mo, and wo talked about little Hugh. I told him that I thought you had him with you on tho moro, anil ho si'.omed very pleased. 'The little fellow likos tho water,' ho said. IIo asked mo yesterday to take him out, and I did so. But, Loam,' he added, ' I am always rathor norvous about him. Go down yourself, and take him from Ross when they land.' I promised I would, but 1 did not ; and so, by break ing mv promise, I was indeed guilty of tho oliild's death. If I had told Sir Austen that I could not go, ho would have gone himself; and then little Hugh would havo boon living." "But," said Ross, " I sent tho boy to you, Learn! When I drew tho boat up on tho bank, I saw you at a distance, standing near the olni-troes. Do you remember being there?" " Yes, I remember it well," sho re plied. "1 stood there for some min utesI was listening to tho music; but tho child never came to me. I novor saw him; and I had forgotten all about Sir Austen's injunction. Look at it which way you will either that ho foil in, or that some cruel hand pushed him in I r.m guilty; it all happened through my carelessness." "Then you never saw him, LoamP Ho did not como to you?" " No, I never saw him, Ross. If I had seen him, ho would havo boon liv ing now." "Dearest Loam, you havo given your lifo for nothing! The child could not havo fallen in immediately after leav ing mo. If ho had, ho would fallen in near the bank. He was found in tho middle of tiio lake where tho water lilies grow, and he had a water-lily in his hand. Some one must havo rowed him out to them." And again they looked at each other in mute amaze ment. If neither of them had done it, who was guilty? Tho child hail most cer tainly been taken upon tho water; tho fact of his having been found in tho middle of tho lake proved it. " It seems tome, said Ross, "that the little fellow was lost when 1 sup posed that he was with you. Ho must, instead of going to you, have wandered back to the lake. "1 wish I had obeyed Sir Austen and gone to look lor him," remarked Loam. " We aro both guilty, Ross." " But not of taking his life, thank Heaven not of taking his life, Learn!" "No," slio said, solemnly, "not of taking ins life." "And now," continued Ross, "wo have 'to lind out who was with tho lit tle follow. The child was taken back to the more by somo ono. Who was it? No one would havo any interest in killing tho boy. It is a mystery. Do you remomber that just at" that time, Leant, there was nobody near tho mere! Tho band was playing in anoth er part of the grounds, and every ono had gone to hoar it." "1 remember," said Leant; "lam not likely to forget that day." "But Loam," continued Ross, " how am I to forgivo you? Do you know tho deadly peril that you placed yourself in? Do you know that, if that clover counsel of yours had not so suc cessfully pleaded insanity, you, my beautiful darling, would have iost your lifo, or at le:tst would have been treat ed as ono of tho worst of criminals?" " Better that ton thousand times than that harm should come to you," sho re plied. "Ross, aftor all tho excitement was over, and I had timo to rollect, I saw that I had probably sacriliced my lifo in vain; but I did notropout for ono moment" " My darling, tho dovotiou of a lifo will never repay you novor!" ho cried: and for a few moments thoy forgot all their troubles in tho happiness ot thoir lovo. "Now, Learn, mv darling," said Ross, " I must go. The sooner I leavd you the sooner I shall be able to sot you frco from this horrible placo. I loathe ovory moment of my life which linds you liore. I shall free vou 1 cannot tell how; but I will. I will move hoaven and earth; and, if 1 can get no justice, I I will burn tho placo down and run away with jou; I will, my darling! Ah, thank Heaven, I hear you laujrh once moro! Dearest Learn, how Hove you! I will rouso all England if needful; but I will set you freo!" "My dear, impetuous Ross!" she said, smiling through her tears. " Ah, now I feel what imprisonment is now tliatl see you going away." "I shall soon return, Learn; and, when I do, my innocent darling, it will bo to open the doors for you." Thoy parted with kisses and tears; and Ross, on his way back to the mere, thought of the conversation thoy had had when she had told him soll-saori-lico was her favorite virtue. "I ought to have known," ho thought, bitterly, "that she sacriliced herself for mo, Oh, Loam, I will sot you freo, and love you and make up to you for this!" When ho reached home, It seemed to him that there was unusual excitomont in tho household. He asked for his father, and the butler told him that Sir Austen and Lady Cumnor had gone to John Cobham's cottage, and that thoy wished him to follow at once. Prince Cenci was waiting to accompany him. "What is it?" ho asked of tho Prince, who looked excited. "I do not quite know, Ross; btft I think it is something about tho child." "Tho child?" echoed Ross. "Lot us make liasto then. Of course you moan little Hugh?" "Yos, Httlo Hugh. I do not know what it Is. Do not oxcilo yourself, Ross; it may bo a mistake. You shall not stir until you have had somo wino." "Givo it to mo quickly, then!" cried Ross. "Oh, Loam, my beautiful lovo, you shall bo sot at liberty!" In half an hour thoy had reached tho boatman's cottago and found Sir Aus ten thero with his wifo. When Lady Cumnor saw Ross' white, agitated face, sho went up to him. "You must calm yourself, Ross," sho said; "I bollovo thoro is good news for you." "For you," sho said, "not for ub;" and oven in his agitation ho noticed this. "I am afraid I cannot boar vory much," ho remarked. "Tho sight of my darling in that wretched placo, anil tho knowlodgo that sho is as innocent as an angel, have unnorvoil mo." It dawned upon him suddenly that a woman was wooping bitterly somewhere near. " What is tho matter?" ho askod; and then Mrs. Cobham, tho boatman's wife, came forward. " Our Jimmy's dying, Air. Ross," tho f'ood woman answered, sobbing bittor y; " and ho has told that to tho minis ter which has broken his father's heart and mine! Oh, Mr. Ross, I don't know how to toll you! Go tip-stairs and see him yourself." "No," interrupted Liuly Cumnor; "lot mo toll you myself, Ross. Sir Austen and Cobham aro with tho dying boy. Let mo toll you, my dear, 'fori am a guilty, wicked, jealous woman. Oil, Ross, Loam is innocent sho novor touched my child!" "1 know it I havo always known it!" cried impetuous Ross. " I could as soon believe that a saint would com mit murder as that my beautiful Lcam would." Ho looked as ho folt, terribly agitat ed, when Lady Cumnor, forgetting her pride, knelt down by his side, and with tears streaming down her faco, said: " Can you ever forgivo mo, Ross? By my violence and passion, by my bittor jealousy and dislike, 1 liavo almost caused your death and Loam's. Will you over forgivo mo?" Ho raised her and kissed her. "I forgivo you," ho said, simply. "I freely forgivo vou, for you havo suf fered much. What is itabout tho bov?" CIIAl'TKlt XI. Lady Cumnor, who had so rarely ca ressed Ross, elaspod her arms moro closely round his nock as sho answered him. Her hat had fallen oil", and hor golden hair, which had broken loose, loll over her shoulders. She had done wrong; and now, with all her heart, sli3 meant to do right. "It is such a sad, blundering story, Ross," sho said; "and it seems to me that wo wore worse than foolish not to think of the possibility of such an oc currence. Let mo tell you tho story as tho boy tells it himself. On that fatal, hateful day, Ro3.s, this boy, tho boat man's son, was at work in tho grounds. I think ho says that Sir Austen ordered him to kcop tho grass clear of paper and litter of every kind. Ho was work ing near tho mere when ho saw you land and draw tho boat up after you. Ho says that you spoko a few words to little Hugh, and that vou went one way and Hugh tho other: that you were soon out of sight, and that ho, having oft en longed for a row on tho water, thought ho might venture to indulge himself. Ho looked around, thoro was no ono in sight but the child. Ho wont down to tho boat: and, when ho was getting in, little Hugh ran back up to him. 'Let mo go with you,' ho said; 'I want somo of those' pointing to tho water-lilies. Jimmy, foreseeing no harm, and proud, I suppose, of being able to gratify little Hugh, put him into tho boat and rowed him toward tho water-lilies. Ho says oh, Ross, listen! that my little one laughed with delight, and that when thoy came to those fatal lilies the child loaned over tho boat's side and, with a cry of joy, caught ono of the blossoms in his hand; but. while trying to secure it, ho foil into tho more and sank at once. Tho boy seems to havo been paralyzed with fear. Ho made somo attempt to save him, but, finding it impossible, ho hurried back to land. Ho'says thero was no orcaturo near. Ho drew tho boat up on the bank, and then, instead of running to toll us what had hap pened, hastened to hide himself. lie was dripping wet for ho jumped into tho water to save the child and, fear ing to go homo with his wet clothes, lest any questions should bo asked, and knowing that in the excitement lie would not be missed, ho slopt in tho woods all night, and so took this chill which will end in his death." She slopped abruptly and held out to Ross a faded knot of blue ribbon that had boon torn in two. "See, Ross hero is proof of what ho says. Tho boy tells mo that as lit tle Hugh fell ho clutched at tho shoulder-knot my darling wore, and it gave way in his hands. Ho has kept it ever since." "And Lcam," cried Ross, "has sacrificed her freedom for this!" "She will bo free now," said Li'.dy Cumnor. "Free? Yes with a blight on her lifo that nothing can romovo; sho will bo freo, but tho odium will cling to her to tho last!" "No," cried Lady Cumnor, "you aro mistaken! There will bono taint, no blanio, no shame. Everybody will know how Loam loved you, booauso of what sho did to save you. So far from being contemned, she will bo moro loved and honored than over." "I should like to sec tho boy," said Ross, "and hear tho story from his own lips." Ho wont up Into the room whoro tho boy lay dying. Thoro Ross found Cobham, tho boatman, and tho lawyer who had written down the statement, and tho clergyman who had listened to it. Sir Austen was comforting tho dy ing boy with kindly words. " To think," said tho old boatman, while tho tears dropped down his faco, " that my lad should havo done such a thing as that and kept it to himself" "1 was frightonod," gasped tho boy. " I thought thoy would hang mo for ft. 1 dared not toll." "My poor Loam!" sighed Sir Aus ten. The boy turned his haggard, dying faco to him. " I novor had tho lady out of mv mind, sir," ho said. "I hoard mother road how tho young ladv said sho was guilty; but I know that i had done it, and no ono olso. Ask her to forgivo mo, sir. I was so afraid of being hung!" Half an hour afterward tho boy died, his last moments soothed by tho elor gyman nt his side. Some days elapsed beforo Loam was liboratcd, 'and then sho became tho heroine of the day. Her story was in every newspaper and on almost every lip. It was another nine days' wonder, and then it died away; but in the hearts of tho people who lived near her homo, aud in the hearts of those who loved hor, tho memory of hor groat saerilico novor died. Tho lirst to welcomo hor, whon sho crossed tho threshold of tho mere, was Lady Cumnor; and Loam, whoso heart was all aglow with happiness and lovo, forgave her hor past hostility. Sho kissod tho proud, fair faco bent boforo hor in stioh utter humiliation. "I wish,',' sh'oj whispered, gently " oh, how I wish, Lady Cumnor, that I could givo you baok your little son!" It was Lady Cumnor who iixed tho wedding-day; sho was so humble, so loving, so patient, so anxious to mako Leatn and Ross happy, that thoy could not resist her. "It was on Christmas Evo," sho said, "that I camo here; and I brought with mo misfortune and sorrow. Lot mo atono for it by bringing to this Christ mas Evo gladness and lovo." It was a strange day for a wedding, as every ono agroed; yot it had a charm of its own. No wedding-day could havo seen two fairer brides; for Prince Cenci had won beautiful Lady Viola, and thoy wore married on tlie same day. That sanio Christmas Eve, while thu wedding-guests wore all busily occu pied, Lady Cumnor called Ross and Learn into Sir Austen's study. She looked right queenly in her wodding attirc. She took tho hand of her hus band's son and held it in her own. "Ross," she said, gently. "I did you a cruel injustico onco; now let mo atono for it. My little son in Heaven has taught me many lessons that I should novor havo learned from earthly wis dom. Let mo atono for my injustico now. Hoaven may bless mo with other children; but your inheritance, Ross, shall bo yours. I havo asked Sir Austen to leave Larohton Moro to you and your heirs forovor; and ho has decided to do so. Kiss me, and let us bury tho past." And he did so. Another matter that touched and pleasod Ross was this. On going into tho gallery where his mothers picture hung, he found it wreathed with ivy and Christmas berries. Ho brought his wifo Loam to look at it, and Lady Cum nor followed thorn. Tho carol-singers wore singing just then, and tho Christ mas bolls' were chimin" merrily. Lcam turned and clasped her arms round the stately ligure, always for tho future to bo loved and never again feared. They formed a pretty group when Ross lovingly put his arm round his wife's shoulders, smiling tho while into his stop-mother's face. "What a change," ho said, "from tho Christmas Eve when you came! How perplexed and anxious I was then, and how happy I am now!" "My heart has been touched by tho vision of a little child," said Lady Cum nor. " Heaven Knows best. Perhaps, if my boy had lived, I should always have been proud, jealous and envious. I believe his bright, pure little spirit overshadows me. Ah mo. ah mo, tho snow on tho ground is not whiter than that little body was, not purer than tho little soul that winged its way to Heav en' I could fancy this," sho said, go ing to tho window, and drawing asido tho hangings, " the Christmas night of many hundreds of years ago." Ross bent down and kissed his wifo's sweet faco. Lady Cumnor turned to him suddenly. " Ross," she said, " do you think my child died that I might live a higher lifo?" "I cannot tell," ho replied; and, with her eyes fixed upon tho stars, sho murmured softly: "Great (flits can bo given by Httlo hands, Since of all Kins l.ovo Is still tho best." TIIK KND. A Mexican at Las Vogas, Now Mexico, tied his wifo firmly to' a board, loaned her thus helpless against a fence, took a position fifty feet away, and used her as a target for rifle practice Ho did not hit her, his object bcintj to frighten hor by imbedding tho bullets in the board close to her head and body. She fainted under the frightful ordeal. Mrs. Agassi, found, one morning, in one of hor slippers, a cold little slimy snake, ono of six sent the day boforo to her scientilii: spouse, and carefully sot asido by him lor safety under the bed. Sho screamed, "Thero is asnako in my slipper!" Tho savant leaped from hi couch, crying, "A snake! Good Hoav en, wlioro aro tho other live?" PKKSOXAL and literary. "Mark Twain's" Amorican sketch os havo boon translated into French. Tho books boquoathod by Carlylo to tho Harvard library number 325 volumes. E. A. Frooman, tho historian, will lecture in Boston during Ids coming vis it to this country. Ernest Longfellow, son of tho poot, will paint a portrait of his father for Memorial Hall at Bowdoln Collogo. Ono of tho ploasantost things in railway travel nowadays, says tho Chris linn Union, Is to bo grootod by tho news agents on tho cars with tho cry: "Re vised Now Testament, only twonty cents!" Tho book has sold rapidly, and probably novor boforo has thoro boon so much Biblo reading as thoro is now. Chincso authors complain that thoir works nro not only printed in Japan, but that cheap editions of them aro im ported into China and sold to thoir dot riniont. Chinese authors havo porpot tial copyright in their productions, and any infringer of an author's rights is punished by rocoiving a hundretrulows and boln5 transported for throe yoars. Dr. Ollvor Wondoll Holmes savs, in answer to a letter, that a freo public library " is as necessary to a town as a nest is to a pair of birds. Scholars aro suro to bo hatchod In it soonor or later, and in all such institutions you will soo a good many old birds Jovo to nostlo and lind themselves vory warm and comfortable whether thoy brood and fling or not." Ono of Sir Edwin Landsoor's pic tures recently brought at a London sato tho sum of $U,70. Thoauotlonoor ro latod that while Sir Edwin was engaged upon it Mr. Mlllais happonod to call upon him, and tho older painter said to tho younger: "If I don't livo to linish this picture you will do it for mo." Sir Edwin did dio, leaving tho work unfin ished, and Mr. Millais completed it. Gilbert and Sullivan seem to havo concluded that thoir now comio opera " Pationco," which is as groat a success in London as "Pinafore," would not mako a hit on tho Amorican stage, as thoy havo abandoned thoir dramatic right hero by publishing t ho nitisic, with accompanying words. Tho thomo is tho icsthotio crazo in England, aud it probably would not bo thought funny by tho moss of Americans. n m HUMOROUS. Protested notes Those emanating from your noighbor's violin. Yonkcrs Oazcltc. Who says it's unhealthy to sleep in fniif IiiiiuU j-iOok at mo spring chicken and soo Courier. how totisrh ho is. Boston It has been definitely settlod at last that the reason why tho pig's tail curls is booauso it's styod whon it is voung. Jloston Times. It's a poor rulo that don't work both ways, as tho foreman of tho print-ing-oillco said when ho turned tho col umn rules for tho death of tho editor. Somcrvillc Journal. Tho game of lawn-tennis is chlolly notable booauso it affords young ladies an opportunity to wear base-ball shoes and know what is comfortable to tho feet. New Haven licyistcr. A French engineer, aftora serios of experiments with a loaf of bread baked by a Vassar Collogo girl, now announces that tho projector tunneling Mont Ulano is entirely practicable. Philadelphia fletvs. A creaturo with no aim in lifo but that of bringing unhappinoss to Ids fol low creatures publishes the fact that enough Connecticut tobacco was raised last year to mako 000,000,000 cigars. Boston Transcript. Says a society paper: "Tho nearer tho bangs como to tho eyebrow tho moro fashionablo is tho wearer." A hint to quarrelsome husbands. Hit hor square on tho o,o if you want hor to appear Hlylinh. Philadelphia Chronicle. "Everything I touch drops," said Mrs. Jarloy, as her fork foil on tho floor. Mr. Jarloy replied, "1 wish you would touch the price of beef," as ho readied for a piece of steak that cost twenty-five conts a pound. Syracuse Sunday Times. A boy in Pennsylvania was recent ly choked to death on a prune stono. Wo always supposed a boy couldn't swallow an anchor, that is, not vory easily, but wo thought ho could get away with anything that didn't have a cross-pioco to t.--hurliiujton Ilaivkeie. Tho girl who makes tho acquaint anco of every young man sho sees, without waiting to know who or what ho is, is hold in tho same osteom by men as tho yollow dog that will lick ovory hand that, pats its head. Tur ner's Falls lieporler. Tho Now York Times, in a cool, Philistine fashion, remarks: "Somo forms of charity aro fashionablo," and goos on to show that a woman who wishes to bo considered as belonging to tho cream of society must bo good to tho poor. There aro women to-day in San Francisco (says tho Chronicle of that city) subsisting on scanty crusts in blind alloys, who eould stop into tho empty mansions of our now millionaires and arrango tho appointments of room aftor room of tho entire houso, with an artistic sense and individuality of tasto which would put to tho blush tho lirst upholsterer of tho city. Tho day is not far distant whon this will become a distinct calling for women. Tho origi nality of conception and design mani fested by womon wherever thoir artistic powers aro allowed a chanco for devel opment will load to many newpathsfor Industrious womanhood."