TtBwimm:i.Hm'.').fiJflii.iin-i.jiiiiiigirwi..iiuiii.1uiuiiwiijii .- .. iii1mu.iTLilLII J.lllLlMirrMllliriMlirnirrMltrTmiLJJ L :.U.Tl?U ESTABLISHED 1850. Oldest Pnpor in tho Stato BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1881. VOL, 26, NO. 3." iiniinnnni "a; "wm, i... TiTmnrririiTiiryf""' L" "wkuwi itaunjuii-mjiimiuijui iui '.irrtujiummjunii - - - . . - --.-Mai.M.ii.,.. M.jjrajr,,.!,!,,,,,!,,!,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,, . BUSINESS CARDS. --"HX J. --.v T ir. 1JH0ADY, J Attorney and Ooiinielor nt Law, OMceoverStatu ilnnlc. Drown vlUc.Keb. c a. os no UN, ' ATTORN IS Y AT 1a AW. Olllco, No. 81 Main street, nrownvllo, NohJ T S..STULL, O ATTORNEYS AT 1a AW. O'llcc of County Judge, Brownvlllo, Nebraska. A S. HOLLA DAY, fXi IMiyalotaii, Burgeon, Oliitetrlolnu. Graduated In 1851, Located In Hrownvlllo 18M5. Olllce, 11 Main street, Hrownvlllo, Hub. J W. GIB SO N , IIIjAOKSHIITII AND HOUSE SIIOEU Worktlono toordor and satisfaction iniariMiti(il First stroot, bctwoott Main and Atlantic, Drown 7 liCtN I AT CLIXE, VASHIOXAl.LE HOOT AMI SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WOMC raadeto order, mid Hts alwav Ruiiranteed. ItppulrlnK neatly and promptly done bliop, No. 27 Main street, llrownvllle.Neb. J M. BAILEY, BHII'lTIIt AN1 DKALUlt in Livnu STOCK JiRO WNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, please call aud get prlcos ; I waul io liiirnllo your Htock. Olllce FlrHt National Unnk. MAKIiATT &. KIiG, DKAI.IIUS IN General Merchandise )ry Goods, Groceries, Rently Mntlo Clotlitnij. IlootH, Hhoew. Hats, Cap, and aOoticral Ab sortment of Dmiks nntl Patent Medicines. 2i- Highest, priced paid for butter mid ASP1N1VAI.L., NKIJRASIvA. EIGHT i PER CENT. I will innltc Mortgage Loans OX Al'PHOVED FAKM SECUItlTY, AT 8i CS. Annual Interest. NO COMMISSION. . 0. J. STOWELL, 4. Attorney at Law, Sheridan, Neb. imZ Jacob Marohn, Hi cnviivlllc, Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR, nud dcalerln t'lncKiiirllgliJ'roiich, Scotch ami Pancy Cloths Vosthii8, Ktc., Ktc. WEDDING SCITS A SPECIALTY. ESTABLISHED IN 1856, OLDEST ReafEstateAgency ijv neijx?, Williai H. Hoover. JJooh a Konornl Ileal EHtnto Huslness. SellH Lands on CommlsHlon, examines Titles, innlccs Deeds, Mortgages, and nil Instru ments pertaining to the transfer of Heal Es tatc. Has a Oomploto Abatraot of Titles to all Heal Estato In Nomnltn County. AlTH()mZi:i V TIIK V. S. UOVKHXMKNT First National Bank O F BLtOAVINTVILLE Paifl-up Capital, $50,000 Authorized " 500,000 IS I'HKPAIIKJJTO TIIANBAOT Al General Banking Busines. UUY AND SELL COIN & OUKRENOY DRAFTS on all tlip principal cities of tho United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved Hocurlty only. Time Drafts ilUcouut pt, ami special iiccoiiimodiitloiiHKranted to dupoalt ers. Dealers In (10 VEUNMKNT I10ND8, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES :dbpo8its Uecelred payabloondaniand.and INTEUEBT al lowed on ttrnucortlilcntes of deposit. DinEf;TOIlS.-Wjn.T7Don, B, M. Bailey, M.A Hundley, trunk K. JohnsOH, Lutbor Iloadley in, t ralsbur. JOHN L. CAItSOX, A. It. DAVIHON, Casbior. President J. C.McNAUOHTON. ABSt.Cashlcr. r",aenl nahacity. B. Bell Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SRUGEON lYcmalm Ciij', IVob. Calls In tho Country Promptly Attend ed, day or night. QPEOIAL ATTENTION plvon to Mirglcal Odlsenses of woiuon and surgical diseases of tho oye. 4-rntlents from abroad can bo furnished with pleasant rooms nud accommodations, mmur Mimem GENERAL MERCHANDISE Noinalia City, Neb., &. IF Gvafb&v. BOOTS. SHOES. .' AND HARNESS Made and repaired as well ns can bo dono anywhere, aud at short uollco AND VERY REASONABLE TERMS. J. 13. XM1239 LIVERY AND FEED SATBLE. Good buggies aud horses, charges reas onable. Host; of care taken of transient stock cit .v;. LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY NEB., Centrally located; Good fare, and notrou. bio spared to maku guests comfortable Good burn for horses und Ch urges Ilea son able. attention: FARMERS ! For your Agricultural Implements, go to DAVID A. MORTON, Farm and SprlLg Wagons, Sulky Plows, Stirring Plows, Corn Planters, Harrows, HoaptTN, Mowers, Cultivators, Corn Shellors, and tho Doss Tonguoless Cultivator. 1-1 ffllfflmmTUMt JiTwwti JiuwttMnwwjwmi WA A Urr, nw and cc-mpIeU OuiJt to WeJ lock, coutalolof, with nuur othert, the M lowlnc chinUrii A Comretent Wominhood. tbelfCtion of Wlfn. Ttmrramtuli.cDmnihbla affl tuccuiitatille. Strrilitr In Wnmm, cauie anJ treatment, Advice to UrldtiTOom. Aavice to Iluilicdt. AAvlem in Wlfit. l'roitttution. (ti cauio, CeltLicy ao4 MitrimoriT couparij, Corjuiil Dutlii, CoBflnemt nt, Lorf &d1 Coontip.IraptJlainu to Mtr rii, Bcicne tf lUpro lucilon, Bm(lf Lift oonalJarr 1, In cf Mtrrfif and IMfcrct, tcgH rljbu eftairrt4 foibio, t., tDoluiiog put kin pteuttce io VTtmiD, ihalr ctuin and Irtalnxot. A bok for prlvttt tsl com) Itrite rtaiij, of 213 pmci, vtih fall TUtt ccrif lott ij u&il, itdlUtQU. ''THE PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER" On BypblllB, aonorrhtSB, Gleet, Btrfoture.Vnrloo cole, &o.. ilio oo Hpcrmatorrbcca, Be-xual Debility, .nil Impotoncy. from bHf.Abui. md Eicrnri. ciuiinr CmlBtl CmlfilODi, NirTouin.., Arrrilnn t., rbj.le.l P.cir,Pin n.n trpixht, PeftctiT. M.morT, lirn tt ?.iu.l row.r, te.. m.klnf tair ri. icr'cr crucb.prj, t!viCtT'MiCBt,icUffttaii;Tklu.u.reo If., lit ttia cur. cf .11 rrfi.l. (!.! Ml p.l, cur W Uln, 50 c.ou. ueaisilAlTUa, Loctaro en wintcelft woajnhooi, 10: too moil I'orulir JIfJIo.l Hook uLli.h.J. Th. author It an cip.ri- tuiru iifiiQI.U f, uiaiij imii i'i.ciic. v.. II will .noWD. uil th. .J rle. stT.a, .cj rule for treatrntot Ul1 dowa. vltl b. fauud cf trt.t ralu. to tloa. uckTlDr fruui ImcurHlM ef XI. .j.t.u, ..rlr .rr.r., loitrljror. or any tf In. IroubW. eomlPUBd.r th. h.a4 ef "rHaVATE l "CUItO.NlO1' dli.uta, Pu.t. aiarait tiki a Io mect fur twk.. PR. BUTTS' DISPENSARY-,.i BirrtTiiiiiiiiiii ilimlTiiiriftBiJfiiiiliiii.Ji In IB 17, cut., cliruric liitea... ana comi)lkat.4 cat.., and diiram r.iullinf from lmriurs itiual ai.ocUtlom, i,lfabui or aeiual ftie.iiei. 1'atrtnH trnl.l ty mall and .ipr.n, Wher. (louin., .r onal, which la fr.anJlnlled. (juci. Iioni to t. amw.r.d tjr ll.i.t. deiiriujr, Jrmluunl mail. I fro to anr aiJrcn on application. Tor Look, or tr.alment aJlr.n Ml. JIUTT8, 13 North Hth St., fit. Loul Mn, zF5roaw; If m.ii ' Vfi Dfhll 111' --.m .wu crip'1 In t . t Mn' j ur dii) I'D u" "l htllllUl.llltiiiltM'. utu Hop Bittors. If iiuuru3'ju)' nn.l iU?i j.tion i i ti I--tii.) ri..i r "lut-i". i'i, ",r JIO..I Iwilltl. I . I Hi I wm. ivly fi Hop WIlOl'VlT n nut y wy vtiftii'Ver uii I tli .v lull r n iit'edji fit tr.t" ) inc ") .tliiini"' Wlll.liJt li lllli tn.1.0 HOP Bittern. Haryourfy- r iiriiiarftf'j;ii J'l'lllt, ULvlHU of tin. ittoijiych, i men, oioou liitroTiwrvt Vou will no curcj If you usu Hop Bittors If jouurcslm' 7iJ55SS' It ni nr a Ittnll t'f t. r- tiiiiii'L-ovfrtiiu tujlit uuik to res- tuie lii:un nr-.i'atid , iim) Hop B. suirirlni; fromnny In- t itui it y. ii nrt nmr f mi'--, Ktufi t nit' from i'i,- "ii i. In J uf nick-Ulttoro. IvitHiiiU" cllo an. iri .iiy i a o in roHio "' AiL-' ""' "r. Kidney jm t iinvu iwiiiirim'iiuii t-V . hva ttititilv uaiwif HopBlttors ii ply mtpii k nn4 law tnll Itul. try u i It may b nvo y our life, it hns anyed hu - areas. '. I " 1 mH "A Jm trTT(Tp ; i . v 1 8IIIERS , NEVCi? .rAIL D. I. C. la an ul.-oliito nn'l irrt'Hlnta. Iilu cum for tiruuKviiiiPMii , use of opium, touaoco, or narcotic., Solilliydruif. trl'ti. rvuiidfor Circular, iioi' inmsHS WQ CO., Rt littler, N, V. -J) I A Toronto, Ont. N iiTTTTTi i 'mtmm KXJPTUJEcE , TIIE TUIUMPn Tltl'SS CO. euro Itupturo In from 30 to uo days, nnil will pay 1,(jcj for a Itupturo thoy can not euro. st-nU Mc fur liouK to nn. v. v. u. uuunuam, nt-ni sUi,'t. i?.! ?"w,ry. K.V., or o Kouth 13ih Stroot, l'bllailulpbln, Pa., and bo cured. NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Anilrow Uullor, rninnont, Iiul., hui- citled recently by batiging. . Tho IlnstiugsXubrHskttu is informed that District Attorney J3icrbower 1ms become ao addicted to fitrong drink as to unfit him for business. A cause- for imneuehmont if truo. It was gratifying to read the dispatch relating how Gen. Grant and President Garfield met at the hitter's reception at Long Dranch: "Gen. Grant entered, advanced to thq President, when they cordially shook hands," etc. It's poison to some of tho half-breeds, however. Tho story is told of IMr salons that once, beforo a legislative committee of investigation, ho disclosed tlio rulo of his life in diplomatic politics. "At an early period of my career," said ho, "I learned when 1 went to suck eggs to hide the shells." Buffalo News. It scorns that ho didn't liido very well when he undertook to bribo De pew's way into tho Sonato. Tho Lincoln Ololm is much worried over a fear that Governor Nanco will appoint Hon. Church llowo a member of his military stall', and is applying its billingsgate talk to tho Governor in advance. Tho lattor gentleman will probably pay little attention to the likes or dislikes of that blackguard and blackmail sheet in tho selection of his staff or any other matter. MISCELLANEOUS. Trof J)rapcr,of New York, in answer to a question if a comot would bo likely to destroy tho world this year, said : "A comet is of such subtilo consis tency it would probably bo dissipated by the atmosphere beforo it reached the earth. The nucleus might possibly mako a little splash when it struck but there is not tho faintest danger to be apprehended. Mother Shipton doubt less selected 1SS1 at random. It is tho opinion of physicists that the matter of which tho earth is Composed is eternal." Nebraska is now in tbo height of itn beauty, and if the reader lias a friend in tho east or elsewhere who is con templating a visit to tin's Stato, let him or her como now and tako a look at the finest country on tho globe. If thoy don't concludo to remain tho reports which thoy will carry back will bo tho means of inducing thousands to turn their faces toward this young giant Stato of tho west. Omaha liejmhlHin. And beforo locating thoy should not fail to seo Nemaha county tho "Garden County of tho State. Tho Dcatricc Express speaks of Senator Van 'Wycfc as "tho artful dodger from Nebraska and Now York." As everybody knows that Goneral Van Wyck is tho very opposito of a "dodgor," but exceedingly straightforward and outspoken on all subjects, and ambig uous about nothing, that's not what's tho matter with tho E.vprifs Perhaps the nourished chagrin of tho JJeatrico editor over hopes of patronago that fell with Mr. Paddock aro becoming chronic. ELraBc Gen. "Win. II. Dudley, of Indiana qualified as Commisionor or Pensions on tho 25th ult., and took charge of tho ofllce. Gen. Dudley was born iu 'Ver mont, in 1802 moved to "Wayne Coun ty, Ind., at an early age, and remained until tho year 1801, when ho enlisted iu tho army as a private. Ho was soon comniisioned as Captain by Governor Morton, and promoted to a colonel and Brevet Brigadier General for gallantry in action at Gettysburg while leading a charge against tho enemy, where ho lost a leg. lie resigned in 1800, re turned to Richmond, J ml., and was elected County Clerk, which position he held for eight years. Ho thou com menced tho practice of law, and ho con tinued until ISTf), when ho was ap pointed United States Marshal for that State, which he resigned to accept his present position. During tho late political campaign General Dudley was a member of tho Stato Central Com mittee, and Chairman of tho Stato Ex ecutive Committee, and much credit lias been given him for tho victory in that State. As an organizer ho is a success. Ills appointment as Com missioner of Pensions is characterized as one worWiy to bo made, as his sym pathies aro with the soldiers, ami it is said that every honest claimant will be assured a fair and just hearing.' At Kingston, Arkansas, Prank Jen kins settled an old feud with JofT. Car roll by shooting him dead. In Columbia county, Arkansas, John O'Neii cut Sam Dismuko to death with a pocket knife. A train of cars in Mexico, recently, carrying three battalions of infantry, was hurled down an abyss, a bridgo having been washed away, and 105 privates and 1!) olllcors killed. At Jasper, Flu., C. S. Cable shot and mortally wounded Joel Phillips. The sheriff of Neosha, Mo., recently obtained a clow to a band of horso thieves that have regular signs, grips, passwords, etc., and ply their avocation in southern Missouri, south Arkansas and southwest Kansas. Out of ?S7,000 in foreign gold coin re ceived at New York from August to May, not one piece was British. Tho arrivals wore mainly French 20-franc pieces and German 20-mark pieces, although Japanese yens wero well rep resented. Four prominent liquor dealors of Omaha, two of whom aro members of tho City Council, have been indicted for violating the high license law. Tho San Francisco papers report the arrest and sentence of a woman in Cali fornia who answers to tho description of tho notorious kato Bender. She married a man named Dwonger, per suaded his son to kill him.then attempt ed to poison tho son. She was sentenced to imprisonment in tho penitentiary for ten years. A California man says: Boro a hole in a tree, 1111 it with quicksilver, stop it witli putty, and it will clear the tree of all worms and insects. Tho President declines to publish Grant's letter to him on tho Conkling mattor, although Grant's consent to tho publication was readily given. A child six months old hi Phila delphia was recently killed by a rat. Tho child's noso was eaten off and its facowas fearfully mutilated. At a picnic at Decatur, Ga., tliirty llvo pooplo wero poisoned by eating chicken salad. Tho chicken had been cooked in a brass kottle. All suffered soverely, but prompt medical aid pre vented any deaths. Tho calaboose at Stono Mountain, Ga., recently burned down, and Zeb. Murium a colored prisoner was burned to death. Jas. Cart or, near Cartilage, Mo., sui cided by cutting his throat. Jas. Hyde, an old citizen of Elgin, III., was recently thrown from a wagon and killed. Evil Schafor, daughter of a railroad man, was playing around acornsheller at Mt. Pulaski, III. Slio was caught on tho carrier, taken into tho shellor and ground to a jelly. It was an awful sight. Sho was 8 years old. Win Hoofer, merchant of Warren, III., was killed by being thrown from his buggy. "W. E. Leo, a wealthy planter of Sevier county, Ark., put his too on tho hammer of his gun and his mouth over tho muzzle, thinking tho gun was not loaded. IIo leaves a wifo'aud five children. Iu the pedestrian match in London between "Weston aud Howell, tho formor fizzled and loft tho track after ho had made 201 miles and Howell 2TS. "Within ten years tho "Great Ameri ican Desert" will be shipping 10,00,000 bushels of wheat per annum to Europo via Now Orleans. This is not tho first "American Desert" that hns turned out to be fruitful. Tho following method of obtaining cool water was found to work well, and those who can not readily procuro ico, should give it a trial: Let the jar, pitcher, or vessel used for water bo surrounded with one or nioro folds of courso cotton, to bo. constantly wet. Tho evaporation of tho water will carry oil tho heat from tho insido, and reduce it to a freezing point. In India and other tropical regions, whero ico can not be procured, this is common. Hon. Henry Stanbery, who was At torney General in Johnson's cabinet, died suddenly at his residence in Now York on tho 27th ult of aouto bronchitis. Aged 73. Tho Chicago Tribuuo Lies About Conkling Ami "GivosItsolfAway."' On the 21th ult. tho Tribune, abus ing Senator Conkling, said of him: "It is notoiious that ho treated Gen eral Garlleld with gross discourtesy during tho campaign aud after the election. His omission of any Illusion to the presidential candidates from his Now York speech was a deliberate in sult, and the shaft was barbed aud pointed by extravagant eulogy of Mr. Arthur's character und public services in tho same connection." On the 18th of September last tho Tribune referring to Senator Conkling's great speech at tho Academy of Mus ic, N. Y had tho following: "Mr. Conkling's speech at tho acade my of music yesterday was altogether tho most brilliant performance, of the campaign. Tho republicans of New York and tho country, notwithstanding their ex travagant anticipations, will not be disappointed by tho address, which is fertile in information, convincing in argument, adorned by learning, illum ined by flashes of wit, and only oc casionally spiced with Mr. Conkling's characteristic sarcasm. It is a speech which was sincerely designed to pro mote the republican cause in the ap proaching national election, aud it will not fail of its purpose. The supporters of General Hancock need no longer be iu any doubt of tho attitude occupied by Senator Conkling, and ids friends iu this campaign. If Senator Conkling should not say another word before election, ho will have contributed in this single speech his full share to the renewed success of tho Hepublicau party.whicli that speech fully foreshadows by tho appeal it makes to tho intelligence and justicoof the American people. There is one part of Mr. Conkling's address which will greatly trouble the democrats who have been smiling sar donically at his silence. Wo refer to his eulogy to Goneral Garfield, which ho hold for the close in order to make it nioro impressive." Tho following is the portion of Conkling's speech which was to"greatIy troublo tho Democrats" to which tho Tribune especially alluded on that oc casion, as appears abovo: "The candidates wo support, besides being Hopublieans, aru largoly fitted for tho stations which await them. Some service with him iu congress has made mo well acquainted with Gen. Garlleld. That ho has intelligence, ex perience, and habits of mind which lit a uiiin for tho presidential office,! think I know. "Without early advantages, be years ago achioved proniinenco among loading men iu public life, and that prominence he has 'maintained ever since iu all collisions between individ uals aud parties. That he is competent to discharge the duties before him there seems to bo no reason to doubt. Of Gen. Arthur it seems needless here to speak. Most of you know him, and all who know him know a high-soulod, honorable man -honorable in every position in which lie over stood a man to be trusted in every relation of life. If tho character, popularity and person ality of a candidate can add strength to tho ropublican cause, (Sen. Arthur will add that strength wherever ho is known and most where' ho is best known." Thoro aro others who now' talk glibely about Conkling's discourtesy toward Garflold iu the campaign, that this' ex tract from tho Senator's New York speech may enlighten. Tho Burlington ITawlfya says of Mr. Conkling, and tho oft made cliargo that hois an example of tho ovils of the spoils system in politics: "By the way, who is Mr. Conkling V Why, he is tho one man conspicuous over all his brother Senators as having mado tho fowest applications to tho government for olllces for his friends. One of his parting shots in the Senate was his reply to Senator Hoar that tho latter had asked for more Federal ap pointments in a fow months than Conkling had in his wholo eighteen years in Congress. And it was the' truth. Mr. Conkling inado very little use of Federal patronago, and yet the impression to be gained from his ene mies is that he fairly reveled iu "tho spoils" system. Why his opponents will so far forgot tho common decencies of life, and peisistently misrepresent or ignore tho facts, is dillicult to understand." "Ah, good! That'll do. It js all right! somewhat impulsively remark ed Mr. Groggins, laying down the re vised Now Testament. "I seo thoy have not altorod it. 1 was afraid they would change tho passage, where Timothy is urged to tako a littlo wine for his stomach's sake aud oft infirm ities, by substituting lemonade or sarsaparllla for wine." Norristown Herald.