Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 23, 1881, Image 1

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."" UflvJ
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1141 'I . IJIJL IIUI1. 111! .T!Tg1UIL U IJJ. H FtUmlllMW
OldoDt Pnpor in tho Stuto.i
t) i Attorney &uil Cotutnolor fit Law,
OUlcoovorBtotu Bauk.nrownvtlle.Nob.
onicc, No. 81 Main streot, nrownvlle, Neb
Olflcpof County Judge, llrownvlllo, Nebrnikft.
Jl- Pbyslolnn, Hnrgaon, Otmta Inn.
Graduated In 1811. Lnunted In Urownvlllo 1BA3.
0111(50,41 Main slreot, Urownvlllo, Neb.
j, Work done to onlor nnd intlsfActlon guaranteed
Klrnt itruot, botweon Sfntn nod Atlantic, Brown
CUSTOM WORK madoto order, nnd fits nlwujr
guaranteed. Impairing neatly and promptly done
ttlioii, N(.27 MuliiHtreut. llrownvlllcNcb.
TTQT? 1P"rft11 DlHonnus of the Thrortt
UOJLl Utltl IiUUKH tlwi
Used In private prnctliio ulneo 183.1. Put bo
fore thopubllo ISGlt.pnTTr XTltNEVER
KAILS! I UUUlTjiXl'rlco JMo.
.Wp.HnilSI.SAMPIiE nOTTLEH 10 CciUh.
Uoadourguarantco, Bmongj ALS AM
O. C. ay& airnc!ijt.
Kolo ProprlotorH, Knnsnf Clt', Mo.
Korsalohy .1, J. IIKNDKIU, DrnggUt,
tV.tmulia Oltv.
HiiiPi'nit and ukaiiKK in
Farmers, please cnll and got prices ; I want
io handle your stock.
OlL'jce Flrsj, National finnlc.
Genera! Merchandise
Dry Goods, Groceries, Roadr Mndo Clothing,
.Hoots, SlioeH, Hats, Caps, and naonernl Ah--Vprtmont
of Drugs and Patent Medtclncs.
03 Highest prices paid for buttor nnd
flrovrmillc, TVctirnHltu.
and dealer In
rinnftiirUftlitFrfliir-li, Srotrlinml Fancy Cloths
Vesting1, Ktc, i:tc.
leal EstateAgsncv
IN" !N1313:EfcA.SIA.
William Ho Hoover.
Does n. Eonrrnl Real Kstnto lluslneHH. Hells
Lands on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all lnstm
inentR pertaining to tho transfer of Real Eh
tnto. nns a
Oomploto Abstraot of Titles
to nil Ileal Estate in Numaha County.
1st. Buy seven bars Dob
bins' Electric Soaj of your
2d. Ash him to give you a
bill of it.
3d. Mail us his bill and
!o ur full address.
4t7i. We will mail you,
FREE, seven beautiful
cards, in six colors and (old,
representing Shaksfteare's
"Seven Ages of Man."
J. 10 South Fourth Street,
JPIi iladelphia, Pa.
; :rrrrrrrTiirlaTrinrTr.,
Drought prevails in tho provinco of
Quebec, threatening tho hay crop.
"Oath," who is considered tho big
gest li'ar amongst smart correspon
dents, is now supplying tho half-broods
with rclishablo invontions against
Miss M. M. Gillott, a Wisconsin
lady has boon appointed a notary pub
lic for tho Distiict of Columbia, by
Prcsidont Garfield. First woman ovor
appointed a notary by a President.
- i . i
Was that threat whoever voted
agaiiiBt Robortson would noed a lino
of .introduction to tho White House
Justin tho line of executive duty?
Haslinys Ncbraskan.
Eminently so. It allowed that back
bone, you know.
Which is prcsidont, Garfield or
Blnino? It certainly isn't Conkling
now. Hastings Nebraska!!.
Blnino having gone to soak his
rheumatic knoes in ocean water, we
presumo that Garfield will act in his
President has simply dono his duty.
Lincoln Globe.
It may have been his duty to kick
up a big wranglo in tho party that had
bpen trusted to his caro and fostering,
but thero aro several millions of poo
plo in the United States who csn't soo
it in that light.
The grcenbackors of Ohio met in
Stato convention at Columbus on the
15th inst. Thero wero 150 delegates
present. A platform was adopted and
thcifollowing ticket nominated: For
Governor, John Hietz; Liouteuont
Governor, Charles .Tonkins; Supreme
Judge, James Watson ; Attorney Gen
eral, E. M. Quitloy; Treasurer, W. F.
Floyd; Member of board of public
works, II. L. Morrison.
Loriflard is lucky. " His horse, Iro
quois, was again the victor at Ascot,
winning tho Princo of Wales stakes.
The Prince and Princess of Wales
and many noble lords and ladies
witnessed the racing. And Keen's
horso Foxhall, at Paris beat the French,
equaling tho laurels of Iroquois. And
"Alick," an American trotting pony,
belonging to McEntyro, won the i
milo race at Alexander Park, London,
carried away tho prizo of 100 sovcrigns.
Hail Columbia!
Tho New York 8u n does not express
any opinion as to tho bribery caso at
Albany, but calls attention to tho
significant fact tho Conkling men aro
all poor, while Depow "has for his
chief backer tho richest man on the
American continent tho richest man
in tho world to whom money is no
object." Speaking of Depow, it says:
"Mr. Depow is a gentleman of showy
and somowhat brilliant talents. But
instead of employing his superior
abilities on a high and broad field,
worthy of such gifts, ho lias been
willing, for j ears past, to bo ranked as
tho chief lobbyist of one or two largo
corporations, to whose bounteous pay
his poverty, if not his will, consonted."
Head tho first chapter of Corinthians
in tho old Biblo, and where tho word
(harity occurs substitute love, and
you will havo it according to tho
amended biblo. And so tho best word
in tho biblo or that was ovor written,
is expunged. Thero is something re
quired of mankind that tho word
"lovo" doos not embraco, and that
something is expressed in tho word
"charity," Charity to tho humane
and christain world is as tho fragranco
to tho fiower. You may feed the
hungry dog, oi tho dirty ragged bog'gar
through humano impulses, and yet not
lovo them. Charity stays tho hand of
cruelty, picks the drunkard out off tho
gutter, directs tho proatituto in tho
ways of virtue, visits tho felon in his
coll, administers to tho destituto and
besotted In tho sinks of vico, whilo tho
heart of tho instrument through
which such good deeds aro dono, is not
particularly thrilled with tho emotions
of love. Ono church may havo chairty
for another, but it would bo prepostor
ous to requiro them to love.
- ,i. t-i-iJBHa.'--i-ifcujuiiki.viii.iLjLi.juuii ju.
Tho revised Testament is by all odds
tho most successful now book over
published in tho United States. The
peoplo havo waited impatiently for
certain now histories and novels from
timo to time and ordered immense
quantities; but never before did ordors
for a singlo book amount to a hundred
and soventy-flvo thousand copies in a
singlo day. New York Herald.
Thero is ''food for reflection" in this
rush for tho revised, altered and amend
ed "Word." What's tho matter with the
Christaln world? Tho people act as if
they had boon frantic for something to
supersede tho old Diblo, which they
havo professed to rovoro and love, and
to believe to bo tho exact word of God.
This indecent haste to shove asido tho
old Hook, in which is the family record,
and which has served to point out tho
way ahead for generations gone on bo
fore, Is Blmply astounding to a specta
tor. It seems to us that a reluctance
to supplant tho old book with some
thing now would speak vastly more
for piety and lovo of tho Hible. Tho
curiosity of infidelity accounts for
much of tho stampede from tho old
book, but tho promptness with which
ministers of the orthodox churches
abandon tho old for tho now, and their
remarks which aro construed that a
"long folt want has boon mot," is inex
cusable, and in consistent with their
former protended lovo for tho old.
That which is truly loved without a
doubt or wavoring, is parted with only
in sorrow.
Tho Soward Jtejiorter rotors to an
articlo of ours on tho Now York eni
broglio and says it is blackguardism.
That of courso is tho best the llejmrler
has in answer to propositions based
upbn facts, and reasons given, and
which history will sustain. Wo care
nothing for tho opithots of tho Repor
ter, but suggest that If It would tako
to dealing in facts as they exist instead
of misrepresenting thoin, iis readers
would bo bettor informed. It says
'Give us tho half-breed.-3ntimcnts. of
tho Now York' Tribune." ,It is wol
como to a monopoly of those sentiments.
Tho Reporter having been falso to its
own local party and tho Tribune a
bolter, thoy aro half-breeds of course.
Wo distinguish a vast difference be
tween the contemtiblo sycophant who
cringes at tho foot of power, and the
magnificent independent stalwart who
stands for the right for tho s:i''o of tho
Mr. Sessions admits that ho is a
lobbyist; ho admits that such has been
his business for nearly thirty years; he
admits that ho always advocated "such
bills as I got pay i'or" and opposed
such legislation as ho was hired to
oppose; ho admits that ho was a "go
between" in a bribery caso, and con
fesses other dotails of legislative in
iquity that causes ono to wonder at
tho audicity and shamolossness of the
man, and then ho stands up and
asks peoplo to boliovo that ho is not
guilty in this particular caso. A man
who will thus shamolessly expose his
own rottenness to tho world would
not hesitato at a falsehood to shiold
himself from such a charge as Bradley
makes. Inter Ocean.
Any man engaged in such business
as Sessions admits as his, would not
hesitate for money in bribing if he
could find any ono to bribe, and would,
if caught, as ho now is, not hesitato to
swear to a lio to avoid tho punishment
duo such rascals.
No caucus was hold howovor and
noxt day's ballotting dovolopod tho
fact that Conkling had but little more
than one-third of tho Itepublican
strength and tho following he had
ovon less. Fairbury Gazette,
That is truo, or partially so at least;
and now that tho boast is mado that
Conkling is so weak, we would liko to
hear a good reason from tho adminis
tration sldo, why thoy still refuse to go
into caucus, beat Conkling and settle
tho matter at once. Tho Conkling
men aro ready to submit to tho decision
of a Itepublican caucus according to
tho usages of tho party, tho half breeds
rofuso, and aro, thoroforo, responsible
for any bad results that may ensuo.
Ono of tho strikers on tho Pittsburg
Dispatch, named Corcoran, attacked a
non-union printer named McCahill,
who had taken a place in tho oillco,
when tho latter shot Corcoran, giving
hiniii fatal wound.
u rTwVxt.ti;nvj,uL'.).-u.w;i,jiiJlAiJta.u'uiujiii.JuiJi.iii'jiaiijajjtLijiiiii.iaiiiaijujL
Pattl Is coining to America.
Sec'y Blaine is confined with rheuma
tism. Conrad Sloffen, Gorman, was drown
ed at Peoria, 10th.
A Sweed named Isaacson was mur
dered at Denver by John O'llaru.
At MoKoosport, Pa., George Hender
son was beaten to death by threo men.
Near Bedford, lnd Win. Hrannon
was shot and killed by his son-in-law
John Huff.
Might men woro drowned at Cin
cinnati, 15th, by tho sinking of an
overloaded Bkiff.
Precious minerals aro found in
abundance in Alaska, only four miles
from tho sea coast.
At tho insane asylum, Milwaukee, a
lunatic named Day stabbed to death
another named Alvoors.
New honey will this year bo an ob
ject of value. Tho past cold winter
was very destructive to boos.
Wm. Canta, who murdered Thos.
Perkins at Buona Yista, Col., was
hanged for the crime on tho 17th.
An attempt was recently mado in
Purls to blow up tho statue of Thiers.
Tho statuo was slightly damaged.
Hugo Malavert, son of a Prussian
nobleman suicidod at Chicago, by
jumping from tho tower of tho water
works. Leavenworth has granted twenty
eight liquor licenes for tho month of
Juno, and yet Kansas Is a prohibition
On tho 17th inst., tho 100th anniver
sary of tho battlo of Bunker Hill was
colohratod with much enthusiasm in
At Opdyko, 111., John Hudson a
waloou keeper was killed by Dick Sin
clair in a drunken brawl over a bad
Rev. M. J. Waldron, a mail superin
tendent at Memphis, lias been found
crooked In tho fetar route business and
indicted. '
Perry county, Arkansas, has been
placed undor martial law by the
Governor, on account' of tho .terrorism
of outlaws.
A cyclono struck lloloit and Salmon
City, on tho evening of tho Oth,
destroying houses and crops and kill
ing soveral porsons.
In Taos county, N.M., L. M. Gal
lagher was killed by Juan Monterea.
Tho muderer was that night tukon
from tho jail and hanged.
Hayes White, a colored man, was
hanged at Marion Arkansas, 10th inst.,
for murdering sheriff Beattio. An
immense crowd witnessed tho execu
tion. Dr. Sylvester Banlcin was recently
murdered at Victoria City, old Mexico,
by Mexican robbers. His father is a
retired Presbyterian clergyman of
Thero will bo a hanging boo at Ft.
Smith, Ark., Sept. Oth, G. W. Padgett,
rat. McGown, Amos Manloy and Abel
Manloy aro sentenced to bo sung up on
that day.
A lunatic named.Mageoat Elizaboth,
N. J. asked Miss Fannlo Walker to bo
his wife. She refused. Ho then fired
twice at her, without effect, and then
killed himsolf.
In Sevier county Arkansas threo
negroes murdered and robbed a farmer
named A. F. Hull. Thoy woro all
caught and swung up to tho limbs of
trees, by citizens.
Wm. Ryan, hold at Nashvillo for ro
cont robbery, is positively identified as
ono of tho party who, two years ago,
robbed tho United States oxpress of
$30,000 at Glendalo, Missouri.
Wash. McDaniol and IkoWood two
convicts worked in a Dado county,
Ga., coal inino. A quarrel aroso be
tween them when Wood crushed
McDaniol's head with a pickaxe.
WhiloS. J. Jones and Dell Kribs,
the former a young law student, woro
crossing tho Iowa rlvor, an oar broko
and thoir skiff was carried ovor a
dam, drowning both. They resided
at Marshaltown. Iowa.
II. Sylvestor recently started from
Grass Valley, Cal., with 810,000 to pay
hands at Now York Hill, 00 miles dis
tant. Whon within a short distance
of his destination, two masked men
VOL. 26, NO. 1.
uunaiau-ii aim
waylaid and robbed him of all tho
At Salisbury, n villago near Spring
Hold, 111., two well diggers named
John Goodman and Goo. Watkins, got
drunk in a saloon, nnd although
friends, crazed with liquor, got to
fighting, and Watkins stabbed Good
man to death.
Mrs. Augusta Cullon, grass widow,
of Norwnlk, Ct., recently died in tho
oillco of Dr. Trowbridgo of Stamford.
The Dr. lias been arrested for illegit
imate practico and placed undor
$10,000 bonds. Wm. F. Tillman, who
took tho woman to Dr. Trowbridgo,
was sought for but mado his escape
That Garfield should namo a Stanloy
Matthews for Judge of tho Supromo
Court, in opposition to tho wishes of
all sensible and honorable men, was
vory bitter and significant. But when
a Depew should bo brought as a repre
sentative of reform and a friend of tho
Garfield administration, tho caso be
comes foul, very foul ; so foul that It
smells to heaven. Utaats Zoituny,
Hradley tho man who thinks ho was
bought to vote for Dopow is getting
things badly mixed, ho lias told a great
many different stories and they do not
make a good showing whon compared
ono with another. Lincoln Qlobe.
It accords with tho fitness of things
for such a paper as the Lincoln Qlobalo
lio about Bradley and for such a rascal
as Sessions.
mm. . mm i
Bad ProBpoot for WLoat.
Washington, Juno IB. Tho agri
cultural department Issues tho follow
ing synopsis of reports for June:
Spring wheat acreage shows a large
decline since last year; thoaroa report
ed to this department being only
eighty-six per cent of that sown in
1880. Tho condition, howovor, Is fully
equal to that of last year at tho sainn
timo. Tho condition of tho winter
wheat is reported at an ovorage for tho
whole country of only sovonty-slx per
cent. Principal complaints aro from
Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, whore,
added to most unfavorable weather,
thero Is groat damago from chinch
bugs and Hessian fiy. California ro
ports'a vory low collection, caused by
cold weather and drought.
"Tho Cyclopedia "War."
Tho Cyclopedia War and tho Liter
ary Revolution aro working wonderful
and happy results for tho loaders of
books, and searchors after knowledge.
The great "Library of Universal
Knowledge," is announced to bo com
pleted, ready for dellvory to purchasers,
the early part of .July. It is probably
tho largest and most Important liter
ary work this country and tho century
havo seen. It is based upon Chambers's
Encyclopedia,, tho last Londjii edition
of which is reprinted entire as a por
tion of its contents, a largo corps of
American editors and writers adding
theroto, a vast amount of information
upon about ir,000 subjects in every
department of human knowledge.
Chambers's Enclyclopedia, whoso dis
tinguished merit is universally known,
is tho laborious product of tho ripest
British and European scholarship, but
being a work of foreign production it
lias been naturally deficient in its
adaptation to tho wants of American
readers. In this now form it is most
thoroughly Americanized, and becomes
at once tho largest and most complete
encyclopedia in tho field, at a more
fraction of tho cost of any similar
works which havo preceded it, con
taining about 10 por cent moro matter
than Appleton's Encyclopedia, at loss
than one-fifth Its cost, and 20 por cent,
moro than Johnson's Cyclopedia at a
little more than one-fourth its cost.
Tho superlative value and impor
tance of this groat Encyclopedia, how
over, lios ospeclally in tho fact that it
is brought within tho reach of overy
ono who aspires after knowledge and
culture. It is really a library of
universal knowledge. It brings a
liberal education easily within tho
reach of overy plow-boy. Every
farmer and ovory mechanic owes it to
himsolf and to his childron that such
a cyclopedia shall honcoforward form a
part of tho outfit at homo. To tho in
telligent man in ovory walk of lifo a
Cyclopedia is indispensable. It is
issued in various styles, in 15 largo
beautiful actavo volumes, varying in
prico from 15 for tho edition In cloth,
to 825 for tho edition in full library
sheep binding. Liberal discounts oven
from these extraordinary prices aro
allowed to clubs, and tho publishers,
besides, proposo during tho next two
months to distribute 810,000 cash in
special rewards to porsons who for
ward clubs of fivo, ton, or moro sub
scribers. Tho American Book Ex
change, 704 Broadway, Now York, aro
tho publishers, who will send samplo
pages and full particulars freo on request.