PltirSMlff fir. nnrirf fiiMP jfc I lfc Y ! jr f u ESTABLISHED 1850. Oldest f lipor in tho State BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1881. 1 II BUSINESS CARDS, ir. nnoADY, Attorney unit OnntMtlar at Law. UlllcenverStatw flank, Brown vIlle.Ncb. J. Ullt S.A- O S 11 0 11 N , ATTOUNKY ATIjAW. Odlce, No. 81 Main at root, llrownvllo. Ncb 'J.s s. S T V L L , ATTOUMCVS:AT tiAW. t, viuicoor mumy Juuge, monnruio, Acormiri, HOLLAD A Y . MARLATT &. KING, DKALnitS tU A s- hyslolan, Surgeon, Onttetrletan. (Jrsduatedln IBM. Located In Brownvillo IMS. Olllce, II Main ntroot, UtownvlUo, et. XJ & DEO MAN, ' TAfilTKTTTTH lAt th Went Knd. oasljof Motion's store. - General Merchandise Dry Goods, Groceries, Heady MndoOothltiR, Hoots, Hhoes, Hats, Caps and n General As Bortmont of Drugs nnd Patent Medlolncs. 3 Highest prices pnld for butter nnd CRB. ASl'lNIVAlili, NKIUIAHICA. TIio Osceola Record, Nob., is for Bale. - iw m ' Sonutor Van Wyek, 1ms broken I030 from tho "dead lock" and como home. J. -HorsoHhoetun o Spoctalty. W. G I B S 0 N VJ i 'A .k ra . J. 4 uuACKs.tirru asd house siioku WNjkdono to ordor and satisfaction guaranteed Flrilttrnct, between Main and Attantlo, Drown tVIUP.NCII. L. HOY, TTNBERTA&ER, Oonins made on short notloo. Throe miles west of Vrownvllle, Nob. pAT CLINE, PAHHIONADTiU HOOT AND SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WOItK madeto order, and fits alway Kusrauleed. UcpalrtnK neatly and promptly done t)ho). No. 27 Main street, BrownvllIc.Neb. : TJ TTCT? Forll IUenVcs of the Throat UOXl and Iju iirii the GREEN MOUNTAIN Used In prlvato praetlco since 1&V. Put be foro the public iW.prvTTr TXHNKVKH, KAILS!) UUUlXjiXprlco 25o. SOo.ondei.SAMPMCnOTTIiKS 10 Cents. Kconrgunrantco, amongg ALS AM O. C. Day & Ifruckctt. Solo Proprietors, KansoH City. Mo. Korsaloby .T. .T. HENUHU, Drugirlst, Nemaha Cltv. Omaha la getting ready early to havo a grand colobratlon on tho Fourth of July. m ' Highland Nobraska has organized a joint Htock company for a sugar rolluory. m i i "Whitolaw lioid, editor of tho Now York Tribune, was recently married to Miss Elizabolh Mill. lteid is CO, but ho marriod a girl with a pile of monoy. VOL, 25, NO. 46. iaBiimaiummstammmmmmmmmmmmmm Fancy canned lard, it is alleged, is generally mado of fat takon out of hogs that dio without tho assistance of a butcher's knife. Sidney, says tho Wost Point Repub lican, is tho Sodom of Nebraska, and contains moro wickednesa and dovllty, to tho squaro foot than any other town in the State. JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and doalorln FlnoVaKlIfili, Kronen, Scotch and ney Glothi VentlnftR, Ktc, Ktc. nrownvlIK, Nebraska . Native Liiinbor For salo nt Pottlt'H Mill on tho Mlniourl bottom, two nnd otio-half mllea abovo Urowuvlllo. Fonoing, SheetiDg, Wido Boards, Elo., Eta Apply to unilcratgnod, two miles west ol Urownvlllc. A DOBD- Tho Bhv Pilot warns its readers against swindlers who travel through tho country soiling bllla of groceries, on sampler, or otherwise Tho oxecution of tho Russian con Bpirators is Bald to havo strongly cemented tho Nihilist organization in thoir determination to kill Alexander III, A Ohuroh Bofoim, CORN. 1 havo just purchased a new Sand wich Corn Sholler, and am now better prepared than ever to sholl your corn. CJivo me a trial. HENRY ANDREWS. B. M. BAILEY, ESTABLISHED IN 1850. OLDEST Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H.Hoover. Dooa a Koncml Konl Estnto lluHlnosa. Soils LundH on Commission, examines Tltlos, mnkes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to tho transfer of Real Es tate, lias a Complete AbBtraot of Titles to all Ileal Estato lu Nemaha County.' HIliri'UR AND DBALKIl IN LIVE STOCK. AllllO WXV1LLE, NKJIRA8KA. r..n9r, ptauid 6fl.ll nnd aotprlcosi Iwnut co liaudlc ycur stock. Ollloe first National Bnnk. kIsaac "Williams, TroprScior CENTRAL If Congressman Valontino knowH himself and tho Jlepublioan thinks ho does, gallant Tom Majors will bo a mombor of tho present congress from Nebraska. Omaha Republican. sowing haa fairly commenced in this county. It 1b estimated that over 20,000 acres have already Iigoii Bown, and 20,000 acres moro will bo sown in tho next ton days. Aurora Republican. Tho Courier-Journal spoaka of Mahono as "a mltey man," nnd the Cincinnati Enquirer regards him aa a trichina in tho body politic. Ho is making tho Domooratio party vory sick that's sure i There scorns to bo a disposition on tho part of tho council to let tho saloons in tho city run without taking out license to sell liquor until tho flrat of Juno, when tho new law rocs into effect Seward Reporter. ' Peculiarly gonorous must cortainly bo tho Seward council. Somo farmers, well posted, claim that one-half bushel moro grass wheat to tho aero should bo aown in a lato spring as tho present as tho lateness of tho spring will notallow tlmo for tho usual "fltooling. -Seward Reporter, "Only about ono woman in a thou sand would voto if thoy had tho privl- logo, says tiio Omaha Herald; and wo say all right lot that ono vote Tho Herald is moro of a blackguard than n rcasonor. illTIlOUlZKn BY THE 0. 8. GOVEUNMENT. First National Bank OF. BXtO"W N VrL3L,E WiM rkel, Brownville, Neb., Keeps only first class Meat tfS-Cxsli pnlil far Poultry and Hides and'Ct aa-Siitlfifwtlon (Juarantecd.'C Paid-tip Capital, $50,000 Autliorizcd " 500,000 PEisrsioisrs. Every wound or Injury, cvon by nccldrnt, or niu (llriuiiho, ontltleH n soldier of tho lato wur to a pension. All Pensions by the law of ,1 uumry, 1S70. bORin hack at dato of dis t'tiurcn or death of tho soldier. All entitled Minuld apply at oneo. Thousands who are now ilrawlnu a pension are entitled to an liir-reuse. bolillors and widows of tho war of 1S1J, and Mexican war are entitled to pen M ins. Tliniisondsaro yet entitled to bounty but do not know It. Pees In all cases 810 I'm tor uverv description of war claims collected. Employ an attorney residing In Washlni. ton, who can give personal otton tw ii to"ur tiiiHlness. Amorlcan and For li?n patents obtained on short notice. Bond two stamps for pension and bounty laws. Address V. T. FITZaKIlAlill. U. S. 'lalm Agent, Lock Hox in, WoshlriKton, D. C. fou17 18 PUEPAllKDTO TKANHACT Al General Banking Busines. BUV AND 8ELL COIN & 0UREEN0Y DRAFTS an all the principal cities nfthe United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts discount ed, and special accmnmodatlonsKrantod to dopoilt er. Dealers In HOVKHNMKNT BONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES :dbposits BocelTPd pyuhle on demand, and INTEREST aN lowed on time certlllcates of dopoalt. COLLECTORS, DinKCTOJIH.-Wm.T. Den. B. M. Halloy. Jf.A Itandloy, Frank K. JolniBon, I,uttior Koadleyi win. rainuer. JOHN L. CAKSON, A. n. DAVISON. Caihlor. Preeldont I. O.McN AUOHTON. Asst.Cashlor. Secretary Kirkwook has telegraphed J. Milton Tumor, St. Louis, president of tho frecdmon's Oklahoma associa tion, that tho question of tho right of colored pooplo to settle upon tho lands of tho Indian territory would bo sub mitted to tho higest authority, and it Turner desired to bo hoard -pcy pliouUl como to Washington at ouco. In tho meantime, no attempt at Bottlomont, must bo made by tho association, " Tho $. & M. crossing bolow Blue Springs will probably bo called Wymoro, aftor Sam Wymore, well known in Gngo and Pawnee. Wymoro promises to bo a town of considerable importance. It is not unlikely that somo day Gago will be divided into two counties, each tho Bizo of this. If so, tho southern county will have its county seat at this now town, near its geographical center. Pa umee Enter prise. m i Washington, April 25. A petition has been flllod with tho court of claims by tho union iraciiic Kail way com pany for compensation for transpoitiv tion of mails. Tho amount claimed due is $1,161,720. Tho petitioner maintains that ono-hulf of tho sum claimed earn od namely, 8580,500 should bo ap plied by tho government to paymont of bonds issued by the government in aid of construction of tho railroad, and that tho other half should be paid over in monoy to tho company. Bon Hill, when challenged by Mahono to prove his charges of corrupt bargains, sncakcil away. Tho gallant Virginian is convincod that ho cannot "insult" a sneak. Omaha Republican. Hill is a man of familios, you know, and doesn't fancy bolng perforated. I Mi A resolution to conBuro roproscnta tivo .Tonos for voting againBt tho Doano-Tub law, bo callod, waB voted down by tho Adams county Farmers Allianco by a largo majority, tho farmers seeming to think that it is likely to do moro harm than good. Sutton Register. m i Tho clasB of immigrants arriving tins season is far abovo tho avorage. A stoorago passenger who camo from Franco recently had $10,000 in gold bolted around his waist. Ono Gorman banking' houso in Now York has cash od drafts for over $100,000 for immi grants who arrived by tho last throo steamers. BKTitoiT, April 20. Bishop Borgcss, of tho Roman Catholic diocese, ban issued a pastoral in which ho saya: Wo hereby forbid and prohibit each and bvory Catholic in our dlocoso, to get up or aid in arranging and organizing pub lic picnic excursions on rlvors, lakes, railroads, and to join and tako part in such or Himiliar public amusement gotten up by others on Sunday, holy days, or any other day of tho wook. Morcovor, wo forbid and prohibit fails forthobenelltof churches, schools and other charitable institutions of our dioceso, without first Hubmltting to our approval in writing tho reasons thorofor. Tho bishoiw claim that such oxcurpions, picnics, etc., nro detrimental to tho morals of his Hock, oflpoclally tho young. Sonator Saunders is right on tho (load lock in the senate He has tho correct idoa rolativo to tho action of Mahono, and in a speech on tho Hoorof tho son ato, Wednesday, ho argued in mipporb of tho doctrino that tho majority Bhould havo tho right to elect oillcoiB of tho Sonato and pointed out tho danger which might attend a contrary doctrine. North Platte Jscbrasldan. Sonator Saunders spoko tho truo American sontiment, that tho majority should rulo in all legislative bodies, and ovory right thinking man indorses that position. Tho contrary doctrino, usually practiced by tho Democrats when matters do not go to suit them, is u treasonable doctrino. Alotter has been received at tho Troasury Department from an ontor- prising citizen of Now York City offering tho government $10,000 for tuo privilego of running a Btnall lunch counter and a boer-Boloon in, tho lobby ot tho Poatothco ot that city. In n postscript ho nddod that if his proposi tion was ontortainod ho would mako it "all right with tho proper parties." Mll Tho Oil City Derrick always spoaks to tho point and promulgates a moral, as tho following illustrates: A woman in Eastoni Pennsylvania bocamo crazy on seoing her husband kiss another woman. Tho husband was a rascal. No truo husband would over kiss anothor woman when his wifo was looking. Simon Cameron, at tho public colo bratlon of his oighty-8ccond birthday last wook, said to his old friends nnd neighbors: "A man who makes no ene mies is never a positivo force I bo gan lifo with a determination to buc- cood, with what result others must Judge I havo mado it a rulo of lifo to bo kind to ovory ono and confiidorato of all. Yet I havo mado onemics, bo causo I havo had opinions and asserted thorn.' But thin has brought mo frionds also, and whorovor I go, at homo or abroad, the grateful ovidoncea of their regard greot me. I havo lived, long, and seen much of lifo, nnd when I am gone all I ask is that pcoplo can Bay that I did tho best I could, and wan over truo to my obligations nnd my frionds." CARD 1st. Buy seven bars Dob bins' Electric Soap of your Grocer. 2d. Ask him to (five you a bill of it. 3d. Mall its 7il bill and lion r full address. 4th. We will mail you, FREE, seven beautiful cards,insix colors and (old, representing Sh ultspcaro's "Seven Acn of Man." i i pnAfim Pi on li L.uiiftum uuij JIG South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, P. LIVERY ! w! E.TrPELT, Tho Bee promises us to mako a stand against woman stiff rago when tho tlmo comes, but does not propose to waste its ammunition at present. Ammuni tion being vory scarce on that Bide Beatrice Express. Tho Bee will probably adhere Btrict ly to its wonted habit of making a stand on tho side that inflates its purso most. Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. QOOID BIGS AT- REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, -AND- Driver Furinslied when desired. Horses boarded by tho day or weok, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair ratesi Tho South is making rapid strides in manufacturing, and no ono in the North will bo sorry to hoar it. Cotton factories aro going up, and furnaces aro beinii erected to utalizo tho hon and coal that is bo plenty. Sinco the last census West Virginia in creased bor metal production over last year from 71,000 to 157,000 tons. Alabama has Increased her production 702percont; Georgia, 205 per cont; Tennessee, 125 per cent; and Kentucky, 13 per cent. North Carolina has not increased her production, on account, of tho want of railroads to roach tho iron country, Inter Ocean. Brownvillo scorns to bo a doomed propinquity. Not only can alio not succeed in getting additional railroads, but oven tho ono sho has is gono down tho river with tho flood. Neb. City News. Wo aro again, in dofonso of truth and justice comnolled to say that the News lies. Not ono word of truth in tho abovo ill natured fling. Not a foot of railroad has washed away from Brownvillo; and if pooplo do como from within olght miles of Nobraska City to Brownvillo to trade at our big stores, and soil their cattlo and hogs, it is bo causo thoy mako monoy by so doing, nnd tho groans of tho Neuis will not holp tho dilapidated old burg up tho river, in which overy-othor houso is eiriptyi Omaha Republican: The following is a full list of outside appointments to date, by tho now administration, credit ed to tho stato of Nebraska:.!. II.Dony, of Central City, clerk in tho war de partment: Emanuel Speik, Johnson county, clerk in intorlor department; Walter M. Seoly, Lancastor county, clork in interior dopartmont; Hon. W. L. Peabody, Douglas county, pension examiner, interior dopartmont; W. II. II. Llewellyn, Douglas county, Indian agent, Now Mexico; Dr. A. II. Jackson, I'awnoo county, clerk to agent Llewel lyn, and J. A. Monk, agency f armor; J. M. Ellor, Fillmoro county, Indian trader ; J. B. Bailoy, Washington county, Indian trader; Sol, Males, Franklin county, postal agont; Win. Burglin gamo, Merrick county, postal agency. Tho colored citiens of Omaha re cently hold a meeting for tho pur- poso of indorsing Sonator Ma hone's political acts and Bpeechos in tho Senate. Amongst tho resolutions adopted wo find the following : Resolved, That wo boliovo that tho political success of colored Ameiicans in tho southern states depends upon a close allianco with tho independent movement roprosonted by lion. William Mahono. Resolved, That wo extend our thanks to tho Hon. Alvin Saundors for tho words of encouragomont to tho Hon. William Mahono and tho peoplo of Virginia for tho bold position takon by them in favor of a froo pooplo and a froo ballot a pricoloss ballot and an honest count. Had Mr.Oay G6uld bought Mr. Ed ward Itosowator, and placed him In chargo of Uosowator-'a proposed Groafc Consolidated railroad organ hero, that is tho kind of anti-monopolist oditor ho would havo boon to-day. It wna through no act of omission on Hoho water's part that ho "damns tho rail roads" to-day. It all aroso from tho fact either that his prico was too big, or that ho was coiiHidored dear nt any prico. Omaha Republican. Wo would not glvo publicity to such an itom as tho abovo, woro wo not well Batisflod that it is, ovory word, true. Tho Bee styles us "Mr. Jay Gould's1 Kopublicnn editor." Wo aro not Mr. Gould's editor, but wo might havo boon if wo and other Republican stock hold ers had consented to Edward Kose water's proposition to consolidate this paper with tho Bee and associate our selves editorially with him. Kosowat- er s plan included tho ownorship oy Mr. Gould of 820,000 worth of consoli dated stock. By Mr. Gould's point blank rofusal to invest, Edward Kose water escaped being ono of Mr. Gould's editors. Omaha Republican. Tho Ashland Gazette is running II. II. Shedd, lato Speaker of tho IIouso, for Govornor. V. C. Courier. About tho tlmo Mr. Shedd gets to bo Govornor, Mr. Iiosewntor will bo Presi dent of tho U. P. road. Tecumscli Chieftain. Wo think Mr. Shedd is an oxcollont man, with talohts and ability abovo tho averago Nobraska "statesman," and would mako a good Governor. Wo wonder if Nebraska peoplo fully appreciate tho cxcollont roads wo aro almost always blessed with. While in Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, tho roads aro all but impassablo, and havo been for weeks, ours aro as smooth and dry as pavement, Tecumseh Chiejtain, Indlanians also appreciate tho differ ence in tho roads. Tho property of tho Union Pacific railroad company in Nebraska, excopt tho main estimated at $814,515. CO, according to tho report of tho gen eral manager to tho auditor of public accounts, for taxation purposes. Tho peoplo of Columbus aro consider ably olated at thoir success in secur ing tho locntion of tho terminus of tho Omaha, Niobrara & Black Hills rail road lino nt thoir city. Vandorbilt has eminent bonds. ?07,000,000 in gov- fli P"