Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 09, 1881, Image 1

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"""" M1IIMI I Ml
if Vl ft? I vi wW
cjie ra m CM P
JT m M Kj HI Mi.
Sir cSyyf c2
v wpypir my?
Oldest v por in tho Stnto.J
II. 15 R 0 A 1) Y
Attorncv nnil flmuianlnr tit X.nw.
OMceoverdtatu Jlank.llrownvllle.Nob.
OiIicc.No.81 Main street, llrownvllc, Neb
Olllco of County Judge, llrownvltlo, Nenraskn.
A S. II 0 L L A D A Y ,
aIi I'liyilolnn, Surgeon, Ofo tnu.
Graduated In 1851. Located In UrownvlllolBM.
OHIce.n Main street, Rrownvlllo, Neb.
J W. G I 13 S 0 N ,
Work done to onlor uml Rutlifactlon guaranteed
First struHt, between Main and Atlnntlc, IItowd
CUSTOM WOItK inadeto order, nnd fits nlway
RinrAMleil. Repairing neatly anil promptly done
Shop, No. V Main street, Urownvllle.Neb.
Vjcp tfornll lsc rises of the Tliront
UuJU nnil Im lifts tlio
Used Iti privnto prnctlco since 183V. Put ho
lorothupuhllo iKM.nnTTr XyEVKU
KAILS' I UUUlXjJS.Prleo 25o.
60o,liU(I81.SAMlLlC llOTTLKH 10 Cents.
neourguaruntco. mongB ALg AM
O. C. May & Hlrackett.
Holo Proprietors, Kuii'-ns City, Mo.
Koranic by .1. J. I1KXDWU, Drngglm,
IVcmnlin Cltv.
Hltll'l'I'.lt AND DRAT.i:R IN
Knrmcrs, please cnll nnd got prices ; I wnnt
to hiituUo your stock.
Olllcc Klrnt Nntloiml Dunk.
Genera! Merchandise
llry fJonds, Clrnrprlrx.Kcftdy Mndo Clothing,
Hoots, shoi'M. Huts, Cnpn, nnil nGenornl As
Kortmont of Drtig und Patent Medicines.
ft2)- Hlglu'st prlocH pittd for butter and
KioAvmillc, IVcbraskii.
and dealerlu
FiitcKiiKllhli, Prcncli, Scotch nml Taney Clotlin
Testings, Etc., Ktc.
O X- J2 S T
iiam MoMoover.
Uoos ii genernl Kenl Estato Uusinoss. Sollu
Lnnds on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgages, nnd nil lnhtru
lnents pertululiig to the transfer of Kenl Es
tate, lias a
Complete Abstraot of Titles
to all Heal Estato In Nemaha County.
1st. Buy seven havs Dob
bins' Elcelvlo Soap of your
fid. Ash him to glue yon a
bill of it.
')il. Mail vs Jiis bill and
your full address.
dti. We will mail yon,
JPIIJSjE, seven beautiful
curds f'histx colors aiidfold,
representing Shakspeavc's
"Seven Afes of Man."
liO South Fourth Street,
J?h iladclph ia, P.
Boas EstateAgency
A Groat Oauso of Human Misery
Is tho Loss of '
wm . w k rrrrireBr
U " VI M HI w U
A Lecture on tlie Nntitre, Treatment,
and radical cure of Seuilndl Weaknc. or Kpur
nmtorrliocn, Induced by Heir abuse, Involuntary
KmlMlons, linpotenev, Neroi Ity, mi it
Impediment to Marriage Rcnernlly: Coiutimp.
Hon, l-plUpsystidrits! Mental add Physical In
capacity, .ite.,-Hylt.ol,,.ri J. Cuhoruell, M.
., author ortie"Clreeii Hook," tie.
Tlio world-renowned author. In ttiti admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience,
that tun ttwrul consequences of teli-nbuse mav bo
i-ueuuiaiiy removed wiinoiu dangerous surgical
operation, IuukIos, instruments, rings, or cur
dials ; pointing out u mode of euro at once certain,
unci ellecUiM, by which ovory suITorcr. no matter
wlmt Ills condition may bo. may curu himself prl
vntely.clieaplj und radically.
iT This lecture will jirovo ft boon to thousands
and thousands.
Bent under ital, In ft plain envelope, to any nil-(lre.-s,
post-paid, on n;clpt of six cunts, or two
postiiKf staiups. We Imvo also n. Hiiro euro
iur iiiim worm. Ainiress
' Am St., New Yorlt, N. Y. P.O. llox,.13S0.
Paid-up Capital, $50,000
Authorized " 500,000
General Banking Bnsines.
an nil tho principal cities of the
Halted States and Europe
On approved security only. Time Drnfts discount
ed. and special acenmmodntlonsKrauted to denoslt
deceived payablo on demand, nnd INTEREST al
lowed on tlmccertlllcatub of deposit.
DIRECTORH.-Wm.T7rJen, R, M. Rallcv, M.A
llanrtley, Prank E. Johnson, Luther loadloy
Wm. Fraishcr.
A. n. DA VIHON. Cashier. PreHldcnt
Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St.
Spoeial Accommodations for
Commercial Moh,
Driver Furnished
when desired,
Horses boarded by the day
and Farmers' trains fed and
at fair rates.
or weok,
cared for
AiBrownville, Nebraska.
Missouri River.
Rates Low, Cam2sShadij,
Hoads Good,
In demn ity Ample.
Connects with all Trains.
First National Bank
-Iti fercTW! WrJ m r
mi -'"-ii-f iTiii -j in il iimrn' i imrr imm
M.l;..taiaii LrwaginimrwiiHiiKiaMiijJay.ittAaruwM'-
Tho grconbackcrs of Now York will
hold their annual powwow August 5.
Wo should naturally think that this
nation has had onough of tho "black
horse" ailliction.
Coinago in tho various mints for
May, 812,228,260, of which S2,!J00O,0uO
woro oilvor dollars.
Juno 1st -i.noo immigrants arrived in
New York, 287 of whom woro Mor
mons on their way to Salt Luko.
up . r.
Gon. Grant's baggago was recontly
robbed on tho train after ho loft Littlo
Rock, while on his way homo from
Mexico. Ho lost somo badges and
jowoiry, and what other loss ia not
Simon Cameron very truly says of
tho Conkling-Garllold ombioglio: "Tho
public cannot in tho present state of
mind judgo of tho act dispassionately.
Tho clamor is always with tho man
who controls tho gifts."
- ia 9 i - " !
Russian polico Imvo arranged to
send agents to track llusaian socialists
in all tho principal cities in Europe.
Four will go to London, four to Paris,
four to.Gonovannd two to tho capitals
of each of thoothor European stales.
This exhibition of nervo and back
bone will be gladly witnessed by tho
country. St. Joe Herald.
Anion, say we, if this exhibition of
nervo will redound to tho glory of tho
Republican party, instead of its over
throw. A petition SO feet long. That's
pretty good for a man to got in ono
locality in a State where tho sentiment
is nearly all (1) against him. Sovoral
such monster petitions havo reached
Albany in behalf of those deserted and
lonesome gentlemen.
Ho will fight thoso who light him.
m. Joe Herald.
Vll'lf. Id fill. Wni' if Innlrti Tntln.. nC
introduction for'lisXWfiift5'rJ!fttri
who advised different to his ideas and
refuse to consent to his nominations.
His great strength is admitted. Ilo
may pull down tho temple but will
himself bo crushed. That will bo a
sorry victory for a brilliant young man
likoMr. Gaillold. Wo have a sincere
sorrow that ho has not a bettor pros
pect ahead than simply lighting thoso
who light him.
Senator Ingalls, who was in
with tho President nnd is ono of his
friends and dofonders in his present
trouble, recently spoke freely to a
uowspapev man about tho New York
squabblo, and amongst other things
naid: "In my opinion tho original nom
ination of Robertson was a mistake,"
and that afterward tho President him
self discovered that ho had made a
mistake, but fearing tho criticism of
lack of firmness ho would not correct
his inistako we call it not firmness
but stubbornness. Tin: Advertiser
has blamed the President with precise
ly what his friend Ingalls admits; and
wo havo been taught that a greater dis
play of firmness cannot bo mado
amongst men of sense than to correct a
known mistake or leccdo from an
Beboutis tho name of Guilmottc's
Kidney Pad agent. This Ik-bout is a
swindler to our personal knowledge:
and tho piM from what wo learn is a
first water fiaud. A low siring around
tho waist would soivo equally as
healing a purpose, and bi- less expensive.
Bebout, the liar and swindlor pass
him around. JJroumcilh Advertiser,
If tho Bebout referred to above is A.
J. Bebout, tho Toledo, 0., advertising
agent, wo know him to be a swindler,
a fraud of tho first order. We had a
circular from him not long ago, but
novor knowing him to bo engaged in
any legitimate business of any kind
and wo havo known him for tho past
twelve years of course wo declined
his proposition. Humboldt Sentinel.
That's tho follow A. J. Ucbout.
Tho Tecumsoh Torvhliyht copies our
notico of tho scamp and adds tho fol
Bebout is what he calls himsolf, and
says his ofllcois in Toledo Ohio; hut wo
remember when a certain fiim sent
him a bill for advertising, ho did not
happen to B-a-bout.
JUNE 9, 1881.
A Ourlous Parallel.
lho Inter Ocean relates a caso
strangely parallel to that which is now
absorbing public attention. It marked
tho crowning point in tho career of
Henry Clay. In 1812 President Tylor,
Secretary of State Webster, and Sena
tor Clay occupied relations similar to
those existing between Garlleld, Jjlntno
and Oonkltng, with tho same rivalry,
tho sanio distrust, and similar dissen
sions, caused by tho nomination of
Clay's personal enemies to olllco.
Stung by what ho considered ingrati
tude, rather than Hubmit to what ho
considoied insult to himsolf and his
devoted friends, ho resigned his seat in
tho senate, and in his farowoll speech
resented tho imputation that ho had
tried to act tho part of "dictator" to
ward tho administration. On reach
ing homo ho was received with crnnt.
consideration by his friends. Tho
whigs nominated him in 1814 for tho
presidency, and ho was beaten by
frauds in Louislanna and defection of
anti-slavery whigs in Now York. Ho
was returned to the senate, and died
in tho public service, honored as a
patriot, admired as a statesman, and
beloved as a m. Omaha Hejmbltcan.
And thoro woro journalistic puppies
in thoso days that howled in tho icar of
Henry Clay just as tho porpotuated
breed aro now howling at tho great
Now Yorker.
Brownvillo, Nob., and Burlington Juno-
tiou to bo Oonuootod by a Narrow
Gaugo Rail Road.
Hook Port Journal.
Wo arc reliably informed that a pro
ject is on foot to build a rail road from
lirownville, Nebraska, to Burlington
Junction, Missouri. Tho ontorpriao is
not only talked about but is in tho
hands of men who will push tho matter
to a successful result. Tho plan at
first contemplated was to build a
narrow gaugo road, but tho projectors
aro not yet advised but what tlioy may
build a standard gauge. Tho eastern
torminus of tho road has not yot boon
definitely sottled and much will depend
upon tho action of tho peoplo along I
.to'llno of -road, rho distanco to
Burlington Junction and Blanchard,
Iowa, aro about tho same, tho latter
placo having tho advantago of an easy
grad. The former route would bo of
tho greatest bonolit to tho peoplo cf tho
eastern part of tho county, and who
havo not as good advantages its that
part of tho county deserves.
"Conkling had already received ton
important oillces." Exchanie.
That is a samplo of tho stylo of ar
gument constantly used by Conkling's
traducors. They aro determined to
not do him justico or tell tho truth
about him. Now tho truth is that
Conkling had solicited tho appoint
ment of no ono; and that while somo
uf thoso named by tho President may
have been Conkling's friends, ho was
opposed to the whole batch of tho pres
idential nominees becauso it displaced
many efficient officers whoso places,
like tho collectorship of Now York,
were not yet vacant, and no good
reason could bo given for ousting
thorn. Conkling had not ten offices he
had not ono had not asked one. It is
wonderful how many who claim to
havo a plain case, resort to exagera
tion and fiction to sustain it.
Ho wished to deal fairly by all and
to unite tlio wholo party. St. Joe Her
ald. And wo havo no 'doubt that had it
not been for Blaino's influence ho would
havo dealt fairly with Mr. Conkling,
and avoided ruining his future pros
pects and Jeopardizing tho very life of
tho party ho is obligated to nourish and
A Monster Potition,
New York, Juno 1. An Albany
special says a monster petition in favor
of tlio lato senators arrived from
Auburn, Woodin's district. It is eighty
feet long and contains over two
thousand signatures.
That was a sovero rebuko to Woodin,
who had mado a savago speech against
tlio Senators.
Beforo Robertson was appointed,
howovor, Garfield had appointed seven
Now York Conkling men to important
offices. St. Joe Herald.
Very well, but that does not justify
him in doing something ho had ex
pressly agreed not to do.
-- ' ' . m i i . .... .
" " ' ' ' i . i i fc . mmmm
VOL. 25, NO, 61.
A Blizzard,
Douglas, Juno -1th, issi.
Dear Advertiser: Please in
dulge mo in "airing" a fow facts anil
ideas from this pint of tho county.
Farming will pay this year notwlth
otand tljo drawbacks of a late season,
bad seed corn and cutworms. Grain
and all sorts of vegetation aro grow
ing luxuriantly, and with tho prospects
of good crops, a railroad boom and
plenty of money, the outlook ahead is
firm and business llko.
Business in Sheridan is good, but tho
toui hiw conio to a standstill, and
property owners aro anything but
cheerful and happy. Tho prospective
"boom" at tho new town of Akron, on
ly a milo and a half away, is what's tho
manor, ononunn will bo near enough,
howovor, to maintain a nice appear
ance and a fow small business houses;
but that big, beautiful court house
square what good purpose can it bo
put to? A couit houso will never
adorn it. It would bo a nico placo for
a collego building, or a mco course.
Sheridan might bo mado an attractive
suburban village, but it will take
capital to make it such.
Tho recent district lodgo of Good
Templars was a very interesting affair;
Mr. ,1. B. Finch- tho groat temperance
ovangollst being in attendauco render
ed tho occasion unusually so. An in
cidont occurred during Mr. Finch's
public address that was worthy of note
by any newspaper men proacnt; yot I
havo looked in vain for any mention of
it iifany of our homo papers. Possibly
thoro was no reporter thoro except tho
Pod's, and that being tho caso wo
could not expect an editorial notice of
tho matter, which watt this: During
tho lecture Al. Ewan, -who is alwaya
on tho alert to put in clinchers, asked
Mr. Finch to state what was Hon.
Church IIowo's character amongst lead
ing tomporanco men, as a temperance
legislator. Mr. Finch in answor to
this question indorsed Mr. IIowo in tho
most positive language, and said thoso
who had tho prohibition and tompor
anco questions in hand had trusted Mr.
Howo to attempt to carry through
their wishes, and that thoy had novor
in any caso or under any circumstances
found him faltering or deviating from
tho lino of wmk laid out; and that
thoy would trust him again to any ox
itent in championing tho cause. Higher
compliment for eificiont work and fidel
ity of purposo could not -well bo paid
a public servant than Finch bestowed
upon Mr. Howo, in his peculiarly torso
uul earnest manner of making a point
and an impression. Everybody in the
big audience so far as could bo observ
ed, except, always, tho Post men. en
joyed this unequivocal vindication of
their only true and bravo representa
tive, by tho loader of leadors of prohib
ition, and highest official in the order
of Good Templars. It was, too, a
most scathing robuko to lho editors of
tho J'ost, mado as it was amongst tho
supporters of that paper at its homo,
and whilst there -was yot fresh in tho
memories of tho people tho substanco
of an aiticlo that had most falsely and
ungenerously attacked Mr. IIowo's
record as a tomporanco legislator.
It was then due Mr. Howo that ho
should havo the benefit of Mr. Finch's
remarks in tho columns of that paper,
it would havo been manly for tho Post
editors to havo accorded such to him.
But thoy did not. They durst not.
The owner of those editors will nob
allow thorn to do a manly act, toll tho
truth or accord justice toward Mr,
IIowo. Ono of tho editors of tho Post
recently confessed to a prominent
temperance man that ho knew ho had
not tieatod Mr. Howe fairly, but that
ho could not do otherwise that hi
"hands-wire tied." And, by tho Avay,
while Mr. Finch was talking about tho
Nemaha legislators, ho made some
allusions that opened the oyes of the
peoplo to tho perfidy of somo of the
other Nemaha statesmen who "carry
water on both shoulders."
Rogaiding tho deplorable quarrel be
tween tlio president and Roscoo Conk
ling, The Advertiser seems well
grounded in its position that Garfield is
to blame for forcing a fight in a state
and with a man that imperils the
future success of the national Republi
can party; but I think tho less said
about it the easier mended, Tho peo
plo always take an interest in tho posi
tions of tho old Advertiser, hence
the necessity of building upon tlio bed
rock of truth, logic and reason.
Telegrams from Washington state
that President Garfield will neither
listen to nor read criticisms upon his
oillcial courso. Ono of his secretaries
reads all tho papers, cuts out flattering
articles, and lays them upon tho Presi
dent's table. In this way ho manages
to avoid self-reproach, arrxiety, and re
morse. It nmy bo a good method to
socuro peaco of mind, but a poor ono to
obtain a truo idea of what the peoplo
aro thinking. Inter-Ocean.