Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 30, 1881, Image 5

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THURSDAY,, JUNE :10, 1881.
Window Shades at NJekoll's.
Wagon timber and iton by Stwen
son & Cross.
For first joIiiss groceries
T. L. Jones.
cull ion
New goods arrive daily
at J. L. MoGce's.
Furniture- and tinware repalro3
by Stevenson &Cross.
Steamer "ILaily Leo" passed u.p
the river Filflay.
r meat stoeu 01 wan paper over
in Drown ville at Nickoll's dnig store. '
Headquarters on dress
goods at J. L. Me Gee's
"Want butter and eggs. Highest
'.price paid by Stevenson, & Cross.
IJest Hread in tho city .t Furmnn
& Palmer's and don't you forget At.
The 'Copson broom vragon, of,
.Hamburg, was supplying-our city wltlu
ibrooms Tuesday.
.Ucst Bread in Ikownvillo at .the1
now Bakary- of Wurman & Palmor al-,
ways fresh and .clean. Givo thorn a'
trial. '
For bantings go to J. Z.
Me Gee's.
II. S. Dcgman, blacksmith, near
Hruttou's, "West End. Jilll kinds of
smithwork done promptly and warrant
ed. 2wi!
We notico that Hon. J. II,
Ilroady is to deliver the oration at
Sheridan on the 4th. "We'll insuro a
good one.
For the boss sets of tlass
worc to J.JJ. McGce's.
We are having intensely hot
weather. Since Sunday last thermom
eters showed daily 00 to a hundred de
crees in the shade.
Clark,tke murderer of his wifo and
Mr-Gurgant, has made no demonstra
tions' lately, owing perhaps to the fact'
that he is kept chained in his cell.
New line of gents -ulster s
Justin at J. L. McGce's.
The comet, in the north at which;
people have -been gazing for tho past!
ten days' is said to be traveling at tho o of .'VOO.OCO miles a day and has a
tail 4,000,000 milcsdong. i
Ted. Iluddartsays he expects a car
load of Marsh No. 4, Combined Heaper
and Mowers in a few days, and asks
the farmers to call on him for ;i good
machine on reasonable terms.
This city was visited "by . ifirst
class, unclean, -.unsophisticated, beggar
tliis week. IIo would accept anything
that was oilered .him, .and wouldn't
oven refuse an invitation . to tako a
Fancy ribbons at J. . Mc
Gce's. bection 10 ot tho liquor law m
. diets a fine of $r0 for selling or giving
liquor to an habitual drunk.ud. A
poor young wife, with a baby in her
arms, who has. a ihusband that is an
habitual drunkard, wis consulting a
lawyer afr.v.'day3 ago as to .what she
should do for ,pbotection against thq
saloons which sold her husband liquor.
She said tho saloons had 'been getting
about all tho money .her .husband earn
ed, and that she .a-:id her . babo were
absolutely destit-uto of food to sus
tain life. She was advised to go in
person to the saloon keepers that aro
: robbing Ivor and her child, and beg
them to desist from lotting her hus
band Jiavc liquor, and taking tho
money that -should buy bread. Tin:
. Advkktinuiv. advises that poor woman,
and all others so unfortunately situat
ed, to either have the saloon keepers
arrested for selling hor husband liquor,
or else bring suit againnt them and
ther bondmen for damages. In that
way she may make short work of
them and protect herself. "And that is
probably .the only .way, for. those ex
crescences Oi communities 'who stonk
their farms and grow 'fat upon tho
bread and meat-tif.lbc children and
wives of t'niukards can.unly -be -choked
off by the rigid lashing Of tho law that
' thoy break every hour.
Stoves, furniture, and queqnwaro
2)y StOYcnBon.ifc Cross.
Col. Tom Majors was in the city
L. II. Stewart, of Des Moines, la.,
is in the city.
lion. Win. Pally was in town Fri
day afternoon.
Miss Cclia Furn.iB is .vMtlng her
Bister at Oeeola, Nob.
Hoc. T.. L. Schick has been on .the
sick llstttho past week.
WilB. Majors and wife, of Peru,
visited this city Thursday.
Jeff. Dryden now wears tho police
man's star. Stand from under!
Hon. Church Howe came in Tues
day and took tho train for Omaha.
Miss Uellc Elierly, of St. Jjseph,
.Mo., is visiting (friends in this.clty..
Jo. Iluddart, of the Glou ftock
Mills, was in town Thursday last.
W.S. Johnson, of Lincoln, tjpecinl
.agent N. Y. Life insurance Co iin lin
.the city. I
.larvis S. Church, and Mr. and
Mrs. Chris. Tucker, of Ilodford, were in
tho oitsy EDuesday.
J. L. Koger, commercial tourist,
of St. Joe, and Edward Mitchell, of St.
Louis, are in town. j
O. J. SiowilU, Attorney -tit Law,
Sheridan, called on us Monday. See
hir.cnrd'cn Hist page.
.Mi. end Mrs. Herbert IIowo, of,
Bedfordwere among the arrivalis ut'tho
Marsh 'House Tuesday.
The "gay and festive" Jim Butts,
after a pleasure .trip to .St. Louie mud
Topeka, hasgaidiack.
Geo. W. Taylor, of TTamburg.Towa,
friend of S. A. Oshorn, Esq., wiwtin tlio
city several days itxnt week.
Uolen has a Foufith of July Win
dow that is tho noblhcut arrangement
in town, and makes his oranges, lem
ons, candies, nuts, ote, look delicious.
We were pleased to make the ac
quaintance of Dr. Joshun.Mlller, of the
Kansas City press, Tuesday, who is in
ourcity, visiting relatives and friends.
:l"rcd. August is kept pretty busy
these .warm days, keeping down the
dust in our streets. IIo says a little
rain now and then would bo very ac
ceptable Misbts JS'ellio and Minnie Lett, of
Lincoln, arc -visiting friends in Hmwn-,
ville. They say they liko 'LineolnTeal
well, but Brownvlllo seems more like)
homo to them.
Will. Conyes, with J. L. MeGoe
for several years past, left this city
Monday. ,lle goes to Brownsville, Mo.,
where ho has atcented r. .situation
a largo Ury goods establishment.
Wo notico that -Dave Campbell is
selling a great iks-ll ot farm machinery .j
He lms.tho best house of tho kind in
the :it., beeps the best machinery and
implements, and is tho man to deal
Miss Belle Osborn, who has been
visiting with her brother's family in
this city for some time past, left Fri
day'for her home at Tabor,. low a. sJiej
Was accompanied by her little nephew,
Master Clyde, son of S. A. Osborn, Esq.
Sam. Winters is .rising rapidly to
official prominence. lie was admitted
to tlie bar at the last 'term of xourt;
tin commissioners made him a Justice
of the Peaco last Thursday, and ouFri-
day-ho was-appointed Police Judge by
Mayor Battsfield.
Hon. C. 31. Ilaydeu and '.vlfo ar
rived in this city from an extended tour
through the western part of this state
and Kansas. Mr. II. purchrsed a half
section of laud about four miles from
Concordia, in Cloud Co., Kansas, and
wilLTotunt in a .short time and make
that their home.
S. A. Osborn, -Esq., is spending
much of his time now at tho now town'
of Calvert; having been employed by
the town company to attend to thq
transferring of town iots and other
business at that point. Wo congratu-v
late the town company in securing Mr.
Osborn's services, as a more active
energetic and capable man could not
bo fouiid.
iLn -our list of registered physicians
last week, Dr. S. W. MoG row's name
fiid not appear amongst tho registered.
i'1'his was correct according to the record
then, as tho Doctor, when Jio registered,
failed for some cause to 'report himself
a graduate, Vhich ho is. lie has sinco
completed tho registration and tho book
Bhows Jum to bt a graduate of tho
medical collcgo Of Cleveland, Ohio, in
For bargains in all
kinds of goods see
Dolen's International.
To tho readers of Tin:
tisku, greeting.
To any who may ask, m my friend
Prof. P n did, where is Mrs. 1 1.; W
Bhodead.? I will say .in tho words -of
tho groat Webster, 'I still live." To
thoso who Bay, have you and Tot: Ai
vkuti.mju rarted company? tho answer
Is, nay.
"Wo hnvo lotiK boon frlondn tngoMior,
And who should pari us tiow?"
To thoso who ask, do you agree with
'Tim AnvKUTtsKii on tho Garfield and
Conkling "unpleasantness?" Answor,
I do not. I do not boo how the presi
dent could have done different, or bet
tor under tho pressure of circumstances
over him. To hnvo acted .otherwise'
would have been to play Intortho hands.
of Conkllng, and surrendered iftl to his
insolence, and ambition. The unfold
ings of tlmo will make plain whero tho
troublo lies, nndJ,ho remedy, too, .vc;
"What do you think of tho new
version?" Well, J think it an improve
inent on tho did version, decidedly, in
many ways. The Christian need not fear
that his faith is to receivoa shock. The
unbeliever need not rejolco, he has,
gained nothing. Tho ono who expect-
edlo see his crecd,stnndout,piominont
ly, In th'1 revision villi be .tho ono dis
appointed. Tho revelation, in the
gospel of glad tidings, exhibits a nar
row way, running through a broad
lleld,.filled with dangers to the-aplrltofj
man, this narrow way Is illuminated'
with a light fiom tho spiritual world. '
Tho holy spirit from tho Eternal
Presence, guides tho ono, who walks .
lathis way. Jesus -the elder brothor
of humanity, has traveled over this
road in mortal form, known all tho
perils of tho way, but has ascended
triumphantly to tho heavens, and has
received a power, from on high, to con
duet salely over tliis way all who will
follow him to the beautiful city. Tho
revision obscures move of this revela-i
tion. The great truth sounds out clear
ly "Tho soul that slnneth It shall die."
Tho wages of sin is death. Again wo
hear tho voico of tho anointed son
calling wondering soule,.luto the way of
Tjifo Eternal. "Without doubt, tho
Change among tho words toll, hados,
demons, devils, will modify tho belief
in tho world of spirits, in spiritual bo-,, and in tho idea of punishment in'
the placo of departed souls, for'
which change J for ono am dovoutly
thankful. This must sutllco answering
questions in tlrin iuttcr.
Ji:nni:tth Haudino.
McGce & Moore will
open an entire new'
stock of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Caps,
Boots Shoes and Gro
ceries the new town
of Calvert son or about
September 1st.
Iligh-cst market price paiuVby I). E,
DougLuc & Co. ,
For .sale by .1. Havm-hkomj.
Let tho Ji'ftil hury tlidr dciul nnd tho Uv
Inn hho I)r, Mnrshiill'H Hit; Hlood uxwl IAvoi'
Ouro und ho well. Hit? bottlon llfty oentH. All
druygtutH aro uyents.
New line of slippers
and shoes at J. X.
Cook Slovc tt'or Sale.
"Homo Comfort,' No. 8, complete
wiUcreservoir. Call on or address
John Davies.
Toy bargains in all
kinds of -goods ece
Dolcn's International.
OjoIc Stove for alo "Monogram,"
L'No. 8, apply to Furman Jt 1'almer.
For bargains in till
kinds of goods see Do-
'len's International.
. Anyono wishing to buy an ouiOt
lor housekeeping can savo money tyy
buying ot Stevenson & Cross,, as .tbey W hytlio, grand jury, aijd liolil. vi S3
kcep.overyt,hlijg n, t,hati Hup." J)0 bonds.
m'UAULi: top
ron Tin: monp.y man-
These Tops arc readi
ly attached to any seat
with seat irons and
lifting rails. For Bale
MttmtfacttirrrA lfuln' (n
II, Saddi.ks, ,'.e.
Drownville, Xeb.
Tho riown nro of Hccond Kfowth Ash nnol
rtihhcr clti'.h, Htntlonnry
ii'L' uiii.ii. NiibLiniinrv nnnrinM nniiir iitiii
unrlorn, book iwul
Top nro of n rcrcnt U-nt, mul fur hupitIut
yards Ingrain
Carpet at 50 cents per
yard at Men's.
Wo aro pleased to mako n note of
tho fact that tho
this city has acquired under tho
management of J. G. Kussoll
a rpopularitvy Unit )lt novcx .liad
boforc. Uy tho day it is only
:? 1.60, yet its roal substantial accomoda
tions aro first-class comfortablo rooms,
good beds and excellent tablo faro
with an agreeablo .landlord and land
lady makes thoso headquarters .a
ploanant placo for tho average customer1.
Farmers, call-ami get your dinner ifor1
26 cents.
For bargains in all
kinds of goods sec Do
len's International. .
Calvort'o boom is Shcritlau'u, as'
won. rout.
Then what do you .want to leave
Sheridan ,for.? why your proposed,.
treachery to Shorldanlast week, when
tho business mon had to nip it, and
compel you to stay in Sheridan or
sacrifice their patronage? Why say;
in your paper that "Calvert's boom is
SherUnn's, as well," when outside you
say the revorso? Who aro you try
ing, to softaoap? tiio business men of
Sheridan? You are a wretched .outfit
to mako the best of you.
UMo "Hock Port Journal Incident
ally 'mentions that "the seductive
cloth peddler is abroad in tho land, and
if he sells to you, you can bet yon aro
Prunelloa, currants,
prunes, pitted cher
ries and everything in
the grocery line cheap
at J. L. McGce's.
.Piasolution Notico.
Notice is hereby given that .tho
partnership heretoforo .existing be
tween Alex Snow and Joseph Clear
water, proprietors "Brownvillo livery
stable, is dissolved,.by .mutual consent,
Joseph Clearwater 'retiring from the,
firm. All accounts payable to Alox.
Snow who will continue tho business
at.tho samo place.
A lux Snow.
Josi:imi CucAitWATnit.
a full line of all kinds
of Fourth of July
goods call ou McGcC
& Moore.
Notwithstanding our large trade ii
barb ujro lust-season, l-0, wo havq
again commanded tho trade, and sold
over 860 -nfiouls Hineo Jan. 1st, lfcM.
Tins fact .alone proves tho excellecy ot
our wire, iv-o .handle tho following
first class licensed wiro: The Joliet and
Baker & Scutt's patents. Call and
see us. Wn.iiiNG Uuo. & JoitDNX. t
The boss flour is made by
Henry Sliiffar at Home
wood's, Gall ff or Gold
Senator Sessions, of tho .Now York
legislature, has been indicted for brib-
Jnpimiiril. Tho Inuirovoti ContlnuonH-Hhlflltw HiiIIh which nrufuriilslictl with oncfi
WHO w ImSn&mr ,
ill utUHhrdouro trimmed with tlio dost
unin i'lirininu mttutt nin a 11 ! tttiii
Hlilo I'tutulnx noiiinlolo. All Iron iicutlv
to liny olhor.
A man was fined undor tho
law, Tuesday, for boing drunk.
Slooumb law fixes a fine of 810 and
costs for being drunk and ovory man
who geta drunk is Uabloto bo arrested
and dined that amount. It' tho law in
this respect should bo strictly enforced
the police olllcers would havoplonty of
paying business.
Dolen is headquar
ters for 4th of July
goods. Boys, call and
A press. of matter crowded out the
Items of "Lafo" this .week.
Fruit jars at J. . Mer
The Comal has Come,
So has Judkin's auammoth stock
Gall for IComcwood's
flour., 'fay it and ymo'll
use no other.
In Clothing, Moots, Shoes, Groceries
and Millinery Goods go to John
McJToaL. Xowman's stand.
Gold Coin makes the
whitest and best bread. Try
For constipation, costivontiw, or
biliousness, uho Dr. .Marshall's Uig
ilromolino. -Dig bottles for .fifty cents..
ask your druggist iqr IV.
The finest assortment of
ginghams at J. L. MeGee's.
.Buy, no other than
These re tho leading macliines. For
sale by the "Hognlator."
lrom tjlo Iliili.
Thoro 1h porhnjH no tonlo oirorod to tho
pcnplo thnt poBsusHOH hh muuh real Intrinsic
valuo riH tho Hop HIKerH. Jnut at thlnxnuson
of tho your, whon tlio atomnnti npodii tin up.
pctleor, or tho blood nc-otlij pnrlfylim, tho
cnoupo3t nml hot romcxlyilo Hop Htttorn.
An ounooof provontlon In worth impound ol
euro. Don't wnlt until yon nro. proHtrntod by
n dlHonno that rnny tilto monthn, for you to
rooover In.llmton Globe.
Fico Pounds iai Hyson Tea for SI
at 'Nickell's Drug Store.
Fancy belts at $. &. Mc
Gee's, Dolcn's is headquar
ters for 'th of July
goods. Boys, call au.d
-.Tocumsoh is preparing to oelobrato
the Fourth' in an appropriate manner,
as is the c,usl;0na with thoso rural
. For bluloutincBfi and jctutitlpailnn of tfc'j
bowels, .Uflu Dr. MftnihttU'H- UIk lllood anil
Liver Qarpt HrotpoH.uo, u Bp.eody nml prompt
euro. . .Qnly-.tlfty contn.
in House
Brownvlllo, 2fol.
Qply llrst cnRs 81 per im linumt In -tho city.
Warm monlH At nil bourn, Uh oants.
Good HtabllUK uttucln-d.
B A l" B lt?-V "l!'V ', IroutM wiib rffcrrbm
tr nUi)l'lE?Jtcrlptlon(n.ii'jwm
iiiwwiwWMl'Hlfillllln-U'pKwinlil. tllt
-Bo7 VhU llllier Alfemer Wbitrii .tiooll inJ(cr
cl bll'.lb, UlUf i ll.ur..UM. rrf tital trcltur on 11.11 dlM
l Ytf. HARBIS JtMtM;ti0., ST. 10UIS. MJ
i -