w A BBEiSKA ADVERTISER 05. W. Fairbrothor & Oo. 1 Iulllilirt. & mitiitr. 'Subscription, -2.00 Por Year la Advanco 'OFFIUIAI. PAlMJIt OF THK COUNTY. -"Corn wrtitlctl on Hubitcrlpt'on.. Call on Campbell for your LtotorH anil Drilla. ' Wagon Umber and iron by.Stovou 9on Sc Cross. -"Hxtrft copies of-tiYo A'dvicntiskh til A. W. Nlckoll's. If you want, a good flow Ciunp ' "bOll'.S is tho phico to get It. Frcah .Broad, pies and cakes al-' , ways on band -.it tfuriiulli Sc TalinoV's. For liLGG ckevoit shir is-, go HoJ.L.MeGee's. G'nlibapro I'IsurtwTor Stile 'I ........ 1.st- .Jf ....l.li.i.n. itl.iiitu r.if dulol ,. r-2.1 cou'ls nor bundled. John DA vis. A rich man's sou lives on his pap. . wbilo a poor man's hou tak(W Dr. Mar-, (dial's liromoliuu for bis blood and, -', livor and oanis bis-broad by tboHweat of. bis brow. Jiig bottles, llfty cunts. .. Call upon Scuiiian for groceries at low prices. Ho pays ho rout, does bis' i "Ovn work, buys for cash, and ho- can fa'nil will sell cheaper than any other , ''house. Highest market price paid for. "Country produce. "Breiuf in the stalf uF'lifc," and Yromowood & Shilter's Hour is what ladies generally use, now when thoy 'want a good u'rtiole o'f t'ho "Htafl." Can' 'bo hud at the stores and groceries at 'UrownVi'llO anil Xemaha (Tty. 'itftf !If yoti want any kind of job VH;k-doui 1lain or fancy, blufrka, bill libuils'or 'letter heads, lwrso bHls, visit ing Cards, wedding cards, eto. Wc liaVO'One of the best .job olllCes in U w oat.,, mid "will do your Work Ji)'omj)ttu . ixim' ulwip. iitiH 'Iannid Arnold and coin- pauy'tit opehi 'holtsO thlii 'rhursfluy- evening. "Reserved seals iioarfy all, , t!ujn,bjfat jPJquty of c.m'irs aru pro- Titled fOi-'hil -who attend. COheeA't-wlU hegin at B o'clock. Do not miss this. opportuiilty'foV dnjoying t'ho best eu- ' tertaininoiit I; Vet given in this City. A. (J. Fairbiother, 'LVctuiiseb, hands us his new nowHpallor.Um Torch- i light, a 7 column folio, now typo, .tfl.a.V si. year, UopuliUcuu. It -bursta 'upon thoiriBloii welcome as tboeitrly vegeta ' ' - tiou,n?3h and green.vlvaclous'tts si wool, : i Hixteen, nnd full of pranks as u 'lamb-i ilU.'i.i - fli.t r-ii.iiiaV'iiw1 lintVHV Hitiovl "' and nolit. "Al. promises a good local ,, paper, and bas.it In him to do as bo, ....promises. WoMiongratulato our young 'nophow on'hiS'onlmvnHo, assure him 1 'of our' f tilth that ho -Will become a flrst .,t,elass Journalist, nndVMh for his paper . i u position tluit will'ibegrotttling to its ..author's ambition. ' 'Oritfting'potatoes.'says aivngricul- '' tU'lst, in an operation not very well .known, and i. undertaken as moans- of combining the qualities of two -known" varieties. "When varieties are nought by crossing thoMlowors, the result will paitako of the nature of a lottery;' but in grafting the result is n combination . . of tlio oharacteristic'j.of both varieties, .'A- potato is :iolect.d 'and every oyo scooped out. A single' eyo from thd ' vatioty'from -which a cross is'desired is i Is Lhon inserted. ''Tlio remdt' is tho oyo grows,' hut in its early 'dHys1 is f od anion tJie juices Of tho potato united with it; . and tho new tubes grow from it, "pa -take of tho character of both purontsi 'A red potato with whtto eyes is tho re-i : suit of tho union of a u'd - potato "witl . i'AU oyq l'roii) u white one. 'From a I'darfc'rdd potato and tho eye Of 'inllosh i c(lordtV one- was obtained a dark potato MVith'Vftbb'Oyes. Alatevarioty graft (icd into snovllaici!, .which is early, pro rdueed a' late jotato oxaetly resembling tho snowilnke. "Tho now potatoes from the grafted tiibos aro small, but ' by no means !Win&U jas i thoso grown 'tho'llrst yeai-'from-'socd. Tho -second year tho grafted potato will grow to j full size -whereas It-will 'iako'four years - to grow newjiOtatoes to thoh' "natural usize. Tills saVIngofthmJls a great ad vantage which Is claimed for grafting ,o vor tho ' hybridization byseod. A series of experiments which xwotild demonstratooonbluslvMyVhlch is tho bettor wayof estliblishlng now varie ties would' bo of groat advantage to those who make tho production - of .1 now kinds 0f; potatoes a specialty. SjmMMBMimHM Lottor from .Luadvillo. iMMii'iM.v, Cm... May 6, 1S8K lidltor Adctiitscr1: 1 will endeavor to interest jourrtailffs with a few re marks. The winter has been llno.tbougb wo havo had sleighing for live months, with the thermometer :)o degrees below zero. The cold does not client a pciwon in thH climate as it doe in the east owing to Uie-Hght ilr Jwrc. Two-im-hus of snou foil here fcifit lUght. but soon disappeared whon the sun lwe tliia morning. .Miner arc preparing to go prospecting, and to their mines whiHi havo boon eovefed vitli from eight to tcri feet of snoW all winter. Joadville Is not as -lively as it was year -ago. It is now being controlled by capitalists, and the mon of fcmall means are obliged to look for new camps. There is a great demand for labor jdst now at from $U.fiO to Si.GQ per day. S. W. Abbott Is run a blacksmith shop, and employs two assistants. Ho 1b also engaged in min ing. Alert' day$ ago ho 'was 'Offered $1,250 dollars tor his ih'toiest in a ininn but refused to tako-M-, as he thinks he has got something better. K.0. Can is driving team for the J). K. Cr. It. 11. ICxpresri Co. tain acting as steward in a chop house. -Hoping I havo not taken 'too much space, I vilboloso. Yours Truly, Kkanmc Fi'iu.6i'a'n. BUSINESS BEEViriES, Grass -Meds at iokdl's. For 'first "dims groceries call -on T. L. Jones. Now supply of niCo Cakes at Fur inau & lalmer's. Furniture and tinware Tepafred by Stevenson & Crofts. - TJio best brands of Hour always' on blind at T. L. tf ones'. - Stoves, furniture, mift'urcechtnva'ro by'StovensOn & Cross. Want butter and eggs. "Highest price paid by Stovenson & Cross. , Finest stock of wall paper eVort hi Drown villo at Nlekell's ill hg store. Collins and furniture, a large stock'! of all stylos by Stevenson & Cross. ,, JJest'lUcad'hi tho city at Furmnn & ralmor's and (Um't.you forgot it. Host Ih'Oad in Jlro.wnvillu.ut thu, now ISakury of 'Furmitu & Palmer al ways 'Htush and clean. Give them sn trial, . Anyono wtahihg to Vuy -an outfit for housekeeping can save monoy byj nuying ot htevenson N3 cross, as tuey keep overytbingln that hue. Lou. and Milt. Jones, under the i'.rm namo'of Jones Hros., having pnrchas-' ed the'inlyit market of Hath & Hody,, would respectfully -invito tho public to call and see them. Jones Uros. chutiv to ilndliratihuMhtMr business, and will' not Only-lioop all kinds of meats that Can iHihilU in -this milrket, but deal it' out'iirebolcc parcels, tastefully 'cut, to! suit pttrchirai'rs. 'Itcmembev tho place, old stand'Of Ilody Hros. , AVblhen Nnvrt- I'lifhU-: If tho ornblipil old 'biicltclur whrt ultiirod this KontliiU'iit could but w'ttum Uio Intmiu' ttjoubt, deep Ntedy nnd thorough invcMtlyii-' lion of wnmoii In dotonliliilriK'tlin bust tiitnl.' Iclnen to kotip tliolr liunljios well, nnd Would1 'nolo tliolr fmtfiiplly nnd wlsiloni to KctecUtin; (top IIHlorH im tlio best, nud ilomoiiMiriitln Hby i keeping tbulr fitinlllfs 111 piirpntuul' burtltb, at n, intiro notnlniU ' exptttiKb, lio, woitld'jo foruud to nknowlodno tliut "hucIi BontltMjKtcmru bnsulcHH nnd fnltie. , Ttfollcc i 'Is' hereby given' that I will examine all persons who .juiay desire to oiler UicuiHOlvas as iMiiiiduto-for teachers of tiro rpiimaryxn' (sn-miwn schools of this county, .at tho Conrl'IIoiise, in llrownvillo -on -the first Saturday in o;toh month. U'hilipM.'rothPr, - ii l-t f Co-Snju'ijitlesrKhjnt.1 -P0R.BAIISA1NS : hi '.liuj-iuwp, collars, whips, -s;uldlch curry eouibs, .horse-brushes, iwduverv- fHWng usually kept in a tlrst-rtasflihar, iiess'shov. Ml on J. H. Hauei, eonieii :SIiUn. oiid .-Second . streets. Utownville,' 'Neb. 8TOI rIIflArjr -COBIfill. By going to. tho .rilliiblo -and well known Drug-stand of -J...J. lJenJdr, at Nemaha City, and buying iu 61 bottlu of Green Mountain Gaunh liithtnm If, after using two-thinl, jiou t.t tw ruuoi, loiurn inn naiance ami get 'your money back. Seo ndvertismnont iin thi -paper. DO YOU WANT ; 'Nurserytstook, tiW kinds,, of the verM ! best quality and -varieties, fresh from i tho ground in which thoy gro.w? Go1 to tfUKNAS NUMSEHV, Bhownt YU.Li:,'K'01U8UA. 87-tf ; uuiajj ii' j jinfrAli . 'rti.iiiTn5Ha5CT Hash ?M hr Wkat. Tho hifib est xnarlcot prioo jpuid'foi' good wltea' nt Glon iBock Mills. 3tf JO. HUDMRT & CO. CASH PAID for Seedling Cotton woods, Ash, Klin, .Maple, Mov hlder. nnd sycamore. inll on me for sizes and price. KOUT. W. i'TKXAS. HVA Urownville, Nebr. AnX On Uie margin of your Anvmrn.-xu, pt on tho wrapju'r, indicates that the time paid lor Inn expired, and that a settlement and renewal is solicited by us. 'tf I COSI 10 CLOSE OUT. Five Pounds of Hyson Tea for $1 at Xic'kel'l's frrug stwe. Peoplo must discuss something; It is the great preventive of insanity. All n'iNdtin nrii in vitr-.l In Aim-nd ;i tri-il 1ott1o of Dr. Marshairs ilromoftno for; bihoi'isuess ajfl dyspOplia. Vaiisiisrs. David Canipbd'l has tho 'largest, stock' ol canning implements ever brought, to this county. -Call and seo him if .jou want good plows. Ladies summer cloahs at J. L. MoGee's. Cook Stove 1Por Sitlo. ' "Home Comfort,'' No. ft, com)lete v.-ith i-escrvoit. Oall'on or -address Joii'Davii.'S. Conkllug needs no letter of Intro-' (lhction 10 tho Amciican ."peoplo.1 l'faitmhoUth Henild. Mug line ofs'vimm'or hats. at d. L. MgGod's. - Laigo stock of groceries, just re-j ceiveA at the city 'bnkocy, to bo wild chca'p fofi cash. "Fai'iy TCoso potatoes and nice fresh garden seed-for salo by Stevenson & Cross. JUST BEM& m MIND. Choiwj te;l3 tit Whittemore's, at J4ed. itodi; tu-iqes. , Large IhM 'Of Hosiery of aii Icuids at J. L. McGee's. 7hirltfw Corn pllintor a ndW thing' -Co to the Hegulator and examine it before purohahing. 'Toir TftrJn'Aitos. -- iM-eenniiin, 'ObWho, Muiil Storlingi hitriOws, f(il- halo lly Cltihpbcll. - Ba'in VagOlii, 'V Hips and cross-cut siuslij StOveiisou'iV Cross. A Lr.tl'rary Eovdlution'Ghftllorge, Tho oK'.-lInc.uhbllMbnru h.iuti iv tnir ully, urt buoh woll pb-nsellhvltb tbo now iiuuouM KtvrprlNo, "Tlio Lltemry HOVolu- tl. III." Illl, Pill 1l0ltrf.MlUI.ih llf'ttvl .i,iirn..fnJ l.uvo laid hpcclnl Htrass upon "tlio clrtlm tlmt' in uiititpi-inttK'iKM)tcK'aovmtlyl!t'lH ngnliiHt tho Inicrt'stN bf Ainorlcitn uuthorM. Tlio ItV'Olllllirt. H-dllllv l.mut.u tl.lu ............. - w..... .... ,-n, .iim ..mvt .11.11 liynlnt'-ineiitinMrollowfi: Int. Tlnlt thoy nro' nire.uiy pnyinu to A-nloMean author more indin-y tlmn "uny dthilr pliblltitlliiK IidUNO trint Is Ii-sh thnn tTontyIvc yours estobllMh-' od. 'M. Tllnt Alinerlcan uutllom raroly ro ooh'e Irom publlHbore cnpyrl(;lit exceeding' 10 pur cent upon tlio .rotidl pflco of tliolr boolHii'-tUHliymtkl. (id. Tliut tit least ono-l hair, nnd probably more'nwirly thrcu-fourtbnr of tlio Iioo'ch .mibUMlied bv Amnrl.-nii niw th(.r' (hpon.v), 'tlio piibltnbcri furnUhlntfr no money, and 'paying 'no copy-rlht, but) theniRi-lvca reoolvlii( nllart;o purcciitiitfo up on hales inii'do. itli. Tliut tbuy .propose1 bereiifler to ptiy to A'tnelcnn iiiithdrH for, aueeptablo maniiKcrlpsn copyHght or IS -per eoiit.liiNtead or lOpcrceiit. and ltuy cmiui that their low prlcuH, nnh Ilrtimrtnso f,aieh result I iik therefrom, arc fnr'mrtrollnUtio' in terehtolautborH than nitiuh liirWyriKlit! on tlieuommonly limited miuibe'r'V(ft.'nlun "One Uioiiband IiooUh, prolu 81.00 eftth' SI?V. Ono million books, profit ono Vt,t' oneli fin.OOo." ' As kv. e.vninjdoof un American copy-' rlKht'hort'.t.iUify Is-no, 'in an e.iecedtnly linndRornuformjMiorAmnns portleal, hlstor. lenl. anil nat4rToM Ainerfenn elasslo, 'M'l-'liiipil, nniKridlotw.'Wiy John Trum bull, utiHi very fftll -anr.'ftlHt'.nns ty tho celebrAtnd litHtotiitn Hienwon '. LoMnt;, IiL. I). Tbl8ipooiif'iii,ftImo8t,iW'm,i70iv.if urt Amt-rlcnn liiBtory-HH tbo battle of - ftmtltor Illlltthelf, und'l)r.LoNtdnK"liaM Kreatlyttn eronsed boih it Intereiit iml .ttH lntrltisto value by IiIh blHtorlciil eomir.oHtRiind (lllus trntlnns, TblH book was puhiinhed u few yeursiiBobyono of tlio ofd puWIohinK hotisuH otlhoprlcoofS2.00 por oopy, l(imj hail only n very limited Mile. Tho publish, tirs claim thAV tbo reception or their new edition Kuaruntecsn sulo of at least fiO.OOO, or oven more -proluiMy lOC.OOO eoplen; and 1-Kvwlni; will, rtrcoue, -reap n handHonio reward, oven frm; tbo nmh royalty upon tho low prleo, UrcoUcfttj il'oWt KrohaiiKo, I'ublUhorti; New York Cll. roreonatlpiitlon. costivoness iii 'jv,. MljutUltm, tnlco Dr. Marshall') Ilromollno. liiB'.bottles. -Prl,oo.iHty cents. Druggists wlhjcut ifpryoa. gss&&sctew.fo"a 1 AM HOW With my New Spring Stock, My cistern buver ha struck some fmniense balg.iliw at forced rules in Dress (Joods, Cotto'nades. .Shirting-, Table Linens, Dttclis, aeo jnst the good for spring wear. So Joivm (jqoos tJSac IPfl-Iec i AV huve mnrked S'lilrlliiK1 fr61n VI 1-3 down to 10 conlR. ' u li i. CoHoiladt', V.xlin lirnry, from !i7 l-!i dnirtl l'6 2U U2, (, u ti fi " i a ( fi u it ' ii -it M a it 4 u it tt it C 'lo til im sr s I U All M'drrt men' hiiIIh, No. 1 (tuiv'UHy null Style, fi-Cm S0 down to 81 A. l tt II it it tt II tt it ti $l ft ti $vt. " Heavy Union Ci.NNlinertH, from 310 down to $0.75. ti it it ii &i tt ti si.r.o. t i Cot'oii fcnltH, fioin : 1?1. 00 down to 8-1. 00. A Full Line of CLOTHING All. Grade! Oii'Ofei'icis : 'Our hcKlRlo coflVe from 10 'J -II do to l) 1-2. Our bent C Suur from 10 tlo-n to 0 ocn'i, Our Choice Piled Apple from S down to 5 l-'.l cent. '0r Choice Dried Penelies from 10 down to 7 ceiitH. Tbo nbevo are only a lew or tl'o sweeping reductions wo have tnnflo 'tills "sprlnj. niso manufacture llarntrs and Saddle-, extensively. (Price l,tt on niiplleiitlnu.) havo also taken the Konernl nonCy lor tho N12W I1O.MI0 S1CVIN MACIli.MS, llgliltit running, latest lmprovod uud best-machine lu the market. Hernembi-r. I pay no tents and ha e no rnrt tiers to divide with. A verv small cent over llrst cost on inv ureat sales nays inohiuidsmm-Iv. Call or send for samtil.-s .: such dry tjoodsns you may want, and I will furnish you my detailed prleo list .free. 1900, 1902 and 1904, Predorick Avenue, Sfc. Joseph , M'o Terminus of Narrow Guage Street Car Line ZI23X20ETAC THE HIlUWNVIIibE MAUICK'1'3. Siiow.vvii.irt, May -18. Ml. Kollowlnu aro the quotations yesterday noon, tho time of koIiik to ircbH. LIVE STOCK. COUIIECTKD V II. M. llAII.KY, STOW: ntA7.Kll avu ami'i'KK. IIos ,..... U 50 Steers, fal lrtocholce 3 00'! 004,,'1I " "" dollar v.duat Ion. mw&o riT. l-oj'Jounty ?JlnkIiiK Mind, lb ' ."' '" " 3 mtfiN on Mio dwHarVa'luatioji. Cows, fat a RAIN XARlxftiT. COICHKCTKD UY D. K. nOUOLAS, OHAIN DKAI.EU. Wheat !So. .', , Wheat No. 3 Kyo Barley Corn in the ear. " shelled to 70 (K) 60 25 00 'U (p. -'Jl ITS. " I l mjjmMjmmmaiJiJJiijoaat I.EGAL ADVERTK-EMETS. Legal Notico. In tho Dlstriet Court of Nenmlui County, Stato of Netiruska. II I rum o. atltileK, miiitinttru.1 tor of the estate olUacob Dublin, Dcfuased, I vs. Eliza A. Grlnnell nnd tho un- i 'OrdUr lb show eiuihe. known heirs of Jacob bus ' 'tin, Deceased J It iippourliiK-froin theipelltlon In fUn n'bove eiilltlud cause that thore Ih not A' illelcm 'personal citato in the bands of sui.l admin- iHtrtitor to pay lliedehtsoutstandloi; ai;ali-Mi tbo deeeusud and the expeiihes of uilmliilt trillion dud that It Ih necessary to sell real estate lor the prfyniuut thereof. Ht Ik Hereby ordored that notlco be nlven by publlc.itlon In the Nkiiiiahka Advkii TiSKiias refill t red by law In smch case, that all persons li terested In said estate appear before tho'Jiuhio of tho Heeoud Judicial Dis trict of Xeliritskn, Hiding at -cIlaiiibdrH at tho Academy df losle In the city of Lin-, coin, I.nnctisier Coutity. Nebraskn, on the '.Vith day of June, lKSI, at II o'clock 1 M., to nIiow causo why a license sbottJU not IR-Kniutell to said AdmlblMiriltor t.isell so much ol tbo real estate of Mild deceased tlo scribed In the petition as shall be iiiieesNiiry to pay Mich debts. $?. H. Pounii. Ml-wl Jnllge. 3Lcg;at Hotice. In tbD District Court of Neuiaha COUnty Nebraska. Charles I,. Flint, Plalntilf, .1 i vs. I MilTy9InuclilnM and Hello KdWit?ds, f formerly Hello Ilouohlns, Delt'a. J l'he ubuve -nuned Mary Ilnuclilns, non resldontdefeiident, will tuko notice that on, tbeUStlidaybf Aprl', IHSl. Cbarleb r,. Flint plalntlir. tiled his pctlilon in tho l)ltrlet' court of Nonialm county, Nebraska, at-alnst said defendontx, tho (d.Ject and prtiyer of. M'liicii'iN'ttitiiHet tlio tlttoortbe plalntlir In and to I be Houtli-West quarter of tbcoutli West i"'rt,er ol section Twenty-Four. Town ship six III HnmtoTltiMeeti l-.ast, in Nt'inahn county. Nrbraskn, and tho nSlh-r deinnndeil conMlHhi Jn excluding; Uefcn'dciits rrotn all litlo or'nllfrtst therein. ou nro w.ulreVl to answer rtr ofncrvf Jco. jdeud-tp said , petition on or'beroro tho 4th dliy tifuuly.iliisl. ChTAliriKS'L. FLINT. HVJ.II. HUO'AtA- AND H. A. OSHOliN, lll.V t rruiiNUM. ftrrt'iUn. lr.'llrrtwnvllln Nnlirwlr.i Imu " i.nnn t loCounti' .milL'ii nr Ni.iniili.L (-nimtv r 'IHtnltn- tho 'court ns tho time and plnco'A r exHtmuifiK nun niinwiiiK huiu account, Nv hen and where nil persons' interested inny 'ilppertr nlid contest tho sitlne, rintd -i lityVtti' 1831. John s. fmr,r I7wi County Ju'dRe. 17STAT13 OF HAUNKTT jTaAvwT Deceased! Pj In tho County Court of Ngrualm County: Nehraskn. ', 'Notice Is hoiv KlTn'tt;At 'Juno 7tti nnd Decofiil-er inth ifisi. at tO-o'olock A. l of each day. at the oflleeof tho Comity Judftdnf NornAiin County. Ncbrnkn, In IJrowtwillej Nebraslca, iptvo been tlrod byttho cfnirt as Ihotlmes and place wlioti nrid-Wlioro all per-, sfnis who hrtvo elnlms -nml Viomnn'tlH nKalnst1 said deceased can havo tho same-examined' iirtJuMeir-and allowdd, -Aii'tlalms-not pre non toil at the last rutin tinned dntdtvUl bo for M'ei'brtrr.'.l, by ordor oMIio'cdurt. DiUi'd'Mtiy'Otii, 1JW1. , ,,, . 30IIN H.-BTtJlA 'wl County Judo. SEEDS SSBEST1 ii hui buiincmjui enm, yoq ii T fn.ial OtrJ for Uata- -iAVlO.JL.ihUlUi'rUU 80N3.PmtinA.PA. l.VSTATK OF fiii:di-:iiick iu ceasfii. in iiieuiaiieroraiiowini' tne final y":n. oi sum uouniy lo appoint W IImiij !:. admltilstratlon account of W, H. 'Lnnim-e, MMJors ndtnltiistrntor nr thevstrtte nf Kiii'd admliltsirator with tho will annexed, of '"" Prlc, deceased, and that Muv Nth. A. tho cAlilto of Fredpilck Hcdoras, dorens- D.-lSSi, at(J o'clock a. in., at tho oftleo of tho ed. Ndllf-e Is hereby rIvoii that June 3d, A. CrtXinty Juduo of Nemaha Couutv, Nebia-.lrn. D. 'Wltit liloviock n. m. at tlin niiio.. r in IfrownviUe.NOraMkii imu hAo... .iv.it ux. n . - t.. .. . .. : . . m """" flTMMI llnWlllllnMMn ti nn READ? f .IIiinIIiih, front 10 down tV 8 vents. , I.on&itlo lilrnchcd, fi mil 10 Aown to 0 cents. Alpaca from -10 don to .'10 vrn'tfi. i at) an t-a i i iw IM lhftu ' tioori Hcrvlcenblc Uri-M 0oi1h from 10 iI.mvii to ccuttr. it it U5 u 1 8 " MMI W'C Wo I he per lt3SB8BKefS1BaPXXSSaZBaCU2UKC'Mi!UUUjma legal advertisements. Notice. IV tho mnttcroi the duiles or the Hnurtl (tl Cownty CoinniisslonersasHoiirorih Incec. Hon 'Jo, on i)ii.-.liil. In acts ol Je'i. Tho llonrd doesilinate the current oiouns es Iir'the year lvd. ro be asif(ii..ws: " Ker "county oeiiornl luiid, theainounfor'l' u. thu ntmoiiut iH For Itond fiind. the amoiniL of niiiiM .. the dollar valuation. Donoiit Jiurnnrv term, IS.SJ. aAMUICI, OUIjIIKUTOOX. 'Iwl 'Couuty Olerk. Lo(;nl Ixotioe. 5"OHN HAUMA.N, Owner of tbo ren'l Htuto V 'bercinaiter .(.'ci Ib.-.I. you are ticn'hv no titled that the r-ll(,wlii deserlbed lenliftiito to-wit: A'tlol bhfi k .tlllv-Mve ('i.'il.'MiMiateU In tho town ol l.ondrf'i. Nemaha Cunty, Nc brnskii, was duly pureha-ed at tax sale on the 11th day ol April. IhTfi. from A.M. Oil-mj.-e,.is U'liwity T-r.-nirer ot said. county., by A. 1-. hud .IKiueslvliox, for The taxes lev led ttierco.i respeMlvelv Kfr the year-. Z, HfHi. 1876, JS7-I, IMiJi, Ih72iind lh7I, nnd remain ltif? ilellntiueiit and unpaid up to tin- lifcie Of said tax sale. Ydu aroiilso'notiiled tlint-the-xnliPhmd wirs 'inhT ViMm,?.?;"'8 "'"' thi! mime t .lolin llauinan. i,.,.i ....rtwu-utu oAtnld ,inir cln.se was on the !)th day or Aprf?$iV .Villy nsslned to the underslmied. You re tiir ther notllled that rbo rime f.rre.leinpilon tit said land rrom said tax snlu fhoreoru'lll ex idle Meplemberlst I8.SI. and tlmt unless snld amis are redeemed from Until tint milo-on or helorosald last named daten deed will bede manded by anil Issncll to tbo ttnllcrsl"ned pursuant to sa'ltl'sideand'niUnbieitt rherc or lor said land. Dated April ijth, dBSI. 'wlt (I F.rNTK'ItM. . j ComxnisHionors Sulo of ileal Estn'to. NOTICKlHheieby Klven thai by virtue df an order of side issued nut -.f me District Court'ofNenirihii County Nebraska, and to us directed as referees mid commissi. mcrs in the case hereinafter mentioned upon an order ana decree rendere.1 hy the said 'Court In u certain acilon theraln tpendiim. wherein UrynntCoi.b, Is pUlnillTiiii.1 Miirii.u "r"nie", i..,,V,KyiiA.,,lH0"l, I'lnrk 'Cobi.. Wllliaihso'n S ' ' I,n,',CMoy C"',"' Cl" olib. iDnVlll cobb, -CtharUi .Kui, Martha Conner. rranclsC.bb. Heymouro Cdb. Nancy A. JJ "ley, ljouh.li Ininan, Martha N. Mcflaha Kllv.ii Nelson, Martha C ICnel, and J.ih,, a Jrwln, nro defondnnts. ' will dur lor sale at nub.le auction at tho door if tlio Court House m Urownville iln said County on hrlilny May W, 1.S8I ..touu t.'tdtie'i In tho :,IIT2?i"Vr?'.,..1.,".t,,l!.,!?r..tl't- wliiK leal iVr j ,l,"".'". "UlllJ, lOV,'U: ... ... jt..,,miii iMiHuini in two years or much iw tho nuieliaur may desire to if-m tr.er ononiilrd. ok day or sale. l ' Deferred payments to draw Interest at tho r.H,jM l,tM1 ,,er. ('"nt- """ '". payable an tluiilly, from date df-,ale. Wii.i.imm H. IlnoVBii.'l HefertesanU . a -Daviuson 1'i.AsfKits. .f Coin's. 'JMriMttncTN Jl, nttWAm.A'tt'y. isw", Itl r.,,. .t. .....1 ...... .i..i . . C ;;,;' H,' . ",wn ""'K" lt,'I0 - acres, v ...iMl','.o' K'w"-r'. miiKo Hi, K -lf,(l acres. N l.V. sec. -I, town .,, iani?o lit. K-iiCo acres. 7.. Wi-Jl tow." " "''! K.-lfiii acres. Ivrnmof Halev.onn n.ir.i n,,ui, . ..., ...... JIM'' .11 iru .. Osimi.N, His ri8TATKI.IoriN'iniOE.IJEt.'KASI3I)Ji UV. ,",t,1 -'",u' Co,"""l f Nemabn County, Ncbnt&kf.. tsntlceMs htn-ehy jrlvoh that aii HEDOItAS, Do. application has been inndo to -ihe-Cotintv tlro-rconrt iis thdtlmoand'plnee rortneliear . '? -l.."."f' wnP" m"1 where all .peisono intere.stod may appearand contesf the same. Dated April lUtb.lstti. rlf UONft.TtTIjI,, ('.unity Jtiiliro JIii the County Court or Nemaha I'ouniy jSobriwItii, In tho matter ot allowlim'tlro linal nilmlnlstratton account or A. II. till more, iidmlnlttrntor or tho estato or It V. Hughes, klcccnHod. Notlco is lioreby Klveu tlint May Tllli. A. D. lKSl.at. 10 o'clock a in., nt tho ofl.wj tir tho County .rnduo or Nemnhii County, NeliniHltn, In llrownvllle.Nebraska. has been.JI.ted by thooourt as the tlmonn'il place ror exnminliiR rtn'd nllowini,'i,aid itc count, whon and whereaii personsfrttercHt- ,i,.oy.n),,er.!J,", r(,nte'd thosiwio. DAttll Vprli.J9th 1861, JOHK-H-STtrLT., . 'County-JudRo. dn? Wotioo for Damages. w .... ...iwi.i ... i.iiiy-concern: The com- mlsstonor appointed to locate n county road, comiuonclnt'iuthe center or section 20, township ,aui or rnnKo 10 east t PunnliiK tlionoo South -lO'.Oo e 1..I11V t v. htnlfoon the south 'line or 'staid section 20, tfrrliUnnlttrit fit snld stake, has rimorti'd m ravororthoestablishtnont theroof, "n. a". n'fi2'rt,.t,?rt;t;,',or clftlms Mr daim Res must be filed lu 'the eonnty clerk's otllco on nt hefo,o noon Of the 18th 'tiny or Juno AD. intd"0'1 r?ml Ym "oestiibllslidd, wlth outTOforoucotheroto. SAMUEL CULUEIITSON. '47wl -Souuty Clorlc, U -h 0 a