" mtfhst v 5STAJOLI8HED I860. I eat Paper la the State. BROWNYILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1881. VOL. 25, NO. 49. ? v B- BUSINESS CARDS. T II. BBOADY, O Attorney snd Oonaitlor at Law, OOeeoretSUla nnk,nrownvllle,Nsb. SA. OSBORN, AtfTOnHBY ATIiAW. Onlce.lt 0.81 Main street, nrownvtle, Neb T S.8TULL, O ATTOHRRTI AT LAW. Offloeof Count Judge, Ilrownvllls, Nebraska. A S. IIOLLADAY, JLXt Physician, Bavgsoa, Obstetvletaa Graduated In 1831. Located In nrownvllIelSW. OQce, 41 Main street, Brownvilla, If eb. J W. GIBSON, HbAOKSlillTIl AHD HOUSE SIIOBU Workdona to order and satisfaction guaranteed Vtrititraet, between Main and Allantto, Drown vIlle.Neb. pAT CLINE, m VA8III0NADLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WOWC madeto order, and flttalway guaranteed. Repairing noatly and promptly done Shop, No, 37 Main street, Brownvllle.Neb. JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealerln t'lncKngllih, Kronen, Scotch and Fancy Cloth Testings, Etc., Etc. nrovrnvllle, IVobrnska . TTCT7 Vor all Diseases of the Throat UOJU antlZtnugathe GREEN MOUNTAIN Used In private praottco since 1H35. Put bo foro tho publlo im.nfXTr TTU NEVER KAILS! I UU U UrlPrlco 25o. 60o.nndl)l.BAMPIiKIlOTTl.K8 1OCens. lIoca?.?r8Uor,,n,eo nraonBB ALS AM O. C. Day & nrnckott. Solo Proprietors, Kansas City, Mo. Kor sale by J. J, BBWDKIl, Druggist, Nemaha Cltv. J M. BAILEY, SUIPPKB AMD DEALER IN LrVE STOCK 1JROWNV1LLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, please oall nnd got prices ; I want o handle your stock. Otrice First National Dank. A Isaac Williams, 4 Proprietor M CENTRAL eat Market, Brown villo, Neb., Keeps only first class Meat 49-Cash paid for Poultry nnd Hides sndTZ 43-Satlifact.on Guaranteed.- ESTABLISHED IN 1856. O LD E S T Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA.. William H. Hoover. Does n gonornl Real Estate Uuslnesa. Sells Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Doeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to the transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Oomplote AbBtraot of Titles to all Real Estate In Nomaha County. CARD COLLECTORS. 1st. JBuy seven bars Dob bins Electric Soap of your Grocer. fid. Ash him to give yon a bill of it. 3d. Mail its Iiis bill and your full address. dth. We will mail you, FREE, seven beautiful cardsyinsix colors and gold, representing SJiakspeare's "Seven Ages of Man." I.LCRAGIN&CO,, 110 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Legal Notice. In tho District Court, of Nomaha County, Stnto of Nebraska. lllram O. Mlnlck, edmtntstra tot of tho OHtnto of Jnoob Dusttu. Dooeased. I Ordor to Ts. r show cause. Eltao A. orinnoll una tno un known heirs of Jacob Dus tin, Dooeased It nppoorlngfrom thtfpotttlon tntho above entltlod cause that thoro In not sufficient Jiorsonnl ostato In tho hands of aatd admin strator to pay tho dobts outstanding against tho decoascd nnd tho oxponses of ndmlnls trntlon nnd that It li nocossory to toll xeal cstoto for tho payment thoroof. It Is hereby ordorod thnt nottoo bo glvon by publication In tho NicunASKA Advf.ii tiskhos required by law In such oaso, thnt nil persons Intorcstod In said cstoto appear beforo tho Judgo of tho Second Judicial Dls trlct of Nebraska, sitting at chambers nt tho Acndcmy of Music In the oltjr of Lin coin. Lancastor County, Nebraska, on tho ttth dny of Juno, 1881. at 3 o'clock P. M., to show cause why n llconse should not be grnntod to said Administrator to sell so mnoh of the real estate of said decoased do sorlbod la tho petition as shall be necessary to pay such debts. 8. U. Pound, 49-w4 . Judge. Legal Notice. In tho District Court of Nomaha County, Nebraska. Charles L. Flint, Plaintiff, vs. Mary Ilouottlns and Hello Edwards, formerly Hullo Houchlns, Deft's. Tho abnvo named Mnry Ilouobtns, noh rcsldont defeudont, will take notlae thnt on tbo 28th day of April, 1831, Chnrlrn L. Flint plaintiff, filed his petition In tho District court of Nomaha county. Nebraska, against said dofendents, the object and prayer of which Is to qulut tho tltlo of tho plaintiff In and to the South-West quarter of tho South west quarter of section Twonty-Four. Town ship nix In Range Thlrtcon East, In Nemaha county, Nebraska, and the relief demanded consists In excluding dofondents from all uuu ui iiiturcni lucrum. You nro roqulred to answer or othorwlsn plood to sold petition on or beforo tho 4th day of July, 1881. CHARLES L. FLINT. Hy J.H. Hkoady AND 8. A. Osiiohn, HIS Attorneys. TESTATE OF FREDERICK SEDORAS. Do VI conscd. In tho matter of allowlnK tho final administration account of W. II. Loranoo, administrator with tho will annexed, of the osluto of Frederick Sedorns, deceas ed. Notlco Is horoby given that June .Id, A. D. 1H81 at 10 o'clock a. m. at tho offico of the County Judgo of Nemnha County, Ne braska, In Drownvlllo Nohraskn, bus boon fixed by the oourtns tho ttmo nnd plnoo for examining nnd allowing said acoonnt, when and whoroall persons lntorostod may appearand contest tho samo, Dated May 0th 1881. JOHN 8. BTULL, 47w4 County Judge. TESTATE OF HARNETT HAWS. Doooasod, ll In tho County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska. Notloe Is herebr ttlven that Juno 7th and Deccmhor 10th 1881. nt 10 o'olock A. M of each day. at tho oflloo of the County Judge of Nemaha County. Nebraska. In Hrownvlllo. Nebrnsko, havo been fixed by tho court as th6 times and place whon and whom all per sons who havo claims and domonds against sold deceased can havo tho samo examlnod, adjusted nnd nllowed. All claims not pre sented at tho last mentioned date will bo for ever barred, by ordor of the court. Doted May 9th, 1881. JOHN S. 8TULL, 47w4 ConntyJudgo. Commissioners Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE ts horoby given that by virtue of on ordor of sale Issued out of tho District Court of Nemaha County Nobraskn, and to us directed as reforees nnd commissioners In tho caxo hereinafter mentioned npon an order and decree rendered by tho said Court in n certain aotlon therein ponding, wherein Urynnt Cobb, Is plaintiff and Martha Flnley, Nancy Allison, Clark Cobb, Williamson Cobb, Plnknoy Cobb, Cloy Cobb, David Cobb, Cntharln King, Martha Conner, Francis Cobb, Soy m our o Cobb, Nancy A. King, Williamson R. W. Cobb, Nowton O. Worlov, Louisa Inman, Martha N. McGaha, Eliza Nelson, Martha C Keel, and John A. Irwin, aro defendants. Wo will offer for solo at publlo auotlon at tho door of tho Court Houso in Hrownvlllo In said County on Friday May 'ST. 1881 at one o'clock In the afternoon of thai day tho following real estate In Nemnha County, to-wlt: 8 W i seo 13, town 0, rango 13, E. 160 acres. S E seo. 1.'). town 5, range 13, E 160 aores. N Kw sec. 13, town 6, rango 13, E. 160 acres. 8 E i soo. 35, town fi, rango 13 E. 100 acres. Terms of Solo. One third cash; One-third In ouo year, and one-thtrd in two years, or much as the purchaser may dostro to pay, over onO'thlrd, on day of snlo. Deferred payments to draw Interest at tho rate of ton per cent, por annum, payable an nually, from date of sale, William H. Hoovkh.1 Uoforoos and Davidson Plastkiis. Corn's. Jm-FBiisoN H, Huoady, Att'y. 48w3 Local Notloe. JOHN nAUMAN, Ownor of tho real estate hnrolnaftor described, you are hereby no tified that the following dusorlbed real ostato to-wlt: Allofblook mty.flvo (55). situated In tho town of London. Nemaha County, Ne braska, was duly purohased at tax snlo on tho 11th day of April, 1879. from A. H. Gil more, ns County Troosurer of said county, by A. F. and Jomts Knox, for tho taxes lov led thoroon respectively for tho years 1877. 1870, 1876, 1874, 1873, 1872 and 1671, and remain ing delinquent nnd unpaid up to tho time of said tax sale. You aro also notified that tho said land was Inxed for tho yours aforesnld In the namo of ohn Hauman, and oertthoato of said pur chase was on tho '.KJth day of April 1880 duly assigned to tho undorslgned. You uro far thor notified that tho ttmo of redemption of said land from said tax salo thereof will ex- filre Soptomber 1st 1881, and that unloss said ands are redeemed from said tax snlo on or beforo sold lost namnddatoadeed wilt bode rnanded by and Issuod to tho undorslgned pursuant to said salo and assignment thoro of for said land. Dated April 25th, 1881. 48w J, F. WINTERS. Road Notice for Damages. To all whom It may oonocrn: The com missioner appolntod to locate a county rood, eommeuclng at tho center of section 30, township 4, North of yango 16 east and running tnonoe South 40,00 chains to n take on tho south Hlno of said sootlon 20, terminating at sold stake, bos reported in favor of the establishment thoroof, and nil objections theroto, or claims for dnmages, must bo fllfd In the county clork's ofTlooon or before noon of the 18th day of Juno, A.oD. 1881, or snob road will bo established, with out rofarencs tboreto. SAMUEL CULHERTSON, 47w4 Bounty Clerk, For constipation, coatlvenesn and In digestion, tnko Dr. Marshall's Droraollne. Dig bottles. Prloe fifty oonts. Druggists will get It for you. Robertson was confirmed on tho 10th inst., by an nlmost unanimous vote. Mrs. 1'rosklont Garflold hits boon dnngoruosly sick, but is convalescent now. Tho Robertson Republicans of Now York aro very appropriately called half-breods. Justico Stanley Matthews has takon tho oath of ofllce anil been assigned to tho Gth district. hi t m U. S. Judge I. C. Tnrker has rendered a decision that tho Indian Territory is not subject to settlement by white. Senator Conkling's close friends understand that ho did not leave tho Sonate with tho Intontlon of returning and thnt ho will decline a re-election if tendered him. Tho shorlff of Kimball county, Texas, hold John Patton us a prisoner, and a mob compollod tho sheriff to de liver him into their hands. Patton was then shot to death. Wo aro frequently reminded by our cotemporarics that Mr. Garfield is President. That is trtio, but tho trouble scorns to bo in tho fact that ho imagines that he is also tho Sonate. . ii Conkling's opponents in Now York flred ono hundred guns and had a grand timo over tho confirmation of Robert son. Tho Democrats aro also happier than thoy havo boon for many a day. t i ii It la rolntod that at)Columbus, Ohio, in a local Democratic convention, tho other day, a speakoi urged a candidate as a man who would control "not only tho votes of all Democrats, but but sir, many honost mon besides." Premier Blaino is generally blamed for tho war mado mado by the Presi dent upon Conkling. It takes "right smart" backbone for even a President to resiBt tho magnetic manipulations of a man of tho ability and ambition of Blaino. , Sonntor John Sherman thought tho war with Conkling a noedless one, and said to a senatorial friend : "Gonornl Garflold will have to change his advis ors very soon or olso ho is gone to tho dovil." Sherman means Blaino. New York, May 18. A dispatch from London gives tho main point of tho Standard's roviow of tho rovised testament. Tho writer of tho articlo says that whatever scholars may think of tho labors of tho rovisers tho impres sion produced upon tho public mind is ono of disappointment and dissatisfac tion. .... i The administration might have safe ly been contented uiith triumph over the common enemy. Thero was no need to attack and overthrow a grand loader liko Conkling, ns a gladiatorial exhibition of tho strength of another loader who dislikes him personally. State Journal. That is reasonable; but it is the first opportunity Blaino over had to got oven with Conkling, whom ho dislikes moro than ho doos he common enemy. Tho picture of a gladiatorial exhibition shows thnt ono of tho actors has his hand's tied. Tho greatness of Conkling, his in fluence and power, is admitted by his traducors In tho fact that thoy blamo the opposition to Robortson to Conk ling nlono when at tho 'samo timo the other Senator, tho Vice Presidont and Postmaster Genoral wero also opposed to that appointment, and united In a petition to tho President not to make it. And add to theso facts the further ono that tho principal bankors, shippers, merchants, and all tho principal cap italists of New York united In a prayer to tho Presidont to lot tho collector ship at that post alono for tho presont, It appears to bo unfair, untruthful nnd unmanly for editors to attompt to oreato the Impression that all tho ob jection' and opposition to Robertson originated In tho imperious will of ono man, however groat mny bo his intel lectual forco. Tho facts according to tho ovidonco is that not only Conk ling but tho commercial, financial and political interests of Now York wore opposed to Robertson's appointment. Thero is solid Irony in tho Inter Ocean's remark, "Wo havo lost Conk ling, but wo hnvo Robertson, thank heaven for thatl" And the following is a true photo, of the follow over whom all this hell has been raised in tho Republican party: Tito moro that Judge Robortson's political record is examined into tho moro plain it appears that tho Republi cans, of Now York nro j untitled In their indignation nt his nomination, lie has never acted with tho Republi can party, except with tho prospect of personal gain, Ho has bolted his party nominations three times, and has ro puatcdly accepted a nomination upon an independent ticKet after failing to secure Republican indorsmeut. Ho supported tho Democratic National ticket in 1872, nnd beforo tho Chicago convention repeatedly announced his intention to support it again in enso Grant was nominated. Ho ropresonts a Democratic district in tho Stato Sonato of New York, und is tolerated by tho Republicans of thnt district bo causono other Republican could bo elected thoro. Judge Robertson secur es Ids olection ovry year by tho aid of tho Now York Central Railroad, which employs several thousand hands, mostly Domocrats, in his county, and compols them to vote for him ns tho attornoy of ttiat corporation in tho Stato Senate. Ho secures his olection ns delegate to Stato and National con ventions by tho votes of thoao samo Democrats at tho Republican primar ies. By tho aid of railroad iniluonco ho is a minituro "Boss." When It became known that Robortson had boon nominated for tho Now York eollectorship, tho Vice Presidont, tho Postmaster Genoral and both tho now Now York Sonators joined in tho following card to tho President: To the President: Wo beg leave to remonstrate against a chnnpnin tliu oollnntorxhin nt. Xtuv York by tho removal of Mr. Morrittancf tlioTappointment of Mr. Robertson. Tho proposal was wholly a surprise. Wo heard of it only when sovornl nomina tions involved in thoplan was announc ed in tho senate. We had only two days nofore this been informed from you that a change in tho custom ofll cora at Now York was not contemplat ed, and quito ignorant of tho purposo to tako any action now, wo had no Op portunity until aftor tho nominations to make suggestions wo now present. Wo do not believe that tho intorests of tho public service will lie promoted by removing tho present eolloctor and put ting Mr. Robortson in his stead. Our opinion is quito the rovorso, and wo boliovo no political advantngo can bo gained for oithor the republican party or its principles. Bolioving that no in dividual has claims or obligations which should bo liquidated in such mode, wo ask that tho nomination of Mr. Robertson bo withdrawn. (Signed.) Chester A. Arthur. T. C. Platt. Thomas L. James. Ro.icoe Conkling. Whon tho namo of Judgo Robortson was submitted to tho Senate lor tho ofllco of Collector ot this port, tho otllco was not vacant. Tho term of Collector Merritt had not oxplred, and was not about to expire Mr. Morritt had given no intimation of a desiro to leavo tho ofllce, and no allegation was offered that ho was not perform ing its duties satisfactorily. Not only was thero no reason fora otiango, but, the Collector being admitted to be oflicient, honost and experienced, reason was altogether against it. N. Y. Times. And Postmaster Genoral James, Vico Prosldent Arthur and tho two Now York Sonators join in charging tho President with having told thorn only two days beforo Robortson'a name was sent to tho Sonato, that the Now York colloctorship would not bo Inter fered with. This Hinacks of a weak ness that wo aro at a loss to account for, but must bo ono of two thingu, viz: downright duplicity, or a prema tura promise mado mado in good faith but afterward ovorrulod by Pre mier Blaino. And jtako either view of tho caso tho conclusion cannot bo avoided that tho whole matter was In tended as an InHult to Conkling. London, May 18. The new Hungar ian loan of 10,000,000 of 4 por cent, gold routs, for the conversion of 0 per cent, gold rents, is expected to be more than covered in London alone. Tho scrip is alroadyquotod'at2Ji premium. A dramatic troupo, traveling In tho South wero pelted with eggs when they undertook to play "Uncle Tom's Cabin." MISCELLANEOUS. Tho two Talbott brothers, Mnry vllle, Mo., aro to bo hanged for murder ing their father, on 21th of Juno. Tho gonornl comrnittoo of Albany county passed resolutions sustaining Conkling nnd Platt. Tho nihilists have answered tho ' manifesto of tho czar by a proclama tion saying thoy occopt the war which has beau forced upon them nndnrocon lldent of victory. Tho groator tho op pression tho firmer will tho pooplo become. It is said that Haitian will this season oducato a young man named Qulnn, of Proscott, Out., to bo a cham pion. Tho Now York Sun says Senator Conkling may bo arbitrary .and exact ing, but ho is novor deceitful. At Donvor, J. S. Rhynus murdered his wifo whilo sho was asleep; ho then nttomptcd to cut his own throat, but hadn't tho nervo. Near Dos Moines, Ed. Post, aged 18 ; hissistor aged 0, and Myrtle Collins aged 13, wero drowned while boat rid ing. Pat. Quinlan,a worthless drunkard, N. Y. city, shot his mother twice and fatally because sho could not give him money to buy moro whisky. A dispatch from Kansas says that the measures takon to discourage , emigrants from going to that Stnto on occount of tho now tomperanco law havo failed, and that immigration is larger than over boforo. J. W. Lacy, a stock man was mur dered atDurango, Col. by Dan Hanand. Lieutenant Cherry, of tho Fifth Cavalry, was killed in a light with a party of outlaws near Niobrara, Neb. Ho was ono of tho most brilliant young otllcers in tho sorvico, and was univer sally admired and respected. Cherry was Adjutant of tho Thomburg com mand in tho disastrous collision with tho Utes in 1370, and distinguished himsblf-for bravery In that terrible fight. Governor Overton, of trio Chickasaw Nation, 1ms raised an army of :50( Indians, and ordorod all whito mon to loavo tho Territory beforo Juno. Ho had proviously demanded of the Texan herders 25 cents por head for grazing cattlo, which thoy refused to pay. In tho Choctaw Nation, on tho ground that nearly all tho whito rosidonts havo settled without proper authority. Governor Curtin lias instructed tho Sheriffs to immediately organize and arm militia, and drive out tho invaders. i IMi Who sounded tho slogan of protec tion to Amorican industry? Whoso voico wnsit, raised In Cooper Institute, that gave to the republican party a war cry, to its leaders a theme, nnd to its rank and illoan earnest nnd aggressive purpose? Whoso timid and framed ids utterance as to make the capture of Democratic Indiana tho turning point of tho campaign ? Who is tho man that, by virtue of his ieisonal strength, ringing oloquonco, and tower ing statesmanship, was unanimously accordod tho leadership of the republi can party in tho hour of its greatest peril V That man was Roscoe Conkling. What has boen his reward? Ho has been affronted, insulted and humiliat ed until outraged self-respect and a manly sonso of independence havo compelled him to loavo tho senate chamber of tho Unitod States. If to sympathize with and admire Mr. Conkling if to boliovo him right in his controversy if to follow him to private life with undisguised regret and admiration If to hope for his early return victorious to the front rank of tiio republican party If this be treason to tho principles, traditions and alms of tho great republican party, thoro aro millions of traitors, of whom wo aro ono of tho least. State Journal. And horo's another. Albany, May 18. The meeting in honor of Robortson was a most enthu siastic ono. Between 8,000 and 10,000 persons woro present, who stood in a dronching rain to listen to speeches, which In overy case, heartily support ed the administration and denounced tho Bonators for what was termed their rash and uncalled for act. Up to a lato hour to-night it seems to bo the universal feoling that a re-election will bo Impossible. Meetings have been hold throughout tho stato and resolu tions passod congratulating Robertson on his continuation nnd exprossingcon- fldence in tho president.