Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 12, 1881, Image 1

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' SI
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01ilonUPipor in tko Stuto
Kill Hill I HI !
VOL, 25, NO. 47,
t iK n r o a i) y ,
O Attorney unit Onumetor nt knw,
Olllcenver.Slatu Jlnnlt.llrownvllli .Nob.
C A. O S B O R Ns
Oillcc.No.81 Mitlimtroot, IirotvnVllo, Neb
T S. ST U L L,
J . AT'J'baXKl'S'AT dAW.
'Olllceor County JiiiIkc. llrownvlllo, Nebraska.
lx Pliyiilclnii, ! areo", Uhtl etrto lu.
Urarlunted In 18M. '.ocntHtlln UrnwtivllliUSM.
OtUce, II M.tlii trcct,'rownvHlo,Nub.
Work (In nn to order itndiintlsfnctlonKUAraiitrcd
flrHt ttrcot, hctwoon Main nnd Atlantic, Bretn
"Collin msxdcon short notice. Three mllMwcst (it
A T C L I N E ,
CUSTOM WO UK made to ortfcr,n fltsnlwny
4tunrnnteel. IlcpiUrliiK tu'otly an promptly done
"Shop. No.T7Mivr, ntrft.rowiivllle,Ncti.
and denlorln
tUiioKngllfih, Kvc.ncli, Scotch mid Fnnry Clot lit
fextlngN, Ktc, Ktc.
Biro wnvl lie. T?&n'nKlK .
TTCT? ornll Ulientes nf tlio Tliront
UuJu anil Iiuhk the
I'hwI lii private prnotleo tdnce lK'to. Put lo-
Joro tlio public iKGO.pnTTr TTHNEVKK
FAILS! 1 UUUlXjIXl'rlpo ..
Head ourguarautce, iuiiombtq ft T O A Tlrt
O. G. Day & Biruckctt.
Sole TroprletorH, KansnH City, Mo.
Formiloby J. JT. BEPfUISn, Druggint,
Vcmla Cltv.
The star route swindle is likely to
develop some curious features and in
volve some very "honored names. The
inference from -Brady's "disclosures is
that the president, if not a participant
in tho frauds, .shared in tlio spoils to
the. extent of having the moiwy used
"for ids service. If this is true, it must
have been known to a large part of the
ropiildican committee as well us the
leaders in tho lato campaign.- Omaha
From evidence coming to light tho
star route ring comprises honored
names 'of both parties and was used by
both political aspirants of Presidential
candidates. Even tho honored name
of Wiitfield Scott Hancock is mixed ' in
the scandal, and it is as clear aB any
thing yet noted regarding tho matter,
that star routo money gavo him tho
"Pennsylvania delegation and was a
most prominent motive power that
led to his nomination by tlio Demo
cratic party. Tire 'Congress of the
United States has been for .several
years In tho power of tho Domoerucy,
and havo spent hundreds of thousands
of 'dollars upon investigating commit
tees, investigating every conceivable
thing, apparently, and is it not strango
that tlioy never took up the "star routo"
business? Investigations hitherto
which havo resulted in tho discovery
of scoundrelism havo invariably un
earthed the scoundrels from Demo
cratic burrows; and this case, tho
Democratic Congress, bavins; refused
to seo any crookedness in it, will bo
sifted thoroughly by a Republican ad
ministration, and tlio further rotteness
of Democracy exposed.
Japan and China are about to en
gage in a war with each athcr.
Grant won't work. IIo's just
lazy as ever. Democratic Liar.
John S Briggs, Iowa's first Govci nor,
died in Omaha a fow days ago, agod 70
years, llo lived in Omaha and vicinity
since 1854.
Chicago cast nearly 20,000 more
votes at tiro last Presidential election
than at tho last municipal election.
That is tlio reason why Cartor Harri
son was re-elected.
"Oath" aslccd tho Postmaster Gener
al which was tho best-managed post
office in tho country, and was promptly
answered "Chicago." Postmaster
Palmer should mako Ida handsomest
how. Inhr Ocean.
LIVE stock:
Fnrrnorx, please call nnd got prices; I want
io handle your BttJCk.
Oilier First XaUoual nnnJc
- A. ,
Tsaac W"illiams5
Heat Market
The president lias finally declared
vnr against Conkllng, Or, at least,
that is the way it looks; ho having
withdrawn tho names of Conkling's
pnitienlar Mends for oflicial positions
in New York, and refused to with-
J draw the name of Robertson, his par
ticular enemy. This fuss between
Conkllng and the President is much
to bo regretted, as regardless of who is
to blame, or most to blame, it will
raise such dissensions in New York
as will most surely lose that stato to
thoRepublican party. It is also a mat
ter of regrot and supriBO on tlio part
of the admirers of President Garfield
that he should manifest a disposition
that borders on to the vindictive. "Wo
hope the situation is not so bad, how
ever, as the dispatches mako it appear
at this writing.
A machine- has been invented in
Franco by which a picture In black and
whito can bo transmitted nay distance,
and perfect in every particular. It is
called an Electrophone-.
D, Holmes, a Topeka druggist, sold
a bottlo of Hosteller bitters to a man
"who got drunk on it. Holmes was
lined 100 and costs. Prohibition may
not prohibit, in Kansas, but violators
of the laws will find it an exponsivo
and uphill business.
It will bo at least thirty days hoforo
the A. &N. branch of tho B. & M. is
completed to Atchison. Tho track at
Gibraltar Is gone, and the river is now
running against tho Kansas bluffs, so
that it will be necessary to cut a road
through a half a milo of solid rock.
But (ho B. & M. folks aro transferring
passengers and baggage ovor tho
horrid placo all
Journal Sth invl.
tho same. State
Brownville, Neb.,
Keeps only first class Meat
3CitNh inlil for Poultry anil Hides unil-ffiR
WSat Intact Ion (Iiinrantepd.-g
The women suffrage amendment
will bo voted on at tho general election
in November 1882. Tho Stato consti
tution regulates this, providing that
proposed amendments to tho constitu
tion shall bo voted on at tho next elec
tion for Senators and Representatives,
after their submission.' Tho oleetion
of Senators and Representatives in Ne
braska being biennial, the noxt elec
tion will bo in 1882. There is plenty
of time to consider Ihosnbject.
peistsio nsrs.
1 very wound or injury, oven by acetdent,
or imy dlneiiHe, entitle a noldter of tho Into
war to u periHlon, All PeiiHlons by tho law
of January. 1U7U, begin iiacic at (Into of din
charge or death of tho soldier. All entitled
should apply at once. ThounandH who arc
now ilruultiK a ponslon aro entitled to an
Increase. Poldlcru and vldown of tlio war
of lSI'J, anil Mexican war tiro entitled to pen
Mon. ThouHondmire yet entitled to bounty
hut do tiot know It. Feen In all caHCH $10
Pay lor every description of war claims
collected. Employ an attorney rcBldltiK In
WashliiKtoji, who can t?lvo ponnnnl atten
tion to yonr trantnetn. American nnd For
elirn patent h oWattMjrt on nliorl notice. Mend
'twMtrtftmipfl'tor ponolon and bounty lawn.
AfldreBB W- T. MTZOBUAM), U. H.
Claim Agent, "Lock llox 42'.', Washlnnton,
D. C. febl7
A Democratic ass who publishes a
paper at North Platte gets off the
An old saw stales that "a prophet is
without honor in his own country,"
and the same is true of some men of
mark. Mahone, the readjuster demo
crat, (God save the mark), seems to be
without honor, honesty of character iu
his native Virginia.
This Democratic tallow dip, mis
represents Mahone, and of course has
no idea that his "old saw," which ho
hasn't sense enough to quote correctly,
are words of Christ, found in tho New
1st. Buy seven bars Dob
frlns Electric Soax of your
fid. AsU htm to give you a
bill of it.
.3d. Mail us his bill and
your fall address.
dth. We will mail you,
FJIEE, seven beautiful
cards, in six colors and (fold,
rep resent in (j Sh akspeare's
"Seven Ages of Man."
I id South Fourth Street.
Ph iladeljih ia, Pa.
Even a paper so much given to that
sort of independence that always leans
toward tho wrong side as The Ameri
can confessess to a disappointment in
Wade Hampton's speech in defenso of
the South. After complimenting the
"handsomest" of the speech, The
American calls attention 1,0 tho fact
that Hampton admitted tho uso of
tissue-ballots by the Democrats in
South Carolina, and asserts that after
such an admission, Hampton "conced
es that he was made Senator by a body
illegally chosen, and that, so far as he
knows "at least, he is not morally en
titled to sit in the Senate. Wo do not
see how Mr. Hampton can evade this
Hence they
vehemence of
A new combination has boon formed
in Nebraska politics. Hon. E. K.
Valentino is to be elected to tho seat
now filled by Alvin Saunders, and for
holp in harvest ho Is to assist in nom
inating Paul Vandervoort as a candi
date for Congress. All the other sena
torial and congressional candidates
will tako notice. Lincoln Globe.
It's only that nit on your oyo winker
that you seo brother Eaton. Don't bo
The Republican IT. S. Senators con
cluding to break tho "dead lock," wont
into executive session on tho ftth and
proceeded to rush through many con
firmations. Tho Chinese and other
treaties were confirmed.
Our Bob Lincoln, who, one day, if
ho lives, will be president or the
United States, is in Chicago. He has
done more real solid work in the war
department during tho past fow weeks
than has been accomplished by all of
his predecessors sinco Stanton's time.
What lias ho done? Ho lias informed
tho lavendor kid gloved military
loungers who hang around tho cities
of the East oh full pay that they must
join their regiments in tho far West,
and givo tlio men who havo been
fighting tho Indians for tho past eight
years a vacation. -Phicafo Nam.
Mill I '
Tho strike in tlio United States
Senate is for a free Voto and a fair
count, and it will extend over the
country until tlio bulldozers yield.
Inter Ocean.
But Ben Hill, Hamburg Butler and
and other bulldozers of the Senate aro
making a desperate fight to save the
only feature oE southern politics which
makes tho South Democratic, They
know that a free voto and fair count
will place their party in a minority
that will lie hopeless,
speak and lie with tho
Tlio Staunton Valley Viru'tniaii sees
Something more than patronage in the
struggle over the senatorial ollices, and
thus defends Mahone and the Republi
can senators: "General Mahone has be
trayed no trust, has violated no pledge,
proven falso to no piirtylobliation, and
disappointed the expectations of not
a singlo man in the party to which ho
owes his placo. They can not justly
lay a single charge against him, and it
is not for this that their anxiety and
fear aro exhibited. They seo in tho
principles involvod, in tho progressive
ideas and policy proclaimed, tho en
trenchments of tho solid South broken,
and the defenses of tho Democratic
party destroyed. It is an invitation
to the young men. tlio new, fresh blood
and brain of the South, to come to the
front and assert their equal rights nnd
privileges, despite tlio sneers and
scoffs of tho old regimo which has
ruled with an iron hand for years, to
tlio injury of all the great interests of
tho South. It is tho forobodings of
such a revolution that they fear, and
it is this they would crush in its in
ciplehcV. Tho great mass of the peo
ple of the south aro at heart in sympa
thy With tho movement."
Araphoe is to havo a creamery,
Blair will haw a soldiers' rounion
July -1th and 5th,
Odd Fellows of Lincoln aro go
ing to build a halt.
In Cedar county COO pcoplo lost
all their property
John B. Tapper, aged CO, near
Grand Island, suicided by shooting.
At Columbus nearly all tho valu-
blo hunting dogs havu been poisoned.
Crop reports from different por
tions of the Stato aro enthusiastic ovr
tho prospects.
Koarnoyis agitating tho question
of a canal to bring a channel of tlio
Platto into town,
Ex-Go v. Furnas is now editing
somooftlio best features of tho llnral
Nebraska, Omaha.
We guess not. Peru, this county,
can double discount it nlthough Fena
himself onco lived there.
Mr. Valentino ia now counted
among tho leadens of the house re
publicans. Fairmont Jiullelin.
Grading on tho eastern division of
tho Republican Valley road, east of
Endicott, is boing vigorously pushed.
A hail storm that smashed win
dow glass and knocked tho bark off of
trees took in Seward county a fow
days ago.
The tomporaneo ticket was etrcicd
at 1 ork by a considerable majority.
York is the oldest temperance town in
tlio stato. Exchange
A man named James Manning,
from Orleans, Nob., was recently kill
ed at Loadville by tho accidental dis
charge of his own pistol,
A lad named Marshman, at Bluo
Springs, hung himself by tlio neck un
til dead, wniio trying to portorm somo
gymnastic feat with a rope.
Tho Plum Creek Pioneer has
authority for saying that tlio loss of
cattle on Loup for tho winter and
spring exceeds GO per cent.
T. II. Tibbies, of Ponca Indian
notoriety, has been reduced to tho ranks
by the Omaha presbytery. Exchawje.
Well, ho has "Bright Eyes" left.
The Nebraska City saloon keepers
aro too smart. Tho law forbidding
them to paint their widows they pro
pose to avade by having bluo glass in
their windows.
Tho city council of Beatrice is
sued saloon licensos undor tho old law,
but as thooldjlaw expires Juno 1st tlio
licenses were made to expiro at the
samotimo. That was sensible.
The quarto form is getting to bo
tho popular one with Nebraska news
papers. The Central City Item and
Brownvillo.lffwwrT recently adopted
that style and they are among tho bent
papers in tho State. Fairhury Uazette,
Tlio Nebraska State Sportsmen's
Association will hold their annual
tournament at Lincoln, May 17, 18, 11)
20, 0,000 pigeons will bo furnished Und
8:1,000 in prizes distributed among tho
North Platte has a building as
sociation which has done a good thing
for the town in tho way of building
homes for citizens. Tho stockholders
receive dividends which remunerate
abundantly and nt tho same time tho
town Is materially benefited.
Wo cannot call to mind a single
year when spring opened as favorable
as the presonthas for crops of all kinds.
It is in great contrast to that of last
year. Nearly all nf tho wheat sown
in this county is up anil lookivg re
markably vigorous. Wo havo seen
some that has already attained a growth
of four of five lnches Hid Cloud
A Mali named Cox, living ten
miles southwest of Wahoo, had tlio
misfortune to loso ilvo head of horses
during last week. Their death was
caused frdm the hot Worm. Mr. Cox
lias lived in Nebraska eleven years, and
during that time death has rolioved him
of sixteen head of horses. Eavlutnye.
The trouble- With Cox is, he doctors
for hot worms, when that is not what
ails his hol'ses.
Tho Rev. Stovonson.paBtor of the
M. E. church at Beaver City, according
to Iho Times, lias been conducting him
Bolf in a disruputnblo manner; so much
so that his congregation snubbed him,
and he skinned out for other parts.
Tho moro charitable of t?ioso who
know him think that ho is more crazy
than wicked or hope so at least.
Hon. It. W. Montgomery has been
conflrmed'rcceiver of public moneys at
Rloomlngton, Neb.
Humboldt contributed a ear ami
a half of seed corn for the poor farmers
of tho western part of tho Stato 1 u
tlio vicinity of Humboldt, winter
wheat which was sown on now break
ing is all right, but what wan sown on
old land is dtad, and will Ihj put into
corn. Many farmers aro listing
their corn instead of the Old method of
-- No Judge in tho Stato enn cloar a
docket quicker o. in better shape than
Judge Weaver. Proof to substantiate
tho statement is ready when called for,
Crete Union.
Even if the cases all do go to tho Su-
promo Court for reversal. lieatricc
Boaiothing Butlor Didn't Allndo to.
Souator Rutlor, in his recent spccclu
should have dovotod a part of his tlmo
to tho facts brought out iu tho examin
ation of witnesses in tho Fifth District,
South Carolina, contested election
case A dispatch from Columbia gives
tlio following particulars, to which tho
attention of Mr, Butlor is directed:
Tlio testimony elicited from trust
worthy witnesses, and, for tho most
part, uncontradicted on tho Bourbon
sido, shows that nt Kdgefiold Court
llotiuo nearly 2,000 colored Republicans
wore not allowed to voto. At John
stone's, in tlio Binno county, between
.100 and f00 of tho same class of votora
were not permitted to doposllo their
ballots ; a colored man was also killed
at this poll, and no offorts havo been
madoby the Suite to bring tho murder
era to justico. At Aiken Court Houso
a piece of aitillery, loaded with grape
shot by W. W, Williams-tlio Judgoof
Probato was planted in tho street
facing the poll; tho Palmetto Guards
it militia company kept their arms at
the Town Hall, and twico assembled
In tho street armed to prevent
Republicans from voting, and when
oven the tear of being shot did not
deter a few from entering behind tho
barricado erected in front of tho poll to
doposito their ballots they paid for their
temerity by having cayenne popper
throvn4n.tholceyes; thoso who pro
tested agilinst this barbarity were
threatened with arrest for inciting riot.
Democratic lawlessness reigned su
premo at every poll in this county, and
very few Republican votes woro polled.
At Buford's Bridge, .Barnwell County,
a baud of armed men drove about 400
colored Republicans from tho poll, and
a Confedorato Hag was hoisted over tho
precinct. At .Barker's and soveral
other precincts armed men prevented
Republicans from voting. In Hamp
ton County, near Beach Branch, nine
armed Democrats waylaid the thrco
colored men who had tho Republican
tickets for that vicinity, and compelled
them to deliver them up at tho mouth
of the pistol. In Colleton County tho
Commissioners of Election refused to
count the vote of Jncksonboro a largo
Republican precinct because tho box
was full at 1 o'clock, and tho managers
closed the poll. At Sunimorvillc
another Republican stronghold tho
poll was not opened at nil. At tho
Vitiligo" the vote, heavily Iopublican,
was thrown out because the managors
procured a second box, Us the first
could not hold all the tickets.
To Conkling perhaps moro than to
any ouo man Garfield owed his election.
In ids party Conkling is trusted by all.
and is the idol of many. In tho Somite
no man of his party seems to become
his rival as a Senator or statesman.
On the Senato floor if ho is not loved
he is respected, and bis place as one of
tho leading Senators in the nation is
not questioned. Between him and
Garfield thero could honorably bo no
rivalry. Garfield is great by virttio of
being tlio olflcinl head of fifty millions
of peoplo. Conkling is great by nature
and by his acknowledged leadership.
Tlio people conceded to each his place,
and snw no cause for rivalry. But
Garfield was seized with a fit of Presi
dential foolishness, and struck at
Conkling to bring hhndolvn. Ho be
lieved Conkling's position as leader
could be broken, and that tho peoplo at
largo could bo made to esteem him
less. Tho blow struck washy an ap
pointment the most oftensivo that
could Iio made to tho Senator. Now
what mast lo the result? New York
-. .,-.i.... j mmi i. I..
Tho B, &. M, at their bridgo over tho
Platto southeast of tho city will have
four hundred feet of bridging to do,
more than when they laid their road.
Thero was so much a wash that in ono
placo, which beforo the Hood was
prairie, thwo is now a stream fifteen
feet deep, requiring a bridgo two
hundred foot long. Columbus Journal.
Ends Bhip canal railway contract
has been unanimously approved by tho
chamber of deputies of Mexico,