jruujuaa uuMvsjjmaumms&imMixllllma oiMaxmiwvtoiMiUkxiuvuiAtx NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Cr. W. Fairbrothcr & Co., Pnl)ll()ir it. Proprlaiori, 5ttb::r!pt!oa, 2.00 Por 7ear in AJfanco OITICIaI, I'Al'KU OK THE COU.NTF, ifnuamiMXMunaramjMMinmmmt-t Kalsomiuin of all colore, at Xick ell'a Drujr Stare. Xew suj)jily of nice calces at Fur hum A I'-ulmor'a. ISxtni copies of the ADVintrisiut At A. W. Xickull's. Berkshire hog, highbred for sale by Stovonaon -5c Groan Ikiin Wagons, whlpd nnd cross-cut snVd by Stoveiwon & Cross. A farm wagon good as now, for jjnla.or trade, by T. I.. Jones. f t Collins and furniture, a largo stock dt all stylos by Stevenson & Cross. Prodi Bread, pica and cakes al " ways on hand at Kurinan A. I'nlrner'a . , Xow lot of Ohms and Qitconawnre nt Socman's. Call and examine new atylou Dr. Collins, Dentist, Brownvi Ho Orflco hours, 0 a. in. to .' i. m. Not at homo on Fridays. t . ! 1 I. I , I -- Toothing furnishes a room so nice ly and adds to the comfort of a homo no much as that beautiful Willi paper at Xiokeir.i DrugStoto. Call upon .Seenian for groceries at low prices. Ho pays no rent, docs his own work, buy for cash, mid ho can mid will sell cheaper than any other house. Highest market price paid for Country produce. For bargains in all kinds of goods see Do len's International. FAKMKUS. 1 bavo just received a car of Champion machines consisting of Mowers, Hoapors, Combined machines and new Twine Binder, Call and see for yourself. David -CAMPnuM.. Look at tho tag on your paper on which your namo is printed. It indi cates tho time to which your sulracrip lionispaid. If tho time has expired please call and pay.or remit the amount by letter. Wo aro in need of every, -dollar duo us. For bargains in all kinds of goods see Do ien's International. Xotico Is hereby given that 1 willoxamino Jill persons who may desiro to offer thnmrfolvos as candidate for'toachers of the primary or common schools of this 'county, at tho Com I House, in J Brownvillo on tho first Saturday in -each month. 'Philip Crother, 2l-tf Oo-Snperintcndent. Furmau Aj Palmer have fixed up a room at their placo of business for tho accommodation and comfort of all who desire tooujoy a dish of Icecream, It is cony and convenient, with -dean nice tables and -other fixtures. Ladies jind gentlemen of town and country are .HOlicitod to call at Palmer and Fur- mun's and test tho quality of their ice .-crown. Dolen's is headquar tors for 4th of July .goods. Boys, call and .see. New Firm. ' Lon. and Milt. Jones under the frrm .iiamoof Jones Ikon., having purdhas wl the meat market of Hath fc Jtoiry, would resjioctfully invite tho utdje to1 1ealland.soo them. Jones Hros. claim' t uiulor&tand their business, and will, not only Keep all kinds of meats that oau bo had in this market, but deal it -out m choice parcels, tastefully cut, to ii suit purchasers. Hemembor tho place Old stand of 13odv liros. Bachelors and Maidens Ma jvnd June are the anoitths to marry Y"iiy dolay ? Xo mail WtVS.OVer.dortheinnuporlortoall othcrn In dlaorderd intended tonoAV on buttons up in HUat iwck rooin.TioivH.hy woman lavish her ftf feetioiifi on hor.pot tints and dogs when l-'uuniuiro, Stovjw, Quotjuju-aio, Carpets and (roperies nre sold ao .dioap by Slovonson sfcCro,ss; bejdgsv.dy3 aro vityptforous. Tho leading tounty paper, common ly known as the Adccrthir, expects the pationagoof this section of tho county, at least they so claimed last winter, inasmuch as they had always Hiippoi ted the interests of thin part of tho county, failed, last week, complete ly, to mention the fact that Xcmuha Centro was having a boom. Post. The "leading paper" simply mention ed the facts of tho largo sale of lots and the high prices they were bringing. Asthero were not yet a single buHding erectod, that was all the remark the Htiltfcct justified. Tho Pod must ex cuse tho "leading paper" from follow ing its ox'Miiple in getting down in the attitudo of a cringing dog at the feet of the town company to beg for favors and patronage. The "loading paper", and its ptosont editor aro idiKitilied with Brownvillc, aro going to "stay" with Brownvillo and advocate Brown -villo's business, her advantages and prospects. Ucnce "the loading paper"' is not especially interested in Calvert, yet Cahert may expect fair play at onr hands, and whatever legitimate "boom" she may experience will have amplo notice and substantial justice in our columns. "Tho leading paper," evorhas been tho friend of Xomaha county, the friend of every locality and town, and Calvert will certainly not bo an exception. "Tho loading paper" de sires nil of them to "boom" and thrive, when each one can do so on its own merits and "natural advantages" and not upon the blood of its neighbor. 600 yards Ingrain Carpet at 50 cents per yard at Dolen's. List of Lottora Remaining in the TKwtottlce at Brown- ville, Nebraska, for week ending Juno 25, 1381: Dane, K D. Johnson, Isaac A. Hoes, S. J. Stewart, Jenny (iates, John Gage, E. 1). IIowo, John F. -Sweeney, "W, W. POSTAL CA1U5. Huts, Hill Scott, Joseph Persons calling for any of the -above will please say udcirlised. OlVico hours 6 a. m. to S p. m. Sun days, from 0 to 10 n. m. T. C. Hackkr, P. M. For bargains in all kinds of goods see Do len's International. After the Sociable on tho night of the Fourth, at tho new Masonic Lodge room, there will bo a .social dance at the opera honao. Imitations have been sent out for both and a od timo may bo expected. Tho sociable, of course, will bo free of charge, Badges for the danco will bo Si. 50, For bargains in all kinds of goods see Do len's International. Tho Xemaha SpitMuen's club will Hhootfat) pigeons on tho 4th. and. that will bo ahout all tho matter of interest hero on that day. The people who'cari get ways of oonveymice will scatter off to celelniitious at Peru, Sheridan and other places. Attention Farmers ! Jf yovL want tlio "host Head er got tlio WEYHRIOH, Made at Pokinlll., and for sale by DAVID CAMPBELL. B WtUI UM r For i good Cooking Stovo -with tho most and beat trimmings call .on "V.H-j liivg Bros. iV Jordan. For "bargains in all kinds of oods see Do-1 len's International. Wo to-day call attention to 'tho lulnortlee mentof tlio I'rlckly Ash Blttftro, which can bo fou ml In unothcr column. Tltoso nitLar arc mado trom tho puniht and beat tnater-IuVs, nnil tli.tlr trtntn anil iiiftinrHii. Ttrnnor&lfa Tfi ot thc stomocii, nowou, i.ivor, Ac, just be;ar in mind. 'CImico Uiiuit Whittemore's, at Bed lock-iiico$. CaU-tlus oilico for allKkhida of job work, at reasonable. rates. fci Stei rV LVJ I U' A LfctterVfora Hon. M, B. .fteyinan, Grant, Xeb. June 'JO, 1881. To tho Editor ortlio Ailvurtlnor: As you are the recognized organ of Church IIowo in Xomaha county and publish the correspondence of those that aro throwing dirt for him, I wish to call your attention to an article in tho Ai)Vi:htisi:i: of Juno l(Uh, signed by a Mr. Ward, wherein speaking of mesaystobcplain Mr. Finch's vindi cation of Cnureh Howe stamps them us willful ami malicious for it has been their repeated boast that to their posi tive knowledge Howe defeated tho pro hibition bill and came very Jioardefeut ing the measure for high license. Xow the facts are I bavo never heard Howe's muno mentioned in connection witli the ldgh license law, excopt that ho voted for it. As to tho prohibition bill, your mun Ward cannot namo a respectable citizen of Lafayetto pre cinct that will say that I ever told them that I know of my own knowledge lIJowo dofoated the prohibition bill,! but .since the Adveutiskk and -its cor respondents has mado this matter so prominent I will stato tho facts as I understand them, and what was said at Lincoln in rogard to IIowo and tho prohibition bill. At the Arlington Hotel, a member of iliclegislature from a western county said, in ho presence of other members of tho legislature that a man that owned a distillery tW him he had made a bargain with Howe to defeat the prohibition bill. Other members stated the -distillery men told them tho same, and it was a common talk among members of tho legislature and other citicns of the Stato that the prohibition bHl would not pass and I" am ready and willing to go into any court in Xemaha county where wit nesses can bo compelled to testify if necessary and will givo security for cost and will forfeit ono thousand dol lars if I fail to prove that tire above statement is true as J Jiavo stated it, pro ided that the person who accepts this proposition will du ilie same. And now a word to Mr. Ward, -and that is you are not a citrren of Lafay1 cite precinct, but a scoand edition of "Blizzard," a mere buzzard hunting for carrion to feed your master's dogs, or come out and state your real name and let tho citizens of Xemaha county judge for themselves what you are, and I do aot propose to notice you any more un less you will stato your real name. Respectfully bubmitted, M. B. Rey.ma.v. A Car Load of Marsh No. 4, Reaper and Mower will arrive this week. Call and see 'em. For Sale by Ted Huddart. M Allium). At ihe rt.sidonce of the bible's parent. Thmdav evening Jiuie 28(1, by Rov. 1L O. Scott. Jlr. W. II. Rhodes, of Xemaha City, -to .Miss Le titia Campbell, of this city. AVe congratulate' Bert, and bis fair young bride, and wish them a long and happy .life. Homewood's flour is now taking the lead. Since Ms new machinery has been in operation, with Henry Shiifer at the fore, tJie best flour is put upon ihe market. Woinui'i Wlwtotn. Ghe Insists that It is of more Importance that hor ftnully hhall bo kept In full health than that shebonld huveull thefafihlonnblo dresses and fctjJeB of the ttraeo. Kho there foro soph to It thntutnch member of btr family Is Hiippliod with enough Hop Hltteri. at tho first bppoHrunce of uny hymptoms of HI health, to prevent o fit of McUness, with lis attendant expense, oure and unxloty. All women should exercise their wisdom In this wny.-ED. Gash Paid for Wheat. The Iiigiiesl market price paid for good -wheat at Glen Rock Mills. 43t f JO. H'lTBDARF & CO. SCREEN WIRE, ilti:i.N AND DltAIl,) Weed and Grass beyths, Oil Stowes, Lariat Pins, Hope, Xnilh, Cum Shellora, Tinware and Repairing, at WlLLlXO BltO. & JUHlUTt. Hvriusness or constipation is a siRn ! of dismdeied liver. Cure them both 1 With alQtitle Of Dr. Marnhairs BroiUO- line, the BUj Jlqpd Aledilne, fifty Cents n linttln a uouie Stand From Undor, Ottawa, Ont., June 22. An astron omerwriting to a city paper says: A- the moon will by at her inferior con Junction on tho 25th, .and .as the planets will be but a few -degrees out of conjunction, I would advise seamen to get their vessels into safe harbors until that dute-diull be p.vssed. Terrlflu gales, .accompanied by hail, will blow from tho cast and along the Atlantic coast. Urillimit showers of meteors will occur, especially within the tropics, and the tides T.-ill bo niresnany mgn in the "West Indies, and a hurrican will prevail on the east side of tho Rocky mountains. The month of July will bo -excessively hot, owing to thci heated atmosphere returning from tire equatorial regions. Dolen's is headquar ters for 4th of July goods. Boys, call and see. Tho Misaouii Pacific Estension. St. Loris, Juno 21. The recently organiod company for tho extension of the Missouri Pacific railroad -from AtchisoTi to Omaha, on the western side of the Missouri river, has elected Col. A. A. Talmago president; Thos. J. I'ortis, vicc-i)rcsident; F. 1. Drake, secretary and treasurer. Col. Talmago and Mr.Portls are respectively general, manager and solicitor of the Missouri. Pacific Engineers are now making the preliminary survey of the lime, and tho new road is to be known as tho Missouri Pacific railway in Kansas. Ladies fine shoes and slippers, all grades, at J. L. Mo Gee' A large force is now being em ployed removing the railroad track further in toward the bluffs, to save it from being washed into the river, on the Iloadley field, below town, which is being rapidly eaten away by the irrepressible Missouri. For bargains in all kinds of goods see Do len's International, Champion Reaper Mower AND NEW CORD BINDER, For sale by David Camvuell. NEMAHACITY. B. Bell Andrews, M. D. PHYSIEUR & SRDKEOR, iVimalm City, !l"eb. Culh iu the Country Pronqdly Attend-1 id, day or night. QPr.CIAL.ATTrNTION t;lvon to nrctcnl OrtlHi'ncs of woiuuii MiJ surglcul illrcuses of the fj o. C3" Pntlents from nliroml con le furnished wltti pleiihunt rooms anil uccoinsKodnHons. V A w GENERAL MERCHANOiS iireinaha City, K"ob I 3P e'otliex BOOTS. SHOES. AIhD harness Made and rppatrpi: aR wrll ns can , bo done anywhere, and at short notice .4AD mill' IILA80XAI1LE TZJIMS. LBERY AND FEED SATBLE. Good buggies nnd hortoR, charges reas onable. IJewt.'of caro t alien of trnnt-lcnt Btocti A'U.TMIfJ CITi .VKU. . .'is -a a a Si1 a V mj ,i,-h g v. - -i 7t- vntjji LEVI JOHHSOW, PROPRIETOR, iNEMAHA CITY WEB., tGcntrallr located; Good faro, ond notrou. Me fpnrfd to mulio guests couilortable Good burn for horses and Charges lleasoiuiMc. ATTENTION, FARMERS! For your Agricultural Implement., go to k H T1'TT ft "TiTmanr'n'rvj UJX v LU - Utti-UW, Kartn andrHprlLg WnitonH, Sulky Plows, lrrlK Plown. Corn Plantors. Harrows, Hoapnth. Mowore, Cultivators, Coru HUellors, upduo.HubflTomjuule C;ltlvator. lhqaL advertisements. fn.7S9.) CjHERIIT'fl SALE. HTA 'B OK NKWtAMK , ) CoCnty ay Nhmaha T "nllce Ik hereby Klvon, tlmt by virtue o! nn execution lueil iril of the District Uourt-of Neinnbu Ooenty, Mtntt! of Nt-brnkn nntl to iiiullreeteit,nKHherllTof Kulil (.nutilyj upon ii JiiilKinettt reriJcred ty J.trvls H. Cliurefc, I'ounty .ItulKe. v,lthtn ntnl for iaiij CVmiius, "ontl it tnwiKcrlrrt tbnreof duly niot! ikiul emend In the DlNlrlM OlerltN nllleo nt Hulil (rmnty, In eerinht vnio wherein The Htnto Hunk of NeliniHj n Orporittinn floln bunliimn In lirownvlllc wn I'luttultr. iaiU Theodore Hill mill t.ewin ailll wore deftu. iluntM, J will oirer formtle fit I'll bile Atmiion, nt the door of Ihe Court Houmo, In Hrnvrti vllle, In snlrt County, on Vuturduv. the 2nd duyof.7ly. A. 1)., 1111, nt i o'clock. i M. tho following deKcrlbed Inndu In N'cflnnhn County, Neliriiskn, to w!t; The undivided oiu. nlxlh l?fi Interest In Lot elebt s IHock Mxtr-olKhUflS In Nerrutlui Clly, NorrnKn, trKth"r uMth nil the linproVement und prlvlb-ROH theroto belniiKln. Tnkfta on Mtlil execution nn the property of Theodore 111 1. TertitMof enlecimh. Dmcd lhl Tlht dnv of Mny, A. I) 11MJ, JOHN M. kLKCKNKH. Sherlll. Kfltray Notice. PAKEN tV'hy theuubicrlber, on hln en- I eloced Juruds In Denton precinct, In Ne- inr.un eoRiny. Nvbrimkn. on tin Ihth tiny of y.ny. f,,H. two bore po'ilen, mii' dnrk buy with white Hputl' forehend, whltr .spol on both nhonldern, hn n Htiort Xrtll, M blind, nliod behind, nnd In ntiiiui nine yeurn old, otuOiRht buy pony, while rtru? nrnund both h'.nd feet, white upon -on forebnnd, white Ftrenk on tione, liui eollnr inorki on IroXti BhouldurH, mid In nbont Vvn j enr old. W.M. KOKHLKK. 51 w I PcblTrg l. O., Netnuhu Co., Ncb, ESTRAY NOTICE. Tnltcn upon tho irrtfi Unj'of Muj. y t.'jfc tinilerrtlgnt-il llvlne W iiiIIph MHittirnMt of AtiilTiwull, J"iMiih('C'mity, Nch., oru ny inure ! or 0ycmrt5M with twoinitll tvenrn on i ho r-lor ynri of hc-r neck ulno nno lmy horo colt ono yenr (ifl, with a nnmll white Hpot on ItH nriRp. Dateil thrfil3tli dnyof .Tnnp, 18S1. 82vn Lbwis Kr.iriK.t:v. JSrlclgo Building. VTOTICKtshCTfhy rton tlmt Hiilort pro A.N JiowiIh will hi" rucolvoil ut the C'onntj I'lcrli'-j offli'c of Nunnhii County. Stitli oi Xcbrnskn, until 12 u'cU rk in. on thn :lrt ilny of August, IVU, for tiulldliii; it brlilu on Honey Crei-k, Ncmnlm county, t or nmr tho roslOeuco of A. J. Hh'imrdMon, on tl.p tmi KCcllon lino llwit 01 Mit Mucilmi thirty. two (T. towiiHlilpstx, (6) miiKf fifteen (IM mnX. nin nriutfo to no a xpnn or from tiiirty i m to forty U 1 feet, mid u fourtu n fill l"t nml. v-i, lMds jnny be for either n ctiiniilnntlon brlilm-or wooden hrlilo; pUIriK to tie eitfirr Imrouk or vcitlntit. Thn county rntnmli". sloncri reners'e tho rlnht to reject tiny ut oli blcN. By ordcrof vounty r.-mrnN-i'npr. vr hAMUKi. I't'l.iiruwns, Coin. ty Cierk, Brirlgo Building. VJOTKK IS HKKI.m tilVK.V Tll.r i. hpulod prp"M' 'Will t).t reielMil ut l.'.e County Cli'rk'K o-fflce of .N't-innfu eoun'y, Stiite of Nebrnhku, until II u clock r. tv tho ilrt day of Auituxi, lMl, for bullflJna u brtilKe on I.oriK's Hrimch. In l)iimlin i to clnot, NpiimNn county, Nolinisltii, en thr Kiclliui linn between sfCllotiH oeventeen ITl nml twenty Ju, in township Jive "ij rusme fourteen flijerm'. Suld brli!e to be d spnn of from thirty ;iv to forty f-10 feet, nnd ft fourteen (11 font roadway. DliNtnny be for either n cotnblnntton bridge or ii wooilen bridge : piling to bo plther buronl: or wal nut Theeounty POtninlnMlonprR reervo the rliht to reject nny or all bids, liy order of the county commlbMonort. .SA3rnr.t. Cn.iiKitToK. (ff County Clck. iuuiAuBiiBj.jaxcaaAititMuiMijuujuiMiijjasrjgitean vtrrromzKi) hv tiik v. s. (iovi:axaiTi' First Nation OF Bit O V NVILL K Paid-up Capital, $50,000 o00,000 Authorized a 8 PltEPAIU-DTO TRANSACT A General Banking Busines- BUY AXDSKU OOIN & 0UHEEN0Y DEAFTS on nil tho principal cities of the TJjaited States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drftfts discount t, atitj special nrcnmmodntlons KriU'tit! to depotlt ers. IKfcltrsIn GOVKRNMKNT ilONIia, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Ructfrpd rayntolpondpainnd nnd TNTKRESTal lowed on tlmecf rtidcittes offleposlt. DntKCTOi,-wn) rTnTn, a. r. imiipv, m a Hiindloy. rnnk E. Johnson, Uitlu-r Hoadloy Wni, Frulaher. JOHN L. CAltSON, A. R.DAVISOJW. Cashier. Presided I.C.McNAUOHTON. AwUCanMcT. Wg ri KUKMHisodt VI ' mn "j I - oj Jj ort-dby tl )iotiIii of tvl t-iil(fliiiaoror:m pi y-ur duties Ai-fid yZJ a.trUi -k i. re k? MlTiulm nn rt uio V t ehri' , aa a pobrhiidt!. oi oi.'ule-l in.' i. i (t ti.i jf Lici own. rrly on H O p ! '. L lltora. i. vlisurrcr yo a t j. rf a tr. P. 39 II I ' " in I I BO-IO i;tna A' f 'i t Kidney rn, t a-i"? i "- tt m .-Lt I ff. 3 r M iti-rd"cJt4iiialri'. ' w.ni jpur r uh 5 9 V i f wr t mul.vt .i', , ' ' hl lv jn.it -J tiUl3Ut'lXUMll I t..S6 Hop 1 1 r"f noou noru m v-& G22SS52SJ i I'liToyocrfy ti (irtiihOPVHjm lui ?-! w " I ' i inn I'.ntnn ! tJ Eli antolit fl M '.f.'c.r u.U ,1 TTnT y.'T;J lrr.. f PW&iv nmrrno 3 "OP urM.iri-V. U'" '" J s!l'n v.? HiiTt-r" .- r i i i ii j ( Ifye I J' v w a k rtnd " wM'iritoOrr NULtt .' "" L 4 . f M " '! "I I ,l t VTs ft U your' FA II .:'""' "rrrns t . c w w i nt a. it has.il I ; l L. Mru co" r) j Ur6uS. tU-;! 4T.ru, . ,u H . .5 t . T-M.ttMritJUJW EidSSlStsSS mK'&m W1TB vj vjaj .a. ja, QhJ ja.?j THE TKinMPTT TTJtToc rn ,- ,,,. n from 30 to w dnyn, hud wii. pa i,ii for a IlDptrre thrv can tnt euro. 8r r.J 'r lor Hint V'-P?,- ll '. H. litUNHAM Uon'l Snp't. I'tlladt'lplila, !., and be curod e Bank EFTS3TnSK3n. MsaPfr 151 j id n H.O! B ttor. flte. i-o rtop B. I) U you mo yconir end S auLVdnt f r i a-iy to (A diocisiun or il' i, a .' uon I! i i i " tr W rifd cr urtlc oM jr lyouni, mil! nn fm-n MA'