Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 23, 1881, Image 7

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Cantor oil will soften loathor.
Uluo ointmout and koroseno, mixed
In equal proportions, and applied to
bedsteads, is an unfailing bug remedy,
and a coat of whitewash is ditto for
wooden walls.
Wot, damp pastures aro fatal to
ohoep. Tlioy aro able to procuro a
subsistence on very poor pastures, but
such pastures should bo dry.
--To koop a gun from rusting, clean
tho barrel occasionally and covor the
oxposod portions of tho metal w th a
lilm of linseed oil. For lubricating tho
lock, purified olivo r sperm oil is best.
To cook a duck satisfactorily, boil
it first until tender; this can bo deter
mined by trying tho wmg, as that is al
ways a touirn part or. a lowi.
When '
(jlCtill I
tender truo it out, riuso it in clean
water, stud' and put it iu tho ovon for
about threo-quarters of art hour, basting
it often.
Hickory-nut cookies which will do
light tho souls or stomachs of children
aro easily made. Take two cups of
sugar, two oggs, half a cupful of melted
butter, six itvblcspoonfuls of milk, or a
little more than a third of a cup, oun
teaspoonful of cream of tartar, half a
teaspoonful of soda, ono cup of chopped
meats stirred into tho dough.
Whipped Oroam. Place tho cream
whoroit will become thoroughly chilled,
and whip with an oggbeator Should
tho cream bo dillicult to bring to a froth
beat it with tho white of an egg. Whilo
whipping take off tho frotli and place it
on a seivo, rowhipping all that passes
through. Sweeten and llavor. Use
with strawberry shortcake, or with
sweetened strawberries.
Almond cookies aro very nice. This
rulo will make a largo quantity, and
may of course bo varied to suit your
needs: Two pounds of butter, three
pounds of sugar, ono pound of almonds
blanched and chopped, cut in halves or
pounded, two toaspoonfuls of cinna
mon, ono teaspoonful of salerntus, one
cup of boiling water, ono lemon, ono
dozen eggs, knead in Hour enough to
make the dough as stiff as cooky dough
Bhould be, roll and cut in fancy shapes,
and after they are iu the tins sprinklo
tho almonds thickly oyer them.
Treatment of Windgalls. If tho
windgalls aro presont and aro not old
ones they may bo Ireatod by applying
a strong solution of alum by means of a
folded piece of cloth dippod in it and
bound upon tho swelling. With this
pressure may bo applied by means of
pads bound on tho puffs with bandages,
keeping them on two hours a day at
first, and gradually increasing tho time
until they can uo uorno continuously.
If the puffs aro made soro by tho press
ure tho pads should bo removed for a
time. N. Y. Times.
, Tho chief causo of soro shoulders
from harness galls is imprudent man
agement, by working horses in bad fit
ting collars, and neglecting to koop
them properly cloan, especially in warm
weather. In tho treatment of galled
shoulders it is cssonliul that tho animal
should have freedom from work, as it
would bo absurd to attempt tho healing
of any wound until tho cause which
produced it was entirely removed. Tho
following is an excellent healing lotion
for all kinds of harness galls: Sugar of
lead, ono oz. ; alum and white vitriol, of
each one oz.; water, ono pint; mix and
apply two or threo times a day with a
sponge. Farmer's Jicvicw.
Every summer wo hear of deaths
caused by tho use of ico water; oven
tho drinking of largo quantities of cold
water from tho well, when ono is over
heated, is often injurious. It is bettor
to drink moderately cool water fre
quently than to wait until one is exces
sively thirsty, and then take ico water
or oven very cold woll-water. Water
may bo kopt sufficiently cool by cover
ing" tho jug or other vessel with cloths
which aro to bo kopt moist. Nothing
is bettor in tho hay-field than tho olcl
fasliioned farmer's drink, Switcholl."
This consists of molasses and water,
with enough vinegar to give a pleasant
sharpness; some ginger is usually
added. This satisfies thirst and is al
ways very wolcomo to tho hands, who
appreciate any such provision for com
fort. Gardens for Children. -
All children love flowers, and take
delight in cultivating tliom if given tho
opportunity. How iniinitely more en
tertain. ug such a study as botany or
vegetable physiology might bo made if
the dry teaching of the class-room and
lesson-book wero illustrated by tho
plan -. that wore bong coaxed into bloom
in their own Uowor-beds. What a
pretty combination 01 outdoor and in
door employment, again, for a child to
cultivate ilowors, and then to draw
them in outline as tlioy come into
bloom. What could possibly bo a more
healthful and wholesome occupation for
an intelligent child than to collect tho
prettiest of wild Ilowors from their na
tive pastures ami hedgerows, and culti
vate them in tho "wild garden" at
homo!' All sorts of knowledge might
bo gathered up in such a pursuit, in
volv ng as it wou'd tho uocessity for ob
Mjrvutions of the tavorite haunts of tho
various (lowers, tho effects of dilloront
soils, tho r mode of propagation, sea
sons of b ooni, etc., and tlio inquiry
might otten bo made to load away into rul topics tho folk-lore asso
ciated with them, fairy tales and poot
fancies and historical associations.
Then, again, how easy and appropriate
to make Ilowors tho moans of drawing
out s inpathv with noighbors, or with
the siok and suffer. ng at a distance.
And aga n, tho cultivation of ilowors
always QALi'cises a refining innuenco.
Tho motto of M. Drouyn do J.luiys,
the lato I'Yoneh statesman and philan
thropist was, "To ameliorate man by
agriculture, and agriculture by man."
An Ingenious jEolian Harp.
Some time time ago a son of Mr.
Georgo Ellwangor whilo travoling in
Germany becamo impressed with tho
agrocablo combination of tones pro
duced by reoliun harps, and, on roturn
j ing homo, mentioned tho circumstanco
to his father. Tho latter 60011 conceiv
ed tho Idea of erecting an luolian harp
on Ids tower near Mount Hope. A
I suitablo man to make tho instrument
i was found in Professor O. Dennobecq.
Tho sounding-board is to bo made of
Norway pine, seven feet high, and tho
back of hard curlod maplo of forty live
1 years cut. Thoso woods aro all import
' od, tho slow growth of European woods
giving them a texture hotter adapted to
I musical instruments tlinn tho homoprod-
1 unfa A a n wlinln llin limtinmiinl. la tr
uo luj0 simpod, with eight stops in tho
tulm 'IMirt Irittnir a 4 r n nHmtinttMlnil
with a lightning rod, eight foot high,
with a weather-cock attached. Right
hero is whore Prof. Dennobecq intro
duces a new design of his own; for with
ovory turn of tho weather-cook a slot is
presented to tho wind and a string is
mado to vibrato. Tho first string that
is made to vibrato in this manner gives
tho fundamental note, whilo tho other
will sound n third and give tho acute
octavo to tho first. Prof. Donnobecq
has no doubts as to tho success of his
instrument, and thinks, when completed
and placod on tho towor, it can bo
heard on still nights for a distance of
threo miles up the river. Ho mado a
similar instrument for thoSorbonno in
Paris, which, however, is not automatic,
but it must bo arranged by tho janitor
boforo it will work.
Tho constructor of these instruments
is a pupil of tho colobrated Villiaumo,
and gavo threo years of his life to learn
tho trade of repairing his own violin.
This violin was ono of Stumor's make,
who was a pupil of Aniarti, and whoso
violins have a reputation that is world
wide. Prof. Dennobecq himself has
acquired quito a reputation as a violin
maker and restorer, and is conversant
with tho mechanism, not only of this,
but of every other musical instrument.
Ho is at the sumo timo a practical watch
maker, jowelor, optician and pattorn-
ruakor. llocf tester (N. x.) Democrat.
In twenty hours aftor tho burning
of tho railroad bridgo over Mosquito
Creek, on tho New York, Pennsylvania
& Ohio Itailroad, a now bridge, ISO feet
loug, had been completed, .and trains
wore running over it.
Soveral Nevada towns havo ban
ished tho redskins from their midst and
ordered them to return no moro until
tho summer shall havo waned. Fear of
a small-pox epidemic was tho
causo for tho ukase.
A trial box of Florida oranges from
Jacksonville arrived in London in ox
collont condition after a journey of
threo weoks. Only threo oranges wero
damaged. Tho experiment is to be re
peated. A. IVIsc Dciiron.
" Deacon "Wilder, I want you to tell mo
how you kept yourself and faniriy well tho
past Hciioon when all tho rest of us havo
been sick to inueli, and have had tho doctors
visiting ua so often."
" Jlro. Tavlor, ihc answer Is very easy. I
used Hop Hitters In lime; kept my family
well and saved the doctor bills. Three dol
lars' worth of It kept us well and able to
work all the time. 1 '11 warrant it lias cost
you and the neighbors ono to two hundred
dollar apiece to keup sick the frame time."
"Deacon, I'll use your mcdlclno hero
after." The farmer's favorite author Fielding.
That ot the Iwriel maker Cooper. That of
tho Jeweler Goldsmith.
A Certain Cure.
The first thing to do In tho spring Is to
clean house. 1-or internal cleansing and
renovating, no other medicine Is equal to
Kidney-Wort. In either dry or liquid form
it cures headache, bilious attacks, constipa
tion and deranged kidneys. See adv.
National Ykabt ia the leading brand.
Suns for divorce are cut bias, discarding
yoke necks. A'. ). J'u-nyime.
Tiik inhabitants of the rural districts of
Ohio betray their New Kngland origin In
many ways. Din In no way .so unmistakably
ns iu their lendeney to exalt the iinporiiiiico
of literary culture. Two ladles from tho
vicinity of Cleveland wero recently discuss
ln literature In tho drawing-room of a
Washington hotel. Firt lady: " Ahovu
all modern novelists 1 admire Oeorgo Idiot.
Do you like him?" Second ladv: " Do I
like him? I th.nk he's grand, massive,
superb." First lady: "So do I. And
which of bis minds Is vour favori'o?" Sec
ond lady (reflecting): " Well, I think I pre
fer 'Daniel Veranda." llroukyn KwjU.
1 ' I 'in just getting my hand iu, ' ' said tho
irate feminine as shu clutched her husband's
A'. )'. Sim.
A Nr.w Kn(ji.anu woman was tho much
disappointed wife of a Il.irvard I'ulvershy
geologist. Sho was all poetry and Imagina
tion; lie was all paleont .logy ana geological
research. Upon a certain occasion when hl
fclentllie accouipll-hmuii's were l lny
pr.isudln the presence of a str.uuer, tin
fatter turned to lierand ukl: " May I ask,
niadauie, what your husband is?" " Cer
tainly," she answered, lr.uikly, "ho a
relic of the stone age. ' '
JuixiiNc from tho cereal displayed on the
summer bonnets in tho shop windows, Hie
milliners havo not HnMiod sowing their wild
Oats. Jloitun Tlili scull',
A youth was heard to remark to a jolly
and fat, as tho circus pageant
passed the city hall this morning: " haven't
1 been you heforo? Vour facu looks famil
iar." " Is dot so?" said Hans. "When
Jon pet so oil as mo jour face will look
familiar, too," and strolled up Dulawaro
avenue, humming, " Ihnhdy is do baby, his
gradlo's gone." Jlnji'uto A'euw.
, i
A drum Is quito an Instrument for pro
ducing noise, but a drummor can beat it all
hollow. 1'uucuO Mrtu.
.Tub Philadelphia Xem savs that a Now
York policeman has been promoted beuauso
ho caught a miserable cold ono day.
ICesctied from TlerxtU.
William J. Couizlilan, ot Somervlllo, Mass.,
savRi "In tho full of 1370 I was taken with a
vtoknt bUtdlngofthelunqt, followed bra severe
cough. 1 was uiltnlttoJ to the City Hot nltal.
While there the doctors satd I htul n hole in my
lcftluncasblit as ahalf dollar. Ipaveunhopc,
but a friend told me of Da. TVm. Hall's Bal
sam rou tiik Lunos. I got a bottle, when to
my surprise Icommencod to feel hotter, and to
day I feci In bettor snlrlts than I have tho past
threo years. J writo this hoping that every ono
afflicted with Diseased Lungs v, ill takoDu.WM.
Hall's Ualsam rou the Lunos, and bo con
vinced that Consumption can he cunnu."
Also asuro remedy for Colds, Coinjhs, and all
Chest and Lung Diseases. Sold by druggists.
Clienp nun 0r the People
Of every kind; wrlto for illustrated citaloguo
to Great Western Gun W'ks, Pittsburgh, l'a.
licit Watches nnil Loircit Price.
Write for illustrated catalogues to Standard
American Watch Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Don't Die Iu the House.
Ask Druggists for " Hough on Huts." It clear
out rats, mice, roaches, 11 es, bed-bugs, 15c
UsKltcddlng'sHussIa Salvo In the house, and
use Heddlng's Russia Salve In the stable.
DiscovEiiKn or
Tho Positive Cnro
for all thoio I'nlnrul OomiilMnU nnil IWnbnrMt
tucummou toourbcut fviuule populutlon.
It will cure entirely tlio -worst form of Fcmalo Conv
!1Mnti, all orarlan troubles, Inflammation ami Ulecrn.
tlon, Falling anil I)lsilacemont, aniltlm ronKequent
Bpln&l Weakness, and Is lmrtlcukrljr adapted to th
Chance ot Life.
It will cUssoIto and expel tumors from tho uterus Iq
an early eUgoof dorclopinout. Tho tendency to can.
cvrous humors Uicro U checked rery rpoodily by Its in.
It rcmoros falntncss, flatulency, destroys all craving
forrtimulants, and rellores woaknefj ofth stomach.
It cures moating, Ueadnchc, Keirous Irostratlon,
Ooncral Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Iudl
That fcellnc of beat-in? down, rinsing pain, weight
and backache, Is always iwrmanently cured by Its use.
It will t all times and under all circumstances act In
uarmonr with tho laws that Kovern the fcmnlo system.
For tho euro of Kidney Complaints o( either mi this
Compound Is unsurpassed.
POUND Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for J5. Sent by mall
In tho form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, on
receipt of price, $1 per box for cither. Mrs. l'lnkham
frooly answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for paraph
lot. Address as abov. Mention th liixr.
No family should bo without LYDIA K. I'lNKIIAU'S
UVEn PILLS. They euro constipation, biliousness,
and torpidity ot tho liver. 25 cents cor box.
Sold by U011P.IS0.N, TLUUUEK i CO., Chicago, 111
The Literary
To keen In good humor tho gwtd jieoplo ho delight
In good books, to wako up the Blow ImokM'Ui rs lio
ar Inclined to go to sleep In the niniRiitT. Instead of,
like u 'oiini, In tho miner, nncl to pii'vent our
frlonds, tho fMni'i n liwtlru book imbllili-or,fromfoi-
VllUilII JLMMUVh. ,..'',. up
we have concluded to publish a few itunc clienp liooks.
If we aro to name hlin at nil, we muxt, of colli w, Ik nil
HlilrkL!twk iv ""' ""I- "I"1 the lininuitnl
Ollilli.U.SIIUtll O hliakrsptan-, nnd will (five
you cither his 'Merchant of Vtnlie" or "IlHinh't,'' or
any ono of his fourteen other principal plays, In btau
tlful type, for S ,fnU. At Til l'f i I 'ml f
the saiiinprlen you mny have - JI y VllllDi
Ilaraulay'ri " Life of Kivilerlck tho Oreat." former rlce
1.5, or Carlyln's ' Hubert Hums," or Lamartinc's
HcoU," or Thomas Hughes's " Manliness of Chrlut"
Washington Irvlng'i wnmlurftil. delightful, heretofort
iiiaccc.iitiuiu "BKeien iinox," wiuen eciuniiiH me uicom.
parable Kin Van Wlnklo, yim ran A Ti!iik
haveforadlmo, Kortliu same pilco -' A""v
Tom Brown S'y.'J'firs'ffl
Tom Ilrown
book ever written, exeont "KoMiifcon Ciusoe.
tho liest boy's
you can havo also '...ic.wk f()r l0 "" To
chann thoio who Vl llrilJU.. delight In notion,
we give aiso tor 10 rnii eaen, coopers ' IJisi 01 me
T,iliOl,,u Mohlcani." ono of the most justly
'-""1'-'A R colehraUil American novels, and
Charlos Klngnley'rt "ilyiiatla," liTniiwinna
which worthily ranks at (ho rry III OlllCilllS.
front of famous historic il tUtion. Thi e aro only spec.,
mom of tlifl cheap books we publish, ate all In good
type, neatly pi luted, and am not In tint l.roiul side or
anv other '"sldo" or " siiuaro" ,tyle, but bandy pocket
vuiuiiw,, oi co ii i so in p.uxir oiiioinif iiur 1110110, now
ever, ban nlwnys been that a honk woith reading Is
lui-gn lint of standard books, to uhlch v,v are mnkln:
worth preserving,
as well as wuilli owning, aim oiiq
ati(iiiion, wiiii speed uniir. eiliiina in tne lilslm
publishing, are all elegantly and strongly bound, In
cloth or better tyk, and so d at prlcw, proportionately
low with thoo In pnjHT covers Wo issue theso few
only In pam .hli t form, ai speidiiens of the qimllty of
our good literature, anil the.e tI.i teims Kill nut he
hrliSl't'ibo 5,000 Jiooksollcrs
United StatOH and Cuiv.da are prepared to either abnn
dantlv suniily or llberallv slanler our nubllentloiis.
Wegio liberal terms to .'IuIhwIkiu no bookseller ads
asagent. Descriptive t'inalogue and Illustrated pamph
let describing IhioW mnklnL'und tvt.settlncF tiv ctenin.
will b sent free, on request AMERICAN BOOK
EXCHANGE. 704 Drondwny, Now York.
JOHN U. ALpB.'i, Manager
FLUX, and All Bowel Complaints.
'1'Ijo world tins never priiducod ltn equal,
'xix-v ia- 1 1
Prspared by C Wakkk'Ki i& , llloomlngton, III.
I'Oll 111 A I.I. lltlJ(.;iN IW.
v ii o u ,
Containing the
OM.V eomploto
leroid of t er
thing of iuiHjit
anee anil inter
of the r.Niiii. ETtl Boat History Civil War.
WrsTKiiN ('..K i-.i d.wn t Match 6th, 1891 llj
N1l.llli: .11. M,,, II. . Htntu H,1ntJ
iii j.. ir rmia. tj, i. -. . Send for terms uud
Urgu eiri'Ullira Adlhe s I lie I uliurn d: rttiuiiii
l,il,IUIil I ,,, M,.,Hilll,ill IllticU, l.'lalruufi.
flTiiiviB L0ST.c.,:SrS,1ir.5
Uooks icnt ft-ee. Write to W. O. LeHov, ChliHgo, 111.
Get These Good Books
Tho standard, beautiful, and incomparably cheap books of tho Literary Revo
lution aro in domand far beyond our rosourcos for manufacturing them. Wo
must manufacture and soil quickly lmmonso editions of theso books in order that
we may afford tho w g low prices, and that
wo may transfer our UVlillfl Yflll IS Si II capital to tho manu
facture and salo of still Iff llllw I UU WU II other standard books
for which wo aro having most urgent demands. If, therefore, you want any of
the books named bolow, order tliom promptly, as wo snau auor a iow uays ceaao
to manufacture theso editions, and tlioy will then not bo obtainable in tho markot.
Books 2 Gents.
Untidy form, paper covers.
Tlifi Oospel of Malthcw, llcvlsril Version.
' Murk. " "
" " l.nke, ' "
" " .lolin. " "
Books 3 Cents.
Handy form, paper covers. Formerly told at 11.91
Carlyle's Life of Ilohrrt Ilum.
Mscaulay's Life uf Frederick the (Ircnt.
Shakespeare's Hamlet.
" U reliant of Venire.
" It other principal l'hiys. each.
I.amsrtlne's Life of Mary Uuren ol Scots.
Thomas Hughes's The Mmillurs uf Christ.
Books 5 Cents.
Handy form, paper covers.
The Choice of Hooks, by I'harlcs F. lltchardton.
The Light of Asia, bv Kdwln Arnold.
Ilunyan's Pilgrim's Progress i price 6 cents.
Books 10 Cents.
llsndy form, paper coders,
'tcli Hook, bv Washington II
llobtnson t'rusor. by Daniel De Foe.
lorn llrown's hthmil Days, by Thomas Hughes.
Hvnatla. br Charles Klnusfcr.
Hypatla. by Charles Klngslcy
Last of the Mohicans, by .1 Fenlmnrc Cooper.
The New Testament, llcvlscd Version.
Books 15 Cents.
Handy form, paper rovers.
Knickerbocker, by Washington Irving.
Jane Kyre, by Charlotte llronle.
Itomoln, by Oroige Kllut.
Uarda, an Kgyptlan Princess, by ICbcrs.
Corlnne, by Madaiut'de Sluel.
Ivaiihoe. by Sir Walter SeotU
Last Days of Pompeii, by llulwrr.
John Halifax, Ucutkmau, by Mrs. Unlock Crallr.
Books 25 Cents.
Ilcauttfttt books, rtfyttnt rloth Uniting.
The Light of Asia, by Kdwln Arnold.
The Choice of Hooks, by Charles F Itlrhardson.
A Cyclopaedia War.
per rent, larger than Atwletnh'. 'JO tier rent, larirur
MUICIC. Itr.ltiur. TIIK WAR IN OVi:it.
5,000 Booksellors
slander orsupp
3 copies of anyone book, 3 per cent, discount 1 on R copies, I(lierrriit. ion ID copies, II per cent.,' or on ivinot.
selected from the list. 1.1 per cent discount. Descriptive catalogue and Illustrated pamphlet describing book.
waking and typo setting by steam will be sent free on request.
JOHN B. ALDEN, Manaof.h.
Ronaral Ao-anto Hoston, II. L. Hastings, 47 Comhlll; PhllaiU
UUIIUIdl AgtJIIlSs Uiiberl Clarke . Co. 1 liiillanapolls, llowen. Ht
Clarke A. Co, , Chliugo, Aldeu As Cliadwlck, I'J! Dearborn streeti Han Fr
CUrke & Co, , Chliugo, Aldeu i Cliadwlck, I'JH Dearborn streeti Han Francisco, Cttniilligliani, Ciiiilm
Welch; St. Louis, Logan D. Damcioln Atlanta, On., .I.J, 4 8 1' Ulchardst lUlllmnrc. W. K. O Harrison;
Itlchmond, lUndolph .V Kngllsh, Pittsburg, James Itoblioni Or mid Itaplds, Mich., Uaton, Lyon A; Co. t
llniirsHJlls, H. M Willtauis.
Aa it ia for all dtioases of lbs KIDNEYS,
It oleanaea tho aystem of the acrid poison
that oauaos the dreadful iiufforlng whloh
only tho victims of lUicuinatlsm can ro alias,
of tho worst forma ot thla terrible disease
have beon quickly relieved, in a abort tlmo
,' haahnd woinlcrful siucess, and nil immormo
, sale inevery jiarlof tho Country In hun
' dredaofoasealthaaoiircdvvhoronll elso had
,' failed. Ztln mild, but elllolent, Ol'.lt TAIN k
, IN ITS ACTION, but harmless hi all casoa. I
h nrHoIcanBCs.Htroiigthr n and gives Now .
,' Lire to all tho luipor'iutorgansor tliebody
, The natural action of inn lCldnoya Is restored
' The Llvor la oleanaodof alldlseaso.and tho
,' Dowels move freely nnd hoalthfully. In thla
, vraytno worst auoasos ore oraaioateu irom
' thssvstem.
' Aa It hut been nroved hv thousands that
ia tho most effectual remedy for cleansing tho
N aystem of all morbid aeorotlona. It should be
..nil In l..r l.liianlmlrt no
Alwnya ourea UIUOUSNnsS, t-ONBTTPA.
TIOW,nrE3 and all FEMALE Uisoasea.
Is put up In Dry Vegetable Form, In tin cans,
ono package of which makes Oquarts medicine.
Also ia Liquid Form, very Concentrated for
the convenience of those who cannot readily pre
pare It. Itaett ullhtqmil rgicttncuiueithtrform.
J xilti HOI 1UUII iniutiiai. 1 itiv.1. vi.vv
fl ll'I'TIO IIW'III IMIUIIV. I'n .. I'rnn'i.
Will send the dry pott-pold.i ni ItMtr.TOI. TT.
1, &...., a, i,.i,. 1 ...'..... ..... . ,- ...
f liv se (ihiuii. a mm saw" tm n iivuiiitiii.iv
entitled to iiiereiiso of pemlun WhlbHS
orphans ami depemttut fsthrrs or mothers of
soldiers rrt a pension Hrii'l U stamps foroupy
I'eusUin snd llountr Acts, Aililrmi,
f. H. FltiKprnlfl A Co., ('Islm Arents,
inlianapnlis, Ind. Itelur to Inn. ItuiikuiKt'o,
and I'res'tCeiitritl Hank both of luilunuii'ilii.
For CJla.iXle nnd 3?ovor
Caused by Mulurlul Pulsoulng uT the Illoud.
Pl'lcJC, J& 1 .OO. For title by all Urugglita.
lieel In tlm World. Oil llin geiiiilne, J
cry lunUiige luia nut Trnilimurk nnil It
uiuiUed iiuxer's. r01.I VKKY WJIKKU.
Book for Threshormen
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i till jiuticr.
arm m m h a