Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 27, 1881, Image 1
rT';&PiHMJHBIiHR bs - 'W K . " -" rjWGWf &s8Pg&W$ SF PIT" f THE ADVERTISER FNEMAHA CITY. K fe A III A ,i M? JfA. V ikt - -Sal 6 -G-. W. FairbrotJier & Con Pmfeliahc fc &r-prieter. 'Sadjiizz, $1C0 x lus fa -OFFICIAL PAPER OFjTHE COUNTY. Dawes has been re-elected T7. S. Sea ator'&om Massachusetts. Four hundred and fourteen million gallons of beer "were drank in this 'country last year. a T -1 The National Association of the soldiers of the Mexican war, will be held at Louisville, ly., 22d insLj "Well, now. Paddock is defeated, Tan "Wyck is elected, and Church Howe makes another ten strike, and still the Lincoln Globe is not happy. The Lincoln Globe still mourns oVer the exposure of that spiritualistic im postor ETa Fay. "Web. and Alex, f wind their "finitv" in little Eva. Gen. Hawley, stalwart, has been elected U.S. Senator by the Connecti cut legislature to succeeed Eaton, bour bon. Good enough. A weather prophet says a thaw from the foerth quarter of January to con tinue Into February, will be interrupt ed by one cold snap. i A movement is said to be en foot by Gen. Thayer's friends to present his same to the incoming administration for Secretary of the Interior. The people's choice for 17. S. Sena tor. Lincoln Globe. And Church Howe's first and last cheice. but not the Lincoln Globe's ha! ha!! The Lincoln Globe savagely speaks of "BiH Daily's treachery." And has the Globe discovered finally that not all the treachery of Xemaha county i3 wrapped up in Church Howe's ulster? 3 C i On the 19th inst, stalwart Ben. Har rison, Indiana, was elected U. S. Sena tor to succeed Mr. McDonald, bourbon. The vote stood, Harrison SI; Gray 62.1 De La Mator got a vote. gi Treacherr, thy name is Xance. Lin Glob. That may be, but the people general ly dewn this way will want hotter authority than the Globe ere they be lieve it. Church Howe, we observe, was aboard when the fast cstr started, ami the Giobe and our smart statesmen who nave been ubjertsjof our tfnderest care. got lift! We crieve for them for thev don't enjoy b-ins left no, they don't. CoL C. B. lVHkinsoa, died suddenlv, of heart disease, a few days ao, at his hme in Denver. Col. W. was an able editor, and bad charge at the fame of bis death of a leading Denver paper. He was the foender, we believe of the St Joe Herald. IL C. Dean, who advertises to sell the "Monarch Lightning Saw.." and the American Popular Dictionary," and several other things, is denounced by the Chicago Inter Ocean as a swindler. Those who send him money never get the article they send for. In the legislature of Xew Tork a "bfil has been introduced for a law erecting the whipping post for wife beaters. That is just the thing for the man who whips his wife. But we do not think of another case in which we favor such a law. The Committee, appointed at the re eent session of the State Horticultural board, to represent Xebraska's fruit interests at the next Mississippi Fruit Growers convention, was Ex-Gov. R. "W. Furnas, Jof Brownville; Hon. D. H. Wheeler, of Plattsmouth, and Hon. L. Crounse, Omaha. The Commercial hotel is at present the best paying institution in the coun try. It is estimated that the income of the house averages fifteen hundred dollarper day, of which six hundred dollars is clear profit This is good and is as it should be. for Mr. ImhoS bas expended many thousand dollars during the last summer in making his bouse a first-class metropolitan hotel in every respect Lincoln Globe. i m The Lincoln Globe says Church HQweJtelegraphed to a friend in this city thus: "Tell everybody in Brown ville that rm on top.M Yery Hk ely the Globe lies about that, as is its custom, for it would have been no news, as everybody knows that Church Howe : 13 not only "on top." but that he is 'setieh down" on those "Howe smash ers" you know ? An M. E. Church convention has been appointed to be held at Des Moines, Iowa, May 31st Jnne 1st and 2d, 1SS1. To be composed of all members of the four annual conferences of the state, all pastors of churches not in full mem bership in said conferences, one layman from each pastoral charge, and the ofieers of the women's foreign mis sionary societies of conference. The railroads have heretofore con trolled such election, but this time in a squarelv fought battle the people rise in their strength and crowd mon- ophes to the wall. This is from the Lincoln Globe, the cringing cur at the feet of the masters. "Whatever has been done, or whatever Gen. Yan "Wyck may be regarding rail roads, it is greatly to his credit that his boom nor his victory, came through that political harlot, the Lincoln Globe. Our oily Pickwickian fat boy informs a Lincoln paper that He conceded 3Ir. Howe, a place on the ticket! That's awful funny to our boys who are acquainted with the immense stock of conceding articles that the fat boy keeps on hand to dispense to the needy. If oar fat boy could have sold himself in this senatorial fight for about one-half of. his value, 33 estimated by himself be would come home a rival of Tan derbilt: whereas, we presume he didn't get over twenty-five dollars for his tremendous influence- Airssse. -M Hi L ! IB -wV ik 7 Hi JHESSR Is - Bi WLr Wt (Pi B IVbBK WL X ESTABLISHED Olftest Paper la. tks Stat 0. H. YM WYCK. ELECTED TJ B.Z 8ESAT0E OH SEVENTEEFTH 3ALL0TJ THE On Tuesday, the 18th inst, the legis lature commenced balloting for the election of a TJ. S. Senator to succeed Senatoi Paddock. From two to five ballots were taken each day, until Sat urday, when Gen. YanWyckwas elect ed. The following is the result of the FIRST BALLOT. Paddock 29 Van Wyck 11 "Weaver 11 Mason 7 Post 7 Xance . .1-f "Wakely 7 Manderson .. 7 Laird . 1 Ireland 1 Kaley . l Dundy 13 2d ballot. Paddock 40 YanWycfc 15 Weavsr 15 Mason S Post 8 TTTf BALLOT. Paddock. SS YanTVyck. .15 "Weaver 15 Dundy 13 Post S Mason 8 Kinney... . ..... 7 Xance 3 Kaley 2 Tefft 2 Manderson 1 Laird -. 1 Ireland. 1 Eight more ballots werejtaken, with but little change. On the sixteenth ballot, before the result Jwas announc ed, Daiiy, Iteyman, and others, who had bean voting for Dundy, changed their vote3 to Paddock, and the ballot as announced stood: Paddock 43 Yan Wyck "Weaver Dundy Post Mason Kinney ..17 ..15 .. 5 .. 9 .- 6 .. 4 Laird 2 Xaace 2 Kaley. 2 Manderson 1 JTreland 1 Tefft r. .a sisri? The seventeenth 'ballot was as fol lows: Yan Wyck 6S Paddock 36 Kinney 4 Xance 4 Lieutenant Governor Cams declared C. H YanWyck elected United States Senator from this State, to serve six years, from March 4th, next Mr. Yan Wyck was called upon, and gave an eloquent responGe to the honor conferred. rrxAL voTEf Ort szatok. For Paddock : Senato rs Bak er, Evans, Gere, Harrington, Morse, Myers, Smith, Turner. Wells, "White. Zehrung. Representatives Ayer. Baldwin, Bolln, Brown. Filley, Franse, Fred ericks, Helms, Jackson of Douclas, Kempton. King. Kyner. Lamb. Leh man, McClure. Mcftousfall. MdKinnon, Mickey, Mullen. Peterson. Putney. Schick Scott. Silver, and Wyatt 3d. For Yan "Wyck Senators Ballentine. Burns of York. Cady, Coon, Daily. Dinsmore, Ervin. Graham, Perkins, Pierce, Powers, Taylor, Tefft Turk. "Wherrv. Representatives Ablwtt Babcock, Bailey, Bartlett, Bick, .Broatch. Case. Carman, Cook. Cole, Correll, Dayly. Dew, Dowty, Graham, Gray, Hall, Heacock, Herman,- Holl man, Hostetter, Howe, Jackson of Pawnee, Jensen, Johnson, Jones, Kaley. KloepfeL Laughlin, Linn. Mc Clun. Moore of Otoe. Moore of York. Montgomery, Overton, Palmer. Parry, Ransom, Reed, Roberts. Root, Reyman, Seara, Slocum. Sprick, Walling. tVatts, "Wells, "Whedon, Wilsey Winham, Ziesler, and Mr. Speaker G8. Xance Senator Burns of Dodge: Representatives Cantlin, Fried and Sill 4. For Kinney--Senator Howe; Repre sentatives Gates, McShane and Paxton. 4. Absent and not voting. Senators Doane and Yan "Wvck. The Lincolnjjfffo&c just before the close of the Senatorial contest, rubbed down and soft soaped the Hon. T. L. Schick in a most affecting style, in a quarter" colum?T article. The Globe even went so far as to repeat Mr. scnicss ae aDout an attempt to se duce him with the offer of a'committee. What the Globe intended to accom plish with its slobber is not definitely stated; but one object doubtless was to win Schick from his support of Pad dock. The Globe Jizs an eye to bus iness too as well Jas Senator making, ' and knowing well where to fish for gud geons that notice brought several nickels to the paper's delapiilated ex chequer, for paper for Mr. Schick to send to his beloved constituency. The Globe men canvass amongst such orphans as Schick and tdishe3 up ser vile flattery, to suit the condition of the patient, at five cents a line. Indiana does not seem to tire of good acts. She elected a good Republican Govarnor and he at once elected a good wife. The State turned the scale in favor of a Republican President, and now notably finishes up by electing one of her true men as Senator In" the place of an ancient Democrat The country can just pas3 the banner over to the Hoosiers. They are at the head of the-! column. Inter Ocean. ESTABLISHED 185 8. .! ipP ffSPfifi - fW Vw YAI WICK. THE PEOPLE'S 0H0I0E. OhnrchEowe the FjeH-Marshat wio led the Forces togVictay. To he Editor of Tbe Adrertlter: Every man in Xebraska who ever received the name "politician"" was on the ground arly, ani armed for the fray. Editors and correspondents from every county in the State came in to -narvest items. .Dangers, mer chants, and the representatives of the different professions swelled the lobby until the Magic City could scarcely find room for the casual traveline man. Xearly every train shipped in cars of human freight We learn from hotel registers that in addition to Hon. Church Howe, CoL Majors, Marshal Daily, T. L. Schick, and Mr. Reyman, Xemaha was represented by Messrs. John L. Carson, W. E. Majors, Coroner Parker. P. C. Richards, J. G.Ewan, E. B. Hubbard, Dr. Matthews, W. H. Mc- Creerv, A. H. Gilmore, A. H. McGee and wife, Herbert Howe and wife, S. A. Osborn and wife, Joseph Lash, Commissioners Pohlman and Redfern, I Geo. R. Shook, Dr. McGrew, Dr. Stew art, and many others. Tuesday afternoon, January ISth. the fight opened, a ballot being taken In each house, resulting Paddock, 38 ; Yan Wyck, 14; "Weaver, 14; Dundy. 13 ; and Mason, Post and others scat tering. The result of this ballot prov ed conclusively that some of the can didates, in their confidence, had over estimated their strength. On motion of Church Howe, the opera house was engagptl for all joint conventions, and accordingly "Wednesday both houses, and about 1200 people repaired thither to witness the first joint ballot According to law, at 12 o'clock, m., Lieut Gov. Cams called the joint con vention to order. The second bfdlot was taken, with but slight change. On motion of tlowe, a third ballot was taken. Xo choice. The convention adjourned, and all but Paddock and his supporters acknowledged that the incurahent would never De his own J successor. Some prophesied Xance, others Weaver and some Mason. Dai ly still hoped for Dundy, while Howe and Otoe lost no confidence in the General. Thursday brought another skirmish, but no election five ballots. On the first. Paddock received 40 votes; or the 5th. 35. The other candidates held their own. On the evening of this'day the Paddock men held a caucas, and resolved to stand firm, hoping the field would make the first break. All ru mors as to Xance's perfidy were silenc ed by the Governor avowing in the above caucus that he was no candi date, but heartily in favor of Paddock. Friday the clans met again, and pro ceeaed to the 9th ballot After taking five more ballots, without electing, the joint convention adjourned until 4 o'clock, p. ul. when the 14th and 15th ballots were fciken. Affairs were now bteoniing desperate. The Paddock men desired another ballot the field desired an adjournment The latter desire prevailed. In the evening the Paddock forces held a caucus with the Xance men. The latter wanted an agreement whereby one or the other candidates should receive the full strength of the caucas throughout the fight The Paddock men demand ed an unqualified support for their candi date, so twenty men withdrew. The anti-Pads held a caucus this same eveninsr. and forty men pledged themselves not to vote for Paddock. under any circumstances, also, that each faction would stand firmly and faithfully for its candidate, in the ex pectation that the Paddock men would break. Daily and Reyman were in this caucus, and solemnly pledged their word and honor not to vote for Pad do k. We shall see how well they kept this pledge. Saturday came, and the joint conven tion proceeded to the 15th bdlot As the Senate and House rolls were call ed, each man, with few exceptions, an swered to his name as he had been do ing all the week. When Church Howe's name was called, all eyes wpre turned toward him. This time he arose and addressed the chair. The silence was instant Persons fearal to breathe, so anxious were they to catch every word. In substance he spoke as follows : Jfr. President: I rise to explain my vote. For several day3 this con vention has assembled here to ballot for a United States Senator. Thus far each day has brought forth the results of the preceding day. and we are still without a choice. From the first I have pursued one course, and given my vote for one man. Gen. Yan Wyck. Alter consulting with my friends "and constituents, after canvassing the sen timents of the masses, and the interests of the State to-day, I ask that XT vote be recorded for a man of national rep utation, a statesman who never hesi tated in debate, and a soldier who never faltered en the battle field Gen. Charles H. VanWyck, of Otoe county. Imagination only can picture the scene that followed. The audience went wild with cheers, while the Yan Wyck boom commanded a high premium. The chair restored order, and the ballot continued. Xo change from Friday. But before the secretary an nounced the result Daily rose from his seat and surprised all but his accesso ries by changing his vote from Dundy to Paddock. "What is a pledge worth? Bartlett and Broatch, of Douglas, fol lowed, then others, until a panic was imminent and almost certain. As the eighth man, Reyman. rose, and chang ed from Dundy to Paddock (another broken pledge) Church Howe was seen to rush from his seat and with hand uplifted was heard calling on the field to "stand firm," that the "game wouldn't Work." As Howe neared Holman, the latter rose and changed his vote from Dundy to YanWyck, quickly followed by McClure. who also changed from Dundy to YanWyck. The audience could be silenced no longer. The living mass seemed to rise spontaneously, and cheer after cheer was heartily given for the gal lant General. That a great rrmig had been opm- f -th bich cable and telesrraph service nutted, a secret t compact faithlessly novr performed, it is stated that Al orokerr, was plainlT pictured on the'rnfV .v-Trr.r- nf fha rhi Tu,, conntenancc of every anti-Paddock trade, sent a 'cablesnanr to Liverpool at rV1- .a(iJourament immediatelv!9:oiye5tenLar morning and at noon' iuuUCuUiUl.uuiuiu ai now was hai received an answer. Thev sub buzz and excitement Crowds of men, unnoiHr cnf nf t, t-in - za , lere scattered here and there discuss - BKO.WNVJXLE, NEBRASKA, ing the unexpected and unexplained bolt from Dundy to Paddock, The majority concluded that YanWyck, when Daily changed from Dandy to Paddock, bit the nail on the head by exclaiming: 'Treachery, treachery; but they can't deliver the goods." The anti-Paddock forces held anoth er caucus, sixty-two member answer ed to their names. Xemaha county was here represented by Church Howe. The members of the caucus were highly Incensed at Daily, Reyman, and others, who violated the compact of I the night previous. YanWyck, Wea ver, Mason and Post, were summoned to the caucus. They all pledged them selves and their supporters to the nominee of this caucus After some debate, it was determined that a two- j thirds vote should nominate. Dailv now asked admittance, and said he de sired to explain his course of the morning. He said he desired to acquit Dundy of all blame that he knew nothing whatever of the movement of the morning, but that himself (Daily) was misled by politicians CWe under stand Majors and Hitchcock were said politicians), that he was sorry for what he had done, and begged the cau cus to forgive him. On motion of Church Howe, the caucus "forgave him." Daily was so "worked up," while explaining, that he wept freely. He didn't excite much sympathy, as Dr. Taylor, of "Washington, brought the caucus to laughter by exclaiming: "Damn it, this is no class-meeting." The members of the caucus then told Daily that inasmuch as he had broken his word once, they would ask his sig nature to a pledge, as assurance of good faith. As the other membera were not requested to sign their names. Daily refused, and was requested to withdraw, which he did, instanter. A ballot was then taken, and. as the votes were being counted. Reyman, who had escaped from his keepers, was admitted, just in time to save his right of suffrage. YanWvck, having received the necessary number of votes, wa3 declared the nominee of the caucus. The joint convention assembled again at 4:30 and confirmed this nom ination. The P-iddock men made two attempts to adjourn, but without avail. On the 17th ballot. YanWyck received C8 votes; Paddock, 36; Kin ney, 4 ; Xance. 4. YanWyck. in an swer to loud calls, was escorted to the rostrum by Church Howe, and made a thrilling response. Thus ended the hottest contested Senatorial fight ever held in Xebraska, ami. quoting Judge Mason's words to a large crowd in the Commercial. Satur day evening: "Church Howe made YanWyck. and stands nearer the throne than any other man in Xebras ka." Daily, Majors and Hitchcock are building a raft for Salt creek. Mix. 3G50ELLA5E0IJB IBWE. Xear Galena, ll! George Ehredt, aged 17, Was shot dead by his younger brother, who didn't think the old gun was loaded. A blinding snow storm prevailed in London. England on the 19th, with high winds, and the railroads were blockaded with snow. At St Johns. X. B the farcily of John Meggs losta S children within a few days, from diphtheria. Xear Plain City, Madison Co., Ohio, 18th inst, Robert Garner, said to be in sane, murdered a woman named Matilda Scott, anda boy named Charles Good all colored. A little girl of 12 years, named Lulu Xeling, is creating quite .1 sensa tion in "Washington by her musical ac quirements and. the masterly manner she play3 the piano. Of 140 cases of diphtheria report ed hist week in Brooklynjforty proved fatal. Type of toughened glass are the latest products of French genius. Christian Ross, the father of Charley, is still engaged in the tireless, never ending search for his boy. Europe, as well as America, is having a bad spell of weather this winter. During the past year fifty-nine nation:U banks with an aggregate cap ital of 87.274,170 were organized. Eleven banks, with and aggregate cap ital of $1,046,000. went out of business, and three banks, with a capital of $700,000, went into bankruptcy. The net increase of notional bank "notejeir culation during the year was 2,253,- Mary Anderson in Tijata. Mary Anderson played Ion recently in Xew York, in the costume of a Greek boy, and the folio wing from the Sun is said to be descriptive of her legs: "Her garb cf an Argive youth is tasteful and correct to artistic tradi tions, but it does not in a strictly lady like sense became Miss Anderstk One receives the impression of a very charming voice proceeding from an unnatural and uncertain elevation. One feels a proper diffidence in alluding to matters of the kind; but Miss Anderson does not present the healthy, classical robustness and dignity of con tour that would, for instance," charac terize the Yenus of Milo' There are allusions that should be buried in the discretion of dressmakers, but which our Hamlets and Rosalinds give thoughtlessly to the winds." Gath. vick's Ploral Sinds. This work Is before ns. and those who send M cents to James Vlck. Eochester, N. Y for It will be disappointed. Instead of getting a cheap Iblng, as the price would seem to Indicate, they will receive a very handsome work of 113 pages, and perhaps 500 lllnstfsUans not cheap, bat elegant Illustrations, on the very best of calantfered paper, and ft? a stolT to the whole, a beauti ful Colored PlAte that Is worth twice th price of the book. I Ac ilTncrraHncrrho ttrnnrlafnl c-TroJT vea the answer at 12 -J4, " jv-. TMTJESDAY, JANUARY 21. 1881. Farmers ! ! Head the Following Rices And take advantage of this rare opportunity of obtaining the best Impliments at prices that defy competition. Having a stock that was purchased when at present, I haye concluded to give the Farmers the benefit. Anyone wishing to buy any of the following goods should call at once : Sulky Plow Walking Plows, 12 inch SS tt -. , IS Vibrating Harrows Walking Cultivators Buckeye Seeder Esterly Seeder Bertrand Sumes Riding Cultivators Climax A Shovel Riding Cultivator ts 6 SS SS Double Row Stalk Cutter Sf Single Row Stalk Cutter Pearl Gang Plows Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Eurniture, Coffins and everything in my 3 line, as cheap as any dealer in the State. Semember the place "KEGULATOK" op posite the "Dictator." THOS. RICHARDS. Z.ZGAI. AB'VXBTiSESZJTXS. H.oad Kbtice for Damages. To nil whom tt may concern: TUere wii a peiKltm pn-sented to the Board of County CommLvttoners of 2einnh& coanty. Nebraska, at their January trra. 1S31. iufcln;r the opening of a nectton Hue roail. lu accordance 'xith the provlMoai of iwctlon ii, at ?tzt 13'. acts of 1579. t which iroodrr;nJn the opening of n-iM road, they i time, the Board. tletmlng that the pnbttc ordered thftt the me be opened and w rt ed. lu the a.nne manner as other public mud a. Said road commencing attha north west cor ner of section 3-1. tnwns.'ilp 5. north of ranc 1 "J east, and running thence east on secttoi line. Ietvreea sttrtlon- 27 and 31. 28 an 5, 25 and ne. to unship . nnze 1" east, and be- ttceen sections 30 and 31. to the northea-st corner of section 11. In township a. range 13 V.1", mahaeonnty. Xebraska. I Ail claim for damucea mast be filed In the couniyclerks office on or tWor noon of I the 23th day of March. A. D.. l-v?L 1 SAMUEL CULBERTSOK. $ 32rl Coanty Clerk. J Ros-flSotice for Damages. To all whom It may concern r There iras a petition presented to the Bard of County Commlnnlonenof .temabu coanty. Nebraska, at their January term. 13S1. ak!n;r. the opening of a section line rond. In accordance with the provision1 of snctlon -IS. at page I3U, acts of 1S79. at which Urn, the Board deemlnz that the public good reqnlrrs the opening of said road. thy ordered that the same be opened and work the same manner ad other public roads. Said rond. commencing at the northeast corner of section 3. township 5. north of rane 12 east, ami rnnnlnjr thence sonth sis mtl'N, betwpn swtlons 2 and 3. 10 and IT, U and 15.22 and 23, 25andC7. and 34 and Si to the southeast corner of section 31, township 5. range 12 e.ut, ln NenuhA coanty. Ne braska. All claims Tor damases must N filed in the county clerk's ofiV- on or tWore noon of the 29th day of Mnrrh. A. D. 1SI. BAilHEL CCLHEUT.nX. 32w4 County Clerk. Road Notice for Damages. To alt whom It may concern : There wan a petition presentPd to the oar ! of Connty Commissioners of Nemaha county. Nebraska, at their January term. 1S3I. asking the opening of a section line rood In accordance with the provisions of section 46. at pae 130. acta of Ii73. At which ttm. the Board deeralnz that the public (rood require the opening of satdroad. they orderu-d that the same be opeoed and workrd ln the name manner as other public roads. Said road commenclmr at the northwest corner of section 3, town ship a. north of ranze 13 eiutt. and running thence south on th 3ctIon line betw-en sections 3 ind 4.9 and 10. 15 and M. 21 and 22. 27 and 23. 33 and T4. to the southwest corner of section 34. townsMp R. rang LI ea-t. In Nemaha county. Nebraska, as a county line road; one-half of suild road In Nt-maha county located. All claims for damages must be filed In the county clerk's office on or t efore neon or the :ath day of jiarrn. a. u.. i-xi. SA3ICEL CCL-BI- BTSON. 32 Connty Clerk. Road Uoties for Damages. To all whom It may concern : There was a petition presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha county. Nebraska, at their October term. Ism?, asking the opening of a section line road ln accordance with the provisions of ( ectton45, at page 130. acts of 1379. at wnlch I time tne board, deeming inat me paouc . ...i a '. ... . . ,, i 5i.h.r.u.. Vr. .ri V,i ...i- ' Z th J?n 4,.ePthr rTnhn;j L manner as other public j roads Said rood coramenclne at the northeast eornur of section 8. In tnwnshlD 5. north of range 13 east, and rsnnlnz south on section t line, between sections 5 and S, 7 and 9, 17 and 13, 19 and 2, 29 and ). 31 and 32. terminat ing at the sontheast corner of section 3L township .1. rane 13 eist, ln Nemaha coanty Nebraska. All claims for damaees must be hied In the county clerk's offiue on or rfore noon of the29th day f Mirh. A. D 1SSL , 3AMCEL CCLBERrsfO. 33 Coaniy Clerk. Hoad Notic9 for Bamdg83. To all whom It may concern : There was a petition presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha county. Nebraska, at their Jann-iry term. liSl.osklnz the openln? of a section line rond. M? accordance with the provisions of section M, at pae 110, acts of IST9 at which time tue LUird deeming that iht; public good rsqnlrer the op-ln. of said rul. they ordered that the same N opeued and worked ln tne Mine manner as o her pe'rtle roads. Said rnrvi co-nmenctne at the southeast corner of section 3. township 4. north of range Heast, and running tnence wet on the sonth line of sect. u-. M an i 3. tut tb octhwt corner of j-:ion Si. ti nhlp 1. ramre H east. In Nemnha dMty. Ne braska, only ioc-iitog the atwth- hnff o said road. All claims for damages mot be filed In the eonnty clerk's ifC m or before noon of the J3tli dav of Marci. -- D . UsHi SAMfBL CTLBERTVTV. 30 Coanty nerk. SHERIFF'S SILK, ."VTOTICE I hereby given that tha Bnler- . j sumed. rfherlff of the OKinty of Nrna- . ha; Nehrrvtei. wlIL tty rirtaeof thrseeseca- ttaTM.tssne-I by the District Cbart ot Ouv county, Nehraks. In favor of R. M. Kolf- CoJorra Tont. ayl th Chlwuio Lnraher Company, and aialnt John Kr.vfl. and to him directed, at one oTclook. p. mv. n Sotr'ay,the5thdarofP,ebrnnry, V.D.tSJl atthestnr- hone of John Kraft, in rjownrd. I Lafayette precinct. In said codrty. offr for sale at public anrtlnn his entire ftnek of goods and merchandise. Taken on ald eiecntlon f the property of said John Kraft Terms of sale. rash. c Dated, this 23th day of January. A. P 15SL JOHN M. KLECKNER. 32w2 55hrl2: fi"r inerixi wnS esti2e aoie ' f ere. FtC Harms' Ustfritad puapktrt it f r on ayplinno. l nERl CEMEBT CO, ' till 1 &- riLLu Farmers ! ! prices were lower than $42.00 10.00 12.00 8.50 19.00 oo.OOX 50.00 30.00 28.00 30.00 65.00 35.00 75.00 SS field roller combined ITGAIi ADVZHTI5ZMZJIT5. Co.&ri) STAT2 OF It EBRASICA. 1 EJAHAL'OU.TT. J "VTOTICd U hereby given, that by rlrtne ef X an exwrntlon loetl out of th DUtrlct Court of Xemaha County. State of Nebraska, and to me dirpcMu r.s sbnrtii of said conn tr.apon ajudment reader! ty S. A. Os- born, a juittlcf of tha peaea within and Cur said couniy. And a tran.-crlpt iaTat duly flled and entered In ths District Clrlt" oCce of said county, la certain e.e vrbrela William D-verraax wis platnllC and Krd ertci Sedoras was dfesdaat. I will offr f r sale at pnbllc auction, at the door of the itourt hoaia, la BrownTllla, la said coaiy. on Wedaetday, F.brnary S3d, A.PlSSl. at I o-c!.v;!c. p. m.. the followtns dnrlbl Ianrt, ln .Vpc eonnty. braka. towlt. r, k..1j block Xo. 11 of tb city of Brownville. Nemaha county, Kdbraci:, to gether with all the ImproTamenu and privileges thereto belonging. Taken on said eseeatloa aa the property of Frederick Sedoraa. Terms of safe. cash. Dated. thl ixth day of January. ttSL. 3Iw5 JOHN'3CKI.ECKVEIi.Shrirr; GtrAHDIAJTo SAir. TNprsusnre nt -likens" zlvea by the i Judi of th DUtrJct Conrt of Nemaha county. Nebraska, will o3er for solw at public vendue, on IXonday, ffeiraary 31st, 1SI1, between the, hours of one and two 'eIock. p. m., of ald d-ty, at the front dons of the court house. In BrowaTftle. In said county, all the Interest of Julia O.Jameson -nd Ma ry A. Jaraevia In and to the aast lifclf of the west half nt tne soath-A.t cuartar or section No rweuty-Flve(23, la township No. Fle I (5) -rth of Range Fifteen (I j). of the Slh P. M-. in Nemaha county. Nebraska. Ternis of sale. cash. H-.OBACE HITCHCOCK. Guardian of Julia O. Jameson and Mary A. Jameuon. 30 5 S.A.OSBOnN. Atfy. XiZGAX. NOTICE. naABLta L.L uos wm take notice tnat j petition has been filed in th District Court or Nemaha coanty. Nebraska, wherein lavlna Lucas Is plalntlfTand Charlea f.ucas la defendant. Tlieobject and prayerofsatd petition is to obtain a divorce. Said defendant is rpqulrpd to answer or otherwUe plead to said petition on or bfore February Hth, 1NJL, S. A.OSBORT. 23-J Att'y tor Pre. :legjlz. NOTICE. THOMAS W. CHltlSn Of will tak aotle that a petition Ha l-freti filed la the DIs trtct Court of Nemaha county. Nebraska, wherein Laura U. Christian L plain tIC" an l Thomas W.ChrtitUn is defendant. Ta oh Ject and pr.aver of said petition is to obtain i a divorce, and for the care ad custody of ' hr child. Said defendant Is required to answer or otherwise pl-ad to sal J petittoa.oaor before February Hth, HM. S. A. OSBOEV. 23-4 Att'y for PI'fiT. Road Notice for 33araages. To all whom It may cuncernr There wus h petition preonte-I to the Board cf Connty Commissioners of Nemaha f coanty. Nebraska ut their Januarv te-m. isil. twtclni tne: openlne of a section line riuul.ln occnrdiuic- with the pr lilna I section 46. at pize iHf. acts of lsT9. at whh 1 line tut) oKirri. ir-eiuinii ftuwi, oeerainjc tnat tne pn: c eood rennlres tnopeninsof said rad, th- y ordere.1 that the same be opened and work ,Q the mme mnaatf other pahUc roads. S-ild read commencing at the southwest corner of section 19. kvrnshlp 4. north of rang-12 cast. rCnnlng thecce east OS the section 'Ine between sections 10 nd In. II and 14. 12 and VI, to the siatheust corner cf j section 12. township 4. range 12 eas' la e maha coanty. Nebraska. AH claims for d&misres must be Sled In the county clerk's fflW. on or before noon of the 23th day of Mare?. l-L SAMCEL CULBFHTSON. 32 d'cnty Clerk. SHEIIIFP'S SIE. N JOTICE Is hereby given, that by virtue . . ... . jl. . . Dlstrlct Ccrrrt of Nemaha Cninty. State of i 1 oi aa e.ecauna isu-ni mil w Nebraska, ami to me directed a sneris of said Coantv. cpm Jvlgmenl rendered TT 'atl rort. la a o5 w erei imam JifLmnatii was p-mnrin ana rnweri i V.Malr wis defendant. I will ft-r tot sale.' TiniZ nnrtfnr? ?t h frwir rwf ?h rVwjrt. floose In Brwnvllle in siid cntmty, on Sstnrdsr, Te2Jnxary 2GtJ. A U. IS1., Jatloclock p. m. the rnring descri"i kinds. In Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wtt The west h'Uf of the"oattefvt ffa irtfrf th& Kocthwest fjnirterof tae soatiiwet jmarTer and Ihesoythwest qoarter of tHe iwthKfc-. quarter of the stnweht qattrtcr. nit in c tn nlne?-s'W town Jive 5 mnge sixteen fMeat. cortwinlrvgfiftfen acres Al tWe fwtag lots la Nennha City la I all coacty tot wl : Lots. Ehcks. Loi. Btorli It 15 li 23 25 23 r 31 3 33 34 35 l. II. 12. U, 4. 5. ff. 7, I. . iU 1 if. 5. K. Of. 1.3. 4. . . . 4. -I. W. 1. 2. , B. IS. 4. i. '4: 0. 7.9.12, K. 5.9. S1 e. I2.3.-.9-. 1- 6" K (? s 7l 2.3.K, 0. -, V. US K. 1. . K. ia. U B. Jo, 3. 8. 42 4-t 4T 4i? 49 A' 2 E9 5! n 95 9 9. It. 13. 14. , . t. 5. 9. r.2: 1. H. 13. together wltn all the privileges and Im provement thereto belonzlnz. Takea on said execution as tire Drooertr of Robert V. Mnlr. Terms of sale ensb. , Dated this 26th. day of Jancarr. A. D. 1SSI. JOHN it KLECK.SKR. 32W5- S9Wr . VOL. 25HSTO. S3: - ?1 ,. 'VJ 1 9 1 TAKE TIME by the FORELOCK I USD BTTTTOCB imiBJID, CLOCKS G-eo. A TTyidglrt, Ia UXIOK HOTEL, west of Cort Hcmc, BROWMTIXE, eN2S2. thing of beauty is a joy forever, and yon will find my strxHt full of tha cholceet PERSONxO. FCRNTTURS la the county. ROLLED PLATE VEHT CHAlXR. NECKLACE". HATI'S 3 CHAINS. LOCICETS. CH ARM5BRAi 'ELST3 LADIES' SETS, BREAST PIN. CUFF PIN. SLEEVE. BLTT. STUDS. COLLAR BUTTONS. SOITO GOLD SP.INGS, Plala Gold, Band. Cameo. Top-as, Amethyst sad JIlTcr. Call and see theneweststytes In WaehCh3es The 1SSO SilTer Dollar rase, and the PAteut Dnst Proor Watch. ci ga ttmter tcairr. I) T7l"D 1 TDC esetwilTasusnaLIHTlng t ill l A L LVO !a7crtrork.rand.haveU don ln the best ui.nnc-rJaS reasonable chars es. Tne Xnrly Btrd. Catetves t!ie Wnas. A Largs supply of Nickel Timepieces with ALARMS. A great boon thes Dark Mornlnss. Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. 0-003D S.XC3-S AT REASONABLE BATES. Special Accommodations for CommereialSMeii, -AXD- Driver Furinshcd when desiretl Horses boarlei by the day or week, and Fani ers' teams fetl and c?red for at fair rates. STEEL BOILER PERRY. At Brownville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING oy THE Missoni?i River. NEW BOAT, Sates Zo wf Cumjjs Shady. Road Good. Indemnity Ample. Connects with all -Trains. u MR ip RflTTQ zrsy-!,x.i: T1; I cf l ITX PSyrfc rt cft-i-r r o aai ww tsr-wi wttj- jr3 arc rrcIr r - c a r iiyt Ymti rmrr a 'be 3. tm"" i Crcjr E7!vr ta sxatfa tlMr litl aa4 at J xh mivtrtcr H -Sal pf tfe- arLxxTf 2rrcitoocr xa tb oar acorra a aanoBZZ rrpvxazxaa INDISCHSTip -EX P O S U R E -r m sir as Tpftttkw (eorrti. btwt. 3unmrf tfrrfciSU, a4 OratJk.Ii or W vit3lJ! wtf! a"r ?s cianc pn Cif)pi w'timt qmsc frrr aroti Fatanwma Mtchcxn. YOUKC MEM :wi w ondf z Wtt are wt ajpaBIBCBnflO Urn? frora de efru f BrmUmr t or saual wetw. Ti rVw? 4T eir M is jri r rxcrm m mzatrmi ir aw TtarrmCj cfri- Tfei 1 iX2ir. Brross3cs Cst'-s at Ur i-tafS tnitfwnma tmtipaiirft, frp"uleCT rwcftaiw ra. vrvruov to -cirtT. 4rfrnT ctefixwr tzmat rrMtfn. npn3rr vrffm mi staOfT Tttr w")er hftnf-iMmse vsrmamarc PATIENTS 7gEAT&Dr'M-la'-' 4. Lot tt nugiflona to & nawtr hw pacmt, ennuf VcaV meat ai4 ft va i-t, . if rm xao-rzflim. yrn IIHM&HH fraarKxpln-9 M ml Uuradifraas BX. BCTTS. tZ Srti 5Ul t- St. LmiM. Ha. t ni -Wmi chiiic- kw?-r-liireby a'wys Xea-piiicpoven ironi -Lxil"ir InsKiii ' ?'At aHvaotss of ta p' fswtw &r ib . kinc DafT ths. areofe-?d. eenera iybe- niwpaithr,wa,,iiif who i o nt inpr-iv -such chaa'fc rMn rr p" enr W want many -"en winin b an elrl" o work for as itcbc IirW-Jr wwji Joca-Uirv. S7 i Th- ns new wiupa' more Jn.u U"n HR.e t nar- ws.-m. 'We fnnj& n ts. b.t- at St at all hat . ane wta ici?r f. to make meney v -y rtpwllv. ion can cev-.t yrarwftole time to ths work. f nfy mr paf momsats. fait Izf-rzisttec. aad alt that red nt Ire. Address 5kn Jt Ot. P rtV Hslae. Ziri - W E B'PELT fa a w 1 Ibcb 1 c z ri'csjcflsv y n k i r. "v sm c v l E t. .V?z2i ZLVZ. I 73 &J C Li 78 r ? Is 3 9 Iics3alserct. aMuirBSaaasC&,St.Laaia.a. How are yon Senator FrcsL TTbrk on the IL E. bridge across: the Xenaha is gt cr esaiBgapidly. A bridge on the town line between:, towns 4 and 5 would fadlitata? travel and business. ThMhoctihjr scrape caused tat 156 tie excitement. Our esteemed Zincoba delegation srtyfthat Glwrch Howe isi tSa Hoe of. thedaT. The Presbjferian church, at their sociable, realized enough to buy aa. organ. An artist in crayaesis dbihgrsome' excellent work in our town at presents Tba can learn of his whereabouts at Bender3 drug-store Xemaha City lodge of Good! Templars is prospering. On last Mon day evening Miss Clara ParSer and Messrs Theo. Hill and" Geo. Lewis join ed the order. The representatives to the G. Lodge, lately ire sessional Lin coin, made therr report and presented the Lodge with the banner gained 2fc Lincoln. Corn is beingrcribbed: by our grain dealers by the thousands of bushelk. The hotel accommodation of our eity cannot meet. the demand upon it. An opening for some one. Several children in town havetha whooping cough. The mnrivairednaSuralsd vantage of this cttyrat the confluence of the Xemaha and Missouri Rivers, will ultlmateTyTp!ace her in the front rank of Xebraskas. Cities; Omaha not ex cepted. B.Sell Andrews, M. D. PHYSICUM & imi .Temaba CKy,. Xek. CaUs in ths Country Promptly Atim3 td, day or night. QPECIAL ATTENTION glvan. to snrxloiS 0lieases of wrrmaa and arfBn& dlsea or the eye. Sir Patients from abroad can he fsnUhedT with plsasxai rooms and accutonaodatlona. iSTAOBANT Nemaha Gity, BY Louis Sirocle. First door soath of the lnraher'yartS. CaU and vet a .square meal for 25 era's. A goocS stoctc of con f-ft Ions also kept on band. Xx t an 1 Mrs. Htroole having had muclx export er cj as well quallTX! t ple&se their patronsj Seiiialia City; Heb- flENERAL MERCH4NDIS J pj.xHzr cxocr.xix CAXXED GOODS. COyTECTJOysEs. Keep a varSed tock of everythlnxh p pla want. Call and s-ee hint. J BF ' BOOTS. SU0ZS. AND HABNESS Made arid repaired as rtl x dco any whero, anil at short notice AFD VERT REASOXABZ TERIO. TITOS & WILLIAMS, DEALERS IS DDT GOODS, GROCERIES. READY2IADE CLOTHlXG A'OTIOSS, Etc . Etc., Etc. fiemaha Gty.IBebraska, Will sell ko.h)s as ehep as any house la Boiitlicantera Nehmia. .J. 13. itXDEJS, LIVERY AND FEED SATBIE. Good .bailies and horses, charges reas nnahU. Bestof rare tkTJ'lrai;ritstocS. DAVID A. M0HT0N, 31a.clrsmitiu yemaJia City, yebraslza. .Machine repairing ami hontesheetn a spa r'aHy. ? Hotel LEVI J0HHS0H, PROPRIETOR, SDTnHA crrr sb Centrarir'1tc'!; Gvt.I f x-a. and no Iron ule paretl to make gnests comfortable-' Gool 'j-irn for hornr, aiiii Charges Reasonable. 2STABI.ISHPD 22? 1856. olu yet? 'X Real Estate Agenc ass. i.. looTer, Dees a general R-al fetHta MiMtaess. Sells rjiwLs oil i'arriBflsTf. ezamlnen TlMe. makes Deeda. 3rorsraa's. ami all fnstrn- t meats pertaining to tie transf-r tt Hl r- ttate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles l to all Real Estate lu Nemaha rocntr. Sfl kudT or Cm tpriT prsa can rf 8al 2xs-icsa asO. Z&ciB2fT 5 T Manvlr aTO1,W .Bat,x I Mil.. Oac a erc 9fa rfcfiictmi aTJii ffi.rjj. .ag.T.w r T c j t ' ' ' r ,.. iti MbrtMf T vhm - fc- r p at mi i ii . . ? M'l- - .-, ,... .,n .. - 1 ... ft. t. . rf a. ! i. i n , . iamm. J HARRIS REMEDY CO. ar CHEMISTS, Xvktf aad ata Streets. ST. LBZ1A. ift. ruo2U4Inl teilmony to tA Mlffy J-. Horeia' 9miMol TtimtUle. taJcw frtrtt Letter reeeirgrf fran JTatrvmrnt !au. Jtprtr ' Its. IS7X TSi rtrsrtr !TsrI5 ytrfl). Exl tsUffWT frao 'r. far tirJH mrt ;& CMcor. Aac . Kl-1 xhnnv&lr rat! mi 4et B? fee. Ta TQar aa a f a Qgrr9 w fwQinr tcrtwr. JflMonrj.Spt S.ST3. Itci4ieiSartfrsal$ u ( rmr rnamix tu I m T " Tii i of fane gxauiirr tad wf mrnxat. rj arsarw m. tod. aw- xsoiiir m.m it pumblt. TSat rwj Mo-pcd 2I ynrtnt trot. st ttr w"2rt Jrt" Urn. Ort. ms. tSXl i auaatf farprll it Tn" T ZBn. Tier Sai wt1 Ska a eora - 1 n ?&t twwaBe!afam2a I wm. Brfcrw Otox. I"es Tiryr Cw pm. I eoc tZmtw-w sa fcr WertTirjimx. Aa IS. tSTX I rmrr jmt iMa.lpt I 6e5e it ii eared u,ArThxi!ia otS. " t'.mrd flex. Sad $S, br wSiea slzan a iartr b C.S Sir fptnd. Tire iare 1oq a jraat taioa; tor aw. n ktaj jotf aa ihe rig t f,a- Frnm a Jfrtfieiat tntt.Sai yn Mlxwsn. Jaa 3Bla. tOZX-ttm. 6Tmri aaoO Saxaf H raoB. Tbapafwatsa Sem r har asaat at a box. ia axjiaaa hi a annate bar. ia &C rteormac. a4 t-guk-xaacrwiltKaro all r-gbt- e Tn-nrrfnMT yUrflxai. Sft. Z. 1K3 Laat iaaaarr " eErrm.jmt raPW RF iaUMatatM I I whim. Tb- fnoacHiM 9h box or tow reaiotT-. Srr rolaTeaifc-j-j-aaatuaT a ixrfra rsrr af sto W hitUj-'rforartJdtr' VJla Aa Baa 'oar. acir 4aU ijrtaraxad uy.3ar iir l