NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Is Darwin Viudicatod? l!ltorof ttio Indlnunpoltn Jonrnnl. J find in tho Dtarlo do Jfuranham tho following nccount of an important iliHCOvory which I havo translated lor your columns. I). II. Fkiinandes. In Marnnhain, a province of the oinplro of .Brazil, at a plantation of a Mr.S. Vicria, a well was being dug by liiH negroes. When they had dug down to tho lower bed of the tertiary strata they came upon nomu bones which appeared peculiar to them. They sent to tho house for their innster, who. upon seeing them, comprehended the importance of tho discovery at such a depth. Ho immediately ordered tho work stopped and Bent to tho city of Maranham for Dra. Urandao, Sogncr, Jhuhosa, and Jausen l'cncirn, who after studying the mibject agreed that they were human bones in a fossil statu. They repaired to the place, and after twenty-four hours labor in ex cavating, succeeded in taking out a complete skeleton without tho los of tho least particle The skeleton is of colossal dimensions, measuring eight feet and three inches in height. And what is more extraordinary is tho pro longation of ' tho dorsal spine inoro than twontyinchuft. If this skeleton does not belong to an individual who hadsuch a deformity, then wo havo tho most brilliant confirmation of the doctrine of Darwin. What is neces sary now Jb to contlnuu the excavation and discover another skeleton, and at once the great scientific problem of man is solved. What this discovery has already absolutely solved is tho existenco of man beforo tho tertiary epoch. To what nation, then, does this skeleton belong? Can it belong to any nation of tho red men who inhabited .South America at tho time of its discovery? Or can it belong to any nation extinct boforo that epoch ? All corroborate the latter hypothesis. Extensive investi gations will yet ono day giro to humanity tho solutions of these problem. Tho whole skeleton has been brought to Major Polycarpo l'in heiro to bo prepared for exhibition. It is to bo sent to tho museum at Hco do .Janeiro, with a box of tho clay in which it was buried as a specimen. m i m Miusonri Bivor Improvement. Atchison (llot)o. It has been decided by tho engineers that tho best way to improve tho Missouri river is to make it narrower and deeper, and to this end at all wido points whero work Juts been ordered dykes will bo thrown outtoconilno the channel to ono side, and provent it from scattering over a nillo and a half of territory, which width can bo seen at several places between this city and Leavenworth It is supposed that tlio Missouri river is always changing its channel, but Captain Young, who has been a pilot for thirty years, says that ho can point out mile after mile that has never changed a particle in all that time, and he showed us ono place on Saturday whero tho current had run uninterruptedly for thirty years to his knowledge. Captain Young has an opinion on liargo transportation, which is to tho effect that it is God's way of carrying grain, but every bargo must J io supplied witli motivo power. A tow in this river is hard to handle, but tho railroads can bo seriously stabbed ly building barges of a capacity of 1,500 tons, and supplying each ono with motivo machinery., Tho Missouri river only falls 7-lOtha of a foot to tho mile.., Tlio plan of protecting the shore, with mattresses of willow will 1)0 abandoned this year, as it has been found that uttjens both banks are mattressod from tho source to tho mouth, tlio river will get in behind them during liigli water and go on with tlio cutting. Linca of niles will lm driven out into tlio river instead, which will throw tho current into tlio centre, and stop tho cutting. Uy means of approved machinery, now being tested at tho east end of the bridge, theso piles will bo driven at the rate of thirty feet a minute. This iH accomplished by running an iron pipe down with tho pile, and which tears the sand from under it by hvdraulic pressure. Tho piling used will be live cottonwood from tho government reservation. Senator Sherman is credited witlrthe remark, that "if Fostor is beaten ho can attributo it to Ilalstead's foolish course toward Conkling." It does Governor Fostor no good to havo his praises sounded in a newspaper that demands that tho President to "crush the political life out of Conkling." It simply disgusts tho Stalwart llepubll cans whom Fostor depends upon for his election. Only last October Mr. llalstead, writing of Mr. Conkling in tho columns of tho Commercial, said: Tho Senator from Now York Jb tho most connpicuous flguro In tho cam paign. If bin attention were callod to tho subject, ho would see that all things Jiavc workod together for tho good of placing him promiueiitly boforo the country, and wo assure him, as it were confidentially, that if ho puts in a fow day of stalwart service in Indiana, and then roturns to and carries Now York, ho will have this country in a slinp. If not he will havo the primacy, as wo believe they call it. lie can not establish tho third term even as a recognition and reward for tho most Illustrious service, but he can do almost any tiling else that may seem good to him. This Western trip will nationalize him. It is important that an American statesman should look upon tho Miamls and the Wabash, and walk in tho woo la pasture.) wliero tlio buckeyes and tall sycamores bloom. Tho point of the present writing is, however, to quote for tho benefit of Senator Conkling, a letter wo received tho other day to this effect: "You attach too much importance to Indiana. We shall win without thatStato. Tho election of Garfield and Arthur is cer tain. Senator Conkling is about to render his country a supremo service. He can and will carry Xew York for thellepublican tickot, and save the campaign. This ho will do irrespective of Indiana." An enterprising rascal drew to New York a young countryman, to whom lie had agreed to eell $10,000 in counter feit money for $J00. Tho young countryman received tho counterfeiter in liis room at tho hotel, got the drop on him with a six-shooter, and politely handed him over to a police olllcer. Look at the tag on your paper on wliich your name is printed. It indi cates tho timo to which your .subscrip tion is paid. If tho timo has expired please call and pay.or remit the amount by letter. Wo are in need of every dollar due us. CALL ON In UNION HOTEL, weit of Court House, ami oxumlnu our NEW STOCK of GOODS. Waltham, "J Key and Elgin, and Stem-Wind Springfield, j Movements. Also GOLD fc SILVKll CASKS, Tho BOSS GOLD CASE, The Wnltlmm Dust-Proof. rJ rmrCl Beloved oolveil a bill of VJuUvvlvO from tho lints of tho bent rankora, and which our oxton stvo repairing oxporlonco proves most sulta bio for tlio want of our in any customers. Wo rospfotfully submit to tho considera tion of tboso Intending purchasing TIME PISCES ttint they coniult and buy from Moohauionl Dealers Only, ("id not from Jnck-ofulMrudes, who cnu not know nny thing of tho goods tlioy oiror, and aro unablo to keep In repair when sold. REMEMBER, Wo warrant oar. clocks against all uccldouts for years. JEWELRY. Our stock Is full In every department, bolng constantly replenished with tlio latest styles. REPAWIXa FIXE WATCHES OVB BVSINESS. ENG RAVIN G McEftiKi: verwaro DotneH, Rings, Name nates, etc Qlvo as a call and you will bo satisfied. STEEL BOILERFERRY. AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING ON THE Missonri River. NEW BOAT, Ra i8 Low, Camps Shady, Roads Good, Indemnity Ample, Connects with all Trains. H lWB'ffif BkWmO aBBVKtKtataxtBBVl7 ( aWsi lit K7fi ATel V i iXl TmPSH RETI1TQ WANTED '" tt mu .m rut. ULn I O stiiicr Met".! ricow i.d nj. wn i ,JtKihlX(crct l Juli.b,Co.,bULwM, Uo. POSITIVELY COMING! Nebraska City, Saturday, July 16, 1881, THE DATE IS UNALTERABLY FIXED. -XIST O- COUP'S BIGGEST SHOW HE WORLD Combined with, tlio QREAT PARIS HIPPODROME ttr fTf trffti With a Roman Chariot Raco Traok 40 I'HnWBrABUuHUB Jm Mm 1 m irv J ' i ' ." ''' swmmsaswmmmmmWttmWmttMmrtm f Mm a 'T mwwMFWWnWTWK , It contains absolutely more new and wonderful foaturos, never boforo exhibited, than all other Shows in America combined. The Hippodrome Pavilions cover EIGHT ACRES of ground. Behold what you have never beforo seen in your lives, viz.: Four Immense Circus Rings ! Three Full Circnn Companies! Menagerie of 11,000 Animal I Juke's Automatic Museum I ncijulrintr THIBTEEN POWEttrUIi BTEAM EMOINE8 to operate It. Nino Kinds of Music! Three First-Class Silver Cornet Bands! Four Steam Musical Chariots, equal to 1.000 Skillful Musi clans! 50 First-Class Equestrians! 200 Hippodrome Riders of nil Nations! Tho "Wonaorful Foat of tlio Who, at each and every porformanoo, is hurlod like a bird through tho air. 75 feot fv,.ro?1 ? hUKP, lron CtaPult. describing a circle of nearly SftO foot, and nor- S S&d? tso.n&oASt INFRA-DOMIC DIVE of GERALDINE rno most boautliul, brll has ever known. IJurtn ?oTh0ir1Un?irthrn8T1Si"h,0,d - ' t m a mmw m km xrjrjx. - --. x uuiuuiuK uiiuwtuaes. BUNDA5T 80HOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. TBAOHBHH RnTmTipq Genuine Male and Female Zulus from Znlnland Aooompanlod ly IClr8f Cotowayo's Uaufflitor. Bpaco too limited to enumorato the thousands of now features of CaXXX'S HEW XTHITED 3SdOW3XEEt 8BOW91 Boaldos tho foregoing, it haa a grand fi-MENACERIE OF NEARLY l.OOO ANBWIALS-H Bxhlbltod freo of extra ohorgo. Tho FINEST FHOOBSSIOKT IN AMERICA Containing hundreds ofHorsos and Chariots, and nine kinds of Music. oaoh day at b0"' 10 o'clock. LUU'"0 Admission to all, onlj BOc CUldrea onder 9 years, 26c. Beservel goats, extra, 25c WiU run on all roads -loading to tho Bhow on tho day of exhibition, at greatly roduood ratoi of faro, """ii 22?" 1UVAL CIHCUSES unable to compote in open opposition with Coup's JfonHttrtiliom and Hippodrome, are following this Gigantic Exhibition, 0b sharks follow m tho wako of the noble ship,) and circulating anonymous pub lications, and advertisements either without dates or with f also dates, in u fruitless effort to deceivo the public about tho coming of other shows or the not coming of this Great Show. Those communications bear tho imprint of ialsehood and deceptiou, and the public aro warned to brand thorn with tho in famy they deserve. Jitur Constantly in Mind, that this Mammoth Exhibition, which causes them to quako with fear and become sick with jealousy, will positively bo hero on the day advertised, Kain or Shine, without fail, and as sure as the day arrives. ' Look out and you may hear theso DR.WHITTIER 017 St. Charles Street, St. Louis. Mo. A rejulir irraduata of two Mwllcftl Oollei, ha been longer locta than anr otherl'hrtlclaa la St.Loal, ,ai cltr papyri laow.andnll old rMldenUkaow. Byuhllii. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchitli. Rupture.olf Urinary Srpbllltlo or Merourlal Affection of Throat. Skin or BoQMenrrd tiifelr, PrlTitelr. ScennatorTha,Sexual Debility and Impottrocy aa thre.ullpf Blf.Abae, MiualaxceMealamatnrer Tean.orprer uralnwork, producloAnerTouaDeu.temla. al emlMlop. debUltr, dlmnou of Uht,dfctlT mem ?pr, pnr.lcal decar, arenloo to aoclttr confu.loa of Id. loMof aexnal power.nlnUt loM,rendertoe mar rluare Improper.are irmaoaotlr cored. GoaeultaUon at offlixi or by mall free aod lnrlted. Pamphlet on tamp. Medicine Mat bj mall or eipre. Cure BuaraatMd. Wbr doabt exUU It 1 franklr etated. mU. I GUIDE! The whole torr. well told, a It U true to life, oath followlaa abjecut Wbo mr mrrr, who not, whr, Manhood, Womanhood, rhjilcl dee j. Who (bnuld marrri bow life and bapplneMmajbalaereaaediellMU of cellbac and exce., and manr more. Thos married or eoatempUtlna marrlaRe aboald read It then keep ua dec lock and kr. 20 ata, bjr mall la raontj or po. taae. EnglUh Oerman French read and apoken. FRFFresoriptioh f.r.os.a I BllnbiWeaknM, Lott Manhood. Nerrouaneu, paaBiHjaOontuiloaof Idea. ATeruon to Hoclelr UefectiTH Mtraorr and DUorder brought on br Self. Abu. AnjdruraHathaathelncredlent. bCLoul OnraUT lnt',819Ut.ChaTle, BL Loul. Mo. Dr.JACQUES KT"l'v,ncri" orjB or Dypnui,uonorrj QlMt Urlnirv np B1 .jlrlar H TfM. . BH,u.o raw aara. All in aueaae revuitlna from Kjlf-nbne, cored for life with Afe medicine. Adrto frea. OhaXBe low. Call or write Inrtrlctoon&deaoe. Brtnptom Book for two itamp MARRIAGE CUIDEVoo JJUilJllJILLILU - iO - feet wido and noariv half a mlla nrmmrf. irtiTi to a net spread little dogs bark. LIVERY ! W. E. O'PELT, Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. OOOID RIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, AND Driver Furinshed when desired. Horses boarded by tho day or week and Farmers' teams fed and cared for inapt, dasbinK and accomplished Lady Gymnast tho world Sor unparalleled foat, she actually PLUNGES,, HEAD- i T.nn r nTrnrnn rmma -r thn Umiijah J. JJJ ILLilLUiillLi.LimijaUjm.J.'.U.ilUJU-SJW PRICKLY BITTERS The majority of the III of the human body arle from a derangement of th IIvcr, affecting both the ttomaeh and boteel$. In order to effect a cure, it la nectatary to remove the came. Irregu lar and SluggUh aetlon of the Itoteel$, Headache, Sleknen at the Stomach, Patt in the Hack and Loin, etc., indicate thai-, the Liver is at fault, and that nature re quire asnltlance to enable thi organ to throw off impurltici Priclcly AhU Ulticraarectpi'clalty Compounded for thi purjiotc. They are mild in their action and effective at a cure; are pleanant to the iatteand taken vastly by both eh lldrcn and adult. Ta ken according to direction, they are a eafeand pleasant cure for XtyBpapHlll, Oeiivral Ueblllty, Habitual Con HMpatlon, DlHcascil KldueyH, etc., etc. XnBloatl Purlflcr f icy are superior to any other medicine cleansing the nystein thoroughly, and imparting new II fe and energy to the in valid. It is a medicine and not an lntoiclcntlnu: beverage. ASK TOUR DRUQQIST FOR PRICKLY ASH BITTERS, and tako no otbor. riUCE, $1.00 per Bottle. METER BROS, i CO., - SOLE PROPRIETORS, Bt IjOUlaand Knrri. r" Itn BUY THE Davis Sewing Machine. $1,000 REWARD! Ofl'cred to any person that that will do as great range of work, and do it as well and easily on any other machine now in the market) as can ho done on the Davis Vertical Teed Sewing Ma chine. Arrangements for Uio contest will be iiimle with anyone desiring to compete for the above reword within a reasonable time after written appli cation is received. DAVIS SEWIG MACHINE COMP'Y. For Descriptive Circular and Catalogue send to DAVIS S. M. CO. 218 & 220 State St., Chicago. M! PATENTED 187 Comiiopod lanrclv of lxmiler. oil Slica or Ih1i iiw, in EST Hud CHEAPEST thn lnbrlcator bceaura it does not gum, but forms n e worm, u u uic Dent ualna: frlotlnn nnd llahtnntn npuenoa surface over tne frlotlon and llBhtenlnK the draft. t lfl Uiu QhnnnA.t tMrjlilMA It nilM. nrt mnrA than Inferior brands, and one box win do the work. of two of any other Axle Grease fflflW carinir, Threshing Machines, Oorn-l'laiitcrc, uanHwera enuany oa well lor uarveU' answer enualU an well for Caniairoa, numricH, etc., cto., as for Warons. it is uuhrantebo to contain no petroleum. For sale by all rtret-claea (lealoni. 13T Our l'otktt Cycloptdia of Thingi Worth Knoxttng mulled free. MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, Illinois. DR. BUTTS' mspensarv EsUti..l.ai817 it 12 V. 8th. CUoit, ST. LOUIS, 110. THE Pbiilcl.tii in chart of Iblt ti md wll known Icill.,n)tiiitlnnndinrery. tm ?l ?,I?'nU"7 'k,,'1" """"I o' lhrol I)U.w. hit m.Je L.u''!r " tfuctl I'or lo that of th. orinirr INDISCRETION:, EXPOSURE Fr. e. B.l.dui biaalUs beaerrkta, l.lMt, bulrlm, oAhlU., all ST1".'7 7f,,bV "d 7"U7 r Hmaritl afr.'.tiVn. of 'ihi throil, ikta or bo, tt.itid wlu igrc.u, on eimtlCc rno f 'ii'.Ti,.1 l,'E.!l"r or olb.r foUooou. Mt diciaii. TOUNC MEN " "" of inlddl. .(. who art iuf. wmammmfmiUmMk iur fron tht fftt. or liMrauter. rata cr S.mU.1 rT.alaru, lh. rtiull of itlf.ibuw In joulh er tieni In mitur.d ittn, tr rcraiiM.tlr cured. Thi. dU. tu product Mi of lb. (ollowiof afff clBili,iooi, blolcbM. ditiio.ii, D,rou.n..s dimn.t. of aifht, .,h, iBd.titieii! cooitipiiwa. d.tpoud.icr, confu.loa of ld.u, at.nioa to w! citlf, dtfccllit mimory, ..xuil txbtuill.o, Imrol.Dtr or low PATIENTS TREATED r mh aad tipr7.H MeaUalaweitSaaxhawKaaaaUbA but h.r inai.. I"l coo.uIi.Uob i. prcUrr.., wbicb U TAX aid letit d. Lii of quolloa. lo U by P.l..iu dMirlni "iu mtll.d fr. to tny iddr.M on .rplictiloa ""'" "' ---- annua, JBUV. QUE TREATMENT. A certain cure for Hmrvtutst. Debility, Seminal vKSk! Tr,ati""ff ""Pounce, etc. i i IIBIII Mp, JW) irliNrB- Bib J mK IB Jk w. rw.tlonorore f.trtauaerjt n iJUl. sJXa u" I W 1 . , at fair rates.