Uijimw Mmaimn IUHM1III ! Ill III I IF, ADVISIITIKHR. . v. iiiiiiiiotiii:k .fe:o., .1 THE UluWKaMlTWa HO NO. Through the rniomotit rmento duwn Already tdmls with licuruuf my: I.el'H to tho fumo Mini wake the timrn With bolHt'ioiiH voleo and Jocund hiyl JlellowM, blow, nnil lurniioe. ninokol Ilciiil thoKlowlnir metal h on! Hummer, full with Hdlliurfltrokul Hlnif to my mi H'H merry tune! ' I'oiik, I'onif! , , 8trlk. while tho Iron'H hotl" Willi hmty Htroko my Immmnr rliws; Htrlko hnnll "tin lor your ehuliby boy, Who to hlH mother loudly cllnjfs Anil ti UN liN i-ooliw note ol Joy. Tlinnks to the invent that but he my face, Tho put tin of leiiniltw he Hhall tread, Anil knowledge miiko her dwelling Plaou Within my darling's lulr young hemll l.ubor unto tho heart kIvcb onso. And will our dally biunil mipply; It iIooHk the clmriiiH or my TIiltcho, My wire, my liotitoliolil deityl Our hands wore never formed to make MinlwtH or Hword blade, holmor unions; Clod Kiive us in ins lor 1 iborH "iiko: Our minds He Tor l.ovo'n work ordains! Now all who day by day pursue Homo ilurllujr hope, Hiiine ohei Ishod end Old heiiits, who have but power In view: Young hearts, who l.ove Hcott call at tend?; I'ou. who would wield the pen or h word Hnuo'Hiud toolH, pennant and kings Jf vou'd Hiieceeil, take as tho word ()1 wlfilom whnt my anvil rings: "I'ong, I'ong. I'ong I Htrlku while the Iron'H hot!" Tiunxlutcd fmiii an Old French Sony. JOHN'S win:. Whatever possessed brother John to go up to tho oily mid niiirry that littlo yellow-haired, blue-eyed bit of a school girl, whun ho could itavo just had his pick of girls nearer homo, was some thing I uuvor could understand. Thoro was Lidu Haiidscombo, just dead in lovo with him, as anybody could sue, and tho best broad-maker in tho wholo country, besides taking prizes at tho State Fair for pickles and jellies, and over so much bettor looking, too, than My nt. No yellow bangs over her eyes; she just combed her hair back oil her face and did it up in a hard knot that staid. She sont John a birth-day cako, and knit him a comforter, and every body thought it would bo a match, but 'John said lie didn't liko her eyes; they wore handsome eyes, to my idea, and could look you through ami through, they were Unit clear and bright; but did you ever know a man to tako ad vice? "Marry that ferret," said John, " and novor have any poaeo of my life; well, 1 guess not!" and with that oft ho goes to town and telegraphs back, 'expect mo and my wife." Dear! such a shock as it gavo mo, and our spring cleaning not done, and tho minister coming to board with us while his wife went homo on a visit it was a trial, you may bo sure! Ami when sho did come, it was moro liko having a wax doll iu tho way than anything else, with her big, wondering oyes, and childish ways and silly ques tions, and hanging on John's arm, and loaning over John's chair, with two littlo insignificant feet in tho rung at the back, and her clothes! Such fallals, just liko a doll's rigging, and I just sot my loot down that if she was to live with us, sho must conform to our ways. I hadn't boon forty years in this world for nothing. If she wanted to wear lino, white lacos and milled aprons, sho had to wash and iron thorn horsnlf. I wouldn't bo her slave. And such silly questions as sho asked, thoy just made mo sick! 'Wore thoro any doar littlo yellow chicks?" Doar littlo yellow chicks, indeed! thoy wore dear enough, boforo wo raised thorn and got their hoads oil', and had thorn ready for market, and if that silly child didn't sit down and cry be cause thoy wore killed; said sho had namou every ono of them ami watched them grow up. And she our John's wife! bah! Then sho did tho silliest thing of all; wont and bought a book called, "What I Know About Farming," ami used to sit out under a treo, studying by tho hour, and ono night when sho went down to tho bars to moot John I heard lior ask: "John! why don't you got a washing machine, and a wringer, and mivo you" own flesh and blood. Look at tho 'blis ters on my hands!" And tho noxt thing it was tho talk of tho neighborhood that wo Elliots, who had sot our faces against modern im-ju-ovomonts, had given out boforo that littlo palo-faced thing, and not only got "luigui mm wuiuur m our Kitchen, but .several hundrod dollars' worth of farm machinory at work. John aid ho could alVord it, but I spoko my mud and told hor what I thought of 'it after ho wont out to his work. Sho looked kind of frightened, and protended sho was going to cry, and then bho snoko up quick liko and said: "Sister Janet, it's a triumph of mind over matter. You can wash now, and not bo all tired out, and sick and nerv ous, and and -John tan afford it." l'orhaps if I had known that she had paid for it all. and it hadn't cost John a cent, 1 might have bo- n moro forgiv ing, but I hiht straightened up and siid: " Mm. Elliot, you iimv go on and rum your husband with your board.ngschool ideas, but as for mo I'll nuver touch tho things. I can work, thank goodness, while I've got my health. 7 wasn't brought up in idleness." Sho novor took it to heart a bit; tho noxt thing 1 know sho was at a littlo parlor organ sho had, singing and play, ing as if that was all there was in lite. And that silly old minister men novor do havo a bit of sonso, but you expect moro of a preaohor of tho Gos- pel but lir, just sat and talked to her as if she was a companion for him, and thoy walked about tho Holds, and staid down where John was working, and all around 'cm souls a perishing for want of tho broad of life; such u sinful waste of time I novor saw! "Janet, do you lovo tho hills?" sho asked ono day wlion I was scouring tho knives outside the door. Sho had of fered to do thorn for mo, but law, her white hands woro not lit for anything so useful. "Lovo tho hills! Well, I'd liko to know what thoro is to lovo about them. I guess if you climbed thorn a spell you wouldn't lovo 'em much." "They're so high and grand," sho said, looking up at thorn; "thoy seen so near tho cool, far oil' Heaven f I lovo to climb to tho top and drink in tho sweet, fresh air; it does mo good hero hero." Sho laid her hand on hor heart, and stood looking oil with a strange ex pression on her face, and I thought may lie sho was homesick, and told hor .to go iu and cut some carpet-rags, and sow 'em together, and, would you believe it, sho up and refused. 41 No!" sho said. "I cannot cut any carpet-rags. I huto them!" I never saw her so excited boforo. "A tine timo you havo," was all tho answer I made her; but I novor folt so insulted in all my life. For a week or two I didn't see much of her; sho was cither out with John, "sketching," as sho called it, dabbling away at somo bits of paste board with a load poncil; or up in her room, where I never wont. Sho camo down, sing ing away, with a large package in her hand, and soon John camo up with tho ponies, and thoy drove oil' to town to gether, laughing like two children. 1 hope none of tho neighbors noticed them. Anyway, thoy never saw him conduct himself in that way with vie. When thoy camo homo sho was all tired out, aim thoy had a big roll of stuff they dumped down in the entry. "It's something for you, Janet, sho said, laughing hysterical-like. "It's carpet-rags." I 'unrolled it, and thoro wore twenty yhrds of bright ingrain carpet! "Myra," said 1, "this is wicked ox travagauco," for I know her money was all paid out. "Uut it isn't," sho said, laughing, "I earned it myself by drawing and paint ing thoso bits of sketches. I sold thorn all, and can soil all 1 can do. That was my way of cutting carpet-rags." Well, wo put tho carpot down, and it did look pretty--though I didn't say so. It isn't my way to spoil anybody with llattcry, ami I saw John's wifo was getting tho upper hand too fast. Tho neighbors wero beginning to notice' her, and that foolish old minister, when his wifo camo back, had boon over there; and sho led tho singing in church, and protended she had got religion, and all tho timo sho novor scrubbed a lloor or washed a dish, or put her hand to the churn. "John can afford to koop hired help," sho said to mo ono day, "and I'm not very strong, and my mother died of consumption." Then sho began to cry liko a baby, and John camo in and looked at mo as if it was my doing. 1 must say sho could succcod in doing all sorts of useless things raising llow ors in ovory nook and corner, making pets of all tho animals, and painting, or playing on tho organ. Sho was real ornamental, and I supposo some folks thought sho was pretty. John did, for one. I don't know that sho made mo much work, either. She did her own washing as long as John would lot her, and kept hor room neat enough, though it was mostly littorod up with flowers and birds and her skotches, and at lirst sho sung trom morning till night, and sho did havo a real lovely voico, I'll allow that, but after awhiio sho didn't sing anil didn't talk much, and then John began taking hor meals u to her. iho lirst time I saw him getting a tray ready, I said: " It's a good thing you wore brought up to-bo handy, John, seeing you've got an invalid wife." llo didn't say anything then, but a few days aftor ho camo to mo and said: "Janet, got a girl as soon as you cau, and let Aunt Hotsy conio over and stay with Myra; sho is nervous and low spirited, and needs company." Well, I suppose you've guossod tho upshot of it all; a littlo daughter was bor.ii to John, and it soenied to mo that a miracle was workod in the house. Perhaps 1 had never really loved John's WUO--SHO was so Uilleront in her ways; from mo but when I heard that baby cry I folt thrilled to my vory soul, and I just threw my work apron over my head and cried for tho lirst timo in years. Myra didn't got strong, and tho days wont on and still sho didn't got up, and I fult as if it was my duty to go and toll hor that sho niusn't favor herself that way, that she couldn't lio abed and lot strangers tako care of hor child, and that sho'd novor got strong till sho got out, but I made up my mind to speak iu a gentler sort of way. ' 1 had beou thinking it over and about concluded to lot. Myra live her own way and not try to mako hor over, especially sinco John seemed so well satistiod with her, and I went up-stairs and oponod tho door softly and stooped inside. John wns standing in ono window looking out at tho sunset it was all red and gold, and the room was in a llamo; ho turned as lcamo in, and tho tears woro rolling down his chooks. 1 novor saw John ory boforo sinco ho was a grown man! "What is it?" 1 whispered, going up eloso to him. Ho made a motion with tho back of his head toward the bod. 1 wont over there. Aunt Hotsy was in a rocker by tho side of it reading tho Hiblo. Mvni was looking at tho sunsot, then at hor baby's sleeping faco. I'm not dull to seo things, and 1 saw there what matlo ruy heart turn cold it was the valley of the shadow of death! That all happened these years ago. There is a simple rustic cross up iu tho gravo-yard with "Myra" carved on it, and littlo Myra and I go up there every Sunday and carry lowers to decorate it, and tho dear child sits in my lap and puts her blessed littlo arms about my neck and whispers: "Auntie, talk about my mamma in Heaven," and I toll how patient and gentle sho was, and how sho sung and played, and how sho shall do tho very sumo thing sonic day for I know, now, that llowers arc "as necessary to God's creation as the wood and grain, and tho least littlo thing that makes sunshino in tho world is of great value in tho dark places, and I fool sure, when I look up to the hills sho loved, that My m has reached far-off Ileavon before mo. l'orhaps perhaps, sho will intercede lor me thoro. Detroit Free 1'ress. War Without Us (Jlitlor. The project on foot in England to abolish regimental colors is a signill cant illustration of tho utilitarian spirit now gaining control of tho profession of arms. One of tho lirst aims of this unsen timental view of war was to reduce tho pretensions of tho Vayonot. This in strument 3 at best only tho ancient pike, attached to that considerably moro important weapon, the rifle; yet it was long the fashion to extol the prowess of "tho cold steel" in battle, as if far moro terrible than any weapon whoso efficiency was based only on tiio explosive force of gunpowder. Tho civil war destroyed somo of this illu sion for American soldiers. Surgical records showed the bayonet wounds treated iu camps and hospitals to bo an insignilicant fraction of tho whole; while tho experience of man' battles developed tho fact that the so-called bayonet charge is usually performed with tho gun slung across the shoulder, much liko a pannier's torch, and, in most cases, with the bayonet peacefully roposing in its sheath. It was tho rush, not tho steel, that decidod suc cessful charges, in all but oxcoptional instances. Accordingly, in some in ventions, tho bajonot has been turned into a sort of intrenching spado, or anything but a weapon for impaling tho onorny. In no service, doubtless, is tho bayonot wholly discarded; but, in these days of destructive long-rango liring, with repeating arms, its uses are chiolly for parados and guard duty. A second move has been to abolish tho cavalry saber, which, in our coun try at least, whero cavalry are for tho most part mounted infantry, is moro ornamental than useful. Many old cav alry officers bitterly opposo this disuse of their distinctivoann; but practically tho cavalry in Indian campaigning rely on flioir carbines. The saber is an ad ditional weight and au empty jingle; and hence, though it need not be wholly discarded, it is likely to brf used only for drills and parades, and on a fow ox tra occasions, as in riot duty. Its an cient prcstigo is gone. Tho rataplan of tho Frenchman's drum is gone, too. It was strange to seo Franco, of all nations, abandoning this instrument. Hut General Farro was inexorable, and ordered it discon tinued in tho Froncy army. The drum mer is hold to bo a man whose only function is to mako a noiso; and of this thoro is always a supply in battle with out him. It is cortain that ho has a clumsy instrument to carry about, and that ho often manages to drop it some where on the battle-licld. Hut the true reason for tho downfall of tho drum is ovon moro utilitarian. Everything re quired of it can be performed by tho bugle; and tho bugler can also carry a rillc, whilo the drummer cannot, llenco Franco bids farewell to tho spirit-stirring drum, and all its martial associa tions are relentlessly swept away. Hi"; epaulettes long ago gavo way to simple shoulder straps; and tho hugo bearskin caps of Frederick's grenadiers aro but rarely scon. To ovorawe by personal appcaraneo is no longer tho military aim. Even the Chineso havo ceased "to rolv on ongs. anil put their faith in brooch-loading guns. The im posing knapsack of former days isgoing tho way of other old devices. Our vol unteor'soldiors learned that the blanket, tied diagonally across the body, would convoy thoir fow toilet articles and lim ited wardrobes, on tho march, without a box strapped upon the back. Cross bolts and brasses, once sacred, aro by degrees following tho fate of pipe clay and pigtails. Ono of the developments of this ten dency to rub off the gloss from tho light ing business is tho movement to put an end to distinctive corps uniforms. This innovation is bittorly contested whor- i ever trieu. Thoro may bo, perhaps, somo unlooked-for results in this modern ten dency to destroy the pomp and circum stance of war. :iml to put over thing on a business basis. Most war is savagery; and when its glamour is destroyed, ami the combatants made to uppear liko mere lighting appliances, plucked of sentiment, its roal naturo may bo bettor appreciated. Ar. Y. tiun. Patent modioinos in England now yield a Govonimont revenue of over Sl.OOO.OOO. They woro lirst taxed in 178!1 under an act requiring vendors of secret remedies to tako out a license and pay a stamp duty. This act did not apply, howovor, to any ono who had sorvod apprenticeship to a surgeon, apothecary or druggist. Tho London News, speaking of Miss Hradilon'H novel-writing, savs sho has to perfection tho art of cooking her turnip so as to mako it tasto liko pre served ginger. 2'lannlnj,'. When a man is intending to build a houno, the first thing to be considered is "tho cost, and whether ho has sulll cient to finish it." Tlion tho plan is ! settled on and drawn to loot and Inches, so that tho builders, having a "working plan," may build with exactness and certaintv, knowing at ovory step just what is "to bo done. In building houses wo begin always at tho foundation; tho larger and highor tho building is to bo tho moro underground work is to bo done. Spires, cupolas, flnials, orna mentations; these aro tho finishing touches, tho last things done. Thoro aro other ways of building houses. Muiiv lino buildings in tho " old country'"' date from successive poriods of time, a part of thorn being put up by ono generation and added to by succeeding generations. Hut each, installment of thostrueturo was erected according to a plan and made harmo nious with its predecessors. Not houses alono aro made according to a plan, but their furniture as well, and this extends to all tho smallest items included in house furnishings. All aro made according to sorno nat tern. Wo havo patterns lor our clothes, our ornaments everything around us is niado after somo design, and tho variations in theso designs give rise to fashion, to which so many are willing slaves. AU this is very aljilmbcliciil, and when spoken of meroly material things is oasily understood, but how is it when applied to tilings immaterial? How mauyt of our readers aro living accord ing to a plan a plan in which each day, each week, each year, each decado has its appointed place? How many of thorn are more shallops alloat on the stream of time, borne hitliorand thither as the current may chanco to carry them, without rudder or helmsman, or sails or guidance? Tho fact that to a largo extent wo havo no option as to what wo may do and be. that our "lines and bounds" arc appointed us, is no reason why wo should not use tho limited power of choice that is ours. "To him that hath shall bo given." There seemed littlo chanco that Honja min Disraeli should bo Primo Minister of England when ho was a young man of twenty-ono; everything but himself was against him. lio had no fortune, no friends, ho belonged to a race pro scribed, but ho conquered everything, and at last accomplished his plans, van quished fortune, realized and probably moro than realized his proudest ambi tions. In tho steadfastness of aim,-tho fixedness of purpose, tho unflinching and tiroloss perseverance which charac terized him, ho is an example for all men and all women. If a house is to have but ono room, hat ono room may bo arranged so as io afford tho greatest facility for work and comfort, or it may bo so arranged or disarranged as to promote constant discomfort and confusion. Sho who lives in disorder in a small houso will carry the samo mode of living into a palace. Years ago a poor family on their way to Texas wero shipwrecked and brought to Now Orleans whero thoy wero given a room in ono of tho host hotels m that citv. In two hours that elegantly-furnished room had all the appearance possiblo to it of tho North 'Carolina cabin in which tho fam ily had previously boon domiciled. Ever- chair had some bundle or gar menc in it. Hlankots wero taken from tho bed and strewn on the lloor to "set the baby on," and squalor pooped out from every curtain and bit of fui nishing in the room. Tho orderly, systematic soul impresses itself on tho body it inhabits, tho clothes of that body, tho apartment it dwells in, tho life all around it. "Soul is form and doth tho body make," and this "body" Is not merely" tho clothing of iloshly integument, but all tho sur roundings of ovory sort that aro the ex pression of tho soul. A man can show on ten acres of land what kind of a f armor ho is as well as upon a thousand. A woman can show what kind of a housekeepor sho is in a two-roomed house as well as in a livo-story "brown stone front." Only thoso who aro faithful over tho fow things aro fit to bo rulers over many things. Not every one has the ability to sit down and plan out imentorprisoofcven moderate dimensions from beginning to end. Somo are so rnado that they can seo but ono stop at a timo, can tako but ono step at a timo. but there aro fow who havo noi sense enough to soo that, and to tako that witli somo sort of discretion, and having done so much, to seo tho stop noxt to bo taken. If wo plan but for ono day at a time, ono week at a timo, ono year at a timo, and plan wisely, tho whole of lifo will bo har monious and moro or less successful. Hut if wo permit ourselves to drift whither tho chanco current may carry us, what can wo expect but to bo strand odor shipwrecked? To an extent our lives aro mapped out for us by parents, by Providonco, by various circum stances, but vuthin limits wo aro all conscious of freedom to choose and plan for ourselves, and ho is wisest who, ac cepting tho limitations which ho cannot pass, makes tho best uso of his faculties in improving to tho utmost tho oppor tunities of whatever sort ho may call his own, and sets about tho work ac cording to a well-conceived and well digested plan. N. V. Tribune. Tho Story of a Tamo Walrus. Tho Spanish bark Odulla. from Liv erpool, now lying at Welch, Itithet k Co.s wharf, has on board a tamo wal rus or soa lion. This animal was captured by Captain do Abortiz thirteen years ago whilo cruising in Hohring Straits. It was then " a pup," was trained by him, and has been his con stant companion on all his voyages over Binco. Ho is called " Seuor," "and au- swors to his name or to a b'ast from a silver whistle blown by his master" but if blown by any one oNo ho pa) s not tho slightest attention to the call. . Ho oats bread and meat, enjoys tea and tobacco. Ho is as passionately fond of beer as an old toper, and on jnanv oc casions has become gentcoly "tigkt" from imbibing too heavily. When caught ho weighed nineteen pounds, but ho now turns tho scale at -1111 pounds, lias two enormous tusks, meas ures six feet throe inches at tho girth, and is eight foot four inches long. As tho Captain good-naturedly remarked, as ho showed tho brute to a fow visit ors, lio is becoming "ono big noos nnce." In bright weather lio sleeps in tho sun on dock. During heavy blows ho resorts to a kennel, but when the weather is calm ho leaps overboard and sports about tho ship for hours, catch ing and eating lish. When tired of swimming lio is hauled on board in a great iron basket. On ono occasion, off tho Capo of Good Hope, a great shark tackled Senor, laying hold of one of his paws and biting olt two of his toes, but Senor dove, ami coming up under his enemy's belly, ripped him up with ono thrust of his great tusks, and devoured him with savago cries of de light and satisfaction. Ho h very fond JL oFlho Captain, and when tho latter has boon absent trom the ship for a day or two ho maniiosts his uneasiness by a thundoring noiso not unlike tho sounds that might bo emitted by two or throe scores of dogs barking in chorus. Senor is perfectly docile, allows himself to bo patted on tho head, and is very suscept ible to kindness. Victoria (British Co lumbia) Colonist. Lettuce. To grow crisp and tender-head let tuce, the soil must bo mellow anil rich. One of tho pleasant features of raising lcttueo for homo uso is to havo it como in succession, nnd this can only bo at tained by planting at diflorent times, three or four weeks apart. Tho later crops como from sowing the seed in the open ground in some sneltcied spot as early in tho spring as it will do to work tho ground. Tho seedbed should bo made mellow and smooth, and tho seed may bo sown broadcast or in shallow drills, covered very lightly bv raking over tho bed with a wooden rako, draw ing the rako in the direction of the drills. Tho latter method is preferable, from tho fact that while tho plants are small tho spaces between the rows may bo disturbed with a hoe, and the growth of tho plants hastened, as wellas tho weeds kept down. Among the vory best sorts for family use, ono that is widely and favorably known is the Early Curled Simpson. This is a favor ite with market gardeners, and is ex tousivoly grown in tho vicinity of New York. When planted on rich ground it grows into a largo head that on tlic tablo will bo found crisp, tender and of f;ood quality. Another and very tyceol ont variety is tho Hanson, which grows to a largo size, forming a solid head, crisp and of fine llavor, and vory popu lar among the consumers. Tennis Hall, Hoston Market, Early Huttor, and other sorts, aro prized on tho tablo when grown on ground that is in good heart. There is neither profit nor pleasure in attempting to grow lcttueo on poor, thin soil. In planting in tho garden set the lottuco ono foot apart each way, and then keep the ground mellow and froo from weeds. A'. . Tribune. His Modoty. The other night a policeman observed a man hanging around tho cntranco to a Michigan Avenue hall in a queer sort of way, and ho asked him if lie belonged to tho order thou in session up stairs. Tho man replied that he did, and tho officer inquired: "Then whv don't you go up?" "Well, 1 was thinking of it." "Haven't beeu expelled, havo you?" "Oh.no." " Aren't afraid of anybody?" "iNo." "And you haven't lost your inter est?" "I might as well toll you," said the man after beating around" uwhilo longer. " I wont down to Toledo a low days ago, and somehow tho story oamo back hero that I was drowned. My lodge thereupon passed resolutions to tho ef fect that 1 was honest, upright and liberal, and a shining ornament, and that what was its loss was my gain. I wasn't drowned, as you seo; biK- I kind o' hate to walk iu on 'om and bust thoso resolutioas. I've tried it three times, and I can't get higher up than tho fifth stair before I weaken." De troit Free Press. A gentleman at Dubuque, Iowa, had a rattlesnake, a blue racer, and a garter snake in a box, all three coiled lovingly together and in a comatose state. Their bodies woro as hard as rocks, and thoy appeared as though all lifo had been frozen out of thorn. Tho warm sunshino soon revived them, nnd tho rattler showed signs of crawling out of his old coat, tho now dress of yellow shining through tho dried and worn ono. Tho gentleman threw a shovel full of snow over tho reptiles, and thoy instantly straightened out as stiff and apparently as dead as any other defunct snakes. Hy applying" somo warmth again thoy became as animated and dangerous as' over. "Wo are," says the London Satur day licvieiv, " weary of popularizations of knowledge, of books iu which in formation id reduced to a pulpy condi tion for tho benefit of feeblo and indo lent minds." Seventy years ago tho first Chris tian baptism of a Hindoo took place Thoro aro now in India, Kurmah anil and Ceylon 500,000 native Christians. A