Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 03, 1881, Image 1

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    -""- 2X 9 , Tf?t
a n
r. W. Fairbrotlier & Co.,
Publishers & Proprietors.
STibrcriptics. $2.C0 Per Yszr ir Adrancs
officialTaper oftiie
U.S. Senator Saunders asks for an
aSsav office t Omaha.
Cofins made on spaxi notice. Tore mQes west t
TJjeivairHf e. 3eb.
A Free Trade League has been or-
iised ia Waefeiagson, D. C.
Senator Matt Carpenter, of Wiscon
sin, im& in HVashhrgtOR on the 24th
ult, aged 56.
Tfee railroad eajjjwrs are openly
ctNtekfing over the greeaess of the
"hajrwcd grangers OmcAa 2?ee.
"Greeaeser And what is "greenese,"
Yiee President Arthur hm arrived
Ix Washington and will take the gravel
at noon on itarch 4th. Omaha, Bee.
It te to-be hoped the V. P. ill not
"take the graver so soon.
ChttPch Howe is the ablest parlia
mcmrariiTi in the whole legislative out
fit. Brain:, cheek, and startling au
dacity are a brilliant trio. Church has
am all. and we glory in his spunk.
Beatrice Courier.
Church Howe opposed the appropria
tion for the Xormal SehooL Lincoln
Of coarse that is another raalicioss
He. Mr. Ilowe worked for, voted for,
sad sacttred the appropriation.
The Hon. Church Ilowe is very pop
ular wttfc the fair sex t the capital
cftjr. being often the recipient of hand
some bouquets of aataai flowers.wnic'i
k doubtless a rich treat to the great
champion of prohibition in mid-winter.
Grand Idand Independent.
The vohibition ameidment was sae.
rtftced ia the interest of the railroads.
Church Howe did it. Lincoln Globe.
Mr. Howe's eve? act, speech ad
yte, ac shown in the proceedings of
the hose, give the lie to the Globe.
The Lincoln Globe again charges
Church Howe with being bribed. That
paper has lied so constantly and per
sistently, so maliciously and outra
geoitsly about Mr. Howe, within the
last year, glaring, gauzy, self-condemning
falsehoods, palpable to everybody,
that the last charge will attract but
little attention.
Senator Gere was the only man in the
Senate who opposed the passage of the
rattread bills on the ground that the
companies are poor and not able to pay.
Lincoln Globe.
The Globe misrepresents Senator
Gere, who used no such argument.
But he does ran the boss paper of Lin
coln, and that's what's the matter with
the Gtobe.
Church Howe may say what he likes
about us. Lincoln (liobe.
Of eourse he may. And the Bioom
ington paper that recently ebarged, in
effect, against Eaton, what Mr. Howe
charged against him, regarding creok
edaess in the land office may it not
sy, too "what it likes about us?
You're a kiad soul, Eaton when you
can't help yourself. .
my a mm
The Omaha See speaks of the prohi
bitionists of the State as "a certain set
of superficial moralists." This is the
opiakm of a "superficial" anti-monopolist,
who bowls about the extortion of
the U. P. railroad from a purely selfish
aad. personal grievance, occasioned by
a severe ssub administered to him a
few years ago, when he undertook to
aBGume the management of that road.
me m
There is no use of a person wasting
his time in aaswering the charges of a
convicted liar. Lim-cln Globe.
That's a fact A few days ago the
noo. James Laird denounced the Globe,
in ks own columns, as being a liar.
The Glebe confessed that it had lied,
and is therefore a "convicted liar." It
is within our own personal knowledge
that the Ghbe editor is a liar, if nu
merous and promiscuous lying consti
tute a liar, yet we deem it necessary,
occasionally to "waste time" in notic
ing that wretched sheet.
When the vote was being taken in
the house on the woman suffrage
amendment, and the last name on the
roll bad been called it was seen that it
lacked oae vote of the fifty-one required
to pass it Then Church Howe sprang to
his feet t save the measure from de
feat, then and there, and moved to re
commit it. Just at that moment a
member entered the hall, who had
been absent when hfc name was called,
and voted "aye." That made fifty-one.
Then Mr. Howe withdrew his motion,
and said, with marked feeling: "I
thank God that my life has been spar-
to this moment when I can vote to ex
tend the right of suffrage to the women
of my adopted State."
The Omaha 3e says Church Howe
is an "urtfal dodger," but like all of the
attacks of that paper, it begns and
euds with assertions, which are worth
less without proof. In the Senatorhd
fight Mr. Howe never dodged; in dis
cussing and voting on railroad matters
he never dodged or shirked, and has
made a record; in the terape'anee
movement his speeches and acts have
"been of the most dee'ded character.
AYhen the araeidnnt was near beug
pressed to a vote on cue oceasslon. by
the eoemies ef the measure, when they
knew that could they su eed it would
be defeated. Mr. Howe had it recom
mitted. He need not resorted to
th extraordinary step to save the
measure, to have stood fair with the
temperaace people. But his action
was proof positive of his fidelity to a
ca?e he eonadeaously espouses, and
to the trastpfciced in h's hands by the
leaders of prohibition. Mr. Howe k
always in his place, at his yost of duty,
dodges no vote, shirks no duty, equiv
ocates in no responsibilitv. Hence the
reeord Mr. Howe has made, the history
that will be printed, wll prove the re-!
varse of the Bee's remark to be l-ue.
Our readers a'-e assured t?jat E. Ro-e-1,
ti .x... r. t -.t. v-
water of the Omaha Be, with all h&
steak about "railroad cappers," and
about "railroad eaapers " and
"monopoly," is not only a bungrrng ,
fafeifier, but a pretentious demagogue. i
Oldest Paper is tHe State. J
The congressional committee on epi
demic diseases will report favorable on
the bill authorizing a commission of
three experts to inquire into the adul
teration of food in the United States.
It wo&kl seem that something should
be done in that direction. A Chicago
chemist on this subject says:
"1. I have entirely abandoned the use
of vinegar generally sold in our mar-
kets, believing it to'be unfit for use ami
dangerous. I know that sulphurous
acid is largely used in its manufacture.
2. I never use the pickles generallv
sold in our markets. I think the yel
low pickles are quite as dangerous as
the green. I know that lead is largely
used in their manufacture; verdigris is
used in making the green. 3". I have
examined a large number of specimens
of oleomargarine, and have found in
them organic substances in the form of
muscular and connective tissues, vari
ous fundi, and living organisms, which
have resisted the action of boiling acet
ic acid ; also eggs resembling those of
the tapeworm. I have them preserved
to be shown to any one desiring to see
them. The French patent under which
oleomargarine is made requires the use
df the stomachs of pigs or sheep. This
probably is the way the eggs got in."
The writer gees on to speak of the
adulteration of sugar, syrups, the traffic
in the meats of diseased animals, and
says. '-I have "oaen informed of several
cases ot poisoning from the use of
canned meats."
The number of pet:tiune-s, who re
queued the Nebraska legislature to
submit to a jpopular vote the prohibi
tion question, was 2,444. Yet the al
leged representatives of the people con
cluded to not give the electors a chance
to declare their w;shes in that matter.
In other words the recent leg'slature
administered a gag to the people, and
told them that there are some things
upon which they have no right to ex
press themselves. The people are
given to understand that the rep- esea
tatlves of the people are greater, than
the people that the creatu'-e is much
smarter and wiser than the creator.
Let the peo.4e be humbled and guard
against any such irapertineire and
presumption in the future. The Ad
VEimsEK is not a very decided general
prohibitionist having long established
doubts as to its practicability, espec
ially in as new a country as this is,
with its very much mixed ami dive:-si-fied
c!tJzeship yet The Advertiser
is very decidedly in favor of respecting
the petitions of the people, and of the
people having what they demaad.
Hee is another reconL The raot'on
was made topoKpocetheeoiis'dfcraiion
of the bill, to Tmit passenger fare on
railroads to three cents & utile, rnt;l
Thursday afternoon, thus virtually de
feating the bill. The vote stood as
For killing the bill Senators Bal
lentine. Coon, DnUg, Dinsraore. Donne,
Ervin, Gere, Morse, Myers, Perkins,
Pierce. Power?, Sni!th and ZehrniKr.
For the people .-Senators Cady, Gra
ham. Ilarrinctou, Tavlor. Tefft, Ttir-
nei. y ell?. V herrv. White. Burns of
York. Baker, Evans ami Howe. Li.-
rote G fob.
Mr. Daily's Lincoln organ wlrch
howled all through the last campaign
about Mr. Daily being the man for the
people has gone back on him. sure.
That is the luckiest thing that has hap
pened him, however, since he started,
out in the crushing business last sum
mer. At Newcastle. Delaware, a few days
ago six men, for petty offenses com
mitted were publicly flogged. The
instrument of punishment is nine flexi
ble leather lashes attached to a heavy
wooden handle; and culprits are whip
ped upon .the bareback. J. W. Phil
more received twenty blows, for steal
ing some fnrniture; Chas. Duffy, ac
complice in the same crime was struck
ten licks. Jenkins and Benton, both
colored, were given 20 and 10 fcishes.
respectively, for stealing some harness.
Henry McGregor received fifteen blows
the theft of some tooK Frank B.
martin, for stealing a buffalo robe was
the recipient of twenty blows. Dela
ware is the lovely little State where
Ingersoll's doctrines are not tolerated.
"We should think as much.
I aiu iifo' inedby a gentleman who
hae just returned from Mento-. where
he had a long conversation w th Cex
Garfield, that the President-elect ex-p-essea
great satisfaction at Gen. Yan
Wyck's elect'Oii; ami from tiie same
source I hare reasoi to be'ieve li'at.
the result means except:oaal "poer
and prest'" for Xebruska. It assur
ed' v does Tor Xeb-&ka City also, as I
happen to know from what I know
concern5 ng Gen. Ya-i Wyck's purpoe
in certain respects not now to be pub
lkly re'erred to. D. C. J5 Li Oataha
The B. & M. survey b at and beyond
CnIbe--tsMi, Hiteheoek eouiuy. ttie lasc
town ia southern Xebraafca, and n the
last conuty Iwc one Trestward in the
btate. On to Denver is a fact, and ike
echoes of that far west will soon be
awakened by the Chicago, Burlington
: QIncy Beave e .iress. as it climbs
the Kock'es. Bright davaml a bright
faiu e open fo southern Nebraska.
I'luMs-.tHMih Enterprise.
imm am
Some months ago Dr. Talbott, of
MaryviUe, Mo., was murdered shot
dead through a window while he was
sitting in his own house. The mur
dered man's son and asotlier young
man have been tried, convicted, and
sentenced to be huag on. March 25th.
The case will be carried to the supreme
A saloon keeper, named Lechstrom.
0f Omaha, bad three bullets fired into
t, ,,.. , , -
, his beer barrel a few evenuws asro.
wmie "yinS eject a drunken man
from his den. His weusds will proba
bly pro-e fatal
n-n-TT-i- in t t.
Oa Eailroad Lealation. Ha iaSes. tie
Dfctj Hide off the Globe and Bee Edit
ors, Leaving Their Bleeding Car
casses Eefore an Applauding
In the House on the 24th ult., Mr.
Hollmnn's railroad bill regulating pas
1 senger rates and establishing a board of
three railroad commissioners at a sala-
try of $3,000 each per year; was brought
upon its third reading and passage.
Mr. Howe spoke against the bill, as
This all important question a ques
tion interesting the citizens of tho
state and perhaps one of the most im
portant questions we have diseussed
therefore, I stand here to oppose the
passage of this bill before we-have con-
t,?pr2?,f nn,i hfnr r.nHArf-m.iff J
w.v V U. -JiV... V- MV.Vt" AVVI
contents, and I do so in the' best inter
est of the people as well as of railro-ids.
I want it to be distinctly understood
by my friend from York, and every
other gentleman on the floor, including
the editors of the anti-monopoly papers,
that I am here as the friend of the
railroads ami the friend of the people;
both, I consider, their interest; identi
cal. I don't desire to say one word
that will reflect upon any member on
the floor of this house as to his good
intent in taking the position he does
urJon this question. I believe that
gentlemen coming from certain parts
of the state their constituents have
tokl them they desired railroad legis
lation, and have got them to come to
Lincoln and look over the field and
then to legislate for what they think
is right and proper, and In their inter
ests, and I do not think that there is
a meinier on the floor who does not de
sire to do that; therefore. I do not wish
that any member should think I reflect
upon him when I speak; but, let me
ask the question: "Who calls for legis
lation? Who is asking for it? A few
constituents of a few gentlemen on the
floor of this house. They come and
ask for legislation, but I ask you are
you qualified to deal with a question of
this kind? Have you had the experience,
and don't you know tiiat in taking
hold of and trying to manage the
greatest interest of this state that it
may come back ami damage you and
your constituents worse than anything
you Km do this session. As to the ery
tunc is made: Who are the men who
are keeping up that cry even day tell
ing us what we shall do, and" what are
their organs that we see on our desk
every looming? Here is a paper edited
in this city called the Globe, and another
the Omaha Bte tellmc us to pass
restrictive legislation -and regulate the
roads of the state. Who are the men
who edit thee papers? What is their
character and standing, and where in
the nain of Got! do they expect to go
wiien they get through? Laughter
The Bee is edited by Rosewater. When
he was invited to come before the senate
committee, he came and whined for
what? Because four packages of the
d;dly Bee could not be distributed by
tlie Upiou Pacific railroad as they dis
tribute dry goods on their feight trains.
Another complaint lie made was that
in .Butler county a gentleman could
not do business in coal because he
couW iwc get rate-; and wheq he was
asked if he was not crowded out of
business heeause he would not pay his
jast debts, a gentleman who was
present the member from Butler
here said that it was so. Who ed'ts
the second paper the Glob Eaton?
And in God's name what class does he
represent? Every day we who came
here to study this question and try to
do right, are toid that we misrepresent
our constituents, and we are threate l
ed that we shall be hooted in our vf
fcwes when we go home. By whom ?
Webster Eaton, and Mr. Coulee? Who
are they? Thepeoplo of the Republican
Yalley know i.aton as a man who had
charge of aland oilice, and while there
robbed the poor horuesta-uiers and their
orphan children who had to go begging
to Washington, and who, by leiiity of
Senator Paddock, was allowed to re
sign a position, with no reputation a
sneak, a thief, a robler of man's clm.
acters ; who comes to th'S town, aided
by Conlee. That is the man who Ls heis
advising us what to do; a man to
day whose value does not amount to
five dollars, and who am be bought
body and soul for fifteen doi'ars. The
other man, in the city of Beat Ice, Ixire
a character, as w'll be borne Gut by
menibers on tlrs floor, so mean and
di-ty that respectable 'adies when they
saw h'm go down the street barred a-jd
locked their doors. This is the charac
ter of these men who come aid take
toe seats oe members, houid'ng them,
aid tell-'ag them of the treatment they
are going to receive when they get
home. That is the k'nd of a man who
sits here and watches the actons ami
then sends a.ound to sr.y that for .10
I can be qn'eted ; ttiai is the class of
newspapers who to-day are urging you
and I to pa-s measures without co. isld
erljg tLt-m. But, Mr. Speaker, in jus
tice to the people of this rtate, ajd ia
just'ee . the corporations let us look
ths matler squariy in tlje fae I am
notgoiug into details on this question
bat a la'nuie; ani ia the place
what is it that is complained of? To
day I represent the First district of
Xe-nah.i co.Mty; to-day the railroad
has startea tie-?, and to-day a t tousand
men are waiting till the snow banks
melt to push It on to tiie other end of
tne lie at Bed Cloud, the home of my
f riemi Ka:ey. Our county does not ask
for this legislation; onr county does
not send us here to ask for it. I have
no instructions. Two years ago I took
a btand upon the subject. I said that
this state needed railroads, aid all that
has since taken p'ace shows that my
position was correct. I ask, then,
why desIre to interfere with railroads?
Tlrs is a state that from one end to
the other is seekfng tiem. Why de
sire to dr:ve out tue capatil which is
b;kiagthem? These gentleman say
the b;Ii is very luiraileas. If harmless
I do not want it. I don't want to go
upon the with a bill tnat does
not do anything. Three hundred and
eighty-five miles of railroad liave been
built in this state since the legis'ature
adjourned two years ago, stretching
east and west ami north and south,
and opening facilities for trade awl
travel through the country. Who
wants, then, this legislation?" Do the
people pray for it? I do not doubt that
tneru ;ure msumces waere tnere IS a
to complain. You
say we can have no railroad legislation
uniess we nave tnis. me suj to
tne gentlemen of this house that all
1 thfA various kinds of hills -were rre-
sented to the senate at the other end of
the building. They considered them,
all and then appointed a special com
mittee consisting of Senators Doane,
Daily, Yan Wyck, Graham and Ervin.
five prominent members of thesenate.
- J to ' rk. oroide a biI1 no tha,
That senate sanl to the committee go
, cover the whole ground, you as lawyers
and vou General Yan Wyck as the
j representative of the people, in the
inquest position lo vvuiuu you can im
elected, frame a bill and bringdfc here,
that will give the people proper pro
tection. That committee has reported
a bill and the senate has passed the
bill, and we can take that up and give
it free discussion. I will say for onee
that I am willing to go on the record
.with these gentlemen, and will take
their word. I do not come here repre-
senting railroads out i come to see
Justice done to the railroads and the
people, and I would have them treated
as any one of my constituents is treat
ed. I say that when we get through
with the other business this house can
take up this bill, framed by the best
minds in that house, gentlemen we
have confidence in. They were a
special committee who did not, as my
friend York sajs the railroad
committee did hre, bundle a Ioc of
bills on the table and take your pick,
but went to work and framed a bill.
which, as they say, covers the ground,
and which has been sent to us, and
when we get through the order of
necessary- business, we can take up
that bill and have a chance to read it
a second and a third time, and pass it
At this point, when Mr. Howe was
about to begin to review the uncon
stitutionality of various points in the
proposed law, Mr. Hollman, its author
and champion, having become convinc
ed that Ids bantling's life was not
worth saving, arose and withdrew the
bill, saying he was convinced that it
was unconstitutional. The bill was
recommitted and that was its death.
Some idea of the extent of the recent
submerging of Xew Orleans, and the
losses and distress occasioned thereby
may be had bv the fact that ten thou
sand destitute people were fed and pro
vided for in one day.
Toledo, Ohio, was visited by a flood
on the 12th iust., and hundreds of thou
sands of dollars' worth of property de
stroyed. Some of the streets were five
feet under water; cellars of wholesale
houses were filled with water, and it
rose above the first doors of some of
fthe hotels and ninnr of the residences
and business houses, Thirty-five guests
were taen away from one hotel in
boats. The damage t lumber yards,
boats and railroad aio.-je will amount
to probably half a million.
John W. Young, son of Brighaia,
was arrested in Denver last week for
hig:tiny. He had abandoned his Sret
wife for .. sweet sixteenei. ami the for
mer caused his arract. He gave hoed
in the sum of $2,000.
li. K. Scott, who shot ami killed
Warren Prury at Napoleon, Ohio, in
December last, has been indkted for
murder in the Second degree. Sctftt is
an ex-governor of South r.'arIin.
The outlook for Inmey in ISSi is dis
couraging, as the cold weather in nuuiy
parts of the country has killed otf the
A portion of the city of New Orleans
is submerged by an overflow of Ajater,
and great suffering ensues.
Two ehildren recently died in Chicago
byjtaving jioison administered to them
through a mistake of the druggist, who
gave powders containing muriate of
morphine instead of quinine, as was in
tended. The druggist is held under ar
rest to answer to ths charge of criminal
Parry Suurr, Ft. "Wayne, Ind.. goes to
the penitentiary six years, for being
concerned in the murder of John 1
The capitol grounds at "Washington
is to be lighted with electric light.
At Louisville, 17th inst., Wm. Hardy
and ILirry demons quarreled about
something the former had said reject
ing oa the sister of tiie latter, dem
ons was shot through the head and
The amount of capital invested In
Mexico by Americans is about 60,
000,000. Seven thousand men aj;e at work oa
one section of the rrtilroad from the
City of Mexico to ToliK-a,
Out of 847 fires In Philadelphia in
13S0, 13i were eaused by gasoline
lamps, and the cureless use of nx:l oil.
which is a statement with a moral,
In Benton county. Ark.. 17th. C, B.
Gunther, brother of exCo!rgr9:iscan
Guathor, shot and killed L. B. Gamble.
Section 22, Article IL. of the State
const1 tu io ii, reatls as folio mtsi
'"Sec. 22. Xo member uf the legisla
ture shall be liable in aareivH or erim
iaal action whatever for words spekan
ia debate."
Taking advantage of tbls preror:ir
tive, Church, like the ueiestnble
ooKard that he is. made an attack upon
the alicors of thia papw yesterday mii' nJJjS" b,
tnr repiebcuuuiifK nan ul iiw e:ttiut
building. Lincoln Globe.
That's precty thia, gentlemen of the
Globe. What llr. Howe then said he
still says, anywhere aud everywhere,
when there is aay occasion to discttss
the odorous names of Messrs. Eaton &
A Cross BaSij,
"othlR3 te soeondncivc tn a man's re
rasinlna barbeioras stoppltur foronenleht
t tb boase of & marned fricnii and belnp
' kept awake for nve or six hoars by
the er-
d crying
ice them
i Ins ot a arces baby. All eros and
1 fmSiAQ tiaa onlir T7An ttll--c tn wiL.
! tcaii art TO, " ' v-; -o w-1
j t ; ?- --
My fifteen years experience in active cosiness life- has convinced me that success
does not depend oa hfcja prices ami oatnureoua profits. Two Per Ceit on my gross
sales now will pay me mnch better than 2H per cent wonld the first year I enaed in
boslness, for the reason that my business has gained snen immense proportions that what I
woam seem an insinmcani proui suit pays ma nancsomeiy. leu proporie.tne comlnsj
season, to atiil Increase my present stock, and reduce the margtn'.and give, the con&nmers
achance to bny- everything shey want at a mere trifle over manufactnrers prices, thereby
swelling my sales to sach preat proportions that the small margins will still elve me a
comfortable Ilvinz. with a Ilfle to spare for a ralay dav. I propose to devote more atten
tion to the ORDER TRADE, which has gained very rapidly In the last few years.
With onr present railroad facilities, thg
armer, Tradesman,
Can order Jast what they want from price list and samples that 1 famish by request.
with perfect confidence that they will get just what they order, thereby saving the large
profits usually charged. Remember, I make no charse for boxes or drayae, and rar ex
perienced force of salesmen enables me to ship all orders received by morning mail the
same day. thereby avoiding delay. I will take It as a special favor for all those who want
any goods, or wisn to compare prices, witn a view to future purchases, to write Tor price
list. Tou will bear In mind that I am the only
Dealer In the West that has had the Courage to Carry so
i,arge a General Stock.
In my honse yon can find everything yon want without bein- compelled to devote
hoars of time In making purchases from house to house that only carry one line of
goods. In one store too find groceries, another dry goods, another boots and shoes, an
other clothing, and still another for saddles and harness,
That we Manufacture Largely,
And soon through the various branches. All these yon will find In my 31A3IMOTH
HOUSE, nnder one roof, one management, one expense no half dozen partners to di
vide with. To the thinking mind it would be useless to oner any further proofs or rea
sons why I can and do sell goods cheaper than my would-be competitors. When In the
city don't fall to calL
1900, 1902 andl904, Prederick Avenue, St. Joseph, Ho.
..V jt4-' '
Xegal Notice.
BEX HOLLADAV and Esther HoIInday.
dt-fendants, will take notice that on the
sen day or February, isrti. xne roiue:
Stymus Manufiictnrlnir Company
York, p alntlff herein, died 1L- petition In
tue district court or emana county, e-
i adf
certain mortace executed by the defendants
to the plaintltr on the fllowIog described
real estate. In Xeraaha county, .Nebraska,
(29). containing Wi acres. The soclheost j
quarter of section number twenty-one C-I, i
containing itfi aeres. Lot one ill and the
east natl 01 tne nonaw; iwiwuui Huaiwc
of vttnn nnmtM-r thfrtv fM. conLainln?
section number twenty-eight r), contain
ing 11 acres. The east half ot the sooth west
quarter ot section number nineteen flf.
containing it) acrs. Tne wett half of the
northeast quarter of section number twen-ty-elsht
(JS con tainlnz si) acres. The south
west qnart-r of the &nthett qnarter of sec
tion number eighteen d. eonta nlajr )
acres. The oath,west quarter of section
number twenty i2tl. containing IJ acres.
brasfca, agalnsr. the said defendant and ed to die with me. at Aspln wall. Nebraska, a
whhHaiett&fu"te ifeHfanuo SSei ' l?l.I!'
The south half of the northwest qn.-irr of lands, in Nemaha Coanty. Xebrasfca, to-wtt
section number twenty-one (21) cotalnlT , The wet half of the .owtneiist ijuarterof the
SI acres Lot two (2i of the southwest qnir-1 souf hwet qarter or the oathwest Qonrter,
ter or of action namlwr nlnewa vl). con- I ar:d tho southwest quarter ofsh, sooth wet
trtinlns 43 21 i0 acres. Los toir 4 of tl.e ' o.ntrter of the southwest qwu-ter.all in ee-soth-atfructloiial
qnarterof -eetlon num iton nineteen (K)t. tnwa five'5 nvngesixteen
her Izhtefen (I!1). contHininsaOAMCO seres. , (Itft m,s. eontxininz fttteea p-res.
Lot five Hi of the tra-tton;u qiur- t ,u.m th foUowiiuc lots t Seiaaitn Citv ia
fur of eettim elt;htn (ISJ, containing .
. ,M, .. T- .1. 1 ..f .,. , t. ... -f- I
nj nc fler eighteen (15. ciniainlnx 'fl'-
St-H wres rl oe (I) of the sonthwes - . '- K,
fractional qnnrtr of -rtl.n Bomber sevn '!. '. 8, ,
(TK t-n:Iiin!r 11 I-iW acres. ls-. fcwir li rf - .
ta nortiet fnu-tl .11 l' of s-eti : .
mim'jt-r twenty one21r. ei:tjinl".5 SlStf-IWi
wri. Lot oner ) of tne norft.west iractioa
.)! q i.trter of selion tventy-one (21 J. r-a
t .lulmr "H Ifl l neres. l..t tw.t Ci) o the
norfhwet frctlowil qn-vrler of vebtm
Htn'er '-Aeatv-on (21). cnt lining 49 K Ha
Ini.-ttoiIq'i-trter .fHctiir nttmher twenty- '. ". ,
on-Jl . CMitaiafnir ;97 I'rei. it onr J.
fl) of the N.-nrSiT'-'t tnvrt:n:il qarier o: I j.
ecfl- Ji i.ii'tibr -.isreen 'IS. eootatnSn -(!,
7-h iier-. irf ve of the nortliwet qifcir , ". L
terf in'tinr; h;;- er ttnel'ttfi Kl.eonr.i..i- . '.
north o lxt-n f.A "H.-t. Al- UM ' . ?.
nvo 2 if t rMrt:.wot -in-ir. 'of .ttloit , J-'-
-te'tfffn IL r. 'alfIn l Si lu mzttr. ami ! - " ,
lot -i'xrfi.'o'vliH- netriiifK tHiirt-rof --jtlon f
roHiihi;: feMirfjJ. xorlti r raiextr- Wj r
w.t AlMiiUUwFtwTlnf eiTti-n U In f
the t"ffii ..f A"i!nwjr. In -aid eouy. to- i
u-U; rjOt.w7nn.i5in hJo,fe 1. It 2. I. It f
ivnd J21:i t lcfe 2. Lti5. t. l.-. ;iila Uio-lc j
.t. rts 1. 4. . . S. and li. ! I ..-. . L.:s
l.'2.9andll. I'lock "i. r.--i.l -n.. li f
LHh t. 2.
4 . Q 10. 11 rtM.-l I In rOoot IA Los I 4. 7. 1
Id. II iHd 12 In oloek Los I. 4. 7.
W. II ."Ml Z in block II. Its I. 4, 5 and 12
In Mocfc 12. !.?, r.antl 10 in blootc W L.M53tate of Jt.l on the 9th day r
S, 9. 1ft an-i 12 In WooSc 1 1. L 1. 1 U 5. . l r"clriry. A. D. t.-ttl, tt e her pt tion n the
7 and II laM"Cfcti. Tms 7. . and :I in j Dtf.trHt Cwjrt nitl.i.i nnd Hw Nemaha eooa
Wock !. Lots lt and II in td-ck 17. Lot ty.tRteof ebrasK.i. Hiralxs th sid Na
I. 3. f, . II an 1 II In bxfc is. lots t. 1, thHHlel Johnson. .Jef-o.ltnt. setUutr north
t. 6 and 12 In ltfok .U. Lots an I 10 in that she ln i rw!ient of Xemahrt
blockJ). L.ts , 4. k . 7. s. Ml ami 12 in eounly. K-bc!ska. f..r twv-Iv,- years pi. and
block '21. I..US 2. (?. 11 and 12 tn Mock 22. i " lori-i Kde rera-n' or ..i:. rrjimly; thai
Lots 2. X -X 10 and II in block 2. Its 2. .1 i
X. . t. I.), ard 12 In MoHv 23. rn 2. 7, b
and W lrf M:ck 25. Zjnt- 1. 2. 5. 7. 9. 10. 11 j
and K! in bl-mk :W. Lot I. 2. 1. I. . S, 7 an
12 in block :i:. Lots 7. X. 10 and 11 In bluett !
32. lAttA !L IJ and 12 In WW 3S. Lts j. S. ;
Lots-iX-x W and II in btocfc 2. Lots 2. .t 1 -o
4. 8 and 19 in idaefc 21 j 2. 4. . 9. Iu. 1 i I 'r
and 12 In block ZL Lot 2, I e, I II in th
Wock 2. Lot 1. nnd 12 lo Movk. 27. Lot- i to
antl P in bl.xc i. Low 5. 7..t 9 lit Jnot-k i ance for her. tint, pruvtoz th i de-n'laBt
. Lo'i i, t S. S. 1 and in bfcwk M. 'ay i norib of the 1Ik of -tl I petition.
Lot- .. 1 and 13 in W.vk .17. Lr-. 2, 5. (J. Sml opo tse fin it h.rtn -( rU nui.te shn
nd W in h4ocfc. Lots 2. I. 5. . 11 and 12 mr ' edlrore-M from .wol )er.-n.lai.r.
in Wo.'!: W. Lots 1. i 4. 7. 9. Itl and II in j And the said N'-ttlutmei Jotmwon wot In -d
tiook 4. It 4. 7. S. S an4l 12 In h'-toiz 11. f that te t rqntrfl t4 appenr ad answer
Lots I, 2. 4. S 7. II and 12 In block 42. Lot-. ! I e'tMon or or before the 2ih dar cf
-i. 7. 9. IMd 12 In Mock 13. rts 2. ?. 5. S. iLirch. A. D. l$H.
9. and 11 n Mork II. Lots .7. an-t l in ALICE B.JOHSOX.
bltk'ii. L'rfs 1. i 4. 5 . 9. nd 12 in By J. S. tvll, her att7. fcwl
block H. otsi 4. 1 Itl asl 12 In block r U
3 m blck 4. Lotut.4. 5 S. . C. 31. Tl and 2 in
tck. Tjhh 1.7.3. W. It. 1- IX It. i'.ia in
Wock it frfif 1 t. " awl t in bincft M. Lots i.
S. M. tt antI2ia nUjckSi. Lot. t. 2. 7. . 9 . II
and 12 in &!x-Jc 5i LoU X if. W anrt II ta ticfc H.
Tjnni. 7 and u ia htoe.' . Ih.h t. i itud ia
IXoek 5rf. If 2 1 and 4 Ik block K Vots 2. 7.
. tt and K"fl trf-tc W. Lot 1. .1, i 7. i. 9. W. 12.
3. 17. ari a Jn b!ock . LM II. Jd 12 in
Mock tit. Lntt. 2. . S, 'J U. U. 17 ia.
3 aad 2t Iu biuck L I.-e 2. 4, . U antt in is
Meek . Locs 2 4. It niwf 12 In htxirH 4- IiKi 3. 5
t Z- .1 t u i'm ,. i- fu Ni.tir Km - i
rn.l sr i.. i. e- r, .i j l .?..&. ..- r-.
X 9. ti. H 17 atnt i- in Ulocfe . Lots . 2, 3. . W. J
H. IS acd 17 in Tii Lola t. 1. 1. !. It and Ml ,
'" m"T. i- iiw t. .. -. n. !. i?. 9 wm - i
hftLS rliWv! Vp;.2llr:' -VM "er,y Wr,
ami 2i m Mock 74. Lom 1. . IA M ari U m t.iKrfe
7 Lf I. 1 4. 1. : -. ". U- f. IS. 17. and 2. i
bock ja. ftn i. a. 7. a. . ti. u. . iu li. u. j .
b&K h. in tt," utr.a s m k.k i -i h.-j. l th county i;.Mj.-t of 'mbM.
Lo t. S, 3. a. t!. r, I snd 2: ia blJc . L..t- I. j ctrnfy ?fehraikit. In tb mitter of provtu
t, J, k s, . 12. . . 17. L . 2B .id It in bhicx it. f tte yr li ot tf, B.4 m-U UT drvord
. 3 aX It fu block JjKi.lkK.l xiai x ?' .Jl,l! ! JTMMJ Cu-ty . 9 .ra-fc.
B ia WixJt ?7. Lit K. U. 17 Bad U :m bbx . '? Kru ,,v ' Ntrk.T. b, item 5t-i .,
V. rlte! 2. . I". H. 1 . U. t-i. 17 nnd hi hi bUek j. ' '" W : UMt :ad tur p iv: Jir
Lia-iZ, 4. x. 7. i. . tl i l H. 17 umi In tUnck. , tb- Wlj of -.Ul lUmrtt Haven dwii.'
.. Leu 3. i. a. m. tf. 4 as i 17 in w.-t t. ijou w n t; I vtT' .it enaerrii-d may- apse- -2.
X 5. . 11. 12 and I" 3 Wu:i 32 Lois L X .. a i I cCBf' St h ' nbli? Itrr t
T nK I - 4 Ti fSjBfff tm Sr.-J 5 T .--? '
14. K. Kind 17 la biudC 97. Lot LJ.IM. IX H
13. 2 aad 21 in hiaes ar. Lots I. 4. 5. t .1 ind 12
Iahik. E,'iaat9la.t4. Lo 2. 7. -aal
ia i.UrK Wt. fo 2. 5. . 7. , 5 ad t ia
Wo6: IK. Tjmh l. li. 12. H. tH. 17. Mi xtm 2t a
block, m. Loni 4. t a. n. 11 .-..! 15 la fcJocfc an. I
I U'Xs 2.X and za ia ckxtk :Sl L. ;, f. w nd i J
c ia ox vsa. . s i. rHi ! w.-K: mr.
T n... ? . li. t " W .- ......t
-J . ... h'.w!- l.-. T. I I-. k.k- it.. r .. .-.!
Iaoi"e in.
Lnt-. X t aad 5 fu rtr 112. I . j
5. a. IL UaiMi 17 lc biflclc 113. L t lliah.
!. t. 2. X X and
. X. and li -t tt'jcM.
l mb. Jxt
i and 11 tn !.: 117. t ror ihe oy
men' of a Tt..n pr"nSnrr rnr d-tft-4 Harea
1 1M. ti5k. Hir ifanm tall il T &c ? .t HMd DAT '
aHeJa tent-ca m nO fro tb date U-rtf
? waim vtm.titfi iBter-t rrom "-otMOTrr nt t
Iberefjatred top7 Uj-ismp. and iadfitorttherjf
tCn. jAubuS nTH f.H- a 4er tb .t 4adti
tlwuupt DTfnt-itrbwd.trttaT iaa
Aoad ds. and tbat dwbPd&nt Vn Hotladur Ik f
sjittMsia la pej any iieficincy wbtcb may tcnum
after ;vrotrlcr- ih orecsl r bmi" - is tfei ssr-
nH?t af a.-ud i.i. Had frsocn oJr relief as aw?
' sremvi.riiWaB'iwsr said pedttaa) an ar
bre tb 21st T 3f area. EMI.
Pastier and Srjmas yaiaa"a?ing Ob.
ByA. qBORSAtUcatjr. ' Mw(
An 2
!0n the TaargiiLGf TiHr Advertise
or on. the wrapper, indicates that tfee
& p-j for jj expired, and thetr a
j., . , ,. ,. .,,..
settlement and renewal is soiieited by
pg. tf
Merchant and Fverybody,
--'i '' "
"William Tidrow's Assisiaeat.
"VrOTICE is hereby given that December
given bond as required by law; that all
and on failure to lile such statement- sueh
ctultnant shall be barred from any Interest
or share In the assets or proceeds of the es
tate of said William Tidrow. appropriated
and applied to creditors as dividends or dis-
of said assignor.
LEWIS F13 HER. Assignee.
By J. S. Stull. hN atfy. 35wi$
-.-. rvrrrK I, hfr.h-c- Vpn Mit h- clrtn.
I -AlU. is nerepy tven. that bj vlrtoe
ot an execution isned oat of tne
District Court of "eaiaha Coantv. State of
Nebraska, and to me directed as Sherirr
of said Coonty. upon judgment
rendered by said court. In a case wKeretn
William McDonald was pkUnMOand Roerr
V. Mufr wa. defendnnc, I wtil off-r for sle.
ftt pahlicKiiction. &i the door of the Court
House In BrownvUle. in said county, on
Tuesday, March 15th, A. O.lSSl.,
at 1 o'clock it. m . the &I!wir.? r!i'MlwtI
Ftaid eosiitr t. wit:
I. II. li 15,
i. ."
I. 4, H.
., W.
"A 3.9,
1. .
I. 2. W,
W. .
-i. 3, II,
. 9.
. S. t.
L (t V.. If,
. Kvi.
to.;t(t.bT with al tin privileges and
Tiitceri" on -h-. reectlon a- the property
if ltoert V. Mgir
Tt-rHS. of ! -nsi.
Hated this 2th .la of Janoarv. A D.
:Mw5 v,.rVr-
VT ATIIAyiEL JOHN". SOX. of th State ft
L 3il-s-url. will taKe thai Alice B.
Johnson, of the counts- if .'nah;i, In the
ovemb-r.i:. fc73. t If mii'ia cinry.
rusa. wftrt was m irnel to -old defc-wlant ;
that she has ever !nc eoQdneted h-rHf
toward ultn i.-. f:iliof,ii .tad obedient wifc -
that fen 1 n hv ever Li---awl mrrtae
been f sc.'B-ient ability to yorWe .;ltafUr foe hor; th t lefM-Unt daring
sld time !jrn.,iy. ii(..n!r aiwi ernll re-
twsed trd n.-il-cter ti prri. jnr malur-n-
rX the rrouotY- I'iinri .j vmlk. ..-, t
1 ?,'fehraika.
t .
ri the matter of the adoption of JIartm
L. Tanner, minor ehit.l of Hilva bs W. Ta
nt-r aiitf riauni C. ranr. by l.'ftrms L
Kiery xnd Hrii-n T Ef-ry, n x.tx i- iirrr.
T ic'ven that an app. erUlon ha,-i bewti uvti
by M..d 3l.i reus, i Kisery and KWmT. fern
ery to adopt sj.i.1 en.i. thai arfrit Sb.
!" Ja ie nt St-owim CoantT. Xrtoco.-,
r".. j.
i--.. i iBCfKcn. . m... mi trie utnc-or irt-
feA. In B iifarii, X. or;tka. ba been il t
b mt-i'mKtw p-Jicf.K-ltMj.'itei" n-.rf suid 1
iiixufr. wnat mi t w im ru, twrwiw i.
tUf ipauie.
JOKX 5?. STUrd. Cnnntr Ju.i--.
--A.-.?? nt :-. arw4
..'Areblit :-. arwJ
; " - - "
JjQXs .rt"LL, 0nty Jivtee.
3I?51Jfj5 CARDS.
-j .
Vitoriiy and ConneIr tt Lav,
"ctrTMH. IMU, IKVlf ui .
O A. O S K fi B V
Ofl!c. Xo. 1 M i.a Mmc. Cravaril. Xb;
if i bTFLlj
l ,
A M"ORK sS.AT L V w.
! Ofleof rosatr Jurtga. BrowwrBSe. Xebraafen.
-- I'byjtclan, iitrgeso, Okstctrtctau.
f is ua- tcat 8-awavUhr E.
Office, X-Ua -tr-t, BrwMrnvUte.Ni-.
At-tfte We rjia.-!i;f Rruon'satoca,
i - a -
. pcbilty.
T W. GlSSn,
kiIacicsmt m asb ho its
- , . . . .
Wark.t.a U orJar tad tiaflctiecu.cad
PfWT m?nrcari1 WT MdmTMmiirna
l s A.
YOL. 25.-0.
Do What You Please
In UNION' HOTEL, west of Coert House,
"Full many 1 tfli of purest ray serene"
awaits vou.
Walches, Clocks, jew
elry and Silverware.
Hcpairing- in ;I Dranclies,
-.. 3tL
'&xi? .-.. - -
Ir-i-ZV -
r?2&rrc-' -. -' r?
css a
OpjjosiE Lumber Yanl, M.-'ir. st.
Special AccMmnHKLitioiis for
OommerDial ?Xca,
Driver Eiirmsh cd
whea detjires1.
Horses boanUtl by the day or week.
and Farmers ittum fel and cired for
at fair rates.
; ' XlSi
Ti n
AtBrownville, Nebraska,
- T"J
, v t -; on ti i -, -rfi,-
Hates Ln CftmjjNSIiGtlsf,
Jifmils Cr.ily
In dent n ity A mplc.
Qonireets v- ?. Trains
A Lecture lo Young MenJi
un tne I.ns ol
A Lecture onilie.tatn, Treatment,
i4r.tfi!nio- Si-nai 'Wcie. .- -, ,r.
BfcUBlTOMj. rmtixi d by fefin, ! r- thr
Bakt'-i''. latptMfurv. -r un "eb ,
lma4tffn.Bfc Vrrta .f-,rfv r "
dio. K.41 ay ad?f. Mmbl add "r - V
T.t c7&' j. i Hi-rv.1:, a.
Taworui nHHn-.t author Inn a.J-.irabl
Ltar clwirlT pro-. ft-H t,t, . w - "
ta- aw olr r . (Prlrir- - ..
ena-aty iwawrf without mAr -s. i,
araciae. b oci-. intwrBtittn -a . ..-,
!?4-!L.,,t,r,t?a l-ifnrif ,..(v.- .
lsMttoatf W. raay car iiiawcJf r''
utCir.etMwpll aM raeay. l
aadboaaadTIr "ral "c a tto,- s
? aalalaeav4ae to
ens. jx-h -pnjd, ea reetbic afZceata
. x ceets. c.
Adarrtta PstKbr5.
il wv.
JL Annt.,Aew1 ort, N.T.K.O. Bo
is iy
ao! rairis
Tt.-.P l-t- rr t r- . . .
riueEasHh,riarh, Scateh and flat!..
Testiari. Etc.. Ear.
Gem Jewslry
r&aaiB If t SJ 2
a a a
W U iat&3 E
UroivuvIHe, AeLrajilia.
CUSTOarWORK mdtoorl?r.anaacrrr
ToaraBteed. Repairtosr neatly aatt promptly deoj
Snap. 2fo.rr Haln street, arawaU'eJe).
Dr. J. C. Eierly,
Formerly of St. Joe. has permanently lo
cated ia Brown vllle. XebJ
Office Southwest corner Mala, and First Si..
!TS IstdoorwestofCPelfs
i lavery ;taoe.
V&Tgt! rI done te order anl
Cj;-' satisfaction guaranteed.
TATRTTSTT-grn TS 1856.
O 21. D E S T
Real Estate Agency
William H. Ho aver.
Does a general Seal Eslate Business. Sell
Lands on Commission, examines Titles,
makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru
ments pertaining to the transfer of Real Es
tate. Has a
Complete Abstract of Title3
to all Real Estate In Xwnaha Cocnty.
First National Bank
. r - T.r...w. -
Paid-up Capital, $50.00.a
Authorized " 500,000
General Banking Business
on all the principal uties of tne
United Stains and Europe
OnafwroredectirltToaty. Time Drafts dUcoant
ii. aad portal acCTeHnodat'onsxraaUtitedepoeK
f3. eaters ia OO VKlomEST BOI8,
eehrlMiTiWeMiJaMiRl.aad INTEREST al
io w at, :!a--rtiejnfepslt.
OIflEirrOB. Wm.TTpin. S. If. BaUey. M.A.
Hunt: U?y. Frank 5. Jooaeos. Lataer Hoadle
Wo. Yratober.
X R. tAVION.ealiier.
Presides r
m UM2
or T
PruC Gwbnettv
and r rauc
Hi of
a h has
yT'-'. Ht
at 1 ; r. anal
r '1 "rc ev
-ry L :.
y.- u- w '
i;.. ,; c-d 11
.1. - 'r .... .
. t 1 I
!.Ijj fi a .
I. 4 a .--:. -.
-C2 --.
Tht : 1 - k. ! 1 i t . ,it. T.i .rt Rb
witi :-.-trr. r.- ;,.i pfivaxntly .r
Lr.mU :. i.auir l:sck, s alica, Grav
!. lt 1. . r. Hi -. HrJNt" Dljr.-xsiT
aftlir Xi... I11? . Iiiriia;l:'uci: and.ltt.
nO 'fili frtiir, li-.ima:lauot tUf?
It.ldHt-. ':niTh or lite fUitdr,', Ittstt
Co!rn tir !.-. Fain I tUr Haeic, Sid
or Ioij. .".frvB V.'iuSarx, ar,.i 1.
(iu:t all ti rtfcrs.rf th AiKTltr anfi Urinarr s
jotf wketkcrcuatractptt yp.. n;riHi-rint orotn -
t.AUIK-i Vr y ar uffi-r-itc toat Fen--
W"kn . 1vnr'ui- n- any iVsmt-Ji 01 U.8
KUmh BUIt. ir t near? ,rixr-.
TCItbawt swathiwim; natmoaa nuti etnas, by sLaa
piy wearbx?
Ask yoar dr-cHt r ftttV. lil'II XETT"1
FRKNKKIUN.Y PAO i.dtV.eo .ilir. it
Hr ka -wK-ito ti.--m jjol jvuitl i-rvre ;!:e
Pad by muia msiL
m?. KBJE?rrs fhisgi mi w
e-r Ferrr tad .iri. '-
Awfl.3- tC!a Fcc 3. ,!. . iAT4-
r a.t iaKi 'fC .'..-u-b a J
tc. "b mat' ::!rt aw ln.r. (rtiii-
B t
ft:- ' ! r-j'" ca U. fc -n- aad '.' r ree &
jl-.. AOjtr.'w yRECaiAl)(fl
Tu o. Ot!i.
7 Tbtr-in.& of ;rraTs
h rti;nI!T rubs- Z
gnrtrrit nrtMM. Uvr-a
ptXf . tepmne-
f j Ejr "un a.jii rt-woonirv
3 ar aetwe of tbe great
gehisan ikvigorator.
! wb t j nw'-iv-t. a-t pirm meot!y enrvs Impt
j re. ixi-i Sv xce. .' ny aaIi. -h.1..iT
! jinor f irt.'- Vba-'. a km? .jt .i.-z,. IP f.
iniir) ;. '-.J t:u- J-)M.. o ate (.
mivjr. nrw'.if,- n. afc. Bo m
T . rhAT t ! . .r Tm ?-..
r oouMiTtt -
j Sni iwrtri'sLx' "7U is.-ti-i,oJ. ff- ni. i.
lTVI.VT:aSi'it inw it
rtrs.!" ui i mtif oTfve by i
v at titr efts,
tt-n n '
IW ' ;-'t H.-
-!!.. .
tfi... f
ryhrt'y. T
Fr. -. '-jrT;T (! .
It- JrtiT-. I .1 -.--! Tf Pp .mti.t.
JH niKarv ifc-1 yiMtar i'.iwt f -
ri. ? ti "-rt,-". -rli ir.. Lti
rm ::. ta .. arcu -- .- -.
t C .;!.' ?it;tj 1. sd ..!. !- '
f.tun-ITVY-rn.. .! ITS" r of Xxni;
a. ,f mvj.tim th- ir .aiMr jikI.
. -Be " tbtt-wK r tr ? jrtKod a. .!.. tel
i . ft-f-rr.iJ b art?? ir '-
' ' .1 tKhf C T ..f l-lh- r
j. .:r- , , s. .4?. ,.; ,u .-' c,
. ' V a r .- ..
.'. ;"":' v .'id rf,o.
tzxp or (tuaoiatD?.
wtiiscnl mtaT;&titBgt
. . Va u .
Hare yoa rf- jCfjB
prptia. suiMnixf
D.J. C.
Ia as abwlnta
ftont, diseasejCjl
tstX Imsixsa-
cleotira f-r
fcom-i. btooi,
tarn-oraerpes J
lsof, opium.
Ton irlll oe
csired if rootise
Hop Bitters
plT weatcaad
IowjpirStrl. Jj
ist it may
SO? i1'vgf
gate your
Ufa. ttnss
sared hu -
iXatrmto On
3t i
'MvhlK 383:caJ k&Aser
i t
otScanesJ.-weai MHSf 3a -f let- ViV
enedbyUtescciis-r KW tentCiwarermia-
roar duties ar-ii 7 n-ri k. re;-
B itaniicsaaadcaa W tare jraj; -rreaaa
9 Hop B;ttBrs. isiu.oeHopS. M
9 If. too are jojo and jPsulTeria from aay la- K
9 dlacretlan or dasLadui T armai
rled or szie -.i cgTTO3e.sos-38rtein H
pocrbeadi.irirJS'i?S'n!r a tedotsSek-
oeffl. rely oa HopS Sitters. 9
Whoever jou are. fi2. Tir isaads ?a 3- 9
1 becerer j feet ,P. 4 anai.rf r m oo
TieI3 D0UB - m r-
jat.nisij-taeoC W
x r
c-bs; tu i. c
Ia as abwlnta m
r!K M K .aieotira r-r a
a w- i