: lTfiiriiiiiiMiiiiiii niimumu towffi oft WM.T 'tttf V 1 I tfcffl L 3"f mEK I 11 A V It ESTABLISHED 1856. I Oldest VnpftV in tho Stale J BUSINESS CARDS. II. II It 0 A I Y. AftnrilAV nii1 flnmiiMlnr hI ftov.. j. om UrflcefiverrflAti lUnk.lIrownvllli ,Neb. S.A- OS HO It X, ATl'UUNKY TIiAW. Oillcc.No.si Jfntii (ilrort, llrimnvlte, NrliJ T S. ST V L L. U ATTOttNKtfg-AT LAW. Olllceof Comity Judge, rirownvlllr, Nplirnnka. A s- Iff) L L A I) A V li)'ilolnntMnrRion.UbftetvllHB. urniiuniei III nil. OiUce, It .MAIn utreet Orni OlUce .... , . ..... 1;..fc,V.,.nrme,8W- H. w nunu i x- i r vi ..u j , BLACKSMITH. Al tire Went Knd. cantluf llmtton's utoro. V-IforHoHlioelnK i Hneclnlty. j w. i iisn x, IILACKHMITII AM) ItOKBK SIlOUIl Work Hone to order mid mtlftfncttun Kimranteixl F)rr,V',Lct between Main and Atlantic, Urown vllle.Neb. J lv. HOY, " " " tJNDERTAKER, Collin hiimIp on hnrt notlco. 'I'hren mllei went of 'Irowtivlllo.Neb. AT CI, INK, IWMIIIONAIir.K HOOT AM) SHOE XAKEK CUSTOM WORK madeto order, and lltialway Cti'irnirteed. UcinlrliiK' neatly and promptly dotir Minis .v.ST Kfl(i street. llrownvllle.Nfti. JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, mid dealer In t'lncKnu'lUli, r'ifiirli, Scotch unci r'mirr Cloth VcstlnKN, tic, Ktc. Rruwnvlrte. (Vohrsroka . "CORMT."" I Ituve just purchased a now Sand wich Corn Kheller, and am now better jironarod IIkiu ever to sliell your corn, (.live me it trial. HENRY ANDREWS. J M. BAILEY, NrlirrHBt AND DKAr.KUIN LIVE STOCK r jutoirxvibnc, mihkaska, Fanners, ipleiiHccull and gJt pricey t want o handle yrturtKwek, OUIce FlrntSnUounl Bunk. Isaac "Williams Proprietor CENTRAL Broxrrxivillo. HTeh.. Keeps only first class Meat eB-t'imh pnlil for Poultry nud HldcK and-ffa 4Cd-Sllxfurtloii Uiuranteed.TXa PE3STSI0 3STS. I'.vi'iy wuirnt or Injury, even ty nccMcnt, &r niiy MnAMeMitUli' i coUltcr of Uio Into wur tnpeunloii. All 1'oiiNlotiK liy Uio ti of .luiiuiu-y, la. leciu hack tit ilnte of Uk. olmror ilcutli if ttiowikller. AH entitled Mmiild apply fctiHtw, ThoUMindR who are now drawing it pgukIoii iro etitltIM to un liicroitM'. Kfildlrrft aad widow of tliu wnr of Jhi, und .Mcvluitn wftrartu'iitUle! to pen lollH. Tlw)ndHiirfl yet entitled to bounty liutilii not luuivc It. C(vk in n euse 10 I'uy for ovory (U'rlptloji at wnr i'IuIkih iollccUMl. Km ploy an attorney r"Mlni In Wiisliltiion, who can kvo pornnnnl n.tton Uon loyourtiiiMlnrKH. Amork-rwi nnd For fliin piitcntM olitiiliKHt on nliort notlw. K?nd fvi xiiMiipti for ponKlon and liomity titwu. AWti. W. T. KITZniCKAliU. I'. K. Clulm Agont. Iock llox VZ1, WaNlilnnton. 1). C fct)t7 CARD COLLECTORS. 1st, Jiiii seven bars Dob bins' JElrctrtc Soap of your Grocer. 21, Ask hint to give you a hilt of ft, ihl. Mail us his bill and jfourfull address, 4th, We will mail you, JWttE, seven, beautiful rurds,in six colors and, (old, re)rescntiit Sh akspeare's "Sown Afes of Man." I.L.CRA0IM&C0, i) 0 South Fourth Sffnnf. Philadelphia, Pa, t Market. its a . MA H I. ATT &. KING, lM-t,KUH tN General Merchandise Dry QnodH, CI rnciTli, Ready Mudo riollilnn, IlllfltM Mtnirx. Hutu I'.i.w .....I i. i .:' nortint-iit of 1)mik anil 1'nlctit Mnllcltin. 3UlllBlict prtci-H paid for hultcr nml CKKsi. ASPIKWAI.L, HKURASKA. USE Vornll UlHcnsrH of Ilia Tliront , miiiuniiKilllfi GREEN MOUNTAIN niio i.uiik H .... ".'..iVi .".':"'"" "" '"' "Aw forut'M'uiMc iNW.nrTTr rriiNKVKit. BOc.uimgl.SAMPliK JIOTTMiS lOCfthtV. v A 1 1 i I llllll it j-t ." ... - iocaiV. rHUH",,uw' nmo,,B ALSAM Holo ProprlptorH. ICiiiiHas Cltv. Mo. ":.& ,,MKUM Dttl.,; FEET Native Lumber Halont 1'ettlt'H Mill ou tl.o Mlmourl l.n,.ioWo ftnl uc-iRlf mllcH nlMWO iivilln. Fencing, Shooting, Wide Boards, S Apply to undernlpned, two tntlen wiht ol Ilrownvlllo. A DODD- ESTABLISHED IN 1856, O L I E S X Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H.Hoover. Does a general Real Entute HuhIums. .Solid Lands on CoiiiihInhIoii, oxnmtneH Titles, makes DecdH, .MortRagPfl, nnd nil Instru ments pertaining to tlio trnuiifer of Uenl Ks tnte. Has n Complete Abstraot of Titles to nil Real Estate In Neinnlm County. illTIIOIHZKI) BV THK U. S.flOVKIINMKXT. First National Bank OK BROWNVILL E PaiiUup Capital, $80,000 Authorized, " 600,000 IS PRKPAlrKUTO TOANHACT A General Banking Business IIUV AND HKM, 00IN & 0URREN0Y DRAFTS u all the tirlnclpal cities of the United Stato a and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts discount STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES IDBPOSITS Rftjelced payfJi!(Mmcl'n)nii(l,aijrt INTKItKHTal. Vwetoii tlrooocrtlricHtesurdepuilt. lUpX'TOIlK ,.-Wni tTdTo, it. M. Ilafley. H.A iliindley, Krftulc E. Jnltniran, X.utlier ftcmdley JOHN L. CARSON, A.n. IIAX'rsov.Oimhler. PresldPht ;.C.McKAUOHTON.AiM!t.Cflliler. rres,apnl LIVERY ! Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. GOOD KIC3-S AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, AX I) Driver Fiirinshod I when desired. I Tors 8 boarded by the day or week. and Ilurmers' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. 'iIJPtM!KftKtTTiw;.;li. . W. E. O'PELT, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, AuRSDAY, William Mnttox nhot uiid killed brotluT Hi'Xiali near Liberty, Mo. lliH m i . Tim Hon. D.vvid Davis is beiiur, aur voyetl for a Hiirluy .suitof cloUiH.-icr Steps aro IjoIiijj taken to establish un American line of steamers to ply be tween Chicago ami M out real. Thero ure only 100 soldiers in tho Ule country, where 700 warriors aro preparing to go on tlu war path. Narges loft St. Louis for Xow Orleans, on tho 15th, with 400,000 bushels of grain for foreign shipment, Hothschild houso refuses Italy a loan, while matters aro not entirely harmonious between that country and Franco, The report that Clu. (Jrant met with a rather cool reeeltion on his re- cent advent in tho City of Mexico, is contradicted. IEo was greeted with much cordiality. A numerous cock main eanio off tit St. Louis last week, tit which 5500 con tests took place, and Sir.,000 changed hands. Leading society men patroniz ed the. barbarism. Chief Justice Shannon, of Dakota, furnishes interesting details of tho con dition of affairs in tin) submerged dis trict, and re-echoes Oe eral Sheridan's appeal for rclior. Alnmt 375,000 or tflOU.OOt) will bo required to aid tho sulVorors, Apropos of tho Hen pill episode, ux Senator Stockton, of Jcw Jersey, says that ho wont to school with Don Cam eron, nnd that he was one of the most courageous men he over knew rather moro desirous of getting into danger than staying out. Hiddlebarger has urged Senator Mahone to withdraw htu tinnm -mil present a Virginia Kr,)ublican for tho position u borgcuiif-ut-urina of the Bcmuc, no neiiove such u course would better satlsfy"thb Ilcnulilicans of the State, and would also work an advantage for tho Readjustee, The Gonyrtvfutiomili.it expresses its decided opinion that the distribution of chaplains in tho army is quito un fair. There aro twenty-four chaplains employed in tho army now, ten of which aro Episcopalians, seven .Methodists, llvo Uaptists, one Presby terian, ono Congregatiouallst Secretary Kirkwood being chargel with being slow, tho Washington Mr, in his vindication says: "The sensa tional reports that the business of the j Interior Department is far behind, be cause tho presont Secretary gives it too much of his personal attention, are ius unjust as they are untrue. Secretary Kirkwood is not inclined to sign papers with tho contents of which ho Is not acquainted; but oven with this circum spection on his part the department is well managed, and, though it may be a little behind in tho current routine, tho fault is with the greedy olllce seekers, and not from the lack of exe cutive abilities in tho chief," Congressman Page, of California, recently mule the following stalwart declaration: "It would bo cowardly in the Itepiihlicuu party npt to support Mahone, a.s he has announced publicly on tho lloor of tho Senate that ho is in favor of a free ballot ami a fair count, On tills liberal national principlcnlouc, independent of any local differences, the Republicans of tho country and of Virginia should unite with Mahone in opposition to Bourbon rule. Mahono represents tho opposition to those principles against which the Republi can party has hi en contending." And Congressman Ilazelton, of "Wisconsin, said: "I have not examined into tho local political diffeiences in Virginia, and know nothing of tho merits of the questions which divide tliem ; but I do say that the Republican and Readjust ees of Virginia uio naturally allies, for tho reason that one of the principles of tho Republican party is a free ballot and a fair count. Muhono has asserted that ho favors this principle, and there by takes isHiio with the Hourbons. In this tho Republican party stands with him, and can give him theirsupport." APRIL 28, 1881. A LOOK AHEAD. Coining Evonts Casting Thuir ShadowB Bo foro and Growing to be tho Most Inter esting of all Quostions. The interest in tho summer and fall elections Is commencing to crop out, and within a month tho chances of tho different aspirants for tho suffrage of the sovereign people will bo discussed pro and wn with constantly Increasing animation. Tho all potent argument as to tho party probabilities will be the ligurcsof the last contest and none will be more earnestly canvassed than those of tho cortgreHwlotml BlnuMlo. and this being the1 filet,- the new U. & U. Hcd Hook congressfoiml edition Ik- eomep almost Indispensable, No publi cation of politlcUr Htttisth.it ever made oijuals it in exCe.ntr of information given, or in cohiprehonslvo arrange- menu It shows not only the result of tho election of 1HS0, but tho result as well of tho election of 1878. Tho Re publican, Democratic and (Jreenbaek vote for the two elections is presented separately and comparisons made of gains or losses of tho different imrties. Total voles are also the subject of com parison, and this oxhaustlvo showing is made of every congressional district in the Union by counties. Tho book is one of one hundred and twelve pages. Is a marvel of typographical beauty, being printed upon an elegantly finish ed paper, and the cover Is one of tho most exquisite things in tho way of artistic design issued for many a year. The lied Hook is a H. & O. publication intended for something above tho ordinary circulation, and to this end is sent only where requests are mado to K. Lord, (3. J A., Haltimore, M, for It by mail and enclosing a three cent stamp. Tho lied Hook will thus be mailed to all who may write to Mr. Lord for it, and cortainly .those who receive It will not part with it for nb'iost any money, so exceedingly val- uiilo n text Jronk Is it for all who arc In terested in or euro aught for political statistics. The supreme stales has by a eou.it of tho United recent, flniiiulmi fiiin. pletely wiped out tho present anti polvgamy law of congress, and there will be no more convictions under it. The decision is to tho effect that in try ing u Mormon for polygamy, none of his wives, if ho has a scoie, can bo willed jls witnesses against him, bo cause if they claim to have been married to him they am jutnut funic, by common and statue law, within the prohibition that excludes tho testimony of tho wife against her husband in criminal cases. The absurditv of tho conclusion is not a new thing in juris prudence. It suggests, of course, that tho common law principle is wrong, or that the process of reasoning by which our higest court applies it to all the illegal wives a man may claim to have, or who may claim to own him as a husband, is faulty. Probably tho latter is tho case. Common law Is usually sound, but Its interpretation occasionally makes it assumon grotes quo aspect, as in this case. Mute Jour nut. "Eomeoand Juliet11 in tho Senate Detroit Tribune. M h no to V rh s Do you bite your thumb at me, sir? D s aside to V rh s If vou say you bite your thumb at him, it will bo unlawful; ho will have tho rules on you. Vrh sNo, sir; I do not bite my thumb at you; but 1 bitomy thumb. M h no Then, sir, you do not bite a clean thumb, V rh s Then I do bite my thumb at you ; look you! sir, I bite my noso off at ) on; whoop! sir, I open my mouth and put my foot in it at you. (They glare at each other.) H n II 11 to V rh s What! art thou hurt? V lb s 1 am spread. Is he gone, and hath nothing? My mouth is as deep as a well and as wide as a bai'u door. Ask for me to-morrow, an' you shall find I havo swallowed myself. tm tm . Hill is afraid of Mahone. It would bo like shooting at n lath. Mahone has no doubt that ho could hit Hill, for it would b like shooting at a barn door. Ocij. Jngstroet, Minis-tor to turkey will soon rotiirn home, and be made Marshal of Georgia. Wo presume it is absolutely necessary to keop Long streot lu somo fat otllco? VOL. 25, NO. 45. - STATE NEWS. Some of State papeis aiu suggest ing that counties having railroad nron- erty to assess, send delegates to tho session of the stato boaid of eiiuulixa tlon, to see that railroads are assessed according to the! rvalue ; or, if not so as sossed, the reason why how tho trick is done who does It etc., etc. "No sound Democrat can bo a hro- hlbltlouist," says tho Omaha lliraht; but luckily the tw.it of Democrats do not depend upon the urovalimr iw for thole moral or political code. One tree agent in Furnas eountv has already this season engaged to deliver half million of sprouts, Some of our State exchanges sifeak of excellent sugar mulsh-up being made i rem tno sap of soft maple trees. A Methodlstehurch is to bo built at Indiauola this season. The Arnjmuw Pioneer estimate? that twelve thousand acres of wheal will ho sown this year in Furnas and (iospor counties. (Jeo.'VV. Hart, policeman of (Jrnnd Island, walked into a saloon, took a drink, and then drawing a pistol fired two balls into tho person of Michael Cress between r0 and 00 years old. Lho men had not then nor previously any quarrel, and why the policeman acted thus Is unaccountable, unless per haps ho was a drunken nianlae. Hurt shotand killed a man about a year ago; for which ho got clear. When arrested he had three rovolvers and an ugly knife on his person. Sullivan, manager of the "JIj bcrnian Mondcs," a fow evenings ago, was arrested in J Jncoln and fined $l for distributlngobsccno advertisements; - During a thunderstorm a fuw'day' ago, tho house of Eugene Painoll, a farmer near Hastings, was struck by lightning and burned, and 'his' 'wile perished In tho flames. , ,u Tho ladies of tho M. 15. church i J Beatrice, recently gave a hot'biscuit-maplc-molases festival; and it took so immensely that they hail to wind up on hard tack and sorghum. The H. & M. land dopartmont olllcers will relax none of their usual energy in Inducing immigration this season. No other agency has been so active and efficient in building up Ne braska, and it Is an agreeable assurance of tho future to know that its good, work will be continued. The Journal says that agents from Frontier county have been in,' Lincoln and other eastorn portions of. the State, seeking aid for tho settlers of that county; that the people aro with-" out seed corn or wheat to plant. Re garding this mattor the Journal says: "Ono of tho gentlemen who is circula ting a petition in this city asking aid lor the homesteaders of Frontier county, draws a very sad picture of tho destitution in that county. Ho says' many of tho farmers uio destitute of almost everything necessary to keep body and soul together, and unless' they got seed Wheat and corn, they will' bo unable to put in crops." Toaohora' Association, '' The County Teachers Association, will be hold at London May 0th and 0th. Tho audience will bo onlortained Friday evening by Prof. VV. K. Wilson, of Hrownvillo.aiid Miss Jessio IC. Rain, of Peru. On Saturday papers will bo read by Miss Mary Emmerson, of Peru, E. F. Marcellus, of Howard, W. M. Clary, of Sheridan, and R. D. "Winters, of Lon don. Prof. J. M. Mc Kernel e and other ablo educators will be pieseut to assist in tho association. An interesting timo. is anticipated. All teachers and other friends of education uie invited to be present. Ample provision Avill bo1 made to accommodate all. J. V. WlNTIClt-, ) "W. M. Ci.auv, J. Com. Emma Mojuiax. ) If you want any kind of job work done, plum or fancy, blanks, bill heads or letter heads, horse bjl),;, visit-' iug cards, wedding cards, etc. Vj huvo one of the host job offices in the west, and will do vour work- ,mrn. I ami cliutp. ' ' it i IL , i. A