Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 30, 1881, Image 7

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Oct Out Door,
The close confinement of nit factory work
gives the operative pallid faces, poor appe
tlte, languid, miserable feelings, poor blood,
inactive llvor, kidney and urinary troubles,
and all the physicians and metlicino in the
world cannot help them unless thoy get out
of doors or uso Hop Dltters, the purest and
best remedy, especially for such cnsei, hav
ing abundaiico of health, sunshine and rosy
chocks' in them. Thoy cost but a trifle. See
another column. GhrUUan Jltcorder.
Sunday evening courting must be a hard
thing to understand, for after years of ex-
Sorlcncc young folks are very much in the
ark about it.
l'onder on these facts you cannot be well
or get wtll If your bowels and kidneys ro
fuso to net properly. Kldnev-Wort will re
storo their healthful action, lluy It In. either
the dry or liquid forms and glvo it a faithful
trial. Druggists sell It. Sec ndv.
A nnDUCTiON of telegraph tolls would be
an excellent electric light. Philadelphia
a '
Good Wntchee at Low l'rlcea.
Write for Illustrated catalogue to Stand
ard American Watch Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Iled-hiiKa, Konchea,
Rats, cats, mice, ants, Hies, Insects, cleared
out by "Hough on Hat6" 15c, druggists.
Aim Ilendy Fire!
But buy your guns at the Great Western Gun
Works, Pittsburgh, P. Catalogues Free.
Ir afflicted with 8orc Eyes, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eyo Water. Druggists sell It. 25c
Ask your druggist for Rcddlng's Russia
Salve. Keep it in house in case of accidents.
"Ab good as represented," is what every
body soys of Frazer's Axlo Grease. Try 1U
" I kkki. quite .1 tonus here, how do you
feel?" ;ih the bound volume upon the library
shelf said to n neighboring album. ' 1 fuel
Just like a book,"opliud the album.
Dm you ever have n sort of ernmped feel
ing In your hands, a weakness at your el
bow, a slight touch of lameness In tho del
toid imuclo, Hnd your clavicle and scapula
working with an awful creek, the mutctcs
and cords that brace up your spina sore,
your legs a little bit uncertain and tremu
lous, the perspiration oozing out from every
pore, and your lungs all out of "breath'''
Never did. Then you have omitted to saw
half it cord of wood before breakfast.
Law 1'kokkssok: "What constitutes
burglary?" Student: "There must bo a
breaking." Professor: "Then, if it man en
ters your door and takes live dollars from
your vest pocket In the hall, would that bo
burglary?" Student: "Yes, sir, because
that would break me."
A plicasakt little girl : " So you enjoyed
your visit to tho menagerie, did your" in
ouirud it young man of his adored one's lit
tle sister. "Oh, os? And do you know,
we saw a camel thero that screwed its
mouth and eyes around awfully, and sistor
said it looks exactly us you do when you aro
reciting poetry at the evenlug parties."
"Tin: fact Is," said Smith melodramat
ically, " my heart goes out to the distressed.
I am all heart." " I guess you are," ro--,
marked Fogg, more In sorrow than In an
ger; ' 'I know you are always on the beat."
A "I cannot sing tho old song," shrieked
an amateur soprano the other night, and
while she took in breath for tho next line a
young man who had looked in for n moment
was heard to remark casually but emphatic
ally, "You Just bet you can't." It broke up
the concert on tho spot.
Unit hand was evidently not on good
terms with soap and water, but was heavily
loaded with jewelry. " By George!" whis
peicd Fogg, "there's some rid. digging
over there. I should say that dirt would
asuay a dollar an ounce."
--' .
Why wouldn't l'hebo a good name for a
lawyci's wife?
For Olxill and 'JPo-xrox-
Cnuacd by Malarial PolaouliiK of the Ulood.
Pi-iCC, & 1 .OO. For aale by all IJruBRlsU.
I' It O U II
iv i: iv ii ixm,
Containing the
only complete
recoid of every
thlntc of Import
anon ond Inter
.ml Mlntr. arttiv
or thu EntiukMI Ht Best History Civil War.
ZS-T.V ?".,lJU''J"":m """'" w March 8th, 1811, nr
Hll.l-llli.-v tn. Mi.IU., St. A. KlrtnPt l ra(M.
lAiPinpricil jiitHlimiftnplujaliartft Sand for tarilw and
lartfo clrculani. Addren Tin. Col.urn MimmM
FMblUliIng Cm., lllocU. :M-uuo.
1'hJ'K'B. lite only patented ATt
are Oiihfonrd. Vrnitlated. Com
furUlilH mid Unnoticed, and He.
tore Ilciirlnif, l'hyaklmia highly
rN'llllinii'nd I rim ITjh A ait,m. ....
iCalairli. arnd for Dr. 8tlmon'
Sura Konindlrs, Tr-Mlao mailed
free. II V K, IMXK, Act .
I Hfill Drondway, Now York.
MONTH for Anrnta on
T. Hend for Cireular.
LUPUjP'AIi arl
ai w aanar mom Mr
arnd addieta of t or
", . " r more Hook Agent, and 10
eeiila for coat ol midline amtra.'rlvHTIiel'eoiile'aMaga.
...... .... . .uv. ...... m.r.n. 1ULK ic uu,,
. 180 E. Adama St. , Chicago, HI.
Nowyiidfor AK'tita Mn.ttlnlrabte edition, Low
nilffd. Million arc waitlne for It. Gnuul harrmt
for Agent, rarilculnra frit Outfit f!Oc. Act
ejulck. Addrcsa llUUUAitD llltOB,. Chicago, III.
JmJPkML ja"
LsdvAfinfS Cnn cure nennanrnt rmployment
T. . ?J. . U,"''"0,1 '",y aelllnslluceiiCltj
tree AUilrtkn (iueeui.'lly Huaender Cu.,Cln., O.
for Cmiiltt!" WstiruiiM
i -f rr iik nc onllns to loU, are
AucntB wunttd. circulars fn. I..1) l'ltcIirr,D!xoii,III
and (flpontC.O. 1). anywhere. Wholeialt
and Itctall. I'rlca.llHt.fViv. (louds niaran
tel. U.U.STKKill.,iri7 Waliasli av.Cldcaca,
A m ' ?..U4' ' KU for ,1"' Hit and Kaxtrat.
iii. fct l".".B v(cJ!" ,nl. vV".'k" Kll(1 Whir. l'rlccB reduced
8JJW rem. National 1'uU tiling Co., Clilcir, HI.
RllllfinafirBrfrWPV in
M tlajaam l llilai KMB'tfaA. w m ea -aalas!
Some Intoroating Lettora from tho
Whioh Should bo Read by Those
And also by Those Who, from Heredi
tary Taint or Other Cause, are
Liable to the Disease.
Dr, Sohonok Gives the Evidenoe
on whioh He Bases His As
sertion that
Clear and Explicit Statements from
well-known Persons, whioh Should
Convince tho Most Skeptical
No Medicines Have Ever Been
Introduced to tho Public
that can Show Such an
Array ol' Evidence in
their Favor.
If Possible Go and See the Peo
ple who Write these Letters.
From a Gentlcninit Well Known In
XiuiCMVllle, DreNtloti Mild Oohocton.
I'kkin, Iu, Nov. 21, 1S79.
Dr. J. II. Scuhncic:
Dear Sir In the winter of 1872 I was told
by three prominent doetors that my wife hnd
Consumption, and that she could not live
until spring. Soon nftcr this a friend who
lives in Dayton, Ohio, recommended your
Medicines to her, but hnving been told that
she was Incurable wc had no faith in them.
Her friend finally brought her a liottle of
3-our Pulmonic Syrup and insisted on her giv
ing it a fair trial. She did so, and thank God,
by its use, her life was saved. She is now en
tirely well.
I am well known here, as well as In Zancs
vllle, Dresden and Cochoctou, and would re
for you to the drunciists and others In these
towns who will remember my wife's case as
a very bad one. I have recommended your
Medicines to a i;reat many, and have never
known them to fall In making cures where
thoy have been aiven a fair trial.
I am Induced to sen I you this by the
thought that it will bo of such icreat use to
sullerlug humanity.
A. W. White,
Proprietor White House, Pekln, 111.
From Kny City, ITIIcli. Anotlior Cne of
CoiiNiiiiiptlou Cured by Mr. Ncliciick'w
Dit. J. H. Sciienck:
Dear Sir I write this to give you an ac
count of the cure of my mother by your medi
cines. Six years ao, from the etTects of a
heavy cold, she was reduced very low with
Consumption, and was pronounced Incurable
by her physician. She hod a terrible cough,
and some of her coughlnir spells would Inst
so long that sue would turn black in the faco
ond often raise as much as a pint of blood at
a time. When she was tirst taken sick she
was quite stout, but from the loss of blood by
hemorrhages, and loss of sleep, she was at
luet reduced to almost a skeleton. While in
litis terr bio condition, I happened to read
your advertisement in an Oswego, N. Y., pa
, cr, whero we were living at this time. The
statements of those who had used your medi
cines seemed so candid arid reasonable that
we concluded to give them a trial, and I cau
truly say, that by coming to this conclusion
my mother's life was saved from a Consump
tive's grave. She commenced by using all
your remedies, as directed by you, and we
soon saw a maiked Improvement In all her
symptoms. In conclusion I will say, thatshe
continued their uso until she was entlrelv
well, regaining her former weight and
sticngth. Yours respectfully.
Hi:.u. Tiffany.
Bay City, Mich., Nov. 10th, 1880.
From Fromlnciit Citizen ofSt. LoiiIm,
Dn. J. II. Sciienck:
Dear Sir I have used your Pulmonic Syrup,
Seaweed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills in my
family for years and have always found them
iood and reliable medicines. I believe that
they will do all that you claim for them.
W. II. Ulake, Captain,
Steamer John B. Maude,
Memphis and St. Louis Packet line.
St. Louis, Mo., December 12tb, 1879.
Dit. J. II. Sciienck:
Dear Sir In the fall of 1871 my son was
taken 6lck, and several of tho prominent
doctors oi this c ty pronounced his dlseass
Consumption. By tholr advice I took him
South, but the change of climate did him no
good. Soon after this, Captain Blake, an
intlmato friend, told me how good your medi
cines were in such diseases and advised rac
to give them a tr al. I did so, and he soon
began to gain llesh and strength, and final y
was entirely cured. I cheerfully recornmen I
vour medicines to all who aro similarly af
flicted. Yours truly,
Corner Ninth and Pine stioets.
Prom a Fromlnout DriicclHt of Eaton
ItuphU, iTlleh.
Dn. J. II. Sciienck:
Dear Sir I have ined your Pulmonic Syrup
In my family for tho last llficen years, and
consider It the best remedy for lung diseases
In tit., tnnrlf.r
I I have sold your remedies for the last ten
years at my drug store In this place, and havo
never had a single complaint that they dd
not do nil you claim for them. I cheerfully
recommend them as first-class remedies In
every- respect. James Kushton,
& Main street, Eaton Hapids, Mich.
Dec. Otu, 18S0.
From Cyrus Iinvcrty, ICqM of Char
lotte, .Mich.
Dn. J. II. Schknok:
Dear Sir Nino years ago I was suffering
with a scvero Bronchial alTcctlon which re
duced me very much in flesh. I hnd a scvero
cough with hoarseness, nnd soiuetimo an
entire loss of voice. Tor several mouths I
was compelled to give up my work; and I was
sick for over two years. All this tlniii I was
trying many remedies that were recommend
ed by my friends, but without any bottollt.
At last, Mr. J. S. Upton, of tho llrm of Upton
& Brown, Machinists ot Ilattlo Creek, Mich.,
advised me to try your medicines, utthe snmo
time telling me that It hnd cured him of a
serious allectlou of the lungs, after spending
hundreds of dollars Kith physicians without
benefit. I took his advice and bought nomo
of your medicines of Schuyler Bros., drug
gists ot this place. 1 lie tlrst bottle gave mo
great relief, nud nftcr wdnt several bottles
was entirely cured. My cure, I nm satisfied,
Is permanent, ns I have had no return of tho
disease. I candidly believe that vour reme
dies arc tho best that can be used in throat
and lung troubles, not only from my own ex
perience, but from many others th it I know
who have used It with great benellU
Yours tru'y,
Charlotte, Mich., Dec. 8th, 1880.
From I. u Forte, lud. ConNiiiuptlon
Dn. Sciienck:
My wife was a victim to that horrlblo dis
easeConsumption of the Lungs. The Doc
tor uttcudod her for six weeks, sho growing
worse all the time. Finally he told mo that
he could do nothing more for her, and that
there was no hope for her recovery.
I had keard of tho cure ot a enso of Con
sumption by thu use of your Medicines, nnd
as a last resort I determined to try them on
my wl e; accordingly I bought a slnglo bottle
ofench 'ho Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed
Tonic. When she hnd taken but this one
bottle ot uncli modlclne she was able to get
out of bed and move about. I bought more
of the nu'dlcluo for her, which she continued
to talce until thero was no further use for any
more; her lungs healed up and becamo sound
ngaln. Nothing but your medicines Biived
my wife from tho grave.
John KNai:t.3iiEU(inn.
Wlicro Dr. Sclicurk'N iTIorilcliica arc
Used tho Fotiplo uro Cured Another
Cao of CoiiNiimpttou Cured tit Lu
Forte, Ind.
Dn. Sciienck:
About twelve years ago I was dangerously
ill with Lung Fever. I had groat trouble in
breathing; every breath I drew caused mo
pain. I had three Doctors treating me, but
I grew worse till tho time. I was at that tlmo
connected with the Lake Shore it. IC Co.
One of my fellow clerks induced mo to get
some of your medicines, saying that ho had
used them himself with entire success. I
sent for some ot your Pulmonic Syrup. Sea
weed Tonic, and the Mandrake I'll, 8. I uicd
them according to the directions, and in a
short time noticed a marked improvement In
my health, which kept up as I continued us
ing your medicines. After taking several
bottles each of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea
weed Tonic I got entirely over my sickness.
SInco that tunc I have recommended your
Medicines to many other people living In La
I'orte, who used them with treat, success.
F. W. Ni:iif.ltiiau,
Ex-Trustee of La Porto Co.
La Porto, Ind., Jan. Jllst. 1881.
Tins is to Ceiitifv, That we have sofd the
medicines mentioned In these ccrtlllcates to
Mr. Nebelthau and others, an 1 their state
ments arc authentic nud reliable.
l'nnni:uiCK fc Co.,
La Porte, Ind., Jan. JUst, 1881.
Mr. Iunac Miller, of Fort Wayne, lud.,
Writ en :
February 7th, 1S81.
Ten years ago I contracted a severo cold,
which brought me very low. I went from
one doctor to another, getting prescriptions
from each, but the medicines thoy prescrib
ed seemed to do me no good. I kept getting
Worse nnd worse, until at last I becuno bo
weak that if I went any distance from my
house it seemed that I would never bo able
to get back. I was In despair, and had al
most given up all hopo of rocovery. As a
last resort, I went to Strope's Drug Store, in
this city, and asked him If hu had any medi
cine that would help me. lie said lie had,
and he was so confident of it that lie said,
"Here, take this bottle of Dr. Schcnck's Pul
motile Syrup, and if It does you no good you
need not pay for It." I took the bottlohome
and commenced uMug it, ns you directed, and
It worked like magic. By the time It was
Kone, I felt very much better, and so I got
another bottle which completed the cure.
1 have since used the Pulmonic Syrup In
my family nnny times with tho best results.
I have also recommended It to innuy frieuds,
nmonij others, Mrs. Hester, of Plymouth,
Indiana, who had Consumption, and sho was
cured in a very short time by Its use.
Isaac Mn.r.i:n,
Engineer on Pittsburgh, Ft. Wavno & Chlca-
po R. it. Kesldeui'o No. 4-1 William street,
Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
Dn. Soiibnck, Philadelphia, Pa.:
Dear Sir We are well acquainted with Mr.
Isaac Miller, and can vouoh for tho truth of
the statement ho sends you in reenrd to tho
great benctlt he received front the use of
your medic. ncs. Yours tni'y,
D. B. Stiioi'e it Co., Druggists.
Ft. Wayire, Ind., Feb. 8th, 1881.
Consumption Permanently Cured.
Conneiisville, Ind., January 21st, 1881.
Dn. Sciienck:
Dear Sir In 1601 I took a heavy cold,
which quickly fastened on my lungs. I be
came unable to do anything. I was confined
to my bed. My case went on from bad to
worse, and developed rapidly Into Consump
tion, At the time of the draft during tho
war, the examining physician rejected mo as
being untltfor service, ono of my lungs being
nearly gone. 1 had given mya-df to die,
when John S. Benson, who formerly lived
near this city, now living In Indianapolis,
recommended inn to uso Schcnck's Remedies,
ns ho had done In his own case and had been
cured thereby. I did as ho advised me, which
proved to lie my salvation. I procured some
of your "Pulmonic Syrup," "Seaweed Tonic"
and "Mandrake Pills." I commonced to uo
them, nnd found them to benctlt me from the
start. 1 continued to uso your medicines
faithfully, and in six mouths' time J wns en
ttro'y cured, my lungs becoming as strong as
ever; and your modlcincsdld the work.
Yours rcspecl'ullv
SANroun Camwki.l.
I wish to add that since that tlmo twotity
years ago I havo had no return of my trou
blc. Tho cure was a perfect and lasting one.
B. Caldwell
I know of tho above case nnd can certify to
tho truth ot tho foregoing.
1. Uawi.s, Druggist
Mr. J. II. Miller, of New Cantle, In d.,
New Cabti.e, Ind., January 5K.M, 1881.
Dn. Schrnck:
Dear S.r My wife was troubled with Lung
Dlsoase, attended with weakness nnd pros
tration. I had do 'tors In Now Cnstlo and
llagarstown attending her, but their skill was
of no avail. Sho did not grow any better
under their care. Sho becamo so low that
thero seemed to bo no hope for her rccovory.
I thon enmo aero s one of your pnmphlols,
and after rending ot tho tunny cures mndc by
your medicines, I coucludod to glvo them a
trlnl. So I bouirht ono bottle en oh of your
"Pulmonic Syrup" and "Seaweed Tonic,"
which sho ucd, and showed such n marked
improvement that I cot more of tho medi
cines. Attor using a half dozen bolt cs, she
becamo quito well and strong analii. Mv
wife hang cat faith In your medicines, nnd
she thinks there Is nothing better In the
world. We keep them always in the house.
Yours trulv,
J. Is. Mtu.niu
t5T"Ir. Sclicnck'n iUmtlcIno", Pul
monic Syrup, Ni-nwoed Tonlu and
ITIiuidrultc FIIIn aro for Salo liy all
Druggist, nud full direction Tor their
uno aro printed on the wrapper of
every paelca-ie. !?. NohoncU'H pam
phlet on tho Canoe and Curo of Con
Mumptlon, Liver Ouniplalut and Djn
pcpnla lat out froo poMt paid on appli
cation. ADDRKS3
dk; j. h. sohenok & son,
537 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pn.
Battlo Crook, Michigan.
HANurAOTuncns or Titn only ukkcdtb
Traction and Plain Englnoa
and Horso-Powors.
Moat CompIrfaThrralicr Factor EotnbltshoU
la tho World. I 04a
A f VKTtDQ of conttrmoniantlniect-nfulUut.
K II bHIlU net; without cliai'u-o or linino.
J . inanatrement, or location, io"bith up" th
broad warranty git en on alt our goods.
Complete Htenm itutntuof wntrlile$i auuHtUi.
JYn anrtloa Knrrliicn ami l'lalu .kiigiucj
ever Bern In tlia Auiurlcan market.
A tni'lUlud of tprrial ftaturti and imnrovtmmtt
for lBSI.tOKethnr Wlttl tuptrior quaUtirt in contlruc
lion and materials not lreatnol of by other maliora.
Four Hire of KojmrntorH, from G to 11! homo
tinaty, for steam or hori4 rxiieer.
Two stylrfl of " Mmmtixl " Horno-rowftra.
UUU,UUU (romCAroj!iiroCr.JrC0
constantly on hand, from which Ih lmllt tho In
oouijiarublo wood-work of our luacuuutry.
Ktrongctt.mott tlurable.aml efflritnt ever
maa. o, au, lit uorse rower.
Farmer, anil TlirrMiermrn aro Invited to
lnvratimto tJita vuUehUet Thrmiiinif Machinery.
Circular aent free. AilUrens
Battle Creek. MIohlRnn.
I)r. MlCTTArriVS mCAIJACirK VTTJSi curo xnont troiidorfuHy In a very
jhort Uino lioth HICIC nnd NKltVOUH XIKAACirUf and wlilhi Tactiriir on
U10 iiiirvoiiH ttyHtoin, cIpimiho tho ntomach of cxccrh of Wlo, iiroducliiir u.
regular nvitlUiy action of tho bowels.
A full alro box if tlieao vahmlilo riTXS, with full direotionii for n coin
nlete cure, mulled to any addroiiM on receipt of nlno throo-cout noHtairo
Umps. Vor ualo hy all ilnifirsistii at 2Cc. Solo I'roprlotora,
m m
Book for Threshermen
WonU 8SS. Forialu for C.
InrludlnR all lllunka ueidrd to
maku iwitlemciiti with cuatouirra.
loney refunded If not cntlrelt
atlafaciory Aildrcm
The Aultman & Taylor Company,
Maiianel'L Itlclilund Co., O.
Engineering and Railroad News.
rulilhlioil At 711 llnmdiTiiy, Npit York.
TAVANKHR nnd other ilealKim. plain and fancy al
l phalH'la, )ni:tlcalartlcl(H. hcIjch, Ac, In llniH-y'i'.,!A'r.,,utt'r' monthly, Uficia. a year. JKljbK
1UNKV it CO , J iv Naau bi., N y, '
aaaY fuH
PiPCorxRKn or
The 1'oaltlrn Curo
for alt thoae Painful Comptalnla anil Wrnbnraa
aororaraon tonurkratfvmalo populaUttti.
It will curo entirely the wont f orm of Fcnialo Conv.
jiUlntK, alloTaTlantroublra.Iiinnmmatlnn ami UK-er..
tlon, Falllnr anil Displacement, ami tlin conwqumii
Hplnal Wenknrta, and la imrttcularly adapteil to Uia
Change of Ufo.
It will illavilro anil expel tumora from the n tenia lit
an early aUeeof derelnprnent. The Jrnilencyto can
coroui humort there la checked Tery ieollly hy Its mm.
It remore falntneM, flatulency, dertroyadl craTlnr
foratlmulanta, and rrlloTM weaknei ottheftomarJu
It cure nioatlnr, Headaches, Nerrout IVtrntlon,.
Qenoral liability, 810lenett Depreaalon and lndl..
That feellnp of bearing down, cautlnsc pln, wrlnhti
and backache, la alwaya permanently cured by Ha use.
It will &t all tlmea and under all clroumntAiicea net In .
tiarmonr with tlie lawa that ccern tho female jyatcm.
ForthecuNjof Kidney OomplAlnU ot cither M'i thin.
Compound la unaurpaaecd.
rOU(lla prepared at CU and IJJ Weatern Atoiiiio,
I.ynn.Maja. 1'rlco (L RlilKittlonfor 5. (Vnt by mall',
tn the form of pllla, alao in the form of loirnco, on.
receipt of prlco. 1 perboi for cither, lira. I'lnbhant.
freelyaiuwera all letter of Inquiry. Hcnd for ainplv
let. Addrraa aa alOT. Mention IMt lir.
No family ahould Ihi without LYDIA K. l'INKIt.lJfS.
UVKR I'lIJA They curo conatlpatlon, blllouiuom,
nd torpidity ot the llrer. U conU por box.
Sold b; MORRISON, rLUMMKK k CO., Chico, III
n Einiuit i.iorin cm dry fouji
That Acta at tho nnnio limn on
Iiaruis SBt KltT ClAIOlU
ni nnb , giviv i
Jleeauie ice allow these great organ to
become clogged or torpid, ami poiionontl
Ihumortare therefore forced into the blood
that $hoiildbt expelled naturally.
wil.1 ounci.1 vnc )
AN1 NEItVOllft DIHOUItl'.ltH,
oy;aiii!;'M action of these orgam and
I restoring their power to throw o,ff dlteaee.
Wit suffer ltllloiu jinliu and nrlira!
Wlif tornientril nltli Pile, Conatlpatlon.
Vf lir frlRliteiif d orcr dUordereil KMueyar)
Vfliy enduro norfotia or Kirk hendnclical
(7ICIINItY-WOIlTa)Kf rejoice in health.
It la put up In Pry Terrtnblo l'orm. In tin
IcanaonopuckaReot which inaLea alx iiuarts of
meulclno. Alao In Liquid Form, Tery Concen
tratrd, for tho.a that cannot rradily prepuru It.
tylt icti with equal efflcieney In either form.
ciet it op Tfoun imuaoisT. rmcE, $1.00
WKI.I.8, KICIUKDSO.t A Co., Prop'a,
(Will aend the dry prtpald.) DUnMSCTOS, TT.
500,000 Acres
On the linn of the
Wisconsin mum n. r..
roriuilpartlculam,whlcliwllll)oacntA". wMreaa
I.und Comnilaaluncr, Milwaukee, Wla.
$50 A MONTH!
We will pay an ao
tlvu iwiMin .
?.H and exiH.'ien to
aijtribule vlrculara only, ! rM,.it..i rVuMlrrVl. Vil.rV
paut .,,hly expenwa In athaneo. We have thu l.( llliil?
Koodslniriowuildi nonovcltiea or cl?S.traV)S Bwrnida
Iu;kiiifB nf fnir ,-ium run Mi,i;," ' 1'.'." oaii'l"
LZ 7m a Ml h""inl"tl lUniflll
Kent. iCr. fur piMtatfii aiidiinvklnj
miiu ftiun JIM tic r,
UKO.M, hTICKLK A (. . Mnillknn Wlu
. : - - -'I-- awwa., -, SO,
7B lleatHeljJny ArUclw In the worldi iiHAni
plerra. JAirMim.NO..iJotiolt Mich.
wi'JvX' "o"Ofe. SoraellilnirNeirror
AllhMS. 3QK,YtC(IKAC)..St.lAiuiH.MO.
AGENTS oln ."lon';y with !
ftlt.....a Vu..
" - ..ruriiii aillllK.
..i..uh ..u irv
lariteil. lly Addn-naOhiiao PubV Co., Toledo, O.
A. N. IC.
YJ?i.J(,!.'i?,KJ' lKttlx '"''aTraphy unil rain MO to 4100.
,rr. 1 . " 'v.vl' "" nuira area a luynn: xitiw-
lion. AUilress Valentin !Jroa.,llaiwt'elJimeVvinft,wU.