Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 14, 1881, Image 5

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    1VVA Jiil'i-JJ'-WJ '.Hi
ll Bill ll lull) III! Hl
OK W. Fairbrothor & Co.,
I'nlillnhrrn &. I'roprletori.
Gubucrlption, $2.00 For Yoar la Advanco
Tresl! seeds ut NiekoH's.
Corn wanted on subscription.
Berkshire hogs, highbred for Halo
by StuvciiHoti & Cross
Timothy seed, raised in Nemaha
county, at Xirkell's Dnig Htoro.
Coflins and furniture, u largo stuck
of all styles by.Sloveuson & Cross.
rtr. Ccllins, Dentist, Urowiivillo,
Olllco hours, 0 a. m. to B p. in. Jfot at
homo on Fridays.
Fern Sams Ciif.ap.-A House and
three lots in a desirable location in this
oily. For further particulars call at
this olllco.
Jonas Crano, M. I)., has removed his
olllco to tho building next door (oast)
to Bailor's harness shop. Ho has just
received a fresh stock of drugs, and
will Jill proscriptions at all hours, day
or night.
Wsin led.
Ono or moro sots of books to post up
and keep in order double ontry stylo.
Jooks opened, closed and corrected, A
fow more private students at reason
able rates.
U0-tf A. "W. Suir.iiAUcm.
Some ono gives tho Inter Ocean
tho following directions for coloring
black, and says it never fails to do good
work :
Ono box extract of logwood, 2 oz.
blue vitriol; dissolve the extract in 'an
iron kettle, also tho vitriol in an other.
Then wash tho goods in strong soap
suds, put them in tho vitriol water for
ten to fifteen minutes, then drain and
put in tho extract dye for liftoon minut
es, thou hang out and air. Jf not tho
color you want or Hko dip in both
again until you get a good color.
Hang out to air and dry, then, wash in
ilvo or six strong suds, put in a kettle
one-third skimmed milk and two-thirds
water; let the goods come to a scalding
hot boil, thou wash in suds and rinse
in hot water. Tho scalding in tho milk
and water keeps thorn from fading.
Wo mako tho following oxtract
from a letter received from olir old
friend, Jonathan Iliggins, now living
at Nora, Nuckolls county, Nebraska:
"Do not stop my
paper; J
is too
think of havinir it done it
much like severing relations with an
old and timo-honored friend. Its week
ly visits are a source of much pleasure
to myself and family, and when re
ceived from tho olhce it is tho llrst pa
por to bo read, and is not allowed to bo
idlo until all have road it.
1 have watched with great interest
your courso during the past winter,
and while 1 have thought you over
zealous at times, yet r niusi say that,
in tho main, you fright.
"With tho klndost,regards for you
and all my old friends, I remain
Tho lightning mail train ono
night last week mot with quite an ac
cident as it was making its run down
from ftobraska City. As it canio
down the home stretch it was thrown
from tho rack, and upward of 25
passengers might liavo boon killed or
wounded hail thoy been aboard. As
it was, however, nobody wa hurt but
tho conductor, who bud his oKow seri
ously peolod, It appears that the
catastropho was caused by a stio.'c of
wood boing placed on tho track by
Bomo fiend in human shape, but wheth
er for plunder or puro devilment will
probably never be, known. Tho lone
conductor saw no one, and after rub
bing his bruises and sotting his ear
back on tho tracK, ho pumped away
unmolested down to town
Pujasant Hill, Ni'.n., April Oth,
To tho edltorof Tho Advortisor:
Please allow mo a Hinalr space In your
valuable papor to vindioato my good
jiamo. There is a report now in circu
lation that I wont to Ohio and begged
jnoney for tho benefit of the grasshop
per sufferers, mid on my return homo
nurchased cattle with tho monoy and
appropriated them to my own use.
now say, without fear of contradiction,
that whosoever has mado said state
ment Jb an infamous liar, villain and
Unavo, J furthor stato that 1 nover
rocoived 03 much as a mustard seed
from any of tbo donations mado for tho
bonefit of the grasshopper sufferers of
Nebraska, Josism Cuims.
At Blair, cows aro dying of "mad
Lincoln voted in favor of a street
railway proposition.
Tho Democrats of Fremont elect
ed their entire ticket.
Nearly ono hundred women voted
in Lincoln tho other day.
Tho K. of f's.of Humboldt gave
a ball last Monday ovening.
A Airs. Tucker, of Beatrice, re
cently skipped with a brakeinnn.
The Christain denomination at
Waterloo aro building a $2,fl00 church.
Covington, opposite Sioux City,
was submerged in water, so that every
body had to leavo town,
Tho women of Aurora turned out
en mass on election day, and it temper
ance board was elected.
Vermillion, above Siouv City.was
a good sized town, but tho water and
ice have nearly annihilated it.
Ilascall, the Republican candidate
for Mifyor of Omaha, came near being
"skunked" by Boyd, his Democratic
Wuoksklu Jiill, Valley comity, re
cently shot and killed a man namwl
Braden, for jumping his claim B. B.
is in jail.
A son of David Mooney, at Beav
er City, was recently thrown Horn his
pony onto a barbed wire fence and
soriously lacerated.
Tho Falls WW Journal of last
week speaks of a gentleman from JIr
lan county being there soliciting aid
for tho destitute of his county.
In Lincoln, .7. .B.Wright, regular
Republican nominee was elected over
0. I. Alason, independent, by ."It ma
jority. Tho whole Republican ticket
was elected.
Michael Cunningham and Nicho
las Keonan, V. l employes, wero
drowned in the river at Omaha Thurs
day last. The former had a wife and
three children.
Frank Thorn, a brakeman on the
U.P. recently had ono oC his feet
caught under the wheel of a car, in
juring it so badly that a part of it had
to bo amputated.
Statu Journal: 7Ion. 71. C. Wells,
of Franklin county, has been appointed
superintendent of tho Agricultural
farm, and has entered upon tho dis
charge of his duties.
Tho ice gorge below Yankton
broke on tho 7th. Tho lower floor of
200 buildings in lower Yankton was
from Monday to Thursday from two to
three feet under water.
Tho society styling itself "Karnest
Worker," of Omaha, will give an "egg
sociable" on the Friday evening pre
ceding Easter Sunday, when eggs will
bo served in every conceivable shape.
In Lincoln they had a ticket got
ten up by tho soreheads, Democrats,
rag-tag-aud-bob-tails, in opposition to
the Republican ticket. That's the
ticket that was scooped. Tho Globe
supported that ticket, of course.
A Mrs. C. A. Evans, of Omaha,
ono day last week presented her hus
band with a litter of four babes. All
porfectly formed two boys and two
girls- Their weight was about li lbs.
each. Ono of them has since died.
David Mooney has already Bold
100,000 young cottonwoods in Furnas
county. Thoso are from tho nurserhs
of R. y. Furnas, of Brownville.
Parties desiring any thing in the
nursory lino will do well to make a
note of this. lhim-r City Times.
The Tidal Wan' at Vork, a green
back paper, just before expiring, turn
ed its column rules and dashes, and pre
sented as mournful aspect as possible
over tho death of the party whoso prin
ciples it advocated but which failed to
gj've it succor.
Wo hope the report is truo that
Judge Alason was placed on tho recent
mongret ticket of Lincoln without his
prior knov, ledge, against his will, and
that his sympathy and support wero
with the RopuLUcan tickot. It would
bo to the Judge's fllory wero such tho
- Tho Hastings Jfei.rasJ.-an says: 7n
corresponding with printers, wo have
found a nunibor of weak-backed fel
lows, who could not work iihand press.
But Aliss Filiold, Regent Fillold's
daughter, works off thiv JAteraru
Notes, on a largo Washington hand
press and she does It more than woll.
Scoro one for women's rights, and' for
Aliss Fifiold.
,, , ,,, r T !(,
- Koarnoy Press; Ho in. C. J.J)-
worth. Attorney (ionoral. wils m
Ivearnov Monday, morning, Just from
his ranch, and from him wo learned
that about fl.OOO hides had been bought
and Bhlppod from Plum Creek. Theso
hides wero taken from cattlo that
porlshed during tho winter, It is Gen
eral 7)ilworth's opinion that tJiQ loss
will be from 10 to 50 percont,
Is now rccoiring one
trade, consisting of
nmmor Silks, wij leap
To enumer
this paper admits
will liivc the trade a true idea that
craa n a a
1 his IS IllS
All goods sold strictly on their merits. Those who have been
suffering from high prices will find relief by calling on J. L. McGee.
Thankful to a generous public for past favors, I solicit by contin
ued square dealing your patronage in the future.
Very Respectfully Yours,
J. L. McGEE.
Grass soeds at Nick ell's.
Wagon Timber for sale by David
For first class groceries call on
T. L. Jones.
New supply of nice cakes at Fur
man & Palmer's.
Furnituvo and tinware repaired
by Stevenson & Cross.
- The best brands of Hour always
on hand at T. L. .Toners'.
Stoves, furniture, and qiioonawnre
by Stovemon & Cross.
Call at this ollice for all kinds of
job work, at reasonable rates.
Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
Finest stock of wall paper over
in Brownville at Nickell's drugstore.
Best Bread in tho city at Furman
& Palmer's and don't you forget it.
Loul.i Lowman's Uesidenco and
Store Building for sale cheap. Apply
to S. A. Osnon.v.
Best Broad in Brownvillo at the
now Bakery of Furnian & Palmer al
ways fresh and clean. dive them a
Anyone wishing to buy an outfit
for housekeeping can save money by
buying of Stevenson & Cross, as they
keep everything in that lino.
The season for showing and ad
vertising stallions Ivas come again ; and
it should bo remembered that Tin: Ad
vwiTisun ollluij is the placo to got your
bills with an exact pictufo of your
Tho great man of Mentor has been
declared President of tho United States,
without a dissenting voice; and tho
Union Itoirsi:, Brownville, is unani
mously accorded to be the boat 1.50
a-day houso in the West. Best table,
best beds, best cigars and every ap
pointment of the house tends peace,
pleasantness, quiet and comfort.
When you come to town call at the
Union and prove what wo say,
Choice teas at Whittomore's, at Bed
Bock prices.
fc'ew Firm. -
Lon. and Milt. Jones, under tho firm
name of Jones Bros., having purchas
ed the meat market of Bath & Body,
would respectfully invito tho public to
call and see them. Jones Bros, claim
to understand their business, and will
not only keep all kinds of meats that
can bo had in this market, but deal it
font in choice parcels, tastefully cut, to
gJlU ,iurt.hiwt.f Homeinber the place
old stand of Body Bros.
"Broad is tho staff of lifo," and
Homowood Si Shifter's Hour iB what
ladles gonerally uso now whon thoy
want a good article of tho "staff." Can
bo had at tho stores and grocorio9 at
)lrownylllo and Nemaha City, STtf
a nrtM TlM
Mjj f3' tWs53 ct5S ni
of those Mammoth Stocks for the Spring
SmbrolderieB, Males'
and ails? Bats,
ate tho vast variety would require more space than
lits, and nothing short of a personal examination
311 AJL-fc OOKN
Highest market price paid by
Grateful IVome.
None rocelvo so much lioncilt, mA nono
nro ho profoundly Baleful ""d bUow sucn
mi l!iloreHtln rcaoimuomllng Hop lllltora
ivh wotnon. II Is ttio only remedy puuultiirlly
ndttptod to tlio iimny Ills tho hox In almost
unlvuraully subject to. ChllW und fever, In
digestion or deranged llvcr, coiifttuut or
periodical Hick henduchos. weuluiCMi In tho
buck or klduoyH, puln in iho shoulders and
dlirercut purl or tho body, n feeling of IiishI
tudo uuddewriondtincy, iuo ull readily re
moved by these Hlttern.
A FuriiiHhCtt Ctoom
wanted, with or without board, by a
young gentleman. For furthor in
formation onquiro at Advkutiskk
Bain "Wagons, whips and cross-cut
saws by Stevenson & Cross.
KLp.I fiV'y a r-i'y7mOTTrgwFgfMl
Legal Notice.
In tho County Court ut Nemaha County,
Htuto of Nebraska.
Hiram O. Mlnlck, admlnlstraO
tor of Iho estato of Jacob
DiiHttn, Deceased, Ordnr to
vs. show cause.
Kllzu A. Orlunell and tho un
known heirs of Jacob Dili-
tin, Deceased J
It uppeiirliiK from thcJpetltlon in tho abovo
ftitllleil cause Hint. tliTii Is not hUlllcient
personal estato In tho liaiuls of satd admlu
isiralor to pay thodehts outstandlni,' aalnst
I he deceased and tho expenses of adminis
tration and that it in necessary to Hull leal
estato for tho payment tlmrcof.
It Is hereby ordered that notico bo glvon
by publication In tho Ni:iiuaska Aiivkk
TihKinit required by law In Hiich case, that
all persons interested in mild estato appear
hpf.irK the liidiff of the District Court of Ne
maha County. Nebraska, In session at tho
Court Houso In Lincoln. Lancaster courtly,
on tho :)th ilav of April, lsst, ut .1 o'clock 1'.
M., to show causo why a llconso should not
be granted to said Administrator to noil so
mueli ot the leal estate oi said ui-ceiiseu ow
scribed In tho petltltion as shall bo necessary
to pay such dobtw. a. U. I'
1.13TATK OK CliAHK AMEN Decoascd.
Ill In the matter of allowing tho tluiil ad
ministration account of J. C. Neal admln
lstintor of the estato of Clark Allen do-eased.
Notice Is hereby ulven that Mav 'M A.
1). lvl ut lOo'elock a, in. ut tho olllco of
theCounty JiuIku of Nemnha County, No
brasltn, In HrownMHo Nebraska, has bLon
llxid by tho court as tho time and placo lor
examluliiK and allowing said account,
when and wiieroail norsons Interested may
iipppnr and contest tho samo,
Dated April -Jth lssl.
12wl Special County J udo.
Read Notice 'fox Damages.
To all whom It may concern: The com
missioner appointed to locate a county
road, commencing at tho center of section
20, township I, North of rantio 10 east and
ruiinltiK thence South 40,00 chains to n
takoon tho south Mine of said flection 20,
tcrmlnntliiK at said stake, litis reported in
favor of tho establishment thereof, and nil
objections thereto, or claims for damages,
mustbodled in tho county clerk'solllco on or
beforo noonot tho IStli day of June. A. 1).
180, or such road will bo established, with
out roferonco thereto.
I3wl Bounty Clerk.
XTOTICK is hereby ulven that Ilonjainln
IN liates has illed a petition In tho District
Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska, accord
tiiK to tho Htatuto in suoh oaso mnrto and
provided, the object and prayor of whloh Is
to obtain a decree uf said court changing his
name from Benjamin Dates to lioujamln
Hates Hoadloy. Tho satd potltlon will bo
acted upon by said court ;at its llrst Betting
after tho publication of this notico for thirty
M.r.baOth.1831. jn.nuoMn,
Uwl Attornoy for rinlutliT,
; Im g line
IV tlio ninltorof tho duller of tho Hoard of
Comity Commissioner a mt forth in nee-
j Hon W, on pap-SOl, In uctn of 187,
'J Iih lloani (In cNiimaio lire eurretu ex pen H'
es for the year 1KH1. ! bo m follows:
For County General fond, themnoutil of I'
mills on the dollar valuation.
For Connly Hlnklnu fund, tho amount of
;t intlls on tho dollar valuation.
For Koail fund, the amount of 3 mill: on
the dollar valuation.
Donuut January term, 1S.S1.
hajiukl, cunnrcriTfiON.
Ilwi County Clerk.
rviihed. In the County Court of Nema
ha County Ntibronka. In Sim matter of
provltn: tho will ol nald Hulllt I. Kennedy
deceased. Notico is lieretiy jjlven that April
Mill, A. D, ISM, t 10 o'clock A. M., at tho
olllco of thu County Jnd.- ot Momaha Coun-
ty, Nnhraska, In llrownvllle, WetirtiNkn, ha-
been nxeu y me court as uir lime ami
ph.M for proving the will of mild Halllel'.
Kennedy di-ceased. when and where all con
cerned may appear and contest the probata
Dated March 10th, HW1.
0-Jv County Judge.
In the County Court of Nemaha Coun
ty Nebraska. In the mattcnof allowing the
ilual adliilulstralton account of Klloli IJ.
Johnson udmlnlstr itrlx or the estate of
Mary Johnson ileceniod. Notice Is hereby
given that April Hth A. D. 1SS1, at K)
o'clock a. in . at tho olllco of the County
Judgo of Nemaha County, Nebrakn, in
Hrownvllle, Nebraska, has been llxed by
tho court as the time and place for u.xamlu
lug and allowing 'mild account, when ami
wnero all persons interested may uppi-ar
and contest t he H n e.
Dated March 17th, ISM.
Johns, stull.
iO-lw County Judge.
Proposals For Military Supplies.
iidojis. di:it. oktiib ri.ATri:,
cnir.FuuAiiTKiiJiAsrnii s ni'noi;,
Kort Omaha, Nob, March II. 1SSI.
SRAi.nn I'leoi'osAt.s. in trinllcato. sublect
to the usual conditions, will bo received at
this olllco, until 1 o'clock M ot. Tuesday,
April ID, issi.or at the same hour (allow iii(.
for the dltlerciieu In time) at the olllees ot
tho Quartermasters at tho following named
stations, at-which phices and time they
will bo opened in presence of bidders, tor
the furnishing and delivery of Military
Supplies dm Ijig the year commencing July
1st, 1SS1. and ending .lime 30th, lh82, as fol
lows: Wood. Hay and f'linrconl, or such of
mild supplies as may l required nt Omahn
Depot, l'"ort Omaha, Kort Niobrara, Fort
Miunoy.i neyonne nepoi, rnri i(usse), lor:
Sanders Kort Steele. Fori Hull, Fort Doug
las, Fori Ciiineinn, Kort Uoblnson, Kort
Hrldger, Fort Laramie, Fort Kelterman,
Fort McKlnney atul Fort Washaklo.
Proposals rlll also be received nt this
olllco to the day and hour abovo named, for
the dollvery on thu ears ut iho point near
est to the mines on thflino of tlio Union
l'aclilc llallroad, east from Kearney Junc
tion, of two million pounds corn, and ono
million pounds oats, nidi for:raln shouhl
stato tho rato per 100 pounds not per
Proposals for either class if the stores men
tioned, or for (juan titles Ichs than tho wholo
required, M'llI bo received. K.uoh propoMil
should he In trinllcato, noparato for each
article nt onoh station, and must ho accom
panied by n bond in tho sum of ono thousand
dollars, (1.00U), executed xtrlctlv
In accordance with tho printed
lnsliictlotis. and upon tho blank
form furnished under this advertisement,
guaranteeing that tho party making tho
prnpivmi shall not withdraw tho fame with
in sixty daj-H from the date announced for
opening thomi mid that If said propoMil n
accepted and a contract for the r,tippes bid
lor. awarded thereunder, he will, within ten
days after helm: untitled orthe award, (pro
vided such notification), accept tho vrimo
and furnish good and sutllelent sureties, at
onco, for tho faithful porformntico of tho
Tlio Government reserved tho right to
reject any or all proposals.
A preference will bo glVon to articles of
dotnette production.
Illank proposals and printed circulars, hl"' '""' ostlmated quantities
of ond.Hay and Charcoal required at each
Jtrttlnii, titiit ntvlnir full Instructions n to
llio inntincrnf bidding, conditions to oh.
served by hlddors nnil terms of conlract .
itc., will bo furnlMiod on application to this
olllco or to tho QiiartortnasteM at tho vari
ous stations named.
.n?iVe0,)C?.ontnln.,nR P'oposnls Bhoold bo
marked : "Proposals for ut
': ; and nddrossed to tho n'n-
aerslgned or to tho respoctlvo Post and Do-
pot Quartorrnastors.
W-lw Chief Quartermaster.
I 1