Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 26, 1881, Image 5

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THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1831.
Window Shades at Nickell's.
Hackney is having n nice awning
Kalsominlng of all colors, at Nick
ell's Drug Store.
Berkshire hogs, highbred for sale
by Stevenson & Cross
Steamer Key "West passed up tho
river Tuesday ovening.
Fun! Fun!! Fun!!! At Xomaha
City, Juno 1st. 25 cents.
S. Seoman is putting up some new
shelving in his store room.
Bain "Wagons, whips and cross-cut
saws by Stevenson & Cross.
A farm wagon good as new, for
, i sale or trade, by T. L. Jones.
Freedman, Obrine, and Sterling
harrows, for sale by Campbell.
Fresh Bread, pies and cakes al
ways on hand at Furman & Palmer's
Tho old building east of O' Pelt's
livery stable lias been pulled down and
moved away.
- Call at Judkins' Furniture Store
and see his fine line of Carpets, and the
carpet sweeper.
The Fannie Arnold Concert will
probably visit Tecumseh boiiio time in
.June. The date has not yet boon de
termined. Railroad mon say a regular train
of cars will bo down "Wednesday even
ing this week, and make tho usual
trips hereafter.
Tho K. C. St. Joo& C. B. railroad
is to be relocated so as to reach tho
river opposite this city before snow
Hies. That's so.
Jako Rauschkolb, wo understand,
finally concluded to pay over his money
and take a license. Jake's- first notion
was decidedly the best.
A Tho first train of cars since tho
flood arrived at Phelps from tho south
on Monday. Tho road will soon bo in
running ordor clear through.
On Tuesday, this week, Dr. C. F.
.Stewart sold to Tom Stockor a span
of threoand four year old Hambleton
ian colts, for which lie received 62.')0.
Tho wrongs of tho county are now
righted ! Two saloons aro open for bus
iness, and no cause for fanners and
their sons and daughters to go to other
places to do their business. 40 wt
"Wo aro now having tho "Juno
rise." River banks nearly full. Re
ports from abovo say the river is rising
all tho way up to headwaters, but no
inundation of tho country is anticipa
ted. Tiik Advkhtisku's opinion is
that Garfield made a mistake and was
too stubborn to coriect it; that Conk
ling made a mistake in resigning the
Senatorship; that the papers aro mak
ing a mistako in tho bitter partisan
mannor they discuss tho affair; and
that it is a regular mule fight all
Tins Advijutisuk is independent
in all things, neutral in nothing, and
dares to tako a position and express an
opinion upon woman suffrage, temper
ance, politics, and every matter that
demands public attention; and is tho
only papor in the county that has the
backbone and honesty to do so. Wo
challenge comparison.
A drunken man went staggering
down tho street Tuesday morning,
when finally his legs becamo entangled
and ho rolled into tho gutter. A kind
hand helped tho poor fellow up and led
him away from tho public gaze. And
this is tho kind of business that will
grow and bo built up under tho saloon
influence; whilo it will be as a mildew
upon ovory other kind.
Last Friday John Bellamy, stock
dealer at this place, sold to Sam'l T.
Dagen, of Nebraska City. 010 head of
steors, for which ho received 82,050 more
than ho had paid for thorn. Bausflold
and Hlliot sold to tho same party 22
head at a profit of Sl.o.'O. Mr. Bagon
has bought up about all tho cattle in
this and adjoining counties, and
is very properly termed tho "cattle
King of the west."
Mr. Herbert IIowo and wife wero
in the city Tuesday.
Mrs. Tat Cline is visiting relatives
at Leavenworth, Kansas.
Joo O'Polt, landlord of the Arling
ton, Lincoln, is in tho city. (
Miss Emma Schauta took passage
on the Durfeo for St. Louis.
lion. C. M. Haydon and wife arc
visiting friends at Beatrice.
- "Wils. Majors, of Peru, attended
tho concert, Thursday ovening.
Sam. C. Winters wont to Nebras
ka City last week on tho Durfee.
Roy Harmon started for St. Joo
ono day last week, in a Hat boat.
Miss Jessio Bain and John Mc
Kenzie visited Brownvillo Friday last.
Aaron Kara, of Porn called Sat
urdayho wants Tin: Advkutisck for
tho ensuing year.
Mr. Myron dates and daughter,
of Plymuoth, Michigan, are visiting rel
atives in Brownville.
Grandpa McCreery. father of "W.
II. McCreery, came up from St. Joo on
tho steamer Key "West.
J. B. Fisher, a solid farmer of As
pinwall precinct, called Monday and re
newed his subscription.
Amandus llelmer, son of Franz
Helmer, came over from Rock Port
Sunday to visit his parents.
"W. P. Friss, of Nemaha called on
us Friday. He will go to St. Joo soon
to bo treated for an affection of the ear.
Will Conyes, Engineer Hammond,
Mrs. A. II. McGeo and Lynn Carson
went to St. Joe Thursday on the steam
er Durfee. Mr. Hammond returned
Mr. Charles Deselit, of Han Clare,
Wisconsin, who owns a farm near Lon
don, is liere looking after his interests.
Mr. I), called on us and renewed his
John S. Minick, Miss Fannie Ar
nold and Miss Alice Hitt, of this city,
and Philip Crother and wife of Nema
ha City, went to Topeka, Kansas, on
Friday, to attend tho meeting of tho
Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Good
Judge Church, of Bedford, pur
chased last week Mrs. Oatcs' farm ad
joining his residence farm. That is tho
way the big farmers of Bedford aro
doing raising hogs and buying farms.
Those branches of industry seem to
work well together.
('apt. A. It. Davison, Wm. KanlT
nian, W. W. Browning, W. T. Den, S.
M. Summers and Mr: Dunham, attend
ded tho Stale Shooting Tournament at
Lincoln last week. Tho "boys" did
some good shooting and carried off sev
eral prizes. In tho contest for the
Plattsmouth Cup, our boys won second
Mrs. Lucy M. Butler, wife of tho
successful sheep fancier, west of
Brownville, two miles, informs us by
card that on Arbor day sho planted,
with her own hands, 75 trees, as fol
lows: 12 catalpa, 6 oak. 0 ash, 2 luin
bard poplars, 2 wawlioe, 1 sycamore,
1 redbud, 45 cottvinwood. Mrs. B. says,
"Tlioy are all set wliero they are to
stand, and most all aro beginning to
grow and the rest are in good condi
dition." Mrs. Butler should bo awar
ded a premium for this muscular ex
ample to tho women of tho land.
They want to vote, and of course
should plant the trees.
Men's white vests,
lined with ice cream,
atMcGee Sr Moore's.
Sinking of the Durfeo.
St. Loris, May 2:). The steamer K.
II. Durfee, bound down tho Missouri
river struck an obstruction near tho
mouth of tho Gasconade river this
morning and sank. Sho is supposed to
1)0 a total loss. Tho boat was valued
at about $s,t)00. Insured at $5,000.
She had a valublo cargo of produce,
which will probably prove a total loss.
Young Mr. Bitter of Deroin, wo un
derstand shipped about 81,000 worth
of hogs on the Durfee, which will pro
bably bo a clear loss to him. Wo be
hove there was no freight from Brown
villo on that boat.
I Don) want that StufP'
iHWlintn Judy of Boston nald to hor Iiuh
band whon ho brought homo nomo medicine
to euro nor of sick hendncho rind neuralgia
which hart inmlo hor mlsorahlo for fourteori
yonrfi. At first attack thereafter it watt ml
intntHtnrod to hor with Btwh good rosultK Unit
Htiocontlnued ltsuso until cured, mid mudo
so enthusiastic In ltd prnlso thatsho induced
twenty-two of tho best families lu hor clrclo
tomlopt ltnstholr regular family medicine,
Thnt "atuir Is Hop HltterH.
Willing Bros. & Jordan have a largo
stock of tho .best barb wire. Call and
soo us.
Cabbage I'lantN for Sale.
Largo lot of cabbage plants for aalo
--25 cents per hundred.
John Davis.
Call on Cnmpbi'H for your Listers
and Drills.
Wagon timber and iron by Steven
son & Cross.
For first class groceries call on
T. L. Jones.
New supply of nice cakes at Fur
man & Palmer's.
Furniture and tinware repaired
by Stevenson & Cross.
Stoves, furniture, nndqueenswnro
by Stovenson & Cross.
If you want a good Plow Camp
bell's is tho placo to got it.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
Finest stock of wall paper over
in Brownville at Nickell's drugstore.
Collins and furniture, a largo stock
of all styles by Stevenson & Cross.
Best Bread in tho city at Furman
& Palmer's and don't you forgot it.
Best Bread in Brownvillo at the
new Bakery of Furman & Palmer al
ways fresh and clean. Give them a
Barlow corn planter a now thing
--Goto tlie Regulator and examine it
before purchasing.
Tom Richards.
Anyone wishing to buy an outfit
for housekeeping can save money by
buying of Stevenson & Cross, as they
keep everything in that lino.
McGce & Moore have
a nice line of spring
clothing. Call and
sec it.
Mr. Editor: I wish through Tiik
Advkktiskk to thank those who aided,
and those who gave mo a generous pat
ronage at the concert rendered at Marsh
Opera House, May, 10th inst. Circum
stances may separato mo fioni my dear
friends in Brownville, still 1 shall ever
cherish the fondest recollections of
tlioir efforts to sustain me, from my
first appearance before them to tho last
concert given.
Fannii: Aunoi.d.
May 24th, 1SS1.
Men's linen ulsters,
pockets lined with ice
cold lemonade, at
McGee & Moore's.
A Oard.
Nk.maiia City, May 17, 1SS1.
Mr. Editor: Having sold my pro
perty to Dr. Owens, I will remove to
Hamlin, Kansas, as soon as tho roads
will permit. I wish to return my sin
cere thanks to the people of this vicini
ty for tho liberal patronage bestowed
uiion me during my stay with them,
and would recommend my successor as
an able practitioner and in every way
worthy of tlioir patronage.
LM. Fostku, M.I).
Large line of Hosiery of
all hinds at J. L. McGee' s.
For a good Cooking Stovo with tho
most and best trimmings call on Wil
ling Bros. & Jordon.
Fine line of summer hats
at J. L. McGee' s.
David Campbell has tho largest stock
of Farming implements evor brought
to this county. Call and see him if
you want good plows.
Ladies summer cloaks at
J. L. McGee' s.
Cook Stove For Sale.
"Home Comfort," No. s, complete
with reservoir. Call on or address
John Day iks.
siii:piikri docss.
Thorough bred Cooley Shopherd
pups at Furnas Farm, Brownville,
Neb, 40 tw
Fice Pounds of Hyson Tea for Si
at Nickell's Drug Store.
IiOv PrlceH
on farm implements by Tom Pilchards.
.STOCK, nons
For sale by J. K.u'soitKoi.n.
Hogs, 84.80; cattle, $4.75; com,
24 cents iu tho ear, 25 cents shelled;
wheat, 70 cents, this week.
On account of needing bedsteads
for my customers, I cannot sparo any
to nail up on trees. W. At .1 iukinn.
Fresh line of straw hats
at J. L. McGee' s.
We are informed, from a source
that we deem authentic, thattho B. it
M. transfer boats will ere long bo re
moved from Nebraska City to Brownville.
All styles of sailor hats
atJ.L. Mo Gee's.
Largest stock of screen wire ever
brought to Brownvillo coming for
Stevenson & Cross. Can give you
plain, drab, green, black, figured and
landscape, all widths, clump by Steven
sou & Cross.
Best sewing machines in
the market al J. L. McGee' s.
We commence this week a serial
story that will bo intensely interesting
to our readers. Although on a "patent."
page it is of our own choosing for the
interest of our paper. It will run
about ninew(oks.
Mil kinds of Dry Goods,
just received, at J. L. A c
Gee's. Biver men, iu the upper Missouri
give the opinion that the ".June rise"
will be a big one. Others old settlers
who for many years have closely
observed the causes and seasons of
high waters, think the .June rise will
be very insignificant this year.
Men's linen pants,
lined with ice cold
soda water, at
McGee & Moore's.
Brownville's prosperity, from tho
stand point of a class of her citizens is
now re-established and assured; and
and as proof of the ushering in of this
bright era, they gaed with pride upon
the fanner's son who rode out of town
Saturday evening reeling drunk.
For nice chevoit shirts, go
to J. L. MeGee's.
Missouri lias long been the Gretna
Green for Nebraska marriages, but the
new law passed by the late legislature of
that State, and which took effect on
the 24th inst., offers no such induce
ments and extra conveniences for run
away matches as tho old law did. It
is just as easy to got married at home
now as iu Missouri.
Crops are looking splendid.
Most of tho fat cattle in this pre
cinct have been contracted for .June
.School commenced in most of the
districts last .Monday. Miss Bertha
Church teaches at Bedford; Miss Hat
tie Huntiiigion at Center, and Miss
Mamie Daugherty District AM.
L. D. Hughes, has been removed
from tho post office of Bedford and
.Jufferson Cummiugs appointed.
- John Cowels is the happiest man
in Bedford. It's a boy.
Miss Fannie Smith, of Indiana, is
spending the summer with her sister,
Mrs. Cowels.
Mrs. Oats and family are prepar
ing to take up a new home on the Otoe
Church Ho wo it Son ha.vo added
100 acres inoro land to Walnut Grove
Farm by a recent purchase.
Mr. Battles, who purchased the
Den farm, is erecting on the same a fine
house and ba.m.
Patrick Daugherty is summer
feeding a fine lot of steers on timothy
and corn.
Hid. .Johnson preaches at Bedford
next Sunday at :' p. in.
Sunday school ovory Sunday at
Kosofleld. Jarvis S. Church is Super
intendent, assisted by an able corps of
Information is wanted concerning
tho whereabouts of A. S. Paddock and
Church IIowo Omaha Republican.
Church IIowo is almost as much a
stranger in Brownvillo this spring as
Omaha. Ho found time, howovor, one
day last week, to go to town, sell Sl.OOu
worth of hogs, two car loads of fat cat
tle, and buy 100 acres of land to add to
his already largo farm in Bedford. Ho
returned homo tho same day, and is un
doubtedly giving strict attention to' his
farming and stock raising interests,
and watching the practical operation of
tho Dnnna Tub Law.
Bachelors and Maidens
May and Juno aro tho months to
marry. Why delay ? No man was over
intended to sew on buttons up in that
back room, nor no woman lavish her
affections on her cats and dogs when
Furniture, Stoves, Quoonswnre, Carpets
and Groceries aro sold bo cheap by
Stovenson & Cross ; besides delays aro
dangerous. N
A line line of para
sols at McGee &
If you aro constipated, debilitated,
have dysjepsla, humor of tho blood,
one big fifty-cent bottle of Dr. Mar
shall's Bromoliuo will cure you.
Druggists are agents,
Linen and mohair
ulsters at McGee &
A traveler on four continents says
that Dr. Marshall's Bromoliuo, tho Big
Blood and Liver Cure is the best blood
niedicinn in tho world. It is sold at
fifty cents a bottle. Druggists keep it.
Cook Stovo for Sale "Monogram,"
No. 8, apply to Furman & P.diner.
Headquarters on Piques
lawns, embroideries, dress
ginghams at J. L. .I cGee's.
Highest market price paid by D. 12,
Douglas fc Co.
No. HK7.1
Notice Is hereby given thnt liy virtue of
lit) ordor of sale IshuciI out of tho District
Court of Nciunlm County Nebraska, and to
inn directed us Hhorlir of said county upon
a decree anil Judgment rendered liy said
Court lu a ease wherein Walter V. Htniuliiuid
AnnoHtraub, executors of Isaao Siraub, tlt
coasod. woro jiliilntlH"H,iuid William M.Btarlc
was defendant, I will ollor for salo
HtiloiU public unction at tho door of the
Court House In Hrowiivlllo In wild County on
Siitiuilny, Juno, KBtli, A. 1. IHfll,
ut (iiuM)'clncU p. in., tho following di'M'rlbeil
IuihIh, In Nonmliii County Nobrnxlui, to-wlt :
Th Houth half of tint KOiitliciiHt quarter of
Noctloti twonty-'i(ht('JH), town four (1). north
of rauuo Hlxti'i'ii (1(1), and tlm northeast
quarter of morlon thirty-two (XI). town four
(O, north or rnni;i) Hlxtoon (1(1;, and tho nouiIi
wRt qunrtor of jumMon llvo (o), town four
I), north of raiiKo llftoon U., tone t her with
nil tho ImprovcimuntH and privilege Uion
to liclotiRln.
Tnltnn on hiiUI ordor of hi1o in tho prop
erty of William M. Htarlc.
Tnrtns of huIi-, onHli.
Dated, thin '.Mill day of May. 1SS1.
IDwfl JOHN .M. kljKCKNISK. ShorHf.
(No. (HIT.) "
Notice Ih hereby irlven. that liy virtue of
an o m or oi who ihhihmi out or too uinirioi
Court of Nemaha County, Statu of NehniHlca,
and to mo directed hh Hhorlir of Mild County,
upon a decree and Judgment rendered by
Htilil Court, In a case wherein tho .State of
Nebraska to the uho and for the bnnellt of the
Hehool Kund thereof wan plalntltr, and An
thony I'. CouhwoII and I.aura CoKnwell, bin
wife, and Henjnmln Hone and HoerH,
Ins wlfo, were defondantH, I will of
fer for Halo, at public aiiotlou, at tho door of
tho Court JIouno lu Ilrowuvlllo, In mild
county, on
Hnlurduy, .Tune Until, A. T 18H1
at 1 o'clock I. M tho following doicrlbod
laudH. In Nemaha County, Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lot cf(iht (8) and tho east naif oflotHoven (7)
lu block nineteen (110 In Ilrownvllle, Nema
ha County, hiivo and except therefrom tho
nouth:rorty.!lvoU5)feet of mild lot eight (8),
and east half of lot hovoii (7), together with
all tho Improvement and privileged there
to belonging.
Taken on said order of hiiIo iik tho proporty
Anthony P. Cogswell and Laura Cogswoll,
his wlfo, nnd Iloujamln KogerH and Hog
em, his wife.
TorniH ofHiilo, cash.
Dated, thlH'JIth day of May. 1KMI.
llhWi Hhorlir.
Report of tho Condition
In the Slate of NulirnHkn. at )
ilOHe of
SI50.V.I l!
l.ts'J Ifi
80.000 (K)
t,e:i7 Bt
SiflM in
40,710 It
,0!C '.II
2,rs in
lO.SVi 00
1M 01
13.IM !)
1S.W0 w
2,'iW (y
1,000 01)
IhihIiiohh, May (Uli, 18H1.
r.onns ami Discounts
Ovenlrufts -
V. H. HiiikIh to Mccuro Circulation
Other Stocks, lloiids mid MortgnKcs
Due from approvod reservo iiKi'iitH
Dun from other National Hunks
Hint from Htato Rinksunil Hunkers
Iteul Kstnte, Furniture anil Fixtures
Current expenses ami taxes pnlil
Checks anil other cusli Items
Illllsofotlier Hunks
Kructlonnl currency Including nlcktiH
and pennies
Specie ,
I.cKnl-tciiilur notew
Ueiluinptlon fuiul with U.S. Treasurer (5
per cent, of circulation)
Duotroui O.H.Treusurer.other thuiiApur
ewnt. redemption I'll nil
Total I !, ---
Capital Htock palfl In TAW) 00
surplus fund 20,ouo Ou
Undivided profits i-5,0"7 07
National Hank notes outstanding ".WW 10
Individual deposits nuhjcet to
clipck jUOA-'s U
DeinMid certificates ordcposlt..... fi.l'I'J U7
Time certificated of deposit 'A,'$i W
Total l)epolts lw,7tl 01
Due to other National Hanks 1,12 'J I
Ur.n to state llnukH and Hankers 4,013 'M
Total ?U,!'4 -:
County okNkmaiia. "
I, John L.Carson, l'resldont or thu above named
fiiink, do solemnly swear that tho above statement
Is true, to tho tiest of my knowledge and heller,
JOHN L. OAHSON. President.
Subscribed and sworn tobeforeme thlslRthdayot
Mny, issi, J. o. McNauohton.
Notury Public.
Correct Attest:
WM. FKAiSriKll. )
M. A. HANDLKY, -DIrPCtors,
JNO. L.UAlteON, )