I ', , s. ? K 1 1 r iX I g. tr o rut n 20, in nil '(p, or 1). t!v NEBRASKA ADVERTISER THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1881. ttcrkshiro hogs, lilglibttxl for sale iy StuvoiiBon & Cross I4OW Price On fnr'ni implements by Tom ilichards. Cook Stovo for Snlo "Monogram," Xo. 8, apply to Furmim & Palmer. Dr. 'Jelling, Doutisi, Brownvllio Dmco hours, 0 a. m. to G p. m. Not at liomc on Fridays. Our Bon. P. Sanders will call on you in a short time with a bill, if you owo us anything. Ktiystono Corn PlantUr tilo stand ard light running and accurate drop of the country 1 stkvknson m unoss. For Sam) Ciikai--A ITouao and thrco lota in adesirablo location in thia city. For further particulars call at this olllce. IiOOAL PERSONALS, Cook. Stovo For Sale. "Homo Comfort," Xo. 8, Complete1 with reservoir. Call on of address John DAvirSi Mrs. S. "W. Abbott will soil hor bouseliold goods at Public Auction next Saturday afternoon, in thiB city, probably on Main street. YOUNGMEN, McGee & Moore have a nice line of spring clothing. Call and sec it. Wo had not seen a . fresh news paper for ten days, and were much olalcil tho other day in receiving at ono linifj, via Tccumaoh, about a bushel an armful of Republicans from Omaha and Journals from Lincoln, but tho latest of theso wore sevoral days old. Vo wero glad to got them howover, for they contained later n'.'WJ than tho old flics that wo had been rescanning for tlio "very latest" to dish up for our beloved readers. Spring and Sum amcr Clothing. A big stock for men and boys, at Dolen's, and he willsell them cheap. Call and see. Tho now city council was inaug urated at tho regular mooting on Mon day evening last. Tho tio between Gilmoro and Helmer for councilman of the 2d ward was decided by tho judges of election, as the law directs, by lot in favor of Ilolmor. An ordinance regulat ing aaloon licenses fixing licenses at $.-)00, and bond at 31,000 was passed jiccording to tho provisions of tho old law. Jake Kouschkolb, Phil. Frakor, and JeJf Campbell applied for licenses. Tho council will moct again on Tues day evening, 17th inst. T. L. Schick was reappointed city attorney at a salary of .'3200 a year; E. II. Wilcox was appointed policeman at a salary of S15 a month, and Charloy Chantz street commissioner at 82 a day for actual labor performed. Hackney, Kobinson and Neidhart, wore appointed Hnanco committee; Armstroug, Helmer and IUchards street committee. Postmaster Hacker visited Peru Tuesday. Thos. Hutchinsonj of Pent; called on us Tuesday. -- Wilson K. Majors, of Peril, wnn in thd city Monday, L.L.HUlburd, tfdrj.i enmo in from numboldt Sunday and returned Mon day with Mrs. H. -- Abo Williams has sold hid farm near Pont, and Will rcrrtovo to Wash ington Territory soon. Miss Sarah Harmorij who barf been for fiomo time past visiting with friends at St. Joo, arrived at homo Monday on tho litoamcr Dakotah. - W. S. Clufk and W. C. Pavov, of Noniaha City, startod for Piticin, Colo rado, on tho 1st insti They Wdrit by rail from Nebraska City. wo aro plcasod to anndunco that Miss Fannie Arnold is now preparing muaic for a coneei't which will bo given in three or fotit weeks. Vo may look for a rich treat in ft short time. Hon. J. it Broady, of BroWnvH'o, is in tho c:ty seeking what niofrfols of justice ho can extract from thd judicial dci'sionsor juugo woavor assistou oy twelve KOdd nnd truo ihaci.-Jicalrlce Courier. 'Richard Keatci'son will stnft to Washington Torritory in a fow days. Mr. K. has been for years ono of our rnojb substantial and prosperous farm ers, and wo roret his leaving our coun ty. Mr. S. A. nuntington, a popular blacksmith of Nemaha City, called Sat urday and subscribed for our paper. Ho has just had painted an attractive sign for IiIb shop. Call and seo him when in Nemaha. Dr. and Mrs. II. F. McCoy, of Falls City, returned homo Wednesday after noon, accompanied by Dr. E. D. Arnold, who will tako the train at that placo for Colorado, and will probably bo accom panied hy Dr. McCoy. Their destina tion ia Silver Cliff, Col. Dr. E. D. Arnold, while sailing on tho rive Tuesday afternoon, received a severe du'jking by his skiff turning over and throwing him into tho water. He, however, caught tho ski.T, turned it right sido up, climbed in and rowed to shore, without assistance M. L. Emery, blacksmith of How ard, came in Saturday to bn troatod for a wound recoivod tho day boforo by a picca of steel flying from a hammer in tho hands of an assistant, which buried itself iu Ida back, making an ugly and painful gash. Dr. Holladay probed for the missile, but failed to find it. Tho wound is not dangerous, wo under stand. Mis3 Fannio Arnold very gener ously offered to get up an impromptu concert forthe benefit of those unfor tunates who wero driven from thoir homes by tho lato high waters, and sought refuge in our city, but the re lief committee, while tendering thanks to Miss Arnold for her benevolent offer, deemed it unnecessary, from tho 'fact that tho generous subscriptions of tho peoplo were sufficient. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF AJS USTXAJLj THE MODEL and LEADING HOUSE J. I. McGEE, Is now receiving one of those Mammoth Stocks for the Spring trade, consisting of er Silks, very clieap ; Large line and Gents' Hats, To enumerate the vast variety would renuire more snnon thnn this paper admits, and nothing short of a personal examination wm give tue trade a true idea that the ueensware Pff lului Tr IB H B your Busin Gobi All goods sold strictly on their merits. Those who. have heen suffering Irom high prices will find relief by calling on J. L, McGee. I Thankful to a generous public for past favors, I solicit by contin- ued square dealing your patronage in the future. Very Respectfully Yours, J. L. McGEE. w DUPAKTMBKT OK AaUICULTUKE, Washington, D. C, April 24th. ( 11. V. Furnas, llrnwnvllle, Neb: . Silt: At the request of iron. Alvin Saunders, wo send you a package of Sorghum seed. Tho object of this dis tribution is tho promotion of tho inter ests of agriculture by introducing into tho various sections of tho country such now and valuable product3aamay be adapted to tho soil and climate of each. To effect this, it is necessary that the seed should bo in appreciative hands, and that a faithful report of tho results oi trial Bhouul 00 made, em bracing tho method of culture and the nature and causes of successor failuio. as tho case may bo. Such a report will Ihj expected of you in regard to the seed now sent you, and it is also ex pected, if tho crop proves of value, that vou prcsurvo a portion of tho seed obtained therefrom for distribution nmonir vour neighbors, so that tho may bo moro widely disseminated. Very Respectfully, Wm. O. Lisnuo, Coin'r. Tho scod aboYQ referred to can be had in small quantities by each per son who will comply with tho wishes of tho commissioner of agriculturo by calling at tho First National Bank, Urownvillo, sTob, Hour, W. Puiwas. Key Stone Corn Planters, Corn Shel lers,Harrows,Seeders, Wheelbarrows, Bain spring and farm Wag ons, in seven different sizes and styles, also clocks, stoves, furni-ture,groceries,queens-ware and Coffins, and having the services of a practiced cabinet maker and a first-class tinner, we can repair furniture and tinware promptly and cheap. Stevenson & Cuoss. "Bread is tho staff of life," and Komowood & Shiifor's dour is what ladies gonerally uso now when thoy want a good article of tho "staff." Can bo had at tho stores and groceries at BrowuYillo and Xoroaha City. 27tf PLOW BOY'S, McGee & Moore have the boss plow shoe. Call and see it. GRAIN ! Highest market prico paid by D. E, Douclas fc Co. A Literary Eovolutlon Ohallongo, Tlio old-line publishers have, very natur ally, not been woli pleased wltti tho now famous etorprlsc, "Tlio Literary Revolu tion;" and In depreciation of ltu oharactcr havo lnld special stress upon tlio claim that In cheapening books ho vastly It la against tho Interests of American uutnnrs. Tho Revolution boldly, meets this assertion by statements as follows : 1st, That they uro already paying to American authors more money than any other publishing house that Is loss than twenty-five years establish ed. 2d. That Amorlcun authors rarely re ceive from publishers a copyright exooedlng 10 per cent upon tho retail prlco of their books actually sold. 3d. That at least ono half, nud'probably moro nearly three-fourths of the books published by American au thor's expense, tho publishers furnishing no money, and paying no copy-right, but themselves reoclvliiK a Iarn.o percentage up on sales mado. -1th. That thoy propose hcrenfter to pay to American authors for aoceptablo inonusorlpsa copyright or 15 per cent, Instoad of lOpercont, and they claim that their low prices, and linmotiso sales resulting therefrom, aro far moro In tho In torest ol authors than much larger copyright on tho commonly limited number of sales "Ono thousand boohs, profit $1.00 each 81,000. Ono million books, prollt ouo oonl euch-810,000." As nn xamplo of nn American copy right book, they tssuo, In an oxcccdlnijly handsome form, tho famous pootlcnl, histor ical, nnd satirical American classic, "M'Flngal, nn Kpiol'oem," by John Trum bull, with very full annotations by tho colohrated hlstorltm Ilenson J. Losslng, LL. I). This poem Is almost as inuoti a part American history as tho battlo of Iluuknr IIIU Itself, and Dr. LosHlug hai greutly In orvased both Its Interest and Its Intrluslo value by his historical commonts and (Illus trations, This book was published a few years ugo by ono of tho old publishing houses at tho prlco of 82,00 por copy, and had only a very limited alo. Tho publish ers olalm that tho reception of their now edition guarantees a Bute of at least 0,000, or oven moro probably 10C.OOO copies; and Losslng will, of course, reap a handsomo rowam, oven irom mo smaii royalty upon tho low prlco, American Hook Exchange, Publishers; Now Yorlc City, Tho mombors of IJrowuvillo Templo of Honor, ono and all, aro ro uuestod to bo at tho Hall noxt Monday ovoning. Tho election of olllc3rsand other important matters aro to bo at tended toon that ovoning. - We understand that tho western' part of thia county was visited by a so very wind and hall storm la3t Saturday night, but aro unablo to leam what damage was dono, If any, beyond tho uuroof ing of a fow buildings. y LADIES, McGee 8r Moore have a nice line of spring wraps. Mr. Tanner, tho artist, during tho high waters recently, took somo flno viows of tho inundated country. Tlioso desiring any of thoso pictures can bo supplied by leaving order at tho photo graph rooms. Thoy will bo valued in tho years to como in refreshing tho memory of tho groat Hoods of 1881. Boots and Shoes, men women and chil dren's, atDolen's. If you want any kind of job work dono, plain or fancy, blanks, bill heads or letter heads, horso bills, visit ing cards, wodding cards, etc. W'u havo ono of tho best job oiUcea in t)- rcofc, mitt niu iiw jruur wonc )i'0iii2cif and cheap. Wbon yon fool weary and llstloss, nro do bllltated, your appotlto Is Irregular, try tho Jig Illooil and Livor Medicine, lit. Marshall's Q fl fl usnels Pea6h qj U U Blow Potatoes for sale by McGee & Moore. Tho rod, white, nnd bluo Moats for nil. and Dr. Marshall's Lung By nip is mado for all. It euros coughs, ooldu und lnlluonr.a. Auk your druggist for It. Miffls I StnTfis I WtU I U' I MLU I UM I For a good Cooking Stovo with tho most and best trimmings call on "Wil ling llros. & Jordon. A full line of Grocer ies cheaper than the cheapest at Dolen's. "Wo aro requested to announce that Hon. J. U. Pinch will lecturo in tho opera house on next Sunday ovon ing. Lecture free. It is unnecessary to urge tho peoplo to attend. Thoy will bo thcro en masse. Wo learn, further that it is arranged for a gath ering of temperance peoplo in tho Templars' hall on Saturday evening. Removed. Jonas Crane, M. D., has roinovod IiIb oflico to tho building noxt door (oast) to Uauor's harness shop. Ho has just received a fresh stock of drugs, and will fill prescriptions at all hours, day or night. The Greatest Illuming. A simple, puro, harmless remedy, thnt cures every time, nnd prevents disease by kcoplng tho blood puro, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, Is tho greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop lllttorH Is that remedy, ami Its proprietors aro being blessed by thousands who havo boon saved and cured by It, Will you try ltY Seoanothoroolumn. Given up by Doctoru- "Is Itposslhlo thnt Mr. (Jodfroy Is up nnd ut work, und cured by so nlmplo a remedy?" "1 assuro you His truo that ho Is ontlroly cured, and with nothing hut Hop HlttorH and only ton days ago his doctors avo him up and said ho must die!" "Well-a-dayl That Is remnrkublol I will go this day and got somo for my poor Oeorgo I know hops nre good." It Is unploa-iant to bo continually hack, lug and coughing. Ono bottlo of Dr. .Mar sliitlw I.ung Syrup will cure you. l'rlco twen tyllyo und llfty conta a bottlo. Druggists sell It, Call at Dolen's first class Dress Goods and Trimming Establish ment, where you can see the finest line of Trimmings in the city For constipation, costlvoncsi nnd In dlgostlon, tako Dr. Marshall's Dromollno. lllg bottles. Prico llfty coats, Druggists will get it for you. J WfflF H lllil, Willing Jiros. & Jo. dan havo a large stock of tho best barb wire. Call and seo us. A Losing. Tolio. A prominent Physician of I'lttuburg said Jokingly to a lady patlont who was com- plaining of her oontlnued 111 health nnd of his Inability to ouro her, "try Hop Hitters!" Tho lady took It In earnest nnd used tho lUtters, from wuloh hlio obtained pormnn out health. Hho now laughs at tho dootor for his Joke, but ho ls not ho well pleased with it, us It cost hirn n good patlont. THIfl IHlOWNVIkblS MAUKKT8. . nowNvrr.i.K, May , 18SI. Kollowlng aro tim (inotatiom yesterday noon, tho tlmo of going to press. LI VK tlTOCK. COBIIISCTKII II Y II. M. IIAM.l'.V, HTO01C lir.M.Kn irKH 81 m 75 Btoors, falrtooholco g ooif I 00 Cows, fat 2 oo'j 50 O RAIN MARKET. COKKKCTKI) 11V II. E. DOUGLAS, QUA IK s'LiVUlWt Wiieai ."so. -t . .. .M.,.. csflp Wheat No. 3 IMMIHtHIIHmMIIHm 4d llnrloy ,. rr,& Corn In the ear. " Hhellod......M.M (j 70 CO 22 21 Call at this oillco for all kinds job work, at reasonable rates. of STOPTI8.iT CO U A IE. iy going to tho roliablo and woli known Drug stand of J. J. Homier, at Nemaha City, and buying a Si bottlo of Oreen Mountain Cough Balsam. If, aftor using two-thirds, you got no relief, return tho balanco and get our money back. Soy advwtiBwuent in this paper.