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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1881)
-ny--T: "ff- M?7 -i W; Fur; T&y ml -As. ya J1HL' - - - b s a 'JPTaag mi ! hiim t iti'J J VST THE ADVERTISER G-. W. Fairbrotlier & Co., Xiifcllsb.erB' Proprietors. Subscription, $2.00 Per Year in Advance. Official taper of the county. Gen. Plaisted, has been inaugurated 'Governor of Maine. The Tennessee legislature has elect ed a Republican speaker. j em Gen. Grant, on the 13th inst, -was elected, unanimously, president of the World's Fair Exposition. The cotton and rice crops of South Carolina are said to have been very much damaged by recent wet weather. An ablo letter in the ;Xew York Herald, from Canada, favors the an nexation of that country to the Unit ed States. Mr. Jackson, of Douglas county, has introduced a;blll fixing the minimum of liquor licenses, in cities of the first class, at $1,000. On motion of Representative Howe, the legislature procured the opera house in which to hold joint sessions for balloting for TT. S. Senator. The U. V. railroad did their worst to Mr. Shedd for speaker. Lincoln Globe. And the R. & M. "did their worst" to elect Mr. Shedd. "Now, what mat- ters it whether a U. P. man is speaker and appoints tho committees, or a R. & M. man? The Lincoln Jonrnul says Ave have a good dog law in this State. We think otherwise, and that it is tho meanest dog law that could bo made silly, in operative, etc. We refer this question to our Senate chairman on charities, with instructions to got up a new dog law. Nebraska City Press: The defeat of Hon. Church Howe will be a source of congratulation to some chronic news paper kickers. It's poor consolation, however, as Howe's popularity was plainly demonstrated; but the same rule that always beats the popular man and the people's candidate, de feated Howe not the chronic growl ers of tJie newspaper world. 'XhInter Ocean g'ves an item indi cating the immensity of the lumber trade. The stock on hand in Chicago, Dec. 31st, 1879"was 451,282.000 feet; received in tho year of 1S80, 1,530,134, OOOfcct, mal iig a total supply for the year of 2.007,416,000 feet. The sales for tho year am o ailed to 1.4S7,92S,000 feet. The slock on hand at the end of tho yea 5 0,372,000 feet, is of a coarse and inferior quality. . The correspondent of tho Wahoo IndepeiWcit, Speaker Shedd's county paper. In writing up the fight for the speakership, has these fair and pleas ant words for Hon. Church nowe: It is a complipient to Mr., the fact that so much was required, with the personal opposition of his own county, to beat him, and he ex hibited great political skill in acquiesc ing so gracefrlly in the nomination of Mr. Shedd. Sav or think what you please about Church Howe, he has drains, and according to our observa tion bra'-is usur.llv win in political as well as o'i her contests. At least they are alwr.vs recognized. A good th'ng has been done in Oma ha by a philanthropic gentleman by the name of Adil'son Jones, in organ izing the homeless little bootblacks and newsboys into a brotherhood, and establishing headquarters for them to bo called a home. Mr. Jone3 is the manager and Mr. E. L. Winslow, sec retary. The object is to mako the street Xxys useful to tho public, to find them work, and see they get their pay. A night scho -1 will be instituted for tho boys. If Mr. Jones understands how to govern boys, and conducts his institution properly, ho will merit the approbation of everybody. Hon. Church Howe has int-oduced a bill in the lower house to redistrict tho judicial districts of the State. We have not learned tho details of Mr. Howe's bill, but tho Argos is of the opinion that there ought to be one dis trict exclusively in tho Republican Valley. So far as we are able to learn, that is tho universal sentiment, both of the bar and of the people generally in this section. Red Cloud Argi:s. Well, you have it as you wish in Mr. Howe's bill, we believe, as follows: "The counties of Adams, Webster, Kearney, Franklin, Harlan, Gosper, Furnas, Frontier, Red Willow, naves. Hitchcock, Chase, and Dundy, shall constitute the Xinth judicial district." If tho intention of the temperance people is as has been expressed, not to ask for a prohibitory law, but the sub mission of a constitutional amendment to a vote of the people, the whiskey element is certainly borrowing unnec essary trouble. There is not the least impropriety in giving the people an opportunity to vote upon the question, and this we are satisfied tho Xebraska legislature will do, bo the members fa vorable or unfavorable to prohibition. Beatrice Express. And yet, we are informed that the submission of a constitutional amend ment is by no means certain, from the fact that by a recent count of noses, three-fifths, which is required, were notfquite visible. ' Speaker Shedd has truckled consid erable more to Church Howe and rail road influences in appointing his com mittees than he should have done. Seward Reporter. The speaker's fault with the Reporter and a few other such papers, is that ho is a courteous, magnanimous gentle man, who recognizes in Mr. Howe not only a formidable competitor for the speakership, but an able, industrious legislator, who, by his much experience and ability merits recognition on ira- portant committees. Mr. Shedd is not a little man, in any sense, if wo under stand him, to stoop to little, petty things that gain the applause of such as the Reporter and the Bee and the Globe. SSs MS W A V&i A ML """ L ISI!!? TBI i H f smIS Hill fPJ v rS$km n HTferwT rvw 2 fw nW w 7 m MiWY .IwHrT iiiTZ .iRi1if wj - FtVj & 9 s a 27 33 l&.vl r-fS m .- s .iiwTJi i i 0 tax IS ri Iftlkw ' M ri &J WS i Jm AtAMl wl&Aw jfifir' VW Awl W Af ASBpAA wA w i&SaIei V J V J S ESTABLISHED 1856. Oldest Paper in the State . The men who are slow in believing tho charges made against Church Howe, that he is not here as a repre sentative of the people of Xemaha county, but is here as a "railroad At torney," should have been in the house yesterday when the resolutions con cerning railroad extortions and dis criminations were introduced. "Give the railroads a fair chance," was his plaintive appeal. Lincoln Globe. Upon Mr. Howe's motion, the reso lution referred to by the Globe was re ferred to the committee on railroads. Mr. nowo's remarks, whether plaint ive or otherwise, icere endorsed by the House, which is evidence that he was right in what he did. According to the Globe it was a crime against the people to ask for a "fair chance" for the railroads. And what kind of leg islation does the Globe want? Every corporation and every individual m Nebraska have their certain rights. JJut it seems mat tne txiooei would ig nore the just rights of railroads, and discriminate against tho millions of capital invested in them; and the man who dares to stand up for a "fair chance," even, for them, is to be pro scribed, and denounced as a ."railroad attorney." Mr. Howe, or any other legislator who refuses to "give the rail roads a fair chance" in legislation, or is so prejudiced as to undertake to leg islate away tho rights of railroads, is not a good legislator, but a demagogue, and does not properly represent his people, county, or district. Mr. Howe probably said, in effect, "give the rail roads a chance." and in saying this he voiced the will of his constituents, and the wholo House, in endorsing Mr. Howe's motion and words, reflected the will of their constituents, embrac ing tho entire people of the State of Nebraska. In Mr. Howe's county there is at this moment an elaborate but incomplete railroad system, which will redound to 4tho prosperity of the people, and add great wealth to tho county, and can he, or any Xemaha leg islator, dare say that these enterprises shall not have a "fair chance" with other businesses ? No! Mr. Howe is representing Xemaha, and is represent ing her well. Railroads have their rights, and the'people have theirs, and all should ehave a "fair chance," and due protection by the law. If the people, or any portion of them, are oppressed by anyfrailroad corporations, or have any real grievance calls for legislative relief, and we believe they have, to some extent, we call upon -Mr. Howe, and our other legislators to favor a law that wPl g:ve the necessa ry protection, andjbe wisu r.nd just to all that will "give every interest a "fair chance" and discriminate against none. lease Roll Xo. 10, a bill introduced by Hon. Church Howe, for an act to divide the State of Xebraska into ju dicial districts, has passed the second'ng. and is in the hands o tho commiltc" on Judicial Districts. Tho bii' divides tho State into tea districts. The first district embraces tho coun ties of Richardson, Xemaha. Johnson, Pawnee and Gage. "Second district: Lancaster, Otoe and Cass. Third dis trict: Douglas and Sarpy. See. 11 of the bill provides: Tho judges of tho district court and the district attorneys elected at the last general election are assigned to the districts in which thoy reside as the same arc created by this act. And Sec 12 provides: All va cancies created by this act shall be filled in tho manner provided by law. Sec. 13: Wiiereas, there exists an emergency, therefore, thist' "act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Some such act as this is certainly very necessary, as the judicial districts as now are too large, making it impos sible for tho present number of judges to do the business. The districting in this bill" embraces the Indian reservationsand all unor ganized territory. For instance, the Fourth district is as follows: Pierce, Antelope, Knox, Holt, Cuming, and all the territory embraced within the Omaha and Winnebago reservations; and the tenth district is made of Buf falo, Sherman, Valley, Wheeler, Daw son, Phelps, Custer, Lincoln, Keith, Cheyenne, and all unorganized territo ry of this Statelnorth of said counties. The largest district is the Xinth, and is composed of thirteen counties in the Republican Vallov. Xauce county has no representation in the legislature, that county not be ing organized when the present repre sentative apportionment was made. Xance elected Ta representative, how ever, and he is at tho capital, asking recognition, and claims that he repre sents a populat'on of 2,000. There should have been some lawful way provided for such contingencies, but as there is none, and tho maximum of representatives is S4, we "cannot see how the Xance gentleman, can legally be made a member until there is a new appo.i.o.ira en c jvansas now lias a law suit on her hands, grown out of a parallel case. A bill for the payment of a sum of money, upon which the vote was close, was carried by the votes of members admitted outside of the apportionment, and now the pay ment of the money is enjoined, upon the plea that the appropriation was not made by a majority of lawful legisla tors. Tho gentleman from Xanco ! might be admitted as are territorial delegates in Congress, who have no I vote, but other privileges and pay. -OT i nt vwr w v -vf vv?' xr vsjNy n A correspondent of the Humboldt Sentinel, at Lincoln, writing about the legislators, compliments one of the gentlemen from Xemaha thus: Church Howe is the orator of the House. Polished, entertaining and in cis". e, he never fails to catch the at tention of the House and to hold it throughout his remarks. Mr. Moore, the gentleman from York, confronted the House tho other morning witn a resolution declaring it to be the duty of that body to obey the provisions of the constitution! To the utter dismay of the gentleman from York, his resolution passed vj a unanimous vote. And now .that the gesLleman from York has all the bal ance of the gentlemen on the record as consl'tufon abiding citizens, is he yet satisfied that they are such.? The farmers' Alliance, now being formed in tho different parts ofthe country, is being bored by merr' who never owned a foot of land in the;r lives, asking admittance to the society. Tho farmers had better run their own affairs, and allow dead beat politicians to hang around upon the outside. Humboldt Sentinel, That is tho right kind of advice, though we presume the farmers will run their machine to suit themselves. Xow, we noticed that the horny handed Dick Maloney, attorney at law, etc., was a delegate from Richardson to the Stato Alliance. When such veteran farmers as he take hold of such an en terprise, our doubts as to the legitima cy of the affair all vanish like snow Hakes under tho genial sun ; for every body acquainted with Dick knows that farming is his best hold. Tho election of Mr. Shedd to the speakership was an exemplification of ttie power of the people when united, and of tho impotence of corporations when their intentions are clearly de fined in opposition to public interest. Lincoln Globe. All elections in the free unbulldozed Xorth a-e "exemnlifications of the power of Unpeople," but the balance of that sentence is bosh. Thosa who worked up the election of Mr. Shdd, asked no questions as to whether his interests were identified with any cor- porations'or not; and they cared no more for the interests of the "dear people" than does old Sitting Bull. They were moved by no pr'nc'ples of reform, or love of country, and Jwere governed solely by selfishness, malice. jealousy, and "anything" to beat Howe. There is not "one in tenof those who elected Speaker Shedd who yet know weather lie isji railroad man or not. Even the smart Globe doesn't know, but it now rather thinks he is, we judge from tho recent change in its chronic howl. but t r We find in the House proceedings, reported by the Journal that Schick intro hieed "H. R. Xo. 70, a bill for an act to repeal an act entitled an act to enable counties, cities and prec'nets to borrow money on their bonds or to issue bonds to aid in the construction of works of internal improvement in this state and to legalize bonds already issued for such purpose, approved February 13, 1S60, being chapter So of of the general statutes of Xebraska, and to repeal an act entitled an act to authorize precincts, townships and towns to vote bonds to aid works of inte-nal improvements, and to repeal spction 6 of chapter 35 of the general statutes entitled 'Internal Improve ments', approved February 27, 1S79." Mr. Schick bus also introduced the following: II. R. Xo. 40. a bill for an act to amend sec. 4 of an act entitled An act to authorize certain county and muni cipal officers to purchase real estato at tax sale approved Feb. 27, 1870. II. R. Xo. 52, a bill for an act to au thorize counties, prec'nets, townships or towns, cities, villages or school dis tricts to compromise their indebted ness, and issue new bonds therefor. A delegation of colored gentlemen called on General Garfield, a few days ago, headed by ex-congressman Elliott of South" Carolina. The States of South Carolina, Texas, Georgia, and Xorth Carolina werereprescnted. Mr. Elliott made a speech to the President elect, callingattcntion to the fact that although the colored people were cloth ed with tho frights of citizenship and so recognized by legislatures and courts, yet in many places they, were citizens only in name, their political rights be ing denied them by terrorism, violence and frauds, by an unscrupulous minor ity. The speaker referred to a speech of Gen. Garfield, in which he alluded in kind words to the colored people. Gen. Garfield in answer to Mr. Elliotts remark said, "What I have done, what I have said, concerning your race and the great problem that .your presence on this continent! has raised, 1 have said a.s a matter of profound convic tion, and hold to with all tho meaning of the words employed in expressing it. The President in further remarks ex pressed the opinion that it is only in the exalting of the colored race by edu cation lies the power for their extri cation, completely, from the grievances which now appress them. That legis lation could do much in securing to them their rights, but educating and fitting the colored citizen to not only know his right but assert it through his might, must be his chief means of securing tho recognition of citizenship. These lines, quoted by Gen. Garfield, have a volume of meaning: "When Bertram's right mlcht and Bertram's Shall meet on Ellangowan's height," 'and it was whon the mightand right of a people meet that majorities are i never oppressed by minorities. BEOWNYILLE, NEBEASKA, MISOilLLAHEOUS HEWS. Edward Reinhart was hanged on Staten Island, hist Friday, for murder ing Irs wife. John M Polk, an extensive stock dealer at Vincennes, Ind., suicided by shooting, recently. Financial embar rassment. The hostile Sioux are surrendering to Gen. Terry, at his camp on Polar river. Sitt'ng Bull, however, has not ved, he being yet 50 m'les aivay. Gov. Porter, of Indiana, who has grown children, was "married a few davsacroto a young c'. And Gov. r.alsted, of Maine, 52 years old, will soon lead to the alter a "beautiful and accomplished" young lady of 20. That fine old gentleman, Senator Christian cy, did a similar thing a few years ago. The total amount of anthracite min ed in 18S0 was 22.95S.S98 tons, against 23.S12.5GS tons for the previous year, a decrease of 2,So3,6i5 tons. Tne pro duction for 1SS1 is estimated by the coal companies at 2S.000.000 tons. The total quantity of all kindsVof coal mined and sent to market by the Penn sylvania coal companies for fifty-one weeks of the year was 27.222.6SS tons, against 2S.37l.GS8 tons for the same time in 1879. At Pembroke, Maino, some months ago, two boys, AVarren Longman, aged 9, and Freeman Wright, aged 8 years, had a fight, when the former shot the latter, dug a hole behind the barn and dragged his victim to it. While drag ging the body of the boy, it showed signs of li'e, when the heartless young murderer beat him on tho head with the until he was dead. Long man has been tried for his crime, and sentenced to a reform school 'during his minority. James Hickman, a'tfarmerjesiding near Paris, 111., was arrestsd a few days ago for the murder of Miss Kato Rice, his former affianced bride, at Ash Grove, Mo. Hickman seduced Miss Rice, and about a year ago her dead body was found at au out-of-the-way place, near her home; a bullet had done the work, and a pistol iay near by. At the time it was believed the girl had killed herself, but recently, w.iile the mother was looking over some letters of her lost daughter, she found one from Hickman, asking her to meet him at the tirao and place she was killed.. He at tho time was en-, gaged to be married to another girl of the neighborhood, and it was well known that he had tried to get rid of Kate, and the pistol has since been traced to him. These facts led to his arrest. lie was, living with his wife, for whom he doubtless murder ed the girl he had courted, professed to love, agreed to marry.jj and ruined, when the graspof tho sheriff was fas tened upon him, and he was hurried back to Ash Grove, to bo tried for his awful crime. Ono day this week our respected fellow-citizen Solomon Wolford met with a very bad accident. He was bitten on the thumb by a rabid pig while feed ing it with a spoon. After it had bit ten him it showed unmistakable signs of hydrophobia, snapping and bitting at everything with which it came in contact until it died. Mr. W. knowing that the disease had probably been communicated to him, proceeded to find a remedy. Knowing that the most efficient cure would be had from a mad stone, after considerable enquiry he ascertained were a number of them could bo found, tho nearest one being at Savannah, Mo. With as lit tie delay as possible he started for that place where he arrived and accomplished the object of his errand. The stono was applied to the bitten thumb adhering to it closely for about ten hours, except it was occasionally taken oil and dipped in liquid to destroy the poison absorbed. The cost for tho uso of this extracter of hydrophobia was 823 to those able to pay. It is owned by an old gentle man by the name of John T. Xelson, an I has belonged to the fanriy for gen erations. There are two more in Mis souri, one belonging to C. C. Xelson, in Henry county, the o.her to Jacob Stroile, Bono county. We congratu late Mr. Wolford in so fortunately ob taining relief. Tecumseh Chieftain. Howe, Windham, Shedd and Slocomb were candidates for the Speakership of the House and it was a spirited con test. Although Church Howe was de feated he need not be ashamed of his support and his enemies need not de lude themselves with tho hallucination that Church is killed off. There is too much organized lightning in tho man to be wiped out by a temporary defeat and ho ta"kes it gracefully, even temper ed!' and smilingly. Plattsinouth En terprise. A committee -was appointed yester day by the speaker to re-appo lion the state info representative a.itl senatorial districts on fie basis of trie recent cen sus. The committee contains eight north Platte men to seven from Uie south Platte, with Church Howe as chairman. The work of th's committee will be important and difficult, tfnd the report will not be ready until late in tho session. Omaha Herald. Article 7, section I. constitution of the Nebraska State Farmers' Alliance, says that "no person shall be admitted as a member of any subordinate al liance unless he shall be a practical operative farmer." This debars Rose water and his man Friday at Lincoln, notwithstanding they "would like mighty well to be enrolled among the chosen. State Journal. A farmers' state alliance has hppn organized at Bes Moines, Iowa, and! the Hawkeye says that most of the! "farmers" were agricultural editors,' with the president of the state agricnl-i college, and a professor or two.l and we don't think the thing will do ' the real farmers much damage." THUESDAY, JASTUAKY 20. 1881. Mr. McMillan is returned to tho U. S. Senate from Minnesota. The Republicans of tho Xew York legislature have nominated Hon. Thonias C. Piatt for U. S. Senator. Mr. Kernan goes out. The ladies of Lincoln will please re member that Senator Daily is chair man of the committee on public chari ties. His address is at the Arlington. Lincoln Democrat. There have been reported within the past ten days as many as a dozen cases of men freezing to death in the streets. They have in every instance been drunk. State Journal. -Like the Bee, theffZofreis d:sg". untied because Speaker Shedd saw fit to "re ward" Church Howe and other oppon ents by giving them des: able commit tees." Omaha Republican. The Sheridan Post, in its issue of January the 6th, has it that Bartlett, of Omaha, was elected speaker. Tho want of enterprise of such a sheet is only equalled by the ignorance of the editor, and we are not surprised that it opposed Church Howe for the speaker ship. Lincolnwemocrat. State Journal: A few short days and the women of the state will be in counc '1 in this city. They propose to change the constitution by striking out tho word"jaa1e" when used in reial'on to the bal'ot. The meoi," zg will take place on tho 26th of this month. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 12S2. ,- GUARDIAN'S SAIiT3. TN pnrsuanco of i license given by tho Judge of the District Court of Nemaha cou'ity, Nebraska, I will offer for sale at public venilne, on Monday, February 21st, 1881, between the hours of ono ami two o'clock, p. in., of said day, nt the front door of tho court house In IJrownvlllo, in said connty, all the Interest of Julia O. Jameson ond Ma ry A. Jameson In and to the oast half of tho west half of tho southeast quarter of section No Twenty-Flve('2.j). In township No. Five (5) North of Range Fifteen (15). oast of tho 6th P. M., In Nemaha county, Nebraska. Terms of salo, cash. II OR ACE HITCHCOCK:, Guardian of Julia O. Jameson and Mary A. Jameson. 30-5w S. A. OS HORN, Att 'y. IEGAI. NOTICE. CHARLES LUCAS will take notloo that n petition has been filed In tho District Courtof Nemaha county. Nebraska, wherein Lavlna Lucas Is platntlffand Charles Lucas Is defendanf. Theobjectnnd pnryorof said petition is to obtain o divorce. Raid defendant Is required to answer or otborwlse plead to said petltlonon or before February 11th, 1SS1. S. A. OSHORN. 29-4 Att'y for PI' IT. LEGAL NOTICE. THOMAS W. CHRISTIAN will tako notice that a petition has been filed In tho Dis trict Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska, wherein Laura Ii. Christian is plalntlfTand Uuotnas W. Christian Is defendant. The ob. Jectaud praycrof said petition Is to obtain a divorce, and for the caro a-d custody of her child. Said defendant Is required to answer or otherwise to said petition, on or before February 11th, 1831. S. A. OSRORN. 20-4 Att'y for Pl'ff. (NTo.ira.) SIIKRIFF'd SALE Stath ok Neuraska, 1 , a.i..'&.x..v wv- . , NJ O'ViCE N heroiiy ;Iven, that by virtue of mi eifcuiiosi issued out of tne DUtrict Co'ri of N"n,'har,iiuii.y.Stnte of Nebraska, an I to tut' u rcttvl as .Shori.T of said coun ty, upon aJuiUment rrjdered by S. A. t)s born, a ju-t'cft o" iho peace w'thln and for said county, and a iwwc-'pt thereof duly tiled ami catered in t!i- DIst rlct Clerk's office of said county, n a ci'rta'ii case wherein Wl i!nm D.-ve.-ean t was pbtiii.TiT. and Fred crick Sodonis was defendant. I w!! offer f r h:iV nt pub sc auction, at the door of tho court lioiiM?, u B.-owuvIlie, In said county, on Wednesday, February 23rtA.r.,1881. nt I o'c'ock. p. in., the following described land In Nemaha county, Nebraska, towlt: Lot No. S, in Mock No. Vi, of Iho city of HrownvII e. Nemaha coun.;. Nebraska, to gether with nil the Imp 'ovomenls and privileges ficrelo beloitirg. Taken on said execution as tho property of Frederick Sedo.-as. Terms of sale, cash. Dated, this l.xth day of Janinry. XSSI. 3IW. JOfIN M. KLKt'KNER. Sheriff. rziscik V. Warner's Safe PItIs are an immediate p stimulus for a Torpid Liver, and euro Costlve- ness, Dyspepsia, i;iiionsnes3, unions uuirraoca, Matnrin, Fever ani Asne. and are useful at times in nearly all D.spases to cause a free and regular action of the Bowels. The best antl- n dote for all Malarial 1'oison. Price, 23c a box. ?Vn.rnori6 Safe Kerlnpouictly elves Rest 5 and Sleep to the sufterin?, cures Headache and .curaigin, rrevents .Epileptic his, ana is me best remedy for Nervons frostrtion brought en by excessive drinking, over-work, mental shocks anil other etuises. It relieves the I'alns of all Diseases, and is never injurious to tho hysieiu. rue oest or an iservines. uomes or two sires; prices, sua ami SUM. Warner's SnVo Remedies nrc sold JjyI)rnsKsta r.nd Dealers in Medicine every, rrliere. mm it mmmm A51 1 3 3ii WW! J3S.1 cJ.'aiaaTC.L-.tfiarpv.'i n tt 'nTJTiYrpn -fm 5nyy?,fl,;BijgQ n. n. n iuiAWi a w.t i2ta xrupneion, j-ij iwiriuivr, n. s. l85j gM AntntlreljNei r uk) DOtttiTelr effeetira I KMnect rmti tot tbe nxtiT tod permuust mrm r.t RAminil TVmiqniona JITlrl ImoOtOlCT DT the OnlT tmanT.ilx-DmctArolicttuataCMtraarcrScuoftbtlKKue. Ti lorn MXa la-Tfcrtwtli thscrJuliT'pirMUia of LIj. TM Dole cf ttwttXBt tia cftis reoeJy is ixtcfttai with F- cr tseraiccfcoee, tul doe not tood tU Ut In vrry Brrer cues, and Is nov t. proaoaseed ncceis. Tbrt a fiO BOCKiM IDOUS LCD Jr prouga. rrm bczui mw Kn..ig m n m tivtlT Rnat ttik it vii pw perfect toCsftctxa. Ik J R ceded bj th Medial frftfecsion la M the nort ntxa&l scan ?et discov ered cf rachiar ul conn thi rtry prtreJnt tmtU. T5x Eoeij It MlliiMlhM,trilM. V I f-- -tlX. UlVt WBW M fZmA fcc PiTT-tlt- rtW stoat AiiMwtl IMtmhe.fec ' vm U BM Mqwu ! pi " lifMiu U bk. bum m if ar ft3eU&. i4 fur i . ..4M- I HARRIS REMEDY CO. KF'O CHEMISTS, 55 X? V? f Vt f5x w j tv-l ET Mi Eft 'y? p r wMm wvtM Si H KiKZ Up'.'U;tfog ISsCgggsjy EBai22SSSXCJSSSciSSSSS?S2? ft ra rVtTQR . ft ri U cd mmmmm "jr. rtai.''rn-f.tT.-. fa m fctfSSTSS? ti -a B Pi'ttZ$ttfsr B ?a.SPai'-'!?tE? CSTSend for Famnhlet B EStesi&MiE-isJSi"- and Testimonials. ne3&&&da I!n-2-5s5 aiarket ana am otrccia. oa. wia. .nu. Vtisoltcitetl testimony to the Effleant of J'rof. Harris' Seminal I'astillen, taken from Letters received from ratronat Infan. Afrit 1 1th, IS79. The tt mctj 11 working ptrfetth;. Had cpilepsj from weikcew. for eirM Trire pftit. CMeito, Any. 11, IS79 I m tboromfclT cured icl feel tip top. Toe TQ""t nian In the eoontrr 11 retting tetter. Mliioari, Sept. I, IST9. I reeeitei d much lenett froa tho e of your mardiei thit I wint to try tliera in another eaie. TJm ta of ton j Handing . an! will ceeJ tomethm; Terjr itrocf. If ith., Jan. 2S, 1679. I hate tued p yonr fitUt of mei cine; end ma another a aoon ai poxible. That packaro (topped all apptrenl trouble, but there m weaineai jet, and I wuh jou wooU treretre thu lot for the care of that. Iowa, Oet. lOlh, IST3. I an almcit snrpriJeJ at yonr Paa Gllet. Tbej hare worked like a charm on me. 1 am jt f jriee ai much of a man a t wai before liking. I wa on the Terje of the trare, I thooght. and there waa so care for me, bst cow 1 am in grw4 hop i of ecre. IVejt Virrinii, JUr. 23, 1S79. I rrteiTed yonr tnedielae, and I beliere It ha eared me, Tor which I am ery thankful. In eloied pleaae find $5, for which plea fend me another bo (No. 2) for a fnend. You hare done a jreat thu5 for me. I will lead you all the orJen I ran. From n Phytieian anil Suroeotu Misuari. Jane 26th. 1579. Please forward me at once aaothef lor of the Paitillet. The patient on whom I hare ned mot of ene bor, ia addition to a sample box, t fait rtcoTermf , a&d I think another will irt him all neht. . From t Jntggiitt. Maryland, Sept. 2, IST9Lt January we rot from TOO box cf yoar remedy, for one of oar eoitomen, and it baa tnedd t perfect eiro of him. We bare another cuMcmer ow aoSer i in the ume way, aad with, by rctara mad ose If o. 3 box. BUSINESS CARDS. J. H. B R O A D Y Attorney and Connielor a.1 Law. OfflceoverStato Bjvnk.BrownvIlle.Neb. & OSBORX, ATTORNEY ATI.A.W. Ortlce, No. 81 JTaln street, Brwnvlle. Keb J.s STUII, ATTOIUfKYS AT I AW. Ofllceof County Judge. Brownvllle, Nebraska. A. S. HO LL AD AY. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Graduated In 1S51. Located Sn Brownvllle 1S55. Omce.ll Main street. Brownvllle, Neb. JJ S. DEGMAX, BLACKSMITH, At the West End. east cf 13 mt ton's store. Jfm" Horse Shoeing a Specialty. J W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH AND HORSE SHOER Workdone to order and satisfaction guaranteed First street, between Slain and Atlantic. Brown vtlle.Xeb. J L. ROY, UNDERTAKER, Coffins made on short notice. Three miles west of SrovnvllIe.Neb. AT CLIXE., FASHIO.VAIUjE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER CUSTOM WORK madeto order, and flLsalway guaranteed. Repairing neatly and promptly done Shop, No. 27 Main street, Brownvllle. Neb. UPHOLSTERING MB CANING Neatly nnd promptly done by SIIKS FELTHAU8ER, CAMXET2MAKER, and CARPENTER and JOINER Shop 3 doors east of Post Office. BUO"WNVlLr,E, - - - TVKUitASJCA TRY. Br.J. C.Eberhj, Formerly of St. Joe,' has permanently lo cated In Brownvllle, Neb.i FIKE ,W0HK A SPECIALTY. OfllcoSonthwest corner Main and First St. JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealerin nnoEnqllsIi, French, Scotch and F.iney Cloths Testings, Etc., Lie. RroiYEtvlEIe. lVelrnslsa. T M. BAILEY, SHIPPER AND DEALER IN LIVE STOCK BROWXV1LLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, pleaso call and get prices ; I want to handle yonrstocS:. Office First National Hink. B. G. WHITTEHORE.. DEALER IN GROCERIES, PRCTISIONS, SEWING MACHINES SEWISO HACHIXE KKIMIR.S A SPECIALTY, wlllpiy the Iti'iest m:trltet prlco for wrap Iron and rags. Main St., West HrownvlIIo. For Sale. O.VE HALF INTEREST IS T22E SHERIDAN MILL. For particulars call on or address. GEO. IIOMEWOOI), Sheridan, Xeb JSt. ED. L00MIS, FASHIONABLE " ;S?s&to. BOOT AND &S&3m& SHOE MAKER, "r?Hr- fcTtS 1st door west or O'I'elfs Zr&rWZ.iSc ' Livery Stable. "v"5c5r".''r Work done to order and " t-' ft. m.i I itif.istt I rr minrontord Miiinitii iw tL.- Repsiri g neaflj Be promptly dens AttentionSverybody ! When in,PSRU:you"tneed not pay xnore Hiaa $1.00 for any $1.50 Medicine 70cts. V $1.00 35cts."5." 50 ct. .( 15 cts. for any Box Pills, &c. The Cheapest House for other Drugs. BOOKS & STATIONARY, ORGANS and oilier JIUSICU-S IXSTROMEXTS J. PATTERSON. PERU. NEB. AUTHOKIZED U. 8. UOV KIi. M I'M". O F- 13 X O V' WVI 2MLr K Paid-up Capital, $o().000 AutJiorizcO. " 500,000 IS PREPARED TO TRANSACT A General Banking Business BT THE P.UV AND SfcWi OOm fe 0UBBEN0Y DRAFTS on all the principal cities of the United States and Siirope MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Draft discount ed. and special accommodations cran ted to depoalt ers. Deaiersln OOVERNMEJTr BONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES IDBPOSITS Reclved parableondemnnd.and INTEREST al lowed on tlmecertltlcates of deposit. DIRECTORS Wm.T. Den, B. M. Bailey. 31. A Ilandley. Frank E. Johnson, inther Jlcftdley Wm. Fraisher. JOHN L. CARSON, A. R. DA VISON. Cashier. President. J. CJIcN AUOIITON. A33t.Cashier. VOL. 25 NO. 31. "" ' A7.73 'VaiaAK TAKE TIME by the FORELOCK ! AND BUY YOUR mora m clocks Of G-eo.A-xkiTvxiglit, In UNION HOTEL, west of Court House, BRGW1WIX.I.E, NEBR. A tiling of beauty is a joy forever, and yon will Hndlmy stock fall or tho cholccet PERSONAL FURNITURE In tlio county. ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAINS, NECKLACES. MATINEE CIIAISS. LOCKETS. CUARMS.3BRACELETS LADIES' SETS, BREAST PINS. CUFF PINS. SLEEVE BUTTONS, STUDS, COLLAR BUTTON'S. ETC. SOLID GOBiD! RINGS, Plain Gold, Band. Cameo, Topaz, Amethyst aud Silver. Call and seotiieneweststyles In Watch Cases Tho 1880 Silver Dollar Case, and tho Patent Dust Proor Watch, trill go under water. nriT) A TT) CJ executed as nsnal.'Brlnt; tj Hi L xjl i-JLvO'ln your work and havclt done in ttie reasonable charg es. . - Ttie Eiarly Bird Catches tho Worm. A Large supply of Nickel Timepieces with ALARMS. A great boon theso Dark Mornings. &4ZZ.. -- ,,'aVwf4i-S. -- Opposit Lumber Yard, Main St. 0-003D BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for ComxnerciaH'-Mesi, AXD- Driver Furinshed when desired. Ilorsca boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at fair rates. STEEL BOILER FERRY. AtBrowaville, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING ON THE isso"ari 33ivei NEW BOAT, Hates Iio w, Campx 67 ady. Jioads Good, In (lem n ity A inplc. Connects with alI:Trains. i iSSM Zrtitliio J 1547 at 12 IT. ti Stnrt . LCTO, S3. THE PtKicIans in chlro -t rVl asj ocll knowu latii. lutifia are rvsolar rajsatei in mnSicine and lurerr. lcrra ef ap.rlrnre in the treatDn! of Ibntnlr UHev- hare malo thir ik.:l an4at. .'y Mmrch loyrrlor ta that of the oHioarj practitocer, that Ibnf hate acquired a citwaal reputatioa thrnsch ieir treaimcot of cnm!icalril retn. INDiSCRETlONorEXPOSURS1'' miUJici Tphll 0arr!irt 4lrt, b(riclaret UrrhltU, i't Ciiiarj Trocbln aod Sjphilltlc T Krrturlil iSetU n of lha tlrroat lta or bnrv treble J with soccrtt, oa cicciic prj c!tIe. without mi&r Jlrrcnrr or ctter FnitoaoLs YOUNCWEH Wthot f nuJdlc ags who ire .uf. anamrmm lili iT IcnetlrosilheeffWcuor bytmtr rkca or rmiaal raiof the result Of ! itoc la youth or eieeitia matured Tear ire rc.ifcbl!jr ccrrJ. Tti dlt ease produces some cf the following efTrttvcmisfmus. tMcLei. dizztoe43, nervovsacsi diane cf siht, c-Hjth, wdigttioot!ifla. despondencjt coa.furfnn of h!cs. avtoioa to so ctetr. defective memorr sexoal exhiMtion. inDoterxT orlois i of manly Tiror,whh nnSt tbr Trftn.f rtiuiees or manure ! PATIEHTS TREATED M"I,urfElP'r,"' personal consu.ratioa 11 preferrrJ. nica i FRX!S and iKtit ti. Lilt of question! to be answered br palienlt 2jlrlni; treat. 1 tnent mailed free vs aar address on anricattna. (fefsou satfrrina frasa Uapt ar should sead their addrrs, aa4 learn sonethla; ta their adtaatarr. It t. net a tm.jr CocnicanieafiAiissirtet reoo&dfftiaIvaedsnIl t-e addressed DU. ULTTB, 12 Sorth 8th SU It. J-oula. Ko. Mrsclv liy makiMi moiit-; vl.enu colden cliunctr IsoITiTtii tlif-rety aiv.ns ket-piimpovert. from rcur rtu-T. Tiiono who a" ways taeadvan-ncetir the gw chi;itc- for making nuuny tlm areorercd.Kcnera !y bc..tnTce.iit!iy. while thoj who Co not lmpror snrli chancer remain In pov erty We want many mra, women, boys anr plrH lo work 'or us Inthflrown luotvlltie Ihehislnesssvlll pav- mote llian ten time ord narywases. "e lurnish an etpwiRive niitiii aji; nli that you need. free. Xo one who e;pu;- fnll to make inonev very npully. You ran devot. vour whole time to the work, or only vonr ypar. inomenH. Full lnrormr.tliu and all t-at is needt f -iit Jree. Address fcTi n : I o., Portia' Jlaine. 2'y" m vr- j p i- jk.-w .. r ' v & - s e -w. -j - -r- 0 B cLH. I K ftW-f,I- WAiiTED tr Jbe Prt and Fastest '"J Uiiri 5 O I lnnul nks and titles, fntr. fi icu'ttCol 23 per CL hatdoal PnUub's Co., St. Lou. Wc -MAHACITY. Card to the Puhlic. Willing Bros, NEMAHA CITY- We take thfs opportunity of express ing our thanksitojan apprecrareire pub lic for their generous patronage ire the past, and we hope in the future to more thoroughly win your esteem and merita larger share of your trade by strict attention to our business and by keeping a larger and more varied assortment of goods at as low rates as the same class of goods cant be sold in Southeastern Nebraska. We have added more capital to ouc business by taking in a partner, Mr. Ed. F. Jordon, who has had a large experience as a wholesale and retail hardware salesman and with this new feature we will be enabled toi carry a much larger stock with, the addition of a full line of first-class: FURNITURE, which will be sold at bottom prices for cash.. Every thing to be found in a first-class Hardware store we intend to keep and as the spring opens we will- add a large stock of Agricultural Imple ments. For anything in the line of Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Agricultural Implements &c call on us and we will give you as low prices as can be had elsewhere. The firm in the future will be known as Willing Bros. & Jordon. C. E. Jordon is a practical tinner and will be connected with the store in Brownville. WILLING BROS. B.Bell Andrews, M. D. iilSICl & SRUQEGH, ffemaliji City, Neb. Calls in the Country Promptly Attend ed, day or night. SPEdAL ATTENTION glrert to snrKcrtl . diseases of womou anil surgical diseases of tho eyo. S3" Patients from nbroad can be furnished witb pleasant rooms nnd accommodations. KANT Nemaha Gity, BY Xtonis Stro'oie. First door 'south of tho lum'ior'yard. cal nml net a square meal forfjii cents. A good stock of confections also kept on hand. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stronle having had much experi ence ivs res tun rat eurs, aro well qualified to please their patrons. L2?2ti 'Nemaha. City, Ket., GENERAL MERCHANDISE O FJ.Ttr&Y' lllZOCF.nilZS m CAXXEIi GOODS, C0XFECTI0X8,EtC leepa a varied stock of cverythinjr tho peo ple want. Call nnd see him. $s?&8faev BOOTS. SHOES. AND HARNESS Made nml repaired its well n. can (bo dono anywhere, nnd nt short notice AXD VERY REASOXA11LE TER2I8. TSTyS & WILLIAMS. IltLlLERS I.V DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READYMADE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Etc , Etc., Etc. Nemaha City, Nebraska, Will soil goods as cheap us any ho uso In Southeastern Xehru-ka. J. 13. 2TEld:s LIVERY AND FEED SflTBLE. Good buggies aud horses, charges reas onable. Best of care tnken of transient stock. .yjj.isju.i cti, j'j:b. DAVID A. M0BT0N, Hlac2ismitli, ITemalia City, Nebraska. Machine repa'rlng nnd horseshoeing, a ape daily. HtyHoieX LEYI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY SE3.. Centrally bnmted: Good fire, nnd notrou. bio (.pared to make gnosis eonifortablo G004I burn for iiones mid Charges Reasonable. ESTABLISHED EH" 1858. o x. r k s rj? a-. M- 19 KtiIIJ'J JfJ i'iSTr 11 2.Oft0i0fl IN JNiSI3I3,!25T.A.. William "IIoHcoirer, Does a general V. . Khtate ItitHlnesa. rfelU Ttnds oti OinimlsNlon. exnml'ip Titles, mnkes Deeils, Mortgages, ami -A instru ments pertaining to the transfer of Ileal Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Real Estate In Kemalm Connty. PER CENT. REAL ESTATE AT jj INTEREST ONS3 YE ARS7T2ME, WITHOUT COMMISSION A-ldrf-woig.":!!! on IF. Lyon. At MARSH HOUSE!, Fridays and Saturday of each week. 2-Prlritege given o: payinffofl" Ioan,orCi JKsiiy considerable part, at nny-ffii 5-tIme Intere-.t falls di: ."Sa S2tf Mly rsnfril sriia sonfir mxf f te-a. r, I!ara' lrtrrv I pimrM net tVv- tut jppljeatiua. laaf e I A Sartiat S, jiienT- cu- -la, Mo. New REST H fl .A nmm $mihi MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Cb