m NEBRASKA ADVERTISER Scraps of History Kvery Hcrap of history bo'arliif,' cn (lie ovontrt that led up to tho prosciit crisiN in tho Ilc.jiublicjiti parly in of in toioflt. Tho Washington corrcHponii ont of tho Cincinnati Ji'wjttlror con tributor) thin: lean rijjhtlu-rn jivo a liltlo history which tiio soul of conlldonco no longer hinds. When tho Senators met in caucus on Tuohdiiy laHt, Honators Hitr rison, ConKt-r, and Fryo made flio an nouncement that in llioii , judgment tho Hobortsrii dilliculty could ho llxH up. 1 1 will be borne in miird no suh sequcnt caucus was hold until Friday. On Thm sduy President (iiulleld cn soileil to tlio following coKn promise: Senator Conkling to allot Jtobortson to he continued, and ttobertson to t'oitliwitli declino tho ollloo and he pio vided for elsewhere. Tho Xow Voric Sonalors onTliuisday night agreed to accept tho President rs (onus. Jt was after this agieemenE Governor" Foster sent the following dispatch to Murut Ilidstcad, whidi lias ulrea'dy appeared' in tho ICiifuinr, but it fa duplicated to connect histoiy: W'AsiiiNnTON.May 11, fS81. ToMuint I lalsLead, Cincinnati, Ohio: I have seen both sides of tho contro versy, and think a compromise will bu readied. CuAiiua Foster. On Friday tlio caucus was to meet to hear tho icpo'it of tho .Senators who volunteered toariangothocoiiipiomiso. On that veiy morning, however, before 0 oclock, .Senator Uluifio was at tho White House and in conference with tho President, lie discussed tho situ ation, and dhsoiited from the tonus of tlioconipioiiii.se.. Ho told the Presi dent if the ugieomont wiM not broken he would resign from the cabinet,. The President insisted, but lmiiric was linn. There being no alternative bill l seed ing from tho comprovonte or" accepting IMaino's resignation, tlio President sent for Harrison and Conger, and told them ho had concluded to lot matters stand whoio they were that lie could not withdraw' itobeitsOn. At 10 O'clock tlio Hcpublicans met. When thevucillatingcour.se of tlio President was made known, Colliding was very Indignant, and said: "Well, gentlemen, I will lake a stop no.t Monday that will clean tho thing up." Nobody then dreamed that he had in contem plation resigning from tlio Senate, but thought rather ho would let tho light go by default, and end the struggle by allowing a vote to bo taken. Cincinnati, May 22. Tho Gillette. has a dispateli from its editor, Kit-hard Smith, who is now in XoW York, in which so-feral now and startling facts uru brought to light. It appears that the prosidunt and Senator Colliding had arrived at an aiYangoment for com promise, by giving Hobertson another high posit fin, when Secretary Blaine, hearing of tlio fact "vaulted into tho arena", mid smashed tho whole nrraifgofnent. who MAUi-: thi: mischief? Unt at this time Blaine, another pre tentious statesman, vaulted into the ring, and claimed that Conklinif ttas getting ever) tiling, and insisted that his side ought to bo recognized, it is not true that ho threatened to esicn. but it is n fact that ho precipitated the appointment of foboitson tbat set Conklbig wild. Tlio piesideift wiw eoinpelled to' stand (Inn. Conkling was willing, if Wobertson's niWfo should bo withdrawn, to support tho administration. Ho was, furtliiTiiToro', willing that lo might bo nominated ic to any other ollke. Hut there was another reason for tho withdrawal of Uoberfson Qraiu' Shipments l)owa tho Rivor St. Lovis Slay 20. Tho movement Oflmlk giain down tho rier for ox port ia. the jetties has brum lingo this week, exceeding that of any previous week of the soumii. Three tows have left since ftiturday last, taking 20'1,1UH bushels of Wheat, P'.o.OlO of coin, 20, 100 of oats, and two more tows will leave to-morrow ttithl'oo.Oooof wheat and i riO.OOO of coiii, riiitkinar an aggre gate of 100,200 bushels- of wheat, obO, 810 of corn, 20,100 of oataf or grand total of 1.071.770 bushels' of grain. In addition to Ibis tho steamer Josiy brought to this port to-day from Galena, Ills., a bargo laden with 42,000 bushels of oats, which will go through to Iow Orleans, and yestw duy tho steamer Colo passed down thcr river having as' a pait of her cargo, isr 000 bushels ui corn f rum Hock island to Memphis. 'I'hu coimiuuco of tho lower Mississiivpi liver so far' this season shows a grUlifyiug increase over that of lastyeai. Hev. Thomas Uarry.a Catholic l.ticst Of St. Louis recently ordered the Cath olic children to ho withdrawn from tho nubile schools of that citj. And thoso chlldieii havo nearly all been takon from tho schools. Catholicism thinks it bettor that Children should grow up hi tho shoots, In tho schools of idleness and ice; than to havo thorn attend protestant freo schools. Tho schools stilt live however". "What ii pity therois not uomo laW to protect jiufacont American childron from tho pctver of priestly bigots' bucIi as ll.ntry Tho Anti-E-fbnopolists want (hnkliag in tiro Senate. Tho following are specimens o hun dreds of dispatches and letters received by Mr. Colliding mk his friends at Al bany prior to the final struggle To IheJfon.Geo. Sharp, Speakcr,AUiny : I have not in tho past been a sup porter of Koscoo Conkling, but his lec oid is a clean one, and when less worthy men in tho servico of great corporations seek his-defeat, it scorns to mo that tho masses of tho peoplo should support him. Supporting tho administration is ono tiling; supporting tho ""under-bilt-Goul'd railrowl lino is urtothor. I trust tho members of tho legislature will not play into tho hands of tho mo nopolists. Xei.son Miixm, Syracuse, H. Y. I earnestly hope that the inllueaco of all Republican members will ho thrown against the election of Senators who will bo in tho interest of monopolists. Amiiuose Snow, J. Y. I have not tho honor of Senator Conkling's acquaintance, but it is enough for mo to know that Mr. Blaine and the wholo monopoly inllu enee, lobbyists and all, are working against him, I earnestly hopo tho members of tin legislatriro will not al low the cry of "support the administra tion" to divert their attention irom tno real issue, which is. shall the railroads be allowrd to punish a statesman for refusing fo ho subservient to theuv? 1-:. 1). Clark, X, .'. Tho jiiblic welfare demands- that men should bo elected to tho United States Sortato who will stand up for the public rights against tho encroach ments of corporate monopolies. A. B. Mii.lkii, Jfow Kocholle, N. Y. New Youk, May 20, 1881. IoiuG. If. Sharp, Speaker, Albany: At a mectimr of the executive com- ' mittee of the National Anti-Monopoly League, h-eld this day, representing or- ganrations in a lnajority of two states in the Union, the following" icsoltftion wis tmaniniMisTy adopted: llesolcvil. That in our judgment, in tlio coming election of United States Senators, it is tho duty of tho legisla ture of the State of New York to choose men who are not in tho interest of cor porate monopolies. Ih'xiiY Nicaoi.&, Secretary, Although far removed from tho scene of conlliot and consequently with out information as to details, General Grant was quick to seo tho full scope and meaning of Robertson's nomina tion. "When the dispatches announc ing it were received in Mexico, his soldierly instinct at onco penetrated Clio design of his enemy and detected tho author of his strategy. Ho saw at oflco that tiio Administration had be gun the punishment at tho stalwarts, and that tho President was a mere tool in the hands of Mr. Maine. With his usual good sense ho goes squarely to the root of tho matter, and exposes tho folly of tho course which the President, under tho guidanco of a reckless ad viser, is pursuing. Every Republican should poniTov well tho straight-for-waid criticism of Gen. Grant on tho policy of lifting tip a faction to destroy the party. St. Louis G D, a lain xdJ u cm run H b Opposlt Lumber Yard, Main St. GOOD RIGS REASONABLE fJATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, ASD Driver Furnished when desired. ITovses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair ratts. It U tho ri'Niilt of.UO enr cxncTlcnoc and crcrlmet)ta iu SwiiiK Slnchlnwv. it couMnn the ffoalpoiitti of all prttt il and Jormer.vvikts, and is iiotii"ouoniyn"or"i)nol(lca"macfilne,nHotlurj nro. ItuvoIiltllifdrlcrtM or otliei'H.und voi fo ntxt iiiul tcilmiblcr Uatiuert nuil couculcncoi. It 1H law, IfnM.ninnlnij, uoittlfi hnniTm. cnn. vtnltni, dunihlr, mul ilmyle. Wiirruutrd nnd Iteiii in repnlr 1 ree for O ycurn. chculars with full doMvTli'lton font f roo ru rwiuwt. 1 1 i surely Uio liejt MialvUlmoott. IfonH full to i-cp It Vf 5.??,??!!l,T5i. MANUPAOTuniD hy rumuNca: ?,..A.1,,nI;.VrV.1 loreilC,MaS8.J WIIOI.FHALKn JY UU0. 1'. HUNT, 81 and hi JnrUr oa ft., OUlcmfO. IU. Mir (t itMt, wiih (Cuntifla moJi of curr 1 rnf. Harris lllu.trM,! p,ci(Mcl irnt fue ou ii plication. IIAKIIJS IM-.MHDV CO., 5lr thtml.L, Mh A nrkrl8ti SU Loots il BW t7TST)mtt&1tJI'fSB.RPlXVfXXKE&nVKJi&'X3&TViSI& rV "! v.i'T H 4 J - -V I mm W fl'pCE T CALL ON Irv UNION HOTEL, weit of Court Home, mill oxiunliio our NEW STOCK of GO QD. Waltham, "J Key and FiOiN, and Stem-Wind Stkingfikld. Mbvcmcnts. Also GOl.ir A SII.TXfill CASKS, ThcBOSS GOTD CASE, The Wultlisiiu Dist'Rioor. Wo hnVoJiiHf. re- CiT fmrQ. "dented colved iv hill or 'LJjwL'lv'O from tlio IIhIh oJ tho best mnkorfl, nnd which our oxtcn Htvo ropnlrhiy Mpcrlenco pro?os most Htiltn Mo for tho wtmts of our ninny ouHtomers, We rospoctfAlfy Hiihinlt to tho eonnldcTft tlonof M1010 lntendini,' purehnilnK TIME PIECES tbnt they conuult mid buy from Moohanloftl Doalors OnIy,"d not from Jaolc-or-nll-triules, who run not Know any thing of tho gondi they oirer, nnd nro unnblo to Itcep In repair when sold. REMEMBER, Wo warrant our clocks ngiitastnlliiccidciitti for yenrH. JEWELRY. OurHtock In full In ovory dopnfmont, bnlns conHtnt-tly replenished with tho IntcMtstylos. XEPAiR'ixa we watcuks ovr uvsiskss. ENGRAYINOSS: verwnro tfotrits, UIiii;h, Nnmo TTiUoh, eto. Olvo us 11 eidl nnd you "rlll be sntlsfled. AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING -ON TIIE- Missonri Rivex. NEW BOAT, Hates Low, Camps Shady, Roads Good, I)i dentil itr Ample. Connects with all Trains. A Groat Oatise Ol Human Misery Is tlio HiOSs of A hrolurc ol tlio iVnturc, Trentmriit, and raillcal cure ol Seminal Weukjit'ts, or Htu-r iiiutorrliotM, Itidm'cil by helC-aluifo, Involiintnry I'inlbdioiis, Inipoti'iicy. Aer ouliou mty, ami Inipitlrnunt to Miirrlnirn nencriilly: Consmnn. tiun, I-i'lUpny iml Kits. Montal mill Pliyslnl In. CMiftrlty.fte.-ny Ui,l,.Pt .1. ult ricll, U. I)., nutliorortnc "Oreen Hook," etc. Tho world rtMinwnod ntithor. In nils ndmlrAlile I.t'Cturo, rli'iirly proves Irom Ills own expciloncp, Unit tho nuliil coriR('(iioiirciiof nolMihusn may r ellt'Ctimlly romoNod without diwiKi'rnus mukIciiI oiiiTiuloiiH, IijukIps, InsirunipntH, rins, or cur dials; iiolutliieout u mode of euro nt uaei certain, nnd fllpctunl liy w Iiloti uvory suirnrer, no matJfr what his condition may be, may eir himself pr. vately. cheaply and radically. jar This lecture will provo n boon to tbousaiida nnd Ihouonmig, Sent under neal, In n plain en vetopo, to nny ad dress, post paid, on receipt ofsti wnts. or two poMiiKo Htaiiipri. V hnve also u hmwc curr forTupo Wuriii. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 1 1 Ana st., NiMf Tarlti N. V. I', a. Koi. 13S0. 10'PTIJRE Tim TIUl'MITt TKUS9 CO. euro Itupturo In front .til to in days, and w ill pa if 1 OiX) for 3 Hupturethu cm nofoiire. ?end Sic for Hook to l)!t. f y U. ntItXHAM, Oen'I Wlp't, .ai Jlowery, N. Y or l houth )3tU btrect, l'hlladelplua, l'a,, and ho cured, Sa5SS2SS patw-q I mum niruKMii ca SEOS tw BEST IflS It not sold In tour town, vmi canBotthnnilij'mnil. Drop lid jl Itonttil Cnril irr Clnln- , ii.Huuu(i rnws. Tfituui(itaiulmo4tutinilraS'-- DAVID luVNDItKTir Sz SONS.Piiiladjl.I'a. D A f I fff G who xft IroutW rfrtb Lmeorrheca tUfARJPB ICO (t'luof Albutor WhltPil ihoulj urij for J, , I'rof. nurrlu'l'iiniplili'tailuilritcil br lllttl) llu( dtierlptlon ol tiU ItcmtJy, ikJ ,ioh Inr Iu in. plication. The pamphlet It taluatle to any UJy In dell' cite healin, trmr a tharoiifhlrjirartKal Irealucnnlhiiillieaie. .atin 'MAORIS BtHtOT CO., ST, 1001S, MO. STEEL EOILERFERHY. 'I : feraW .'o4 MiWSfin?sw BsaSrflyir5Jss&ain m B.WHITTIBB C17 St. Charles Strcot, St. Louis, Mo. A retrolnr irrndunto of (no MAjflonl Oolleito, lim Ixwn loftdor located tban any othorThrslcInn in Ut Lonl,m cltr pnpftri ahow.nn-l nil old ntliIentknor. Hyphillfl. Oonorrhcrn, Gleet, Otrictur,Orchltl,'ftupturo,oU UrJftary Byphllltlo or aitrourlal Affection of Throat, HKln or BonicM mvrid Hnfnlr, I'tlrntelr SpermatorThea.Ooxual Debility and Impotancy n therenultof Self-AJ-npflTtinlejcoeiegln mnturer yonra.oroTer lirnlnvTork',J"rbduclnBnfrToasne,eraln nl omissions, doltllltr, rtls-neM of li;ht,defecti4 mem orr, phynlcnl decnr, avotalon to ooclet? cnnfdalon of UeM, loaof Koxunlpow'.alBhtloMpa.rondorlrKtmar. rlaproimpropor.nrepW'V.nnontlrcuroo. Oonaultntlon ntofflco or by mnll frr3 ld Invited. I'umplilot ono aturnp. fodlclncn een rr mnll or uprofs Cures mmranfeod. here donbtealst It la frank) jf stated. BViARRIIAGE I pa F N E ! CUBDEf PLATE S. 'IllOV uhnlnutnrT. WAll tnld.nt It U true to llfo. on tlm PMfowiiia Kttojects! 'Mio mar in irrr, wnn not, irnj, .wnnhood, Worannhoet!, Mlcil decny, Whi ehould inni'171 ho life and hnuplnn miiybo Incrnnaed i eflocl of culllmcy nnd oicom, nnd many raoro. Tlioi miirrled or rnntemplntlnitmnu-liiKO aliould rend It theWliecpun dori lerk nnd koy. 23 Cto. by mnll in monir or poa fa. Engliah Ocnnnn French ronrt nniTtpoken. PRPrCPnESCRIPTION &TdK& I ft I laa Ba " onkneai, I.nst Mncliooa, ?ierTOiinea, aainini.il.. """''"I " Idnna, Aversion to Society Delectivu Memory and DIsordHra hroKrthton hy Helf AbnV AnydfHlalflin9tliortl'.'ir.1iniJ.'' .St, Louis Otirntlroliist'o.r.lilHt ( hnrlet,.I oul,Mo. DsaJACQ,IJES 705 ("taosnut St, St. Lduln, Mo. at old office, continue! to euro Spermatorrhea, Bomlnal Weak nose, Impotcncy.nll forms of Hyphllls.Gouorrhnm, Qloot, UrLnary or Bladder dlseanns. Iteceat cnaes cured Inn fnndnys. All tho dlsinsoa rosultlnn from elf-nbuo, oxrMor Hipoiuro cured for life with mifo mrdlclnn. Advice frro. Chnrui low. Call or wrllo in atrlct confidence. Svmptom Daok for two r tamp MARRIACEGUIDEV STlil An entirely Irw nnd poitiveljrerTec!lr i Hemfdjr for (he piy tncffermatniit cue of Dcmlnal .Emission. nnd Itupotoner ly the on. true wtr. ttt , Din... ApflmvAm tofli prto(prtt of u 1mu, Tbe tifttihtttnt fvituixleJ trith nrn-unof i-icoQTrnkiicf, raj ir.fi ncl 1fltrftt will, thitfrymry punirifj or hti. TLU nodi of intttwot hu oM tbt tail la rtrf mrtmt, wJ U ho ft prenou&rM stUceM Tttcre 00 DOfiwnH aVDouvinii prf pruun. iTftftiCH viafitrTauioa ruauvi til 13 fMiu-ftlr riToikr l? k will clre irfe milttuum. Il ( mo Will Mini IkiiMiiM kkd tUK Viaf ia tb ori IMMl, 17 bajttt bl aVlL Mll a arf nai ! aimr A. ' 1-1 Vm wtapra. Fall irflff Jf( nmra, rM lf (Hm4 tvt i DrMhptl TaMMhlH ) Aiwmkl inMirilM.Mi wltIrnV n.t'M ar, akiitt(1 Dim Ur t" rMrtI I fif naahnrA, 4 Ol 1 1H ft iU dmVtt t IV if rtotVr ITWUJ. ftWral tld r H4Cip. jf HARRIS REMEDY CO. MPO CHEMISTS, Market mid Bill Btmct. BT. LOU1H. SU. VnnotlcUril trntlmonu to the Vfllcticjiaf i'rof. llttvrln' kciiitmtl I'liKtlllrt, taken from TiCttci'H rccclvvtl from 1'ntronn: Injuria, April 1 Ith, IS79. The reine Ijr Ii norkln g perfecny, llaJ eplepiy from eil.Tte,i. for eielii erari pait. Chlcaro, An? It, Ir79 I am Ihorourhlr eiirrd inJ feel tip Ibp, The louuy man In the country l ae llinr belter. MlHonriVSril'.IJ', IST9 I rrceif 4,2 10 ihneh benenffroia lha me of your frmediertliif I tX1 frf Hum in atiothtr caie. Thu H of JoorTilanJinf an i will n.nl ynmelblng tery itrous. Jiieh., an. 25, I5T t Sa-M UltJ 4p fanf giackiiV of me Jl rmr icnl nie anolnef n loon It pomble. Tint packajro atopJ all aipirent trouble, but Ihero lis weakucii jet, aij 1 wuhjou woul I rret nre tlil. lot fur Hip cure of tint. Iowa', Oct, 10th. 18731 am almot mrprlieJ at rnur Tav lillii. Ther hue workrl like a chirm on Die. I am jt fvrica aimuch of aman at t mi Ufnre lakinaj. I urn on I ha Vera t of the (rave, 1 thought, an I Ibcro v. ai so aura for tuc, but uow I am in aol hor, pf n cure. TVeilirinia, Any 2', l7D. IrecelveJ jour meJiclne, an! I believe it hii cureJ nie, for winch 1 am terr tMnkful. In aloied pteaie rlnit vfor nhich plena irnl roe another boa (No. 2) for a friemU J mi hnve dona a jreat thing for in 1 ill IcnJ roll all the nr ten I cm. . i. i rVom a 1'liiinlrlmt ami .Stifffcntt. Mfirouri, Junr26lh, li7i Pleaie fnrwarJ meat oi.ee another toiof the l'aitille,. The alien! on nhom 1 have uielmoitof one boa, in aJJitinn to x limt le box, la fait rccoiarmr, auJ I think acotluT will let bin, all riebt. i t Vrmit a" Iiritiuit. arvllnJ, cpt. 2, 1679 I.ait Jinuary we rot from ymi i box of yo.r rrmc!, for one of our cuitouirn, anj it hai mnte tr-erfect cum of him. We t me another euitonier row uffer I in the tame way, and with y return aiail one No, 3 Loir ki .t- B A lirire, new an I craipliteOuiJe to o lock, coulalnlnr, with minj- othen, the fol louinrchiolarii A ComtleM onunhruvl and li.i.uiiiiaiibie, btenllty In Womea, cauie anl' titatnient, Aittlcelo llilJgiroin, Ailllce to lluitandi, Advite to TVirrs fromtution, in ium, leliBaiy and Matrimony enrinarel, vonluail Udli.i CenflnidMbt. Iv. .tit r.rulln iMMm.n. .- m.J i SelrlllOn Of WI&. Tinriniiil. ...,. ...1.1. ilif, edmcf tf lit proituctton', Bmile lif eoiuM.,til, Uw H t,r,lu. nj Di;orc, Ul iljtii, uf untr 1. 1 .town, tu , InilaJ tt biiwn muliae Wwiea, their fin,.iiHlrnlniil, A book fir rlian.iii!er a mjinj.cf 3IS fAffi, wiih rull 1'lilt Eararuil, by BU, l,al,(t,K)rrau 'THE PRIVATE MEDICAt ADVISER' On 8ypnilln, Qonorrhoia. Oleot, Btrloturo. Vnrioo oole. A.O.. aim on Spermatorrhoea, Sexual Peb'litv. jn Impotoney, from SHf-Aluie and i.itfuri, rami, Bunlo.l imniloni Nrrfnwarll, ATfV.nlo8odly,Ilijikal Dkij.Duii. atnarlbl Dtftiiiie llrHxry U,ief biual m.r.,le . uaklai naa. rltj, ii rre, r urihi, f l,ln trfuo.nt.aoda irral it any iiliittl, i. H hi lb. n af all prfnn dlitain: at rzti,m Mplul.1, Hi (tltX, 'MoikilAivico,' Lc:tsro ca i.'iahc:di Woach::i, lot tliMagag!Braa "0" "cc-ltMd'bnoki'h"' iv bound 111 one loiuma couiiimaic &36 pax;ai and over ICO 4luirationi. The comblnec, aolunr hi aoiidfely the moit oular Medl.al riook putluhej. The author u an eirerl eTJeJ phyiijlnr tif mtitf jeaYr (tractive, (ta I, well known), anl lb, .luce rt,in and ruin f jt itt.im.ol WJ di,ill be fiuud of anil value i ihce.Riir.rltf frt,m impurlUM of ll.ijiinn, r.rlt ,otV. . ,,.,Jrra5L!!!T.,I.rt, ",,d"' """'"i urM.r thi ad r "i-mtATf1 I CHI10NIC" fla,-rolUi tiarapt Uk,a In rljoxnl f bka. iT?iMUiSfflS?,flBl,?lfty, fn curel jhroric Ji,eaee and eoi"iplic"J "leTramt Sfain reinltmi rrjm Impure lelal annciatioin, Mf-abui. or iciual riceiiei. laticnti treitef tf mill and efnren. Where pomMe, per. iomH toniullatmniapfeferreuVwhlcliiofrfoandlnvitcd. Qiin. Iiona to be aniwere I by pilienfi dnirlne, treatment uiallel frie oaujrallre,,onapllation, Tor bonki or treatment aldren Hit. IIDTTH. 12 North Sill U t. LouK IK iJ7-n-j-gzaagaMBa.3aagaev; ' TmrTCSr l 'v - --. v . - W '. vsraw'v jr-';4 i cukj: thousands yuahia. A POSITIVE CURE ForCougliSjColds, akd c:ysvyr:i3iT. Is tho Qe3tofTonicy;; Cure Dyspepsia; l ,R8storC8thoAnnct!to: ? iSinuttlien tho System: t IM,flcsto''CS thC WffSrt L Mzr and DobilltatexJ.lj hHTT tnnl of it will proven. I 3 i-fM "' v'" .m. ;... ., ',,. i wi elami 'Sti ,r. V' '"" " p r'T air, of S'lti? take uo iihiir i r de by all Ut'agjjitla. t S H.TOrTH&COProp'r burrviii to Ollurt rook .tiio. J) gjrTfyTrrvvr-ayTcy-y- lyivffi r. a 1 ir. vriiiii. JS'J'WMS) T.w . U B W B ft W IWsXBSaWSXXKBL n u a ! a r r niiwa iiiui ritiWJjheJ 1317 a: 15 y. ait street, ST. 1.0713, i.'0. alllP Phulcini incbirfii of thu iU anlwft kno'in iritl. luliou in iulir Jia (.ateini m.dicme anO lurtr't ian of Fxperlriiro 10 id, trc rut ol tiwoule lkn-. lave mad tli ir ikili an4 ibiiitr ib'anich uuin , tu in.i i i' or mrr praclllioiier Ibal they hae aequ N I t national rnuuilaa llir i ch their t.ealHieyt of join, nolril coiel. JLNDISCRETlONrEXPOSURIi''''" caasarunanaarxtsiaiaaarjuutAiafKbatuiujw iu:l V",,,"t,",',,l'l'l"', liiiii.rrlien, lilirl, Mrlrlnre, Urtl III. all trl.irj IriiiihfrtnndSiphllllleor Mrrnrlil "fleet n r ilia lhriuit, .kin or hsttn, triatcd with aucren, on c vnuf c nriu cly ei "' niiic' Mercury or c thcr 1 imnou, M !r i ri YOUNG r1f?M "ndlhoieof puJllr ar wlivireiuf. kgniTrnmiimiM lerlnic from Or tlfeco of ftpernuior rbia or eluUlll iirakueu, the mull il trl( lnii In loulb. or eicm in mature. veara, are pe rmaneiiily direct Thfi die cue pr- lucci tome df the following rPrrri-Urciiinoni bloicbea, aniineii, ntriouiiral, diuim.,1 of iili eeujli, md.-inou, copitipa' on dev'.mienci, confuilnn of i'eai, aenioi to 10. ty diirrtue ii rricri, iciual eihniiimi,impoietry er i.xi A"vie- I r ijuiitc i or iiiarnajro. f?l.!.l I o. EATED!?JII''liWli "H '-?' . Km. where in,.il.1 pcrional con.uiiaiii.il i, relrrrc I, vhicu It JfltUK and mvif n. wo' oiiein. n. to I e anmered hv pmeut, Airiiic treat, n ent nil led ire. in an artjreti on a Iicatlon l'eroii, niir, rln? fr.m Ituplur ihould lend tkerr aitdrni. andlMirn.nuiethliiKtutlrlrndinnlaee. Il I. n.i l.,...,I 0ME TREATMENT. A certain enro for' Norvouo Doblllty, Sotnlnal Woak- rr, tji. '"?? rJoianco, otc. .VW "-vi,ic8unou in my pruct co for 2fi Ynna nnd an illubtrated book offldpnges B vine full d? UR. T. WILLI MB. 435 Kr Water K fidwole, 15. JCT!!?!??cifVVWVtw Tn i kwj k mar r. j I iuViiWlBrv,uVWa Wff&& mm Lk E of TAR mm ; ! Ml -x"Stiv s Sass ?eSbrff izm i " t. aollillii.llicil t 111 ilrif tlv eitnliJ.Ntl.l ..,.1 ....! . . - - , . UK. HtTTN l-rtta riia.'M.Vir La;"i' ""-' '"'"' RieKLY "wdsnr it r$k3 W I 1 7 O- Pr?W DnX in r v ft ') The malorltit ot'tlm-tlfa of (lie Iniwnn hotly nrlno fmt n tlcrrtngcmrnt of tho L,lvcr, nffertCnff both fire stomach and bowls. In artier to effect a curr, It Id neeetaary to revtovo the cause. Ivreyu tar and Slucplnh action of tho Vowels, Jlraitaclie,Sieknessat the Stomach, Vain In the Jlack and IMttHjCtc, Indicate that tfa TAvcr ta at fault, and that natura re quires assistance to enabto this ortfan ta throw off Imparities. i rrloltly iVHJl KUtcr'rtlCMi)rfril tompounded for tlilspttriosc. They are mild in their action and effcctlre as a cure arc pleantnt to the taste and taken easily Vy both children and udulti. Ta ken aceordlny to directions, tiny arc a, safcaiuipleasarntcurcforViytipiipnin, General XNsbilUy, Habitual Con stipation, Diseased Kldncyr), etc., etc. a Blood IHriiierficr are superior to any oficV medicine; eteanslna the' sifstcm thoroughly, and Impartlny new life and eneryy to the tn vulid. It is a jMiedicine and nottm IntOXlcutillfC beveraye. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR PMCKIY ASH BITTERS, and tako no other. PKICE, 81 00 pir Bottle. FilEYER BROS. & CO., - SOLE PROPRIETORS, Ht Iioula find Knnnii n .. vn BUY TEE Davis Sewing Machine. Oircrotl to nny person 1 lint Hint vill do ns jrrent rnntrcol' "work, nntl do it ns AVVll nnd easllj' on any otlicr nincliiiio niv in tlio market, as can lie done orr tiic Davis Vortical Teed Sewing 31a olilno. Arrair,'oiiiorfts for the contest' will lie liuulo with nnyono desiring to coinneto for t lie above reward within a reasonable time nftor written niinli eation V? received. DAVIS SEWING 3IACHINE COMP'Y. For Bcscr!itivo Circular and Catalogue send to DAVIS S. m. CO., 21S & 220 State St., Chicago. cil Mlc.l it Thi. j't h. m lnnrtpntnr in tli.iivf.rhl. Trfntli Imnt l)OCflni! t eifrn r. rniYi 1 lit fotmn , hljj'ily pplloheU Burutce ovor tho nlo, ro duclng frlctlorv and llzhtonlnB tho cn.ft. Itu tlio choapoat U.cnii'i it coett r.o moro than Inforlor braridc, nnd ono X-.ox will do tho work of two of nriyotl or t,xc Cter.t,o muao. itunrwGrariiiiaiiyi.sw iiinr tun'i r. Mill (le.irinir, Tlitfblilutr SJacliri t. Cm J'l.ini rs, (larriiu-OB, Iiiunric s, rtc, etc., aa lor V. at'o It 11 CUAIJANTFED to contain rrpctrol.-uii. 1 or Falo by all nntla ji dfnF is Zl" v 11 iwet Cyclopedia of Thbijt H'oiiA l-jwui j m.-'.f ', not. MICA MANUFACTURIWO CO. 31 Mfohlgan Avenue, Chlcnra. Illl-o'-?, Wjsssmnssssnssais' ?t tftM .yi VVS'X TS-KPtniTrj'a"TL" rs v'i'ls JtLUr JBJLXXJSliJKiW. (A IMcdlcIno, itut u DrlcU.) COSTAI.S3 JIOI'9, Bi'CIIU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, ANBTTlKTrni'sr ami rrrMpn'raj,Qi;vklt itkNuPALL oriiAi. Uinititd. O? II 33 Y OTJltltT All llciseaof tlioSlomncli. PiTiii.l'n.Ml, Limt, Milium , and I tin 1 jrn'j: 1 OU3UCtD, Mil I'llKh1 ( Ulllnl fa(n'L)Ul.l Feiiialu LiiiiiliLiIiiI.. SIOOO IN COLD. $ Villi uo pain mr n rri.e im'v wil lint r-jr i,r -1 liulp.orforuiijilmu'iii ,i mjr lujunuu tu lounJ lu tu iu, v, Ask your ilruppict for" lloji lVn'ratT' 1 t-t- n tlitiu bufuru m ah ;.. Talio uo oittft. M T T n la m. 1 1... i- .1 , .-.... ' I 11 1 1 in mi iifj-uiiiitr iw (i in' .I'lM'm .,. . . DruaUcnunt 'ibj pf i, UUll iyUaci , j t?cyD Fon C.i.crr.Ar., Riayjw.,x' 1 U1W 1.11 I 1. All IfVfl ru 1 rr ut. 11 p rtwn uiir, 1 o , (ioc( nit r, t 7 r n, c s KffZffiffilSffifJtOT'W'lf) NTED for the ncit nnri r...... SHOO HMO! 3D . v. i& 1? Ziwl"rfj5-:-" 'iiu c fed W V JR ySf M ltfi'Z- I'ir-r,, nt . i i. ii. iffi rJuced33r ct. N ncicriai noon inj llltki, I'ncra itiooil I'uUUb'j Co., si. Lcum, Miv Kt Ut 'Jf 1 1 ftl ' a J.