A yT.TmrTi.ragTicnn.rfrre.i "$" r "t 'y ' i t w ,-"i wi i y i www pp li E V ,t . . . ' CBMgcaKgs4apiicaia3axjjM ftm;iiia.;AsgtCTrrasTTTTtttagr.r;Bra uw SH' Iff ' A ik i -fXLV ?? lliTl it Mil iM-ii-s9I i II flllii I I WLwPmr - . .., ' ''-, vm It s-! I 1 i ij 1 I V a ' ESTABLISHED 1850. I Oldest Pnpor In tho State J WBwniojwniiiTri,airTngnhsiyi BUSINESS CARDS. T II. U H O A D Y , 0 Attorney- nntl Counselor nt LW Ulllcpoveratatu Htuik, Drown villi', Neb. c a. osnonx, O. ATTOIINKY ATIiAW. OMce, No. MMalii stroet. nrownvlle, Neht T S. STUliL, O ATTOHNKVrl AT LAW. Oillcpof Conntr Judge, Ilrownvlllo, Nehrnsk. A S. II 0 J, L A D A Y , ili l'liynlolnii, Surgeo", Olmtetrlutnu. ' Oraduated In 1&51. Located In Ilrownvlllo 18A8. Ulllce, II M.nln street, lltownvlllo, Nib. JW. G I 11 S O N , ItliACKNMITIl AM) IIOItSK SIlOKll Work done to order and tatlsfactlon Kimriititeod First itreot, hetwoon Main and Atlantic, Ilrown villo.Neti. p A T C L I X E , - sffln i"10"':" .. sfi V IJUOT AAI) SHOE .11AKKK CUSTOM W01UC inadeto order, und llts ahvoy iri!rnntoi(1. Ilepalrlnt: neatly and promptly don? Jshop. No, in Mult) street, llrownvllle.Neb. T) M. BAILEY, HIUl'I'KH AND DK.ALKU IS LIVE STOCK JUIO U'XVILLK, XEMIANKA. Farmers, please call auilROtprlcus; I wnnt to bundle your stock. OiHt;e FJrHt National Hank. 3IAHLATT ii. K1XG, DKAM'.ltti IN Genera! Merchandise Dry Gon'K Groceries, Howly Mado Clotlilrm, Hoots, HIioch, Huts, CnpH, nntl it General An rtortmotit of DrUKH ami I'atont Medicines KB- Highest priors paid for butter nuil ASPWWALIj, NRIIIIAHKA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I wilt nmko Mortgage Loans ON APFUOVKD FA11M S15CU1UTY, AT . 8 h cS. Annual Interest. NO COMMISSION. A 0. J. STOWELL, Attorney at Law, tShendiiv, Neb. -2 in?, Jacob BrowuvUlc, Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR, and donlerln H'nu'Kii'nllHli, Trench, Scotch und Fancy Cloths Yctlimx, Ktc, Ktc WEDDING SUITS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED IN 1856. OLDEST stateAgency IIV NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Pooh ft Konornl Korl EHtato UuHlnesH, Soils l.uiulH oti Commission, cxiudIiich Tltlos, mulC8 DucdH, JlortgnBfH, nntl all tnHtru inonts pertnliitni; to tho trnusfor of Ileal Eh tiito. Has n Complete Abstraot of Titles In all Heal Kstato lu Nomalin County, AI'TllOltlKI) 11V TIIK l. S. (IOVKIOM1.NT First National Bank o r BROWNVILLK Paid-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500,000 IB PIlKPAni-JJTO THANACT A General Banking Busines. BUY ANDSKLL COIN & OUREENOY DRAFTS n all the prlnclpnl cltlei of the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED Un upprovod Hecnrlty only. Time DraftR discount p(l, mid upeclul Accommodntlnn granted to deposit i.r. ru'iilorntn O0VK11N.MKNT HONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS IteeolTPd pnyahloondemand.und INTKHESTal lowed on tlrnun-rtlllcntc ofdupoalt. DIHKCTOKS.-Wm.TTlJen, Jl. M. Ilalley, M.A' Ilandloy, Frank K. Johnson, I.utlior lloadley Win. Krnlsher. JOHX L. CAUSOX, A. U. DAVISON. Cashier. President J.U.MoNAUUHTON.Asat.Cashlor. Marohn, ilea E TMT,Tr3wivTwiraFTnfftrAyArauaTrrr-te NEBRASKA ADVERTISER "Womlcr what Cyrus W. Field wnnta; or docs ho play toady just for fun? Vico rrosldunt Arthur roturncd to his homo in Now York last week, ex pressing tho hopo hoforo ho left that there would bo no necessity for him visiting Washington again before December. Ueforo starting for Now York tho Vico 1 'resident called at the White House and oppressed to Mrs. Garlleld his sympathy and congratula tions that the Unit great danger at least had been safely passed. Tho Chicago Tribune is still engaged in predicting what Vico President Arthur would do in case ho should be so unfortunate as to be called, through tho death of tho President.to assume the exocutivo chair. It should bo remem bered, however, that the Tribune is neither tho conlldent of tho Vice President, nor is it a Republican paper. It has only a malignant and malicious purppso to gratify, which it is seeking to do by surrounding General Arthur with as many embarrassments as pos siblo. SpriniJlvUl (III.) Journal. Surgery has made rapid strides re cently. Tho latest triumph was an operation successfully performed by Prof. Theodore Billroth, of Vienna, which marks a new epoch. A cancer ous tumor of tho stomach, near the pylorus, was excised, with its roots. Tho cancer occupied about a third of the lower portion of the stomach, in a woman 43 years of age, tho mother of eight children. After comploto re moval of tho tumor it was necessary to cutout a V shaped portion of the stomach to bring the Haps properly to gether, after which the duodenum or bowel was fitted to the now opening and tho wliolo was secured by .Vt stitches, dressed with a carbolized solution and replaced. The operation lasted ono hour and a half. Tho patient speedily recovered. The lawyers are earnestly discussing what to do with Guiteau. Tho punish nient provided by law is not deemed suiliciently severe. District Attorney Corkhill thinks Guiteau could properly bo indicted for two distinct offenses, making each of the two shots fired at tho President a crime, which would give htm sixteen years in the peniten tiary. This idea, however, good lawyers say is not good law, and the extent of the punishment would be eight years for one act. Again it is suggested that ho be sent to an asylum for life; but this could not bo done as there is no law that would conllne a person longer than tho continuance of his insanity, and Guiteau might be turned looso within a short time. Guiteau himself will not set tip the plea of insanity and ho deems ita great insult to him to hint, even, that he is insane. He thinks he is tiie clearest headed cuss alive. The most dissatisfaction found with tho revision of the Xow Testament seems to be among tho ilaptists, and tho theologians and linguists of that denomination pioposo to have a new translation by themselves, for them selves, to sustain their own doctrinal peculiarities. The Uov. Dr. Anderson, of tho liaptist Publication Society, and tho Row Dr. Weston, of Croziei Semin ary, will have charge of the work. Its scope is explained by Dr. Cathcart, of Philadelphia, who sajs, with reference to tho new version : There were a few Baptists on tho committee; but we do not particularly want a Baptist Bible; we simply di'siro ii translation that will correspond as nearly as may be with the original Greek. Many things in tho King .limes Bible were mistranslations, and thoy have not all boon set right in the new revision. In the third chapter of Matthew, for instance, wo Dud the Greek word "en" translated "in" whore it speaks of all Judea and Jerusalem having been baptized by John in tho river .Jordan. That, you seo, exactly bears out our doctrino of baptism by immersion. But a few verses further on wo llml the same Greek word rendered "with." Elsowhero it speaks of baptising with the river Jordan not with tho waters of tho river, but with tho Jordan itself. This movement finds sympathy and co-oporation in Europe as well as in America, and tho greatest scholars of the denomination in Great Britain will bo engaged in tho work. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1881, THE STORY OF THE ORIME, Distriot Attorney Oorkbill's Statement. W xsuiNOTON.July It. -VnitcdStates District Attorney Corkhill furnishes tho following for publication: "Tho interest felt by tho public in tho details of tho attempted assassina tion, and many stories published.justify me in slating that the following is a correct and accurate statement con cerning tho points to which reference is made: "Tho assassin, Charles J. Guiteau, camo to Washington Sunday evening, March 0. 1S81, unit stopped at tho Eb bitt House, remaining only ono day. Ho then secured a room in another part of tho city, and has boarded and roomed in various places, full details of which 1 have. On Wednesday, May 13, 1881, tho assassin determined to murder the President. He had neither money nor pistol at tho time. About the last of May ho wont into O'Meara's store, corner of Fifteenth and V streets, in this city, and examined some pistols, asking for Tin: i.amiist camiu:u. IIo was shown two similar in caliber and only different in price. On Wed nesday, June t, ho purchased tho pistol which" ho used, for which he paid 810 he having in tho meantime borrowed tflii of a gentleman in this city, on tho plea that ho wanted to pay his board bill. On tho same evening, about 7 o'clock, he took tho pistol and went to the foot of Seventeenth street and practiced llring at a board, tiring ten shots. Ho then returned to his board ing place and wiped the pistol dry and wrapped it in his coat and waited Ids opportunity. "Sunday morning. June l'j, he was sitting in Lafayette Park and saw the President leave for tho Christian church on Vermont avenuo, and lie at once re turned to his room, obtained his pistol, put it in his pocket, and FOLLOWED THE lMtESIDENT. to tho church. IIo entered tho church, but found ho could not kill him there without danger of killing some ono else. IIo noticed the President sat near a window. After church he made an examination of the window, and found that ho could reach it without any trouble, and that from this point ho could shoot Uwj; president through the head without killing any ono else. "Tho following Wednesday he went to tho church, examined the location and window and becamo satisfied that ho could accomplish his purpose, and determined therefore to mako the at tempt at the church tho following Sun day. IIo learned from the papers that the President would leave tho city Sat urday, the isth of June, with Mrs. (Jar field, for Long Branch. IIo therefore determined to moot him at the depot. "IIo loft his boarding place about r o'clock Saturday morning, Juno is, and went down to the river at the foot of seventeenth street, and fired live shots, to practice his aim and bo certain ids pistol was in good order. He then wont to tho depot and was in the ladies' waiting room of the depot, with his pistol ready, when tho President and his party entered, He saw that MKS. GARFIELD LOOKED SO WEAK. and frail that ho had not the heart to shoot the President in her piosence.and as he knew he would have another op portunity lie left the depot. IIo had previously engaged a carriage to tako him to tho jail. "Wednesday evening tho President, and his son, and, I think, United States Marshal Henry, went out for a ride. Tho assassin took his pistol and fol lowed them and watched them for some time, in hopes that tho carriage would stop, but no opportunity was given. Friday evening, July l, ho was sitting on a seat in the park opposite tho Whito House, when ho saw the president come out alone. He followed him down tho avenue to Fifteenth street, and then kept on tho opposite side of tho street up Fifteenth street until the President entered the resi dencoof'Secretary Blaine. IIo waited at the corner of Mr. Morton's late resi dence, corner of Fifteenth and Ilstreets for some time and then, as ho was afraid ho would attract attention, ho wont into tho alley back of Morton's residence, examined his pistol, and waited. The President and Secretary Blaine camo out together, and ho fol lowed him over to the gate of tho Whito House, but COl'LD GET NO ori'OUTl'NITY to uso his weapon. "On tho morning of Saturday, July 2, ho breakfasted at tho Riggs House, about 7. IIo then walked up to tho park, and sat there for an hour. IIo then took a one horse avenue car and rode to Sixth street, got out, and went into tho depot and loitered around there. Ho had his slioes DiacKed, en gaged a hackmaii for 82 to tako him to tho jail, went into tho water closet and took his pistol out of his hip-pocket and unwrapped tho paper from around it, which ho had put thero for tho pur pose of preventing tho perspiration from his body dampening tho powder; examined his pistol carefully, tried the trigger, hud then returned and took a seat in tho ladies' waiting room, and as soon as the President entered, advanced behind him and II led two shots. "These facts, I think, can bo relied upon as accurate, and I givo them to tho publio to contradict certain falso rumors in connection with this most atrocious of atrocious crimes." A DD1TIONA L STATES! ENT. Attorney Corkhill gives tho follow ing additional statement to an Inter Chain reporter: Colonel Corkhill said he gave a state ment to the Associated Press to-day, which ho said lie did not wish to bo un derstood as the confession of Guiteau. IIo has the assassin's story, (which is a very different tiling) embracing much more than the announcement he makes to the press. IIo gave as his reasons for making tho publication, as follows; "Many foolish and sentimental re ports aio sent out, which my investiga tions for the last ten days have shown to bo without foundation. On such points . is I had arrived at tho truth, and about which 1 knew there were er roneous theories currant, l decided to givo an authorativo statement. I have also discovered one or two oilier things, not in the statement, on which 1 have taken further testimony since it was given to the press." Ho said to your correspondent this evening: "For instance, 1 find beyond a doubt that it was TUP. F1UST lU'LLET that struck the President. This is tho statement of Guiteau and others who saw the shooting. The second ball went in the direction of tho baggage room. Again, I find that the dramatic story about the assassin's exclamation, 'lam a stalwart of tho stalwarts; Ar thur is President now,' was a pure fic tion. His onlv words at tho commis sion of tho deed were, "Don't let them hurt me. Tako me to tho jail quick.' I think I have told you this before.and you will find various facts among these recounted in what I gave the press that I have told you at various times, hut I thought best to put It out all at onco in a consecutive manner. Now there will bo no more ground for any one's crediting tho sensational rumors. All the statements I make are of such a character that any person may tako thoin up and verify them for himself if ho chooses. They will bo found ac curate." "Whatnowspaporsarothoseclippiugs from that ho loft with his papers?" was asked. "I cannot give that out," replied the Colonel. "They were all Now York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, and Boston papers. None of tho western press have contributed to his collections." "Does Guiteau know tho President's condition?" "No; except that he knows that he did not die." The ponslon otllce at Washington has about 12,000 unadjusted claims to act upon, yet the Commissioner lias de cided upon tho discharge of over 100 clerks. This is necessitated from the fact that tho appropriation mado is in suilicient to pay them. IIo keeps just the number ho can pay, and if the work goes on slowly the blame must not attach to him. Thero were about ao.OOO claims adjusted in tho last year. The following statement is made as to the practice to bo followed under Gen. Dudley, the now Commissioner: ruder tho former practice of the Commissioner of pensions, if complaint was made that a soldier was wrong fully drawing a pension, it was sus pended and Investigated afterward, the pensioner being kept in ignoranco of who had made tho complaint and the subject matter of it. This has been changed. Tho soldier, under General Dudley's administration, is allowed to meet his accuser face to face and de fend his rights, and if, upon investiga tion, ho is not entitled to continue in tho benefits of his pension, it is sus pended for the reasons given. Here after the claimant will bo notified of the time and place where his rights to a ponslon will bo investigated, and he will bo permitted to cross-examine all tho witnesses and furnish proof in rebuttal if lie so desires. The greatest caro and caution are to lie taken that no unjust claims shall pass, but tho soldier is to bo permitted a fair, honest chance to prove his rights under the law. Tuder tho now ruling none will have reason to complain that tho government is unfair in its treatment of tho applicants, and less opportunity will bo given for fraudulent claims to pass. . . . - ' m.,r..w.....nr TIM tU1i tt anxfu Hif t)in Jll'iinuin iiiiiMiiit ouj o mi vv. demand for silver is greator than it was last year at this time, while thero seems to bo a demand for every bit of paper money in tho country. Ralph E. Bay, of Burlington, Vt., drowned himself at Chicago. Ho has a brother living in Lincoln, Neb. VOL. 26, NO. 5. ti-iaLiMii'jjiiuUA.tuiiiiiuiiitiiiuiiujJXJViiiMninLiAm,jijnmji.tnfJj MISCELLANEOUS. II. Braiimer, at Waupaca, Wis., was pounded to death by three river men. A tornado recently in the vicinity of Fairlleld postollice, Minn., leveled everything to the earth. Guiteau is said tube feeling real badly because the piosldont has suffered so much on account of his poor marks manship. A church roof recently fell in San Malta, old Mexico, while the building was crowded with worshipers, and ."( of them wore killed, mostly women. About twelve years ago, Guiteau was a member of Plymouth church, Broorv lyn, and belonged to a bible class. Dr. Grlscom, of Chicago, finished his fast of 45 days Tuesday of last week. IIo used all tho water he wanted dur ing, that time, but ate notliiiig. He saw Tanner ami went him live better. T. K. Pugh, son of ox-Senator Pugh, was recently taken prisoner b, Apache Indians in Mexico and then tortured to death. Ills mutilated remains were found by Mexican scouts. At Beardstown, III., Pat. Howell and J. S. Prathor quarreled, and tho former was killed. At Little Rock a constable named Frank Plain was shot and killed by Richard Garley. Thomas Cokely, keeper of a hotel' at Lincoln. Nob., was stabbed to death recently by ono Diirman. A parly of government surveyors have gone to survey Yellowstone Park. On the sth Inst. 7,0 now converts to uiormonism, from Europe, went west ward for tho land of the saints. Secretary Windom Is said to be an active worker in tho temperance cause. The St. Luois Globe Democrat copies Watterson's screed in tho Louisville Courier-Journal and adds: "All we have to say Is that if the above is a specimen of what may be done under our boasted liberty of tho press; the sooner tho liberty of tho press is cur tained tho bettor for tho country." Tho wheat crop of tho State of Ohio will be about 'fo.ooo.ooi) bushels; that is about 77 per cent of last year's crop. Ex Senator Colliding has written to the Attorney General suggesting that the would bo murderer Guiteau should be meted a punishment proportionate to the position of his victim. The following is an interesting item about tall com In the Republican Valley. On the -Ith of July the people of Harlan county celebrated at Repub lican City, and in connection with tho usual good dinner, oration etc., they had a sort of fair. Acorn shelter be ing promised as a prize for tho tallest stalk of corn, there were thirty entries, and stalks of corn from as many differ ent fields were on exhibition. In look ing over tho list in tho Enterprise, we observe that the shortest stalk except one, was over six feet in length; thirteen were over eight feet; eleven were over seven feet; the balance over nine and ten feet. The stalk that captured the shollor was 10 feet s inches in length. Remember, this was on tho fourth of July, and hadn't near ly its growth yet. This report, speaks well for the soil of the Republican, and the corn beats anything wo have seen or heard of this season. We hope they will have plenty of rain so that the corn will get its full growth, and produce abundance of ears correspond ing with the stalks. It seems that President Garlleld was not wounded in the arm, alter all, and that the bullet that entered his body was tho only one of the two fired that touched him. Tho minister from Ven ezuela, who has made a statement to District Attorney Corkhill. being with in a fow feot of the President when he was shot, says: "The pistol was pointed squarely at his back and the muzzle was but a few inches away, bo that it could not possibly miss him When he fired tho President was struck and quivered all over, His eyes closed partially, his joints relaxed, he began to fall forward, and was half way down when Gultoau fired again.. .IIo fired wildly this time It was tho ffrst shot that took effect, tho second passed over him as ho was falling."