" I Ti. " ( " ! !T; x h Tjji imii .MiiiiiiimiiHlii..aailiiiaaiiinaiiiwuiiaaHiariM mMJimiuiniM'J"'i"i ipiwmin;ini """ . ' ."! .TT; . , linn, n . i, mm .p ,h iTm.1 . V HOME, UIXiTMllDGX. fv-Ah tmsystamsitio fnrmor may HVo, Ut hic;iimuL thriW 'wT! jjfc Nqiv js tho timcjtdf&ty Soino conoh r Tjvarnfelvjuul rduov AUlydur oilololhs. " yWnSli thorn olodtv wlpOjUrV anjl apply .'' ftcoatofrtlo vitfifMi, l$5otupiul not toatop,bn:hemumtll thoyjtvo dry. I( $L ttilSiaTQlfno ' oTorv" aoriuc Uo dHelotJi jTwill riSttvib(i as loniif as thoy will with-. iKi7"f' M.M.I 1-K. C!-t 4l.l, htrffl..." 1r nnttui OTo'UiU 'inUli;luiiVt.!is. Cover HF- l,rtil?A(j . mliltniviilTaii C .nvitn.n Wl fW-'"r- "1"" "& bostHvith slicoS of li'-lib broi ill, but- f -i, jtorod, strow joverv thu,rJjuba-lr and IJh Vrinklo) Hbprnrtv: VU7siifciir. This WTa altSrailUB inilil tlio.tlish iib rIiiio&l fall. 1W VVivi.i"mi1 MrbnthvKft.niiVflihtfiriin limit. 'Covursmtl IjothrWfouHliirof ijn hour, : " th'ofl -reihoyo t litf tiovoi uml broWn. ; " T1)0 pfily remcUv for1 Wore A in ap- plo.tvoiJ3.ia to tliir thorn di t i '... : . .if it. ." r.it .a'ii.i.. i...:'A nil wiiii ii'jwiuui , anu.agwgp vv uhibcl. r,lf tjjoy ttrp fiirj iu. ilj Um-n by niuiiti&.of ,a )ioco of , wire, pushed into tho liolo. , W ion tho grubs nre -all killd,oovor tin lower mrtoftlio Ilea with .a piaster of clitv and cdfrdunsr, with sonio smnhui' add ed. This Will keep tho other! borers I ...... ftil fl i.l t' OHIJ THo fidl-Rto-bug 'nuiH liido. his miniali'od lid id' beforo'Uib "abpr moh .l -.'V.,.-' J.J.. iM-!s,.V.. h..g?. mu, w;yw.fu.'siw ., , iiuia "laau name. When Jio is r.t Jioinu m las i shirtrslcpvos, henllowalolk&to tall lilm naparaa8 beetle: He in warranted to "withstand thdTavagos of heat and cohj, t rfiliv. f!ftMtr' Ahd Riuand knttkuida to business wlthlmTailltte'rognlarltv, and , ' on'o,asy, Variiia to larjfl liiul" snjall puc- oliaserd. jIIq .coined ilrosfecd in blade; rod and yollaiv, like forgfgn priiif e or j&.qireiw'ejown, .and fattens on Paris groou andj)izens of all kinds. v irrV" I'eventivc Motlis cad bo kppt out of carpets by having the Hoor washed itfstrobgsudS in which borax has boi-n dissolved at the rate of a tablo- fllfodnfitlllo aalliofiwaler, and after dustiri"'": black pepporon tho odjjes taok tlio carpet down again. By this moans corners te hiding and de stroyed. Ingrain and other carpets . i mollis are kept away, ana a$ Mfl f ,andToWbiiarA ! their STaVoTri places thev arc sctu'chcil out waftejboinsj-ttakdn up can bo brightened Xfo'cqlbhy'prjiikling a pound or two of l5aU"jovcr tliqlr surface and swooping ' carefully! It is usuil to occasionally 'wipe pit' tho carnotwjthaiborax water, ;yj- 'using a wot ilauueuTIWtjikhig care nottowet tno carpet Dutonivitouampon It; . . 'w No ono 'knows until .flhcfr has tried it,how much she niayclmngjp the aSpeqt ?, if "'things jfibout tho hotso' by using a ,littlo varnish. Onva unshiny day tiiko tho 'old lull airs and tafilcs out on tho porch or by an open door, and after thoroughly dusting andwiping off.wlth'' a darii)" cloth apply atliiu co.it of var- nlh, arid s.o 'cover upscratchq and A. marred spots of nil kinds. It will dry vin a vorv short tinie''and you will bo surprised to seo nowcmucii gooa you hav dono. A flannel cloth with a Tory ub'furnltiiro iro musL oe prevent? any "oil ucing. icic on the 'wood to attract jlust. Iljuust bo rubbed, until yoi) iwould not know, exce.pt, by tho improved appearance, that arry oil had been ijsod. -i-It may bo of some Value to 'houso keopors who havo marble-top furniture to know that tho common solution, of gum arabie is an, excellent absorbent, . and will remove dirt, otc, from ,mar blo. Tho method of applying it as fol lows; Brush tho dust oil" the' piece to bo cleaned, then apply with' a bru$h a good coat fof gum- arabie, aboutthe consistency of .thick ollico mucilage, expose it? t6 thel sun or" dry1 Windsor botlir In a' short? time It will crack jiiul poel off. If all the,,gtun slioqld notpeel oil', wash it with clean wat6rand a elcau cloth, pf course,, tjthe lirat np plica' tion does nct'have (ho desired efloe't it chould bo api)licd again. Another method of cleaning-anarblo is to mako ' epasto with soft sdafyind whiting, wash ''tl;o marblo. with'-itj'and then leave a coat of .pasto upoli it for tjVp or throe days.' Afterwards wasli ott'wlth warm (not hot) wator and'soap. 'louny "ct entibl. , r A A A nd'soap. 'iou md T. Minis. ' Tools and Teams. With some, time and labor appoar to be almost as worthless eommOdit.es as thoy possess, so little do they attempt to eeonomio in them. To roonvwho properly appreciate thojr value, thoir waste through thoughtlessness or almost criminal-neglect, is hsto'uud ing, llerp is a mnrr, wlfo.tiiistcad ol little linseed oil is good to r ' with'.rbuc the grcatestf, ici exeroisoa to supplying nimseu wun a proper sec o tools, ayd imjdomonts, begins the sea'joi t- 4- 'vith fhosbhaP-nro" noayjyvortlilCss " ' Tho wagon breaks downt-$iUiu jilov supplying himself with a proper set of i season S3. )W ,giyesoufe, the, harrow breaks, tlio culti vator, wur jioi,'. worK, and iho goes through tho season, mpiulmgTlirst one thing and then another, andjlinds at tho end that ho has actually wasted enough in time to "have bought new ones at tliolieginiiing. It is novor profit aolo to uso worn-out tools ami imple ments on tho farm., -Wlion an imple ment is worn out' it Ms roiibonablo to aupposo that it has done all tho work that it was originally intended to do, and we ought to bo satisfied. .Another, mail rivll attempt, to get through tho season with a team that is entirely unfit for service. It creopa ovor tho ground liko an elephant on slow parade, and does not do.t because it cannot, ouo-half tho work that it good team would do, hut oats justas much and causes con tiiuiedyation to tho dwnor. If there is miything on tho farm moro unprofitable thanjhnothor, Toxcopt ai)6or"Jfarnfor',iltlis 'aiavorn-out team. It woujd havo Jjepn bojter if the matter had been attonded lo before this, but it is novor too lat6 to get rid of a poor team. Hotter spend a week in hunting for a good one than to con tinue with one that cannot do ono-hall tho work that a good one would do. Wtstern Ititral. An Appeal to tho Head of tho rnfltllr. i it Thore at'o few women in our middle classes Who havo not suffered kVon pangs of humiliation from their need of an aljowahco which may permit them to spend fifty cents or a dollar upoff 'oc casions who n circumstances sooni to demand it. "What do women want with money ? afathoif 6r, husband asks1, jSoMclqiis 6f niaki'ngViiitablotpro Visionslfpr thoir dress (pdging, stisto nanco and traveling expenses, lit is nni(4g tho many curious results of;oiv- 11I,;IL1UU MlUb l"u 1I1I11U BUA. 1IIIIV IIllVU constantly-rpcurrlng petty noedsfor nrivato oxpondjturot while vomoican nave none, it is tho logitiinatp result of thfd'iiiU4oWnoss (hat .woiu'on clutch at tho opportunity for -foolhh, lavish, almost wanton, spending, when hoy havo money in their hands. It would UonvdUUf cauhfatnor of a family should thinkVforVffd with Ills wife hnd daugli tors in this - matter of his iiieomc, and docido what is fair and just for him to allow tllOm. Any wbman is capablo of actual pleasuro in economy and makiifg tno most of tuiuirs it slio reali.cs Unit JhiJrjcUaimsjietptlJerlJ .fliQrtionod in mo iamuy usiimaie. isvJVjAftH?2a.va sho" should love t6'boitwWu(rWu.eyjiaYb Jbjnanyi oik gagoniont.s. Sh sholiliU'omonibortljati whoro thoro are so nianv entriurciuotits a follqw luis to-bo on guard. Boston Transcript. ' . tPort-Hurou Cbinmorcliil.' i Clitirlc's NoIwju, Ksq., Proprietor Nolson Houso, speaking to us recently, observed Ijf, ",-j Bullcreu so tnucu witu luiuumatisni mat my nnn VitlcrHl,',,nhd flhyaiclaiiS1 could nothulp inc.- rwns iii'ucojiair ui iiij ("L, wiiuii ouuia ono,aiivi3cikjN" to't'ry'5UiJacabp0,ll. I.dld 'so, nild J( by m,aqlc?'r wits Instantly re lieved, and, by the continued use" of tho Oil, entlrclycurcdr -I- thank heaven, for having used this wonderful remedy, for U saved my life. It also cured my wife. 1 . , , , A nr Is said to have 10,000 eyes. No yon- uer lm is careless as to ulicre liej leaves lilt s p ecs. LouUvllle Co n rter-Joti m a I. Fort Wnyno (Ind.) Soutlnul. When about twelve years old, said Mr. Gelsman, of-the-OIobc Chop House to our representative) I met with an accident with a horse, by which my skull was fracturedundJ ever since i-uavo-euuorcu wim iiiu must, ci crucfatlli rlteiimatte1 paiis'. )t late Jj ap plied St, Jacobs Oil which has given mp al most toJaljrlloft t"; i 1 ri duces men turn cvcryhlnjj to .their own advantage oven a handspring. llvslqn Trcm script. j . be made of .wondoifiu fOrelcnsroots, barKs, &c, and pulled up bv lorifc bus corUflcttcB of pretended mlraculous'curos,'' but a simple, pure, otfectlvo jnodlclnerihXdcot.Hell. knoyVn valuable rcmudles, thaO fiirnishos (ts op hAiflllof no lit. lit VMrf W 'rnfnr.tr linn Bitters, tho purest and best of-mcdlcluctJ. i auc auu.uur uuiujiiu.aiciuutiijufi. You.VO fewn&Ailhould HJ.t haVo)nlv mustache dyed." l'ollte barber: "CertnlhlW- aiu you oring It rwitn you.fi: (College Journal. - r- - I.eliin'a llolel, thlcnco, ill. . Co"5 Best locatlonjlntjio city, corppta MIculRan avenue and'Jackson'str'c"e't;frorillng ou tho beautiful lake and park; two blocks from tho Custom Houso and T?ost6lllco. . ' Nowly furnished ,a"nd. jpcpns.tructed. American pau. Popular prices, $3 and $3.50 pcpduy.r!AYAunKtfiL"Bi.A3n), l'roirlo) tor. Lateof'DSfafaVlIb'u'illljStiy. . - t ' Kfr'Otunlnnl'CIlcriii". , Dyspepsh, bilious attacks? headache,' arid many other illB'ean only bc-bnrod by rcmov lnp; their 'caufS'Kl(lnbY'VVdrt,lias been proved to be the most elfectijal remedy for these and for HabKhalwcos'tlvefioBsT which so oflllcts inllllons'fvthe' Ainorlcan people. ' Farm and Fiiuideq f M tfj ? V T.lmir .Iritncfrtf CStma T ft)4UM.r Cheaper than ever ;' yrlta'f orTirusft-atedcataM locue. Gt. Western GuniVorks.l'ltlsbilrSlflPaS -r r- f "I1- Rr.nDiKO'sltuSbtASjCiyB Ucst family aalvei in the world, ami cxcullauwor stable use. ' ' nsKr ! An Inforlor article Is'dear.at anyprlco. Re member this, and buy Fruiter Axl J'Urcase. ffl-Ss.- A paying busInes--tiie?ca8hIur,s.-.jyWron Frttl'ms. - . !JJS ' ' P 4PA ''Tlmtpfc1ur5lriawjlhe!storyTpf I'romutheus and tho'vjiltur'a.ttmti fed 0Uhls liver. livery day the jvullure dcvouiod It, and everv nfcht It gicVy for him to oat it again." " Sympathetic Child "Pour, dear old vulture I llow 6lck"'he,niust hivusbeen of liver eveiy day l''wfe.' f Fowls are gluttonous; tliey tal;c a peek at every mouthful. "When Is spnitir Hkel3'f5ll"?yab''aslici Henry." Lucy 'rif coifrue' RifvJ f? ntf. ' lien it IB a little lorwaru," aam iictitv. "Ami J suppose it is HKe a younj gentloirtau it Is the vernal bCJBon," replidJittux hei uu.u rrab- V teau. J Jon was doubtless rtho lli-st litunoiijus par agrapher. '-uLZL , ,i The L'ood old lady Ucpt tv prlv.tto oUtlq from which she refreshed horeulf Iioinvjiina to tune, us she (eltlloineecJ'tHAuh nOneiof the litmlly know ltT'OinSWonlilB'lTur daugh ter, In rummaginjr through tlio pantry ipr doughnuts for tier beau, ped.tliO pottle and had thu curiosity to draw the coik and upply her nose to the" aperture, atMhlch monutut tho oid lady hove -riiu lgib iL angrily de inanded : " Wollare1yoiVH'yiwi8er tinm you worof Wlmtdo you suppose ft l&l" I tlon't know what it Is, mainntu," answered the shrinking maldch, ''but H smells Just like Char le's mustuehu.'' Specimen op SignLanouaoi: j.' Walk In;", " Shut thu dpor;" "H you Uotlf8ee whafyou wautaskfgrtlt."y flf A , 'ii.-" If you would shine In tholworld, be a nnl? i.fW t. ' boot- black " ' - . . ' ,l J" Ip fine foatlfers don't mllccrflnt; blrdi why sn't a crow as huudsojnc as a peacock f Zte rce I'm- rott Free A youno lady welghed'herselfM theoarly morning and ogam after dinner, whmi she found sue had gained forty pounds. Siie ate ery sparingly. It was not thuu fchohadall her hairpins iu j ui.tlon. That waB all. One of Maud &.'s colts 0,0(XI. The littlu dear I has becu sold foi I i V V. Oortd Wnlchen t JCoir rrler. Wrlto for Illustrated catalogue to Stand ard Amorlcan Vatoh Co., TltUburRh, Pa. i-- . -Flics hnd nioiqnltoe. 15c. box ,iltoiu-li on lUtft" keops ahoilso frc6 from flics, bed-butre, roaches, rats, tnlcd, Ac ( Ir omicled with 8oro Eyes, ufo Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eyo Water. UiURRlstsselllt. 'iSc WOMAJX98' WRVOTOOPJOit MRS. LYDI& E. PINKHAW, OFLYHH, MASS, LYD8A E. PBNKHA1WS tvrr!.p.'n'A',nT.,R nnMTJnTTWTi tin , ho l'oiltlrn Cnro. for nil thoe 1'alnrul Con.pl-lnU anil WV(klnrf4 ocniiiiiioii touurbotfcinul6 populuilon. It will euro entirely tho worst t orm of Kcnmln Cnm. plaint, nil ovorlin trouble, Inflammation and Ulccra. tin, nil uvnruiil iiviiuii-o, AiiiiuiuQinilon and Ulcere KdUIne ftnd PislilnccmanU, kiulOiO'tn.iiioQUcnt kI Wcaknrrs, una la lortlcukrlr ftOaptod to tlis Kfo'ofUfo. ' ' ' tlbn, I Hntnal Change' at rlll dUtolra nnil PTpel tnmon frorrt thn ntcrui In an early istao of t'ivcloniont. Tho tniltnry to can Cfrou' humorstlicroli cbcckeil vcry'peedlljrl.y ltn uo. It ix,movcfalntnci,ll4tnloncy, destroy. dll crarlnK, fomtliuulant", nnd rtlllotCiwoaU.'icii'of thnltomaolO (lencril DebUlty, Slcoplc&ncu, tcrrclon itnd lndl. rcntloiu m That fecllnn oftlKalii(riJ6roleau(ilnB pali), wclBb,t and batltartii, Is ulwaj f ponjiancntly cmod by Ita use"' ' ItwittatolUlmcnand imlornllcIrcumrtntiecsacMn' VanuoriVT(tl( tho lavf tbn rovrrn tho f cmnlj nyttenj. ! or t lie euro of Kldnoy CouiplainU of citlur Boxtlilj' " Compound Uun'uniaucd. ' iaiji.v iu riNiciiAU's vi:fir.TAiii.i: cost. i u. OUIlprei)arpd at sal and us Wostorn Ayonue, ynn. MaJO Wcofll. i SIbotfefor SSI iiut by mall S j the forta'of pllh, atso'lntho form of Idioncfg. on ' I. la , receipt of prico, St per box fornlthcr. Mm. rinkhant irecITanawflrfl all litt.r nf Innnlrv fin.ni t. x...i.. u ".....:.r."v,i: '. .v. .::":.. "- "' ' "Ofc. AUUn-M IL9 A(IUT .uoiiion inn iitcr. No family should bo without LYDIA K I'lmCHAU'D Uloiuooei. rFruit,WiheandJellyPress IM-V. kt"' Ot Tor,SQotiliig and Extracting JulcIS J bib A:XP&&rAlt W&i ALLFRUSTSM.DB-RR.ES. nTKYERY FAMILY NEES, OA'E. JEP' '.;i ENTERPRISE HTG CO,, Philadelphia: J yOUA.fcnfrlY TIll IIAJtPwXuK TIUE. fill re j .Onnitiiinntlnn. Pnlrin. Pnenmnnfn.' Inflnan7.i , Bronchial . Dilficullies, DroncliiUs, Koarscpcj, , Hsinrna, uroup, vvnooping iouyii, una an uiseaas ui the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heals tho, Mem-. brane of the Lungs, Ijnflamed and poisoned hy'tno' disease, and prevents iho night .sweats and.tight.j ness across the chest which accompany it. CON , SUMPTION Is not an Incurable malady., HALL'S bAL- , SAM will cure you, even though professional aid fails, u o V-sX "r r rIL ?.--.- rlIlll nnd JEF'o-troxr, ... . nlucACCO .. Camed by Mnlnrlnl Pol.milnr r tho Itlood. AWAKBA.NTBD OUJttE, k r. Price, tjjSl.OO. For talc by all I)rjigj;UU. AGENTS WANTEDJOR TE , HISTORYoPTupWAR This la the, clieapett und only comnleto and reliable btstorr of the tin at Civil War publtfied It abdnhdn In narrative, of personal adventure, thrilling .Incidents, darlnc exploit", heroic deedf, wonderful eLp.,tc,: and cunlalna life llkeportralt of lOO leadlnc icfentralf'' (lend for specimen paaistnd extra term to Aeenu. AuurvM ndiuo-pi.."; ., m jiVii r-T- ,1,UII1II, !(,- -n A6ENTSfAmn-iaaatftSfl5 iW.VcUa'o.HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. SPRINffSS oil. uiubcr WiiffoiiM -hnniiK actoruini; 10 10.11. ax. li. .n iltirjlil. uml.UDriuaiii.lli il 'Agent- yantd, (uQw!crcJl6?.Wtf her. PIxpu.IIl.T $350 A MONTH !. .JKTS WAMIIII 75 Ilcot hellinit Arllclenln th.worldi a plu m J,lV miuNO, Detroit, 1 am Mich PATENT LAW Vi:iC. I'W.VV It. HMITII. American ami fnrel -n intf ntK linn ured l'.Kntllil k'atiou conducted Itoomts, til Madison Bt , Clilcano, III . DiscovEiitn or c Lnaiv,x-xi.i.f mey irojconKipauonni) tjBu luiviunj orjoqjiTcr. i cotiUDcr box. IBold bj mil PLVM1ER I CJH Chicago, IIL . . ' . v nonw "' A 1" Tit -l "3"rfrfr Vh. w j i CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED!1 FORJHE.jAfJ 11 XunTsrDllkdlllll' J i' v. ' i . k i . j&m .-A3ftVO v N- y. F--. .. I. I - -. ! I . MMMm m Dnttto Crook. lYllchlfcnn. KANcrAWnmiiw ot xtm oxlx. os-rorini EEfBistnMlHlMl!la.UHiteCJ 1 TiJnrrbijfirio - ' i uriiawiiunwf n Traction nnd PIMn Englnbs ' and Hbrsi-Rdwer'a. HottOota pletoXin-.herltiiy')E8tnbllBh,dcl 1 IntUoWorld. nJ' " t '' 1040 , r,, In f l VC ADB of eAttrtk!it"vclifulli)tl k knuuiiHi, itnont cm 'haniti Ci imjiin. 3 JL Inttnartneut, o-lecnUoa. oihctt up" A brixHlitorruntu iklnbn'aU'iCtawfK S BTi?Anr-rtWKrt Mkpu.ato(ir n.r .71... &la. .......... . l,...lllLl..l..ulVl..i U u mini! T";V. i i V11"? rinn(i rmiujtiiKiiiiu Tlfttl.t. I taluttt nnd imptormrnli trior i)tiMrl incvhHhlA. ifain .in J vuileritit lint il il (ii iy nui r iiiiiiiqrn. , rtwtrMws or HoriirMorn, UUIV iiorito , Cftpacltyjor tinitn or hrt P"r.,Y, , Two HtyjM of' MoitntMl " lIfirrA.ri h nnn nnn ict ?r ricitct Wmttt - Ctrit Iitttnlinr lWUVUV ( fronytkrettoti constant y on Ithml, fronr hlrli imiit ui6 Ut couipaf alilS wooHy TRACTION HMrv9 ottLmott durallt.and tMcitnt etr iaJ S, Id 13 lloruo Tonrcr." msana i J'AV'.? m. "V.I'JS." J --?SlB' r " - D'i''l,r'-l'.l W Bft R3!,;y b left i b; h . Tp krop In cooil liuinor thi ( mop tha riWMl ruumln unn ilr1l(7lit I (CDwl Iwon In Rood book to waVo'Ult Uio flow liraiLfilleiVwIiri am liicllned to ko to "kup In thu Minimi r, Itiiftinil. or, liktitn fpOHaumitn tho wlntcri itntl tdliirfvclit wo liinoiuncliiilcil to pulillih n lov iiioiim lifniilx irfVMit onr' :iiui)llli rut liiSnLfi. If wonro to iiimiiu him at nil. we imml.of coiirn- limit MIllllr'.viiAoh 1W tll- ITttv vrltli the liiiinoital OlllI IVUMIIUIll O niiokfpnie, ail will rIvo you clllior IiU "Mkrabant of inlti'"r "llnml(.t,,ttr any one of hli foiirteon nthur principal plnl, In n- iui iJr, .in mm. ni 'I'lll'Otlf'lUlIU tlio wine pi leu) on limy hao Alia t,CkVJIlp VAx- iuly'ii"Llfiot Kruilii 'iOC KrtMlnrlcu IIinnrQl " fatnxflr nrfi-n 'II.: oi (aiJvlo'i JUU'tt nurrtii 'tir Ijinifiillur' ouAVjisiimstoii Jrviiijv.0 HeoUl 68 r)ionia.-Vlln(;heVl'' Manllnrra rf Chrl W.htflirfAn l.vl.w. M,.VA:ifAl .l..lli.t..,..l t..l.. in ir- .. . . ' : ,.j .- "iVashlnifton Jrvlnc'. wnndi-rfill. ilcllHlitfiil, herrtoror. Miiiiwit ii'ii'k. niiimniiii. iiruHHiiiii, iiririuiuii Inaceciuililo "Hketeli llook," whleh i ulitaliin the Inioin. iMtmhlti Itlli Van Wliibln vim ..hi a ' vv .. UliaotoVdlliie: KorthV Mirt piled VMOJIHIC. T!!! Krmvn owlliavoyou"winItrown Xpill X1J II a. lliiuViy," the bert lio' boolobViT written, cfrept, VltobliiMin Urirnoe," whfeh you cjin Imvo alio 1,.,, (,,,.. for lo imli. To charm those who.vl IIMIC K tlrllRlit in llitlon, wcigltu alao for 10 ent e-Ali, quoiwr'a "liirt of tho "1irtllfv'u ilohleiiil," ode nf the niwt juitly Vla. O ccleliratett American novels, Wid SwdWiiW'Sjl.IjttliicaiiH. front of famoiia lilstorle.il llctkun. lliite ore bill vmiocl. men of tho cheap hook' wn piilillli,nrenll In tfOcxl wun or pocket , how liner Is pceaei. lii(r,Ba v (fwoMliJownlnt., and oua AtdVMch w urn mnkliid fedetireri.ln'flliH lil.liirv.i7 ilaFRtf'lf' iiarwrli oi umiiniwi' I ddltlnttCVlth ineeil .u ummMnintr,' aro an .eieaaiuir nii,wroiiifiy nomin, m . - . '. . . T. . .!." UriM..dl cloth dr.bottor.htyle', ai9 o A fit piijei proportionately lowjwlth tUono inpupe G0ert((Wo miio tbino few oniKinimuiyiiict rqnn; a.p din; n. ot inaciui a,k oJinc n. of unllty of uuricvv iimmwin', mni iiiiu eiieciui mini win not bo 'vMy?'1?.? R-.nnn tmVcoiifii-u tiirtTiiKiidui. fciui ', '. y l - w ..,.' V A A .J United HtaK id Ctia(la iff rrrparM tf, lUief Alum nanny- nunpiy or uiKiniliy HldliilerAOur. pup rAOUl-,)iilillentl(jn". iviiBivdiujerw ierrnU),-niiMwiiurniioi'Cii,kiii 'iiiernci. t. 500,000 Acres' Otfth(!l!nnofthev ' For full particulnr., which' will be.'.ent frte, aMrc. a iXaud Ooramla.lonnr, MltwiHikee. 1VU. i.i . . .. ' in, TT " S1QG MONTH fortAffentiinn 11 HEW .TfcBlA ma lur uii-inur, Aim enn-'ailnri'KK or z or 'Inore HonlOwi ui, and 10 tvl xibt iva Thd qeiiple'ii Mnif a- ent fonwt ,"'1,n11 iiii,.' tlnu UM 6 WootufcJ AITuW.tt.f. " ' cago'lll. ici ia f jiiWO'. -Aaatn.iK,rvuic ' ' ' l7r 1 " 7"I'IJ:,. .' BR t TI 1 , r Dr. JirKTTAint'S nKADACITR voiiii'M'iu nii'iini jmnoii'ATni'iion jiimui .ni HA. i It, fliA AtnM than A ri U(lut of, ji'riil for ln. Utlior with m ENGINES? . m iSTuiJLw ' . Ifarmrt-n iinil TlircolirMurn nm lurlted to inve8tUiatothiHma(fi('lhre-hllKMnclilucry. CkeularsMentfrt-o.lA)-i r . ' N10H0U8,SHIPRD'& CO. - asaitent. l)o:rlt VDRntalocue.undlllUKtriitflil tninplx letdiMdrlblns booK'Tnakltuf and tvrxvottlp by l,niii, will hd-entr-? tni 6ii..fiiet); AMERICAN BOOK l....! i -J- .fc-n-ft--. ..-i t.ii.-..-J ; ' k WISCONSIN., lill no LMilUil ni.ii iiHKT,a t imtmw tm i WlSCOllOliTlB l, R. rf. t.gJ.n'i'l A DR M ETTAS RS ..jihortiidollrrth KlCU-and NKltVOUS IIKADACIIE; ami lthllu iiotlntr on ( - tlio',ii:rvoiiHvKyhU)iu,'lraiiii dm nUimiich of cxcc of lillo, iiroduclng a ! J regular lioulUiy'ttctlon'of tho bowels. "smk f ,. . , ttW'iJi Tai fa Wflill niro 1iiTt of thPKo vnliiiUilo 1 jT. ft W 'jilqtiCUrti?inaIliHl to uny iiddresf itumps; l"or Mtlu by ull drugKlht-i " J i a'? jir liItOVN CIUUnCAI. COatPANY, IJaltlmorc, Md vuw ' - v O rs M 42i000,000 -j Jly ihuaTarmerit 'of the i Morlhwrat. from llrknea. nnd dlaeane of l.lve SIOLk. .I' Po aay the Atilculturhl Coin rnlAlorifrstjf that w ctlon. Our nirw.licjok. lll.fiiawl nl'il.lvu Klni'k nnd , thrlriJEeiii edje ,la ny w KaiJy.dtnJyrKd by burjtepn General o(U BuruiyamlltnUluif Velrlinr buru'tiiua. uuuntw nuiixuii ""t ' li'ti. Ciumf Wtrv'et, ClitciiKO, III. i. T - a i . r a . .a a , r. a . AGENTS WANTED QlilCK toaolltho REVISED NEW TESTAMENT 'NowrVrirtyfdr Aurnf Motl dfUr.alte edition. I.utv priced, Million re -nAltdiR forIr. (irimtl harrrst vr: I,... .,y liilck. Ayenu. I'Hrtlcuinrs frtt. Outnt Jc. Act in 11 Ull U A .UUl.l ItD .11103.. CblLaKO, III. Well BOR8NcANDRncK DRIILIHI! Mnl'HiNES. 'lon fr ini kind of Will wiILTiTk LOOMIS &NYMAN, 1 IFFIN, OHIO. .IHpWZiA gfV J ,M LAST laiv r -----r .-- - HAIR and H'ff'Bentf O I) nnywhrrn. Wholimle and ilet.tll. l'rlcu llttrc. (joxls Kiiaran lied. li.UbTlitiiulDT Wubaali av.t'htcaao. does nnnrti IWOWDERFULIII I cure;si mi In-nuno It netton the MVHU, JI01TKI.S and I1M;H attljc-tniiiB time. Becti.eUo1cahiMtllijtinofthopolion. ou humora that dovelope in Klilnr and tin nary Iridium, JHllcuniK'M. Jaundlco, CotnU. pmiotl.riierf, dr in allauhfatlam, IfeuralgU, NerTdua VUorders and j;nialo coiupiainu). oiifl wiiA'r rrlir.'n ba i ratrh 11. Nork; of Onnetlon City. Kan-, i,i, kuiiiot (Yiui.,;niiiiiim ivutr ir ilclanMdW'iinliii'foi-rtircui-fl. Ulr.i .T.ilm Arnhll nf Wn.ldrntlnn, Olllo. aTt iierliov nt(lqiiiiiitoitln li four liloniliioiil pliTalolaiiaiid that h wan aftaiuardloured by Wdioyof, M. M. 11. Ooo.lr.ln. an ndllor lif Clianlon, Ohio. RxnTD linnitKlint.rnic.Uiil to lire. Iiulliif liloiiloJ u . w .... . . . t;. . " : .1... . . ' . .; il ... I beyond liclk'T. lull Kiiiney woni'iircii iiim. AhrtH I. Jarielt of Koiilli Hklein. J. Y ny'l tliativitmt yrnlrr'Ufeiliiit fnim lildney trotlblo-l land vlliir'oiijiiiJliutluiia wuKcnUid U llm utaori I " Idtft'T Wort Jo)inJ14Anrfneof Jack-on. Tenn., aufferrdl for ycar f rbul llrcrHiid kldnpy tirtiililra anil I ncitr Ink nr -iiarrfia n ''liarrfla ot other uiodkln,"l I Uldiicr Woi t nVodo lilm well MIoliIHI Cfltb fct'Mnntnomfrr Imilti-rcJclKlitjrtni-wUli Ulclney dlllleultr atull t riurr. v i... JWiOi niiAliW to fVOik, lailiiJy-Wort inado him "TfUaa-ev," PERMANENTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Conatlnntlon nnd Pilos. Ilflt Mifltt UH trt Urj' Vet-Uldo Torni In ( tin rim,nucpnckaBeof, nlildIiinakMi.il (iinru of inrdlcfne. AUnln llqilld Form, r Oon.l eentraUil, lor mono mat cuinot rcatuiy pis VT U off telih rqtmf efflHtntfv Ol ei'ln'r form. OET IT 'ATTI1E DRUQUIBTS. riticn, 1.00 wr.i.r.8, HiciiAimsoN xv.o., rrop', I fWUl tand tUa dry roat-pald.) rtl III IN0TO1, TT. Books by Mail. -HX7C Win' I.K COOKM. ' lyllWKtukt,ANt. rrtortll.on. 'While II lareiilly, an liitcuHtltiic narrntlvo tn Itaelf, lUllKtitfiiliytenrfiMBlrla jnat how to follow pnicU' lyitHidkny recliH'i." !t. .((Avfw,.Vie 1'urX. and Kliln and lhilrnioiIir, will ixiiqiwlly dellKhtcd wlih It "-yie .li(ri. t'Aiwo. .t. - iiiiwnii&i,iiiETo ni:u kino JIUM. . A Itoinance. Hy 0, M. 0. 12 mu,, SiTpoKin. I'rlco "Ourtalnly h rrui.rkahlo roinwicv." llotton .lileer i t'l'tltn novel of rrliinrltiible tntrnalty anil nrllimll- t ty."-A', r Amrrtrii,nooktUtr. ... ? "HUfnr bIkIV1 tliirMmiKi'of works of la rlaar. illaplajliOt great .mngtliHtul truitlo power.' .v, r. Oriwtttc. 7.onn ok i:vi:n.' Hy Mr., i A. I),! Ti Wiitrauv. 10 mo. HoiiRhton, O.Kood & Co, Prlec, ILW. ' 'OddorKven,' la" Wit thfftiovdof n day or u Bea ton orn aennaUoiti H la n capital uuvul fotcu'r. " C7M caffo IVmet. f). -LOUISIANA. i m mianoik ii. iitinititrr. kuid, era hima. l'rlee. .1.1A. Charle. Scrlb- ner a hum. Prlc. ai.av. Amerlean down uralcfiil fur It. Utcrniy purity, proud of It. lofty jv purely inerlean novel. Onn lny.lt of It. lofty cm aplrltmiil Mrv aorry that tin ro arc not .uu'rui volutnoioflt.'' CACUin 7(i', - , .-)AlTAIN rKAtVVNS-i, ' From the Frxpeli of Tiiroi'iiu.K OAUTirn. lot auH'rul more ISrao. Piiinntir bona, i'iiimt. uk ; riuin. fi.-ji. i llii. ilnllulilliil work liiiulter auriiiiKKi'd II In thi. delluhtful work Uiuilter urmi'd hlm.eir and product l ihu uioaei or piauriaauu runmnci..- .... r -..-..--.... . .-., wrtf Jama, Jrt Any of the above uonki lent by mall, prepaid, oi receipt of thu price named. A. X. Kcllomr S'eiv.pnper 'o., in tliibkanii Nt., Clilrniro. oxriOufSL.GV-0 flCADEMY.OF FINE ARTS S. W. Cor. State and Monroo Sts. School of Drawing aud Painting, Till. Art, ifjehool now In f ull proKre.a, nnd Piiplli' may enteral tiny nine, iiuuriieuun ih KivrnriKiuunj in DruwinK from ihu rini, tun Aiiiiiiue. anil iruin Jiiiiv PCt.PIU.'tlVl'i mini te Skel ve. Clio mi nnd Charcoal Driiulni. l'lllicn eti'filhtr, PnlntlPKl'i Oil nnd Water (Jolura, Liiatoiuy.l'un u liu OruvliiK. nnd lHchhii ArtlHtld Anatomy, onuopir Tuktltiii IVc, 98f for Thriifl nronlli. Special iirrnniji'ineiiiH (or ahurtcr lernia. 1 he tuition fca luUnili any or nil the iibui Vpmclua, unit nl-ui thu um or thu Sclmiil Mhrary on Aru 1 In ti nctier. unti Hb.niiv J' ijriiijfiiuiiilJ. Kuv Itmipitihov, l'rofe... ora of Drawing nnil Palnilniii J II VANdfiii-okIh In atritclortu Oinwlnifi N, II OAiirr.vricii, Iimlnator In rcrMecllotW M it. I'liKsen, nifpctnrundl.iLtupff on ArttMlr. Anatomy; Mkb. 1'. N. UoKt, Teuclar of Chlun 1'alulliiK. ttend for Clmilar to W. M. It. FIWIS'CH. betrciary CIiIcokoiAciuIi my of Fluu Arta. Book for Threshormen Worth SSS. Koranic for aSe. THUnMIIKKMAN'S iiookh.i:kiio. Includlnie all Illunka iiudrd to ' make aettlement. wlih eimtoiiier.. Money ruf undid If not eutlrulj patlafnetury Addreaa Tha Atiltman ft Taylor Companj ilnii.ll(.d. ItlclUuud Co., O. rtrXS euro moat wondftrfully In ft Terr ....... VISAS, with fnll dlrnrtloni for n coin- tin roccljit or nlno tlineo-ccnt iioaiago at 25c. Holo Troiirletora, 5, 10, 25 oent COUHTEr'sUPPLIES. TOYS, NOTIONN, tc. Oatiiloguo Trer. GARY, FULTON & CO., HO bumnnjrSt. llotton, Maie, ARPUTC Coln nioriey wllh Dr. Chii.u'a Now HUkn I O ICecelpt J(ook, Nuwly revlaedaml en. larged. Ily mall. r.'. Addnwi Clia.u I'ub Co., Toledo, O. V GENTS WANTED belllni; notorial Hooks Slperctnt National l'ubll. for tho Heat and Faalest. ami lllblo. 1'rlLeirtdULed HlilncCu , ClilciiKu, 111 AfCT, SOMETHING Coe,Von?e A To., roil. Ml 11V.S Ifarn leleitraphy and earn f 10 to ?100 n month Kvery jrr.uluit ku tr.tuteed . pijlnit sltua. tlon. Address ValenUiiu Hi os M.umiwi.J.im'rivllle.W'U. A. N. K. M ti!i ifiK.v irjirrixa ro .utVEnTiNvnv. ir-f(. Htty you VUIV tho 4'l'erf l'lICll in this vuvcr. r 1LLI