Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 02, 1881, Image 3

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Tho ground for pons should not bo
very rich. A rich soil produces vinos
instead of notls.
' Thoro is a good deal of work com
prehended in tho general term of
"elciiriug up" that must bo done. Any
accumulation of rubbish, ashes, etc.,
mtulo during tho winter should bo taken
away, for tho sake of both looks and
health. Hake tho yards and niako tho
surroundings of house and out-buildings
assume a tidy and pleasant appearance.
Lemon Cake. Boat to a croam
one cup of butter and throo cups of
powdered sugar. Add tho yolks of five
eggs, previously well-beaten, tho juice
and grated nuil of one lemon, and a
cup of milk with ono toaspoon of sitl
oratus (or baking powder) dissolved in
it. Then mkl tho whites of tho eggs
beaten to a still' froth; sift in four cup3
of Hour and bake.
Shako oil and othorwiso remove all
dust from black garments every timo
they aro worn. Nothing sooner do
faces black silk, poplin or woolen than
to wear it oven for a day Und thou hang
it away without removing tho dust.
Silk is best elcauod by brushing over
with u woolen cloth; the cloth does not
ly injuro tho fabric, as docs tho constant
wowing of a clothes-brush or broom.
' Green Tea Soup. Put two quarts
of green peas with four quarts water,
:boil for two hours, keeping tho steam
wasto supplied by fresh boiling water
then strain them from tho liquor, re
turn that to tho pot, rub tho peas
through a siovo, chop an onion fine,
and ft small sprig of mint, let it boil ton
uninutos, then stir a tablespoonful of
Hour into two of butter, and popper
and salt to tusto, stir it smoothly into
tho boiling soup. Sorvo with well-buttered
sippets of toasted bread.
--Tea Rolls. Half a eako of com
pressod j'oast in throo half-pints of luke
warm wator; add a quart of sifted Hour
and mix woll to a thick batter. Let it
stand six or soven hours in a moderato-ly-warm
place till woll risen, then add
two eggs, an ounce of butter, four
ounces of sugar, and a tablcspoonful of
salt; add flour (about a pint) and work
' woll with tho hands till it is a soft
dough; mako into rolls; put thorn in
tho pans thoy aro to bo baked in, and
sot near tho stove to rise; as soon as
thoy rise, bako in a quick ovon.
The horse has a small stomach in
comparison with tho size of tho animal,
and, thorofor, should never bo allowed
to fast longer than six hours, especially
when at work. Like tho human, thero
should bo regularity in feeding time.
:During tho spring and summer it will
always pay to feed oats at noon, at
least. Oats should tako tho preference
over corn, as tho latter contains a largo
amount of oil. producing fat and an
imal heat with but little addition of
s strength and musclo. Givo a horse an
hour and a half to eat at noon. Thero
is economy of time in it, for tho faster
worM ho will perform will soon mako
up for it, and then it tonds to improve
your conscience.
Farmers' Fruit Cako. Tako two
cupfuls of dried apples and soak over
night; in tho morning, stir in ono cup
ful of molasses, two cupfuls of brown
sugar, one-half toacupful of butter,
three eggs, two and one-half cupfuls of
Hour, one toaspoonful of soda, two tea
spoonfuls of cream tartar, sifted and
mixed dry in tho Hour, ono grated nut
meg, two teaspoonfuls of ground cinna
mon, ono of cloves, ono naif pound of
currants, ono-half pound of raisins, and
tho same of citron cut line. Mix tho
butter and sugar together, then spices,
apples and Hour; beat tho eggs sepa
rately, and when very light add them;
Hour the fruit and add last. Fit papers
to your pans and groaso them thorough
ly. Uako two hours in a moderately
hot oven.
Steak pudding. Mako a crust with
lino Hour, well-chopped suot, and
warm wator, adding a pinch of salt.
Placo it round a basin, cut up into this
some steak in thick short pieces, flavor
ing each layer with popper and salt,
and. if you like, some small cut onions;
Add also a littlo maco. A fow pieces
of kidney can bo put in; on tho top two
small strips of bacon can bo added and
a couple of spoonfuls of sauco or cats
up. Close this up with a piece of tho
same crust that is round tho dish and
place tho basin in a steamer. Tho
pudding must not bo boilod, but
steamed during a suflicient time, ac
cording to size, say ono of two hours.
When turned out on tho dish open tho
top a little and .put in a small piece
of butter, when a lino gravy will pour
over tho dish. Food and Health.
Growing Cantaloupe.
A groat many farmers still think
there is mystery in growing this best of
all fruits. Tho hills should bo dug out
a foot and Jilled.with short barnyard
miinuro, soil and sand, or turnpike
dirt in placo of sand. Plant live or six
seeds in a hill, about an inch below tho
surface, at equal distance, and when
tho plant is throo or four inchos long
remove all but two or three. Just be
fore tho vines begin to run, givo tho
bed a thorough hoeing, and if 'conveni
ent though it is not indispcnsablo
scatter over tho bod a coat of turnpike
dirt or sand. After tho vines havo
commenced to run they should novor
bo disturbed, otherwise tho rootlets
which attach themselves to tho soil as
tho vino grows, and on which both vino
and fruit depend mainly for their sus
tenance, will lose a largo proportion of
this support, and honco will not pro
duce as large melons or of so good a
Wo prefer lovol culturo, for tho rea
son that tho soil will not dry out so
roadily as when tho hilling system is
followed. Jn wet seasons hilling is
best; but tho chances are in favor of
rather dry weather in June, July and
August. Qermanlowji Telegraph.
Two Words.
Short prescriptions are easily romom
bored, but thoro aro a great many poo.
pie who think thoy aro not getting tho
worth of their money unlossiho physl.
cian to whom thoy apply gives them
half a page of directions. There is both
science and common-sense in the simplo
rule given below which it cost a
woman ten dollars not to know enough
to practice herself without asking.
A rospectablo, elderly lady-patient
wont to Loudon to consult tho very
highest authority about her dyspepsia
and its accompanying ailmonts. She
waited very patiently for lior turn, en
tered tho awful presence told her piti
ful story, put out her furred and creased
The doctor listened and said, "Urn!
Ah! Yes, just so." Thou ho looked
profoundly, awfully wise.
'Now, doctor, what shall I doP I
havo triod ovorything, and nothing does
mo any good. Can you do anything to
help mur"
"Yes, madam; you must oat slowor."
She waited for her prescription, but
tho doctor did not write, and was evi
dently expecting her to go. Ho thought
she might bo hard of hearing, and spoke
louder, " Eat slowor."
Uy an involuntary but slight rnovo
mont of his right hand sho saw thoro
was nothing to do but pay tho fee. Tho
two guineas dropped, and sho sadly loft
his otlico.
Two guineas for two words! Hut thoy
aro worth tho money. " Eat slower,"
is very wise and important counsel.
Thero is a timo for ovorything and as
eating is one of tho most important
things of our mortal lifo, tho timo wo
tako to do it right is of very great im
portance. Golden Utile.
m m m
Chicago Weatorn Cnthollo.
The latest, muii who li.ib been mtido happy
through ilia uso of tills valuable liniment Is
Mr. Jam os A. Conlun, Librarian of tliu Unlou
Catholic Library of this city. Tho followltiR
Is Mr. Conlan's liii.orreincnt:
Umon Catholic liimiAitr Association, )
'.Ml Dl'.AllllOHN Stiikkt,
Chicago, Sept. IB, 18N). )
I wish to add my testimony us to the merits
of St, Jacobs Oil as a cure for rheumatism.
Ono bottle has cured me of this troublesome
disease, which Rave me a great deal of bother
for a Ioiik timo; but thanks to tho remedy I
am. cured. This statement is unsolicited by
any ono In Its Intel est.
James A., Librarian.
Tint fellow who was much struck by. a young
lady wanted to return a kiss for the blow.
Lowell Citizen.
Kansas City Mall.
Member ol this Department relieved of
Rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs OH,
says Geo. W. Walling, Esq., Superintendent
Police New York, In one of our exchanges.
A max who rises by his profession a build
er of elevators.
- ..
Worthless HttiflT.
Not so fast my friend: if you could seo tho
strong, healthy, bloomlug men, women and
children that Imve been raised from beds of
sickness, suffcrlm; and almost death, by tho
uso of Hop Bitters, you would say "Glorious
and invaluable remedy." See other column.
Philadelphia J'rets.
Why are rcnplo who stutter not to bo ro
lled on J Because tliey are always breaking
their word.
i --
Nnture'a Itemedy.
It is cv'dent that u largo portion of our city
people sutler fiom dUcnties of the liver,
bowels, or kidneys. Kidney-Wort is nature's
remedy for them all. Tiinse that cannot pre
pare the dry can now procure it in liquid
form of any drujjtflst. Globe-Democrat.
Good Watches ut l.iiw I'rlcea.
Write for IHustratcd catalogue to Stand
ard American Watch Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Aim ICcmly Flrct
But buy your guns at tho Great Western Gun
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Catalogues Free.
Ik afflicted with Sore Eyes, use Dr. Isaac
Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell It. 25c.
IlKDiuxn's Russia Salve lias proved itsolll
:Ieucy by a test of three-quarters of a century.
Thk FrazerAxlc Greuso Is tho best In tho
world. Sold everywhere. Use It.
Tun Brooklyn Enifte knows of a youth of
roTing tiudcncles who Is undecided whether
to loin u circus or become a Methodist min
is ter.
When Mrs. I'm tlngton heard of tho propo
sition of Sonator Blair regarding tho protec
tion of underclothing, she was just engaged
repairing u nairof Ike's galligaskins. "Well,"
said shi', "it seems to me that though Con
gressman may think it dutiable to make un
derwear considerable, over wear would be fai
the most sensible und benellclous to look aft
er. I don't know anything about tho tiirllT",
but the tear is a very proposhiMslng duty ami
plenty of It, with nothing to do but " "Darn
it I" said Ike, as he stuck a pin Into his tln.'or.
The ejaculation seemed so much u part of her
own thought that she failed to rebuke It,
deeming sho had said it herself. Hartford
Old as the hills The valleys between
Said M ss Poslnush to Syntax, the college
utor; "So you teach at Harvard! That must
be so delightful, I'm Huru. But then I should
be frightened to death to meet Hiiy of the stu
dents, with lmlf. ado.t'U foreign languages at
their toiiL'ues' end. I sunposo they never
speak English at all." "Very boldom speak
It," said r-yntax, in adioamy way. "Thero I
I knew thov didn't," continued Miss Posl
gush. "What languuL'c do they speak most,
Mr. Syntax, Greek or Latin, or "
"Slung," replied the tutor, with luconlcbim
pllclty. Aroint a man gits to bo thlrtj'-el.'ht years
old ho kant form any new habits much; tho
best he kan do is to steer his old ones. Josh
At a social gathering the other day on tho
sidewalk of Galveston Avenue, the re
spective merits of Pete Freer and Bill
lioufliug iiscouvcrsut'oiMllstftWoiodltcussed.
Kd. Bnidon. who was present, contended
that, wliilu Bill Hoelllnir had tho most beau
tiful How o: language, Pete Freer used tho
best grammar, und more of it, and was tho
best-looking man of tho two. "That may
be," iv s 'onded (Jilhooly, who was present,
"but I had rather listen to Bill lloolllng
keep lils mouth shut for half an hour than to
hear Polo Freer talk all day." Then Jho
caucus went Into executive session over In
Ueorge Hciucr's saloon. (Jalventun Sewn-
iroaEAX's TRHunwripjiirr
DiscovEmcn or
Tho Positive Ciiro
far all (bono Painful Complaints ami Weaknesses
o common toourbust fiinulo population.
It will cure entirely tlie worst form of l't mule Com.
plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcere,
lion, Falling and Displacements, and tho consequent
Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the
Change of Ufo.
It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In.
an early stace of development. The tendency to can.
cerous humors there li checked very spoedlly by It use.
It rcmoves-falnlnc flatulency, destroys oil craving
for stimulants, and rellcvoa weakness of the stomach.
It curea llloatliiR, I'eadaches, Nervous lrostratlon,
General Dublllty, BleopleaancM, Depression and Indi
gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, la always crmanently cured by Its use.
It wilt at all times and under all circumstances act in
harmouT with tho laws that irovcrn tho femalo system.
Forthocureof Kidney Complaints of cither sex this
Compound Is unsurpassed.
POUND is prepared at 233 and 2.U Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mass. lrico$l. Sir bottles for $.". Sent by mall
In tho form of pUIs, also In tho form of lozenges, on
receipt of price, St per box for cither. Mrs. llnkham
freely ansnors all letters of Inquiry. Bond for pamph
let. Address as abor. Mention thli iVijier.
No family should bo without LYDIA K. HNKIIAM'Q
LIVER PILLS. Thoy euro constipation, biliousness,
and torpidity of tho liver. 25 cents per box.
Bold by MORRISON, PLUMMEK k CO., Chicago, III.
Battlo Crook, Michigan,
HANurAcicuEius or Tnu oklt gehcctb
Tractlon and Plain Englnos
and Horso-Powors.
Most CompIctoThrrihcr Factory I EBttlbllohod
In tho World. J 1040
ft VIC A DO o"eonffnuouam!aueeeMul&iM.
ti B iCftllOrifM, v itliout chnmfo of unmo.
sJA innuiurcmcnt, or location, to" lark tij)" A
6rixi! wurrunf j gtren on alt ourgoodt.
C'omplrto Btcmri OutniHoSvtatcliteuouaUUet.
ttnttt TrnrtloiiJhiKiiieHnuill'Ialnls.nfilucj
cvor booh in tho American junrkot. . ,
A multitude cf $prttal ftaturet aiul improvement!
for 1881, together with mperior qunlitirt in conijriie
lion ami materials not dreamed of brother makers.
Four bIzpu of Separators, from O to 112 liorao ttcam or horn vmeer.
Two Btylcs of " Mounted " Horie-rowcr.
7R(n (inn let of Kclectcil J.umlier
,UIIU,UUU (fromthreelotixytanalr.ilrleil)
constantly on lmml, from which 1h built tho h
couiporublo wood-work of our machinery.
M X'uriiicru and TlirenliiTirirn nro invited to
Xnvratlsrnto this malehteu TlircKhluu; Maculucr.
Circulars wnt free, Addrem
Battlo Crook, Michigan.
X"or OlxlXlrSt and Fovor
Cunsed by Muliirliil I'uWoiiliiir or llio ItlouiL
Price, Jjpl.OO. KorsulobyallDruggliU.
500,000 Acres
On the line of the
For full particulars. hlrh win he sent free, address I.. COI.HY,
T.ullil CouiiuW'louvr, .tllMviuiker. Wis,
' MacauUf 'sills U Tallin's lllstuiy nfllll ttiltilt.
I . cory oi r.ngMiiu l i.iicrnunr re i
IIS I'cu Unio veil. I J limn vm haiiilsomely I
vcloth.oul. S'i.iMi-a-'txiiiiiil for mil; iiifi,, I
I'.O. Itox 4J80.
Apfutc UfitlTcn Tn .w!"m tho moat
r4UE.ll IO WW Hli I LU liberal Indurrments aro
offered- to sell oiirUreul
'mull V lll.k IVia.l.l.ia.
Miiehlnr. I'nllilvelv til
best In the market bend
. Inl ......I f..m .I.1..1.I11I I...1 .!.
Union KouNuur asu MVu Co., IleadlnK, I'a.
t5 11 liny inmlr with our
uivv, u;cfi)l and fan Helling
lllilueatlf Neiiln
ccuni n ahtipi cc
Co., Clucliiuatl, O.
UIIUUU Mil I lUhkVll
imiML ENGINES efftrientrrer Y7f
made, ti, 10, 1 Homo Power. : CN
HiJshx amt
To thn ('nnaiiniptlvp. " llbor'a riiiuiioiiiul
oft'oii I.ivkii On. amiI.imk, ulthout pusir-ssfni; the
very liiiusciitliiBtliiviiriit lliesirnd' asheretuforeused,
1. I'liduwi-d by the I'liosiiliaio of l.lmi with ii healing
properly which ii-nilciK ihr Oil dmihl) ellleaelous Ue
murkalileii silnion!nirof (isellli ary ciuihoMiown, hold
by A II Wii.uuit. Ch mist, lbs mi. uml all druuKtsts
The New
Quick Work
As previously announced, we pro-
iv limy io meet in.' (Itiiisikis ir
trrriit umiiv .if rrlniwl. ut 1,m
i.itrraiy in vnmiiun ror mr ntw version of the New
Testament, which Is now promised positively by tho
Kiipllsli publlshera on Ihr litlitif May Our printers
will put the rntliv work lulu t)pe Instdo ut a few hours .
lruiu mi' iiiuu n copy rjiu ue procured, aim wo snail
mnnuractim1 at least 10.UJ0 copies a day until tho do
maud for It Is met.
A few renturles atru (he f"W lllhlrs In rililnirs wern
commonly chained in the churches and accessible only '
to u few. Those uJiu ntleiiipicd Io Her tlieni, Irnns
lato them, and glte them to tlit nroiilr, had tho
slake and the u'atTold for their reward. 'I lit new ver.
slou of the Testament was completed, prlntnl, nnd
buutid inonlhs axo In Knglimd, hut tlul the Kiinllsli
publishers might be nbln to mouoixilUc lis sak', und
nuke a few hundred thousand dollars the mure, It hits
been withheld from the nubile 1 ho Copyright Law In
England Is such that at least two ui'spaiers, which,
by soma method, secured copies of portions of It, and
Subllshrd extracts, with comments, were compelled to
eslst from repetition of tho "crime," audio publicly
apologliH for their "wrong " Wo are In favor of an
equitable International rotiyrlght law that will give
authors due reward for their laW, but Americans will
not care to see such unKugllsli law transferred to this
On May 17th these monopolists promise to unbind the
"chains" mid release probably a million iivitnmenla u
the world. They promise ono edition In cry small
type n paper co era at 111 centa per copy
Wo proposu to give, wlili spu'd never oeforc equaled
In the history of publishing, In typo, of nearly double
theslxe used by them, the New Testament riuct
for IO rents, the Four (losnels eoinnleta fur 1 rents.
thn (lospcls separately, each for a cental and In many
various forma and styles up to full Turkey morocco, I
?ni riiges. lur mu new aim oiu versions on pages lacing
IlemcmberlnK the psst, our friends will not be sur
prised that lluMmhllslicrs and bookscllcM who do not
like the Literary devolution arc Hlnmlerlngln advance,
ouredltlons of this work, pretending tlut thero will Ihi
many errors, resulting from Its liaiiy iiroilui'tliin, In
reply, wo can only promise to those who have trusted
us, and have not found us wauling, that It shall be.
typographically, one of llir iiint nveiiriitr wuika
ever prlnteil mi this Coiillneiit. The printing
house of H. W, Green's 8on. Nos. 71 A Tti lleekman
street, which will do the wmk, has no aupeilor In this
country In the character of ha woikmcii, nud no equal
Inltsabllliy to do good work quickly They will tnkn
double pains to do the liest work possible, as tills will
be, for their reputation, tho most Important work they
have ever printed, andtolltivvlugtln m, our own proof
readers nnd crltlcil scholars engaged on our Uncyilo.
piodla will all nulla to make tin) work absolutely frco
from error
Furthermore, todemonstntu tho superior quality of
our work, we pioHise to scud, postpaid. I'ree, to (lie,
iiiiuie of imy person iiiilylng, ,y letlcror postnl
ennl. n complete, beautimily-prlnlcd copy of tha
Unapel of St. alnliii. Only n slngln copy will lifl
sent t ) any applicant We piopose lo print, If called
for. a million copies for gratuitous distribution. Per
sons who would llkt this specimen In iiiiintlty, for
distribution, will bo supplied for th" price, of ti cents
per lOO copies, orutlhat rate for u larger number.
The religious nubllo will be glad to know that nliout
July 1st we shall bo picpaud to olfer them the largeat
nud most complete vnilely of Testaments and Hllilcs
ever sold In this couutiy, ranging fiom the smallest
Testament to most elaborate Tcuchcra' Illhles and tho
Inrgest hutull) and Pulpit lllhlea at prlr a fiom C cents
roraslnulo (iospel to H!i." for thu largi'st nud best
quarto Illhles with lllusirutlons und c imtncutnry Thu
prices for alt f them will be propori Innately low with
ourother Ineumparalily cheup slandard pulilicatlona.
Full partlculats, with specimens of tho typography will
be ready soon, and will lie sent free upon application.
Yomie's Great Bible Concordance.
Our new edition of this magninrcnt work, which inny
fairly be called the "Webster's Unabridged of llellg
lous Literature," Is nuw ready. Uy Its uld thu un
learned Kngllsh leader Is given ready access to the In
formation heretofore accessible, only to those learned
In the llehicw and Creek languages, ur by the aid of
expensive and alien Inaecerslhlu (Ireck and Hebrew
Lexicons and Coucindances. In conneitlon with tho
new version of the lllble, tiaitlculHrly, It proves espe
cially lutcrcHtlng and helpful, giving what no other
work supplies, clues to the louslderailons which have
led acuohus to make the varying trauslatloua which
leu scuouii
liivvu been
given io me worm in me eeinurira n
ivrn iuuic worm in tueccmuriea pusi, en-
Billing Ihe Intelligent reader In laigu measure to decide
forhlmsi'lt what Is thu meaning that will best satisfy
hisowu unui't standing mid the demands of his own
conscience. 8H'clmcu pages scut free on request.
1'ilco W2.2Z, postagu a? cunts.
5,000 Booksellers
throughout Hie I'nlled States mid Canada are pre
pared to either iibund.uitly supply, or liberally slan
der our pulillcailouK We give llhetal Teems lo
Chili wliciuno liooksellei aels iiangent. Di'scilptlve
Catulogue, and llliisiiaud pamphlet ihseilhlng hook
making ami type tilling by sientii, will he sent Iree on
icquesl. 1 bu tullowiiig principal liookselleia of till!
L III led blates keep full
Pnnnrnl flrrmitn sun ks of oui publications
U6ll6r8 AR6 IIS. ""." ""IM'Iy ihe... ut ivii.ll.
muiiuiui iirjuuiwi wholesale ill .iii-U.lis.iitiiiir
New VorkCIIJ pi Ices- llosioull L, llastliigs, llCoin
blll t'liliiiuu. Adieu tV llliadwli k. I.'i DuiiIiomi Slivet;
Ciiiclunali, ItolH'it Cliiik" iV Co.: (,leclaiul. Ingham.
Claik A: Co . I'lili.iib Iphm, l.eaiv A I'll ; I mil polls.
Ilovven. bli'wiiil .V Co i M. I .on In. I.iigiin II D.imeion;
llalllmoie. V K C llairlsiiii. Ail.intii. (in., I ,1 ,t
ii I. Illehaidi Orjinl li.ipliU, Mlili.. Kaloii, Ljou A
Co. ; Jilch.iiuiid, Vu . Il.iinliilpli ,v CugllHli
7fl 1 Itioiiilvviiy, .New Yot-k.
JOHN II. ALDItN Maiiat:'!
For Seeding and Extracting Juice
Bead Air n Cutnloaue, free.
mwmi m CO,, Philadelphia. Pa,
positively cured Dy FOO
Hanrxtract from astusl) Whits Shark, caiuthl in
taalilr Yellow Sea, known m rtircliiirnduii llmuleleUI
Its virtue were dltcovered bj n IluddhUl l'rlest
about th year cities were so numerous and many
so seemingly miraculous, lhat (hit rem 'dy vrns ofllcially
proclaim dover ihi-entire ( hlnes' Umpire, vrheri usid
forover 300 years. Pent, chirurs prepaid, in hiiv uddivi i
ut tl Mlprrhulile OM.r iMcuiiricli UV IIAVI.OCK
feCO,, M.Attrtnur jtriiu 7 l)ey Nt., Xvw York
$50 AIV10NTH!
W will pay i ao-
tlB pOITOtl Still 1
numlh anil iixirfMiies to
umti iiiiiio i-iiiiiK.ia
V.'r " nu sen our kotmii Htr.ii month anil uxpensea lo
uUtlibutei'lieiiiaivoiil rvo iiiplli.! rciiilrr.l. Mr)
yiuluimi exiieiiM'suiiidviii'-e W'ehtluthi)
Kooflaln the vvuild iiuimrtJiies hi elui tiapi Kamplu
wH.oKyutuuriiiwr, urn puiiietuais, anil euiiiraei ',
nrnu ,'. iur iMiPia" ami iiai'kniL.' ..
Najiiu thMpuper
, uiiii ii.u-hlllK nil pu lllin
liico H Hfli Kl.KAi 0 .Jlailiaon Wis
for Aients on
Ror riicular.
ill ess of '. or
morn fkink Aeents, and 10
cents for cost uf iiialliiu;, a
nilieeelvu The Tfonle s tluira-
tiint mu e moutus,
180 , Adams St., Chicaco, HI.
B nilLVlSUffigsa1s fc..
114 1 1 ElaSttYj l5f Wl
" ron
la It is for all dlsaaae. of tha KIDNEYS,
It cleanses tits system of tha asrld poison
that causes the ilriadful Buffering vihloh
only the victim of llUeumatlsra can realUa.
of the worst form, of tlila terrible dtaoass
L4 have ba.u qulokly relieved, in n. short time
has had wonderful success, ami nn immense
ale in every partof tho Country. In bun
dradaofoaaaalthaaoured where all olso had
fallsd. Itla mild, but efflolont, CKUTAIN k
IN ITS ACTION, but harmless In all oaaes.
Mfe to all the lmport-mt organs or the body.
The natural aation of tho Kidneys Is rostored.
The Liver ieoleaniedof alldlsoase, and the
Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this
way the worst disease, are eradicated from
A. It haa been proveil by thousand, that
IsthemcsterTeottial romedy for cleansing tho ,'
system of alt morbid seoretlons. It should be
used In every household a. a '
Uwaya cure. UILIOU8Nn33. CONSTIPA.
TION, riLTufl aud all FEMALE Diseases. ',
Is tint iid in llrr Vest table l'oriii. In tin rant,
one package of which makes Ciiuarts medicine.
Alio In Liquid Farm, very Concent rnted for A
ins convenience or iiiDsowiiucaiiiiiHicnuurpiv
pare It. Itactiwlthttjttiit efficiency mttthtrform.
art it or your imunoisT. i,iuck,i.oo
MKM.8. niCIIAHDSOS A Co.. l'roi's,
i (Will und the dry post-nal.U IH'KI.IIIITOI. TT.
Vibrating Threshers
Endless Apron Threshers
Horse Powers
llountetl or Voun.
Farm Engines
i'lotn or Traction.
Tlio ropiitutlon Hint our
lius aiiatiilixxl fur ovrir 111) yearn tia thn
I. n OUA11ANTKK Hint our now Vllirallnic
Tlireahrr und Throaliliif; KiikIiiu will bo
Better than any others in tho market
(alaWuil iralri en lypUcahon. BuflnlOt N. V
.Engineering and Railroad Nows.
Published at 7.1 Uroadunr, Ncn York.
H4.UO tier nniiinu oatiiira n-ee.
Book for Threshermen
Worth 8K. Koranic for U5o.
Including all lllunka needed to
tmike settlementH with customers.
Mo tier refunded If not entirely
satisfactory Addtess
The Aultman & Taylor Company,
.Manatlelit. Itlchlund Co.. O.
LOST! $2,000,000
b & 0 R Il- the7 Knrinera7 o f the
Northwest, from sickness and disease of Ltvu Block.
Ho any Ihe Agricultural Commissioner of that section.
Our new book, IlUeuses of Live Nloek. uml
their jTsiiiiritlr,! now ri nly. Imlorseil by tiiirjccon
Ucneral of U. H. Army uml Ir.idhiK Velerlnnry Hurueons.
14 M. Ciiuul Hlretit, 'hlcnfo, III.
This Is thu cheapest and only complete and reliable
history of the Orrat Civil War published. It abounds la
narratives of personal adventure, thrilling Incidents.
riartiiK exploits, heroic deeds, wniulerfiil escapes, etc.;
und coat alns lire-like portrait a of lUOIeadlnK generals.
Bend for specimen pukch and extra terms in Agents.
CbleUKii, III.
ITCK'H. thu onlypfttented Alt.
sre Cushioned, Ventilated, Com
fortnble und Unuiitlecil, and He
store llcarlnic, l'liyslcluns hlichly
recommend them for Asthma or
Catarrh, send for Dr. Btlnson's
tturu ltemedlus, Treatise mulled
free. II 1' K l'KCK. A(rt
1 lli Nassau Ht,. New York.
Nowterj(ffur ArciiIs Mott detirabte edition. Low
irlcrd. MtltlnnH are waltlnu for It (Irnnil harreit
or Aaent rarlleuluts free. Outfit fide. Act
quick. Address IIUUUAtCL) HltOa , UIiIcsko, III.
Mother of I'earl Nently I'ntrrnvnl by Himd, with de
signs In Itleli Colors l'rlee, ajc. Acenia Wanted!
UKUoiiKSTi I.1.0VD, 77 .Johnson at . Nuwark, N. J.
6, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES.
TOTM, NIITKINN, .tc. Catalogue IVrr.
GARY, FULTOK&CO., mo hummer at, Huston,. Man.
INU Mflr.HINES. Tools for all kinds of well
uu LOOMIS &. NTKlan, iirrm,umu,
and insentl' (1. I) nnywliere. Wlinlmale
ntul lleuill. ITloo-llHtrw (londs cuaraa
leod. li.U.STiiKUUlS7 Wnbasli av.ChlcBiio.
yOUMl JIIIX learn lolecrupliy and euti f JO to 100
uinnnth, Kveij eriiilu iti ku u.iuti'Hla piylm; .sltmv
tlou, Adilreax Valentine Jlroi M.iiinitervJiiiiosvlUe.Wls.
Coo, YnnKoAOo.,
bt. I.oills, Mo.
751lt4tMllim ArtloloHln tboworiili asain-
v.9iTwi. . .... i..,., ijviroii. mica.
AOKNTH WANTKI1 for tho Rest and Fastest.
SellltiK I'lctorlal Hooks aud lllblos, I'dces nduced
U percent. National l'uhllihlnu Co., Chicago, 111.
AnCUTQ rln money with Ur. Chase's New
HUtn I O Kecelpt Itook. Newly revised and en
lurued. lly mall, ii. Address Cham I'uuk Co., Toledo, O.
A. N. K.
irirK.v lritMTtxa to AitvnttTismia,
plviitn Miiy you aittv f10 Alive ft inement
ill tlitv jiier.