Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 16, 1881, Image 5

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IJlUlWDAV,.irXK 10,
1SS1. .
Tl'.'T"' WHII '''
nfWAftnwH c9 ww n
Window Shades at Nickell s.
- Sonus of tlio sJuw-gotTj among the
papers are just getting around to the
fcloeiimb Iiiaw Thk Advkhtjsku iui
lished the law over two months ago.
Lost. A forked gold cravat pin,
with crystalied iuai't7. set. Finder
please leave at this oiHee antl ho re
warded. H, r. CocidiMa
5am liloh and Joe l'onn arc painting
the postollice front and inswlevoooV ork,
and putting fresh figures yn the boxes.
There is no p. o. in the state that pre
sents a neater cluuner or more tasty
appearance than Ihe Biownville post
oUiee. A few 1 glits Ago the safe of ti5
Fawnr-c county 'treasurer was opened
wd $r,380 of the county's Jiwney
stolen. The keys to the safo wero
first stolen froiu the treasurer's pocket
1iile he was asloep at Iwmo and no
violence was done to lbo lock. The
treasurer's con was -suspected, arrested
and discharged, and who -the robber is
remains a mystery.
AtchKon Qh'ho: .It h reported
that the old road lied between Falls
!itv and Browjiville, graded And
'abandoned several years r.go by tthe
1usted Midland V'nciiic eoniy.any, 5s b
be ironed at Mice by the 23. & M.., aiwl
extended southeast to Hiawatha.
Alb ), that the 15. & M. will occupy the
gap between Nebraska City and
i'httsmowth, making a continuous and
short lino'on tins side el' Uie river (tto
And nw comes tho said Jay1
'Gould and looks 'j) and ftwwn the
MIsspmdI .riven, iluaU'targ tire imjress''0:i'
urn t'lie mindb of men thai he is con
templating a railroad from Atchison
to Omaha on tho west bank of said
'river. The rumor strikes Brownville
all over, when she thinks in connec
tion with it-of the early.advent of the
QuincyM. & Ti anfitohi? bridge, and
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given .that thci
rpaKnership heretofore existing bo-!
tween Alex 'Snott mid .Joseph Clear-i
'water, "iproptietois 'JSrownurio -livery
stable, is dissolved, by mutual consent,
Joseph Clearwater retiring from the
firm. All accounts payable to Alex.
Fiunv who will cMiiiiinio Cho Ibuslness
iut the siimcjJace. (
Ma.x Sn6:. j
Jo.sKi'ii Ci.:xr.wATj:it.
On Tuesday of last week while.'
;aome children were at play at the housei
of Mr. Albert iLeopor, near Sheridan.
tho old story w j as repeated .in a jnobt,
.sad and tragic way. 'T hoy .found a
convenieutijun.and 0Uo J)ovol,aJ years,
old, poiiJt"Uit at'littleISrettie,d.aughtor
'of Eli Wood, pulled tho .triggor and
tsent a load of fihot Mnte the left -side of
little Nettie, billing her instantly.
'Comment .raid caution s.bout leaving
Hirearms inthe'retich-of childien is uu-
mecessarv. ?lhe destruction of tho in
nocents from eiiminal carelessness. will
,go on airtho'samo. I
Tho deaddock at Albany as still
on, and tho Voting for the .varioufi'
'candidates varies but little from Hay
:to day Coukling's vvoto beiig from
JiWtoJJ.") and PlattV firom -20 to 20.
'ThciuiLiffitahv.uts arc .believed to bo
using-mottc-yvory .lavisJlly, auiLthreoof
them have K-tn detteted in oft'ering
bribes and exposed. Dopow tho lead
ing half-breed railroad monopolist
candidate has been receiving as high
as .14 votes, and it can be accounted for
iu no way but through the use of
i bribe money. An investigation is
taking , place jf ;tbo bribery charges.
"We see notbJAg UvUtfJiewtes iivhat
ithe end will .
-The Kian -who ihot and iroblKid
Angel iu Atchison cwmty, Mo., last
week was arretted a ffew days . aflcr
Avard at Chirinda Iowa,. taken back. 'to
I lock Port and'phiceM in jail. 'On
Saturday . morning (last, a party of
twenty oi thirty masked men tool: the
assassin from the jaSl.andhanged'hira
on a tree until dead. .-His name ayas
'''Thomas Reinhaminer. 'Angej, at'iast
account wa.yct alivo. ilttis -rroported
of lleilihammer, tliati;ft;r shooting
'Angel he wont to Sinrlington Junction,
on' the St. f:ouisand Omaha 1tond,'nitd
'.AVltilo patronizing the-saloons, sang "I
Avant to ihe an angl'l" etc. 'Uo got
1 there mufciisooner than' ho had ox-ipected.
Al.E. Ewan, of Sheridan, dropped
in on us Monday.
S. J Itobertson, of Lafayette pre
cinct, called on us Monday.
C. 12. Bingham, of York, Nob.,
gave Brownville a visit this week.
Mr. S. Miller, of Johnson, called
and subscribed for our paper Tuesday.
J. L. Carson has been gone for
several data on a, trip to Pennsylvania.
- Gov. Furnas went to Lincoln Tues
day to attend tlio Grand Lodge of the
Temple of Honor.
Miss Alice Judkins started to
Parsons, Kansas, Tuesday, whore she
has accepted a josition as book kecpor
iu a telegraph ofllce.
Miss Lou Arnold cruno up from
Oregon, Ma, Monday ewning. She
will go wifh tlio Fannie Arnold Con
cert Company to Tecumseh, ;is pianist,
on Thursday.
Y$ were gratified on TaeIay
hist ai receiving it call from Hon. J. fiL
Ewau; of Lafayette and his hmxaio
little boy Al. R. Wo axe very much
acquainted with AL, but not ao witAi
the Hdor geulloiuaji, aui tope the ac
quititunco thus begun will be mutually
Little Elsie, child of & A.Osbrn
Esq., about two years old, swallowed a
aiickel cola Tueiuy and was for awhile
very swat, ana vomiting so wiaa
wieiWojil rcsaieiSes oaald not Ira attained
in the stomach. "Wo aro pleased to
leam, Uowevor, as we go to press, that
sho is much better and out of danger.
She is a very delicate child.
Hon. M. B. Eeyman faveawd ass
with a calu&nd an anuwostane await, on:
TVicfeday. "JVo v,er pfleasofl to hnvo
the gentleman call, notwithstanding
tho "unpleasantness" lust winter.
Mr. Boymnn knows as does every
other man who reads our paper, that
from our standpoint our posiition on
tho main issues was reasonable; and ho
had the manhood to call .and its'k it
over, and thejgood souse d not eq
tho n)f,poc."
Notwithstanfiingnjur llargo trade in
barb wire last .season, ttti80, .wo havo
ugain commanded the tradq, .and sold
over .1.iPHpouH5.HUioe Jan. Jat, 1881.
ThisJaqt alone tproves tho csccollecy of
our wire. W-o ihandlo Mo followinc
Jiret class lioonfled'wfare: IThe Joliotand
IJaker &, Scutfu patents. Call and
see us. Wiu-nt-a Jiwt. & Johdnx. ,
a ftill line of all kinds
of Fourtfe of Jly
vfl-nnlo noli -i TVT:.Z!.rvv
'.& Mcwre. !
Vroiu tlicMlifb. i
iThorcls porlmpd no tonlo oUoreC 'toitbo
peopldtlmt poHesnen roul lntrlnnlu
value ns tt:o Hop Hitters. Junt at ihlebcusou
of tho-'-uur, wtion llto-eioiunch needs uu np
pf'.lser, or tlio blood noedH purlfylnj;, tho
ncnpest find l)QHt romedy its Hop Dlttcr8.
An-ounooof pruventlou iHworth a pound of
cure. Donf. will, until you aro prostrutod by
uUIhciiso that inny tako (months for you to
reoover luiEoiton Globe.
'If vvou want any jkind of job
worbdone, .plain or fancjvblanks, bill
heads or letter heads, horso bills, visit
ing cards, wedding cards otc. W
havo one of tlie betit job ofllces in U-
west-iUKl will do your cwoffk prompuv
mi& vJunj).
cuririive ilaily
at J. L. McGcc's.
in Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
and Millinery Goods go
to John
McNeal. Lowman's stand.
fflams, shoulders and
sicle7?zeat,ait .. L. McGee's.
Biliousness or const! pntior. is a sign
of iliaordwed livor. Curo them botli
AVith,i bottle of Dr. Marshall liromo
lino.tholJlg.Blood Mo(UciiK),flfty ceittc
a bottle.
0 . 'X;
For constipation, costiveness, or
biliousness, 'Use Dr. Marshall's Big
Bromohno. 'Big bottles for fifty cents.
Ask your druggist for it.
The finest assortment of
gwijgiiams ac o. jj. JVzcuee s.
A 1 it T H
vAuyoj)n,Avishing td buy -an .outfit
for houf.ekcoi.iijg, caiusavn money by
buying of Stevenson & Cross, as thev
keep overythliig in. that line.
Our Lafayetto correspondent, Ir.
Ward, is a correct reader, a liberal
thinker, anddistinguishes well between
true, or real journalism, and the spur
ious kind too often palmed oil upon a
credulous and suffering people for a
genuine article. "Wo like such a citi
zen as Mr. Ward, because he lias an
opinion and accords to others tho flame
right, regardless of difference. lie be
lieves editors should make up their
opinions independent of politicians,
rings, ownerships, etc. Tin: Advku
tisku indorses Mr. Ward's ideas, and
is proud to say it is precisely that kind
of a "hair pin." The right of opinion
is the dearest right of an American,
and the one above all others that ho
will fight for when necessary, ami Thk
AivicuTisi:it being true-blue Ameri
can, and believing most earnestly in
according all liberty that doeB not con
llict with the rights of others, it would
bo recreant to its own conscience and
dastardly in its own estimation were
it otherwise than ready to take a jvosi
liou an any qiestim of local or na
tional interest, and to accord, iu Xv
columns, that samo right to other.?. We
were at Jittlo disgusted And considerably
amused tho other day in bearing .that
.somebody was surprisod that Tin; Ai
vuutisbu slxMild espouso tho Conkliug
1 side of tho jiresout disturbance in our
party, while lion. Cliuncb. IIoivo vas
for the aiuaiiidBtxation. iVhen the
troublo had assumed At ratber heated
and interesting phase, and the people
bad begun to take sides and discuss
the merits and demerits oX the fac
tions, w were Xroquently askexl;
"Whioh.fiide.does Churcb Howe take?
Where do Bill Dailoy and Tom Majors
stand?" Wo didn't then know, and
.didAt't care,; .hut it did seem a Uttie
curious when wo 8inco learned that
Mr. Ho wo sympathizes with tho Presi
dent and that Daily and Majors aro
rampant for Conkliug. Tin; Auvi:n
ausiui, having a mind of its own, J'ol
ilowod its miiflovJatlng custom .of jiot
going .out to cenmjlt asio wliat-tliif tu1
ithationo behoved or snfi vised, or -.woit-f
ing to see .wiiicli way tho cat v,a floing
to jump.lhoforo it dare have amy thing
to say ob .tho subject. We liko .our
friends and value their ounsola, but
they must mot ex;iHict imj to consult
thom upontho tone.and bearing of wir
editorials. It a loo anuch -troublo. In
concluding itheso thoughts wo deiiMO to
say tft3Ir.Tttrard, .v.u:ito forms jCrequeut
ly. and understanildhis, that .we do uct
intond to btlluhjo in partienn on
itlie president, vhom vti ilitco and
' to'be as .HtaKwurt as anybody
Theimrthenoi w.hat .we h&veria'uLabQirt.,
the dej)lorablo attair has been intended
as defending Mr. 'Conkliug against tlio
unfair, an3, in many instances, false
and malicious war waged against him.
We could not conscientiously join the
attack against him, Ifor, as a .great co
rtomporar.y .has fluid, iwo cannot just
mow engage-in eliooting vetemne. Al
though .Mr. Gonkllng is not Uhimoless
in the matter, yet, as'Jiohas committed
no capital offonso, we want him to live
anil servo again, as tho superior intel
lect in the National Senate.
Buy no other than
These are tho .leading .jnachines. .lrqr
sale byttho-"Kegulator:"
Tiros. Rtoi?AiU)S.
jiUe- tjhmntl of Hyson !lea for 1
dt Nickell's Drug fctore.
Calilmo PInutN lor Sale.
Large lot of cabbage plants for salo
25 cents per hundred.
.Toiik Davis.
For bllllouHiiess nnd aoiiHtlpatlon of tho
bowels, uho Dr. MnrHlinU'N Hl Dlood nnd
Liver Curo, Uromollno, n speody nnd prompt
curo. Only fifty conti, I
Highest market price paid by jD. E.
Douglw. Co.
"SrrocK hogs
JTor salchy
. I,ot tbo dead lury their dcml nnd thoHv
lniaciDr, MarRlysll'illlB Illood nnd Llvr"
urp nnd bo well,, Jllg botflon Htty qonju. .t
-ilr.CgtjJstB nro HKontn.
rCook Stove For Sale. j
-"Home Comfort?' "No. .8, complete
.Avith rosprvoir. . Q on nr address j
Cock Stove forSalc- f rpnogranr,"
No.,8, apply,to F.urman.ifc. Palmer.
Carriage ;4 Tops i
most ir.vjcnsoMi: axi
These Tops aro readi
ly attached to any scat
with seat irons and
lifting rails. For sale
Manufacturer Ikalrr In
Brownville, Neb.
.. ,. '. .fs "',.f kwsomt Krowth Ah rtnoly
n i rtm hip nimii --.... . . . .
""" ""-.nwiiniinrir nuiirwrx. nnvK nnu
iv,V. .i...V .i10 ''"ProvotI ContlnuouH MbUtltiK UiUIh which VofurntHhod villi w
..,. ...u v.. n i.cuuv puicni, una rur nupuriur
An Invitation to Join Pern in Oelobratiiig.
Pent', Ni;n Juno Oth, lSsi.
dipt. Jno. L. C'nrson, Urowuvlllo, Not),
Dear Sir: AtaMas mcetimrof our
citizens on Saturday LiBt, I was direct
ed to consult with you, and other
prominent citizens of Brownville, with
a viow of having your cliizcus join
ours iu a Fourth of Julj celebration at
this jilaoa. Our yeopla would fcel
eoinpliuiontttd by Hudu a wuiorc and in
view oi tho lucl that this would bo Uie
moetinexpoiiHivie jioint Ad Ibe uxosi
coiuwiiejit for your peopj. because .of
the u-io UaJH in iho mornlnc md down
tT4itn la. vejiiug. Wo feel buio yow
will join ns, if you do not contemplate
a gathering nt your place. Pleaso con
fer Avith your people and let us know
at, y.our .eanUoat .cooyAaittuoe .so that
yoa xway ilw ivrperly repreet-nted Jn
tho programme.
Vcjrj' Bofljectful1y,
'Win.twN J2. Majous.
It strikes Tub Ad VKwrtisKit ,u just
the thing for Brownville to dojoin
Peru in celebrating or, at least go to
Peru and enjoy their hospitality. Wo
suggest a meeting of our .Qxt&ons to
.consider tho mattac.
Men's linen pants1
lined with ice cold
soda water, at
Mcffiss & ItorTi
- Tho iniiaorablo wrotcj 'Clank,
itho murdoror and would bo auieidq, on
"Xhursday.ttf ilast AV,oek, madfl .another
.des,pej.ute-uttom)tititako,hi8ilife. Jfe
Jirat itrted rto bran.glo Ihimr.olf by
tw.iflOhig 'bis vest .wound Uii .nock.
J&mathor umisoner., (oonftnod in ithe
cour,idorof tho jail for a -light effouso,
gavo tho alarm vlfvch ibrought (the
jailer in, or ho possibly would ,ha.vo
choked himself to death. Being
thawarted in this, ho toro open tho
old cut on his neck, and lacerated it
afresh with a rusty nail that ho in
some .way had got .hold of, and ho
bled until, as.bho alwlff aajd, ho cor-
ttainlylhad.nQtiU gill ,pf .bipod 'loft hi
ibis .veins. But ho is iill alive.''
While ho waalllleediig and -o mirgoon
Dr. Stewart wwntrying tocloso liia
Avound ho noted Hfco a inaiifftc and it
took all tho.powonpf tljreOfStTOjig njon
to holji his arms. They finally sue-,
ceedetl inpicioning liim.iluind awlfpoU
ClarlCti fathor-in-hiAY, Air. A.llard of
Garden Grovo'Iowa.was injtho city nt
tho-tlmo, aud had had on jintorviow
Avith tho murderer of his daughtor.
Mr. tllard saidvGJark hajl been
craay aa lojj alw kne ')iijn, nnd
Avoujjd not 'boilove !xn jGWW now.
Ho Jnow him to bo laay,' trying, mean,
aniLruel to his wife, but not '.crazy.
at McGee & Moore's.
liflt of Letters
Romainipg In tho ppsfeollce & JJrP.w.n
villi?, ebaflj .r ,$$ .'pi.din4J
hllawloy,. A. V. :iIcC?iTOn, James
Ilowp.iJohn 3?. il'opo, Goorgo C.
Hayes, a.mQff Jo P.-Snuth, C. F.
iLipsy,wnj3 Smith, William
.wftnk, lytjlda.
iVOTAL qits.
jTordan, T. y. Hwh James
KrnleAvltz, II. QpjrTamcs A.
Loka, Chas. F. iJMwo A'lgn.
Persons calling for anyof-.ho above
.AviU.ideuso say advertised.
. CPcahours 0 a.m. to 8 p. m. Sun-
ylaya.frioin.O to 10 a.m.
T.-.CIlAOKBJli-P. M.
ewlawns tfmtij&hqtjJi
ilntuhrd-aro trimmed
with tho beet
HHiururtuiiiM ciiinnlntn.
All Iron nrnlly
to wiy ouwr.
Corn Avanted on subscription.
"Wagon tlmlier ami iron by Stovcn
son & Cross.
Por Irst clajH groceries will on
T. 1j. Jonex.
Furniture and tinware repaired
by Stevenson & Cross.
Stoves, furniture, and (juoonuwaro
hyfttoYeiiKon & Cross.
-- WnntbuUer and eggs. Highest
jjrice nid by Stevenson & Cross.
FineaJL ttook of wall paper ever
in Brownville at NJcIaoU's drugstore,
BeJL Bread i;i .tUo.cit;' .at Purman
& Palmer's and don't, you orgct it.
Second hand No. ,e cook st6ve,
good as new, for nalo cheap. Call at
tide office.
Bw)t Bread i Brownville at tho
new Bakery of Puiutmu Ss Palmer al
AvayBroah ud gloau. Give iluvm a
-' I ' ! - -
Trains havo bxwu almrAdouod on
lUie 1T fi. road botw'towi Haiaburg and
Plattsmouth, qn account ,o.f tho high
Avater. Trains now come hy Avay of
lied Oak.
Oliango of Baa.
'JThlB-vony voiunrknblo entorprlno conlla
uun to mnko mini i program uh to uNtunloli Its
Jrlondn nnd iislound UrouciiiIun. Its great.
y ilucrcxwdtui .proportion!) itinvo oompollud
lUio roiooval of ,11m Uond.fiunrterH .frqm tbo
Trlbuuo -UutldliiK to tbo Kory Mro und
ibqnutWul building, No. "ftlHrcmdwny, wblob
.tHilnrttio .very ,ralfUtof .tbo -'ibouk .dtRtrlct"
otaw ork iGlty, .and, tbnrofnco, of tbo
publishing imUirpirlBo of,Uio nntloq. TbU
bulldlPK.ittioiiKli nlff .ntoricfl In bclwlit 2,1
rfoctrfront.oud'J(X).fuot.(luf)p11lH HiitnoUitit on
.lyifor .tlio ylUccH and ixotnll Ntore of tbo
cotnpnny. fl'bo mnnpfnatatluK in cmrlcd on
itn-fluvorul Iiitko ibntliUi)n:locutcil,ln ntbor
partn oftbo.oily, tliounliltil ,ooptomplatci1
conwintrntlnBtlioin-eoon ito .ono Jrpjpioo
(factory to buorectvd.
TliolriJbaof.recout.ftnd.GaOy fortbcomlnj;
pnbllcatlonH nro pxtretnoly interesting to
nil .ivbo.onJaytvibnt.tacholoQat In literature.
Tbo Library ."JukiwiUio ,jii ,uuiquo iu botli
form nnd cbnruafcjr ,npil nltoaetliir
dollgbtful In UioricbniftH,o.f ,tl.s,conLoats.
Of tbo boolcn ntinounood, lfcgn lar'or
"lllatory of tbo Kugllfih People," .rodncod
from 810 to 91 : Uurlylo'8 "IlUtory of tho
Froucb ltovolutlon," roduoed to 10 .conta,
Carlylu's "JiorooH nnd Iloro AVornblp." 23
LconV, rip d tbo "Hcvlaed NowTostntnrnt,"
tVfjjUnflSjpypnJjjy.lto bqinatiufaaturod with
rnniuiWVroiprorqynbcftror, v,-;u tjiayC
poJrtWftstyolton. ;Jt Is "worth whllo for
ovory onoylip bun, not nlrrndy Hpon II, to
send iUirt ftut tho (llluNtrutod immnli'ol.
"BoolcMaHlnr. nniWypoSottliiK hrStciiui."
ivhlnh will
JUwJrns, Hue A,nn.'rloJn'PPAt Kxolmno.
miMiiii trnn -npon nppuuaiiou .
iffjfonqtAqyiNow ,Yqr.
AWUJLUUBu iiY .TiiEiu.(i8.1,oiia:Hr.vr.
First National
'Bqid-up Capita, ,$SO,,000
Author tend f tfQOQO
, ia IWF.l'Al'JUDTOTRANna.OT -A'
q.ftUtuQptlncltinl cities of Uio
United States and Europe
On approved HBCtirlty only. Xlni? prnn dlNQAUiit
'lowed on iuw cvMfldntvs orIptlt.
inEOTOiywWra.T. pen. n.,1, Uulli-v, M.A
Sro F ilw irf ' JOnu0t(AV1"1"' iloadlyr
, Cmlilcr
fcMIr drienUa with -,ii)lini nii0
I. II Cure I T'J. . liri.' II! ntpit.4
, fDiililst "int rue u i'uliau.
au'V.U6BU b,h KrlM St..
AKiiiii.uviiih.iiv :''
,, ,
( "HkMI W3 tf
Ull Ha":
nu i.uhIiu ftp.