Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 09, 1881, Image 5

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    -Ail am miwpmmmmmwmaamamamanemmiummmmiK
THUKSDAY,,JtTNE 1, 1881.
. iiiiiwim iibiwh
- Kalsoinining of all eoldrs,at Niek
oll'a Drug tore.
Extra copies of the arvkiitisek
at. A. W. XickoH'a.
Berkshire hogs, hlglibrod foT salo
by Stevenson & Cress
Bain "Wagons, whips and cross-cut
saws by Stevenson & Cross.
A farm wagon good as now,
salo or trade, ijy T. L. Jones.
Now lot of Glass and Quecnswaro
at Seoman's. Call .and examine new
A new, neat, audi woll edited
ipapor Iras j-iuU, boon started at Tabor,
Iowa, callod .the Union.
Largest stock of screen wire
3ms come to Brownvillo for
.Stevenson & Cross. Can givo vou
iplaln, ikab, gireen, black, iigurcd .and
landscape, all widths, cheap by Steven
son & Cross.
Ed. Benedict has started a paper
ut Silver Plume, Clear Creek county,
al., named Silver Plume Minimj
JVeww. It iB a neut little ipa-per and
full of local and miuing .news. May
it live long and prosper.
Thu most thorough and goneral
rain of the season fell all over Noinahc
county Tuesday night. It rained all
night. Some hail stones as big as hen
eggs fell in the city, but as the shower
was not heavy, but little damage was
dono. Wo havo not iheard firem the
Died in this city on Saturday 4th
Inst. Dr. Jouiib Crane, .aged (U years.
The friends reserved mrnce in our
columns for an obituary nrtiicle, pre
pared by Dr. Howard,! SSTobratjka City,
.reudoiuig dueirespect to the deceased
as an eminent physician, surgeon and
useful citizen, but the article failed to
come to hand.
Bachelors and Maidens
4ay and Juno aro the months to
onarry.. Why delay ? No man was over
intended to se,w on buttons up in that
Iback roonumr any woman lavish her af
rfections on.her pet cats and dogs when
furniture, Steven, .Quoonswnre, Carpets
sand'Grroceries are sold so cheap by
.Stevenson & Cross;; besides delays are
,7 no. II. Argabright, jr., of Nemaha
precinct, called, Monday.
S. A. Osborn Esq. and family return
ed from the westFiidaj.
IX Y. Culbertson, of Glen Bock,
called m Tin: Am'Kimsisu, Monday.
Our estimablo farmer friend, Win.
Jowcll, of Lufayetto precinct, called,
Mrs. W. A. JudkiiiB went to Mis
souri, Wednesday on u few weeks
visit to friends.
Miss Bollo Osborn, sister of tf. A.
Osborn, Esq. is sptudlng & fow days'!
in Brownvillc.
Mjss Anna McComas returned
fromt Joo on Friday, accompanied
by Mjr. Helen BobLnson.
Charlio Chautz, our (efficient
street commissioner, is making sumo
mucSa needed improvements on our
;Mr. Eli Wood of Sheridan, with
his wifo aud (huightor, $nvo us a
very pleasant call on Tuesday afternoon.
Ellas Iless, with Meyer &Moyor's,
tobaconisis St. Joe, and Will Bontty,
with Work, Waclmmuth & Co. of
Chicago, wero in tho city Sunday and
Mrs. Smith and daughter,
Emma, of Tippucauoo C'ty, Ohio, aro
visiting relatives and friends in this
city. JMish Emma Smitli was formerly 1
a leachor in our public schools.
JDr, Keeling of Sulphur Hill, laid., is
bene. Wo understand ho has como
back to stay, and will locate in Numa-1
ha jjomo.uthor point in ithis
countti'. The Doc. is welcomed by all
ami especially the old settlers who
knew ,hu as & physician and citizen;
hero 'from sixteen to twenty-four
year ago.
Dr. Lutgeus, of Howard, came in
to tho city Tuesday evening, and was
caught in the hailstorm. Tho Dr. says
ho has corn knee high, that farming is
encouraging in his locality; and ho felt
so conifortablo that ho paid a year
ahead lor Ins paper, received our
thanks and went forth a contented and
happy man, with a conscience void of
offenco toward tho printer.
It is not too much to say tliatitho ro
iception accorded last evening to Miss
Tannic Arnold was littlo, if anything,
short of an ovation. Tho audience,
vwas largo, and composed of our mostj
lintolligi'iit people such as occasions of
itho sort always draw and it wasl
fairly captivated by tho voico and
rendition of tho talented artist. Miss
Arnold has adopted music ne hor .pro
fession, and it is needless 'to say to
thoso v ho heard her that she janks
high both as a singer and 'instructor.
Mate Journal.
Notwithstanding our large trado in
barb wire last season, 1880, wo havo
again commanded the trade, and sold
over 3io spools since Jan. 1st, 1881.
This fact alone proves tho oxcollecy of
our wire. Wo handle tho following
first class licensed wire: Tho Joliet and
Baker & Scutt's patents. Call and
see us. Willing Bnos. & Joiujnn.
Closing Torm Brownvillo Schools,
With tho Brownvillo schools, last
week was dovoted principally to tho
closing exorcises for tho term ending
Friday tho M hist. A portion of tho
exercises aud roviows wero in tho
school room awl others at tho Opera
house, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
In giving public noticeof such school
exhibitions and services, it is a very
difficult matter to designate, or speak
iu detail, with sxtiafadUon either to
writer, teachers or pupils. Sufilco it to
gay thin of our school, and all connect
ed pairons, board, teachers and pupils:
Tho schools were aievcr in a better or
more prosperous condition. Tho exer
cises novor gave beUcr ovidenco of
progress, development and proficiency
on iho pari of pupils; of qualifications,
devoted labor, and good results on tho
part of teachers, .and good judgment
and management ton tho part of tho
.board. The reputation of tho schools
in this city has always utood high. This
is being fully sustained .under present
management, -and wo tuko prido in so
At tho opora house- tho addresses of
Prof. Wilson and Moderator MoNaugh
tou wero timely, appropriate, apprecia
ted and well received.
Iaijustico would be dono did wo fall
to speak in highest touaia of the past
year's work on the-p.'wt.of Prof. Wilson,,
tho principal, aud ,his able corps koi as-,
sistawt Jteacherg, Miss Morgau, Miss'
Tucker, Miss Pumas, Mrs. Holtz., Miss'
Clark, Miss McDonald and Mrs. John-,
sou. Thoir work has heu .admirably
penformed,.us .results .abundantly evi
dence. As .they outer (Upon tho sum-
mar vacation and term of rest, the best
vwiehes of this cntiro community go with
them. '
As -jiii ovidenco of appreciation, tho
board ro-electcd all who desired to re
main in connection with tho schools.1
Prof. Wilson, wo understand, has not
fully determined what he will do, as he!
has openings several places elsewhere.
The board, in re-electing him increased
his salary from one thousand to ;twolvo!
hundred dollars. If his .continuing at
tho head of our schools is decided byi
dollars audiuonts, he will! leuiaiu.
Mrs. Ebright, now in Qliba, formerly,
and for years ebmYected .frui tho school,'
was again tendered .u position, which it,
is understood she will .accept.
Honorablo nmutiien of Geo. Carring
ton, the Janitor, must uo.t bo omitted.
Ho has dono much forihocoouifort and
convenionco of teachers and pupils, and
merits thanks without limit.
Tho Brownvillo schools wore the first
organized in the territory, and havo
over been an honor to tho town, county
and stato, and wo trust over will be.
Tops 1
m'KAiu.i: top
VKAOTl'HIM). These Tops aro readi
ly attached to any seat
with seat irons and
lifting rails. For salo
Miimiiictuur i Jtaltr in
Brownvillo, Neb.
Tho Howh nro of hccoihI growth AHh flnoly llnlRlicd.-aro trimmed with tho host
l)cr Olotll. Htivtlonarv nllnrtom. tnolc mill Hliln CiirtnlnH nntiintntn. All Iron nnntlv
Jnpunnuil. Tlio Improvoil UontlnuotjH HIilfUnK Hnlln which urofunilshcvl wlthcnch
Top aro of a rcoont p tent, and fnr nupurlor to nny othor.
Roll of Honor for Mouth Ending Juno 3d,
Lou Dort, Mattio Hacker, Stella
Ilot'ol, Mamlo Carson, (J race Stewart,
Minnie Morcor, Samuel Lawrence,
Walter Gilmoro, Alice Atkinson, Owen
Hratton, Cora Ponn, Eddie Oilwon,
HobertMuir, Julia Browning, Mollio
Burehvs, Hubert Walto.
Mary Hoover, Itinnio Blount, Elllo
McXaughton, Jpssio Bo wo, Lena
Neidhart, Anna Browning, Sallio
Abernathy, Minnio Teare, IJllio
Hoover, Mlnnio Soaton, Boso McCum-
ber, Tillio Helinor, Martha Worthing,
Paul G-ilworo, Will Campbell, Horace
Minnie Borger, Novada Lewis,'
PjcauU Dart, Stella Huddart.
Henry Whecldon, Eugene Oilmoro,
WduXred MoT,eal, Poarl Minick, Katio
ivleCKcer, Lillio Hurches, Bertha
Bou8llold. Sophio Xoldhart, Cora Par
Bobert Teare, Gulden Stovons, Albert
Smith, Corbiu Stevens, Willio Bussell,
May Worthing, Mollio Klein, Mollio
Ponn, Lillie Worthing, 'Etta Hacker,
Hettio Skeen, Lulu (Jauntt, Ella
llardenborger, Clara Collins, Emma
Motes Collins, SammioTcaro, Prank;
Hollmor, AVillio Zoolc, Nellie Pascoo,(
Pearl McCumbor, Sudio Boj-se, Lulu
Z00K, Mollio Bratton, iuiggie Sedoras,'
CoraEmpson, Emma Audicwa, Ylnyi
Fall Tekm Leo Boyse.
Winter Term. Eddie Whoaldon,
David Hacker, Maria CUlard, Maggie
Si'HiNp TEUsr. Payid JIacker, Zcno
Worthing, Jones OUnq.Glarko Johnson,
Elbe WJieeldou,, Louie Bussoll.
Mattie Love, Belle Crummol, Ora
Don, Minnio Sly, Francos Gillard,
Willie Hardonborgor, Charlio Sanders,
Goorgo Chapolow.
In its report of .the entertainment
given by tho Union Society .of the
University, Lincoln, the Jourmfi says:
"Tho Palo Moon," a duot by Cam
toana. was rendered by blisses Arnold
and Uitt, of lU'ownville, who had!
kindly accepted the invitation of the
society to appear. Tho dolight of the'
audienco was manifested by a iporomj)-
tory and enthusiastic recalL
'Tho exercises closed with a solo, selec-i
.tion from "The Pirates of the Pen-i
'ance," by Miss Arnold. It was sung'
suporbly,.and at its close tho audience
did not offor to disperse until alio was
irecalled and sang another song.
a full line of all kinds
of Fourth of July
goods call oa McGee
dfe Moore.
Krcim Xiie ILuli.
ThcrciU pcrhupii uo tonic oll'ored to tho
pcoplo ttint poahc'SHcvi iiH.muoh real intrinsic
value nH.tlio Unp UltturH. Juat at thinncnnon
of tlio your, whon tho stomach need uu np
pctlHoe. or tho blood need a iuirl tying, ttho
An ounooof prevention In worth a pound of
euro. lionlt watt until you nro proHtnUort by
ft dlBeasoitlmt inny talco months for you to!
rooover la.flotton Globe. '
We understand that Prof. Tanner
expects to inako a ttcur through Otoe
and adjoining counties for tho purpose
of photographing the people -cf tho dif
ferent towns and vicinity, or all those;
who choose to improve tho (Opportun
ity, and wo would any to all 'that Mr.
Tanner is a good artist and wilLbe sure
to plcaso tho most fastidious.
Men's linen pants,
lined with ice f sold
soda water, at
McGee &, Moore's.
at McGee & Moore's.
Don't forget the
best and cheapest
sewing machines are
to be found at J. L.
McGee' &.
William ISlaikio, '.the .author .of
"How to (iet Strong and How to Stay
.So," spoko before'tho Brooklyn tcach-
icrs' association recently on,"Phydical
Education." "I want," Bald'ho, "to see
;if in an informal trtlkwo can't hit up
on some way iu which Ave can -bring
the physical education of school
children to n "practical umstfs. Our
children who are 'healthy and buxom
when 'thoy begin school work, como
.out palo, sickly, and with round-
Bliouldors. If you require the
ichildren under you to sit far back on a
chair and to hold thoir chins up you
will cure-them .of being round -flhoul-
.dered, and tho 'lunge and -other vital
. organs will havo f reo and'beillthy play.
Another simple plan is to havo tho
-children bonb over backwards until
thoy can seo tho ceiling. This oxer-
ciso for a fow minutes each day will
woht a wonderful transformation. If
.awoll-qualifled teacher could lx em
ployed to sui-erintend -tho physical
.development of 'tho children tho '.beat
results seen."
tiouictttlug Now.
Prof. Witcherly, next door to post
office, has just received tho Prench Ad
justable Clipping machine. Cuts hair
anv leiiKth. It's just tho thing call
and try It.
I have just received a car of Champion
imachines consisting of blowers,
Iteapers, Combined jninchinoa and.
new Twine Jiinder., -Cdll and -sec for
.yourself. iBa.iidiCa3wjju:iii.
in Clothing, Boots, Shoos, Groceries'
and Millinery Goods go io .Johni
McNoal. Lowman's stand.
(OltKKN AND DItAll,)
Weed and Grass Scyths, Oil Stoves,
Lariat Pins, Bopo, Nails, Corn Shellers,
Tinware and Bepairing, at
Willing Bkos. & Johdan.
To tho Ailvortt.nor:
The weather has boon as good
farmers hero as could bo asked for.
Corn is nearly all in, but there will
havo to bo a great deal roplantod ; part
ly on account of cut worms and partly
tho offect of poor seed. No doubt tho
exporlenco gained this year will causo
the farmers to bo mora careful in se
lecting seed corn. Some of tho corn
raisers havo begun plowing corn, nota
bly Wm, Jowcll, who has two teams
cultivating whllo ho has yot throe teams
plowing, preparatory to planting.
It seems as if wo aro In tho midst of
a very stormy section of country. A
cloud burst at Dunbar tho 20th, which
1 beard took out 100 yards of rallr,oad,
aud a tiain Uml to be sent fcoin Mobftis
ka City for the passengers, The 20th a
cloud burst at Syracuse A hoavy
storm passed .over here the 20th, and
seemed to culminate about jtwo miles
north of horo, washing out things pret
ty lively. To-day I learn from Mr,
Douglas, father of D. 11. Douglas, of
your city, that botweon olovon o'clock
and two o'clock over two Inches of
water fell at his place.
The Nemaha keeps up about half of
tho time too high (for .tfyo uiiJJi jto run.
I noticed last week somo of (the
HrovnyiB.ajnB hero looking after their
intorests. .Among them was J.. S. Stull,
our worthy county judge, Jpokjjig aftor
his Jaud interests; Iho Bro(. Jen Sua
dors, juujior of tho Advertiser, on a col
lectiug .tour, Hov well ,ho prospered J.
know not, .but ho looked very smiling.
An invitation to dinner did not entice
him, as Unwished to get homo the. same
Friday glt. tlo -27th, Dr. Collins,
dentist, ,of Brownvillo, put in an ap
pearance .in our burg, and Saturday, as
woll as tp-day, ho has beep full of busi
ness. It looks as though bo bns struck
a lead hero. How Avell it will pun ou,t
can bo told ;in tho jfuturq. Tlioro aro
lots of tooth )hhq that need extracting.
By tho way, ho was hero somo timo
ago aud took an impression for a set of
tooth, and when he was horo this timo
the party had a wisdom tooth put in an
Dr. P. G. Nichol has moved to Tq
cumsoh, whero ho will have ,bis oillco
in connection with Dr.Thuruian'sdrug
store. Dr. Lutgon lives two miles
north of heie. Dr. Eaves has his oillco
in Brown's hqtei. Ho is a woll educat
ed young man, and can .succeed, if ho
will. L. B. M.
For constipation, costlvoness :nnd
Indigestion, take Dc 'Marshall's Brom
olino. Bigibottles. Price fifty cents.
Druggists will get It for you.
Cnblm&o Plaitta for Salo.
'Large lot of cabbage plantB for salo
:25 conts per hundred.
.CTqun Davis.
All styles cf sailor .'kats
Fresh Broad, pies and cakes al
wayB on band atJFurman &Palmor'8
Five Pounds of Hyson Tea for Si
at Niokell's Drug Store.
-.Kor bllllouunoHit mid oonRtlpntlon of tho
howoUj, iuao Dr. MnrHhftU Hlg IUoort and
Liver Cnrj, llroniollno, a speedy and prompt
4arc. .Onlj' fifty contn.
Hhefit market prico paid by 1). 1$.
Douglas & Co.
For sale by J. ItAiiscuKOLit.
Lot tho dead bury thoir doad and tho H7-
Inn uho Dr, MurBhnll's piK Hlood mid Llvor
Ciiro ruid'bo woll, IUk bottleu flfty conUj. AH
druggtHta are agentH.
ooU ato;vo For Sale.
"nomo Comfort' No. , complete
with reservoir. 'Call on or address
-j Cook Stove for Salo "Mmograin;"
No. , apply .to JTurmop JLUaer.
Corn wanted on subscription.
Wiigon timber and iron byStovon
son fc Crosn.
For first .class groceries call on
T. L. J oueg.
New supply of nice cukes at Pur
man & Palmer's.
Furniture and tinware repaired'
by Stevenson & Cross.
,4-toves, furniture, and queenmvaso
by Stevenson & Cross.
Waut butter and eggs. (Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
Finest stock of wall jja,per evor
in Brownvillo at NickeU's drugstore.
Collins andtfuiaiiture.a large stock
of all styles by Stevenson & Cross.
Best Bread in-tlte city at Funnan
& Palmer's and don't you forgot it.
Second band No. 8 cook stave,
good ius new, for sale choap. Cull at
this olliee.
'Boat Bread in Brownvillo at the
now Bakery of Funnan & Palmer al
ways fresh .and clean. Givo them a
Anyone wishing to buy an outfit
for'lioiiflekeoping can savo nionoy by
buying ot'Stovonson & Cross, as they
keep everything in that lino.
Qerds' -fine shoes at J,. jL.
Mo Gee's.
Wjudow Shades t.icollls.
Headquarters on Plqu,es
lawns, embroider ifes, dress
ginghams at J. &. McGee's..
nuoVNVir,i.n, Juno 8th. 1881,
Kollowlnp fro tho (inotutionB yowtordny
noun, thoitlmo of k)1dk to preou.
and sin :?
IlfiKO ,: SI M1 76
HtoorH, falrto.cholco.,,., , ' 01 75
.Cowfl, fnt ..,., , fi.wpvw
coueotj:jiUV K- npvoi.H,,aHAi:i
rI)KAI.Kft. ' '
Wliotvt No. 2IIIM,M,MI.,M,I
Wheat No. a,,.... '. ,.,.
' Khelleil .. .,
o rp
cr CO
Ml hinds of Dry Goods,
i u si received, at J. L. Ma-Gee's.
1 t
Buy no other Mian
Theso arc tho 'leading niachinos. For
Bale by tho "Bogulator.'"
Tuos. BrciiAjips.
Fresh line of straw Jfitp
utjJ.Tf JflcGee's.