Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 13, 1881, Image 4

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THURSDAY, JAXUAltY 13, 1881.
Mr. A. Y. SuLTzni.TJGH is-our au
thorized agent to receive money from
subscribers to Tiie Advertiser, and
give receipt for the same, when re
quired. He will commence- on or
about January 1st, to call on delin
quent subscribers, and will see- all of
tbem as rapidly as he can. He will
also solicit for new subscribers. We
hope each one will be ready to. pay the
small sum due us. Although small,
they are numerous, and In the aggre
gate amount to several hundreds of
dollars. "We know that all are able to
pay, but through negligence, or forget
fulness, orfailing to? see us or our
agent, have failed to do so. Now
please hand the pay to Mr. Sultz
baugh, who will see that you are duly
credited ; and we promise you that in
the future, as in thepast, we will
work incessantly to send you- weekly
one of the best country papers in the
Yours, "to live and let live."
G. "W. Faiubkothek & Co.
Coffins and Hearse by Stevensen
& Cross.
Kew supply of nico cakes at Fur
sxaa & Palmer's.
The ice now beingstorod is about
two feet thick.
"We had a 1-inch fall of snow
"Wednesday night last week.
Foil Sale" Cheap; House and
two lot?. Enquire at this office.
For the best and cheapest cook
tov go to Stevenson & Cross.
The roads are in splendid condi
tion, especially for sleds and sleighs.
"Wanted. A good young driving
team. J: H. Battles, Marsh House.
Fresh Bread, pies and cakes al
ways on hand at Furman & Palmer's.
Sunday morning was exceedingly
cold. The mercury had dropped to
near the bottom.
American Book Exchange has es
tablished an agency at Xickell's Drug
stpre, for all their books.
Sewing machines, improved light
running, waranted 5 years, for sale low
by Stevenson & Cross.
Services will be held at the Cath
olic church, in this city, on Sunday,
January 23d, by Father James B. Fitz
gerald, of Xebr.iska City.
Anyone wishing-to buy an outfit
i i- nm;foping can save money by
buying of Stevenson & Cross, as "they
keep everything in that line.
On the margin of yonr Advertiser,
or on the wrapper, indicates that the
time paid for has expired, and that a
settlement and renewal is solicited by
vs. tf
China tea setts. 55 pieces, 12 dol
lars. Stevenson & Cross.
"Bread is the staff of life," and
Homowood & Sniffer's fionr Is what
ladles generally use now when they
want a good article of the "staff." Can
had be at the stores and groceries at
Brownville and Xemaha City. 27 tf
"We observe that Hon. Church
Howe was chairman of the committee
on credentials, the first committee ap
pointed: and that Hon. T. L. Schick
was one of the committee to request a
Supreme Justice to appear fn the House
and administer the official oath to the
The editor of the Sheridan Post
thinks we are afraid ho will not
amount to something." And he is in
error, for we concede that he can flop
bo quickly as to make people's heads
swim, and make them doubt if he is a
real editor or an imported clown the
ringmaster with his long whip being
at Peru.
They all know that jpal'ousy ac
tuated him to get "off the track" in his
supposed witticisms. Sheridan Post.
Do they, indeed? "We thought we
stuck to the track pretty weir, consid
ering that they were- rat tracks. But
speaking of getting "off the track," the
Post fellow, in his sudden "flop" from
Howe's friend to Howe's gnemy, is en
titled to the belt
The Hastings Nehraskari says a
Farmers' Alliance was recently formed
in that county, and that it was declared
mat me oojecc ot the same "is not to
wage an unjust war against the rail
roadsin fact, no war at all. All they
want is their just rights." The Ad
tertiser will most earnestly assist
the farmers, in every legitimate way it
can, in so laudable and legitimate a
work as that of Becaringand maintain
ing their rights.
Some of the leading papers In
Omaha are evidently scared at the
temperance outlook in this State. The
JTerald endeavors to show that a pro
hibition law, or constitutional amend
ment, would ruin the distilleries at
that place and Nebraska City, and if
that be done there will no longer be a
market for corn in Nebraska, and thus
the farmers will be ruined. The pro
posed law, orj constitutional amend
ment, would, if in existence, only op
erate against the manufacture and use
of intoxicating liquors as a beverage.
Their manufacture and use for me
chanical and medicinal purposes would
not be interfered with. It is only the
abominable and poisonous concoctions,
and their uses, the good people of the
. State now propose to abolish. So all
this jabber about ruining the farmer
is simply nonsense.
For first class groceries call on
T. L. Jones.
Best brands of flour kept by Ste
venson & Cross.
Extra copies of the advertiser
London matter too late to be put
in type for this issue.
The best brands of flour always
or hand at T. L. Jones'.
"Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson fc Cross.
A full and complete stock of fur
niture kept by Stevenson & Cross.
Coffins and furniture, a large stock
of all styles by Stevenson & Cross.
Best Bread in the city at Furman
& Palmer's and don't you forget it
The largest line of library lamps
ever brought to Brownville at Steven
son fe Cross.'
Dr. Collins,, Dentist, Brownville,
Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not at
home on Fridays.
Don't suffer with an aching tooth
when you can have it extracted witb.
out pain by Dr. Collins.
Axes,, axes, plain, beveled and
double-bitt, the best stock and cheapest
by Stevenson & Cross.
Best Bread in Brownville at the
new Bakery of Furman & Palmer al
ways fresh and clean. Give them a
Another snow'storm 'set in here
Friday Inst, and although but two or
three inches of snow fell, the air
seemed freighted for nearly two days
and nights with snow and frost.
The-Nemaha County Bible Socie
ty will hold its annual meeting in the
Methodist church, on Sunday night,
January 10th. All are cordially in
vited. A. II. Gilmore, Pres't.
Tiie Union House, this city, is
the most popular dollar-a-day house
in the west, and is receiving patronage
as it deserves and merits. It is the
best place for farmers to stop to get a
good dinner, and every day its tables
are crowded. Jp the desk of the Union
may always be found the best brands
of cigars. Those who have not put up
at this popular hotel are invited to
stop and give it a trial.
There will be a church festival at
Nemaha City, "Wednesday evening,
January 10th, for the benefit of the
Presbyterian church. In connection
therewith there will be various enter
tainments such as supper, oysters,
Gypsy fortune telling, postoilice, fish
pond, and confectionery. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
Mr. Hood, of Aspinwall, called
on us Tuesday, this week, for the pur
pose of informing us that we were
mistaken, in our remarlis about the
suicide of "Win. Tidrow, in saying
that Mr. T. wasaddictred to the use of
intoxicating liquors. Mr. Hood being
a clerk for the deceased, for some time
previous to his death, w:is in a position
to know the truth, and he says Tid
row was not a drinking man, and
mentioned the fact thata jug. of liquor
purchased, last September, and placed
in the cellar, was all the liquor that
had been broughtabout the store, that
he ever knew of, and the jug, with its
contents, is still iu the cellar. And
that he had no kind of intoxicating
bitters, used :is a beverage, about the
store, and the story that he constantly
drank bitters is certainly untrue. We
make this correctioifgiadly, and it jus
tifies our remark last week, that we
had always regarded; Tidrow as a tem
perance man. and received the story
that he was with incredulity. While we,
in our line of duty, would'suppress no
truth in such an an affair, that would
benefit the living, it would only be by
misinformation that we could cast a
stigrria upon the sad memory of our
dead friend.
He is always ready to "kick" any
thin r that promises to benefit Sheridan,
or Nemaha county, even, outside of
Brownville or Nemaha City, where his
two organs are manufactured. He's
afraid we will amount to something.
Sheridan Post.
In the first sentence of the above the
Post, in a most reckless manner, "sits
down" on the IXth commandment, as
the files of The Advertiser will ver
ify. "We never kick auy of our neigh
bors, but always speak a good word
for any of them when referring' to
them; and no article ever written for
our columns by any citizen of any lo
cality, advocating their locality or
town, in this county, but what found a
place in our paper, and welcome. In
fact, we have a standing invitation for
such articles. If the editor of the Post
or any other citizen of Sheridan, or
any other citizen of any.other town or
portion of the county, desires at any
time to use our columns to present in
ducements for immigrants orothera to
locate with them, their articles will be
welcome. And we further have a
standing offer to- any citizen of any
townt Iocalit-, section or precinct, to
not only publish local Items for them,
but in addition to give them The Ad
vertiser free of charge "We have
done this for Sheridan until recently,
when for some reason, unknown to us,
the weekly Items were discontinued, i
"We will give our paper to any one in
Sheridan who will furnish us the
weekly Jocal news of the locality, in
cluding, of course, favorable notices
whea they desire, of their town and
county. The Advertiser is a friend
of the people of the county, and desires
the growth and prosperity of towns
and country and every legitimate bus
iness, and its columns, now as hereto
fore, is offered as au humble medium
to the accomplishment of this end.
As to the second and last sentence
of the above clipping from the Post
"He's afraid we will amount to some
thing" had the writer of the silly
words inserted the little word "not"
immediately after "will," he would for
once have staggered onto the trutn.
James and Ed. Dort were home
Friday, visiting.
The infant son of Joseph Body is
dangerously sick.
"Win. H. Hoover spent several
days in Lincoln last week.
"W. "W. Hackney paid Lincoln a
visit last week, returning Friday.
Marion- Clark, of Tecumseh, came
in Sunday, on a visit to friends.
Representative Schick came-down
from Lincoln Friday, returning Mon
day. Charlie Scott, of Tecumseh, was
in the city the first of the week, selling
cigars for Dan Colhapp.
Irvin Barrett, formerly of Brown
ville, was married on the 11th inst, to
a Miss McKinney, at St. Louis.
' fOn the 2Gth ult, at Bratton, by
Rev. Brigham, Samuel F.JHacker was
married to Miss Anna M. "Whitney.
Ellis Tucker, of Nemaha precinct,
received the appointment as one of the
pages of the house of representatives.
Mrs. L. L. Hulburd and Mrs. Ju
lia M. Hulburd, of Humboldt, arrived
in this city Sunday, visiting relatives
and friends.
Mr. J. M.Patrick, of Grant, called
at our sanctum, "Wednesday, and gave
us a pleasantXchat. The Adverti
ser's course suits Mr. P.
"We notice that our fellow-citizen,
David II. Mercer, has been appointed
clerk of the committee on Accounts
and Expenditures, of the lower house.
Our friend, "Wesley Dnndas, of
Sheridan, was in the city Tuesday. He
reports trade lively, and everybody
happy over Sheridan's future prospects.
Henry T. Sanders, for several
years an employe of this office, went
to St. Joe Monday, to take a position
on the Gazette. Henry is a faithful
and competent printer, and we wish
him much success in his new positior.
Willing Bros, have taken a pait
ner into their hardware business Mr.
E. F.Jordan, of St. Joe; and the firm
is now Willing Bros. & Jordan. Mr.
C. E. Jordan, of Chicago, will have
charge of the tin work. We wish the
new firm success.
Mr. Schick has introduced bills in
the legislature, as follows: Providing
for the payment of deficiencies in the
salaries of stenographic reporters of
the several judicial districts; to amend
Sec. 0S( of the law in civil procedure;
and a bill for the construction of a
bridge across the Missouri river at
Mr. Louis Lowman has closed out
his business in this city, and will next
week start for Denver, where he in
tends going into business. "We sin
cerely regret the departure of Mr.
Lowman and his estimable family
from our city, but unite with their
hundreds of friends here in wishing
them abundant prosperity in their new
home, and as many and as warm
friends as thev leave belund them.
Besolutions of Eespsct,
Adopted by Brownville Lodge No.
G9,-I. O. G.T.. at their regular meeting,
January 7th, 18S1 :
"Whereas, It has pleased Divine
Providence to remove from our midst
our beloved sister, Mrs. B. M. Bailey,
a charter member of our lodge. In
view of the loss sustained by her fam
ily, and by this lodge, therefore be it
Jtesolced, That it is but a just tribute
to the memory of our beloved sister to
say that in regretting her removal
from our midst we mourn forone' who
was in every way worthy of our re
spect and regard.
Resolved, That we sincerely condole
with the family of the deceased in
their loss, and commend them to Him
who orders all things for the best:
Pesolced, That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented to the family of
the deceased, that they bo spread upon
the records of this lodge, and that a
copy be sent to each of the city papers
for publication.
Mrs. A. A. MixiciO
Lou Johnson, Com.
Geo. N. Sanders, )
To My Patrons.
Having closed my business as lum
berman, let me thank you for your
patronage in the past
You will still fiud me at the old
stand, where I will keep constantly on
hand all kinds of hard and soft coal,
in quantities to suit purchasers; and
at the lowest possible prices.
All parties indebted to me for lum
ber will please call and settle at once,
as I wish to closo all old accounts.
"W. A. Judkins & Co.
Furniture repaired by Stevenson
& Cross.
Grand, glorious Templars of Hon
or! On last Monday evening there
were initiated into Brownville Temple,
Mr. Theodore Hill, of Nemaha City;
an I Kenon Skeeh and Prof. "W. E.
"Wilson. At the previous meeting
our young frienls Louis Odell, Daniel
Palmer, and our estimable old friend,
Robert Morrison united with the Tem
ple. On next Monday evening three
or four more will join. .the Temple.
We cannot think of any advice to of
fer any man, especially young- men,
better than to becomeidentified with
the noble work of the Temple of tilon:
or, for. inasmuch as it helps- aud edu
cates men to sobriety and industry, it
is a stepping out into the highway that
leads to the cultivation of the noblest
traits of human nature, and lobe h- n
ored, trusted, and recognized as a ccri
tlema.i by the best and most iutluential
people iu society. Young men, we in
vite you to come and join the Temple.
Bain "Wagons, whips and cross-cu
saws by Stevenson & Cro3s.
I Brothers & Jordan,
The old firm are verv thankful
for patronage- received in the past
and desire a continuance for the new
firm in the future.
You can always find one of the
old firm at either Brownville or Ne
maha City stores.
The new firm will enlarge their
stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tin-j
ware &c, and place them at prices
favorable to their customers.
We now have a large supply of
barb wire and the present is a favor
able time for the purchaser.
We invite all of our old custom
ers, and as many new ones as see it
to their interest to patronize us, to
call and get prices.
Parties indebted to the old firm
are cordially invited to make an early
settlement as we wish to balance
our books. Respectfully,
Lon. and Milt. Jones, under the firm
n une of Jones Bros., having purchas
ed the meat market of Batli & Body,
would respectfully invite the public to
call and see them. Jones Bros, claim
to understand their business, and will
not only keep all kinds of meats that
can be had in thisjmarket,. but deal it
out in choice parcels, tastefully cut, to
suit purchasers. Remember the place
old stand of Bodv Bros.
Wagon Timber for sale by David
To the Editor of The Advertiser :
On Sunday morning, January 9th, at
my house, the thermometer stood, at
G o'clock, 30 degrees below zero; at
0:30, mercury toojow to count.
The thermometer at David Adams'
house stood: At G a. in., 30 degrees be
low zero; 7o'clock,C25 below; 7:30, 25
below; S. 20 below ;9, G below; 12 m.
2 below; 5 p. m.,S below.
"Weather clear, wind light, and X.
"W. in the morning.
Geokgi: D. Carrington.
Locality of Brawaville, by Geo. D. Oar-
January. 35" degrees.
February, 52 "
March. 39,i
April, 55 u
May, G9
June. 12 "
July, 75
August, 7-t t-R "
September, GZ "
October. 50 "
November, 29 "
December, 21 "
Average temperature for the year
1SS0, 51 7-12.
Average temperature for the year
1S79, 51 K degrees.
Highest temperature, 1S5Q-, 99 de
grees. Highest temperature, 1S79, 100 de
grees. Lowest temperature, 1880, 24 degrees
below zero.
Lowest temperature-, 1879, 22 degrees
below zero.
Clear days, 131; partly clear, 113;
cloudy, US; foggy, 5; northerly
winds, 1G7; southerly winds, 197;
snow on ground, 2G ; rainy, 31 ; snow
fall, 10 inches; rain fall, 49 inches.
March 27th, April 13th and 18th,ter
rible stoims of wind and dust sun
obscured. August 14th was the hot
test day; December 29th the coldest.
October ISth, ice formed. l inches.
August 24th. heaviest rain fall. A
inches. December 27th, heaviest snow
fall, 3 inches.
Sandwich Sheller, 4 hole mounted
power, 300 dollars, by Stevenson &
"Wagon timber and iron by Steven
sou & Cross.
A purchaser for a general stock of
goods that will invoice from three to
five thousand dollars, located :n south
e:istern Xebraskaon tho Atchison &
Nebraska railroad, in a live, growing
town. A large, profitable business al
ready established. For information,
address this office.
-Sandwich 4 hole mounted sheller,
sale cheap by Stevenson & Cross.
For Sale.
One good farm, of 120 acres, 50 acres
under cultivation good orchard of
bearing trees, good well, spring and
cistern, oueand a quarter miles north
west of Brownville. Also, 1 span of
mules and horses, hogs and cattle.
Terms easy. Call on or address
R. S. ITannaford,
Brownville, Xebr.
Salt Cheap'ataHill's.
Closing out of win
ter goods at cost as we
wish to make room
for our new spring
stock. . Call and take
advantage of the low
prices offered By
McUee & Moore.
For Sale.
A good milk cow. Apply to L. D.
The difference between Xemalm's
two candidates for Speaker, we" want
the people to mark, was this: Mr.
Schick received no votes but his own,
and, w learn, that of Mr. Reyman.
Mr. Howe received thirty-six votes of
true friends, who stood by him
through the contest. The friends
of Mr. Howe, while they de
sired his election, are proud of him for
the positive strength lie gathered
around him, and are gratified iu the
rellection that they did not waste their
sympathy and favors upon a "wooden
man." Further, we desire our readers
to bear in mind the position we took
regarding Mr. Schick's candidacy and
the attitude he assumed, and compare
them with the logic of subsequent
events. We charged Mr. Schick with
being the tool of Mr. Howe's malicious
enemies. Mr. Schick said that our
"insinuations of m ilijo were unjust to
his frienls who had mentioned his
name,"' e'c. Xow who were those
friends who, as he publicly stated,
broug'it him out without his knowl
edge or consent? They were Messrs.
Daily and Majors, of course. Xow
take the fact that Daily, Co!. Tom and
Wils. Majors were- on the ground early,
working forsomebody whom ? Was
it Mr. Schick, the man they haJ caused
to be announced their candidate had
they been sincere? "What did they do
for him, after all ? "What strength did
they gather around him V Not a single
vote. Xow recurs the easily answered
query: was Mr. Schick the real candi
date, or the "tool nay, fool" of Daily
and Majors? And were "the insinua
tions of malfce unjust" to MivSchick's
friend who kindly mentioned his
name in connection with the speaker
ship? The Advertiser's position is
coniirmsJ, and thoie friends of Schick
have made him the ridiculous butt in
theconversatioii3of the people of this
The Express, Calcago. nays of Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure : "It is. In the high
est enso. byplenlc.snd oan be used by yontig
and old with eqnnl advantage. It gives the
only relief yet attained, that can be termed
permanent. In Brluht'a DUeav. and thU
alono should rank it higher in the list of
medicul triumphs." 0tn3
The best and wisest physicians
advise not to let a cold or cough con
tinue, but break it up immediately.and
the best thing found yet is Xickell's
compound cough syrup.
If yon are troubled with fever and agne.
dumbagne. billlous fever.Jaundlce, dyspep
slntor any dlsr aso of the liver, blood or stom
ach and wish to get wpI', try tho new remedy,
Prof.Gullmette'n French Llvor Ask
yourdruifjNt forlt, and tae m other, and
If he not ot It sen I JLW In a letter to
French Pad Co.. Tolepo, O., ami receive one
by return .mall.
For your
negg go to
saddles smd liar
J. B. SJauor's.
Dissolution ffotice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between Drs. Foster & Andrews, of
Xemaha City, is dissolved by mutual
consent, on and after January 1st, 1SS1.
All accounts due the firm must be im
mediately settled. Persons thus in
debted will take notice and call at
their office in Peruana City.
L. M. Foster.
B. Bell Andrews.
Highest market price paid by D. E.
Douglas & Co'-
Bain wagons the best and for
sale by Stevenson & Cross.
Cash Paid for Wheat.
Tiie highest market price
paid for good wheat at Glen
Hook Mills. 43tf
Stoves, furniture, andqueensware
by Btdventon & Cross.
Cough no More.
Xickell's cough syrup will cure any
ordinary cough and cold. Sample free.
Kewton and Schuttler
wagons, Spring and Plat-
lorin wagons stock and
chain pumps, for sale by
David Campbell.'
An Iteas of Appropriation.
In telling of Warner's Safe Kidney ond
Liver Cure, the Jiepublican, Hudson. X. 'Y.
says In Iu Washington Items: "It seems to
bn generally nnderstood tbatn especial ap
propriation win re made ror ;the purchase,
for the use of. the members- of Senate and
House, of Warner's Safe.PIlls and Warner's
Safe Bitter 20m3
Highest market price paid by
One or more sets of books to post up
and keep in order double entry style.
Books opened, closed and corrected." A
few more private students at reason
able rates.
20-tf A. "W. StTLTZBAUGH.
Laughing- Gas i; Laughing Gax !
Dr. G. H. Collins, our "old reliable"
dentist, extracts teeth without pain by
he use of nitrous oxide (laughing-gas). J
Best assortment or horse
biankela and lap robes at
J. II. Bauer's.
Berkshire hogs, highbred for
bv Stevenson & Cross
Is hereby given that I will examine
all persons who may desire to offer
themselves as candidate for teachers
of the primary or common schools of
this county, at the Court House, in
Brownville on the first Saturday in
each month. Philip Crother,
2l-tf Co-Superintendent
To the Editor of The Advertiser:
As Xemaha had two candidates for
the speakership, no doubt she is desir
ous of hearing how the campaign was
conducted, and what resulted success
fully and unsuccessfully. That this
desire may be at least partially satis
fied, your special correspondent will
peu a letter to Tiie Advertiser.
All the legislators who had not re
ported Saturday, the 1st inst., arrived
the following Monday, and then the
caucusing, which had hitherto been
on a small scale, reached its magnitude,
and the buttons flew in promiscuous
directions. The political throng would
first besiege Howe then Paddock
then YanWyck Anally returning to
its starting point the Commercial
hotel office, there to mingle with legis
lators, oflice-seekers and men of State
and National repute.
Monday afternoon the candidates for
speaker were Howe, Windham, Slocum,
Kaley, Shedd, and Schick. Towards
evening Kaley withdrew, and then
Schick, Reyman, Daily, Majors and
others, who had a particular aud per
sonal desire to defeat Howe, labored
diligently aud incessantly to unite the
field against Howe. The difficulty was
in agreeieg upon a man. Schick knew
he Wits sure of only one vote, and per
haps not that, unless ho voted for him
self, consequently, with the knowl
edge that ho never could win the vic
tory, his aim was prominence in fight
ing for the winning man, in order that
he might be given a good committee.
Slocum, "Windham and Shedd each
considered himself the strongest man,
and neither would withdraw. Final
ly the lobbyist succeeded in driving
tiie Anti-uowe men into a caucus
Monday night. A few pledges aud
a little trading resulted in "Windham
going to Shedd and Slocum's forces di
viding. The fight was now between
Howe, of Xemaha,and Shedd, of Saun
ders. The clan3 agreed upon holding
a Republican caucus Tuesday morning.
That time arrived, and a united field,
including Schick and Reyman, barely
succeeded in defeating Howe for the
nomination. This action was final, as
was illustrated in the election of
speaker in the House Shedd receiving
every Republican vote.
Mr. Shedd, although inexperienced,
will prove a very good speaker, and in
the opinion of the musses he was the
most suitable and fit man for the place
with the exception of Howe that
had been mentioned.
The question in the minds of those
who have no knowledge of the inside
history of this rightis, why was Church
Howe defeated when he was recogniz
ed by every one as by far the best man
for the place. "We are pained to say
that this question is answered when we
say Xemaha defeated Howe, and we
are the more pained when we say that
the most effective argument used was
the absurdest, viz: That Nemaha
county did not icant the speakership.
Howe was maligned, traduced and fal
sified by his personal enemies from
Xemaha county, but such barefaced
ness had no avail. Driven to the last
ditch, Howe's enemies became desper
ate, and swore they would defeat him
at any cost and by any means. Then
they resorted to "the clincher. They
whispered into the cars of those who
had no better information, that the
majority of the people of Xemaha
were bitterly opposed to Howe for
spe;iker and that they thought some
other county was nrre deserving of
tne speakership than .Nemaha.
Ever since the fight the talk of Lin
coln has been the disgrace and perfidy
displayed by Xemaha's representatives
and lobbyists in this fight. In conse
quence of this unfairness Church
Howe to-day stands stronger, firmer
and on a higher piano than he did one
week ago, and if the election were to
be held over to-morrow he would se
cure the caucus nomination by a com
plimentary majority. "Wo, for one,
and we have heard others express the
same tiling, are glad Howe is on the
floor, for now he can watch Nemaha's
interests to a better advantage, and do
the people of the State much better
service. Had Schick and Reyman done
their duty, and given Howe their unit
ed support, the Xemaha delegation, as
a delegation, would have had more in
fluence, Schick would have received a
better chairmanship than the insignifi
cant one on constitutional amend
ments, and Reyman would have been
recognized as a man of a little in
fluence, at least.
In the Senate Nemaha has also fared
sadly. Daily is given the chairman
ship of tho committee on Public Char
ities, and has been dubbed "Charity
Bill," by members of the legislature.
He is deprived of legislative influence,
whereas, had ho been more courteous,
and better inclined towards Nemaha's
welfare, he would have stood in a bet
ter light.
Tom Majors, who has had the name
of being a shrewd politician, has sur
prised those who recognized him as
such, by his actions in this fight, and
prominent men and politicians, hitherto
friendly to Majors, publicly assert that
they will remember him in the future
for such actions.
Speaker Shedd, recognizing Howe's
ability and the large following he has
in the House, allowed him to select his
own committees. He is chairman of
Accounts and Expenditures, a mem
ber of Finance, Ways and Means, and
Public Lands and Buildings the
three most important committees of
the House. It is said Howe refused
to accept any position on the Railroad
My prediction is that Nemaha will
be prouder of Church Howe's record
this session than of any of his pre
vious records. Mix.
ceptions be made now. "What are "intox
icating liquors ?' Wine and cider, as
they run from the press are not intox
icating, but soon become so. "Would
their manufacture be construed as the
manufacture of intoxicating liquors?
Temperance lecturers hold up wine
and cider on the same string with
whisky, rum and beer, for public exe
cration, as they should do, for these
mild drinks do the primary work with
the appetites of men that prepares the
way or a Listing love of alcohol. But
we can not make a temperance lecture
now, nor discuss this matter, further
than to hint to those having the mat
ter in hand to so plainly define their
platform that their work will not be a
failure; that it shall not be subject to
the charge of ambiguity: that the bars
shall all be put up; that the struggle
for sobriety. Immunity, decency, result
iu a perfect victory or none. As we
say these things, we imagine them en
tirely superfluous, from the fact that
the brilliant workers at head quarters,
are posted and having the wrecks of
former prohibitory measures before
them, the precedents of failures and
successes, they need make no mistakes
at this Late day in Nebraska.
I have bought the
Stock of Goods back
from John A. Form,
and must sell them.
If you want bargains
in all kinds of goods
you can get them of
Cail and get prices
and be convinced.
For Hardware, Fuimuuv, Coffins,
and best Corn Shelters, call on
Thoms Richards.
- The touburi.ii esiablishmi nt of
Mr. George W. Berlin, this city, is now
being fitted up iu most splendid tyle.
The ne .v furniture work-stanf s, mar
ble wash-stands, m'rrors, toikt ap
pointmentsare all of t the bett and
most costly character, Jhe three mir
rors alone costing SG0.0O. A system of
water pipes and conductors runs
through the building, and in the center
of the work-room stands a nt- rble
wash-stand.for public use, conucued
with which is a fashionable shan.poo
spr.nkler. Take this place altogether,
aud it isloubtless the best and most
vm mm
0-rea JlllUaa
Prof. Gullnieua'
12M FJfiS
Wave Already
been oia iu
this coun
try and Franoo
every ouu of
"ilea (iu
van perfect saU
u-tcuon, auu
hua per
formed curt av
er time.
used acconllstf
to directions.
Wo now sy to
the nOlictvd aDd
doubting ont
tLatwre will pnv
ths aU)Tt-iv jrard
fur slnalc ca&a
TjJljmljei back:
Tb&tthe Tad ri;a to ure This (.rent n.-roidv
will PO-mv-Er.Y and PERMANENTLY ui
Lumlisso, Lame Hack. Sciatica, OratC
cl. Diabetes. Lropjr,l UrlIit' DKrnaa
of the IClilneyn, Incontinence ami Ilf.
t ntion of ill Urlue, Inllcmattun of tit-ICtduej-i.
Catarrh oftlia Bladder, liltch
Colored Urine, Pain Iu the. Back, Kltla
or l.olBa, .Itrvoui Wraknin, nj,, ft
fact all disorder! o" the B!adder and Urinary Or
Rans whet her coutractcd by priratadbe&ae or ctit
erwUe. tiADIKS. If yon are luSSrln from TmaU
Wealcns. Iacorrhcoa, or any dteeasaJoT tt
Kidney. Bladder, or Urinary Organs.
Without swallowlnj nausvoua md:ciaM. by sta
p!yearlnfj PROF. GUILWETTE'S
Ask your drt ui for PJIOF. uriUJarTTE'S
riiKshl KIDNEY PAD and talTe ieiAlr. 1
ho has not Rot It. ud fi.Wond yoti will rcT liia
Pad by return ranll.
JUDO F. BUC 'IT A X AN. Lawyer. Tolcda. O. . at
-One of Prof, (luilme tie's French KWaey Pads
cured meof LnmbnRo In three wk'a tlinw. My
case had been given up by the bv st Debtors as ta
rorable. During all this time I iti&ered untold
agonr and paid out large i:ms ormoiwv.
Ufcl'llQE VETlTSK. J P.. Toledo. O'.aaya :"
"1 suffered for three ar with scUticaaiMt kid
ney Disease, an i(Vn 1 d iok-) about cm crotches.
I wm entirely and permanent! cured ifWr wer
Injr Prtif.- Gullmetitt' i'reuch'Klduey Padaftur"
rreoks "
MJUI RK JT. C. FCOTT. Sylvunla. O.. wrtloa :
"I h t been a trreat sttRerer for IS yers with
Brlclit's Disease of ihj Kidneys. For weeVs at a
tlioel ws nn.Me to l out of bed ; took ba:rel5
of medlc'ne. rntthey Kftyeme only temporary rw
Hof I wore two of Prof.GullnicUe s KidHev Pads
sir week', ard I now know I am entirely ctird."
3!R JIEr.t,EXJEP.OME.Tolefc.O..says:
-For yen rs I have been rmiflned. ft preat part of
th time to my hed. with Lucorrbovt and rMc!a
weaki'.tss. 1 tvoiv oneof (luilmette's KKlusy Pads
and wn, cured In one month."
H. B GRhliJi", Wholesale Grocer. Flakier. O..
I sntfored for a y -r with lame back aaa! In
three Tveeka wan perrai-ently CHred by warisg
oneof Prof. Gnllmetle'-t Kidney Pxite."
B. F. KKESLINO . M. D. . DrHKWtst. IctMMJVrt,
Ind. when sending In an order for Kldaey Pads,
"I wore one of the flrt on-M we &a ad I re
ceived morebe"eHt from It -hati anytala? I ir
nsed. In fact the Padi plve -etler general satlsfa-e-tMn
than anv KUlnwv remedy wv sol!."j
RAY A. JiHOEilAKEU, Dru-gls. Haaarbal,
"We are working np a :r ly trad in yoar Paita,
and are hearing ofjood revi.u from, thata .tr
Will po itlvely care Fever and Asv-. taint
Ague. AfCieCake P. Ulcus Fever. Jeaodlre. Vyt
repsla, anl all f hrajes of the Liver. Slomaen acd
B'ood Pr o- by mall &l tor Prof. Oal
irette s Treatise on tha Kidney mid Liver. fres by
mall. Addresa KltEXUII I'AO TO ,
Toledo. Oblu.
For sal by W. II. McCresry
Zfe b STOMACH 4b
handsomely fitted barber shop in the
State. And his barbers, are all flrst-
ci43:, sjoei aim jciiiienianiv. in one
corner of the room is a handsome ci
gar case, filled with the best brand's of
the weed. If you want to be made
happy, call on'George.
Churdi Howe was buried in the
ruins of his political career. Lincoln
But the Globe is carefui to not give
the figures showing; exactly how deep
Mr. Howe was buried, lest the point of
its lie be blunted. Mr. Howe was de
feated by justice coies, he receiving ;t6
votes and Mr. Shedd 41. Only five
votes, after the terrible- fretting and
sweating aud constaat'slanders of the
Globe an 1 it3 iinprincipledlco-icorkers
for the six months. Tiiat is the
best they could do. Mr. Howe stands
squarely on his feet, and is stronger in
Xem iha county to-day than be ever
was. as he is also in the State; and
that's what's the matter? with Messrs.
Eatou & McBride of the Globe.
There In no civilized nal'on In the Weslpra
Hemisphere In wlueii tiie utility of Hotet
tr'is Stomach Bitters n toclc. corrective,
ami .antl-bllllons m!tcln. Is not known
nncl appreciated. While It li medfcln lor
nil seuons and all climate. It I especially
Halted lo the coraplninla Krtoratel by tlio
wather, being llis puresl mid fcesl vgolbl?
xtlinulunt In the world.
For -aIe by PruiiRlst, and Dealer, to whom
apply for H.aletters Alrnanao tor 1881.
Hon. Eagene Hale Js
Senator from Maine.
ted U. S.
Report of tiie Condition
I flffl
tne State of Avbrsika, at closo of
Duiiuck, December Jl, lghO.
Loans nnrtnisrnnnt
U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation-.
Other Stocks. Bond and Mortiases.
Due from approved reserve asents
Due from other National Baclc
Dae from State Banln and Bankers
Real Eate. Furniture and natures
Current expenses and tax m pa!d
Checks and other cash iiwny.
BHIsorotherBanks 2L
Fractional currencyi Including nickels
and pennies.
Legal-tender notes
Redemption fund with TL 6. Treasurer 5
percent, of circulation) ,
JIS1.U1 C7
73 ft
. 50.0OI00
. 10.93A 6$
13.755 B
3.99.; SI
6B A3
3 178 40
3,303 00
We Mean Oared, Not Moreiy Oellgd
And Can- JProrc What tee Claim.
KE Taere nrg no failure, aart nrxllvw?
polutnjontjv If ;cuarp tro;iiletl SrJJlt
lt lIKAIAC2ffoticiin fc.i-uri.V"tiJ
quieitly rurI. ms hntnltx-rti Imie brva
alifitily. ffe aiiull bejluet fo ual!av
sliert of teMlmortlala to nay ltvi--.!JL
Jllso cure a'l forn of Bllioow." - .-event Ctonj
pation and Dyner'3. r,iir't :?. -. rel:
dntrM trom too f r-.yuai: .. -. D.-eder-i
of Uie Stomi--h. -:..-rflale t " r. mi Hesu
latetheBfwei. 'j .y 4'slt . - -.akiax Jtoit
one little pi i ai s .:.,.. T: - t trely yi
We. do not Krie i r t.rje ad ! -w- urarly per
fect as It Is pvi t i-it. xi !! t rrwelSeenH,
tf'ir Jl- ' v: -,'.- . .,. :.rnt h a.jil.
CAiiTEa ?i:!:( r?i r. to, f.:ise.' ia
A Lecture to Young Men
On the i,vH of
S3 67
i97eo oo a iT W a w. II as ft aLTiSi s w
SB V i . . Ba n IS A vS? 3 sfi
Due from V.S.TreasureT,ober than.5 per
cent, redemption ftmii .. , eo
The bone nnd Mutcie prodncln? Malt, the
"Nerveqnloting Hop, tho superb Malarlnl an
tidote Quinine, and other precious Ingredi
ents, combined without fermentation, are
the ingredients of "Mnlt BlUers," prepared
by the Malt Bitters Company.
Woven wire beds, all sizes
ov prices at Stevenson & Cross'.
We learn that at a caucus of lead
ing temperance men, at Lincoln last
week, who have charge of the prohibi
tion movemant, it wa3 agreed that the
legislature should be asked to submit a
constitutional amendment in about the
following words:
Capital Stock paid In
Surplus fnnrt
Undivided proflts .
National Bank notes outstandlnz
Individual deposits subjtct to
check 1139.1 a
Demand certificates c-rdepo3lt 3J 13
. I1.9ST27
fiOSm Of
87.279 6'
From the Nemaha Times:
The B. & M. corps of civil engi
neers commenced sounding the Mis
souri river just below the mouth of
the Xemaha, this week. If the sound
ings are favorable, this point will be
the location of the railroad bridge
across the river. The railroad will
cross the Xemaha south of town, and
connect with the line running west.
T. C. Bradlej' was badly wounded
on Tuesday last by the explosion of a
shell while loading a shot gun. He
had his face and hand considerably
damaged. Dr. Andrews reports him
as doing well.
James Armstrong had a span of
horses stolen ontlhristmas Eve. The
horses were tied near the Christian
church, and it was at first supposed
that they had broken loose, but they
have not been heard of since.
Sec. I. The manufacture and sale
of all intoxicating liquora is forever
prohibited within this State, except for
medicinal, mechanical and scientific
purposes; and the legislature shall en
force this provision by sufficient penalties.
Sec. 2. The manufacture and sale
of intoxicating" liquors for the purpos
es excepted in the preceding section
shall be regulated by law.
The Advertiser is in favor of sub
mitting the liquor question in the
shape of constitutional amendment, so
that it will come directly before the
people for their discussions and votes.
Regarding the above form of the
amendment, it appears to be sufficient
ly concise and well guarded to be made
efficacious. It is certainly sufficiently
sweeping, embracing a3 it does all in.
toxicating liquors, that is, all liquora
that will intoxicate. This embraces
the products of the wine press, cider
press, the still, and the brewery. If
itjdoes-not mean to cover all this'ground,
Time certificates of deposit.
rotai ixpoiits .
Due to olher National Banks
Dbe to State Banks and Bankers
Total .
133.843 3i
Cocxtt or N cvtnA.
I. A.B, Davison. Cash!r of the above named
bank, do solemnly sweir that the above ctatement
Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
A. It. Daviwv. Cahler.
Subtcrlbed and ivrora to before me thl 8th day ol
January. 1:81. J. C HcNaco-it-.
... Notary Public
Correct Attest:
J a. HAND LEY. Directors.
BnopryviLLE. January 12, 131.
Follolnjr are the quotations yesierda;
noon, the time of going to press.
Hog Z 7504 tt
Steers, fair to choice . 3 W&t U
A Lecture on tli Nature. Treatment,
and radical cure of Seminal Weakness, er per
matorrb'4. Indeed or s,elf nl a, InvolnMary
KmlsMonn. Impot. rcr. Nervou DeMJity. and
Impediment to Mirnajw eneral!y: Cosssnc
tton. Ki!lfjiy "dnts. .Venta; add Physlen! la-cpclty.te..-By
Robert J. nlvcrwcll, JI.
U , autnerof tne "Oreen Hook." etc
Tbeworld-r-nowaml author. In in a&ntrable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own exprtoMa.
thnt th aw.'nlcon-ei"oof rci:-V.oa- toaykv
eCectuOIj- ruraovtd without dabsrrrtt nctenf
operations. btKls. instrument., m, er car
dials: DO'n'' ro'it a mfl of rarest oaectrtiB.
and effectual, by which every soCerer. no mattr
what his condition may be. may euro himself wi
vately. coe-pii .ud radically.
S& This lecture will prove a boon to thoassafj
and bousand.
Sent under seat. la a plain envelope, to any ad
drfs. poit-paki. on receipt of six cents, or tr
postage 9!nnip-.
Address the Publishers,
41 Ann St.i New Tort, S. T. P.O. Box.43SC
X larfe. Bw mi compltl Ok i. to IV4
lock. CMtiaf, wita mtaj otfesri. lit tot.
lw,ifthipfn ACen;x:,Et Wfttnakot,
ScIrctMa of Wife TeaiDcruiffntA- rnntn.r.k
Ai lhai&tu'..e. Strr..trr ib Wcs, casir lad ttcaJi&.B
AJtict to BnittTvan. Air Ko to Htia4i, JLd,ic, toWiitv
rrotitWioB. it oms CtUbttj ud Mitnsoa. cousaxj.
CjaI do... CmIhsM, Lm u4 CMlwlMinui i. JOf
two. etnttmt ir!maiam, &(! Lib Mml, U tt Xunn u4
-- ' . .-- T'"- -"-. fc. iciaa.a wiim ;
Cows, fat-..
. 2 O03 &
spring: .- .
Wboat, No. Z.
Corn la tbsear-
57 r
w.iuitaunu.iMani. lk4iIrmuulii.iU.iu
rmilit. ! Jl 1 . " fa rim XagmiTp, ouil. t-J.SO.cE..
- UJ y muuiiuBj, uieei, o.netur. vinoo
.- " Speraatorrhcaa, Sxnal PebHltr.
"4 Impoteney. from SHf-Abeu U4 Cictnr,. c..r
r!!raI.S0I?",I!JM - tunj. nMu kt.iib
m t Sxkl. E.f-td r. KoMj. u tt Iml IW. V-c. auWu.
'- "!?" tPr.ri"C rrMB.jnte&Un..
pi In tlM con tt H pn,M .Lmum: St hm. mi iu fUt. SO muu
Ifallal AiTiM LUizn a liiKd 7T:i:isd. 15-
FOR ONE DOLLAR r " ' """ li -
tmimBmmmmmmaammmmm o.iccdeKTbc ic.u,b
It oouod is cm cotusac, couuisiac SX pure, aad aver KX
Ulti.tri.joTi. The comfcinti vottuae it poiititelr tt m
pepalir Mrdlttv Book poWiii.i. Th. .other a, irt
aerf pbjueuo of maer jeara prxriep (u ti well txwit.
"""" Sin. U4 nla it Snuuii Ut 4n. wOl U f- H
- "rVSK."ia' IIWW c 4rr ta. M -nUTAIX
tntocjc aiKun acj etrDslicvn nan. aad oiiaM raioltue
rrom Impsr mail anncntioat. tttlitr er itlaal nccnaa.
Fatfcata treilel bt auil aad ciprrn. Where petuMe. eer
eol conraititknieprtfcrrrJ.i.bitbufrceinJ nrilrd. Qee
lioaa to U isawrred ij patKBO oenrrar. treatauat mailee fte.
to aar attma on irrlieinoa. ar baeki er treatneai ilSrr-t
DR. lUrrrS, IS Sorta 8th St 8t LotaU, 3f ov
and either is to be excepted, let the ex-j