MNHkHMMMOMMMM MfeMMWbMiMktta NEBEASKA ADVERTISER mMHllaneow, ForUio week endintf .ttllCflttny, the grain Wuro Hhi)inentii b)r iHko frOlfa Olilcugu Were 3,241,000 bUHhlb mostly corn. Willlnin Murphy, at fcdgdWutxl, noar rittMbUrgi I'll.; ahot hla divorced wife, iitni mi'ti tired n inillt Into his own It l oxpwtod tho lady will ro- coven Texas pc0lto ttluiin that their State will ,rodUW) Uttt larKoot wool crop of th UoutUry this year. The dcWotary of War has prohibited tliu Uso ot tobacco by tho cadota at Wt'St Point. Tho order haa created Kruat dIaatlafactlon, ua four-fifths of th cadets aro tobacco tiBora. Tho Ktnporor William ia reported ill. J fo la 84 years of ago, and ovenhia iron constitution must yield somowhat to tho assaults of titrio. Ho has recover ed from HcrlouB attacks more than once already, however, and may do bo again. Thin ia worth trying J Tnko hair a tvaapoonf ul of black popper in powder, one teaspoonful of brown sugar, and one tcaspoonful of cream. Mix them well together and placo them in a room on n plate whore lllos are troub lerioino and they will very noon disap pear. Frank "Wlnklor. a coal miner at Can ton, Ohio, has jUHt learned that he, with live brothers and sisters, has fullun heir to 640,000,000, by tho death olabrothor, who made this immense amount of money m r diamond merchant at Cape of Good Ilopo. An lucrodiblo story s Two young men, unmarried, and having bojuo money to squander, promised to give a Ladies' Sowing Circlo in Frankfort, Ky 10 if its members would keep absolute silouco at its mooting for the space of one hour. The Indies took ten minutes to express, altogether, their opinions of these young men, and then resolutely set to work and ucttiully won the money. A shooting affray recently occurred amongst some theatre men at .loplin, Mo., in which C. L, Thompson and ThoH. Carney were killed, and a colored man named Frank Woolard was severely wounded. Carney shot Thompson and Woolard, and J. 1'er coia shot Carney, The output of tho Leadville mines for May was the largest for any one mouth In tho history of tho camp. Sinoltor output, 81:20,008; mill output, $110,000; law oro output, $12o,000; total. $1,3611,008 uu increaso over April of S300,H08. At Springllold. 111., Dwight Kidder nliot and killed his half-brother, C. 1). Kidder. A family quarrel. l)i. Talmage's opinion of tho amend ed "word of Ood" hits the nail on the head, in our opinion, Tho following is reported as tho stylo in which tho reverend yentlomau recently nl.uueu to it: Dr. Talmago declares it "will, multi ply iulldellly," and pronounces the revision a literarv botch. It will never be adopted in this country If the fearless criticisms ol tho people speaks out their mind. "1 reject this rever sion, because of its mechanical failure; because the verses and heading have boon abandoned. Here is a paragraph a column and a half long, in the mid dle of which are burled tho words: "Jesus wept," instead of standing out in solitude with all their grandeur, pathos, tenderness, and omnipotent meaning. 1 reject the new revision bo cause of its amazing trivialty. You re member Christ's sermon, whero ho speaks of putting new wiiio into old bottles. Tho new version substitutes the word 'skinV as if they could not explain bottles as well as skins. Laughter). "Show me a penny," wild Christ. The revisors say: ".Show mo a denarius." Laughter, Tho old stylo was too much for tho delicacy of our American party of tho Now Testa ment Company whero it says, "For he was naked." Tho American committee chose that it should read, "had on his undergurmont only." LmiKhtor.l Tho new version shook the faith of a great multitude In the l.thlo, and gave color to the attacks of intldelity." Ho deplored the circulation of the state ments that there are forty errors in the King .lames version of tho Sermon on the Mount and 160.000 errors in tho New Testament. He believed tho version would make more iulldels than the thirtv-eight revisers could reclaim in tho 000 yoarft of Methuselah and half a do.en other Mlblical patriarchs of great age combined. Since it was claimed that the mistakes corrected were not important, ho could not see tho necessity for correcting them. ' Hands off thtf Work of God ; remember the fate ol Uzziah.' Mr. Talmago said. "If tho revision should bo review ed there Would soon be n Uaptlst re vision, a Methodist rdvlafon.-and so on, 'Until possibly," he mild, "I shall issue a retialom" "There M an 'artist' physician in New York, whoso specialty ia extract ing tho ici bloom from topers' noses and making them of a virgin white ness' Herd In Omaha wo would need an "artist" dentist. In order to ox-W-jirt tll HoMOs. Omaha llepubUmn, It wmiiildbno good to extract tho bloom for they would color it again in haste, and1 if tho uoKes wero extracted they w'Ulihl Jwlni the excavations. Mr. Conklliitf now realizes tho ill- wiled sill he took In resigning and JirUwIng tho senate over to the Dcino- trau c party. vrete mtanaara, Wo do not Indorse tho withdrawal Of Conkllng and Platte from the Senate; but the truth is, and it is but fair to aay eo.that Messrs. Conkllng and Piatt did not turn the Senate over to the Democratic party any more than did Blaine or Windom or Kirkwood whon they Msltmcd to take seats in the cabinet. In Now York a republican legislature was in session and if they do not (111 the seats of those cx-Seuators with Republicans it will bo thuir fault and not the fault of the resigning Sen ators. Tho St. Paul Pionecr-PresH (anti Conkllng) Bays of tho president; "He has not pleased either party, and ho has an awkward fight on his hands, for which ho is not personally responsible, nnd which he studied carefully to avoid. If he had ignored tho claims of both factions, and filled tho ofllccn with tho best men ho could find, without regard to their friends, ho would have pleased the factional leaders just aa well, and avoided a fight. It is good for him, however, to have learned this lesson early in his terra, if ho only takes it to heart." STEEL BOILERFERRY. AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING ON THE Missouri River NEW BOAT, Rates Lowf Camps Stt adj Jtoails Good, Indemnity Ample, Connects with all Trains. Avafftrtable pnpimtlon nnd tbt otiljr stir rMM? la Uis world for Rrlcsat'a BUmm, urMUkrjrwi W-PnttAltnnnlftlftnf thatilatisat Afi.ntln nmnt of ikeaa MAttmenu. starrer the corn or MtOmtM, Call for War MhWbVUMMVin. sTTTorthe car of Brtchfa and the othe diseases, call I tor ffHMt'i Safej KMmey dUrarCw. Itf'Wamer MafeBene f tea are Hold by DrHffirlvU and JDealcrs in Medicine CTcrjrrherc. O.WAMR&C0, Proprietors, BoebtwUir, N.Y. varftend for Pamphlet ftnd Testimonial, 'CKHHOBC Wl Him Curfti. Kfttibrtlv RfiliAvirl And Cm JProtM WXai im Of ait. W Tfwra tar sua aailhavM ui aus aUanav. linlMi ! w teiia wait MCiTilKAJi fc wliyM4 iUltr njJ, mi MraiMtydi kj ry. W IiaU ha ly inarl to tail m CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS Alto curn nil forma of BUIoum. prTal OoniU. Stlo nnd VyfyptU. promote CiJcaitou.rslUT Ulrvj from too bun mU1o, ocmtm! DIordjr uf tbf RUuaAu, BiltauliU IW LirM, and Mctt- n Bou XUy do ail this by itng JuU 6n little trill il a daw. Th- a bMy tffU. h, do nut f rlfi o ruiirnd ftx 114 attrlr pr i fnri. BldljiUU(Hltwhrbrnt ki Bill. taSaBa-aM f!Tltol JSJlbb ErjjlL3WiaKmiTw i RHL EH Blllilial! I CALL. In UNION HOTEL, wtit of Court House, ntiil oxamlno our NEW STOCK of GOODS. Waltham, "J Key and Elgin, and Stem-Wind Springfield, J Movements. Alio OOiiU St. SlIiVKll CA8KB, Tho BOSS GOLD CASE, TUo Walthmn DiiNlIroor. We bavojust ro- rT nCM'O "Plwtwl oclved a bill of IIAVIVO from the lists ot the bent iniikorn, nnd which our czten- b!to ropnlrltiK exporlcuco proven moot nulti. bio for tbo wntitK of our umiiy cuntomofH. AVe rospeotfully aubtnlt to tho conMdorn. tton of thoo lntendltifr purchnHltiK TIME PIECES ttint they consult nnd buy from M eohnnloftl Dealers Only, nnd not from Jnck-ofuUtradeii, who curt not know any thing of tho goods thoy offer, nnd nro unable to kcop In repair when sold. REMEMBER, Wo uwrant our clocks ngninst all Aecldnntn for yefirs. je"wei7byT Our Mock Is full In every dopnrttnont, bolng coiifttai tly replenished with the lnteststyles. llVPAIMXU FIXE WATCItl'S ovit jiusrxxvi. BNGRAVINGrSSV vorware Dotnw, lllngit, Nnme Plates, etn. Give us a call and you will be snttsflod. LIVERY ! W. E. O'PELT, Oppoalt Lumber Yard, Mnln St. Q-OOID BIO-S REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AXD- Driver Furinshed when desired. Horses hoarded by the day or week, and Farmers' tenm.i fed and cared for at fair rates. A Great Oauso of Human Misery In the Lorn of A Lecture nn II10 Natnr. Trotraral. and rsdlcBl cure or be ml rial WealcnMut, or Hrr tiintorrlioeit, Induced by selfnbUHu, lu voluntary Kmli'lonn. Iiupotoncy, Nr n 1 Ity. an.i ImpodlaieDtn to MnrrlkRc nerierally: Consutup tlon, KplUpiiy n(l Kit ; Mental mid Pliyilcml lu epriy.c..-lly llnlirrt J, alvcrwell, M, U sutiior of tne "Omen Hook," etc. Tiieworld-rennwaeil author. In tnls admirable Lecture, clearly proven from hN own experience. tlial tliu awful conpgupnoii of felt-abaic maybe eireriunlly removed without danBuroun mirglcal operation, bjuulen, Instruments, nnii, or or dlitMMHiliittnr out a mode of euro at once certain, and rfleclual. by vrtilch every utrrer. no matter what bin condition may be. may cure iiimsolfprl vatcly.cheapl) and radically. Kf This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and itiouiandi, Heat under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dreii, pool. paid, on receipt or six cents, or two piwuijc stamp. We hnve nUu n ure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. l'.O lloi. 4380. is ly IcfKanBIHHBflHi mm&L It U the resiitt ot 80 venrs' experience and srunenU In Sawing Machliios. It rostM.iM ia ffeodj ltuyinti of all vrtttnt ami Jormtr Piak ' WHIVS, 1U1U JF bhi" one nnn ".or " ono Idea " ruarhlno, si otlien are. It avoid tho dercetit of others and ikm mates new and raluaou reatures and conveniences. It Is larpt, liaM'mnninff, no't, hantliom, ron fnitnt, durahit, and tjmpl. Wnrrniited auo FiUrJeBcrlii kept In repair free for O yearn. Olrculsrs wltr liui acKcnnuon wui uwoa nxjuesi. inn annuy w pent. Atr mat fiu vtovh n. vou't mil to nvn 1 oubur. UAMtrrAOTnBCDiiTlLOllKKcv bef or voti t MAOIJINK Ct).,iorenoe,MaM.t vriiOLESAMin r OEO. V. liLUT, 81 and i 'h. ct r).im. RUPTURE THK TKIOMPU TRUHS CO. euro Ilupture In from 30 to vw days, and will pay ll,u) for a lUipturo they can not cans Bend SVs. fur Hook to nit. V. W. 1L IIUn.SUAM. Uen'l Bupt, 434 nowery, N.Y., or U Komh UiU Street, Philadelphia. Pa., and be curcl. wrSuvMrBTfM llflRSiuHll DR.WHITTIER 017 St. Charles SJrcet, St. Lonig.Mo. A reffnUr fc-ndusta (if two MedleAl Oollnni, ho beta Ion r locnt4 thra onr othrPnrti,Un In Ht.IxaU.a cltjr ppri iDew.and nil eld reddtmU know. By unlll, Oonorrhoa,aiM,ntrlcture,OTchlU. Rupturs.all Vrlnarr Brphllltic or Mareurlal AfTecUona of Throat, BHlb or OonM en red fltfelr, Prlfstalr. upermaierrnsaJBexuai twiuxr ana Impoteney 1 lb rmiilt of 8elr-Abue, mxusi icmm In matnrar mrs.ororsr brnlnwork, prodactni(nerreatoa,fimli imifiviuT.i mniunuiiii f(UUUMin h.i . VUIDVU.Mmih, I mlulA.. .41.111. JIM...fBll.rf., t'l'Jl ott, phytKll decor, arerilon to aoctaty confaalon of Idtns, loMof (Vnnfil power.nlrtil loai,rndrln roar rlaelrrtprapir.rnprmAnntl)'Curtd, Oontulutloa stoffloa or by mall Ire and lorlbfd. Pamphlet one tamp. Medlrlonf Mat by mall or axprana, Onrag iiuraniwn, t nro uonoi iiiiun w traoiir atatao. MARRIAGE SliiOT. pfMIs. !, CI Th whole uirr. well told, as It la trnatoltfs, on tils followli Mann' marry 1 1 of oallbfirf sod oxeess, and many iaorrt. .Thoag mi or eontfltnpldtlnK marriava should rad It then ke eepurv derlorknnd kef. 26 ott. brmallld money or poa. taw. Knffllsh Qormai--P'rtnch read and spoken. FRFFERE8CRIPTI0N Mwasa I IBsihaVveakns,stlAiMahoo'l,nerToufnns, mmmmmtmmmOonlnnlOn of ldsKS, ATSMltfn to Hoclftf Dnfectlra Memory end Dlsordera bfonfthton by Helf Abustj. AnydraOTJjtbssthelaitradleats, Ht.Loals OarwtlraItnt'ji,GlU8t.Charios,Ht. Louis, Mo. Dr.JACQUES yo Oheanut Sr. St. Louis, Mo. at old omca, rontlna.4 to cora Bpannatorrhoia. Bemtnal Weak ctss. Xrapototicr.kll (rms ofaypnllla,(Jonorrbooa, OlaSt, Urinary or Bladder dlseasaa. Itaoant ensrt eurad In a few days. All the ditfesaes mtiltlna from self-abtiso, eicesso eretpotore cured for life with srfe Eadlelae. Adrlco free. ObsripMlow. Call or wrlto strietoonlldsace. Symptom Hook for two tsmu MAPPiAP.r muniriiiiinffs w. mmmummm--mmnm t wm mm t IOCtS fPl AatBilrslrrttwisdpotltiTtlytfftttlTa If I Rtmsdr for the tweJr tut txnstBint or of Oemlnal Imlsslona and Xmpotenoy fa the onl, Iru ;, Tit., IUm AtT"""" Uw rU4I StM f lb, PUhm. TM St tf Ui tmif H MIH.M rtU as pilaatnviavkwM,fts4 4a s, UMmn wits uorausr7 yrfKS sr sn. tdu na m wnisisiiI ic siMil Ut U, la 7 min .MM. tmi U a srtBsod ssmsm. TbffS It so SMttftM sbtat tktt srtnOta. ftartuml tbntlj.s tsttltt u Itf BMIHt.lf nsranUt thai K siU slr sttfMt tuufnooa. li u too. taltj t, Um suumI mnaiH alalia swtt tatkatl mu rjri suvwr- sn4 T nukh, u4 tutai Uit ttt tmiltal Cnatlt. Ttt tun., U CUV it . It Mrt m rf tkm W9 ,i.aa ia SMaikt. til D. 1 (MlUtMt 1 iKl Ra.1 .kassisa 1 m4 SMtess te la M tmiI ossm), 1. tmA If sssasifcy MsM ARRIS REMEDY CO. MrOOHEM(ST8. Market and Mlk Street, flT. IMtiB, M.O. ' Vitn6ltcttcl testimony to tho tttjlcacyof Frofi ltarrim' Hvmlnnl rantdirm, takatt rent titttttrm received from l'nt roust IndliDS, Aftil llth, IflOrTbt ttmtif li workUf pttfecdav Had rpiltpay from wttknet , f"f flrM put. Chltijo, Anc. It, I1T5.-I am rtitfoucblr tdtt J tsi ftel tip top. Tbt joust nun In Iht fount! I, ,.linc tttttr. MliwaTl.S.ft. IS, ISTO. Irtifitadionuch (totfit fromtba sit of jroar rtBtillttT thai I wast to try ttirm in mother cur. Tbil 11 of laoj iliJin. lad will .! aomtlhlpt ry (troop Mica., Jin. 21, 1879. I lut kJ up your pickifeof meJl tlat) ttnd mt toother at loos at pouible. That pcki,e toppad all appartat Ironblt. but Ibert ua wcakntu jet, as4 1 with yos wosld prtptrt IMt M for Ihr cure of that, iwt,'Oft. 10th, 18T I am tlmtll lurprlitj at Jnjr Tsa. fillel. They batt woiktJ Ilka s charm on me. 1 am ja( twic i Bineh of a man at I wat before tikinr;. I watonlhe Ttrra of lha crsta, I thoafht, asd there wai bo curs for mty but stw I an In row! Impt' "f s curt. Wet Vlrrjnlt, Auf. Ti, 1ST9. I rttrircd your rnedVtnt-, ani I bellcre It bai cared sac, for wklch I am ery tbinkful. lav ttoacJ ptctte Anil fl, for whick plene tend ma aaotber boa (No. 7) for s friend. You hart dost a friat thiaj for sas. I Irill lead you all Ilia order. I rat. i awada FV-ont a l'hynic4an antt HtU'aeoH, Mlatouri, June 20th, lK7.rieae forward ma at onct atelier boi of lha raitille,, The patitut oa whom 1 hare uted moit of ant boi. Is addition to aamplr box. tl fait rccoTcnsr, and I think aootaef wilt aet Mm sll rlcM. JVot m Vniaaint. MarylinJ, Sept. J, 1519. Lait January wr rot frnrs yon a lot or your remedy, for ess of our caitomtri, ssd It husnsde IBtrftec care sf hun, Ws ssts aoothtr cuiiiyger now anller ' In the lane way.'tbd with by return ftud oe So, J boa. m&iMmz. X larsa. Btar aad toinnt.l n.!.!. t UU. lock, ceulslalni, wilk nioy olhtri, Ua M llswlst f aapliri I A Cssiptleiil Womaskood. k Sliecli'ta Of Wilt. Ttlfir.m.iila ,..ik.iikl. and, Strrlllrr is Vf omen, came and treststisL Adtiet Is SrMtjrew, Adtlcs to Utiuaadt, Adelio lo Witta, Otajstal Dsti.1, CtafntaMta, Lata aid Cannabis. Ibm nnut.twt, tit, btiiDacr aaa MiwiiuoaT cottnarrd. pWln.ala u Mas, rast, Httil BttMtl, But It lift tMiU.r.'). ! tf Mtiflaa PTTTf. Imli iIIiiImhiIiI .! mi IkIh... 7 IIB4 at VTtCMa. iStli taattt sad utalnttl A tota tt Nhii, uj t.JtMtrlta laatlaf, tUU sattt. silt fall MM. ZK'ltitrs by Bill, BeIl,tONalB Os Sypulla, Oonorfhosa. OleeCBtrfctura' virloe eela, io- alts on Spermatorrhoea. Sexual Debility. as4 Impotaatr. from arU-Akuie and Ciceiaei, rsail'tr !ml!"l,t,r,,Lw,,,r,li,'SOTwv.riijietip..,pis5 ataearstk.I)tfttUnalaittf, UttifSeiiii,., mitu, raatv , rtact Itttnstr r atltpM, pM irtalnint.tadt tti rtn.j i.imU. t Istt ft, II. tart if all ttiraia aUtattti tU .i, ner 4J ,ltba, K miu, 'Utilulli M,' Itetttf en Unhid 4 We&inhotA, 10, rJaT ajaajsa. uLI.W asa an tree ol lot a. PsapsSlBWBBMBssVSBSHaW boTedetcribid booki.ties. jr sauad in sot tsliiat, tonuiuitf t38 ptrti, aid ore, ICO Hluilalioa,. The coraMud tolunje li poilhrttr the aiotl pspalar Medlsal Annk psbliekad. The author U an iim,,. ssceJ phfiWIm of 0b jran pfacller, (ai ii Well kneval. sad l ad rittrlets. sad laid etn,ul at f.ti. J fnaa talis at ikata MTrrlit frtw heparin,, tr ikt ,i,m. atrlr trr..Z ta,tlC'.araaTaruwirtikltatiaasd.r Ik, tl -myall t -fSlROKIC' OMaettv-rMtat, Tiape t.ien la piyjatn, for bttka. p.fUTWIIWPirflliaPY ac,.,,. Ihrtail aiMiitt and sotsplleiled run, ao-i diinie, raaullisf rrsrn Impire eeiaal sitocUtlose, telf.abuir or ttiual ticei.e,. rsirbste treated by snail ltd einrtn. Wferr potiltle. Mr. ttoal coaiallitlos It sttferrad, which It free and Inrited. Otee Nsas Is bs ssawsrtd by patientt dciirmr Ireatmt nt mailid frta Is aay addrtsa as sbj tlcallsa, ror book, or Irtitmtat addrtst H. MUTTS, IS North flth U bU Louis, Ma. pasa.jfcr,A.iTt,,t,rfVri 3 XXl. OHOOK'8 nine ur i ah VLKE8 THOUSANDS YKAHLY. A POSITIVE CURE ForCougfi8,Cold8, AITS CCUS3UFI201T. Is tho BestofTonlcs; Cures Dyspepsia : Restores theAppetite; Strmgtlifiii the System; nestorcs tno veaK and Debilitated. A trial of It will prore all nuclalin.Aak ymn .Irncgitt for nr. VI null's wine or Tnrt tnke no othe Tor sale I'J all Ptugnta S.H.SHITHACO.,Prop'r fisHttion lo llllirr I rook M Is. IAYTN. OHIO, VU ,C V- "if- DR. BUTTS' CSSS2! IiUUiikill317 st 12 V. 6th C'.:eit, ST. LOTO, ID. rpilE Phyilelane Is chart of tbn old ant well knows lotrt. I tatlonarerefuUr iradsiteelnuiciilciacandinrrtry. Itata sf Slprrttset Is the triatmtat of tkroale llUtntt. bare eaade thtir asd abililr 10 stacti luptrlor Is that od iht srdiairy prsctlllsoar, that loty hate aequlrrd a mtiaaat itpslaUoa Ihrouik IMIr irtaisitsi el cosiiiieaica cue,. fHPf?9TffTJ9N -JjfS3223S!S& Dtaliditt at SypblUa, tlaasrrbea, 1,1 eel, Slrlclarr, (Ir.kltU, ail trtsary Trssaiea asanypsiniie r jitrrnrui aneciK tbrsat,akla or bssra, trtatcd IM laccrn, on tcieg clplet, without tiioc Mire ory at-ether Poiiinaut lie Vniltln MPN and Ibeae sf middle ace wd tUuUUaUaayl ferine (mm the effect, of H, rbaa or hsalaal Vlaskseae, lit riull af self abate Lrlmarr TrMklaa sadNTsMIUIe r VtrciuUI alfectinni of lha thrset.akla or bssra, trtatcd lt laccrn, on tciralitc pr)D tlihosi niigf Mire ory sr ewer roi.maut iiojuinti. wno art iur ' HlH4-BjalQr r abait In tnutk r eicett la mature! years, arr sersiaointly cured. Thit die, eaia produce! tame of lb follow is; tflrcti emlmoni, bloirbee, dllllottt, sartsstntss dlaioeir sf light, ch, k.t.jtillou, eostlipstlos, deipssdasff. rsnfnsMn of idcn, irernun lo lo nely, deficit's aaeswiry, iriail efhauillon, In, potency or lots of minly Tleor, wkleh otlu IBt fictim for builncn or inirritrs. PAIslisjTaTltEATEP.nd ,.,,. pti.ta.l csniuUilion It irtlerred, winch l FREE sad limit ad. Lilt of qut.tlost Is M ssewertd by alieili dtmlnr IrcaU ratal mailed free Is any sddrtston application. J rerasa saeTtrlsa trsst Kapler ihoald trad tkalr sddrta, Vd llama ssraetalaa Is tkrlrsdiaslaf r. II li ail n trsti'l CostmaaiitiiaBiiiricilrcMAdintlit.indihoiild It ijdrtn&t as. aOTTB,lsrtk 8tli bU Hi. Loula. H 0ME TREATMENT. A certain euro for Nervous Doblllty, Seminal Weak- tr-t tV siwsats, lilr'utuiiuu. SJIU. i?i "Wiay,,,l,V 'n aitypractlco for 25 Years ISiinni ,f?)!a b?ok :a va" Riving rAro n r rilj" aiuiciii,uni True. Aaaress WUTtWHaLlUIS. 435 OstellLliWM,nL an nui;ncii nnn mar marrr, uni not, ur. ood, tTeninnhood, rbnleAl d'esy. Who ilinuM tiowllfaaad hsnntnsinAbliMfaasa,fr,w., nrrlrd Psii k m . V IST BTIMtNSCsABiaOyaXv0DOMtfSp LlfVA as TrJFJA 2 PTt- V.assssb?& 4 ""TanaffixHsT :X PRieKLY Dll IJLJlvD Tht mnJorUff of the Ui ff 'iht fittmnrt boitff nrite from a Atratitfewttt of freer liVaCr, nffeettng holti ih ttlrmnth and bowel: In order to tffttt t etlre, it Ol ntetunry to reinor tht corns. Irregu lar and Slttfffftih rtrtloit of the Iloxctli, JtrntaeltfBleknr$ntttte Stomach, J'nlu in the JBnehand l4tin, te.tindente tltnt the- Xtrer tt at fault, ttnd that nature ny qltircB (irniitttnce t enable thit or pan tar throie off ImpurUttt, IrlcfcIJ Aftli HI t tens are rrpeein'y ConpaHldrdftrtMptrp99t. Thru aril mild Tn the(f action rtnd effectlvejta a eurtt are ptea$ant to the tnnte and taken ea$lty 6jy both tMtdren antfadutit. Ta hen according to1 dlrecHane, they are a afe a n itp tertta n t eurtfor Djr Rrtepti! a,, Qcncffll rcbUUy,IlBUnrtl Con Htlpatlon, Tl4:aic KClfliicyri, etc., etc. ArfiStaoCLtutlflir thrjf are euprrlvr to nj vther nttdirlnef cleantlng the eyetrm thuroufjtttp, ttndt imparting utir life nnd energy t the in valid!. It I tt mctllciit? and not oi Ittiaxlcallttx vrreragc Atl Test DBoftisT in rmem asviittu ad take no other. niICB.fl.OOpBolUa, METER BROS. I CO.. SOLE PnOfttlETOrtf, St. Louis and Xanass ritT Ko. BUY THE Davis Sewing Machine, $1,000 REWARD! Offprcd to nny person that 1tnt wrtl do nn great rnnoof irork nnrl do it nt well nnd cnslly ou imr other tnnt-hino non In tho market n run ht done on ilie1aT VeTtlenl Fretl Seirln? Mn chlnp. Arrnjri'7iients for the conti'Ht irill hemndo vitli nn jonft doHirinir to compete for thrnhore reward irithin a reasonable time after written npiill cntion la rrceircd. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE COMF'Ye For Dcacrlptlvo Circular and atnloguc send to DAVIS S. m. CO. 21S & fi'20 State St., Chicago. M!& PATENTED D ComnBfed lanrtlvof i owilrr. fit Mfra. nr lMirbdnaa. la tlm RPRTamt RUrnDrCT ,...-.- T-Tr-" ;-. ."! ." i innmirr ill T.11A ami ir la 11m tar.t txicatiMjlt doot; not Rum.lut forrriB n lv DOllHhert surfnon eSvsir Ihn nxln.rn- olnB fiVotloo nnd llRluenlnK tho draft. a tnu ClvcanAat Litjuis' It rni nn mnrd than Inferior branclo,ancl one bon will to tho worU of two ot atvf othor x Crease made. It au,tmrni equally a ill fer Ifanciitcnl Situ Ocarina-. Tbreelilnir MacliineH. 4rr5.-Plant, rt. Oarrlaurea, Btiiride", ttc., etc- an for traon". It le ' a eaavvn. jjiictsm. r-( vtV., WijV aarr i4 a cask,, tj 1 1 o ji iC,l GUARANTEED to contain no Pftroleum.iN roraalebjrali tVrvt-clasB dealer?, Va Our I'ntUfJ .ywyieuia oj iKinyi norm jLnoirincr nuuieu irev MICA MANUFACTURtNC CO. 31 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. hop bitters: (A MeeHcino, rota lriuk.) COKTAJKS nors, Brciiu, .mandrakk, lUNUKMUN, AsrpTnx Penis r and lr.m lptrl.QlJALI tus or all OTiitEtiiiiKaa, THEY CXJlE All niteaneeof tlieStoznach, Powcl.. Itlood, Liver, nd VrluiirrUrRans. v r- VOiuueaslirciilcanraiiniiil ejxiall)' xeuutio uuiupuiuis. SIOOO IN COLO. Will hn rwild for a case frVsr-Witt xwttf rur 1 lailp. r toranytlitwc Impure er Sijtirlous foaiutUi Cam. Attcyour dniKKUt for Hep Tllttertand try tlttm Ufore jou Blaop. Tuku nu other. D t.C. tiaaHliolbleStidtrrrsntlhIriiM fur UriMkieoueaauao of upturn, uibaixouud Darcutlcs, svvu yon CmcuLxa. All klU afll.l V .!,..!. . Hp BltUra Wt. Ce., RoAcit.r, .. r,l4T.Jmr1io,Ont. WANTED lt, i..,,i i,.,.. I Stlliur flfiurul rtnV, r.i r.,11.. 1 . asaJBBBBBBBBBBBuQsOB SHk MkT aUsBsalWl3si-'M Hjyme::fc J ,'3jasV2sUBIBsMsflf A. 1 1luct4 a pvr cl. 5atioaal 1-i.WiiuV Co.. fci. Icuit. SPu 4