I m NEBRASKA ADVERTISER MISCELLANEOUS, . Miko llonrk, loader of tho robbers I vhq robbed tlio Santa Fco train In 1 1877, nnd tho train ntWlnLhrop on tho J' K. C. St. Joe. & C. li. road last Augunt, ? lias been sentenced to Hervo u term in V,tlio penitentiary, 1 Amn:viu.ivS.C.,Airil 22.-Albort 21 art! n was hangwd hero to-day, for tho murder of his wife on tho loth of July , last. John "Moonoy, o saloon victim, and cruelly nbuslvo of bin family when ttrunk, killed his wlfo. In Cincinnati. , At Fi.irv.ow. Pa., Frank PurgUBon vns killed by tho caving in of a well. Ho was burled under 22 foot of earth. , A fearful stojrn of rain and hail Visited Iluntsvlllc, Texas, 22d tilt. Oapt. E. It. Rlakcsleo,of tho railway mail Horvico, is in limbo for robbing letter bags. '; Thoro Is a cooking school in Chicago, 'and tho Inter Ocean commends it to its lady readers. Mark Taylor, In a saloon fight at caBt Atchison, with Amburg Hates, was killed by tho latter. Tho death sontonco of Conrad Itout oibach, Sidney, Ohio, has boon com muted by Gov. Foster toliTo imprison ment. A boy fell over tho precipicoatlloch ffltor into tho Goncsoo Kivor, a clear drop of 120 feot, and was taken out of the water unhurt. Atchison, April 20. Tho river is twenty-one feot and sovon inches nbovo low water mark. At Youngstown, Oldo, "Wm. Llttlo aud Nathan Lynn woro killed by cars. At St. Louis, Gotlolb Droekuhago, a Gorman saloon koopor, suicided by blowing his brains out. CauBO, strong drink and ruin of business. Androw Foil, colored, was hanged at Montieollo, Fla., for tho murder of J. II. Whitaker. At Hardwoll, Ga., Henry Hill "was hanged for murdering jailor SUelton, in prosence of 8,000 spectators. Tho London, Frcthett, dressed in mourning lines aud border, announced' the execution of the assassins of tho 'Kmporor of lUissla, declaring them martyrs. A passoiifjor train running from Cliama, Col. to Ozior, N. M., 88 miles from Autouia, jumped tho track and rolled down an ombankmont ICO feot. The following persons woro kllloAl Mrs. C. IJcolod'odt, rosidohco unknown; James Lynch, Jamestown, KauBas;. T. G. Brewer, Springfield, Missouri G. Hall, Indianola, Iowa; L. Isaacs,' Terra Amoorv'lllo, N. M.; D. C.Wilson, Lcavonworth Kan.: D. C. Shoals, Lawrence, Kan.; one unknown. Jay Gould sent his check tho other day to Colonel Tom Scott for 82,500,000 in a loiter. If tills sum had been paid in lav, ful silver coin it would have required six full-loaded freight cars -to transport it. Four companies of cavalry at Ft. lllley havo boon ordered to tho Uto country. A atone was quarried at Anamosa, la., recontly rr foot long, l foot 8 Inches ivldo and a feet 4 Indies thick. Tho paper mill at Elkhart, Ind was recontly dostroyed by firo. ,loh Hollo way, has been arrested for murdering bis wlfo and child, at Silver Lake, Ind., In April 1S80. Five hundred houses In tho lower portion of Council Bluffs was surround ed by water during tho late rise; but tho business part of the city was not reached by tho water. John Hocors. a doadwood theater manager, was drownod inthoMo.rivor, near Vermillion, during tho rocont rlso in tho river. "W. B. Uonorshoots, In a Chicago cvmnasium. recently, ran one-half mile In 2 minutes and 20 seconds tho best tlmo on record. Four boys at LouIbvIUo, Ky., woro killed by lightning wbilo playing ball. A skiif at Klgln, 111., upsot and drowned if. passongors. In tho last twenty year's tho Coin stock lodo has yiolded (1,500,000 tons of ore, which averago flO.oO per ton making tho total value of tho oro ex tracted 8:123,071,005. Of this oro the gold formed 45 per cent. In valuo and the Bllver 55 per cont. Tho Mississippi Blver is doing great damage pretty near all along tho lino from St. Paul to St. LouIb. In Min nesota bridges havo boon curried away, ' railway tracks washed out, and houses partially submerged. Tho tlood is caused by tho high water In tho Min nesota and othor foodora of tho Missis sippi. A young Gorman girl named Mary Brooks was shot through tho heart at East ltuarry, Iowa, by a drunken Bohoralan. TJzraO. Sanger, a young man of Peoria, well known throughout tho Wot, diod 27th wit. About six years ago Sanger fell holr to over $00,000, all ol which has boon squandered In fast living. His death Ib the direct result of dissipation. Wator for Babios, I was ono day called upon to visit a nick l.ttlo ono inn family residing near my office. Tho babe I found in appar ent good hoalth, but crying and strug gling in its mother's arms as though suffering excruciating pains. Tho mother informed mo that the child Bocmcd desirous of nnrelng con tinually; am) that, to quiet it, sho had given it tho breast as often as tho cry ing commenced. When this did not sootho tho little ono. a doso of Mother Somebody's cordial had been adminis tered. "My good woman," I inquirecV'whcu did you last glvo yonr babo a drink of water?" "I don't romcrnbor," ropllcd tho lady; "I seldom let him drink water. Does ho need it?" "Need it? Why should ho not need it as much as you? Thin child is suffer ing from thirst nothing moro." I called for cold wator, gavo tho In fant a few toaspoonf uls, and It was ro llevod of all Kb troubles, etoppod cry ing and sank peacefully to sloop in its mother's arms. Lot this bo a romindor to mothers and nurses. InfantH who nurso at tho broast may often Buffer as much from want of wntor rs adults who oat moro Bolid food. Of ton whim a' child cries, it is only thirst which causes it. Do not. then, doso it with the poison ous "Boothing syrups' or nursing cordials, or press it to tho breast, which it will eagerly grasp, expecting to satlato its burning thirst; but, filled to tho brim with its natural food, it cries on harder than ever. Uso a little discretion. The poor llttlo ono cannot tell Its wants: If it could, it would often cry, "Water! Water 1" Reciprocal. Scono tho first Cow-boy and farmer standing on tho prairio in August. 1870, when tho grasshoppers wero nying so thick as to almost obscure tho sun, and tho destruction of the crops was In evitable. "Let thorn como," said the herder, "they will rout some of these d d 'sorguin-lickcrs, and wo will liavo a larger range," , bceno tlio aoconu oamo parties standing in tho door of a dug-out in Custer county, in February, 1881, whon the snow was fiying so thick that one could scarcely seo ton Btops. "Isn't this fearful," said tho man in cow skins. "Lot it storm," said tho man of the plow, "it will rout soino of tlioso d d 'cow-punchers,' and wo can farm In peacenextsummor." Loujt City Times. CALL ON In UNION HOTEL, weit of Court Houie, anil exnmlno our NEW STOCK of GOODS. Waltham, "I Key and Elgin, and V Stem-Wind Springfield, J Movements. Alio GOt.1) fc HII.VKIl OAS1CS, Tho BOSS GOLD CASE, Tlio Walthaiii Ount-lMoof. woiiuvojustTo. ir rrrQ. "iif cMlveit it bill or VjXjUV'IvO from tho lUtitol tlio boat makcra, una which our oxtun BtVo ropitlrliiR oxportonco proven mottt soim bjo for tho wnula of our innny ouatomnrs. Wo rcapeotfully mitimtt to tho oohsldorn ttonorthono lutomllng purchutilriK TIME PIECES thnt thoy consult unci buy from Moohnliionl Donlora Oulr,n"d not from Jnok-of-uU-triidoH, who con not know any thing of tho goods ttioy otfor, ami nro unaplu to Iceop In ropalr whonsolil. REMEMBER, Wo oarmnt our clocka ugnlnut ulloccldenla for yours. JEWELRY. Onr Htoolc la full in ovory ilopnrtmont, ItoliiR. uonsmi tly roplonlauod with tho Intent style. XErAlllIXa FINJC WATCJIKS OUR BCSIXKSS. ENGRlvTNGAKKaSS! verwaro Domed, Rlugn, NamoFlntca, oto. CHvo us n cnll and you will bo sattaflod. NEMAiACITY. NomahaClty 1b situated In tho south oast corner of Nemaha county, and is tho present terminus of tho Nebraska llallway, and the eastern tormlnus of tho It. V. 11. K. Tho lattor road is completed to JJluo HprinK, corning in this direction, and nearly to Culbertiou on tho west, uhout :)U0 miles from Mils point. Work is holiiff pushed forward from this placo west as rapidly m it can bo done, and tho gap between Ne maha and liluo Springs will bo Olfnod during tho coming year. Nornahn will hi.voinar,hort tlmo u railroad bridge machino shops, etc., and will bo tho most Important town in tho county. Our natural advantages are unermallod. Tlio town is beautifully located on a i.ontlv rinlntr foot-hill or tabic- land overlooking tho bottom lands and the MisriourS rivor, and in point of beauty or location It cannot bo surpassed. Good business oponings aro presented here, and any ono coming west with tho view of locating, either in business or agricultural pursuits cannot do bet tor than to sottlo in Nemaha or vicinity. This Is tho great shipping point for grn'n and llvo stock, It being so oasily reached from all directions with heavy loads, making it tho favorito town of the fnrme-s. Nomaha has good schools, churches, Mason and Odd Follow and temperance organlzat'ons. Several fine stono quarries arc found noar tho city. Tim ber and fuol is cheap and plenty. Thoro aro good oponings hero for tho following, in particular: A bank, another botol, a steam flouring mill, und in fact, thoro 1b not a bettor town in tho Stato for men who desire to en tor into business of any kind. Como and seo us and bo convinced. Nemaha Times. B. Bell Andrews, M. D. & Nemaha Citj, Web. Calls in tfi9 Country Promptly Attend ed, day or ni'jht. CirECIAL- ATTKNTION given to Hnrglcnl O'lIaenNe of womon nnd rinrgtcol dlaciucfl of the eye. - Pntlents from nbrond pan bo fnmlHhed with plciinitnl rooms and accommodations. 6 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Nemaha City, Neb., A7 W Grotfteip BOOTS. SHOES. AND HARNESS Madonnd ropntrwi ib 'wall n can bo done anywhoro.nnd ntshort notlco AND VKRY REAHONADLK TRRMS. TITUS & WILLIAMS. DEALERS II DRY GOODS, GROCERIES READYMADE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Eto., Etc., Etc Nemaha City, Nebraska, Will soil HdH aa cheap ah any liouso In SoulheftHtorn Nebraska. J. 3B. H-DESB3S, LIVERY AND .FEED SATBLE. Good hURKles and hornos, oharges rcas onablo. Host of cre',tiikoi of trnnhlontetoolc LEVI J0HWS0N, PROPRIETOR, MAHA CITY WEB., Contrnlly located ; Oood fare, and notrou. Ulo nparcd to motto guoHta comfortublb Oood haro for horson and Charges Ilea mm able. ATTENTION, FARMERS! For your Agricultural Imploroenta, goto DAVID A. MORTON, Farm and BprlLg WntconH, Sulky Plows. Htlrrlng l'lowg, corn Planiorn, Harrows, Ho'iporH, Mowern, CultlvntorH, Corn Hhellcra, and tho lloss TonguelewH Cultivator. 1 The ftl'nnmt and Bent Mtdlclno erer Hade. Aoolmblnatlos of Hops, Buohu, Man tlrnkWoi"l Dandelion, wlUiRilttiebett and moat owura Uto proitrtlo. of all other Bitter, mokeiLthogreate.tBtOOd Purifier, Llvor RoBUlntor, JiiUJfoJiil Health ttvstortng Jlffcot ooMMkiBBWan ertU. Modi;joanpoaBttlylon(r 1rt wbernop Illttninre u(VdiovajMdaudtMrfctuvUiir Thoj el" sw U aadrlgw t til 1 Ml Inflra. TonllwboM enploymcntciuo Irrcsnlorl' ty ottl)obowelor urinary orffo, or who ro quiroau AptUler lOUJO muiuiiuuumunui, Uopllltterareln,rl'iuio.wiinoU5intOX lontlnE km h'o matter wLitTour fJkallnir. or iTnntiimi are what tbo illieaM or allwaonl la uh Hop iut- ". woniMii until you ru ; out ir yon only feel bad or mleralle,llU8etb,'i at one. H may to jour llfc.lt m.H'T"d liunJroJa. $000wlllbapaldforacaffl8 they will not eureorh.lp. Do not it(Tcror'et your friend, ultsr.but u.a and urc tlemt " Hop B Ilemember, Hop JUtt li noV110. druBed drunken nontruni, but tho I'urpevh n d llt UBNO 1 i Medicine erer modet the 'nKTAUDS MUBllD and HOrB" and no prou or family houlil be without tlium - D.I.O.U an ahwluUi and trrmt.tlblocurel forDmnWeuu. Hj.uMotopluiu, tobacco and iwivutitDi Mttmt u uiuKi3i c for Circular. Hop IlltUr Hff. Co., ii nocheHir.y,T 'xt Toronto. Ont. ftccmi mm HOP BITTERS. (A medicine, not a Jlrliik,) CO.VTAtNa IIOrH, ItUCHU, niANDRAKE, llANDr.I.KlN. Kwo tm Tcnx&T am tinrt Jim to it QciUnw orl ILL OTitrn mrrnuv. All IMkoc of the Btmnacli, Iloirelit, riliiod, Llrcr, I Kidney., and Urtnarr Onrann. KirrmiHtm. filrvm.1 ....- . . .: ---.--------. . owmorn ruiti cirpociajiy remwo uomplolntM. oiooo j.m (Jor.n. iVlll bo lvJd for a cnw thi-T will tint nimnr holn. nr for anythlntf Imimro or InJ'irlou found In them. AUyourdru(r,l(it furllfipli.It.irn and trj'them tie ere you iron, luko no other. Ilor Covoit Ctms U the rnxxilnot, aafcut and beet Alfk rhlldrctt. Tho IIor Pad for Btotnnrh, Llvor and Rldnry I. nt rlertoalloUicm. OurwbynlwirpUon. AikdrugKlrt. D. L O. bi an nlotoluMdnd lrrtwtxtlblecuro fordrunk' emietw, cap of opluni, tobacco and narcotlcat aHMECa Brnd for circular. HH AbrTiK.M kdruncUu. 1 1.). IMint iUt.C'i. RnchwUr, H.T, ..... uu. a ivud riiu ro u immeuinuj atlmuloa for n Torpid Llvar, nod caira Ctoatlvo- MAlnrla, rarvt and Ague, and aro nxeful at tllMM In MAaMO all Tllan..a .u . m A HUv H kiwi; nil AIOIHMW1 Ai RM a 1IW lUia raifllln nHAn fcn n..nl. ntL . t dole for AUMftlivrliU Poison. Trice, ascabox Woarnlirfa. ProvsnUi Kplleptle Pits, and Is tho best remedy for Ncrrous Wostrntlon brovsht on by cicooolre drinking, over-work, mental or oil Dlnnuiee, end la nerer Injurious to tho eystoin. Tho best of nil Nexrlnea. UoUIm oT iwo aiwa; prices, 80c. And N,00. fWaftwr'a SaAi Remedies are sold hyTtrvtgHlntn and lOealers In JMedlcJno ercrgi where. H.EWABNER&CO, rrofirieton, Boeaeaier, JT.T. Jtarsud for Pamphlet and TosUmanlalo. A lir, ntw tad cocapltl. OuIJ. la lotk, c.iital.l.f, irlik ninr th.r, tlx M lowinr .kiDt.ri , A CmmI..( t.m.i,Iw.MMi i S.l.f tj.n M VTIfA. T.mn..Maata HK.....kLK l i- .TL .. " I..." "7-"'" ---.-v-r-- Ad.lc. to RriiltfroM, XttU to Libti4, Ad, it. u WIimJ rr.ilitotion, lit ,., C.litiicj tt Mitfln.BT 1 0Mcu.nl. 0,.,.l DaiUt, CMl.tK.nl, Ura ud OnttMl., )nr.Vu m ktai. rljn, feVUmM rf H.prlimo, S.iU Lift, MMmi, U. K Utrrtf, m4 Onn.. Uflt4.MwrW4 mM.,llc, ta.l.dl.r PWmm. ..wH ", ! MUM ui Imhml. A kM. Ut mItu. tmi MuVlntx mtlM. T III tHt, fill rteM .rrtn4, tj mil, Mlri.tOMa, oele, dca.. lo Bpormatorrha, Bexual Pebtlltr. 4 JmpotenOT. froM Sif.Abti. .nd Iiiiimi, nail MMrfftll.IlrMilf.M.awT, Lmrfhlul m,i, uktaiw lip aii, utim, ilttif kMtml,uli imlMitiih. tkn. tfM f.r Ik, mi. tttX ycfraU (Ihimi tM pt, tnt M fUUt, M m .. -.! . Vl A a 7.' " " rw txara A - WiA sai,(aiiioa. ibi ajQDiinsfa Diana it poiifiTiir tho pPUr MdItU Book pit.Uih.xi. Tht tvthor U ', Zh. t.fd rJyiUUa oC but Ttin pr.ttWt, (m it wU . .! a,kA aa L - - - Mv-Jte ar. ik.uj... a .k - . -"ClliOVlO UM,-rwtK tmmn ukw U raMltMka 1 Xti11A4 .ni.aic cm7aj7Tndo SMMaUkWaMiBll ! IM7. tare. from Imp.r. kiuiI .MociiHCM, t.lf-.biit. or miuiI ui.tm. r.tlBH lrHd by mil and .ipr.M, Wbw. poIM., m. Moil co.itiltitio. I, .rtftriad, wklcb It froaad lavitvd. P.M. Il.n. to k. .mw.rad by lloU dtirlai; trtatntat aaalM fm e anj addrtu .aaprlicitlo.. ror bona, or lr.ata.eal kMim. l)l(,IHTH,lwth Bth Bt, fH. LoalN Ha :he rarest and Best Hedldne erer made A aVtmTJnnMnn as tT . , a. a,ra ,r;T..;".v."?r,ft."? ArAite, tlTe5ro-p;rtlca7fairoeVni"m. and Health Reatorintr ARent on ULrthT' mUxYZZh,t: " u""ia can poesiDir iohjt xlart r ST . , " " whThBduZr,'61 Bymptomsare, ISXiLf" ""mtc1 hundreds. h Jv5 rJTH. ,5,d ,or c" tliej win not cure or Itemombor.lInnTiiif.i. -.,. j . . en noetrum.'butlh., i.-T.'Sf?ftK?-,S5: Oct some thla A-r. aaavaaaaai Do, Oouon CtUeeetgt, eofeet and beet. e1etl,,afl,TPlbIocnfordrnnk- dbjrdmRi.14, HoPmtl,Mli.Co.lUh4HterfH.T:J DTOQ lOf 1,-lTCUlAr. , Kll Antntirgly NtwsvuJ powliftly tffttir i I hmtdy (or the ijtttif ltd permiDBt cur of Qcmlnnl BmUttlons and Iznuotney r ta ooif UI VI UVUIIUW1 4HUlia4UUI EU1U 1LUUUI tro vtt, nt , Ihrl ApplMfttiMi i tb prtaotnaklS w of u rrot'l; it fcturUtxJ with tkua c (mkt InUrUtt nb tbt ovUahrf pamiiu of Iff. TtU ,1 CA I UK 1 rflatik4M, iM aoi tmtt oakU t INalSMaal tsftJ Mo4 tb la wry MTtr $, unl U itt p? nm i ww. Tbt w ntowdM aiw iui larrwMAoo. tTwmtu nwnavfi oatiMM 4ltlTJr nrtoU thtvl U wtU rtr rtfM latWutioti, ll li Oa J4 ,j U, MJJel arfUl'M W b th KMM rtkat MaU T MM f4 tf rlfti u4 turtt( UkU Ttr fitalt tfvatU. T 1 ttdrtiM HHli MM Waasv tan ? ijaarkimit w, U ai a.aM. F. 1 (UaMiaf (MaU), Hj H. I V Bmal a , I ft m m4 run rtfw la U caM, if, Oaa fct ) ft Ma. IJUB MM Ur W.aa. y Ifaa4 fW m DaaainiAHl l'kakUI art! JhailBkaaVl aUMra4aadkal.a4r 4a. kffaw. rJlaVrertartfc aneataia; tr, tC. (wbm aw pii nna. .kwad). bdn.1 k aVat fat, J tti U MM d.vwJ MM Wkf Mat b rrfrat U airftsi aidadklw 4, ti fka Ika, atnAAM afSk MM M hf iilteWat. HaaaA - Aa HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF'd CHEMI8T8, Vniollcltetl tnntitnonv to fiei nnicatmof lrof, tluvrla' Htimlnnl JPimt Ulrn, talft from AVefforg rcoefpccf from Patronmt Indlma, April lllh, 1879. Tb. rtrntdf It worllrf pMteaflj, Mad ,piljv from w.aWnan. for .irhl f ara raal. Cklcaao, Aur. 14, 1879 Vim thoroarblr cured and hti tip lep. The yottny rnan I. Ik. enuatrt la y.Uinc taUar. Mhionri, Spl. IS, 1879. I rac.tf td io noeh bencllt frera tKa nr of four rtmtdt.a tkat 1 wa.l io try tham io a.olk.r caaa, Tbia la of l.nT alanjirif-. and will nd lomtlbiaf tfj atro. Mich., Ja.,2.7, IE79. I hare and up jour pickt(e of ntdt. ci.ci (and na aaolbar aa aooa aa pomtile, Tbil piciic. e1opp.d all apparaat Irauble, bat there i, a wcaknaii jal, a4 1 wiab jo would prap.r. IMa lot lor lha tar, of It it. Iowa, 0t. 0th, 179. I am alruoit turprlud at tow Pa filial. Tbrf bar. worked like a charm tn na. I am jaat twice at much of I tnaa at I n bf.r. Ukmr. I waa ea tb trr, of the rim, I thooghl, and Ibaro wat be care foe aw, tfct now I am In rwvl hrp.t of a cure. Wait VlrcinK, ur 7i, IF79, I recalled your aaedieta, ami I V. Ii.ee It bat cured e, for wklck I am aer, tba.kfal. Ia cloaed plena find l, for which plena lead rue aaolbar Lu (No. 7) for frien 1. Yo haee doae peat thior foe cm. will lead you all ihe ordera I fin. FVoria ei i'hiittMmi ittttl Mircron. Mliioari, June KHh, 1.19 l'lent forward ma at oaca aaolty boa of Ike faitillai. The piticoton whom I kayo .led vaoelof roe bet, la addition to a umplc boi, la fut raOTriar, uU I tbiak aaolkcr will let him all rltht. ' ..... JFrottt a Untaai-t. Maryland, Sept. t, IS79.-l.iit ianuiry w rot fma ytn a boi of your remedy, for ... el .r euitcmere, and M hat toad. LKrrecl care of luw. W. bat. aaoib.r euermuar Pi tcAe. ' la fbe tUB. way, uA Wlib ty rrrvra tauToae Me. tUs. skHaTrBsaaZiliuS bE3!B H WtSfAVVTVKCZfaaaV ' mwii AlTlM,' LKtari os KishKl & Womnlovd, 200. IT MUBIl Itt ODI VDlHBaa. catikAiuiar KM MkmF Cm Tk, . MTIUtflMAnCTvyt STEEL BOILER PERRY. TC,Ttr..aiJiWjtiZatSs iml I7 'ltiriJ i ' Atv4, AtBrownville, Nebraska. BEST OROSSING- ON T1IK Missouri River. NEW BOAT, Rates Low, Camps S7iadjf Jioads Oood, Indemnity Ample. Connects with all Trains. A Groat Oanse of Human Misery iM tllC IL.ON9 Of A Lecture on tlie Itntnro. I'rcrUtnent, and radlcnlcuroor Honilnal Wniiknosi, or Hper mntorrtiooa, Induced by ROlf-nbtiHo . Involuntary Kinlaaloua, Itnpotonoy, Nur ouet r)blllly, nnd Impedimenta to Mnrrlnvn uvnernlly: Consntnp' tlon, Kptlapiy and Fits; Montal add l'liysltiil In. capacity. otc.-Hy Holiert J. ritlvfrtvoll, M. D., author of tie "aroon Hook," etc. Thoworld-ronotvnod author. In this admirable r.ecttire, clearly proven from hla own oxnrlonco, tuna tho nvrful cnnsonii'iico of self-abuse may bu efroctually romovrd without dc ajuroux HiirRlCHl onerittlonn, btiifles, Instrtimont , rliifr', or cup dlnlsi polntlnff out n rnodoofcitro at onco certain, and offcctnal. by which evory suirorcr. no mutter what hit condition may be. may euro hlinsoir prl vntely.cbcupl) nnd radlcnlly. JSfi?" This lecturo will provon. boon to tboueajidn and thouianda. Hont under aoal, In a plain onvclope. to any ad druM, pont.pald, on receipt of nix cents, or two pontni(o atnmps. Wo hnvo nlio a rture onrc for Tupo Worm. Addtess THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO,, 4t Ann Ht., Now VorU, N. Y. l'.O. Ilox, .5SI. lly OiTercd to any iiernoii that tliat 'rill do ns great rangoof work, anil do it ns troll nnd oisily on nny other machino now in the market) ns enn ho dono on tlic DutIh Yortical Feed Solving- 31a oliinoe Arrnnyromcuts fof tho contest will 10 made with auyonodosiriiig to competo for the nhovo reward within n reasonable time nfler written appli cation is roceiYcd. DAVIS SEWKG MACHINE COMP'Y. For Descriptive Circular nnd Catalogue enl to DAVIS S. M. CO., 218 & 2SO State St., Chicago. Pnmnrv.1 lanrclvot nouder. Mica or lnlri i-. U tho RESTanil CIIFSOFST IiihrtriitnrinllTn wnrkL It la iiift hunt becaum It drwitt not mim. but fnrmn n ftlKhly pnllohod ourfhee over the nxio.ro dtlblns friction and 1 1 Briton I nix the draft. Iijb friction and HehtenlnR the draft. the phonpeat becauwj it costs no more l Inferior brnndo.nnd one box will An Xl U3 4Jt than the work of two of arty other Axlo Crenso mndo, Itannwere equally oh well for Hancrters, JIUI Oearlnir, Thrcahlnff Machines. Corn.piaatcru, Carrhures, BiurjrtfR, etc., etc., an for Wagons. It Is GUARANTEED to conttiln no Potroleum. For sale by all urbtchuw dealtTB. tvr Our I'oekft Cycloptdin of TMnji Worth Knovltuj mailed froa MICA MANUFACTURING CO. 31 Michigan Avenue, ChloaBo, Illinois. It is tho rmnlt of 20 yours expcrlcnco anJ experiments in Bewlug- Machines. It comoinee i. Boodjaoinli of allprtttnl eirui fanner noJtee, Mid la not a " one mnu ror " ono idea " macbiuo, b others aro. It nvolilM the derocta ofotuern, and jos Beesoa neir and valuoM. featuroR aud conveuienooa. It is loroe, Unhtunning, noittlen, handtom; eon. een.enf, ifurolle, and eimple. WiirrnilU ll ntul kept In repair free for 5 yciirn. Circulars wiUj fulIdoacrlptlonHcntrreoonreauci itla surely Uto best. A trial will proro tt Inut full to rirolc If.WJfSU'J.JV jJwTTunD BY rLOnENGK Jaa9It?l!'.!5ii,,rVl?0rC900Mu8' WnOWMALBU UV QUO. 1'. UKNT, 81 and 63 Jackson St., CUIcuko. 111. si.eee reward! IMlSSSiil as a aw .'aasi "i Jaaama : li m ii1 a 1 PILES falljr deirnhcd with eciiDliRi xuai tt cere, I'rof. Harrli' llluitrated amrclet lent free on irpllciuo. IIAKUIH ItLUKIIVru., Slajifj ClMwahta, 8ri A Harkl fita fit. Loula, Ma, A f ' 53 3 9; f