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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1881)
" CTty "-Sar-"- T -w":S$Ft"' -- " --Fr "??& sres sra ,11 -V Xv tc aw- U T1 ar - ,-- H if i i r -A r THE ADVERTISER G-. W. & Co., Publisher & Proprietors. Saiscrijiics, $2.00 Per Tear in Advance. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY. The President has signed the bill es tablishing an assay oflice at St. Louis. The coinnge of the United States Taints for .Tanunry amounted to $6, 5t2.22a. of which 2,303.000 -were sil var Mlxrs. The New York Evening Post says: ''The building of a now double track trunk line of railroad, from "Sew York t Chicago and Omaha, is under stood, been definitely arranged." "Lincoln is full of reformed soaks ff IH& now. Lincoln Democrat. But the Democrat man prides him self on being counted urith the red iMMd, blear-eyed, foul-mouthed wre fenaetl "soaks." Tm and Bill Want up the hill To get a jug of water; "Bill fall down And broke his crown And Tom came tumbling arter. A bill is before the Ohio legislature to allow persons having qualifications of eiertofs. without regard to sex, to -vote on tlie question of suppressing the liquor traffic, on July 4th next. If the women get a chance at tins whisky bwiiMViB. it m gone He who is a cutter snipe one day and a temperance a;o?tle the next, cannot expect to have the respect of decent yeoylc.; neither will he have it or get it. TAo9i Democrat. Himoe, the Democrat man proposes to remain a getter snipe. in an The public debt statement issued the laS inst., shows the lecrease during January to 1 $7,S2.362.7l; cash in treasury. 4220.574.535.0S; gold certifi cates, 965,414,560; silver certificates. S44MO6.220; certificates of deposits outstanding. SS.000,000; refunding cer tificates,SiJ67,250; legal tenders out standing. W,t)Sl.0l6. The census sfoows that, notwithstand ing the difficulties under which it labor ed, the south increased wonderfully in population in the last ten years. If the relations between the races can be established on a basil of justice to all, with intelligence and capacity to rule, and. the co-operation of the general government secured, our sunny land will outer upon au era of progress that will astonish the old blundering bourbons. Yicksbttrg Herald, The Lincoln Globe devotes, daily, from one-fourth to three-fourths of a aoluma to the malicious abuse of Hon. Church Howe. ilr. Howe is our fel-lew-citiaoa, our Representative, a He IHiblican. Hence we consider it in the line of our duty to defend him so long as he merits defense, and we mean to do it, regardless of what his enemies at home or abroad may think or say about it. Wb i no more for him than we would foe any other friend and noich lr who has to contend ag.iiist thr Slth, liea. slandere, jealousies, and en vy tf mon wh have no !ettcr reason thaa a purely selfish one. Thai Mr. How was a Tan ft"yck man latterly, and wa? of same aervkv t the old warrio- io oni need deny ii i Emitted : Itut how about the start V Luwtu tilibe. His 'start was all right, lie. took the bulge oa the mules entered by the (7M. ad dtstaneed the whole brnymrr nuuiagetie oa th hMii s-reteh. It does aeesa, from tiis record, that he started woii, he voting for Van AVyek -from the first to the seventeenth ltullot. Sir. Howe's course in that struggle wrr stsaight as a string and Qqu. Van "7yck knows precisely what thit course was a:d he didn't leani it from the Globe, and all that paper's balibliitg is and will be impotent. The farmers of the State are now rapidly organizing themselves into AMianees. and The Advertiser luis a word to say to the present legislature in their behalf. We do not pretend to know of the crievauees of which they complain, viz : Extortions and discriiu- . inatiofts of railroad companies. These grievance may not l)e so real awl ex torsive as many believe theat to be, yet there are some propositions that de luaud attention. 1st Unrestrained power, in every " pba8, and especially so with large cnjHtal corMrations, is a jKtwerfulj tiMWpter to iransr-end the limits of fair play, aad the old adage of "live asd lot live," between man and ainn. Haul road wen are but men. possessing the ominently human disiosition to make itH they can. This htidK to extortion, discrimination, ami these to oppression. Sa, whether the railroads of Nebraska aro fairly clmrgeable with oppressing the ieople. or otlierwise. it would be projnir. by a just law, having due re gard to the rights and prosperity of both Mople ami railro-ids, to prescribe a limit beyond which they must not go ia tanas, and when teiied to dis criminate, in charges and accommoda tions, against one individual or neigh borhood, in favor of some pet individ ual or locality, the law and the penalty would be a check to them 2d. The fanners le!ieve they have good cause for complaint, hence it is fair to presume that they know their rights, and have good cause for asking, at the hands of the legislature, the oaaeiiaeutof such laws as will secure to theai those rights. M. The eimple request of the food jrotteciag class of Nebraska, coming as it now does from every point, near ly, if not entirely unanimously, should be reason enough for the legislator wlw desires to represent truly a majority of thepeopletogivethema well consW - ered low, such as is recommended by the intelligent, broad brained tillers of; - the soil, who recognize in mil roads, jiroperly restrained, Tvenlta to the ieople. blessings and. " " ESTABLISHED 1858. Oldest raper is the fcts.te. J Xo gentleman, tho he mat be the tool of another, would under the cir - cumstances attending the nomination of the members of the Legislature in in this county, dare to make such an attack as the Advertiser hurls broad- cast over the land at our respected citizens. Daily and Reyman, and no editor excejt "Wash Fairbrotler," and he, not without having sold himself, kody, mind and sofl, to another, to bolster up his declining fortunes, would dare to insult the republicans of this county as he has done by publishing that article. The foregoing is an extract from a communication, signed'lJex," written, however, by T. L. Schick, in the Sheri dan Post of the 3d inst. Mr. ScMck seems to have become unusually sur- cliarged with wind, during his week's absence, so that when he arrived at liome, he without delay hied away to the center of the county and emptied himself inliis organ. The people here are to be congratulatel that he didu't do it "in Brownville. The "attack" on Daily and Seyman, that 3blr. Schick refers to. was contain ed in our Lincoln letter published in The Advkrtisek of the 27th ult. Mr. S. writes three-fourth of a column busing his slush on the proposition that Daily and iteynian were attacked, but he, peitifoger like, evades coming to the ioint and discussing the justice or injustice, tlie truth or falsity of that attack, ami doesn't even intimate in what that attack consisted, ilr. S.'s object in thus playing the guerilla is obvious. It is to deceive and mislead such readers of tlie Post who do not see The Advertiser, and make them believe that "Wash Fairbrother and his correspondent had made an outrageous, malicious and false attack ujon Daily and Reyman. An- reasoning man must see at a glaace that the writers object was not to inform but to misin form, for had it been otlierwise he would have taken up the points of at tack as made by our correspondent and proved them to be untrue; or, had this been too much of an undertaking, he could at least have denied tliem, and placed his assertion against that of Rix, our Lincoln correspondent. Rut he does neither, and leaves liis readers in tlte dark as to the matter and man ner of tiiat outrageous attack." Now then, let u hunt up a copy of The Advertiser of the 27th ult. and see what Rix says that causes Rex to slop over with his false gush. In that letter Rix reviews the scenes, ballots awd caucuses of the Senatorial fight. "She first mention he makes of Daily and Reymau is in his reference to what took place on Friday evening after the 15th ballot lie says: The anti-Pads held a caucus this same evening, and forty men pledged themselves not to vote for Paddock. Ulster anv circumstances, also, that each faction would stand firmly and faithfully for its candidate, in the ex pectation that the Paddock men would break. Daily and lieyiasn were in this caucus, and soiemuly pledged their word ami houer not to vote for Pad dock. We shall see ltow well they kept this ideihjse. Will Rev deny the truth of that statement? We presume not, for every man in that euiens would swear to its correctness. The next mention of the names of D;:ily ami Reymau occurs in the des cription of tlie sceues enacted upon the 16th ballot the next one after the above compact was made-, as follows: lint before the secretary announced the result. D.tilv rose from his seat ami -surprised all but his accessories by changing ins vote from Diiihiv to Pad dock. "What is a pledge worth ? As the eighth man, Reyraan. rose, ami cbanawl from Dumlv to Paddoc (anotler woken pledge). Is there where the attack conies in, or was itia the following: The majority concluded that Tan Wyck. when Daily changed from Dundy to Paddock, hit the nail on the head " by exclaiming: "Treachery, treachery; but they can't daliver tlie goods." Didn't Tan Wyck say that? An opera house full of people will say that he did use those words then and there hurling "treachery" into Daily's fce. The next reference to the much at tacked gentlemen is this: The meiatiers of tin? caucus were highly incensed at Daily. Seyman, and others, who violated the compact of tlie night previous. Is tliere any attack in that very pre sumable fact? Will Rex say the mem bers of the caucus were not highly in enel over the violation of a compact entered into on the hnr of geiiifcmenf We trow not. The next and last men tion Kix makes to tne "attacKea gen tlemen from Nemaha is v his allusion to the caucus in which Van Wyck was nominated. He says: The anti-Paddock forces held anoth er caucus, sixty-two members answer ed to their names. Nemaha county was here represented by Church Howe. yan "Wyck. Weaver, Mason and Post, were summoned to the caucus. Tiiev all pledged them selves and tlieir supporters to the nom inee of this caucus. After some debate, it was detirmined tliat a two-thirds vote should nominate. Daily now ask ed admittance, ami said he desired to explain his course of the morning. He said he desired to acquit Dundy of all lvalue that he knew nothing whatever of the movement of the morning, but tlmt himself (Daiiv) was misled bv politicians (Wa understniid Majors and Hitelreock were said politicians), that j llTZTJJZJtLJ !0n moion of Church Howe.the cau- tens --forgave him.' Daily was so '..... . worheaiip, mie expramns. iimt lie f- " ? ?,"2l -' --- J "" " --"-'- --- afs.fc' brought tlie caucus to laughter by ex- claiming: "Damn it, this is 20 class ! meeting." The members of the caucus j then toldDaily that, inasmuch as lie had ; broken his word once, they would a-5-1! his signature to a pledge, as assurance ; of good faith. As the other members j were not requested to sign their names. Daily refused, and was requested to withdraw, which he dm, instanter. A ballot was then taken, and, as the votes were leing counted, Reyman, who had escaped from his keepers, was admitted, just in time to save his right of suffrage. Now in every relation and statement that our correspondent makes he is corroborated by every newspaper cor respondent or editor that was on the ground and personally cognizant of the events connected with the Senator ial contest, especially as to Mr. Daily, he being the leader of the Dundy squad attracted more attention then did Mr. Reyman. Yet in some or all of our quotations from Rix he "attacks Daily and Reyman," and "Wash Fairbrother insults the Republicans of the county by publishing the article." Now, the question with the hist named gentle man is this: nas the truth been pub lished regarding Messrs Daily and Rey man? The matter of "attack" does not concern him at all, but that of the jus tice of the attack does concern him, as a faithful and fair journalist; for he would not bo unjust to any man, especially toward Daily and Reyman, whom as representatives of this county, he would defend against false or un just attacks. Wash "Fairbrother gels "the papers" and reads them, and he scans them very closely to see what sort of record our legislators are making, and he here declares that he has not seen a single item or article in any paper in the State except the little subsidized Sheri dan Past that indorses the course -of Daily and Reyman in the matters al luded to by our Lincoln correspon dent not one has a forgiving word for them, not one good Samaritan pours oil upon their lacerated feelings. Even the Bee and Lincoln Globe who championed Mr. Daily's political enter prise from the beginning of the last fall's campaign, came out With bold head line and strong terms denounc ing as they styled it, "the treaclu ry of Bill Daily." Not one paper in ail this State has denied the things that Rix says excepting, always, Mr. Daily's own paper, the Port. Then why should The advertises be made tlie especial victim for the venom of the Post edi tor and his equally unscrupulous cor respondent, simply because we publish a chapter of Git record Daily and Rey man are making. Is this record not life like and true? we would ask Mr. Schick. Can he demonstrate that it is not true? If he can, why in the name of common sense and honesty of pur pose dots he not do it instead making an ass of himself and a weak display of iraHtent rage, in abusing "us for publishing a communication. By way of summarizing we will de mand of Mr. Schick straight answers to the following questions: 1st In what does the attack, by Rix, o;i Daily and Reyman consist? 2nd. Did they not, previous to the sixteenth ballot, enter into the com pact, as stated? 3d. Did they not upon the sixteenth lallot violate that compact, desert their leader. Dundy, and undertake to elect Paddock' as stated ? tth. Were not the members of the caucus highly incensed at Daily, Rey man and others, who violated the com pact of the night previous? 3th. Did not Daily :isk admittance to the caucus which nominated VauWyck, and being admitted, explain why he had betrayed Dundy and violated his agreement with the anti-Paddock men. and then and there made the boyish plea of being misled by jyaiitieiansi 6th. Did he not "iceeprec?" while so explaining, and heg the gentlemen he had offended to forgive him ? 7th. Did not Church Howe, in the magnanimity and generous impulses of his great heart make a motion to for give the weeping William? Sth. Did not the wicked Dr. Taylor) eall Isick the caucus from sympathetic luubberin? by exclaiming, "Damn it. this is no class meeting?"' 9th. Is it not true that inasmuch as Daily had "broken his word once, they would ask of no other mesnlwr present to sign a written pledge :is :issnrance of good faith? That ;:pon his refusal to ?igu he was requested to leave and and did leave, "instanter?" . Now then, tliere are nine point ed questions, all easily answered. If they, or any of them can be answered truth fully, relieving Mr. Daily of the odium that rests upon him, wholly or in part, Tiie Advertiser, whose columns are as free to Daily, or Reyman, as they are to Church Howe or any other man, will do him ample justice. But in conclusion, we desire to say that while personally we are a friend of Mr. Daily, ho is fully aware that we are aware of the facts, and every feature connected with his candidacy last fall; the record he started out to make as a crustier of rivals; that it was only his dread of being defeated him self that caused him to suspend hostii- itiea and forced him to oroclaim loval- I f ,. f n , v - ti,;, -.,t,t have been, nevertheless, a "dead issue" j with us but for the fact that Mr. Daily atrrieti his bitterness awav from the i . countv with him and permitted it to operate against the interests of Xema- ha county by defeating one of her - j members for the Speakership. "W,e BBCTWNYILLE, NEBRASKA, then realized that his warfare did not mean Church Howe alone, but war to the knife also on all who dared to be friendly with Howe or treat him with the respect and courtesy due him and the position in which the people had elected him. Therefore Mr. Daily must abide by the record he has made and was so anxious to make, whether it be good or bad; and Tile Advertiser will give it due publicity. Mr. Daily has utterly failed in his assumed role of "crusher," .and he stands in the State in bad repute as a politician. This is his present record. Were it not that he has forced himself into this position against the interest of his people and the advice of his friends we could eat an onion and weep with him, but under the circumstances we couldnt pump,-;-rlnrH,L- eirrla enmni- wm n.c um UCHw . ff" thetic tear. inSOELLAEOUS 3EWS. .TasFarrell was shot and killed re cently by the Marshal of Pueblo, Col. Three children were recently burned to death at Sumter S. C. by the ex plosion of a coal oil lamp. On the 1st inst., the two supposed murders of Col. Potter, of Albuquerque, Texas, were taken from the jail and hanged, by a mob. At Gaines' Landing. La., last week, -E. J. Osterhaut and J. L. Schroeder, prominent merchants of N. 0., quarrel ed about a bale of -cotton, and the former was killed. The heaviest storm of the season visited the Atlantic coast about the 1st inst., doing great damage. Extensive rains and unprecedented floods are reported from California. At Piqua, Ohio, 31st ult. Wash Har baug, a dentist, quarrelled with his wife, and then shot and killed her. He then went to his room and killed himself. Theylpft three children to battle with the world. At Decatur, I1L 1st inst. John A. Homstein attempted to kill his wife, and then severed his own jugular vein with a wood saw. and bled to death. The trouble was, he was 57 years old and his wife 18. Plymouth, Va,, was recently nearly wholly destroyed by fire the result of a kerosene explosion. 400 boles of cotten were burned. Mrs. Rose Lowe perished in a burn ing building at Grand Rapids, hist week. S. F. Rrunde, suicided, at Geneva Lake, Wis., Slst ult. by hanging, -o A "rMtcfrtran Ansl. An angel was described by certain excitable ;ei?oiis, at the Seventh Day Adveutists' Talern:tcle. Battle Creek, Mich-, on New Year's eve. It appear ed at a large window, and was distinct ly seen for at itstst a minute. The at tention of those ;r-sent was attracted toward it "by a brilliant light which streamed through the window. It is dcscriiied as dressed in tlowing white garments and a hnlo about its head, from which rtdi.ite I the nuwt briliiant light so bright that those who lMked upon it were dazz'ed. leing unable to take their gaze from it until it disap peared as suddenly as it appeared. A Btksrd. "A blizzard." says a D.ikota man, "is tlie north west ?rn name fur a gala of wind tilled with snow and icy part ieles. as fin" as rice powder, with a tempera ture ten or twenty dtrees twlow zero. A genuine blizz-ird is so iierce and dense that von can ueither face it or distingnish objects ten feet awav from you. In Dakota ami Minnesota during the prevalence of tlie blizzard farmers only ventiircout of their houses with guiding ropes around tiieir jersons, to enable them to nnd their wav back." Speaking of tlie legislators who were in the caaeus that nominated Van Wyck, the Lincoln Globe savs: "Sixty- o:ie memijers of the Nebraska legisla ture can neither be bought nor sold. That caucus was composed of Church Howe and sixtv other members. Rut the Globe has all along insisted that Howe had been taught up by tue rail roads. The Globe misleads us. Fill more liecietr. We see that our former fellow 'citizen. IIoil A. S.tewnrt of the LT. S. land o:Tit e at Deatlwood, ia favoral!y meiitionetl as a eandidatf forU. S. Sea ator from the new State of Dakota. The Doctor is an active Republican ami fully competent for the position. 'Tecumseh Chieftain. Church Howe Ipft for Nebraska City in response to a svi-il iaviratio!i j tnsmthe citizens of that city sKmg hint to le present at tho Van "Wyck iioom tniglit. Church will be there. Ho has stuk to tho boom too long to neglect it now. Lincoln Journal. A rare instance of liovine fecundity was presented to the astonished inaeof Frank Hefnier this morning wh-n he visited his stables and discovery" three little dead calves, all the offspring of his favorite Durham. Yankton Press. Hon. Church Howe, -on Saturday morning, greatly aewlerated the Tan "Wyck boom by one of th neatest and most gracef ui sjweches we have heard in a year of Sundays. Central City Item. Hon. "Wm. Daily should drink quart of yesist.Tise above tlie treachery of politicians, and politely tell there to go to h alifax. Pawnee Re publican. The religions of the world are dis tributed as follows: Protestants. 100,- j Greek Church. Sl.47S.OOo'; Mohammed idans. 16o.000,000 : Idolaitors. S20.000.000. "The wicked stand on slippery pla ces," while the righteous ofttimes sit i down, with much enrobasis and"2nany , exclamation points, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1881. 1EGAI. ADVERTISEarENTS. Zegal "Nbtico. BEX HOLL.A.DA.T and Esther Holladny. defendants, will tgke notice that on the 5tn day of Fehrnary. 1331. Tne Pottler and Stytnn Manufacturing Company, of Xew York, plaintiff herein, filed its petition In the district court of JCemaha county. Ne braska, against the said defendants, and A. S. Ilolladay. the object and prayer of which are to adjust llent and to foreclose a certain inortzae executed by the defendants to the plaintiff on the fallowing described real estate. In Nemaha county, Nebraska, viz: The northeast quarter of section number thirty HO;, containing 160 acres. Tue north west quarter of section number twenty-nine (it. containing 160 acres. The southeast quarter of section number twenty-one (11), containing 160 acres. Lot one (I) and the east half of the northwest fractional quarter of section number thirty (3D), containing 130 42-100 seres. The southwest quarter of section number twenty-eight (23;. contain ing 10) acres. "The east half of the southwest quarter ot section number nineteen (19). containing SO acr-s. The west half or th ncrtheast quarter of Bectlon number twenty-eight (2S containing acres. Theonlh west quarter of the soutneast quarter of sec tion number eighteen. (IS), containing -16 acres. The soutliwet quarter of fection number twenty HV). containing ! acres. Tiiesouth !:'? of the northwest quHrter ofi section cum - r twenty -one (21) contalnlnc SSacres. L itwo(2)ofthe southwest quar ter of of .-rtlon number nineteen (191, con taining 49 21-100 acres. Lot tour il) or the southeast fractional quarter of section num ber eighteen (IS), containing 59 39- 1C0 acres. Lot live (5) of the southeast fractional quar ter of Sfctlon elgnteen (IS), containing 3-j S-10O acres. The north Waif of lot three (3) of the southwest fractional quarter of sec tion number etghtean (IS. containing 2? Sl-inO acres. Lot one (1; of the southwest fractional quarter of ?ctlon number seven (7), containing 11 10-100 acres. Lot four U) of the northeast fractional quarter of section number twenty ne til',, containing il&MUO acres. Lot one (I) of tiie northwest fraction al qnarter of ectton ticenty-one (-1). con taining 31 40-luu ac-es. Lot two i-2; o. the northwest fractional quarter of section number twenty -one (21). containing 33 H7-1Q8 acres. Lrt three (-"?; of the the northeast fractional quarter of section numbe twenty -one rtl. containing -J9 7U-ltt arris. Lot one (1) of the southwe-it fractional qnarter 01 section numler sixteen (15), containing 2 7M00 Kcres. Lot one of the northwest quar ter of section nui;':er nlneteas ;19 contain ing -I s 3MX acres. All In township four (1). north o' ransre sixteen (18). east. Also lot two (2 of the northwest qnarter of section eighteen TIP, containing IT tWIOOacres. and lot six T6' of th northwest Quarter of .section eighteen flij. eontalnlnc 45 50-10) acres. In townsiiiD lonr 4j. nortn 01 range sixteen jiwj east. Also all the following certain lots lu the town of Asplnwall. lu said county, to wltt LotsTand 9ln bUck 1. Lots 2. Itt. 11 and 12 In titock 2. Lots 3.4. 10 and 12 In block 3. I,"ts 1. 4. 5. e, 8. 9 and 12, la block 4. Lns l.S.Snndll, in block 5. Lots 1.4. o. 6. 3. II nnd 12. In block 6. Lots 4. 5. . 8. 10 and 12, in liIcckT. Lots 2,3. 6. 9 and li. In blocscs. J-ots I. 4. 5. .?. 10 and 12. In block 9. Lots 1. 2, i. 7. a, lv. 11 ann is in dwok tu. is 1. o, ,. W..11 and 12 in Wock II. Lots 1. 4. 0 and 12 j In block 12. Lot 3 and 10 m bloeK 13 Lots 8, S, Itt and 12 in block 14. Lots I, 2. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 11 In block 15. Lots 7. 10 and 11 In block IS. Lot K and 11 In MockL. Lou 1, i, 5. 6. S, 10 and II In block Ifc. Lots i, .1, 4. fraud 12 In b!ck 19. Low A and 10 In block 2u. Lots 2. 4. a, 6, 7. 8. 10 and 12 In block 21. Lots 2.5.11 and 12 In block 22. Lots 2. 3.5. 10 and 11 In block 23. Lots 2. J. 4.JS and 10 In block a Lot2. 8. . 9. If. II and 12 In bioct i. Lois 2, 3. 4 ar.a 11 in block 28. Lots 4. iVand 12 !ti block 27. Lots a, &. S. 10. RCd 12 lu block 2. Lo'h 2. 5. 7. S and 10 in hiocR ). Lt. I, 2. a, 7. tf, 10. 11 add 12 In bloelt SO. Lots I. 2. 4.4, 5. . 7 and 12 In block S Lots 7. S. to and 11 In block 325 Lots 9. 10 and 12 In blodc 33. Lots 5, t. and 9 In block 34. Lots a, 7 and 9 in block 35. Lot i.. -, 5. S. a and 10 In block &. Lpts 3, 4 and 12 In lli-k S7. Lots 2. 5. . ncd 10 In bick2. Lots 2. 4. 5. 6. II and 12 Id block -?. Lots 1. 2, 4. 7. 9. Iw and 11 In blhck. 41. Lots 4. 7. a. 8 and 12 In blooU 41. Lots I, 2, 4. 6 7. 11 and 12 In bloeic 42. Lots 5. 9. 10 nnd 12 In t!jck 43. Its 2, 3. 5, S. nd 11 in block 44. Lots 6.7. ana m in 4i Lots 1. 2. 4. ..;. . and 12 In . " ots 2. 4. D. aal li In bloc 47. LtK S IHMok-K. Lovsl 4. 5 . S. 12. 3B. 22 ad 31 in blocx 4S. J.ots I. 7. !. 10. 1L 1 13. It. I umx IS In blerfc 9. Utl. 4. t udiI it in block. 11. Lots l. , . , II ant: 12 in bluc:a. iHs 1, i7,s, . 1. II Ami t; In block S3. Lou 3. . li am! li lu biodc il. 5 ih iimiiv fki.-t 57 iai 7 ! la. It n.uA IT Id ftioclc 59. L.-H 1. 3. i. T. 3. . . 12. U. 17. 26 21 la blct w. ! 11. Mad U in bijck . Lntsl. 2. 4. if. 9 II. 1. 17 .. ami it lu tK iz. Jt 4. li. n. li aiMl In in botK es. Xaks J S. 11 a.1 !2 In Work. . Lots 3. 5 si aiKi 11 hi Jlct . LjI. I and ii In block 87. Lt,n I. J. i. 6. W 12. M h4 17 in Meek is. Lots I, 2. 3, i. 9. 11. !. 17 H.-xt U, ,n blecK S. Lots I. i. . . lu. II. I", a, 17 In t:ocfc 70. LW I. t. fc. U. li and ; It h!.ci 71 Ijs 5. . . M. 17. Is. 2e nod 21 : bluCK 72. Lftts 2 3. II. 12, U. 17. H. W. 2 and 2t Id Wock 7i Lfa 1. 2. a. . 7. S. W. 13. 2 . 2 Zi sad Z in btcJc74. Ixhs 1. . 12. U and is im block 75. ! I. a. 4. S. ". i. 9. .i. I . to, 17. -I aud 2- in bitefc 73. i..lts 1. S. 7. . . II. a. 14. IS. la. . 2 3IH12; hi Wdcfc r. Lrta i. i. . i. 11. 12. It nod 16 It. h 7. Ias i. . U. I li 17. 22 awl 24 hi la-k . Ixits 3, !. 12. !. 17. 21 and 2t ic tiMck &-. I Lets s, 5, r. a. II. t-s !fl Hud 21 in H!ek si. LU 1. 4. 3. 6. i W. 12. 13. 15. 17. t. 2 ut 2t in bioCK 5 l,o L 2. 3. 4. i. i. 7. 3 12a:d - lu Muefcii trfSs 1. 2. 7. 9. II. 12. It II. 15. K. Vf n& 22 in bine, a I. ltsi-. W. II, 15 17 and 2t in oek . Iihs 4. i. . S and tl In Mock ai. Lom i. . 1ft. 11. 14, H cad H in bUck S7. Lot S t. Id. 13. 17 nnd li .n Mock 85. Lets 2, S. H. 12. 1 . li. U. 17 sad l m Wek St. LosJ.i 5. 7. S 9. II. IS. Ii. 1. 1" and li in block !l. Lets 3. 5. S. . II. M and 17 hi block W. .ts i. 3. . S. II, 12 audl inbtuck K. Ij.o- 1. X 6 k. " - - ..t- ". ' ' .-.. - wvm. rr. . LoU 1. 2, IS. S. lu anl 12 n -C" .. UO'9 i -. . H. 12. nana i; iu r.-.-jcx .. i.-i-, :. a. 4. ia. u. n. . Zi and 24 In Woct ! t. r. . 11 ana 12 In Mwefc . Lot imi t In i. jCi 1 -. Lot 2. 7. S ! n-l ! In bbSM IK. Lnt-t 2. i ... r. s. and W n bhiekHe. L it:: !.. it. :k i:. i. awt i s Mock I.e. Lis" 4. ', 'j. Ik 14 i.mI l in b4K Kt Luts 2. 2. S Had l'j 'n Ucii l&i. Lata 4. i a. W ,! 22 in bKtek 1-4. l- 1. . and 9 in block hC. Lets J. X S. . 7. ft. t nnd it m ht-rk. Wh 1-a- 2, A ami ? in Mark Hr. Lot 1 tn bnck IM !-- xrui 9 im bk-ek III. Lot-v 3. i ant 5 in Mock 112. Lois -'. 7. e. S. 14. I aad IT tn bljefc 14. Lom l.liRft 17. 2tf uct2: . bio.t I!4. L-ts '.. : 3, i . and II la bVK 11V. L.MS3. 7. 9. In. aid It In blocs lit Lots ". ad II tn b!jck 117. w eour la-- i.y ment of n. certum ppita.ry tt. tid X.-cb 1st. W7i, ftw ilnstio of U.atl.7. nnd AdPand y :Aie It nnlwi ai .nth fr-MU the date thereor for wbica -j;u. tvsts interest from SptAber ht, 1S7. 3lalnUiTprrt r dcrMr tbat de:eMda:ii be rsoted to pay the oc, and ia df. oil thereof tn&;Htd prerohw3Mi3rb,'dljMitifytba mial ijttwi Aw. a4 Inat dxien-ltutt Ha 11-jJUdny ne rt)a-il l.i par anv nrSci?ticr wbteh may reiumn Rfwr app; vtw the proceeds ot sar sale ! Ibe pur weat tf salddir!.:, nd Air suc't other relief as amy bcjutmt sidtatle. Yon ar r9M.rlu answer said petition on or beibre tne 21t of Xarcti. ld. 2 Pontic aad Ssjmss Stsaaiaotarjag Oo. Bv S. A. OSUORN. Atwraey. Mwl (Nr..6K.) SUKIUFF'S SALE State or Kuwaska, ' Nkxaha Ojc nty. XT OTICe is herr given, mat y vtrtae m IN nn exnttn IwmM ut of the LMstriet t -on of N wBha f a Ty. .tt of NebraAka, and to me rtlFKcW a StMn2' of .sahl conn tr, upon atl'n-nt ren.trrI t i rf. A. Os born. Hjui'ee .f te pMre Tlthhi anl for paid enity. ami m tran-eript tH-ref dniy flit! and enUrJ ft tli. ;! n.-t Clerk's iftns of said esity. In a erMr ca? wherein William Fh'vere-inx wwip.i n:'.t, nnd Fred erick S'-lrts Wjs .fiaut. I vill oUV-rf r sMlenl public auction, nt the d--or of th emirt hHi-e, In HrowtiTlUe, in kiW eomty. on Wedne.dsy, Ffhruary 23:1, A.. D.,1?S1. at I o'clock. P- m.. tPe Wtvln deerllel Knds In Nm.ih-i inv, Notinskii, tnwtt : fn N. S. lo ;;.nric Nt. li. of tit elty .f Hrownvllte. Nma'ia connty. ,nfxn, U--'h-r with r.11 tb- ltopr:reaetiU and privllecp thereto blm:icinc. T-iken on ss-i oxr-iton ns the property of Krederfefe m. Trms ik -wile, eh. Date.1, thl Isth lnv f Jnwrv. ISM. 31 wo JOH S 3.1. XLEITKNEIL. StewrlSl T IT. B R 0 A D T , 0 . Attorney am! Counselor at La-vr, OSlceoverStato Bm'c.Krow-HvIilk reb. s A OSBORX, ATTORSS'i ATT, A V.. Olce.No.Sl Xdn treel. BrawnTlh", N J. STTJLL. iTTOnS B TJ8 "A T LAW. OfSce ef Coaaty Jndse. BrotniTlII. Nebrasba. A S.HOLIAPAY. -Ai IUy3ileiai, Sinrseon, Obtetrlelan. Iradoated In I'M. fjaeat -d In Brewavtlle R3. Ofllee, 11 ifiln .street. TkrownTllle. Srfc. TT S. DESMAX, BIACESMITH, At the West Knd. ea.t'f HraUon'B store. 5"Torset?hjoelw a cpefciUr. T "w. Or i B s n :f , It, . r.Tr--r-.r, . - r -rr-Tc?i5 cmm-. ...vx.i rt... .-..v-. .awu. Workdone to order and atisa.elao&ir3.Bteetl First street, beteea Main and Atlantic. Brews vtlle.Meb. IiEGAL ATJVERTXSSSIISrrS. :i2S. GUARDIAJTS SATJ2. "I N pursuance of a lleense given by tile 1 juugt) ui me j7L.ii.ricu luuu ui .eiunan county. Nebraska, I will offer for sale at public vendue, on .Monday, Fefcronry 21st, 1S1, between the honr of one and two o'clock. p.m., of said day, at the front door of the court house. In Brownvflle. In said county, all the interest of Julia O. Jnrae&on and Ma ry A. Jameson In and to tJe oast half of the west half of the southeast qoarter of section No Twenty-Flvf(25Mn township No. Five (5) North, of Hance Fifteen (15). fast of the 6th I3I.. In ISeiniilia county, eorasna. Terms of sale, cash. U ORACE HITCHCOCK. Gnardlan of Julia O. Jameson and Mary A. Jameson. 3u-5w S. A. 0BORN, Atl'y. SIIERI FF'S'S AI,E . "VT OT1CE Is hereby given, that by virtue iN of an execution Issned out of tne District Court of Nemaha County, Stato of Nebraska, and to me directed as Sheriff of said County, npon. Jndument rendered by said conrt. In a case wherein William McDonald was plaintiff and Robert V. Mmr was deSentiant, I wl!1 offer for sale. At pnblic auction, at the iioor ot tne court lionse In Brownville, In said county, fn - '.i tie .may, luui, .v. u.jlii at 1 o'clock p. m the followine described Kinds. In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wit: The west half of the southeast quarterof the onthwest quarter ot the southwest quarter, and the pouthwet quarter of the sothwest quarter of the s-inthwest quarter, all In sec tion nineteen Ol. town five(5) rangesixteen (16) evt. containing fifteen nrrcs. Also the following lots in Nemabn City In said county to wit: Zots. Block. Luis. Work. 14 II 1. 11. 12. 15, as 2,, 15 4. . .7. S 2. .1. H. 9, MI. 4, 11. 57 2. 11, 21 15. X 15. ?.' a. 10. 2S 5. I. If. m i. S. 11, 25 1. J. e. u, 26 4. tzt 7. m 2.3.9. m 6. n. 9. at 4. m 1. 15. IS, its 4. H, 1 4, . li. , M I, 2. W. 71 I, 13. Is, 13, 15, TX , 3fi 4. 3, 09 8. 37 H, SK 5. 4- , 8 9, II. ' 4 9. if li 14. 44 4. . fl 1.11. 46 7.8,12. SV I. . P, 4f 15. Vt 1.2. SI 5,8. 87 I. W. I. together with all the privileges and lm- provemntstnereto Belonging. Token on said execution as theviroperty of Itobert V. ilnlr. Terms of sale cash. Dated this 2th ilny of January. A. D. 1WI. JOHN M. KLECKNKR, 32wo Sheriff. t- -TAi Th x-utiva. iiui; xur JaniiigCii- Toall whom It may concern: There was a petition presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha county Nebraski. at their January term, ISM1. asking the opening of a t.ecton line road. In accordance wltn the provisions oi section 40, at pase i-w, acts or istv. at wnieL ' time the Board, ueemhig tiiat the puftli ' good requires the opening of said rond. th- ordered that the mine tie opened and work ed. In tho same manner as other public roads. Said read commencing at the soUtwt efrner if section W, t-wnship 4, wwlh of ranae 12 east, running t!eme evst on the section line between sections 10 ami 15.11 and 14. 12 and l.J. to the soutueast eorner of section 12. township 4. range 12 eusi. In mahn county. Nebraska. AH claims tor damn-res must le flted in the county clerk's offiee. on or before noon of the 29th rtuy of larcc. l!l. SAMCKL CL'LT.EItTSON. 32 Coonty Clerk. Ros.d Afctice for Damages. To all whoiii It nmy coueern: Thrre wan h petition presented to the Donrdof Ctnt" ConimMslooers of Nemaha eouiity, Nehrnstca. at their January term., asking the opening of a ieeikn liie road. In aeoiriiitnce witu tne provision t rtWoii in. at peu.e iJPt. Bb ot js. as Tnicu time, (he IJosnl, deeming that tlie unbilc gol requires thnyiiiiig nf sld nwd, thfy ordered ttal 'liewime heopenl and wr.rk el. in tne same inH'iiier as outer pttbilr ro d-v Said riad eomfnenclngstthnorthwst r ner of se,-l!(-.n II. towitstilpS. north ot mae, and running tlieiice St on erfam line. ietw-en -ctiins 27 nnd S4. 24 and JR. 25 ind3fl,-to-n-hlp5. r-.ntj, 12 si, nd be tween sctlfo- -lu unit it. t tiie n'-rth-t corner of .-.rrtl.n. 311. in Lwnlilk ;. rmu 14 east. In Nemaha eorinty, SerrkH All claims for .ia-n . f iihs( be aiel In ttut "'" T' wrx f"-oce on or tr noc the 2ath day of a. I.. IrtU. SAMUEL CUL!lc:ttTSt) county clerk'. nUee on or btarv nn8 of rs)N. 3Cwl Ownty Clerk. "Road !7oice for Damages. TohII wnoia it ni.-iy etunrn: Tnr wis h petition presented to the tttrd of OHinlv ' 'mmitlHr-rsif Nwmitbs eotsnty. K-nTvsc:i. ' thetr Janaary Km, srti.nklng tl? opening a etf.-n lin- KHtd. ti hw laiwv wltn tlte Tvt,-lfMiK u - , m ..., .. ,. . ... . .1.. ""w " r'r -'. " wv. m wmro Hint:, iti'- fttT:ini iiwi uie ;:uu:i Ikt-.rd ileeinlnz that the o.l require ttte opentot; of hM mail. lh-y iler"; mat "ie wa In- "pelted and wnt 1 :n the .smiiv- n tail ner as nthr public rr.-. t-. i : rwl. eotnmnrinie at Ibe aorthent enn.r t:f seetit 3. lownsiup 5, n.w'b " rtnj 12r-st. nt ruunt ic hett nib stx nttl . iwiw.-ti xeettons mwl S. Irtanl II. II hmiI l-V. 22 mmI Si. St as i 27. mid Si ami . to ifceNiti!fM4 iwrf of section . township ., mnfe' I- 'Mt, 1m eoanty. N lint-kh. All elsims for rHnts sns be filed In th- fonn;y elerh'- iSivoi r htire nvi? of th!h wy of March. A. l.. M-'l. SAM URL CUI.llKttTfsnN. 32w4 C.on:y llerk. Hoad STotioo for 2na2f23. To alt whMn it hinr murrrn : There a petltiiM. present's I to the j Board of cii;y 0nitils4-rsf Neuuttiit I isKiitty. Nebraska, at ttietr et'b-r (-rni. i- s, asKl:i the fH.lcr o( a Mrrlt.n ilii riwd tn HccoriiatH-e wlln t le pr.'ih4ons o -eethn 44. t p-ix- l-V. acts : i.U at wltfcrh tiwn- Hit B'wn!, deemt'tg lli-: tlie piiiie srtwid retiir- the'ijv-iiiu'4 of vM rrfd. U.' ordered that the Rie lie oponed Hd wnrtt el. In the same manner a uliier poUiii rod. SaM rmMl comimeneirM: at the nvrtheat cdriH-r of i!thin . m iwM.ntp -V, trth o' ranee 13ea.'t.iui raHitins oath ii "f-eti . line. lnflwen )-etim.- ShimU, 7iM 8. IT a-n" li.l?ad2U 23:.n.lW. 31 tid 32. terminal l:ur at th ia:iiisi erner it" sect a SI township s, rane W et-tt, In NntjK conmy NebrnJca. All i-rxim-. dnm-iees zmU. be hied 1. V e;mntv eh-rk"! tlior on or tor nooii of the2th dor" H-ir-h. A D K-il. SAMUEL. OUIiSERISON. 31 Otouiy Cerk. "Road 7'Totico for !Dasiage3 Tiali v!io:n ;: :o.y mr.rm: There VTHS. a petlthm presented to tb Ronnlof fonty Oommlslonrs of Nemaha eonnty. Netrka. at their Janwtry tf rm I ll.aikinsj tne t,eninz of a, inctton Iih r.LMi. in -fciriiaKS" with tne provto.- o. -action to. at pnsie 13(, twrtu of 1S at wnrl. time lUe lfcrd .lemin: :hst ti)e r-Ublir giMxl rvcjnlr.-, the op-iiitz f caid rld I bey omreii thulthe s-ne Iv opened an' worKed In the.sHm manner as 'Her publli i rod. j Swihi road mmmenclae at the "ontlieAs: ' rrrner oi sec'.tini -hi. towt;.;.p I. ,ri i 1 r-iH2 14 ?. and running: ii.-:ire tset n the south line of .set-tKn. M ami S". t ii vwttiwit etirner of eeetioM Si. tvmh!r 1 range 14 Wrt. In Nemaha ennly. No hra-kn. only locating the North half safcl road. All riaims for dAotace.s mutt be fl led In tl county rJes riwe on or htorc mooi of the 2th day of Karen. A. D . fcl. SAMUBL CI '.BKRTRON. H Coonty Clerk. 2xoad Notice for Sainages. To all vrhom it raay eneea: There wan a petition presented to the Ror- ot County Cotnralionerx of Nemaha eonaty. Nrbraeka, at thlr Janoary teitn. kl. fcsklnc the opertlnc nt a -ctlHi line road lu accordancf with the provfeloas of section 4. at pase acts of l&t. i At which ttnt. the Ikmrd demlnt: I ! that the poW!r zoat retjotres the opening of I jsaldrM:. tl-ey onler..: that the sHBe bet 1 opened and irfcil in the same ma:inr aw ( oilier pnblicroails. SaW rond niBiieietDs . I at tbe northwest corner of HtWn i, town- ! ship 5, nortl. of rune? 12 enst. unl rurnlnr tnence snath on theection line heT-sreeB '. .soctlnnis .1 and 4. S and h. 1-5 and la. Si asd 'ii. ' T and 2. Si and XI. to the sonth wet corner of section 34. township 5, racse 12 eaxt. in Nemaha ennnty. Nebraba. a a cnamty tine mud; one-half of M road In ;'tmaba : connty located. All lfn. A... 1 , t.A - ft.. ' . ..... " m-cw " .'. . thconnte eerkV nwite on mr I . of the 2Bth day ef iimrr-U. A. Hl. I SAMUEL. rjrjT JlSIfTSOX, I 32 Oaemy CVerk. VOL. 25 NO. 34. mm&smL r i YMi'iE8m& 2L9IR TtonOEK YOU ARE IIV A i!ftBiiifg'i.! r$i& S ZrS K3HBSS j "-aJf X4 J- ViU AXD CAX" 2 u sjBo What You AXD GET my a1 fi r'3 1 AT THE Gem Jswsiry S?G id -Of- G-eo. A-X!krvvrxilTLt Ir UNION HOTEL, west f Cowr Heost, vrnsKE "Full many a gem of purest my serena" awaits you. Watchas, Clocks, -Jewelry and Silverware. ncpslrlijfr ia aJJ I2raaclics. Opposit Lumber Tartl, Main St. O-OOZD H.IGS AT REASONABLE RATES. ?peial Accommodationi for Commercial Men, AXD Driver Furnished whra deBire". Horsrs boarded by th day or wwk. and Fanaeis tccins fed and eared for at fair rates. mijii'y '-"XiCftX. Rsa pe-y.i?r!T . w At Brownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING ON THE IVIissorLri River. NEW BOAT, Bates Zotr. Ckmnm &h aily. Jtoafl-t Oon.'l. Tt 'Jem 1 if (j A vijiTc. Hoimeets vrith. all Trains. L fe. PfYWOfA ' :c was. 2'5iVVsA,V, jt A (it1j Vcuad pcwaTcr eSectiT J Bcacdr far tie -WflT aad prrsasnt . B-r-ril t.,m,-ij. art IraTactcasr cr th ealT latiwliaKiMITvpaaB,aKwMalald"M Mllvib. HARRIS RSMEOY CO. MPS CHEMISTS, Ul&rC& aau ea gtrveir. oa a.vwaj. .v. 7itoffc?eI teMtimontrtn th fflcaryof Jrof. Harris' SemitinZ 1'aKtiltr. taken fro tn. letters receiced from Jztrotm : Iidoii. A"ni I II . E73. Tei rsae -r i vjriiE perwcOy. flltttstytj tmn .mIwi. fir mr rast. Ctinx, Ao. It, tSS. I in tftuiWirtlT eet isi btt fcp top. The Toaac aaa to hr eoaetrr if erv,mr jcttr. Mlari S. K. "?TJ I rtce'Trf " aacs baeS fr-a ti w rf jmt nmrisc lt I ria le Iry.tlnsi a ier ce. Tta n f toa? itiiftc. an-t it. -yg-i wrg-'faa; Tery rcrosz. Stick., lu. 25, RT9 I fciT iiHr -ir fak rf Bb rac; d ae 4er a po Tr ptkat IHHH r ut ipparstf . ber uwre o wi. yit. ul 1 waajaa ws ra.t'i w,' w g-r- laat. lewi. Oct. la. 1579. I jau rJ tot ?. tam. Thrr kite wwkei K a rtm a. I " tmnBlii(iisIublit;. F-uaii. itTft at tie iTiT-. I !!. i ikc e-- IrM maw I as ia i " " cm- - WestVirsT- a. ASE.S. IT. Ir id rrars Be iac.aal I kciwTC a nnd bc. w rkici I Ji nr taak'i.t. H?4 pleax kal IS, ar oa f Tn aakR- t (. 2) ar a frwail. IkntKiimtttiK"ra. I ia cai ya aB t- s i n. JFroiti JAiicu aMf trprem. MIjimii. Jm-JiO. WISl rae f-r arJ . aaMi-r twxftaPi. TWwl I bait .! rf K kax. ai aalnw 19 a nmvt Snc, a fat ntnuai aat I Ikiil i ti i ' ,) Jhrom n lyr-HgzxiKt. ", aal $i. Z. a9. Ut huarr - j h. a mt r ni:i j, aaa aaxa. a tufctl rare t ka T katu aawxrcaatanar st luz, ta a nsc -T. a T rcKfa aaa eas e.3 kz. Yfl LllL f fWIl w f IMI a JD OP a a STJ HbSr"3""" irtUtattttitriMriiiw.itt.riwiii " if Ba MftHMt fcJPJaJJ dtaf pgwyiTVaaaV HartU ahaaH B tTl t t -.m M 1 rwn - tut " . t prfat aTJTTaeata, H 31 -cede! ay !be 3C- ml mm j tW mX rKul anM r fa-epp WTM ff Til f .-.---y rtmare easra-ai tratibTa TtmBT alrT.m . ai a. 3U. 1.- ""?'""; taya-aSMPC'"1 ! ftnllll aTM aaa--a aaaeai baa i- V"VZL' 'T1? "l" "'T4 '' J UPHQtSTERING AND UIII& Neatly and promptly done fcr JSJKB rSI,TSATJS3 , CAniNET5MAKER.'an4 CARPENTER and JOINER .Shopldooiwistof Post Offl"rv CKOWXVIL1.E, - - - SJSUASX ED. L0GMI V 9& FASHIOSABU; ROOT AND SHOE XAaS?. dMi-- Es23ii3r? Jiil it lit door west of V !t - fgjaEi..!' Livery Stable tfSiJfcZ.- ..ST . ':33s5gj5' witlnfaeUonguaras : H3fitgialkil33J3f- - 2STABLISESD IN 1S5. O X X E S T .-il C.r?r 2n3'oiuld "WiHiam iEL Hocnrere Ioe. a general Iteal Estate Business. Lands on Coumiwieo, examine 1.. makes Deeds. Mortgages, and all lr' mentsper'Insotaetransferof Kcft h tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Title? to all Real Estate la Nemaha ConntT. VmiORIZED BT THE C. R. C0YEK5rM HOB Mni irstnaiionai O F- BEO"ff PTV'ILXiE Pait7-up C(i2itoZ, AniJiorixed Si 500, MO IS PREPARFD TO TOASACT AJ General Eackin? Bnsinas. BUT AND SELL COIN & 0UESENGX DEAIT on alt the principal cities of the United States and "Europe MONEY LOANED Oa approved seearlty only. TlnieIr!iftadU - ed.andspeeialteeoaimedntioBssraaUdtodep' t ers. Iealera la tOVS.RKXETT BOXDS, STATE, COUNTY a CITY SECURITIES "DSPOSITS !tcIrdp3TaMeaQdecaand.and TNTEBSS"a iokhIw. iaersuiuesefdBfielt. DIRECTORS. Wm.T.Bfa, B. it. Ballsy. 3: Hundley. Frank K. Jbneu. Latber Hox. r Ww. Fratefewr. J011X L. C1RS0X, A.R. A VlSOX.CasWer. I. CHK U HTO.V. AwL Cas h4er. Prtddi m HEWi. -4. - over ft aim er Pre.' Oathset' misrs WTT V-J " I alL61 tl Have Alrer. k... m. I.f ft i- - 2f.-" S4wv. ri -- - IhlxeoBn- . . STT-M T" 1. ,b 'Fj-'A-ViVjJ' "- t.3- try and Fran -i r". -"""? 5&"A' every oa i e5"53L -.a which has JfTV Kef pernpci btttver- JptK8ft ery time. CUfi r arma JXi when - ttscd ccoril. -to directions the icutf . dnab'niK r3 ttC Wf '!! pa lheabo rewar Aar a single cai lLjL3iL jB .A.OS: That the Pwt ibiis i ear T-. rtat ri-.ed-wlll W-iriVKI.Y ami Pyk31A7 MIY rsr LnmlKi;o, I.nmo BncJt, "e n;.ra. Ornv. t-1, UtaJiBirs, Urop.y.. Brlsbt'a Olnea. or I lie llilni-ira, IneHDlliirHri- cntt Ttc- i ,rnllouoft!i I'rli.r, I nSniuai Ian of the ICldr5-. Cmsrrk f;ltt P'siWrr, ttlpli Colored IrlH.. Koiit lit tf Back, Milt or l.oln. i.-i WokatK, a' r rtx fact itt.-d..irtr.. 'i B'u.s.r ar. I Xt narr tT rm waeibertuetrftct !jr jr. atvtii-tiasr . , oJi UAIr. tf rm r 'n--fnt trm Tenia vrmk.,s. lurkai.'-twiftt. - any dtraasa o; the JCidavT. Bladde. . ..r l nrawy rr . YOU OA.N LE CUErlD ! Wftb'sM roaivwlir woa ace e,:.tvj by slna- """"""PROF. GUILSETTZ'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH tTIK- BT AH-S.XP i H 'X Af I-W 2rui.Jsi a.r fUK. I.I II3f2TT3 PitLSrllKiiAETPAI) .Mn'- nthr If ?.&r&d jrauwiiirvcstT the prat br icc'o tl. -JTOO: PC'iI.:-..I.-. r. T1o O un UJ- ut PrtS t.H.ln.- iki 5r.-N U Par cnrpl a. Id mlanr. m thr-,- 4k Iixn. i. cni. bad bv.: )Mr 1 lsu rs i rafubte. Umrims fc'- tt . on I HiSsrud BU ri asaai nail paM srr - it-objv uuft' irr- .j r. osM..CK:sayi 1 roatnat lor thte ; an -MM tcl .lien, acu Kit wyilkH -. ai rfto ui tojutoi an mfbta I W ilrfc.y ct fiuuinM r .r JjCtr ru ina; lo tajilavHl' Ff-.en; Kida; T6rrv- nOpnTK Jt. C. SCOTT. vlTcfa. O.. -rri-ai I kkiiratt kBr far . . r wtfra Brfsl. INvoasM ar th KMafs. r wmu at u. Ma I !s aartbt4 to trt si -.: . ,.. t ke n ofaiwtlrtae. 1 ai. Ury mit- m- cnl- njp inii-r r NaT. I wow twoof Prr.lotln.'-U- K 'r Hjul x -v. aad I m kaaw I ..: .r-i c rl VR- Iii:LLJS iltti"-' rd . "aja for twm I hare beeo .-.ansd a (tm. part at ihl'Tf 'nr r"-"!. xrtth LwwrfkO's and frmw sr'..i I a.-r. m'umrii- Sjlnt' ?adj aait Tra cKTXt hi ww msirM " II. B Rk.i, WaO)ai Oreerc JrIUy C W ".'.I-. I iw Jr T, yaafS) Mtb l?r- sr!t ad hi lirw'-. aa ,iiv'i..' c.u b- utarinc -" ' f.Wiapie' !i'.!- Ps . B. )'. KEUSb MD. imuar. ' I-Tanjart. "1. w. Ti.dbiwrnaa nrdcr U. L.. .:i. Ttu. , srr:! - I woraaa'tia SrM are wi a. art I r pisl nwM N -fl rruav :i I'M .i -. 1.3 I er nd. ! th raAssf- P!iai- . satlaCac tn thaa 3.iv .-iiteay MOsjr r i 1KX -! UtauK-sta. Tana!il. Ma., are -rarkavr ap a tiey te rotrr Pad?i. and arbarbararai4rM - Uio. e. T ay." ?:.0f. B3?lSa??n rsSES '7F3. !? WW erM'lT.'r eri' rrar aad Aff Iiab Akae. A t- "-.. BtUaoa Fvr. J-v.nd e tj 9l?4a. kwl r ' raie- -. Uv lira' ?- - - a d B-wrt. Pre- Xb. av.i !?d 'or Ir 1 .a tcttir'n Tr -h- . n si ie-- .. s r 're r y nmiU Adlr ?S HNfll iD ( O.. f tiO.Ufcla. Frsaihv-w- H Hir 5&a-T-w It is th" vet tt.x every fc-r : t- n. : TrrritiPT a rt!Trc!ate3 tucsab. -.pS: - -... u - v. Ine'irri.oai. 1jt3i-.'r.i?'.'''t.--',;'ijr Uf nataral aid n""si'-. . " i t yit.""re "-m.f-al.Jtts n -,4 cti.r s-b n TJ-iyi ' - Ij-seaaea. inftid ?.'U '-rs.L. c .',:' . Uvcpp - ia, - : b i Urf -i - (. s? -patien. 1 tti .. Giersl In '7 "i a. J cured b tue Sa4 Hit ts. i. - a-cH.titl S3 SB a-metrr as : fri-ar r fj Its:3lK :nil- s fcca (TeT'a,- BllT. ..1 aN.-j. -. -: - H. save tna B payment of n jny 0 . r t.i a. 1 uotiiea cr two .MHi; icrs."-e--3anaij. Ti amcr's SeTcac- art? soiti hj 2r?isisls SSTrT-S.i a.2i5 Ica!crri -H r-iE,r-r - ?s: - isassii taE'r7:-z:M, rr pr: r Boei-ester. X.T. -?--"S'Sw '.r - h2et iadTet'.;. ii rJ&tCl5 - - - s- r-i Socs , RSSCd3p:rt. -na, o. k-,"T. - Sivnnri? HgGllbjf Bank dim ft V. Z .- - ft:-" : '' k-, ?$ - "it, 'i- t ir' - ". .v -i. 7.- :.- c IL . MT K.-1KN JK trQ.-Mlfcrtt-., 4. EiitmK rSf&t W . : SS r SS if $dS iM li pis sSsa mmfMtmm B2SSS-JiV irpi--- . -."BsV5--i aWiWiyp.aairiTariaaa1Ja,,' Ta-Cai Q, . ,a J " Vj M rP . 4 - J aCB M a "S r.,;. -5 - -TWii a-pw.' - x. "ki "S&22JMiS : as i - 'tfuW