' ' ttfrtlritaAlrttr (-. Ukfe Y " !. "-- W,v.M .. - .i wp& i immmm ; Miu 4?J" ESTABL7 SHED 1856. t Oldest JknpM- In tho Stuto. ' g-iai iiiaaimw mm m BROWNTILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1881.' VOL, 25, N0.-48r BUSINESS CARDS. II. WHOADY, O I Attornty nit Cmiiiielof it( tiv OlIlconver-MMw Hunk, llffrwn villi .Neb. 2 A, O a B () R X , - ATTOUNKY ATIiAWt Uilfcf.No.8l Miln ntffet, llrownvlle. Neb J. S. S 1' U L L , AT'JOHnJoVS AT liAW. onicenf County JiuIki', llrowiivlllc, Nebrwik.. A S. If O L I, a d a y , Mi Iliflotnit,MrReon, Otiatetrlclan. flrnduatPd In t&Sl. r,ocnt-d In HrownvlllelMS. OIUci',41 Main iitrcot, Mrowiivllle, Nb. J. W. 0 IB s o n UL.ACICS.Mini AM) IIOUSK 81101411 Work done to order mid iiiitlnriictlon guaranteed First itrflot, hctwoen Main utid Aliunde, Drown tllle.Neh. Neither Rlddloborger nor Gorhum wilt bo elected to .Senate posit ions. Tho Sonata Judiciary Committco re ported adversely on tho liomiitittioii of Stanley Matthews. Tlie National Brewers' convention cowvciuil at Chicago 10th inst. About !)00 were in attendance. Tho Marquis of Salisbury was unanl inously elected leader of tho Conserva tives in tlio British House of Lords. D A T CJitX 13 1: lAfmiONAIlI.K BOOT AM) S1I0K MAKEIl CUSTOM WORK mndrto order, nnrt nlsnlwny Kimrnitteud. HepitlrtnK neatly ond promptly done Shoit. No.'iTMiilrifftrect. Brownvllle.Ncb. JACOB MAHOHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dcnlerln t-'IncKiitrllNh, I'ronrli, Scotrli anil Fancy ClotliN Vt'StltlKR, Etc., Ktc. itrowJiVilli'i IirnNk.n . Commissioner Rauui estimates that the internal revenue receipts this year will aggregate- about $10,000,000 more than lust year. Tho Chicago Inter Ocean and St. Louis Globe Democrat arc quarreling over the question as to which drinks the nastiest water. YTQT? ,r'1 Disease of the Thront UuJu nml Ijiiukx the GREEN MOUNTAIN I Tumi In private praelleo since 1K.T5. Put be fore tlio public ihw.nriTTr XX'-NEVKH KAII.H! ! UUUlX.xPrleo iV. ,rAti!,imil31.SAMPIJttlIOrTI.KS 10 Cent h n,ourlllkra,tteo.,UMoUKBALSAM O. C. Ony &. Hrackctt. Sole Proprietors, ICnnsaN City, Mo. KorHiilo by J, J. IIEKDKU, Urii(rglHtt ZVemnlin. Cltv. B. M. BAILEY, HIIIITKR AND DBALEU IN LIVE STOCK. lino wxvitjLii, xnniiASKA. Farmers, plcuno call and get prlcou ; I want to liiindleyour stock. Olllco Flrt National Hunk. Tho White Hiver Utes, under chief Colorow have begun a war on tho whites. The settlors havo gone to the agency for safety. . - - Tho Council Bluffs Nonpariel says tho city editor of tho Omaha Republi can has boon outrageously lying about tho Bluffs being inundated. If one may judgo by tho jealous quarrels of the papers of those two cities, it is niy and tuck between them. Oloomarparino is vindicated. Prof. Cliaudler, in obcdlenco to a resolution of Now York aldermen, reported to tho Hoard of Health the result of his in quiries into the subject of oleomargar ine, lie says it is superior in all res pects to tho poorer grades of dairy but ter sold there; that thero is nothing objectionable either in tho material or its manufacture, and, as there is noth ing unwholesome in oleomargarine. Jie sees no need of legislation in regard to it to protect the public health. fiJEsaa-c W"illiaiTis5 Proprietor CEMTTRAX Heel Brownville, "Neb., Keeps only first class Meat 45rf.iNh pnld for Poultry ond HidcH anillt aa-.Snt infliction (luiiraiiteed.-flD& ESTABLISHED IN 1858. O L. T I3 S T Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Ones ii general Ileal Estate HuhIiichk. Sells Lands on CominlKhlon, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all instru ments pertaining to tho transfer of Heal Es tate. Has a Oomplete Abstraot of Titles to nil Peal Estato In Nomnhn. County. CARD COLLECTOR The legal fratornity at Erie, Pa., are all torn up in mind at tho discovery that no local jury lias been drawn in that o.onui$loT over "tenTeirrTC"Th'e. disclosure was made by a lawyer who had a client up for murder, and who stated to the court that the jury-box-had been sealed with mucilago instead Of wax as the law directs. An investi gation showed that this practice lias prevailed for ten years, so that every man who has been sent to prison during that time can give his lawyer another job if ho wants to. President Garfield hr. remained cool and collected, spending quietly but thinly amid all thoilerco vaporings and threats of tho opposition ;givln.; sena tors distinctly to understand that all who arrayed thcmselv.? to light his administration would rc-puro Jetlors of Introduction whenever they should conclude to call at tW White House horeaftoiv Seward Reporter. Wo havo doubted and hoped that President Oarllold di'd not niako the contemptible remark attributed to him that Senators who dared to exorcise their sworn constitutional duty in con firmations, antagonistic to his nomina tions, would require letters of intro duction to him afterward. And al though referred to as a brilliant and statesmau-liko utterance, by ono of his ardent supporters, still wo aro loth to boliovo that ho has not been misrepre sented; for with our exulted opinion of Garfield as a statesman of stalwart American ideas', who would detest a usui'iHjr and scoin a bulldozer, wo will not believe ho has shrunk himself to tho narrow compass of both without tho most positive proo. It is tho duty of the President to nominate, and it is equally tho duty of the Senate to re ject if they beliovo tho public sorvico will bo conserved thereby, and tho 'resident beinc fully informed and educated on tlieso two distinctive duties, it is revolting to think of him in tho altitude of a bolligcrent holding a club over the heads of Senators and threatening to let it fall if they do not vote to confirm his nominations. No, we think the Reporter is peddling an outrageous slander on the President. mm - The Omaha Rev, in a lengthy article regarding the courso of Senator Saund ers in tho Senate, says: During all tlieso four years lie has not lifted his voice in defense of the pcoplo of this state against the mon opolies, nor has he endeavored to re dress a single grievance or put a stop to a single anuse irom wiucn too poo plenave suilcreu at thd hands or 8TATE NEWS, MISOELLAKEOUS. Tho B. &. M. company's popular and efficient general freight and ticket agent has breiimOmoted to the gonoral passenger aud ticket agency of tho O. B. & Q., headquarters at Chicago. "Tho Millard" is tho name fbr Omaha's now hotel. Tho thirteenth annual meeting- of tho Stato Medical Association, will conveno at Norfolk, Juno 7th. Tho barn of Fred Steibor, of Bcnnot was recently struck by light ning, andbnrncd with contents consist ing of seven licad of horses and farm machinery. A man by tho namo of U. L. Bmttat tho St. James hotel, Omaha, cut his own throat with upon knifo, 11th inst. Hn wnsnpaintor from (Jalre burg, 111. A wifo at Fremont brings suit against a saloon keeper for damages sustained by her husband. Tho Ilertthl Bays, regarding tho matter: Papers were filled witli tho clerk of tho district court on Wednesday, and served upon John Knoell, proprietor of the Turn Halle, on tho complaint of Juliallormel, wifo of John Hormol, claiming 5,000 damages for liquor sold lo ucr husband after being notifi ed. Tho complaint reaches back pre vious to tho timo of theaceidont to tho latter, in February. 1880, whon ho broke his leg. and alleges that tho de fendant has been "repeatedly notified" to not sell him liquor. It also allogos that ho has exponded moro than Sti.OOO for liquor in tho defendant's liouso, and claims with this and doctor's feos and othor incidental damages tho amount stated in tho petition. A colony of Catholics will sottlo near Biverton, Soward county. West Point Republican. Biverton is not in Soward county, nor is the latter near tho former by a long way. Seward Reporter. And aren't you glad of it? Tho 14tli annual Sunday school convention will be hold at Hastings. tho monopolies, ah tlio appeals or tlio Juno 14t!i, loth, 10th. men iu wnuiii lie owes mtj)i)ui.H'-" vunc'-Aivianr. iiwv.,i,i.t7M,'Tir'5, .urn mi i pledges ho hasinado w uiom, time seven bars Dab ic Soajt of your 1st. Buy bins' Elect t Grocer. 2(T. Ash him to (five you a bill of it: Bd. Mail us Jn's bill and jo u r full a ddress. tit. We will in ail you, FJR.EE, seven. beautiful cards, in six colors and fold, represent iny Sh al:s)eare's "Seven Ayes of Man.9' I.LCRAGIN&CO., J Hi South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Conkling's objections to Bobortson doubtless is that ho is not a Republi can that can bo trusted as a party man; that lie belong's to the George William Curtis scratchers rule or miners. Mr. Conkling's faction has succeeded in carrying Now York in spite of tho op position of Bobertson and Curtis. Colliding, Arthur, Piatt, Cornell, etc. being iiqw kicked out of tlio man agement of Now York Itepublicanism, it remains to bo seen what sort of a hand Bobortson and his crowd will i play, and tho President's policy demon strated to bo wise or other wse. Tin; Advi:utiseu carping nothing for Conkling, nothing for Garfield, only so far as their acts affect tlio paity, hopes that tho foresight of the Presi dent is greater than it seems to beat the present time. President Garfield's spinal column is equal to tho emergency, and the haughty antocrut of the Senato sees the hand writing on tho wall, explaining that lie lias been weighed and found wanting. Seward Reporter. Wo do not doubt the staunchness of the President's spinal column, nor can any sane man doubt tho popularity anil power of the "haughty autocrat" iu Now York. Garfield was elected for the purpose of not only making a good executive olllcers but at tlio samo timo conserving tho Republican party. If his Now York policy shall prove that the party in that stato has been strengthened instead of weakened, then there will be some sense in talk ing about backbone. But if his New York policy shall prove disastrous to Republicanism in Now York, tlio mag nitude and rigidity of his spinal column, will but add to his discomfiture when ho instead of the "autocrat" shall read thatjliand writing on the wall. Tho party is of vastly moro importance than spinal columns or autocrats. tin and again, to tai;o vigorous action as an exponont of tho principles which he avowed before ho was olected senator, havo been broken. The Jke slanders tho Senator in the above extract. But supposing it told tho truth, why is it that tho Bee has been tho ardent dofendor of Senator Saunders "during all tlieso four years" up to tho timo that tho Senator re fused to permit Bosewater to run his share of tho patronage of the State? Bosewater gives himself away, and demonstrates what we always said he was a demagogue, blackmailer, hypocrite. Ono arch traitor complimonts tho memory of anothor. Jeff Davis, at the unvailingof the statuo of Stonewall Jackson, at Now Orleans, said: "From tho academic shades of his military institute Jackson went forth to battle for tlio cause of stato rights, self government and constitutional liberty. Ho lived for his country, never doubting the justice of his cause, behoving it was right and trusting in it. Ho died as I live to-day, feeling that the confederacy ought to have succeeded because it was founded on truth and justice. Ho gave his life for tho wholo country, and the country gave its heart to Jackson. You men upon whom lie leaned in the hour of danger in honoring him also honor yourselves." Tho negro reverence for tho name of Lincoln would seem to be by no means abated. A Washington paper asserts that the war department is crowded every day with colored pcoplo of overy grade, from tho city swell to the ir ginia plantation hand, all anxious to see anil shake hands with "Massa Linkum's chile." He receives them all, and is said to always take a littlo time for chat whon a particularly old- fashioned man or woman calls. nevor a more Jiopof ul outlook for Mor- V; ' rick county farmers thou thoro is at Yu:nna, -M7 !. Cr present. Tho long wot winter entirolv destroyed the chinch bugs and put the ground into tho best posstblo condition, whilo thero has not been an unfavora ble day for growing crops smco spring A paper has been circulated in New York by leading friends of President Garfield and Secretary Blaine, calling for a mass meeting in tlio Acadomy of Music to protest ngainf t tlio courso pur sued by Conkiing and Piatt. That will intensify tlio discord, and causo sue,h a break in Now York Republican ism as can not be mended within tho next four years. The Conkling men, of whom there is a majority, can also call mass meetings. negan. Plattsmouth, disregarding the Slocumb law has granted saloon licences for a year under tho old law. W. B. Whitney, charged with tho murder of his illegitimate child, in Furnas county, has been found not guilty. Geo. W. Hart, Hall county is un der arrest for the murdor of Michael Ciess. State Journal: Sterling Morton tells a good joko on thosportstuen of Nebraska City. Ho says that during tho shooting tournament in that city, ono year ago, the sportsmen of tho city came out to his placo and asked for a few dozen pigeons; Morton was only too glad to get rid of tho "pesky things," and told them to help themselves. They dot ailed llvo "plgeon-catehers," and in two days nan overy pigeon on the place cooped. Tho next day the tournament commenced and the pigeons began to return homo, bring ing with them strange mates. At the end of the week ho had at least fifty more birds than ho had the week be fore. This may not speak very woll for the marksmanship of tho Nebraska sportsmen; but it tells us that tho pigeons are very fond of home. Slide, Journal : Dr. J. N. Converse has just l cturned from a tour along tho Republican Valley. Ho roports the prospect for crops bettor at tli.s timo iu tho season than at any time within his knowledge of tho country for the past twelve years. Tlio- im proved lands aro being cultivated largely in wheat and barloy and are very promising. Kvoryono seems hopeful and happy with large expecta tions of good crops Stock has been wintered much butter than has been expected, and now look well and have plenty of grass. ' The Circus of Sells Bros, will bo in Lincoln Juno Stli. Tho Blooniington newspapers, Aripis and Uuurd havo consolidated. That's good for tho interested parties publishers and people. Gen. Livingston, of Plattsmouth recently had his dog, Bryan, ioisoned, for which ho had rofused $250. Tho Vassar Brothers, tho woll-known philanthropists of Poughkeesio, N. Y., havo given $80,000 for an "Old Man's Homo" in that city. Mrs. President Garfield has been svriously ill recently. In Illinois tho yield of winter w heat will bo about two-thirds of crop, if the weather continues favorable. At Mattoon, 111., Dormo Schrock, aged is, in attempting to jump from a moving train of cars, foil under the wheels and was killed. Capt. Bogardus ond W. II. Mitchol of Viu recently shot a match at St. Louis of 100 birds for 8G00. Uogardus Hcor cd 80, Mitchell 10. Auury vnuerson, tue actress, lias written a letter denying that her stop father has wronged her out of her earnings, or that she over said ho had. Tho story that sho said ho had invest ed her earnings in his own namo is Jtlio invention of a lying newspaper re porter. IJoyle, whoso counterfeit govern ment bonds wore detected because of thoir being artistically superior lo the genuine, has been placed under $20,000 bonds. ' Isaac Green, a colored dosperado of Leo county, Ark., pounded into a jelly tho head of John Richards, a white man. A duel is impending botween Doporo, formerly Fronch Minister of tho In terior, and Massol, Vico President of tho Council General, Department of Yonno. Massot is 70 years of ago, and ought to know bettor. Ono curious pieco of ovidonco in tlio contestod election caso of Smalls against Tillman, in tho Fifth Congressional District of South Carolina, is a strong, knotted, hickory club, which bears tho marks of having boon in contact with a nogro skull. Buffalo Bill is worth $100,000, and ho has mado it all by war-whoops and tomahawk flourishes on tho variety stage. This is far better than being a horo in a snowdrift. Alexandria wttNPWw- own j'nnco Rudolph and Princosd bleplianio woro impressively united in marriago to-day. City of Mkxico, May 10. Satur day, in Piilmot and Sullivan's camp, near Acambaro, Engineor Sackrider become insano and killed Engineers Martin and .Tones. Sackrider was killed by the chief of the party, Filley. "Win. Siniins, Memphis, suicided by cutting his throat. He had troublo with his wife, and was a confirmed morphine oater. In New York city on tho llth, tho thermometer rose to 88 ami there woro four sunstrokes and three in Brook lyn. Farmer Kootz, Jefferson county, Kas., suicided by shooting his brains Qllt. Jan. McLaughlin was run over and killed at Louisvillo Texas, whilo colliding cars. J. W. Stoke, St. Louis was knocked down and killed by cars. Hon. Stanley Matthews was confirm ed on tho 12th, as Associate Justice of the Supremo Court of tho Vnitcd States. Matthews' was nominated for the position by Prosidont Hayes, and his caso has been considered hopeless. Ho was in suspense for months, and is doubtless well satisfied to havo come out with oven ono majority, the vote being 2f for, 24 against. Tho parties woro divided on the confirmation, and ho re ceived about as many Democratic us Republican votes. ni m A special from Owingsville, Bath county, Ky.. roports great oxoitoment in that region over what is called 'prayor cure," and relates that James V. Powell, son-in-law of ox-Congressman John I). Young, was cured sud denly and restored to full health and vigor last Friday evening by prayor, alter .suffering moro than a year from a dreadful malady. At Rutland, Wis., K. P. Danks, severed his mother's windpipe with a hatchet, and then severed his own with the same weapon. Both will die of their injuries. Ernmett, the famous actor, is a con firmed inebriate, aijtl was recently in carcerated in a lunatic asylum to sober him up. i j . t .