Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 14, 1881, Image 6

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ttiui)vnnnjMjMuim iwnwimimii
VtllUltSDAY, AFlttL 14, 1881.
'" snowed lightly hot'o April 10th,
Cull on Campbell for your Listers
and -Drills
Wilson timber and ironbyStovon
son A Cross,
Don't go tho bottom road to Ne
maha its bath
AVe bad some heavy tUundorMou
day, and light rain.
If you want n good Plow Camp
bell's is tlio blaco to get it.
Early Koso potatoes and nice
fresh garden seed for salo by Stovenson
& Cross.
Tho wreckers have made it pay
within tho last ton days. Lots of
driftwood caught
(juito si snow storm I2thlnst two
,4jn-hes snow falling, and the weather
turned quite cold.
Mrs. F. M. Fairbrothor and Mrs.
C. mScott, of Tcoumsoh, Wore elected
members of tho school board.
List Friday ovoning all tho roll
ing stock on the Nob. It. "W. was taken
sip tho road out of danger of tho Hood.
Keystone Corn Planter tho stand
ard light running and accurate drop of
the country. Stkvhnson & Cuoss.
M. J. Fonn, of Peru, was in tho
city Friday.
Ab. Moutz, of Porn, spent Thurs
day night inUrownvillo.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ilulburd came
up from Humboldt last Thursday.
I limit MeVickor, representing tho
Peru Herald, was in town Friday.
Miss Mary Campbell will leave In
a fow days for Leavenworth, Kansas.
Miss Zortt Matthews has returned
from her visit to relatives at Thayor,
Capt. Ridley says it will be im
possible for teams to get to Phelps lor
several days yet.
S. C. Winters, David II. Mercer,
E. L. Taggart, and Lyman (Ireon were
admitted as mombors of tho bar at the
lato twin of District Court.
AVe received a pleasant call last
Tuesday evening from our old friend
and feliow townsmen, ,1. S. Hotzol, of
Rrownvillo, Nob. Mr. II. is traveling
agent for the great clothing manufac
tory of Thus. M. Argall, 320, 328 and
030, Rroadway, Now York. Mr. TI. is
an old friend of days gone by, and it
was a pleasure to moot him. Ureen-
leaf (Kan.) Journal '.
The"Livo Yankee," editor good
one loo. All right brother Rliss wc
hand you Use AnvnuTisun. Glad to
hear by llet. that you arc prospering.
May your shadow and your paper
never grow less.
Opening; of Spring Goods
Has received his Immense Stock of Spring and Summer Goods.
The Finest Line of
ever brought to this city.
Ladies I especially invite you to call and examine my stock of
Trimmings of all kinds and shades. An immense stock of Muslins,
cheap. I have the nicest and best stock of Ladies' Shoes. Also a
full line of Groceries and Glass and Quecnsware, Wooden and
Willow -ware. 3001E5IW.
Court last
AVe need more
in this county
loom up better.
week wsis very thin,
saloons or something
to make our courts
q Q
Died, near this citv on the 10th
inst., Mr. Lemon Plasters, siged .about
7 1 years. The deceased was an uncle
of Davidson Plasters.
Sunday Inst the Nomaha grain
elevator and the 13. & M. depot stood
sis it were in a lake of water, and the
best way to get to Jeitlier building was
in a skiff. Caused by back water from
the Missouri.
On account of washouts on the
railroad on tins side tho river between
hvre jind Nebraska City, and tho Hood
ed condition of tho country between
tliis place iind Phelps, and the wash
outs on tho K. C. St. Joe & C. R.foriho
past week our mail facilities have been
cut off, and wo became real anxious to
w a fresli daily paper.
Tho third quarterly meeting of
tho M. E. Church, Rrownvillo, will bo
held next Saturday and Sunday.
Sermon by tho presiding Eldor at 7 :"0
on Saturday evening and quarterly
conference. Lovo-feast sit 0:30 on
Sunday morning, Divino service at
10;:0 and tho Lord's supper; Sunday
school at li ::J0 p.m. and meeting sigsiin
at 7 :30. Tho Nov. II. T. Davis will be
present sill tho timo.
E. .1. Wi Li-is, Pastor.
Kcv Stone Corn
Planters, Corn Shel
lers,Harrows,Seedcrs, Wheelbarrows, Bain
spring and farm Wag
ons, in seven different
sizes and styles, also
clocks, stoves, furni-
ware and Coffins, and
having the services of
a practiced cabinet
maker and a first-class
tinner, we can repair
furniture and tinware
promptly and cheap.
Stevenson & Cross.
Resolutions of Eespect and Sympathy,
Rrownvillo Lodge, No. 00,1. O. C. T
sit their regular meeting Priday night,
April 8th, 18S1, .adopted tho following
"Wiikkkas, Tho All-Wiso has seen
tit to remove from our midst our be
loved sistor, Mrs. Georgia Purman, and
in view of tho loss wo hsivo sustained,
stud tho still greater loss to those who
were nearest and dearest to her; there
fore bo it
Jiesolccd, That it is but a just tributo
to tho memory of our departed sister
that wo mourn for ouo who was in
every way worthy of our affection and
llesolad, That wo sincerely sympa
thize with tho bereaved husband and
relatives of the deceased, and com
mend them for consolation to Ilim
who orders all tilings for tho best.
Jivsolvcd, That theso resolutions bo
spread upon tho records of our Lodge,
and a copy bo presented to tho relatives
of tho deceased, and published in each
of tho city papers.
Lvki.t.a Johnson, )
IIattiu Smith, Com.
Gi:o. X. Sandkkj. )
Brownvillo Publio Bchoola,
Polls of honor for tho torm ending
April 8th, 1881:
Pupils neither absent nor tardy dur
ing tlio torm.
Mattio Hacker, Mary I lacker,
CoraParlow, Stolla Hotzol,
Sophio Noidhart, Guidon Stovons,
Guy McNuughton, Msiy Worthing,
Robert Teare. Hottio Skoon,
Maria Gillard. Poarl McCumbor,
Lena Neidhurt, Paul Gilmore,
Ella McXaughton, AVillio Campbell,
Walter Gilmoru, Robert Muir,
Annie Drowning, Albert Sedorsis,
Martha Worthing, llorsico Carr,
Lillie Hoover, Hubert Waltc,
Maggio Sedoras, Clark .Johnson,
Paulino Morns.
Pupils not stbsent or tardy, except
when excused before being absent or
Mamie Carson
Rinnio Rlount,
.John Smith,
Minnie Scaton,
London, Edinburg and
the British Isles
Friday Evening, April I Otli.
Admission, 15c; Children, I Qc.
Iko Soars got off a good joko on
tho people while tho big ico was run
ning. Ho was ui above Peru with
some of his pals hunting and jumping
onto a cako of icej was
carried out into tho rivor and down
Goorgo Hannaford, Htream in a hurry; and tho Bight of
Mary Hoover,
Minnio McGoo,
,1 siiues Mason,
Annio AVibloy
Cash Paid for Wheat.
Tho liigliest xnarlrot prioo
paid for good wheat at Glon
Rook Mills. 43tr
Our city council adjourned from
its first regular meeting in April to
meet Momlay evening, 1 Uh inst., but
as (jouncilmon, Hackney, Rody sind
ttilmoro were absont on that occasion,
there failed to be a quorum, and no
business wsis trsumcted. There will
probably not be smother meeting of
the council until the first Monday in
May, tho time of tho next regular
meeting, when tho vote of tlio recent
election will bo canvassed and tho
new officers installed.
Thoso who to open
.saloons in this city say they have no
loubt that if thoy can procure license
tinder tho old law for six months or a
year thoy will hold good for tho timo
specified that they have procured
such legal advice a.i to warrant them
of tho validity of such a course. This
probably is true of the counsel applied
to, but thoy should not bo too sure, for
vquailv as eminent legal gentlemen
hold a contrary opinion. A:ul wo sire
ctedibly informed that from casual
remarks made by .1 uilge Pound of the
district court and .ludgos Cobb and
Maxwell of tho Supreme court, they
aro evidently now inclined to hold
opinions that will bo disastrous to
those undertaking to inn saloons un
iW Imavh iniil ordinances which the
new law repeals. Now, as to our in--dividual
belie in this matter, it wsis
our frrst impression that licenses taken
under the old law, before tho now law
is law, would be good for tho timo
tinnlatod! but will bo very well
pleased if wo find out that our ideas
about that particular matter vrero and
aro erroneous.
Tlio ico of tho big gorges above
Sioux City and Yankton reached this
pliico Thursday morning of last week,
sind for forty-eight hours the river was
literly jammed with huge cakes of ico
from two to three feet in thickness.
The water began to rise with tlio ap
pearance of tho ico, sind continued to
rise gradually until Monday morning,
when it rcniainod stationary until
Monday night, sind then began to only
perceptibly recedo. Tho water rose
feet sibovo low wsiter mark, running
out of tho banks of tho rivor at low
places, more or less Hooding tho bottom
lauds. The lowor portions of Scott
City, opposito Prownville, in Missouri,
were covered with water, but most of
the houses, being on tho higher ground,
while surrounded with water.remained
dry, and whilo the inhabitants wore
considersiblv scared and inconven
ienced, none that wo know of moved
away, and there was rejoicing when
the riso ceased and tho fsill began. It
is hoped that this is the biggest river
wo will seo hero for a long timo. On
account of tho width of tho rivor bod
the water did not spread over tho bot
tom lands as it did in several instances
in previous years, but the wsiter has
not been so high before in tweuty-livo
Tho river has been milking sad ha v.
oc of thebottom below tho city. Where
tho first State Fair of Nebraska was
hold is now tho main channel of tho
rivor. Tho old Zook homestead is de
stroyed, Rossell's phico is gone and the
lloadley fiold rapidly oing. Mr.
Abraham Penny after a rosidenco of
twonty years or more on his river farm,
has seen it crumblo away littlobylittlo,
year by year, until now ho is compelled
to got out of house and home, tho rivor
getting dangerously near. It seems
that tho relentless old muddy will
sweep the bottom ontiiu
Nursery stock, all kinds, of tho very
best quality sind vsiriolies, fresh from
tho ground in which thoy grow? Go
villk, Nkhkaska. 37-tf
Is hereby given that 1 will examine
all persons who may desire to offer
themselves as candidate for teachers
of the primary or common schools of
this county, at tho Court House, in
Hrownville on the first .Saturday in
each month. Philip Crother,
Ul-tf Co-Miporintoniient.
in harness, collars, uhips, saddles,
curry combs, horse brushes, and every
thing usually kept in a first-class har
ness shop, call on J. II. Uauer, corner
Main and Second streets Hrownville,
Fresli Broad, pies and cakes al
ways on hand at Furman & Palmer's
Call upon Socman for groceries at
low prices. Ho pays no rent, does bis
own work, buys for cash, and ho can
and will sell cheaner than any other
house. Highest market price paid for
Country produce.
Iliuhest market mice paid by I). 13,
Douglas & Co.
Harlow com planter a now thing
--Goto tho Regulator and examine it
before purchasing.
Tom Riuiiahds.
H. H. Dolcii has so-
cured the services of
S. T. White as sales
man. He respectfully
invites his old custom
el's to call at the In
ternational of Dolen's,
next to Postoffice.
If you want any kind of job
work done, plain or fancy, blanks, bill
hoads or letter heads, horso bills, visit
ing cards, woddin" cards, etc. We
have ono of the best job offices in tho
west, and will do your work promptly
and cheap.
On tho margin of your Advkutihkh
or on tho wrapper, indicates that tho
time paid for has expired, and that a
settlement and renewal is solicited by
him in such si perilous situation creat
ed quite a sensation witli tho people
along the shore. At Peru thoy saw a
man on a cako of ico but could do
nothing to rescue him. Thoy however
put the telegraph in operation, smd dis
patched to Rrownvillo that "A man
lias just passed this point on a cake of
ice look out for him." Put Iko wsis
rescued before reaching this city by
his crow who kept not Air behind
Go buy a bottle of Dr. Marshall'!) Taint;
Syrup tfyou lmvo n cough, cold, or iiny
luiiK complaint, utul liu aurud. l'rlco
twouty-llvo contH ; luru nio llfty- cunts.
DrugylHts Hull It.
David Campbell has tho largest stock
of Farming implements over brought
to this county. Call and seo him if
you want good plows.
MoaBuro of DiBtanoo.
Freedmau, Obrine, aud Sterling
harrows, for salo by Campbell.
l'rollt, 8l,00.
"To Humltup.Hlx long years of hod-rid-
dun KlPlmoMt, co'sllni; "00 per year, louu
l.'.'OO-iUl of thlH cxpoiiHO wan Htoppcd by
three bottles of Hop UlttorB tnkon by my
wlfo. Hho hud dono hor own housework for
u yeftr Htnco, without tho loss ol mlny, nml I
wiHHovorybody to know H,forthelr4bonclU.
IjOIV Fiicc'K
on farm implements by Tom Richards.
Extra copies of the AUVJ:ktJ8ER
at A. "VV. Nk'kell'B.
A milo is 1,700 yards, or 0,280
in length.
A fathom is six feet.
Aloaguo is three miles.
A Sabbath days journey is;
yards. That Is eighteen yards less than
two-thirds of si milo.
A day's journey is 33' miles.
A cubo is two feet.
A hand (horso measuro) is four indies.
A palm is threo inches.
JV HllilUU in UllUl! 1VUL.
List of Lottors
Remaining in tho postolllco sit Rro-wn-ville,
Nebraska, for week ending Ajir.
9, 1881:
Cliambcrlhin, 131ir.a .T. Dun, James
Rains, J no. 13.
Coy, J. A. 1 lagans, J. S.
Gates, Millard Lehman, "W. H.
Persons calling for any of tlio abovo
will please say advertised.
T. C. Hackkb, P. M.
For Snlo Cheap Tor CjihIi.
Twonty head of cows and steers, at
private sale. Apjily to DoVJiL Buos.,
Rrownvillc, 2STeb.
Improved Eiiiiid for .Sale.
T hsivo for Hiilo tho following iinprovr
odhmd: N Y hi 27, A, 13100 acres;
120 acres in cultivation; fair house, y.
story, frame; corn crib; miles of
hedge. Price, 82,500; on delivery o
deed, 81,000; terms on balance, easy.
Also, unimproved land:
N w hi :n, l 'iioo acros
SE hi 1.4. 13 100 acres.
N F hi 2, .1,13 1(10 acres.
S K if 3,0, 13 100 acres.
S r hi 2, 0, 18- 100 acres..
11 W2 WlM.UM H. llOOVKII.
"Tlio best cough roinedy In tho world,"
wiik tlio wuy an (jnttiusliintto dniKKlst put
It, HpeukliiK'of JDr. MnrHhnllH liUUB Syrup,
l'rlco twonty-llvo contB;livrgolzo llfty cents.
Try It.
Is tho marvel of tho MedlciU World. It
never fu!ln to completely euro Nervous De
bility, Itnpotency, Moutul Doprcsslou, nnd
nil dlsonsus cunsed from oxcessca, Tlio tost l
mony of HiouhuihIh can bo hitd by writing
F. J. CHKN'KY, Toledo, Ohio, hoIo ni?ent
for tho United HtfttUH. l'rlco 8100 per box,
hIx box oh for 65.00. It your dniKulBt doc
not keep tho romody, send to hcudqtmrtorB
mid got tho mcdlrlno by mn!. Clruulura
and tcHtltnoulalfl on application. d
ISofornyou begin your heavy nprlng work
after a winter of relaxation, your BytUom
needs strengthening and cleansing to pre
vontan attack of Ague,, IUUIouh or Spring
Fever, or tsomo olhor spring stole nesa that
will unfit you for a aoason's work. You
will huvo ;tlmo, much Hlcknoss aud great
exponsu If you will use- ono bottlo of Hop
Hitters In your family this UQBtU. lOU'
wait. SooanotbercolomD,