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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1881)
Hi i j CC TRE ADVERTISER X- BOI, r. W. Pairbrotker & Co., Scris,J $3X0 re Tsar iz iirszse TOnJBH.TAEES i Coffins crada t gacrt ostiee. Tars W awwrQt, 3f eb. pAT CLIXE, OFFICIAL PAFEB OF.THE COPSTT. 500T AXD SnOS3LLEE2 fj Indianahasan extra session of the! C7STOX: WORK sasto orCr.&sCSS slvaz sp. JTar Jliia izmet, arrfrsTttieUfsS. 13 ilf ' -T Mf - -Ml I. . , . i. , .MM .. Z. t -"- 1W Vl.S. 1. . -:fi 1 . . .XT ... m mm natm. agmo' mvar sm v m v . y m a is j-r, a as a;a a a a I L legislature in progress. Thtsredncthsn. of tbe public debt fcr -lEebrsary 'SI, was Sl,eOO,eoO. Jos. Sanders, a section band, was kiKed ; HoMen, 31 last week, hy can. A farting beading at Denver last -week killed Pat- J. Smith and Tims. 'Cewlev. Robert T- isacom, the Secretary of "War, is 17 rears old- the yexKjest of 'sH he secretaries of "was. Senator Edmunds is seriously flU -ot jarae disease that killed. fcenator 'Carpenter Bright" s disease. The Wiscoeses 5egislatUTe defeated, by ciwse votes, both the prohibition and -s-ontan sa&ase amendments. Tee congressional apporticanient bill ander ;he late census failed te become .a law before Congress adjourned. "It is pretty certain new that there wi9 be an extra session or Congress, tobe May. cenveaed T.boct he siiddle ofl !!. "G. W. CQins, of Pawnee has been apeoiitteii seperintendent -ef the Xaraaka Keforre Scbool at Kearney. "The Geremor made a good selection. Hon. John T. Sick bos been norain ateti foe 43?3igrft6 in Senator Conger's -(Sssiet. Michiaa, for the scancy -cc23iaed by Mr. Coager going into "Seiate. Tfce Xeautb bottom is covered Z rod bg to ArnS. with water surfaces vater. as Jfhere has been very little Tain. Ptpie liviag ia tfee vjilley have 1nved their fnmiies to higher hind. Mttck fcs of proprxv. The aatatKent by the President of ax-eey. Eraris. exenators Jl. G.. llMKicai sum T. ?. iidwe. as cem- -saissiBers to the iaterautiocii! sae "tary ecfet 'nee, is universally aprov "ed. The aKtateets have been con- riraed by the Sentte. Senator Davit;, of illiaMs. "&sSaes the chaimsutship of the judiciary etm iHkfcee. In hte dedinetioa speech he 3pJ1 it was desirirte that GardeW sWettM be the president of th? wboi rjee.-3Rd thiit sectioeal strife ahtwhl "he.?esed. That's getting aid. Chieftain.: The fanaersj ASiance a growiag iastitstion in this state. It will exercise ia time an undoubted iaMoenee in the coencihi of both pttrtien. Its aimacii. object is Z&od aad its prp3rti-K, cooshieriiig its age are already formidable. The hard workiBg farraers of Xehraska are inteiKgent men, and their demands heeded. The portrait at AaKitr Tan IVyck aptara ia htot week's Harper's W?klg alaff with those of the hie SBator Carpenter awl thf Ham. John I. Mitch eH. fMator from tennTlvaia. A very ptetuittg 'ktch f Mr. Vaa TTyck Li ciTeH. whi-h Itexks the taeem in J wMrk hf is hK kcxV- f Ms nstivt'1 Stati. New Yrk. J5"r5J'j predict " rfttr ew SiWitor. on aecoaitt of lite hrQUant rvrd wtnfh b iawiea ntWfhrr m( Taa--. frt New York. dvnos th stefTKiy rfarn of the re lMiuR. Fnir'itt BtSttin. 1 Mr. Hwk hns wide a Tectnd thw wiatr at I.iirln of which he is proud, or -with wbirh Tea f rieaAs- are pleased. wp wMW a.-k the .- fcrfr to make; a Jtatemest ef the iiakei facta. ffr. 2gxL ' Tc. j3 iight we have dose that 5airly-sa Viajtartieirly is not. cannot b;ateverted 5a far as it goes is to he continued. Bet it was our -naked facts' that hrt so badly er taR bogo caadidate for speaker. a Stoic Jtmai: The Indians who abide along the bottoms of the Missouri river have fled to the Wafts with their buseboM goods and gods, to get out of the way of the floods which they say the "Jene rise is sre to fce. Tepees, ponies and e3le have all bees driven te the hak. -oet of the reach of the coming sraers. whieh they say will reach front biid? to WuL Wood chop pers.'who casitot very weM follow this example, are greatly exercised over the itttatkm. looking every day for a sad n!ea bursting of he We. aad a sweeping siway of the faiKs of thtkr winter' tlOII. TheZsperor of Russia has SaaHy $ ieen kJS&L As ke was retvmiitg frera a. para- in his earriage. Suaday 13th, Xwc glass bomfe loaded with nitro srHcerine were thrown at the curriage trsuL a crowd of sidewalk spectators. "The fast shell erplxi-i at the rax end -of the carria. tearing the ed out, ,whea the Crar alighted. The second 3seH was jast ihea thrown which struck ih-e ground and exploded at his feet.ehatteriag both his hg-i aad other- wietnjuring him. He survived his injuries isy abost two hours. T-s?s of hid escert were also kiHed. This was th sixth srteffiBt ta assmatp th Czar. Hon. Tnin. P. Pry has been chosen iry the Maine legislature U,S. Senator, vice Blaine. Mr. Prye ha been a member of Congress six terrss, and was re-elected again last faJL Hon. Anus Caraeron takes the place of Senator Carpenter, deceased, and wiH serve fear wars to nE out the u xpersid terra. Mr. Cameren served six years Ja. the &aate, his term, espiricr: March 4th. The Go y-ersar of Minnesota haa ap fiointad fen J, A. Zdgertoa ta succeed Senator Wicdom. gone into the cabinst. AneijOTcrnar 01 xowa nas appointed Judge MaWLaCHuarnutaad com- -nissioner, to aacceed Kirkwood in the wn - . Senate, the latter gentleman going from the Senate into the Cabinet. 1856. i Oldest Paper tko State. J STATE 5SW5. - - Iincoln is to have street a ere Ieng, and won't that be nice? Smith Mead, North Platte, was run over bj cars, 10th inst and killed. His f-9ot caught in a frog. A... gWWHIUb UUMMg 1 -JM. l tion tne state, into conzressioiial gis- trkta wm 0- f3c ys 1 Jft W4Jtp f.lB of an extra session. ; resident freeholders of the town, if jsnen restrictions and regulations a3 JL confiaexation in Omaha. 11th i the coant7 nnder township organiza- j maybe provided by ordinance, and sulv - . - JT -.- a ,tl .'tions, and if not under township onran-1 Ject to the provisions Gf section 26 of ins w, originating in tnesre of Ish &iation, then tMrrT of the rMent ! this act In cities of ten thousand in McMahon, destroyed three of the best ; freeholders of the precinct where the j habitants, or more, the license fee business bashes is. the city. Loss, 1 sale of such liquors is proposed to take! shall be Sl.000. 8100,000. place, setting forth that the applicant) Sec. 23. Druggists must keep a regis- ' a t,w- ,.- trrr, ;, . x. is a man of respectable character and & of each sale of liquor showing date, Awidowa.Fremonwwhbehus- staadingaad i oithis kind, quantity, for what purpose and cane, wane uruns. perinea m tne snw, r.a commenced suit against a j to him. buch application to be Med in ' sak7a keeper who aoH him liquor i the office of thecounty clerk, and upon! That is the Trinri of Kr-dfrin fo-r -Jf6 Payment into the county treasury of XKUisuie ma ot r-dicine for sar xh& boaid maj J loon keepers. j ncrC j xis2lXi five hmyjred $.109) dol-f istate bupenntecdent Jones, in a published article regarding the new! schooliaw. says: Towns and villages i organized under the general law and not under the law for cities, which have a board of six members, will proceed as if no change whatever had been made." Falls City Jomal- "A coal min ing company ia "being organized in this city, and articles of incorporation will be iied in a few days. Thr tock will consist af 00 share? of $50 each, shares to be 5aesa-d not to exceed 510 each. The company will lease or pur chase 32 acres of land adjoining the "W itwer coal mines, in Saieer precinct. and proceed as soon as practicable to sink shafts and tap the "Witwer vein, the course of which is towards the lands of the caapaay.. The -orSceTS ef the company are: P. "VV. Birkhauser. President; H.C.Smith, Secretary; G. W. H-bBazd, Treasurer. A careful estimate shows that at the beginning of the winter, there were upon the Nebraska ranches more than half a million head of cattle. These would average SI5 a piece, making a total ef about 41-M.W? invested in stock in the eattle-raising portion of the state. The usual and expected loss from the eSects of cold weather and; snow is five per cent. Often is does not reach that figure. This winter, the eontinoed cold and depth of snow have, increased the fatality to such aa -extent that there is no probability of saving ; one-half, an. is many is stances the; loss has already exceeded that amount i and bids fair to take nff 73 per eeat of toe largest ranenes. SHFr.rpay. Xeb March 14. 1SS1. T the Eilioror the Advertiser : I .Mil not a politician, and do net want to engayeia asy fationxl muss, but knowing as I do. from my oppor tunities, the disgusting demagegttery now being systemacicaRy engaged ia. to create a little cheap sympathy for Mr. Schick, that .gentleman iiavisg faileil to create a faixsable iispression on the minds -f the people in any ks zitintate way, from the time of his sre- tenried entrance of the aresis. as a can-, dMiate for speaker to the sreset, I am j impelled to say a word. aa.d you can pnbUah ray letter, 'throw It into the waste basket, or nae the SHbstance of what I sav as yea Ske. The dema- goguery I refiir hd "a this: Letters aM , : written fcr .fcha Foul each week pur porting te esme from various places in the county, srhen really they all emx- nate fra, one sourer Jr. Schick or 1 A& inwvKete mrnmdto. Two ar-1 tietsa within the last month the one headed "Ilonz Konc." ad the interview with Reymaa were written by Frank Wright "the red-headed Arkaasaw book peddler." The othera were written by Mr. Schick or hd brother-in-law. I know whereof IVfrite, Mr. Editor. You have the idiot of the Past terribly worried, so that he doedn't steep good o' nights, and be talks in his sleep, and hasn't sense enough to keep his mouth shut or to know what to sav when he's ! awake. The aeot oar eoitor s aop at tne eom-, iand of Mr. Daily are thorns in his ; iJesh, And it beine tme enhances his . pHv- v .top! rW. ftrr,mn,-ti, ! ! an Stiiiit VJV r?iiitnr rlun fb rmnta. ia "17 " T - tt " i ih. a r krynziij. t. uzj-.ur nitn. xte a sore over your expose of his candidacy for a -good committee" -that was tool , , .. .. , i fenny Ut hins Wow. The people un-, uerstamL ktszu&z. paiitKalty is too dead ! to skis already. Blezzaed, he ach needed reform in tb maaiisr or shipping cattle by Kifl is being intredaced in Ciaoiaaati by i I a company of humane gaarieaisn irt . ... , let xecov erea ia siiv court or competent u utnstsa uinoic , i-naiietion br airr civil Patron rtn tha fall in the corpoated under the name of the. ZTr'T Muiuajws inszuu r ted bv tna cror aiitrwinrT; nn rlii! "Parlor Cattle Car Company." The I design of the company is ta carry cat- f tie on a humanitaiian basis, and to miikf th ; nf rhir- - -, M-fl- f-of economy on tbe part of shippers. x. mu.ei car ia new oeing eoBStmctea it - , -. . ..!, and is nearly gaiahed. and will scon transport a lead of heavy cattle to V "IT J- TJI L. -Z . j. . . . , , o e-iih car, it made on a large scale, wiUbeaboutSS0O;a car will aacont I odate 20 head of cattle that win stand . r!-:r-- rr,ff V- ;l j -. "."--T except in cases of aocioeat-caa lie down, and can be fed and watered I fendant has given or sold intoxicating; without anybody having to enter ths!123 tosuch person during ths period Kr, Thnfl fa-nr -cttq t. c - - " - Hon. Church Howe are simplv,appro- i gcomphm.nt to the honorable ' Snian. - rmoi Bulletin. , Hon. Levi P irrrtmi- "V T r . .; , ' f-r .- -.".-'- WW 4- AciAJS-C. 1 Tbs Zrcn-clad' Saloon law. TVii f nl1nmf. itn... 1i- r--i-T,... r- of the new liquor law will give our readers a correct knowledge of the pro - visions of the law: Section- l. The countv board of each county may grant license for the sale of malt, snirituous and vinous j liquors, if deemed expedient, upon the ' mechanical and chemical purposes on , application by petition of thirty of the I 7. subject to forfeiture, and under and praying that license may be issued Iars for each license and upon the eom- phance with the provisions of this act: rTovKieo. sucn ooani snau not nave power te issue any license for the sale of any liquors in any eity or incorpor ated vHIkige or within two mUes of the same. Sec. 2. 2To action can be taken by the hoard until the applicant for license has given notice in the newspaper in the county, having the largest circula tion, that such application nas been made. Sec 2. If there be a written protest against the issuance of a license, and upon hearingthe case it is shown that the applicant has been guilty of thc violation of any of the provisions of this ast within the 3?ace of one year, or if any former Eeense shall have been revoked for any misdemeanor against tie laws 02 this state, then the board shall refuse to issue such Heejise. Sec -L Parties interested mar com- pel the attendance of witnesses, and wixi 1 appeal may be taken to the district court. . jjec-5. Lieense may run one year or less, most state where liquor is to be sole, not transferable, may he re-T-dked by the authority issuing same pon violation of any provision of this law. Give form of license. Sec. ti. Requires bond to tbe State in the penal sum of S5.UG0. with not less than tws sumcieut sureties, free holders sf the county, who may be re quired to take and subscribe an oath as ts has pecuniary ability to become such sureties. Any bond taken pur suant to this section may be sued upon for the use of any person, or his legal representatives, who may be inhered by reason of the selling or giving avpay of any intcxicating liquor by the per son se xicensed, or by his ageact or ser vant. And section 7 prohifertg persons becoming suretv on mere than one such hend. SecS. Provides a fine of S25. for ! selling or gi-vrng liquors to minors, ap prestie or servants. Andsec 9 provides that if any minor, apprentice or servant shall falsely represent his as:e to preetrre liquor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined 422. or imprisoned net exceeding thirty days. Sec 18. Every person so licensed whs shall sell any intoxicating Iiqucrs te any Indian, insane person or idiot. or a habitual drunkard, shull f outlet and pay for each offense the sum of 350. Sec 11. Persons who shall 3efl liquor "Without license shall be fined not less than S1G0 nor more than $5C0. or be imprisoned not zo exceed one month. i and sltalt be liable for all penalties of the law. i.nd sec 12 provides for recognizing the offender to the district court. Sec IS. Every person so licensed or any person, who stiall intentionally or otheEwise, sell or givs away, or direct or permit any person or penans in his employ to sell or give away any malt. spirituous Gr vinous liquors, which shall be adulterated with strychnine, strontia. sugar of lead, or any other substance, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars for everv 1 such offense. Ananalvsis made bv a praetitfiI chemist shalfb6 deem petent testimony under the provision1 provisions 01 this section. Sec 14. Penalty of $100 for selling or giving away liquors on election day or Sunday. Sec. 15. The person 0 licensed shall pay all damages that the community or individuals may sustain in conse quence of such traffic, he shall support all paupers, widows and orphans, and the expenses of all civil and criminal prosscutions erowing out of, cr justiv attributed to, his traffic in intoxecating mks; said damages and expenses to bond named and required of this act, a copy of which, properly authenticated shall be taken in evidence P T"0" otjastic in. this state; an4 it sfaa.ll be th rintr of th nrmwrpfpiifc- m ji ", . , " ueuye-' uemanc. snen eopy re any pei. sou Kouuuij cuuiii to IJo injured nysnan tragic. a-."- " 3a;l,, "r 7 marntd women, or any other person ac her reqaest, to institute and main- nun. in her own name, a suit on tiny sach bond for all carnages asstained by herseif and children on account ejected shall be paid over for the use of herself and children. sec. 17. A nen any perscn shall be? KKae 2 county or city chaFge by reason 'W..-m. . ,..: i -- r. bond" of any person Hcensed under this act, who may have besa in ths habit of selling or giving intoxicating W12 person so oacomrng a ! charge. Sec. IS. Shall onlv be np-wssrr to i- c-,..:- ... -". 1 to sustain action for injuries mtiict-i , r, TOJr L'rri . . : -j ed by a person under influence of ' liquor, to prove that defendant sold or i gave honor to the person dou;g ihe rnt-j J?n Qaha same cy or about that time. And in an action fur damages brooK oj a married woman, er other P312011 Trhose soppors legally devolves , i"- kviij. uisuuiiiuea uymtemper- jance from earning the same, it shall! only be necessary to Drove that the de- v s"'" iiiaiuixiiitstujc. jjai sec. iy ; DtOVidtS that action frsr romaow mir v v r i- .. ..- uciuie d juauce Ui IE8 peace It tne ft- - -... -. A.: -j 1 PTrFUin Tnn TTT.irrinrs r cr k 5T n ? n u.iiu.i. pJd to theoo?flll cf mnJ Q. vdxnss to zecei7; of i1- era AJrmi of rhe county a sum equal iloo"iAuruioitnesTimpaidtoscGooli iliCU. . -j ... .. w , in section 6 1 abundant. BROWISYTLLE, KEBRASKA, (Sec. 21. Proper authorities raayj grant pezrait3 to drussiats to sell I i li . i: T T T t J f chemical purposes, without a license f fe but ! to all the requirements f and penalties as hereinbefore mention- ed. Provided, That the city council ' in cities, or board of trustees in villag- es, may grant permits to druggists for ' the sale of Honors for medicinal. j whomsoid. And sec 24 providetj Ior punisnmg by tme, any person who shall obtain liquors of a druggist by fatee representations. Sec. 25. Provides for arresting and fining, 810 and costs, any persGu found nruns Sec 28. Prohibits, on penalty of S2S. screens in saloon doors and painted windows. Sec 27. Repeals all former liquor laws. Postal Hews. Post Office Depaetmest, T.ise ls-gtox. D. G. Februarv 21. 1SS1. It is ordered that section 232, postal regu lations, be revoked, and in lieu there of the following order is made: Mailable matter of the first class shall embrace all matter wholly or partially in writing, except as herein provided. The exceptions are as follows: 1. Corrected proof sheets and manu-; script copy oecumpanying the same, 2. Date and name of the addressed and of the sender of circulars, and tht -., - r4 rX -, ,-, ..J..i.J--n .!,?,, 7: "" -"- - Bills, Efceeipts and orders for sub scription enclosed in secoad-eiass pafc lieations, provided such brlls, receipts and orders shall be in such form as te convey no other inferraatioB than the name, location and. subscription price, of the publieatiea or publications to whioh they refer. 4. The nanae-aitd address of the per son to whom second class matter may be sent, and index figure of a subscript tion beok, and words or figures, qr both, indicating the date on which the subscription to such matter will end. . Upon matter of th third cLiss, or upon the wrapper enclosing the same, the sender may write his own name or address, with the word "from" above and preceding the same, and in either case may make simple marks intended to designate a word or a passage of a text, to which it is desired to eali at- j ten tion. 6. Thera may ne plaaed upon the cov- er or blank leaves of any book, or aBy prmtcu matter of the third class. ?J simple manuscript dedication or in- seription such dedication or inscription ! must be cocfined to a simple address or consignment or such hack, ar other printed matter, as a mark of respect, ami Ernst nat contain anything that partakes of the nature of a personal correspondence. 7. Upon matter of the fourth-class, tbe sender raav sami his own. name and address preceded with the word "-from. and also the nnmber and name of the aroeie enclosed. He may also write upon or attach to any such" articles, by tax bibeL a mark or number, name cr letters for purpose of identification. Horace MArNAnu. Postraaser-GeneraL EatqfaT? FextEt inZHEiC The efiect of a winter which brine a heavy snow storm in the Kooky Moan-: rHinc'iciIwTiv fnIlAari h- -nmmT-i Cocitty Jtdse of Nein-xfui Contr. Nebraska, i .ainsfc always lonowec Dt a cummeris-Brov-rTiiie. Nebric. t benttx-d br that brings an aqundarice of rain toftberntirr.- thettmnn'f riftee toe provins . the Missouri Valley. This doesn't rest upon guesswork. like the predic - tions of aimanacrinakers. nor upon thel ;imnwo.l intwp nf PP-r-,n rJ.,T,c "-rr-,- .. .... . .. .. inuuLv., like the forecsats of Tice nd Vennor,; 1 but is Icksed upon the simple scientific i proposition, hich the experience or many years nas provbd to be correct, that the melting of snow in the Rocky Mountains constitutes the principal Source Of the rainfall tn aH this portion , of the continent. The snow meltinc I m the mountims rises in the form of vapor, and in this- form is borne east ward until it eomes ia contact with a warmer enrrent, when it is precipitat ed in the ferni of rain. Observations taken at this point for twenty conse cutive years, show that this rule has never railed a winter of heaw scowr mountains is followed by an rarhfall in this vieinitv the next summer, and when thef e is but httlesnowin the mountains there is Lut little rain here the following sum mer. AIL accounts agree that the fail of snow in the mountains this winter is heavy, and therefore, aeeordinc to this rule, we may look fcr an abundartt rainfall next summer. Leuentaorik Tzrkes. . Strztt' jMirjv Ssvsml mH-muvs I of London precinct. Nemaha countv. J. K. Peery, F. E. Alien and Charles Campbell, were in the eity yesterday eonsulting attOTBeys in tha matter of legal steps tc avoid she payment of certain bonds issued for railroad pur poses but which have not resulted in encugh railroad to suit tham. JSaine Setra. Hop 3Jtter!, which are advertised la cr cohtsufcij, are a sere cure Sjr an. Itlloc5 ness and kidney compialnta. Thee who r-commended. These aSIcted shoeld give inem a tair irjat, ano. wiu cecocte thereby ... . . 7- . .... . - aMlasttc In tne praise cnratlve qnallttes. iartlan Ad. ticacra-AsSSa-. Prof. E. Andrews eivs & " Chicago 3i-rrJ Zrimiaer. the ftSicsr- fg-gt; eu- " jutt. Adtnitttratxcss. rom a carefnlfisamlnatlon of the tatis- aiipa;iia ra.aer, i 10 223(4 to ffiS '& EtherA BchSoO to to 2.7C3 cc xxtuocs oxid1 notd0atitafW 060 admuastratiof - a T Edward E. Squibb. 3L D thas -s-tnaiocrt country haa no more able charmarf cifr. and taxlcoLccist-fnalMircrp- on o.rr'-ttarta i before the 3fedlcal Society of the State cl New Torfe.says .-Nitrons Oxide was the first u3K!uc; iiiiu. iiie saii, ana certainty or its eiTects.fijren in lnxperlncI hands, for all momentary operation and tcenmmt-i ness -with -srhlch persons reaTer front Its ' -r-- cse. render It perhaps the ntot Importantlof 1 eatera2sieateanioaiuofpati,rctAffu-j uoawujeiiis, tecauae ussunec torelleTes -- -''-'- i DR. COtLISS adntlnuters lr r. iI4G3fortlte palrlesa iraction. cf festfc.jatA. W. leksll's. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1881 We have drawn in our skirmishers, and shall onsn fire aif -kino- rhe line. . ThI is not s Greenbact or hard menev issue, but a war oa HIGH ruu.b. wiH buy 6j pounds very best cofFee. H it ti j 2 " ." 45" cc tt " I it It It J U CC CC -4 L 32 boxes of The above are only a few of "Keep money at home," and save where tbe greatest bargains are ottered. My- Spring Stock is goV arriv ing daily- I Handle Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Queenswarc, Hardware, in fact, anything you want can be found in mv great store. In connection with rnv business, I run a larsr HARNESS AND SADDLERY MANUFACTORY. Bear in. mind that I am the only dealer in thc west that sells to tbe consumer at the same price that many country merchants pay. Send in your orders. Everything as represented. When in the city do not fail to call. 1800, 190dl904,rrederfoiAve311ie,Sh Joseph, 5ro.hVatGh8s Qjg JgW rTcrrnmus or Narrow Guase Street Car Lme.1 j ' w.ww.w, ... T.yrAT A33V2RTJSS3aXHTg. ?. "PSTAXE OF JOHX JL THOM.VS. Deceased. j In. ihe-CoaniyCosriofveinaaa.OMintr', .NeflRuKa. Ic the matter of aliowJna- ths flnil artnitnlatratloa accoant of Valerian V.JIor- rlsoa ailmlaldtrator of the estte-ol John A. Xhoaias deceoea. Notice U hereby stTec that April 3th a. D. lahi a n o'docit m.. a; the oor the coonty-ja or Nemaha Coaatj". cbrH.ka. in Brows TlIIe.Nebrata. axed br the cocrt as the tlai anJ place for examining aal tUtowias .ild ac- cocnt. whec and wore ah persoa later- e-c-d may appar and. eon'enC the tNiEae. Doted, ilaruh. IBth. l I JoENS. STUTX, 25-4 Cucnty Jotte. I.EGAI, NOTICE. XTAXHANTEL JOHNSON, of Oie State ef Jj illssoarl. will taiff niHiee that Alice B. Johnaan. of the county of Nemaha, la the State of Nebraska, did oa th th dy of February. A. D.'e her petition la tbe Wstrlct Caart Trlthln and for Nemaha coaa ty. State of NHbru.ica, aralxst the ald Na thaniel Johnson, defendant, settinz forth that she hsa been a resident of Nemaha eocnty, Nebraalta. for twelre year pa-it. a& is a Dona nee tps 'lent or aii eoanty; that November tsth. iPra. at Nemaha eoonty. i brtuka. she was married to caid defendant; that she h.-w ever since rondect! hiraelf toward nim as a iiithfci ana obedient wife ; & time smugly, wantonly and eraeiij- re-tor fasad. anineglectd to provide any main ten 11?&VPJZZTEZ?E: 1 may be noticed of the ajine- oCaaid petition. ffSSST '' And the sard Nathaniel John, intiaed Hat ne u required: to appr ana satwar1 l Hillli. UCI L.IIITI I IW Wr- I I' I - tfO U I ( r Z . , mT alice B. Johnson. ' BW.s.srna.jier a y. Kwi , ISAI. KOTICS. t tn the County cocrt of Nemaha eocnty. j Ll,S matter of the adoption of Manu L. Tanner, minor ohiw of sfIvmiw w. Tn-' ner and "annie C Taaaer. fcy ilart-as L. . Emery and Helen T Emery, notice i hen- by tvarhatanapDlktloti h-i bees made ' by ald JIarcns E. Emery and nWen T. Era- , 1:"!. la o'clock:, a. m at tbe oCtr of the Cocnty Jnjs n N-caabti Conty. Sfehnt.--kr tn Bmnrnvllle. Nebraufca. has Been flxed a. the time and plao far tbe bearing offukl matter, when and where all prio tiiter eted ln.tald matbir may eppuraad contest the ame. JOHN S. STTJLL, Cocnty Jte. Handlist 1S3L 37w3 tST-ATE OF BVRXETT HAWKS. DS- tcv?1. In ths C'woty Cr: of Nemabn. I Connty NUnutk. In rn matrer or prwclmr the vlll of ald Burnett Hattw euet. NotIc 1 hereby zlven VhAt Aar-I 9h A. L ISSI at 10 o'ciocfc A. SI.. t th; offie of the; tTH Qr "t-rn" H r013-! and ccntst tne'prooite tneretc a'i Fet.tijtK. i.u JOHN S. STTLL. Coast ze. I Hoiv to HaliP Soap for a Cent a Pound Share Into kjU pteee five bars of Bob- ! blnu'ElectrkrSortp. and botl tn three qnarts of water, nntll the oap fc thorooghJy djoI- ti n that spos stralalns throash a sieve nnthlns remalni!. M to the noiatlon or "-rod" three u-uion-4 of ana whut; atir bristly for wereral mtentes to mix. and set ! It away to cnoL Thoe?t: It will Iwofc like i nathfR? bet son p-ot-4 while vrarm. a ehem leal reaction wtU take place, aad la twenty- onrhbcrtime will develop forty or 2fty r ' uiutu iik uakiaiureai i bi .w. ap eoxttntc Ju.ian one cent 5 poand, and a.1 , aad as many of the adelterated aompoesds called soap, and JQfcl at ceren to ten cents a pcand. HQvr Ion wocld It take Jor any oth -er soap c.-tet l the same to become anythlns: f.batit can not he do":. 'with anr soao she any boa ever h-jh1. See If it can. be done with Doftblna Electric J. 31- Caxpsej, tSy Sole AKent. Howard Neh. ZBBBBBBi ; - ITU 3U5XHZ5S CAH235. BEO ADT, ' Attorney and Cncntclor at L.a.-cv, J 9 0cjver-iL:-. Saat. 3rawT:vIiJ. Nb 1 s i. OBORX, ATTORSEY AT LAW. Mtn n-t. HroavHe. Sb J. b. STULL, (lTTORJKVSrAT L.AW. , Odi of Cecaty Jctira. BrwavBl. Nbnka. j S. SOLLADAT, ' 3-t Phr!elan, Scrj;tsaf Ocu trie las. I Brodnatd fa l5t Located :s BrrzrnTtXi ISAJ. ! ee.ll iL-vla street. Brown-rtlie. Sa. i H. S. DEG3IAX At the West End. eiwJCof Hratton's store, i-Horae Shoeing a Specialty. j J w. GiBsoy, I baC3SSMIXH A3JD HOKJ3Z JDOERI Wori lane to irtler nd aatfufftcttos araBted First itreet. batwa Xata aad Atlatte.Braws rtlle.Seb. Isa.c VV illiams,, Proprietor CEiVTBAIi 3 ii 1 eai mance BroTSrTiTille, ITels., i rr 1 r x t nsr t t K.86DS OniV IirSL CiaSS Meat' --'HJ 'JIJ " 3- ulajJ 1,loal! - -55fajk paid far Poaltrj aad Hides aairS '. 3S5atM fart ion Gaaci3tied."EJ I T?-rr- T,t- n 4-n. mL ..!..,,.-. . "" --" "11Iift xtr M " nice sugar. " borninv. " rice. " choice dried apples, " choice dried peaches, matches. the BARGAINS that I am ofierins. your bard earnings by buyirtc scods EhrerytMag. NEMAHA CITY. -" eiaami uit ts situfcu. IU sne SOCCftr "V,.. .!. i"" r. ri a. j : t i east corner Of XeOlaha COUntV. asd IS thp nnvrr forminr of tK i?6 : Presenc termmUa Ot tfte .eOiaalCX Kaiiw4v.tnd the eastern terminus ef the R. V. R. R. The latter road k ..,. j . ti wj - - - COmpteted tO Blue Springs, COBBing in this directiiai- and nearlv ro Ciilbprrsntr nnrhovKt ihnnr amiiibi fT h this j point. Work is being poshed forward from this place west as rapidly as it can be dene, and the gap between Tp- j maha. and Blue Springs will be closed ' during the coming year. Xemaha will have in a short tira a raiiroud bridge machine shope. etc, and will be the most important town in the county.' Oar natural advantages are unequalled. The town is beautifully located on a ! gently rising foot-hill" or table land eixwine uk iHitioui jaaots aau tne ; Missouri nver, and in point of beautv ! ,. T.ri.r. ir- nn. v , .,J f Ration xt eannot be SOTptted.i uoou Dusiness opeBiBg3 are presented 1 agricultural prsuits cannot da bet- ter than tosettleinXenmhaorvicinitv. This is the jrreat shinrnner Boint for grain Kve stac it being so easily .reached rrsea aB directions with heaw l&efis; xeaHmrir the favorite town oH . v iv tnp-tariHArs Nemaha has cood schools, churches, 23 aatI (xidFellow and temperance organiiatiOKS. several fine stoae quarries are found near thecrtv. Tim- bead l fe C "P P: t Ihereare goodopenings here for the following, in IKirticalar: A bank. ,!. uj.t T X - ti aiMXDer hotel, a Steam nourmg BUll. anu. in fact, there IS not a Hotter town in tniate ior men wao desire to ea ter into business of any kind. Come and see us and he convinced. Nimaha Timer. 3.3ell Andrews, M. B. 'DBYCIfMB ?. WBEtfll 1 H J , 1 1. J 5 yllliULUi' 4 W JS .Nemaha City, 5?efe. Calls " in ihi Country Prorr.pily AtUvd f, day or night. QPECLAL. ATTENTION given to anrstcal ! , Odaes of women snI sarxlcal dcaj J k .ae eye. Sir PntJenU froa abroad can be terstshd wits pleasant zcocia and aceoOTsaodationj. uu QCQTflllDIIAJ SB litea7 4 ilwkniS Nemaha GUy, -EY- X.OH1S StroMe. ' First door "south of the Jamb- yard. t and aret a aqoore meal f-r 35 eesii, A S : IrrvT. 4rS5TS Z- "r I snd Jtra. btroote having sad sattch esp ri- ' seeu rtstacraieer. are weu qnallsd. please their pa: rocj. ' JQBX& Mimm uitiitt kjxj xitsu., , pEHERAL MEHCH4HD1S! tj FJJSSLTT CBCCSSTJZH Keeps a Tarlsd stooJc of everyi-i Ib:tie3 ? ( p w tj&u ana iee ntm. potaeF. I BOOTS. SHOES. j AND HABH2SS ; 1 Vada and reoatredai well as can be docs , i anywnere.and at bort notice i AJZL. YEB.T &SA.SOXJL3L2 TS&XS. Ami, ta DJC.-fr.2BS" X.V DRY GOODS, GROCERIES I REABY2U.DE CLOTHING. yOTIOyS, E:e.t Ete., Els. 5 HflmahafJlir NaKi.2tir5 1 ....... W..J , I1V.U.WU, I w iu sati gxwxu as A cheap &i aay hocae Is f. , trtt arasii. j I Soctheasta -mTTi,Tr-r-.-.T DAYID A. 12J.UXIA Uil. 1 BlacksTJoitjA, STemaha CityTebrasJ:a, ILvhitt rtpolrtnj and horxashcIsx a p 15 ty. I II J. B. HEE3S,rHERCHAHT TAILOR, UYERY AND FEED SATBLE. 3ccd besgiss anrt horses, ciiargea ra- .rtrVT T?j"rif 1.0n iVon rt . .V- " - "-""- jrnBJ CITY. .TEX. 39. CALL OX f la UNION HOTEL, war cf Court Horas, WHERE F wS Essay a smm of peres ray serene" apilawe. elry and Silverware, iiepstlrlnsr is all, ?i. Opposit Lumber Yard, Mam St. GOOD BIG-S -AT- REASONABLE RATES. Spechsl Aecominodations T- r Coiimiefcial Wen -AXD- Driyer Euriiislied when desirwL HoKes boenied by the d or week. and Farmers teams fed and cared for! as fair rates. ;STESL30IL1RFSEEY. itfc sr-SLiT T- "T?TSrtL3 "s. t?- J v ?st; . tZi&$?T?. ri At Bro wnvills, Nebraska. ! best oHo.ssi.NTfr ON THE Missouri River. ; JSHXaT KfiAT1 "! Hates Ho ic. Camj)$ SJiady, Hoads Good, Indemnity Ample. A Lecture to Young Men Oa lise Loss of rn-. -"i',ar t?. r - PBKJf""4J' ja WU.. up-J. feri5iSr TiTiTiCJ . 3f . TT . 1 e -! XL.kA-r:-?i2.J& V 1 iL Tl & iLfto n tfae .Yafirn. Treatment, aacrxt at. -t. -o nr oa. !ca-. nr fps tnat..rT fc .a-T jI-T sif s.-, 4 I-Toanlary & '. Icjwr ;r mis lrtj.ltty. ac ImpllmsCi ta Jarriw Brtir. Ceesams 1.a. ZjOmtTj4rt Meeal add" Physical Is eapaetrr. c. By Koi-rt J. f alrrll, 31. ' D3o&curf te "Orea .B." ete. The woril-rwfwi'ra-rf aat&or. te tote dsurable I Ictar e-srir9n?"i?rHa&kw2 jzT-rtonw iani :m awrai emi3iyimtes tr IUua sst b efTeetwBy riarp wttht Cazgrrm tcrrcat apeaUria. bjajc-", fcaftracieBa. mr. r o.r- dtxu : TOoii;r ct i f nr at 900. rurtar wkathfaeeodtConexar' & sut-r earr alnueH j vateJy.cheajacd radically 'JSSBiu OT3KT1 erarTM'w na m STTltS.!cscraw5lpnveabaaBta Jhoesanda and Uwjexiada. 5ec awl?r !, In & plain avce. sn acy ad in. wit-zxiH. on rceJ? afatx cessa, er two ;ta siaaiF. Aiiretfc PvbBahen. mr -,1 4 1 Aa Su, New York, X. T. 3. 0. Sex. 4iS. z JACOB 1TAP.GHX, aaddealeris FiaeEa5ija,Preai.5iiteaaatI 5aacj Cloth Tistfciir, Etc., Etc" BroTrnyine. Nebraska. HAE32XS RE3JEDT C VOL 25. NO. WttlTmufm i " i l - 9 Pv B T . 3BBHvHH Ss tsmoBs. IBb am Wm X l. y rcL i , 9 TK t7T i fc -w--r- i f$fr2JL SOi hTS- - f f3 aa LSJLS TSReay?S-e!gW f 1 jj m sa fii r-j I iifc rfPT VormXl Ttlm of tk Xkri &beeit moTmT&m l V la prtrale practice ulnee- I33S. Pnttw- ! SorthepeMta fca?.nn77P TTl-NKVKii FAIXS' uULitrJuLPrlce 25e S'e.aajISl S1SFLE BOTTLBS X Cat- ' O. C Day & Bracken. So!e Proprfetnrs. Saaaa CUT. 3Io ScsuJxa. City. f uac: J M --- - " t . ma ED. LOOMIS, SMSHIOXABLS BOOT XSD SHOEXAXEE Ui floor treat sT OTeli's UTsrrSaSte. "Wotic Cone to order aai aallaiacHaB grrnnriSeed. i3f21fsTST23S2Cf23S ESTABIISHZD Hi 1856 eal Estate Agencv :pF XEBB A STTA. DceJ a senerol Sail Estate Bcalneaa. Sells Lands on pnamlsstoc, erataa Titles, makes Deeds. Mocssag. aad all lastra mesta pertainlss to the transfer ot EealEa. tate. Eui Complete ALstraot of Titles to aH. BeoIEstata la Nemaha. County. iCTHOEIZED BT THE C. S. GOTESWaZST, ationalBank or- 3BO'ffyyTTi7iE. Paid-up Capital, $o0sG$a Anihqvized f" 50000 Q 13 ESEPABSDTO TBAN3ACT AI General Banking Busines, ect asp iirr.z. G0IH & CTJBEESCX DBAFTS onaUtheDrisctsaleitlea of the United States and S-arop MONEY LOAET3 OeapcroTCtlecaTttroeiT Tteie Draa cUacasat m1. aal -ifiecial aeromBMrtn ;totM sraatad ta (JepoaU em. Dealers ia GOVEKN3CENT BOSTJ6. STATE, C0UKTT& CITY SECURITIES SSPOSITS acetT(d-araitocIeaaI ai trrEBESTal- orastrroB?- wi x.rea. s. at. Baser, sca Hasn7. Fraci S. Johaaee. Lattar Hsadlej. W yralafeer aOHX L. CABS0X, A. S. CV"I3ni Caahiar. I.CJIcXArjirrC'N Ait.CiihUr. Srcatdent. m mm Ci7r?iaiHoc. PraCGcflmettef ZSH PAIS nvo Alreads beonackZhi ' Prance -T3T7 one ot Z ecp-rSKHat 5. anc r 9. when trwd occnrlla; t- iTrettoBi. Vi e now say tn the aSicted as-i. d.-30Cny aoea U.A we wHl pay the aSo- re-wan; for a slnste cast T T A Vi Rl "P A ( 1 kT Thotthe PC "a. tu. eax. T?iij 'rit Ksierfy Ui POirtV-Y r PEIOtiNZ3rn.T enr., Lnmbao, I.. -tme Baelc, Sciatica. Gtet. el, Dtabte4, Eropy4 Brl5f IHea of tbe E'dixfi. IccoaUxace &adfTCc. tentlanofthe I rise, InllAiuatJoaort Sidney. CatarrU oftbt BlattAmT. BlsrSx 1 Colored Crlna, Filn In tne Baelc, Side, or Iotn. erraxu "VV ealcnem. and It. tctAlt diMrters f U Kaifder aad rrtaary Or xin whether centrsctvtf by prl-ate cjlseaje or oC rwb LtADIS. f 70a are snSar fril 7ia WwucBr rvacorraaa. ar any dbsaeiaf Ul; Eldaeys. ad4er . r I. roary '"rrcs , YOU OAK BS CUBED I WKIwiat -raIIowhiu3-5,3 nKdiclaes. Isj Sfct plywearlasr I PROF- GUILmETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH (TTKES BY AOR?TIOy. Ai yar drnszfat fcr SSuyT CCTL3CSXTS,k FaENCIIKIDNSY PAt txSM ther U i hthjs 3"tsetK. i.nC p and jvn atH recetTethj tadiyrecirasiaC ."e:?. TZM-zi'i mm urn m W .. 59tfrely carp Frer aarf Arae. Sunt, Azae Aw f"it a JK.a.1 ?wr. Jaiipittee. 3r Spcia. aii a.. dbrvatut -jf.iw Trrrr ' fmi astx IftwA Prx fUW by sal -at tar Ft ua j TotedStCnic 'arsaiea--W H cf'r-- nAnn k TiisaadJ ai zr vm 2 1 o aaRSAlty rabbZ 1 JUS S e mt ta liiS" -" vhacis. Br- iSnaSliSllSB Vmx: Jl59a I 1 E TtJ Jf j ",'I -Mta rsiad l; GERMAN INVIGOBATGB, wbjcn 3Mlbve!y ami peraaajMitl? rzra Inmat- Kaey, sii ayrxoisaaw. r.j utact. sesnlaai . VaknemiV3tait dirca3 .fotMrw m a av- rptfsnrT cf AetrAbfro. - ust f tsenj. mcs eH-E5ry. wtlrer! iiisiiade. ala 1b a baea sttataw o TfcHoe prmahir oK as. and tic--Cher dtteaaef t&at -eatl s uiaasity r ca&rs!p ties. aal a preuucra xrars. ScadSu-ctreatart wrth teatlQosial ban by nii. Tb INTIGllRATOIt td r ! - Sox. bt 1x boxes firli, ay UdrE?sliti.rwai aatfc9,y tT r(aiwaain.u4 -. lui af f4n 1 -.. s -ro A,irra.- bar am ?isuv fft fUlTT rJorlinol A Amirzx folia ILae to yinmonj. 1 ontolalaz rha&ien oe "How so Setecs a Hi 'and -H'""' to . hoee a WTfe. Xrtlace&s ' T' -xlalrr, TrapraHes. tenlly Advlej ' Br.-icrrKurr Htuteuu aad Wt Prmnaaec- it "33es. ' eUbacy vtad Xalrtciaj corpRrd. Con s?at iraa3. tJiXKer c!on fr" nuevat, Irva ac I rrv rainf. irzitienb' Sw atarruwc-. -cteee . Bipr3dscaon. raslrf Lfle ennstdwred. Uv ; Ma.-rje aad rte-Tocee Isai Bishrt r itdrr1 Wz.$n lA.-'.tjnj of WSeiea ihetr asm as . cor, tx. Thin Ss a Set 6irprtvafesathcUf 1 rKUttaz-thataadsitiaaaJct be- ukMC, aa iraor aace i !be ebje& enoaea 3sid silber- aaKcB:lr rniai.-a.wL Wwtt j -sslsh '-sat- Jtecost2ieaib!t br X IM iJes seenre t 'Milsd Sree of pcaisse r r-etc of 5cbO. J. s. SLAXTEK. &. C, Toledo, C- :V-n-D 1-S-efrTg .ItiO ufli S Tm -51 - rTT" --rso.,r ari. '- W g M:,v-Rr i l - w -- - - rt WT'JI !- a- J )H -vt. irstN JmmWSMk imm .Hn,:K:ttv3Hf tzuxc BTS:. T-5-isBW err time. esodfr Siiassa. ' fK rsKCtejru"t uu m Hop B.tter. cr u HcgSC" I-attar!jT!J"-'r"-?2r5r3y S' t acr-tt i-a 51- - -ijr-sar- JT l ar J4e - "rfj""--- scSerios-trju. EJ pcorjisLta v .. " - S !" x t Kat- LI S ff, raj j. ripfeSt;"I- R 9 3t w ' WIT. - ST ' '' ' mf'S ? S iasr ar au-. -jr rfP? S ijr9winirf r-1 -iMiUTi. "--'- Jr -. --iaya f :ik Hop . HopZarx S' -" T:7 ogia n.L,c h it-lSSC? 1 1 -r- &