KZH A Y r- 2i A k HMMlBHHMMnnHMWiaHIHBHMHBIIM I'EllSOXAft 'XSD LITEKAltlV ' Mr. John T. Raymond la about to wod. Miss Koso Cotu-tcoy .Bitr'nos, duuglitor of tho actress. Hoso Eytingo, formerly Mrs. David Barnes. ' 4-Thb'rfing of 1'orturriii is a "''literary feller" and makcB, niouoy at tho trade, UU royalty on liis.tnmsi'ation of Shake speare has yielded, him $5,000. Ho finds that tho best kind of royalty. "Florcnco Percy;" the hiifhrJr of "Hock Mo to SleopT MotlVur,"" 'ifbtv lives in Maine and odils a paper there. One of her yoiiti"; daughters has for a hamo hot'- mother's Tiom-'cle-pluiiW of' Florence Percy. Arthur Sullivan had resigned his position at tho Kensington Training School 'of Music'' and if already (veil advanced vVith the" music of tho first act of Mr. Gilbert's nfcw libretto', Whloji hits at tho present Eiiglish folly pf ex aggerated Jt'stlioticisni. ' - ji4jThoportraft.of Milton,, which .Was onoo owned by Charles Lamb, has just been bought in London by Mr. 'Qnar itch for 1,776. It was painted about 16 10, when tho poet was still distin guished by that physical beauty of which tho world has heard somuuhbut which is missing in all his other 'por traits. . . , A mhstorpiftoo by .Albert Durer is said to havo found at Wiosbaddn. It Lq an old painting three foot by two in Hixuarupruauuuirg jurist, crowuuu wmi thorns, and, by his side Coxaphas and one of tho two-thieves:' The picture is well prosorvod and boars on the right . upper, corner Durer'sr monogram', .with tho datoof Nuremberg, 1605. . T Peter Ilerdio is in Washington Jook ing after his Pennsylvania avenueconoh es. IIo has granted licenses forColum ' bus, Dayton, Pittsburgh, (Toledo, Do troit, MomphiSjliufialo, , Qhicagd, and many flinalfpiacos, "and lute, no doubt that before next wlntor lirios ofiHor ..diotf will bo hi .operation" iht thoAohiof cities and towns of tho wholo Union. Prosident'Grqvy's mannor 'of'rc' ccivirfif company is oxcoHont.' There is' great courtesy in tho man's nature. IIo is gallant toward ladies, to whom ho administers compliments in tho lozengu form. IIo squeezes a deal of gallant politeness into a very few wdrds, and d varies, in a way that is perfectly nstoii- ', isliing his pretty little speeches to fair guests. ..' It. II. Stoddard's Opinion qt Liter ary Men: I have a great deal more re-spec-i for. literature than for litdrary , men, whom 1 havo seldom fo.und. wiser than tliolr fellows. They havo a knack at writing which deserts thoriv whon thoy italic, ns it-did Goldsmith, amt wo overrate them accordingly. The best of thorn are ignorant of'rTahy tilings thoy might know, and concerning A things that thoy do know thoy aro tie s void of judgment. Scott know so little about pictures that ho Tilled Abbotsford with wretched daubs, and had ho little music in his soul that ho delighted In ". tho abominable, screeching of thoHmg pipe. Byron know nothing abputijart, which ho affected to despise, and knew poetry fio wrongly tliat ho nlacqclopo , ' among,, tho great poets of the 'world. '-tfTho Critic. ,' ' -W jr "- y HUMOROUS' Thq cotton grower depends a great deal ott" his gin. LowclU Citizen. 5 Tlio'( storo "maple-sugar is now' known as tho oloomargarlno of the forest, Boston Transcript. Tlip lateness of spring, uoverputs Ibaokitho maple sugar cVor loftrovoi t from- last year. -fAr. O. Picayune. u li, f . 'i Tho man who was waiting for something to turn up" w'as r6Varded when ho stopped upon tho odgo1 of a barrel hoop. i3omvroilc Journal. iProjirietors of summer hotels-are riiow searching tho dictionaries for new .words in which to depict tho splendors of their houses and tho all-embracing grandeur of tho sce'novy. Boston Trails 'script. w ' " . - The llllly-gnnt's n pretty blnl, And loves to fllnu on Klilrta: Hut lor a midday Iiinclioon lid ' , 1'ioIoih to out hoop-altlrtp t .. Old oystur-ciiiiB imd rubber shoes AppoiiHo lilrt iipputitu, lll'O bnrreMiooi and oorHCt-stuva i'ia nun wi'n grunt (icnni. Chtcau Tribune. Wilkinson camo into tho parlor tho ot hor day and sat down upon a chair winch lie thought bail largor cushions than usual. lie hadn't sat down more than two seconds when ho was lifted in tho air and camo down upon his faeo. IIo asked his wife what was on' tho chair. Sho said hor now bonnot. ' It has a few pins in it." "Oh, I see," aid Wilkinson; "that's your spring Donnot." I'uck. Hero worship: It was on Washing ton's birthday. An old gentleman of eighty or more took down' tho old shot gun lie had carried during, tho war of 181'J and wenfout and began to tire it. Inspired by the sight of such patriotic lovo for Washington in ono so old, wo approached him and complimented him on it. Tho old man, in trembling tones, replied: "Patriotism bo durned! I'm trying to put a load of buckshot in that dog 6' Jones' Hiatus out yonder. Boston Post. ".Tamos," said tho grocer, as ho looked over his spectacles at tho boy who was measuring out half a bushel of pota toes. " I lind that I havo spelt 'sugar' with an 'h' in it. Is that right?" "No sir," ropliod tho clor, after spoiling, tho word ovor several timos. "No, I guess it isn't, but 1 hato to scratch it out. What shall I do?" "If it was me, sir, and I had put an 'h' in sugar, I should ardor hams and loavo the 'h' off there." " of course Real ly, James, but I begin to feel my ago, and I only wonder that I don't some times spell eggs with two g's." Detroit I'rcc Pnss. ItOXG lEUllMf AND (UKI)KN. Tho .bulbs of tho tubcroso novor bjoom but onco. They require 'ii sandy soil. ' A Nico BiscuiUr-Ono pint of . scald ed milkJco&lo'dl 'two AiinutB of sifted Hour, three tablospoonfuls of shorten lite, diie't'tilCbfirtn'of yoasUiul a little salt. ' All q'ous aro . unproved by mixing. Tlio physical properties of tho soil have an jinporiaui. iniuionco upon us iivuingu fertility. Tho admixture of pure sand with clay soil produces an alteration wlich. is..gflcn bonelicial, ami which is almost wholly mechanical. The sand opens the pores of tho clay and makes it more permeable to the air. Smut in oats is ,thq 9111110 as wheat,, smu't'iimt should bb treated in tho same way. It 13 sown virh tho, s,ee.d. and,, to prevent it, the seed should be stecbed as wheat s,in a olujon of ,01m pound of sulphate of copper, hl .four, gallons of watdr oru strdilg Jbrine'ofjl Common salt tho day boforo it is sown. Tho sficd soak's up the solution if not applied too freely. -Iron pipo rusts and gives a disa greeable .taste to water that stands in, it; lead pine is disso.wcd by pure soft watoiv.aiid tho carbonate of lead thus formed is highly poisonous. But with either pipo, if tlid wtltor is. pumped away until it is fresh there will bo neither the bad tasto of tho iroti nor the danger from tho lead. Tho . )r6n llavdr .is not injurious, but, although ii is not pleasant, . is. wholesome ami of tonio properties. But one may not liko to take' such incdic'u(j Itl nil, his food and drink and it is easy to avoid it. Orange Pio or Pudding. Ono pound' of butter, onb poUnd' dfugar beaten to a cream, ony ghmroso-water, ten ejrjrs uoaicn louiiigu irotii; nave t.wn firntinrna iirid Imll tlm rlnil until it. is tender; chang'o tho water two ir thrVo t a mortar and smioh'zo th6 juico in, to- iiinua wiinu il is uuuiiiir. uiun uuiil 11. 111 gemor wun 1110 rum 01 ono lemon, gnu ed.'Hiul tho juice of thori8anio; mix all well together with tho other ingredients, and bake in a' pull'pasto'w'itlioutan up per crust; half this quantity is sufficient for two ordinary sized pics. The' Chinese make tea M follows: "The tea is put in a clean tea-pot and hot water pourod 011 it an.d stand liftcen or twenty minutes and. stoop. Hero is tho way we make our tea." IIo thereupon took blf 11 'cover with a cush ion of cotton two inches thick on tho under side and lifted out a pretty por celain tea-pot that wa'riicoly fcet in tho centre of a lining tufl'od around two inches or so in thickness with cotton.' The tea-pot, after th6 boiling water is, poured into it upon the necessary quan tity ofjosij is set i.ilJhjs non-conducting receptablo atfrf vsteeps fifteen' minutes, VJ said the Celestial narrator, ,"and theu served." Kansas CUyt limes. Some ono imay bo glad to know how to make a delicious lemon pie whiqh is not too rich to ba cnjoyouT Prepare a crust for the pie in a deep plato, then stir one tablcspoonful of cornstarch into 11 little cold water, add ono cup ot boiling water, lot all comoj toa boil, then add seven tablespoonfulst of sugar, the, well-bontqti yolks of four; eggs and the grated, rind and iuico of! two lemons; "while this is baking beat' heaping' tablcspoonful of pulverized ,siigar to a .stVlf'froth; whon the pio is. baked, spread i this smoothly over tho 'toW then S6t it lit tho oyoii'fGHwo or; three minutes; this is long enough to;j give it tho desirou.goiuon-brown color Tho custom of attaching clog-yokes iu minimis w piuvuut uiuin irom jump ing over fences is open to many objec tions. The animal is nioro or less dis figured; often tho forelegs arc injured," and sometimes the neck is brokob. I A will ofler my method, which 1 hayo long practiced and liko much better. It is this: Take an old head-stall with a brow-band, throat-latch and nose-band going all around tho nose. Got an old, boot-leg, split it open, (or any piece of leather that is wide enough' to extend beyond both eyes of tho animal) and VviWi copper rivets fasten thts to the brow-band and tho nose-band. Tho animal can see in front of him by bond ing, vtolthe right or loft, but uo'irfwill never jump with his neck bent or when ho cannot see his way clear. Cor. Counlri Gentleman. Mistook His Role. Tho Judge of a Galieian villago near Cracow, having learned that an old peasant woman resident iu his district nail won a prizo of three hundred llor ins in tho Cracow Lottery, bethought him of a stratagem by which they might be transferred to his own posses sion. Accordingly, dressed as tho dovil, he presented himself, as tlio clock struck midnight, at the old worn an'p lonely dwolling, aroused her from her slumbers, and, in a hollow voice commanded her to hand ovor qy win nings. Tho torrified woman at once produced seventy-live florins, protest ing that sho had that day lodged tho balance In the Cracow Savings Bank; whereupon. tho devil informed her, with dreadful threats of infornal torment should she fail to fulfil his behests, that ho would return the following night at tlio same hour to recoivo tho remainder. Next morning tho poor old lady applied to tho savings bank for her deposit. The manager, surprised that she should wish to draw it out so soon after having lodged it, inquired into her reasons for so doing, and elicited a full confession of her adventure of tho previous night. When his Satanic Majesty callod at twelve p. m. for the balance of his per quisite ho was received by two gen darmes, who handeulled him, inarched him off to Cracow, and there delivered him to tho secular arm, which will probably disablo him from playing tho devil for some time to come. FroilMVntor Sprlnp In tho Atlantic, 1 .Opo.of tha most romarkablo displays Cfii!iMiVri 11111 v bo sfldn 11S1 flin Atlnntii Of m 55 1 . j.. , ;i.. ....!. :r v a: coasc,ioigiuecn nines soma or. at. Augustine. Oil' Mantanzas Inlet, and throb' mll6s froiii shbro, a mammoth frqsh-wfttor spring gurgles up from the depth of tho ocean with such force and volume as to attract tho attention of all who come in its immediato vicinity. This fountain is largo, bold and turbulent. It is noticeable to fishermen and others passing in small boats along near tho shore. 1-or many years this wonderful ami niyjUoriojis freak of nature has boon known to tho people of St. Augustine and thoso liv ing along tho shore, and sonfo.fof the superstitious ones havo beenaught to regard, it, wllh a kind of reverential awe, or holy horror, as tho abode of super natural inliuonces.' When tho waters of 'the ocean in its viclrilty aro other wiso culm and tranquil the upheav ing, and troubled appearance of thowatorshowsunniistakabloovidonces of internal commotions. An area df about hnf an aoro showp JhH troublod appearance something similar to tho boiling , of tv washer-worn an' s kettle. Six or eight years ago Commoddro Hitchcock, of tho United States Coast Survey, was passing this place, and his attention was directed to tho spring by tho restless upheavlngs of tho water, which threw his ship from hor course as sho cntqrod tfio spring. J Ih curiosity becoming excited by this cireihnstanco ho sot to work to examine its surround ings, and found six fathoms of "water everywhere in tho viciuity whilo tho spring itself was almost futhomloss. tiauannah (Ga.) Kcws. The following story Sh told of a counsel who was taken down very neatly by a witness whom lie was brow i boatinc. It WOS HCCCSSarv to tho COtltl- sol's cause tomako tho witness -Ju'qucS' tion, who was an aged man, break down1." Tho following ditdogiid onsuod: Counsel ,flIow old are youP" Wit ness "Sovonty-two yoars." Counsel " Your memory, of course, is not so vivid as it was twenty yoars ago?" Witness "I think it is." Counsel "State some circunistanco which oc curred, say, twelve years a&o, and wo shall bo able to judge whothor your memory is unimpaired." Witness " I appeal to tho Court; I refuso to bo in- lorrogaicu in mis manner. " unc judge "i ou had better answor tho ques tion." Witness " Well, sir, if you compel 1110 to do it, I will. About twelve years ago, you (addressing the attorney) studied in Mr. ' B ' p'fiice." Counsel "Yes." Witness '-'-"At that time your father camo into my office and said to me, 'Mr.' D , my son is to bo examined to-morrow, and T wish you to lend mo twenty-live dollars to buy him a suit of clothes.' I advaifcod tho money, and from that day to this it has never been repaid. I rcmombor it as though it wiw yostcr "day." Counsol (considerably abashed) "That will do, sir; you may go down." i A correspondent of Nature gives 'tho following natural experiments with ; polarized, light: Break off a plato of ice and hbld'it botweon the skv and a pool of water. Its rollectcd, imago will Show the .beautiful colors due to polar ized light. Tlio incident rays should , come from a part of tho sky about nine ty .degrees irom tho sun, and reflection ' Bhoulu take placo at the polarizing angle fdr water, and the nlato will nrobablv jlroquiro adjusting to bring out tho 11111x1- Jllltlll UliUUb. Norvo impulses are conducted along tho nerves very slowly in comparison to the speed of electricity along a coppor 'wire. Tho latter travels sixteen million times jus fast as a norvo impulse, and yet tho norvo impiilso travels with tho ;.,spped of tho fastest railroad train. i'F6ott?8 Jlcullh Monthly for April., t ' ,. , .'. -:-It js only a schoolboy who can enjoy bad health; and even ho must, havo it bad' enough to koop him put of school. Says an English pliyslvltuu "The uncsr- talmy of iiU'iU-nikliii; brlii'.'sultli ft a craving for stimulants." 'Dint's tho way It is with 'tliti tramp. Hit's uncertain ubout his jneuls, anil ulwayfl craves stimulants. A niuuiiT llttlo thrco-vcur-old, whllu hor znothi'i'was tryluif to jjut her to sh'up, bo caine fnU'icstud In pomu outside nolso. She was told that It Mai'ausud by a crlckot, wliuu shu hugely obsorvod: ".Muiniim, I think he ought to he oiled." Ax EiiuIIbuiimu who wdnt to bco an Irish friend knocked t the street dour and asked: "Does .Mr. Menu re live hereJ" "He does, fiorr; hut he's dead!" " When did ho diet'' "If he'd I ved till to-morrow," was tho re sponse, "he'd havo been dead a fortnight." 4IOW xkak akin laughter Is to tears was shown when Kiiheris, with a sluu'lo htroke of his brush, turned a laughing child In 11 paint tnt; tooiu vriiur; and our mothers, without be lugreaL painters, huvu often brought us, in like manner, from joy to i;ilef by a single stroke. It Is not pleasant to have tho barber's ap prentice practicing upon you, lay open your cheek with a tuo-uic-h K"h, anil then follow the cut with tho cheery remark: 'Skin's very tender, sir." It Is not pleasant. We don't know what It is, hut It Isn't pleasant. 7r llnytvn Uawkeyr. Tub I'rliipcis Lnmso was thirty-three years eld lust week. This Is one of the penalties of helnir a ltovnl perBonaiio and having your Cedlgreo recorded. Othor English women orn within three nionihs of I.oulso are now only twenty-six. C'Awryw Tribune. "Johnny," said his father, ns tho boy took the primal bUcuit from the plate, "don't you know that It Is Impolite to helu yourself uufnio your elders I" "Why, pa, mother told mo to help myself before ou." " What do you nu!Hiii"iihk(i his father, while his mother looked up with astonishment depleted In every feature. "Why, I heard mother t"ll Aunt Hannah that stie hoped I wouldn't take after vou, and so I tl ought I'd take my bis cuit first." lloston Truncrtiit. MA.s-t'FAinnti:its water power uniler pontics. put down tho rent of tlio head of curie ut ex. Detroit Tost nml Tribunal I have a llttlo girl, said Mr. Henry Dole, of this city, In a conversation, who was troubled wlthasercro Inmencisln herlegs, pronounced bysomo Erysipelas, by othdm Ithoumntlsm. I had tr.'il several remedies without elTecti whon fwas Induced to apply Su Jacob's Oil, and I am happy to say tiat tho use of but one bottle cured her, and sho is now able 16 go to school again. The land agent worked for four hours trying to Induce a man to omlgrHto to Da kota by telling him how healthy It was out there beforo ho found th man was a pro fessional gravo-dlgger. JloMbU J'ont. - Attloboro' Chronicle Unrry ! New. Mr. John Etr.cnsperger, innnufacturlng Jeweler of North Attleboro', Mns., lately communlcatod to us the following! L suffered so much with pains In my arm, that at times I was completely helpless. I used that In comparable remedy St, Jacobs Oil and was completely cured as It by msclc. Tun Now York .Jirff says tho only remedy for a lady of sliort statur'o is to got spliced as soon us possible., fin flnml I'l-riichlnO'. No mau can do good Job of work, preach a good soiinon, try n law suit well, doctor a patient,- or wrlto a good article when ho feels mtserublo and dull, with sluggish brain and ulistcHdy nerve, and n oil 0 should make tha attempt In such 11 condition then It can be so easily and cheaply removed tiv a lltfle Hop Hitters. See other column. AKhuiu Tivu: Gloves are worn very lonfc now by poopla who cauuot afford to buy now ones. Fncta Aliout ICheiiiiintlnm. Mrs. General Slierma'i biivh: "I havo fre quently purchased Durang's Ithcumatlc Horn edy for frloms sulIeiMig with rhoumattsin. and In overy Instance It worked liko magic." General Logan, United titatos fcenator. writes: "Somo years ago I was troubled more or less with rheumatism, and have been a great sulTeror in tho last year with sumo disease. I beau to take Durang's Hheu matle K"incdy, and am Batlslied that I havo been cured .by its use. I recommend it to all sullcrers." Hon. John Cessna, lato moinbar at Con gress from l'onnsylvanla. writes: "Iu tho space ot twelve hours niy rheumatism was ?;one, havmg taken three doses Durang's thcumatlc Itomedy. My brother, of lied ford, reunsylvunla, was cured by a similar amount." It absolutely cures whon everything olso falls. Mold by every Druggist, fiend for frco pamphlet to H. 1C llolphoustluc, Waslt Ington, D. C. Jlcectied (Vinu Orutli. William J. Coughlan, ot Somervlllc, Mass., savs: "In tho full of 18711 1 was taken with a violent blttdtnffvf theluuus, followed by a sovero cough. I was admitted to tho City 'Hospital. While there tlio doctors said I bad a bole in my left lung as big as a half dollar I gave un hope, but a friend told me of Du. W.M. Ham.'b Ual 8AM roil this 1.UNOS. I got a bottle, when to my surprise I commenced to feci better, and to day I teiil In better spirits than I have tho past three years. I wrlto this hoplngthat every una a filleted with Diseased Lungs will take Du. Wm. Hall's Halsam ron.Tfiin Lunob, and be con vinced that C'ONttUMITlON CAN III! CUItlU)." Also asurerenledv for1 Colds, Coughs, and all Chest and Lung Diseases. Bold by druggists. Ask - fialvo. WOMAN'fiJ TRmHUPis MRS. LYOIA L FINk'HAM, OF LYNN, MASS, DiscovKrtEn or LYD3A E. PBNKHAM'S VE&ETABLB COMPOUITD. Tho I'osltlvo Cnro tmr nil thoaerlnful Ooniplatnta and IVrnVncitct aoeoiumon toourbeat fvuiule population. It will euro entirely tho worst form of Female Com. plaints, all orarlan trouble, Inflammation and Uleern. tion, Falling and Dlaplacemnnti, and tho rontequenl Hplnal Wcaknew, and la particularly adapted to tha Chango ot Mfo. It will dlasolvo and rxpcl tumors from the toterui in an early Uco of development. Tho tendency to can ocroua hufnuratheroli checked very speedily ly lUtiso. 'It remorea falntnewt, flatulency, dettroyioll craving f or MlmulantR, and relieves weaknesa of thaitomach. It cure Bloatlntf, IJeadachca, Nervous lYoatratlon, Oeneral DebUity, Sleoplcisnum, Heproeuion and Indl goKtlon. That feeling of bearing down, eaunlnfr patn, weight and IxtckarJie, Is always wrnianently cured by Its uso. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmouv with the laws that govern tho f emalo systi m, ortho euroof Kidney CompUlnU of either ox this ComKiund Is unuunnuwd. J'?.1. V" '''SKHAM'H VEOETAni.E COM. roUNDU prepared at 20 and 23S Western Avenue, r'.l".- ''riceSU fltx bottles for J.S. Bcntbyioall In the form of pills, also in tho form of lorennes, on rtcelpt of prlco, l per box forelthcr. Mrs. I'lnkharn freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as abov Mention thtt Jixr. ,,IJom.,.,r.,hou,d without LYDIAK. MNKIIAM'S UVKH 1ILL3, They euro constipation, hlllouuictia, and torpidity of tho liver. 15 cents dot box. Bvld by MORRISON, PLUUUEU k CO., CbUago, 111. sToxc UJUuiz rnr jjnvaawrm. Texas Land Wanted. Havo you a lnrK tract of good Texas land to sell cheap? Owners only send Ideation and prleu to 11. QllAVKB, ur.O Third Ave., New York City. DRUNKE-S uiiuiiuu:suKK gconO. is A. It. It,, Owlght, OPIUM .f . KKKI.i:Y. .M U. Hiir 111. rJrJloiU IVe. attracting wldo MAS BEEN llnhmond. Va.. hao Im'ii laively IS STRONGLY tostitnohy to Its with InhalliiL' ntin.initilH and discovery und aTiUKt ruvnnt of most SENT FREE ! n. M'rratiso oil your anigglst lor ItccKllng's UUeslAl CNtllKMnf Hew York, or, Tricks and Trnpsof the Koop it in house in case of accidents. I O artiatMrinipolis,rxpoes all swindliv, htimiinm anX OLmaT jzr m- J sCr fobS f&i-spexx m tik. w .w m vr. -b rB JL JTXlB a - m mt ssBBsa. iy n sWHssBT l Ttt ADMINISTERED BY INHAUTI0N.,,oonDflil85,j.XaBAwi PERMANENTLY CURES XIDNMT DISEASIS, liysr coxpzAmrs, COSTIPATIOJfjnd PIWS, Dr. It. II. Clark. Smith Hero. Vt ,mj. ''In cahc of Kidney Troubles It haw acted llkn n charm. It h cuiiNl mnny vcr IiaiI tnxvn of l"Uoit, ml ha ncrcr fslUxl to net rfllclrntlr," Nclin llsf rrhllit, of Bt. Altnnn. Vt, wiy. "It li of iirlocloii value. Aflcrnlitoen jram of itn'nt miftcrlrttf front riles ami CoatWrnrM II coui plctely citred uic." 0.a lloKlori,cf nerlohlw wiyii, "Ono pnek bro Jim tlono yrnndora for mo In completely cur. lntf erero Hror amt Kidney Complaint.' ,1N K1TIIKU LIQUID Oil DIlY FOUM IT HAS WHY? WONDERFUL POWER, llpfsnuffltactson tho MVKIt, BOWKLS ami KIDNl'.XS at tlis samn time. Deoniuo ltoloanea Uio system of the pott on on humor Oint developo In Kidney and tin J 1 nry DIumoo, DlUounnem, Jouudlco, Oonttl. ptlon, rilea, or In KhoumsUitn, Neuralgia Nervoua DUordera snd Pemale CompUlnU. ITTtt l pntupln Ory Vecrelahte Form, In rtrtlncnK ono paclnvro ofwlileh mkti Mi tV quart of mfxllclmv tVAlao luX.tquUlFcrin.Yery Comenrn(ed, HiHiaaMMBMHHHnnMHHHNna IT tor tho convenience of thorns that etinot tSTivad'lly' prepared. Jt aetntlth rjual tHleitHey tV la tllhtr fiirm, OCT IT AT THE DIIUOOI8T8. l'llicn,$1.00. M'KLIiS, HH'II.VItDSON &()., l'roiiN, (Will rend tlio dry lo.t pnld.) Ill UI.IMITOX, VT. Do You Wish To Know? 1. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW sbmit Kna. !U-licrcolc( har Ikhiii'a. Iivr laiitit, li'-r products, tier ton-na, licrrountliMiind her public IniUiiitlonif a. DO YOU WIS" TO KNOW 'ut tlio wonderful climate, tho no Iimi wonclerliil nvniery, tha rliAnnliiK uminiT rcMirtu, tlm iiiaxtiltlrHit uiluu autt tlio ui.trvcloua wrtiwtli Kcncrnlly of Colotado. 3. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW iwit New Jtolco, whlcti UjuM dovulopiiitc a ulliiialoand a mineral wealth inrnaiuittiK even Unit or Colorado? 4. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW !ul Art tona, without uouht tlm rlelipat nilnenil eountry In tha United 8lnU, with other odrrtiimui) of ullinaUi and aollf C. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW alwnt Call, fomla mid Ihu voctloui uf Uio Uplduu bloixi. both norllt aud winth 'f 0. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW tout 014 Mexico nml itiiprotpwi r 7. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW how to rcac thesa fitstej mid Terrllorlea eaully and quicltiy I'l If (hexe are the thlngi voi with to kn uvit to Caro 0. V. & T. A. CI. S. CII.KKI), A.. T, 8. FU. It Topokii, KHiinaa. PENSIONS nrHOI.IIIKKN, fur Kntlirr, Muth- era. 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