Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 05, 1881, Image 2

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. w. imikhkotjikuaiCo.,
rtllilr nnJ rnyrin.
Who fcts the fashl n. I'l Ilk to know,
For thu llttli' people iH'iH'iith tho fii iw?
Ami mo troy wnrKliui u weitiy whllo.
To ilriHH tliuinnulvcrt In tho luteal Btyfo?
f Ihto'h Mrs. Prlinwimi. who 9C1 to bo
Tho cry plrtnroof modonty.
I'IhIii wore herdim-os, Inn nowHhoROoi
With crlniiH unit trlntfl unit rurbeloWB.
And oven MIm Jluttoroup puts on nlrs
llooiuno tho oo or In vokuo Mho woumj
AihIiih for Dinilollon, dour mo I
A vuinerureuturoyou no'er will oe.
When Mph. Popov ttmt rlrniitlful lllrt
WiixyouiiKor, nho woro tint one pliiln nklrt;
Hut now I not Ico, wllh ireiit nirprlio,
Hho'H novoriil patterns of largost sl.o.
Tho PuihsliifllstorH thino lovely hello!
lmiiovt tholr Mylos us tin- modoooin ol:
Ami, thoiiKli overytKidy In loud In tholr prulso,
Tlioy no'or dopari from tholr modem ways.
And tho Pnniy family mutt hnvo found
Queen Illlnticth H wnidrohi undo .ground,
For In velvet null uutliii of every Hhnilo
Throughout tho Houston they're all nrruyotl.
I'lnka ntid Diililos und nil tho tlowora
ChiniKO thi'lr fashions iih wo ohuniio ours;
And thou' who knew them In olden diiyn
Are uiyMlllod by their uiodorn wuyH.
Who nets th(j fashions, I'll llko to know,
For the llltl" people beneath thu hiiow
And urn thoy busy n wonry wliilo
IiuhsIiik thoiimolvos In the Intent ntylo?
JoMCjAiifie i'olUwl, tnl'. 1. Independent.
In tho pood old days of tho oily of
Wilmington, koiiio aovonty or eighty
years ago, there livotl ti couple in that
ijuaint little Quaker town by tho numo
of Vortz. bottor known as Dutch Dolly
und her husband.
Dutch Dolly had a truck patch
whorgiii alio raised vogotublos peas,
radishes, potatoes und nouns supply
inir thu bottor part of tho town with
Hiioh produce, i lor husband wan a tai
lor, and is described in tlio chronicles of
tho town as sitt'ng eross-logged ou his
bench oppos to tho window thai looked
out on tlio stony Htroot.
Dutch Dolly was a woman of much
importance bf demeanor, and is de
scribed as being tho admiration of tlio
rising generation when, on a fu'r-day
or holiday, slio appoarod in 'a black
velvet hood, a bodice of the same, a
pottiuoat of Hiiperior blue cloth, tlio
whole dress trimmed with gold-luco and
two iowh of gold-fringe on tho skirt."
Hut Tailor Vert, was as puny and in
significant us, his helpmate was largo
and imposing. Dutch Dolly uttoudud
to her husband's business, collected his
bills for him, and took such good care
of his, money that tlio poor little fellow
was driven to many an odd shift to got
n stray cent or lip to buy him a pinoh of
rappee or a small glass of strong waters
to comfort his inner num. One of h s
means for gaining small tfontrJJulIoiis
was by tolling fortunes, which ho did
by tho aid of astrology, knowing a
5 rout many slurs, from Aldobaran
ownwavd. For thoso who consulted
him, chiolly, serving-maids and very
young girls, ho drow mysterious signs
of tho heavens, in which" the sun, moon,
and slurs woro reprcsontcd in miracu
lous conjunction. But witii all his
faults; with all his cloudy roputation
among tho good folk, Tailor Vert, was
a morry, ohippor little follow, and,
though not entirely trustworthy, hud
us blithe a heart as any in Wilmington.
Ho was a groat favorito with tho boys;
lie could "whistle as sweot as a robin,
ho could ping
numberless ballads und
songs in nts
queer piping voice; and
hud a knack of whittling little trinkets
out of wood, which he sold, thus turn
ing an odd penny from his young
There woro two boy friends especial
ly, Nod Springer und Billy Siiallcross
by numo, who woro fond of loitering ut
odd times in tho dusty, musty little
shop. Thoy looked upon Use tailor as
one of tho wisest of men, and would
listen by the hour to his stories of won
derful adventures, of porils he hud
osoapod, of magic books lie had read,
und of the wondors of his black-art, bo
Moving everything with tlio utmost
sincerity; for boys woro much more
credulous then thun thoy are nowadays.
Tlio little tailor delighted especially to
talk of his mysterious art, and often be
wailed himself that he hud never been
nolo to find a branch of witch willow,
which hail such properties that ho
could with it toll whorovor secret treas
ure lay buried. He generally spoke of
this witch-willow in connection with
old Jan Judson's house.
Jan Judson was an old Swodo of a
generation preceding that of which we
are speaking. So fur as trustworthy
narratives tell of him ho appears to
have been only un eocentrio, miserly
old bachelor. A vory heavy thunder
storm which passed over the region in
which Jan lived struck his house with
lightning, and it was burned to tho
ground, "all that was left being a tall
stone chimney and a pile of stones.
Whothor it was tho effect of tho elec
tricity, or meroly tho shook of losmg
his property Unit ulVcoted tho owner,
certain it is that the old Swede, though
resorod from tlio names, died u day or
two utter tho ncoldont. Of course the
occurrence gave rise to many woird
stories connected with old Jan Judson.
It was said that One had appeurod to
him in lire and Hume to carry him oil"
bodily, and all agreed that ho hud loft
j;rout wealth behind. Troasurodiuntors
bad dug in tho collar, nnd had turned
ovor tho stonos, but had 'found noth
ing; or, if thoy had, hud said nothing
about it.
Ono bright afternoon tho two boys,
ontorod tho shop of Tailor Vortz, whom
thoy found sitting cross-logged on his
boncli, with ono linger touching his fore
head, uppurontly sunk in doop moaita-
tion -a position which ho had assumed
when ho heard tho bovs approaching.
He held up his hand to them to enjoin
silence, and thoy stood looking at him,
a littlo awo-struckand vory much wond
ering. At Inst he rotiHcd'himself, und,
looking cautiously, beckoned them to
draw near.
'I haf foundt it," said ho, in a mys
terious tone.
"Found what?"
"Hush! do vitch-villow."
"Tho witch-willowP"
"Yes, do vitch-villow. i huf foundt
it town in do mursh. Look!" And ho
drew forth a slondor osier twig that he
had cut and pooled tho day before.
"Then you'll bo rich, won't you?"
said Nod Springer, excitedly. "All
you1 ve got to do is to walk around und
tn liklil t t-ll!ltll1tft '!
IAS llllil Kiu.M.i.iix
Tailor Vortz shook his head sudly.
"1 haf foundt crcat tings, but I lack
von tings."
" What's thatP"
"Money. If I hud von quarter of a
tollur, I vus all right. I must coot a
lootlo holo into do vitch-villow, und
molt somo silfor und hour into it, und
den it is magics.
"Why don't you got. somebody to
land you a quarter?" said Billy.
" Dut's vot I vants to do," said Tailor
Vortz. "Now I tolls you vot I do.
To-morrow's 1'lack Imp's Night"
"Black Imp's Night! what's that?"
interrupted Nod.
"Shttst vait, und I tolls you. To
morrow's Pluck Imp's Night, do fory
night do vltch-villow's able to limit do
moneys. Now 1 am fondt of you pos;
you lend me a otiurtor of a tollur to
molt and run in do holo I coots in do
vitch villow, nml I glf8 you do first lot
of moneys vot vo limit."
" But sunposo you don't find any?"
said Nod, dubiously.
"Of course 1 llndt somo," said Tailor
Vert?., indignantly. "Didn't I tells
you 1 foundt a pranch of vitch-villow?"
Then, in u reproachful man
ner: "I didn't tinks you vouldn't bo-
liovo mo -mo, as alvayH tell you do
trut'. Nefor mind. 1 coos to some
body olso and gets u quarter of a tollur;
somopodios as tinks I'm honest."
" Of courso wo think you'ro honest,"
spoko up Uilly. " If I had a quarter of
a dollar I'd lend it to you. I've only
got a levy. How much huvo you got,
foipu J b
"Only a Up. Maybe I can got another
from Aunt Catherine, though."
" Very veils," said the littlo man,
climbing raUioi' hastily back on the
bench, for ho thought he heard his wife
coming " very veils; put pring do
quarter to-night, filso 1 got it from some-
The boys woro all excitement oud in
terest. Thoy laid out so many plans
for tho spending pf their wealth --when
thoy should get it and built so many
castles in the air, that they wound them
selves up to a thorough pitch of enthu
siasm. That night thoy brought tlio
tailor tho quarter of n dollar. Ho pock
eted tho money, mado nn appointment
with them for tho next night to go
troasuro-hunting.'and, after thov woro
gone, melted some lead and poured it
into a holo in the willow wand for tho
sake of appearances.
The next night tho threo mot at a
paling fence jil tho foot of Stalcop's
lot; the tailor brought his magic wand,
Billy Siiallcross u lantern, und Nod
Springer a crowbar for turning ovor tho
As tho thrco Walked along, Tailor
Vert, boguilod the way with stories of
tlio departed Swede, and how his ghost
haunted tho ruins how it was apt to
appear to trcasuro-hunters, laying its
grizzly hand upon them at the vory mo-
nxmt. n( llniliiifr rim Rrnurlit.fni- Irnnanrn.
until the hearts of his listeners quakod
with droad. Probably they would
willingly havo sacrificed their hones of
treasure and turned buck, but licit her of
them liked to propose such a measure.
Tho lantern cast a ghostly Hitting light
on tho fenco posts and trees as thoy
walked aloiiir, and so drew near tho
rtiinod house, tho chimney of which
stood black against tho sky.
"Now doro is von tings to ro
moniber,1" said Tailor Vortz, as thoy
stood on tho shapeless pile of stones
that marked tho ruin, lie spoko im
pressively. "Now doro is von tings to
remember. From do moment do stick
pogins to i)' hit, you niusn't speak von
vord, for shoost as soon us you do poof !
do magics nil goes out of do stick, do
silfor turns into loud, and do treasure
all melt like ico ou a hot stove. If you
sco a ghost, don mind, shoost don't pay
no notice to him, but go on vorkings,
and say nodings. Are you ready?" "
"suppose you tuko tlio crowbar, and
I'll hold tho lantern," said Billy.
"No, I'vo carried it all tho way, and
I'm tired," said Ned.
Thoy both thought there was less
daugor from tho ghost to tho ono that
hold the lantern than to tho ono that
lad a hand on his buried troiuuro.
However, it was llnully determined that
Nod should begin, and work until ho
was tiroil, and thou Billy should tako a
turn. Tho tailor stopped forward,
holding the wand bv tlio middle bo
tween his linger and thumb. In this
way the slightest movement of tho fin
gers would direct it. Tho boys wutchod
him with tho most intenso interest. Tlio
willow wand moved slowly this way
and that, and finally ponteil toward u
grout beam that reached across the
ehiiimoy just ovor tho lire-p aeo, thlts
indicating it as tho plaeo whore a treas
ure must bo. Tho boys approached
cautiously, Billy holding tho lantern,
und Nod firmly grasping I ho crowbar,
bolh wrought up to a high pitoh of
nervous excitemont. while the tailor
stood a little bank from thorn. It was u
hopoless-looking pioco of work for two
boys 'to removo such a boam, so im
bedded in the stone and mortar, and
probably that was why the tailor hail
selected it. Ned struck tho crowbar
botweon tho stonos, just under tlio
beam, but it was a quarter of an hour'o
job to loosen tho lirst stone, which was
very largo; but finally it catno, and
then another. Then Ned, whoso faco
was bended with perspiration, handed
tho crowbar to Billy. By this time they
were beginning to regain thoir courage.
Billy examined the chimnoy carefully,
and seeing a stono loosor than the rest,
just over tho beam, determined to begin
the uttuok in that quarter; so he stuck
tho crowbar between that stono and tho
next, and began to prizo. In the mean
time, Tailor Vcrtz had grown tired, and
determined to hasten matters; accord
ingly, just as tho stone was loosening,
ho gave an unearthly groan. m
"What's that?" cried Billy, and let
goof tho crowbar. It foil clanking on
the stones, und with il foil the stone ho loosening. The groan, and tho
noiso of the fulling of the crowbar
and tho stone, frightened Ned so that
ho dropped tlio lantern; and tho boys,
leaping over the pilo of stones, fled up
the road like frightened deer, closely
followed by the tailor, who was scarce
ly less frightened than thoy wore. At
length thoy stopped, and stood, pant
ing, about a hundred yards up tlio road.
"Aohl mein llinimol!" cried Tailor
Vortz, stamping hit foot, "what you
speak for? You have shpoilt all do
magic of do vitch-villow. Vy did you
not hold your tonguo'J"
"Did you hear that groun?" said
Billy, in an awful voice.
"It must have boon the ghost," said
inch. -Liion, in a vory loud voice, "I
don't want tho money, anyhow," arid
"But you dropped father's lantern
back thoro."
"Well, you dropped my father's crow
bar. It was you that scared mo,
dropping it, so you ought to go back
for it."
Finally thoy concluded that all three
should go, for company's sake.
Thoy approached tho spot very cau
tiously, the tailor, who had no further
reason for frightening thorn, encourag
ing them to proceed, bill himself keep
ing a little back, as ho wns secretly
much afraid of ghosts. Luckily for
their fears, the candle in the lantern had
not gone out, but had burned us it fell,
guttering tho tallow, and running it
over tlio glass of tho lantern. Billy
picked it up, and the light Hashed out
more brightly. Ned also picked up his
crowbar, and thoy turned to leavo,
when Billy cast a glance at tho hole
whence tho stono ho had been working
at had fallen.
"Stop," ho cried, suddonly; "what's
"What's what?" said Nod.
"Tlioro's something in thoro."
" Dcrc? where?" said tho tailor,
pressing forward.
They all three looked in the hole;
thou Billy thrust in his hand, and drew
out a small wooden box. It was crumb
ling with dry-frnt, und without much ef
fort lio broku ofl'tho lid with his lingers.
The bovs cotlld scarcely boliovo their
oyos. Nod sprang from the ground and
gave a shout. Tho box was full of mon
ey. Thoy were chiolly copper coins
and smafl silver pieces; still, it was a
treasure to the bo, s.
All this time Tailor Vcrtz had been
standing with staring oyes and open
mouth. Ho was amazed, thunder
struck, dumbfounded, that ho, who had
been deceiving tlio boys with juggling
tricks, should have actually showed
tiietn a real treasure All of a sudden
it ciirau ovor him with a rush that ' he
had deliberately led the boys to this
spot, and placed their vory hands, as it
were, upon all this money. Ho folt as
though it had been takon from his own
pocket, and burst out in a sudden tor
rent of words, scolding and stamping
his foot in such a way that tho boys
stood amazed.
" What's tho matter?" thoy cried.
"Vat's do matter?" shouted the
tailor, boating his breast -"vat's de
muttor? Oh, Vortz! you fool! you
fool! Oh, if id only known it vus
doro! if I'd only kno'wn it vas doro!
To go ompty it out of my pockets into
yours! Bah! I might er had it all my
solf." " But didn't yon know it was thoro?
Didn't thu witch-willow toll you so?"
said Billv.
"Vitch-villow! Oh, you yank! vat's
is vitch-villow but to fool such tunces as
"Then you wore only fooling us,
woro you?" said Bill'.
The tailor began to cool down some
what at that, and entered on a long ex
planation, in which ho got vory much
involved. "
"All very well." said Billy; "but toll
us now, up and down, fair and square,
did you know anything about tho mon
ey boiug there?"
' The little tailor looked at him doubt
fully for a while.
"Veil," said he, hesitatingly, "no-o,
I didn't, and dat's de trut'."
Both boys burst into a laugh
Well," .said Billy, "share and sharo
alike anyhow; that's fair."
HowoVor, thoy deducted the quarter
dollar from Tailor Vert z's sharo. Billy's
sharo was six dollars and twonty-threo
cents, Ned's six dollars and twenty-two
cents, and Tailor Vortz's live dollars
and ninotv-soven cents, with which ho
expressed himsolf perfectly satisfied.
Forever after this advonturo Dutch
Dolly's husband was nioro careful about
tolling tho boys of the piystories of h
art; and whorl ho would got on tho sub
ject, Billy was apt to slyly remind him
of tho magic wand. Howard lxylc. in
Harper's youny People.
f i i
A correspondent of Uio Now Yor.k
Tribune says that for colio in horses ho
has used for years, and never known it.
to fail, tho following preparation: Ono
tablcspoonful black popper in one pint
of milk, and drench; it will atl'ord im
mediate relief.
Uood Manners.
Good manners. That is a homely,
old-fashioned term. Wo rarely ovor
hoar it now. Young pcoplo are taught
stylo, address, how to bow elegantly
and enter a drawing-room gracefully,
often to tho neglect of their manners.
From infancy thoy arc allowed to bo
on such familiar terms with their pa
rents and superiors generally that thoy
grow up with a sad Jack of roverence.
Tho distinctions of years, wisdom und
position are not percolvcd by them,
and they will carelessly or rudely ac
cost a famous judge or a learned pro
fessor, as if ho woro a playmato. The
veneration for uo, so prevalent in
some eastern nations and frequently
inculcated in tho Bible, Is, in this ago
and country, almost unknown.
At meals, you will ofon find that tho
children nro helped first; thon the
older members of the family, and nt
length the nged father or mother, who
has waited nil this timo in a silent
meokucss and submission pitiful to be
hold. Thus these little onos mo taught
that thoy aro of the greatest impor
tance. Thoy become impatient and
clamorous. Selfishness, irrcvorenno,
bohlness and a disregard for the
opinions, feelings and rights of others
aro cultivated.
If you call upon a friend, her l'utlo
boy or girl will perhaps rush into the
parlor and, heedless of your presence,
interrupt the conversation with a child
ish query or complaint, while tho moth
er turns from you to satisTy or consolo
hor darling, oven though she break8 oil
your sontence in the midst. 1 havo
seen a girl of fourteon go before an
elderly lady into a street car. and take
tho only vacant seat. I havo been
mortified to see boys and girls possess
themselves of every easy chair in a
room, leaving their elders'to occupy the
tuui'u hard and unpleasant ones. Thoy
were not so much tn bo blamed for this
as p tied. Their parents had neglected
to train them to feelings und habits of
reverence and respect.
Not long since 1 saw a party oi lour
seated in a street car. Thoy were an
eldorly lady, two young ladies and a
young gentleman. It was evidently a
mother, son, daughter and her fomalo
friend. When thoy left tho car tho
young man assisted his sister and her
iriond to alight and walked away with
thom, chatting and laughing, wliilo tho
mothor was allowed to got herself
out und hobble along behind as best sho
If instances like theso woro rare I
would not mention them; but thoy oc
cur frequently and m small towns as
well us largo ones. It, is probably a
I'csult of tho reaction that luis taken
place from the strict discipline and
severity of tho past. A sad and bitter
memory of tho privations and punish
ments with which thoir own early days
were darkened induces many parents of
to-day to indulge thoir children to an
oxtromo nnd doreo; put
upon thum no restraint not absolutely
I have seen a mothor, who in child
hood was forbidden sugar in any form,
place the sugar-bowl before her littlo
ono of three years, saying: "Thero,i
darling, cat all that you want." ' An
other, whoso littlo plate was supplied
with food utterly unpalatable to her,
and which, in obedienco to tlio com-;
niund of a storn father, she was coni-'
polled to swallow, though she ran out
and ejected it immediately after, al
ways consulted her children, even in
infancy, respecting their diet. "What
would you like to eat, my dear? Will
you have scalloped o).sters, or a pioco
of cako or mince pie?" The poor littlo
tiling, of course, could not decide judi
ciously, and, instead of being fed and
strengthened with plain, simple food
like oat-meal, milk, beef and fruit, its
appetite was porvortod and digostion
impaired 03' improper delicacies. This
is only one way in which a lack of judi
cious training and restraint is illustrat
ed. Tho boys and girls of lifty years
ago used, at least in the littlo towns
and villages of Now England, to bow
and curtsy to every ono they met in
tho street. Now thoy not seldom pass
their elders with a bold stare and loud,
" Hallo! old boy!"
We aro sometimes lold to bo patient;
that as thoy grow older they willgradi:
ally lay asulo their rude anil disrespect
ful ways. Probably; or at least they
will acquire more or less of tact and dis
cernment to perceive that polite man
ners and kind attentions to all are more
politic. But these will bo so superficial
as to bo easily pouetratod by an acute
observer. Gentleness, kindness, a
thoughtful consideration for others and
respect and reverence for superiors,
should bo cultivated in the child, elso
wo may look in vain for thoir presence
in the adult, except as thoy aro assum
ed for ofl'ect to gain somo specific or
sollisfi end. somo of tho timo now
spent in our schools would bo mora
profitably employed in training pupils,
not only in industrial acts, but in good
morals and good maimers. ?. A.
Kingsburiy in the Wonum's Journal.
It is pretty generally known, says
the Loudon Cuckoo, that when Mr. Gil
bert, tho dramatist, and Mr. Burnand,
editor of hinch, meet in tho same so
cial sphoro, thoro is apt to bo not a littlo
exacerbation of feeling. The other
night, at a dinner-table, notwithstand
ing their having been placed as far as
possible apart, on Mr. Gilbert making
somo remark which created a laugh"
Mr. , Burnand looked up and said:
"What was that, Gilbert? One of
thoso! good things, I suppose which
you send to tunoh, but which never ap
pear." To which Mr. Gilbert made tho
retort: "Well, 1 don' t know wio sends
tho good things,' but there is ono
thing certain thoy don't appear."
-Poor Car Brakes Railroad smash-
Admiral Johnson, of tho Kngsh
navy, has not Been the ocoan or a ship
of war for the last forty yours.
Anna Dickinson's s.ster Susan is
going to deliver a ootirsd of parlor lec
tures in Philadelphia on English litera
ture. Planquotto. tho composer of "Tho
Chimes of Normandy" ("Los Cloches
de Cornovillo") is writing a new work
entitled "Rip Van Winklo.' founded
on tlio American logond.
When "Pickwick" was Urst pub
lished in numbers it was for n time a
failure. Of 1,600 copies of each of the
first fivo parts sent to various parts of
Great Britain, thoro was an average
sale of fifty copies a part. It was only
aftor tho introduction of Sam Wcller
that tho work became popular.
Thoro is a story current that tho
late Mr. Carlylo was a terrible domestic
tvrant. At breakfast timo ho would
como down grumbling, and, glancing at
the well-spread board, doclaro the food
to bo unlit for a dog. Mrs. Carlylo
thereupon would order tho girl to tako
tho despised viands baok to tlio kitchen.
Presently, when tho philosopher was
beginning to grow desperately hungry,
his spouse would order the same dishes
to bo brought buck, which her husband A
immediately proceed od to devour with
infinite relish and without any more ado.
A young Italian painter, Siguor
Carlo, who has just arrived in Paris,
has been astonishing a solcct circle of
spectators with somo wonderful per
formances in tho way of rapid execution.
A member of tho "company chooses a
Biibject, and, without a moment's relleo
tion, tho painter proceeds to depict it
on a largo canvas, six feet by thrcc. In
four or live minutes the picture is linih
ed and replete with details. Of course,
being produced ut siu h a rate, the work
loaves much to bo desired; but, as an
instanco of lightning speed, combined
with a harmonious ensemble, it is sim-
piy murvuious.
George Eliot was the most careful
and accurate of. authors. In an article
in IJlackwootf, where hor first roputation
was made, and with whoso editor she
had the most cordial personal associa
tions, it is mentioned that "her beauti
fully written manuscript, free from blur
or erasure, and with every letter deli
calory and, distinctly finished, was only
tho outward and visible sign ol tho in
ward labor whioh she had taken to
work out her ideas. Sho had rarely
much to corroct in her proof-sheets.
Her grasp of business was not loss strik
ing than her literary power; and her
shrcwdnoss and foresight wore suoh as
aro seldom met with."
Somo men aro always trying to
begin at tho top, unmindful of tho fact
that it is all folly to shingle tho hous
until aftor the collar has been dug.
JSflltO JflllMlll JtHtfiMl -- -
lletsy and I nro out, v
('Twns tho Doiiuon npoko
As tho old HKiro Hhlod.
And tho an.xlo broke.)
lletsy und 1 are out. Itcotecd I'omt.
"A scientist named Mivart will
soon issue a work on the cat," says the
New Haven Ucqister. We've done that
already. It was a heavy copy of
Shakespeare's plays, and we issued it
from a third-story window, and it took
her right botweon tho shoulders, and
wo hope it broko her blamed back.
Boston I'otf.
A Hartford man sent a pair of
trousers to his tailor to be repaired.
Tho tailor found' S.OO in a roll in his
pocket and returned it, receiving tlio
thanks of the owner therefor. When
we send a pair of trousers to our tailor
to be reconstructed, and ho finds 1100
in tho pocket and returns it, wo always
toll him to keep 'tho trousers for liis
honcs'ty, which is the best policy. Nor
risloion Herald.
A lino-haired young lady of Wheel
ing wont away from homo some time
ago on a visit to a friend. Sho was a
finicky sort of a girl and was very
proper, indeed. At dinner on tho day
of her arrival sho ate vory littlo. "Why,
Jane," isaid her friend, "you don't out
anything. Tako something else, please
do!" "Oh, no," sho simpered, "thank
you; I never eat big mouses away from
homo." There was asilouoo during the
rest of tho meal. Stcubcnvilte Iltrald.
"Ma," said a Cass Avenue urchin
with dirt covered knuckles and u pocket
fuU of marbles, "is it wicked to pluy
marbles for keeps?" "Yes, my son, anil
you must never do it." "Is it wicked
when you loose all tho timo?" "Yes,
just the same." "Is it wicked if you
win all the timo and pluy with a boy
who says his mother saja if she
had your foot she'd novor goout except
after dark?" "I- I -go and wash your
nanus ami get reauy lor supper!" was
the sharp reply, and tho lad continued
to play lor keeps. Detroit Free J'rcsx.
Old Siiws Re-Sot.
A greody man God hates. A great
mark is soonest hit. A hasty man
never wants woo. A honey tongue, a
heart of gall. A hungrv man is an
angry man. A groat ship must havo
deep water. A great reputation is a
great charge. A guilty man needs no
accuser. A happy heart makes a happy
visage. A handful of trade is
a handful of gold. A jost drivon
too far brings homo hate. A
handsome man and a fool may
wear tho sumo cap. A great man's
foolish sayings pass for wise ouos. A
hand-saw js a good thing, but not to
shavo with. A joko never gains an
enemy, but- pf ton losvs a friend. A
joyful evening may follow a sorrowful
morning, A,gruut man iiuU a groat
rivoi1 are often ill neighbors. A hand
ful of common sense is worth a busliol
of learning. A great man will not
trample 011 a worm, nor spoak to au
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