Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 06, 1881, Image 4

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Mr. A. "W. StTLTZRi-Uoii is.our au
thorized agent to receive money from
subscribers to The Advektiseh, and
give receipt for the- suae, when re
quired, lie will commence on or
about January 1st, to call on delin
quent subscribers, and will sec all of
them as rapidly as he cm. He will
also solicit forgnew subscribers. "We
hope- each one will bo ready to pay the
small sum due us. Although small,
they are numerous, and in the aggre
gate amount to several hundreds of
dollars. "We know that all arac able to
pay, but through negligence, or forget
f illness, or failing to see.'us or our
tigent, have failed to do so. Now
please hand the pay to Mr. Sultz
baugh, who will see that 3011 are duly
crediSed; and we promise you;7that in
the future, as'in the past, we will
work incessantly to send 3011 weekly
one of the best county papers in the
Yours, "to live and let Uxv."
(i. "W. Faikbkotjieh & Co.
A light snow fell here Sunday.
Collins and" Hoarse- by Stevenson
& Cross.
cill on
Xew supply of nice cakes at Fur
Miw & Palmer's.
Foil Sam: Cheap. House
two lot. Enquire at this oillce.
For the best and cheapest cook
stove go to Stevenson & Cross'.
Want En. A good young driving
team-. J. II. Hattles, Marsh House.
Fresh Bread, pies and' cakes al
ways on hand at Ftirman & Palmer's.
Sewing machines, improved light
running, warantod'.iyearsforsale low
by Stevenson & Cross.
"Willing Bros, have added a
plete stock of Furniture to their
ness at Xemalia City.
George D. Carrington's weather
report received a little too late Tor this
issue will publish next week.
Anyone wishing to buy an outfit
for housekeeping can save- money by
buying of Stevenson fc Cross, as they
keep everything in that line.
JTho Grand Island Times issued a
largo and well gotten up Christinas
Bii;plwnent, in which the business of
the city was generally noticed.
Married, oiithj0.20th of December,
at the residence of Ezra Rogers, in
Aspinwall precinct, by Elder D. 33.
Coryell, Mr. ITemy Xeff, of Rratton,
and Miss IMlen Rogers:
On fie margin, ot your AnvEitn.En,
or on the wrapper, indicates that the
time paid for has, expired, and that a
settlement and reuewal is solicited by
us. tf
China tea setts, K pieces,. 12 dol
lars. Stevenson & Cross.
"Bread is the stair of fife," and
Ilomewood & Shifter's Hour is what
ladies generally use now when they
want a good article of tlte "staff." Can
had be at the stores and groceries at
Brownville and Xemaha City. 7tf
The Good Samaritan has been
selling groceries, drugs, etc., just six
months. His trade has been satisfac
tory. He returns thanks to his cus
tomers for their patronage, and is al
ways glad to have them?ball and have
their wants supplied with anything in
his line. Goods always warranted to
bo just as represented.
At a regular meeting of Excel
sior Lodge, Xo. l5tK.of P., this city,
on the'eremng of Dec. 20th, the fol
lowing officers were elected for the en
suing 3ear:
"Win. M. Kauffman, C. C.
D. T. Adams. V. C.
W. T. Den, M E.
1). T. Smith, Prelate.
G. "W. Fairbrother. Jr., K. If. S.
G. H. Lannon, M. A.
T. F. Gill, I. G.
Henry Royse, 0. G.
One of the members-elect of the
next legislature stood upon the step of
the Commercial, last week, talking
with a Lincoln busiuess. man who is a
devoted Christian. They had been
speaking oi the late Gov. "Williams
("Blue-Jeans") and his eccentricities
of dress, and the Lincoln man had just
made use of the old proverb, "Don't
judge a man by the clothes he wears;
God made one, and the tailor the oth
er." Liiuioln Globe.
Yes, we have heard of that, and
that just then the Globe chief came in
Bight, when the wicked legislator, call
ing attention to him, remarked; "But
there is a case where Jboth jobs wero
fearfully spoiled."
We have, upon going to press,
heard but little regarding the organi
zation of the two houses of the Nebras
ka legislature, but understand that
Xemaha County's candidate, Hon.
Church Howe, was defeated for the
Speakership, aud that the- Hon. Shedd,
of Ashland, Saunders county, was
chosen to that position. The Adver
tiser is satisfied with the fight it made
for Mr. Howe, because in his support
it not only advocated the claims of one
eminently qualified for the position
but also reflected the will of a very
largo majority of the people, of this
county. And: now, if those alleged re
presentatives of Nemaha, who through
malice and jealousy, have refused to
represent tho wishes of their constitu
ents in this their first act, and contri
buted to. Howe's, detfeafc, are satisfied
with the situation present and pros
pective The Advertiser certainly
For first class groceries
T. L. Jones.
- Best brands of flour kept by Ste
Tenson & Cross.
Extra copies of the ApnnrnsEit
at A. "W. Xickell's.
Great sale of furniture by the Reg
ulator. T. Richards.
The best brands of flour always
on hand at T. L. Jones'.
Hardware, largest stock and low
est prices by T. Richards.
"Want butter and eggs. Highest
price paid by Stevenson & Cross.
A full and complete- stock of fur
niture kept by Stevenson & Cross.
Coffins and furniture, a large stock
of all styles by Stevenson & Cross
Best Bread in the city at Fnrman
& Palmer's and don't you forget ft.
Triekey Bros., jewelers, of Lin
coln, sold $4,000 worth of goodg on
Christmas day.
Dr. CbHmsv Dentist, Brownville,
Oflice hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Xot at
home on Fridaj's.
An old man named II. Slefn, of
Lincoln, was killed! a few days ago by
falling down stairs.
Don't suffer with an aching tooth
when 3011 can have it extracted with
out pain by Dr. Collins.
Axes, axes, plain, beveled and
double-bitt, the best stock and cheapest
by Stevenson & Cross.
Best Bread in Brownvllle at the
new Bakery of Furman & Palmer al
ways fresh and clean. Give them a
Call now and pay for your paper
and start in'on the new year even with
the printer, who has served you so
faithfully each week, at a cash outlay,
in the year that is gone.
Iowa brewers have taxed them
selves one dollar on each hundred bar
rels of beer manufactured by them, to
form a fund to defeat the" proposed
prohibition measure, which includes
beer and wine. They propose to elect
as-many anti-prohibition members as
possible and buv up the balance need
ed. Lincoln Globe.
And wouldn't "Webster Eaton Ifke-to
be an Iowa legislator?
The Union House, tins city, Is
the most popular dollar-a-day house
in the west, and is receiving-patronage
as it deserves and merits. It Is the
best place for farmers to stop- to get a
good dinner, and every day its tables
are crowded. In thedesk of the Union
may always 1m found the best brands
of cigars. Those who have not put up
at this popular hotel are- invited to
stop and give it a trial.
How the inmates of the peniten
tiary were treated on Christmas! is
thus indicated bj the Stat- Journal:
"The zebra-clad denizens of the stone
house-over tie hill, through the cour
tesy of "Warden Xobes, Boss Stout and
the laws of our State, will obsoivo to
day as a holiday. They will feast on
turke3 and cranberr sauce, smoke a
cigar or two, and listen to a sermou
from the lips of Hon. D. G. Hull."
At a meeting of the Xomaha
County Sportsmen's Club. Tuesday
evening, the following officers yvere
"W. "W. Hackney, President.
"W. T. Don, Vice President.
"W. M. J&iulTlnan, Secretary.
A. R. Davison, Treasurer.
Board of Managers.: "W. "W. Brown
ing, Geo. Ilalchett, D. D. Adams.
The snow storm which prevailed
in this locality Monday and Tuesday
of last yveek was but a touch of a
great storm yvhich appears to have
been general throughout the States, es
pecially in the southeast. At "Water-
town, X. Y., i.j inches of snoyv fell on
the 2Sth. At Danville, Va., the snow
fell so deep as to block up the- roads
and hinder travel. At Galesburg, 111..
29th, the thermometer was 24 degrees
below 7.ero; at Chicago, 22 below. At
'Richmond, Va., the snow yvas very
heavy, and trains yvere- delayed. At
Yicksburg, l1 inches of snow fell.
At Shreveport the yveather yvas 9 de
grees beloyv zero. At .Montgomery,
Ala., snow 5Tinches deep, and yveather
very cold. Heavy snoyv at Xorfolk,
Va. At Columbus, Ga., 4 inches of
snoyv, and yveather 20 degrees below.
Groensboro, X. C, 15 inches of snoyv.
Washington City, 14 ynches. of biiow.
Colmnbus.'S. C, snow 0 inches deep,
and 8 degrees beloyv zero; at Dallas,
14 inches of snoyv, and 10 inches at
Yorkville, Si C. At Macon, Ga., heavy
snow and yveather 14 below. At St.
Louis, yveather 15 degrees beloyv; at
Xeyv Orleans it snoyved lightly, and
the weather freezing. At Deadwood,
30 degrees below.
Nemaha County Teachers' Association.
Hon. J. II. Broady went to Iain-1
coin, Monda).
"Will Bailey returned from Chi
cago Thursday.
Aaron Conner returned
Kansas City, Monday evening.
Howard Degman has started
blacksmith shop in the "West End.
Jo. Huddart, now of Glen -Rock,
paid The Advertiser a call, Tues
day. E. M. Lfppftt attended the musi
cal convention at Sidney, Iowa, last
Messrs. Bath & Body have sold
their meat market to Milt and Lon
- Ben. C. Arnold went to Lincoln.
Tuesday, to resume his studies at the
Prof. "Wilson went to Sidne3, Io
wa, hist "Wednesday, to attend a musi
cal convention.
Mr. E. L. T.-tggart wiTI have charge
of Mr. Schick's law oflice during the
session of the legislature.
- "Will Medford came dowit from
Hamburg, Sunday morning, and re
turned home Sunday evening.
Mrs. Belle Calbreatb. of Republi
can City, younger sister of Mrs. S. A.
Osbom, is visiting in Brownville.
Prof.S. "W. Martin, of Chicago,
111., was in the cityJSaturday .and Sun
day, the gut-it of Prof. E. M. Lippitt.
JOur young friend, Chas. Chatlleld,
with Patterson, Xoyes& Co., St. Joe,
orders The Advertiser sent to his
Miss Celia Furnas, of this, city,
has been spsvallngS her vacation at
Osceola, Omaha and Lincoln, and will
return Saturday.
That sterling farmer, C. Schuck,
of Xemaha City precinct, called Mon
day to give us a little financial encour
agement. Thanks.
Hon. Church Howe is stopping at
the Commercial house, and lions. Dai
ly, Schick and Reyman at the- Arling
ton house, Lincoln.
The genial and handsome Clif.
Cole may now be found behind the
counter in tho grocery department of
McGee & Moore's store.
J. W. Brush, of this county, says
the Lincoln Journal, wants to succeed"
Mr. Oner as Pension Agent for the dis
trict of Iowa and Xebraska.
Miss Lizzie Sanders, daughter of
the late Judge D. C. Sanders-, of this
county, was married, Dec. 25th, to Mr.
E. II. Parker, at Red Oak, Iovra.
"Weunderstand that our old friend,
Jno. A. Ponn, has purchased the stock
of goods of S. M. Summers ami yvill remove-it
tothe Lowman store building.
Mr. Geo. W. Ball yvas all smiles
the o-Mier day over the arrival of a girl
baby at his house. A very nice Christ
mas gift indeed. lied Cloud Argus.
Mrs. Ball is a sister, of Mrs. T. C.
Hafiker, this city.
"We yvere -teased to meet Mr. L.
II. Battles, who arrived from Illinois
Monday, and, with his father, will lo
cate in mis vicinity, if they cm pur
chase a farm to suit them. For the
present they will reside in BrownvHle
in the Atkinson house.
Rev. & Mrs. "Weeber Invited the
following to make the acquaintance of
Ex-Governor Furnas at dinner Fri
day: 3r. and Mrs. "Waller, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott. Miss Marsh, Hon. "W. F.
and Mrs. Kfmmel, II. C. and Mrs. Bit
tenbender. A delightful social time
yvas enjoyed. -Oneroid Record.
Our esteemed Democratic friend,
A. J. Richardson, of Peru precinct,
called, Tuesday, to renew his subscri
tions to The Advertiser. Mr. R.
has been a reader of this paper for
over tyventy years, and wo hope he
will be on for at least twenty more
Miss Hattie L. Slaughter, daugh
ter of Mrs. and tho late Rev. W. B.
Slaughter, yvas married on the 30th
ult., at Osceola, to Mr. Samuel Haw
ver, of Omaha. lThe ceremony yvas
performed by Rev. Adams, of the M.
E. church, assisted by President Fla
hert3 of the X. "W. U.. and Rev. "W.
J. AVeeber, f the- Presbyterian church.
The Xemaha County Teachers' As
sociation yvill meet in the high school in Broyvnville, Friday evening
and Saturday, Jan. 7th and Sth.
The teachers of the county are urged
to come to this meeting. "We must
counsel together concerning yvhat we
shall do to make our yvork more efii
cicnt. If you are not doing- excellent
work come and tell us your',
and you may get suggestions that ma3
aid you, or at least encouragement; if
you are getting along perfectly well,
come and tell us how you do It.
The public schools are charged with
inefficiency. Is the charge just? If
so, whose fault is it? What have yve
to say in defwis&of the schools?
On Friday evening, at half past
seven the association is to be called to
order for the discussion of the topic,
"The efficiency of the public schools."
Prof. J. M. McKenzie yvill open the
discussion in an address, and yvill be
followed by others. All yvho are in
terested in popular education are in
vited to be present and to participate
in this discussion.
The association yvill "phssemble again
on Saturday morning, at nine o'clock.
The first exercise of the session yvill
lie a paper on j "ArithaieUc Ie. the Pub
lic Schools," by Miss Emerson, of the
Xormal School, followed by discussion.
The next exercise will be a paper on
"Some Principles of Instruction," by
Miss Emma Morgan. The subject of
"Primary Instruction in District
Schools" yvill be under discussion. Al
so, tho question of "Local Educational
Xoyvs," and it is hoped that each
teacher willihave one practical ques
tion for the query box.
"W. E. Wilson-. ,
Celia Fruxs - Ex. Com.
John "Winters, )
"Wagon timber and iron by Steven
son & Cross.
In Memory of Ada.
Let us prove our sincerity in
wishing a "Happy Xew Year," by
adding our mite to the sum of human
"Weather extremely cold.
Dr. McGrew has been confined to
his bed for a yveek, from tho effects of
a sudden and sovere attack of some
stomach trouble. His case for a fuyv
hours was exceedingly dangerous. He
is noyv convalescing.
Married, Dec. 20th, John Gilles
pie, of Xemaha City, and Rhoda"West,
of London.
Born, Dec. 24th, a sou.unto Thom
as and Millie Miles.
Born, Dec. 2Sth, a daughter, unto
Wm. and Lou. "Winters.
Died, Dec. 23d, Ada Caldwell,
aged 9 years.
Our young frioud, "Lucy, tho far
mer," is married, and if she is as hap
py as yve wish, she- may be, sho yvill
oscape all tho ills and securo all the
good yvhich yvilljbe for her present wel
fare and futuro well-being. Miss Po
lock yvas a splendid girl, andwe knoyv
she will make a noble woman. "We
invoke a benediction on Mr. and Mrs
Ellis Tucker has gone to Lin
coln. There is some grain yet to bo
threshed in this section.
Mr. Hoyve lias taken his team and
buggy yvith him to Lincoln.
Rev. "Wessels, of Xemaha City,
preaches every Sunday, at 11 a. m., at
We know quite a number of
drinking men of athis section yvho have
of late become disgusted with the sa
loons and Jmnkenucss: of Xemaha
Cit. When the drinking men become
disgint. d, and say they feel like going
down and "pulling the miserable dens
over intothe river," it is time the bot-
The bright 3oung life yve all knew
and loved so yvoll, in our relations- of
schoolmate- am? friends, is taken from
our midst, and yvhile yvo regret tho sad
occurrence of the fearly death of our
little schoolmate and loving friend, we
bow in submission: to tho yvill of an
All Wise Providence.
ti."1 tc. 1 1
ut-c-ueieiivt-u parents navo- lost a
loving and obedient daughter, the
germ of a true and noble woman: her
uiumcr anu sistors nave lost a joyotas.
playmate and companion,, the pride- of
their loving hearts, and the inspiration
of many noble ideas and generous
thoughts, and yve, her schoolmates, re
alize the greafc loss yve sustain, and
earnestly offer our sympathy to her
mourning relatives in their sore- dis
"We shall "miss her in the hour of
recreati ,11, for none had more vital en
ergy than she. In .the hour of study
we shall miss her example of faithful
attention to her duties, and good de
portment, which wero trait yvell wor
thy of emulation. And more than all
else, we shall be deprived forever of
her kindly sympathy in the hour of
distress, and her helping hand in the
hour of need.
Her teacher will, miss his brightest
Her beaming eye, inspiring presence,
decisive energy at her task, and quick
intelligence, far beyond her years,
shall be themes upon ;, yvhich memory
will love to dwell, as yve-pass down the
stream of life, are merged into the
great ocean of eternit3. upon yvhich
the pure and stainless spirit of our do- .
torn wjisfalling out of the terrible
It is a question ;in the- minds of
some ot our farmers yvhy it is that, al
though the railroad is already graded
from Xemaha City to Pipersville, the
surveyors are still engaged in running
surveys southwest from Xemaha Citv,
'in the direction of Humboldt. There
is one survey east of the Roselield
school house, and one passing near the
farm of J. S. Church, and the survey
ors are still in Bedford precinct. assortment or
blanket and lap robos-at
J. fl. Bauer's.
Berkshire hogs, highhrcd for sale
by Stevenson & Cross
On last Sunda3, about 3 o'clock p.
m., Mr. Ym. Tidrovr, of Aspinwall,
eight miles below Brownville, in this
county, committed suicide. The par
ticulars immediately connected, yvith
his death yvere, that he proenred "
strong piece of rope three or four feet
long, went into his lion house, fastened
one end of tho rope to a joist, the-other
around his neck and jumping or falling,
his neck yvas broken. Soon after ho had
been missed from the' f iin'Iv, search
yvas made for himand yvhen found the
body was' warm, but life had flown.
Tho deceased had been'a resident of As
pinwall and that vicinity for about ten
years, and yvas a highly, esteemed
citizen. "What caused Tidrow to tako
his own life soems to be a mystery at
present, or at least, without aconsis
tcnt theory. For some- tfm he has
Halls Journal of Health and MiBcellany.
It is the oldest and most popular
health periodical in tho yvorld ; and is
more largely quoted from by newspa
pers than any othersimilar publication.
Commencing yvith the number for
December. 1SS0, the Journal of Health
yvill be enlarged by sixteen pages, to
make room for the miscellaneous de
partment, which yvill consist of care
fully selected reading matter. Some
of the best articles, from the pen of the
late Dr. Hall, founder of the Journal
of Health yvill also appear each month,
"Forewarned is forearmed." "Wo aim
to teach the best means of avoiding
diseases and accidents, and the best
methods of treatment yvhen they come.
Above all yve shall strivo to convince.
Particularly theyoung. ;that a course
of right living is constantly being re
yvarded ith health, strength and hap
piness; beside giving assurance to a
joyous old.age; instead of the unavail
ing regrets for mistakes and vices
made perhaps through ignorance but
yvhichj nevertheless add theirburdento
the weight of years.
Subscription price S2.0Oa year; 81.00
for 0 months. A sample copy sent by
mail on receipt of 20 cents.
Money for subscriptions should be
sent by P.O. Money Order. Registered
Letter, or draft on Xew York, payable
toE.II.Gibbs&Co. Postage st-vusp ro
pivedionly for fractions of one dollar.
Be careful to address'all letters to
E. II. GIBBS & Co.,
Proprietors of Hull's Jourtvrf of Health,
Xo. 141 Eighth St., Xew York City.
If yon nre troublcil with fever anl ague,
dumb ngue, hllllous fever.Juun.ltco, lyspep
8la;ir any disease of the liver, blood or ftm
nch nnd wlh to got well, try the now remedy
Prof.UuIlmette's French Llvor IM Auk
your tlrnsKlstt for I. and take no other, and
If ho has not got Uncnd In a letter to
French Pud Co., Toleoo.O., :uu'i receive one
by setaria mnlL
W. T.Y. HACKXEY has', removed
from his old store into the State. Bank
building opposite Brick Block. I le ex
tends a hearty invitation to all of his
old customers, and a veiy great many
new ones, to call and see him at his
new place of business. He pledges
himself to treat them yvith all thecour
tesy he Is capable of bestoyving.
Dissolution Botice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between Drs. Foster & Andreyvs, of
Xemaha City, is dissolved by mntnal
consent, on and after January Ist.TSSl.
All accounts due the firm must be im
mediately settled. Persons thus in
debted yvill take notice and call at
thoir office in Xemaha City.
L. M. Fostkk,
B. Bell Andrews.
Dissolution of Paitnersoijx
The partnership hitherto existing
betyveen the undorsigned is this date
dissolved by mutual consent, (J. "W.
tairbrotherSr.. G. W. Fairbrother Jr..
and B. F. Sanders, having; purchased
tho entire interest of T. C. Hacker in
the office of The Xkukaska Advkk-tisi-k.
All debts oyving by Fairbroth
er & Hacker will be paid by the new
firm, and all debts owing on subscrip
tions or otherwise to Fairbrother &
Hacker yvill be paid to Hie- new firm.
G. "W. FAiKimoTHKK.Sr.
T. C. Hacker.
Xoleii's Card.
? - Ki
been engaged In the mercantile bus-
parted schoolmate is happy yvith its ine3's,rirt notwitbstanding he seemed
By Her Scitoolmates.
Fairreto;jrib., January M, iSSl.
Furniture repaired by Stevenson
& Cross.
A Happy N
aw Year
For Sale.
One good farm, of 120 acres, 50 acres
under cultivation good orchard of
bearing trees, good well, spring and
cistern, wte and a quarter miles north
yvest of Broyvnville. Also, 1 span of
mules and horses, hogs and cattle.
Terms eas3. Call on or address
R. S. Hanxakoud,
On Tlmr-day, December 30th, 1SS0,
a small company of friends gathered
at the home of ex-Marshal Dail, in
Xemaha county, tho occasion being
the marriage of Miss Anna M. Daiby,
daughter of the Marshal, to Dr. D. B.
Farnsworth, of Fairmont. The mar
riage ceremony yvxs performed by tho
Rev. Isaiah Reed, assisted by Rev.
Georce Reed. The comnanv consisted
of relatives and 'a few intimate friends tei gOO(Is at COSt US We
uni'. tvnen ino nour appointed lor
in Brownville, between the American
House and the slaughterhouse, Janu
ary 4th, 18S1, one buckskin purse, con
taining two S20 bills an 1 ono 25 cent
piece in silver and one one cent piece,
and one valise key. The finder will
raceive S5.00 reward by leaving the
same at this oflke.
J. C. "Waite.
The annual meeting of tho State
Historical Society yvill be held in the
University Chapel, in Lincoln, on
Tuesda3, June 11th, ISSl, at 3 p. m.
The annual election of officers will
be held at that time.
In the evening. Dr. A. L. Childs, of
Plattsmouth, yvill deliver an historical
Rout. "W. FuiiX.vs, Pres'r
Sam!.. Al'ghev, Sec'3.
Highest market price paid br D. E. '
1 Douglas & Co.
the ceremony arrived, the vows yvero
spoken, and .thus was a neyv family
constituted. A large number of ele
gant presents attested the high esteem
in yvhich Dr. Farnsworth and his
bride are- held. Everytliinc yvas done
yvith that simplicity yvhich is the sure
index of good taste, f After a beauti
fully served dinner, Dr. and Mrs.
Farnsyvorth took their departure for
Fairmont, their future home, yvhither
the best yvishes of their friends yvill
follow them.
"O fortunate, O happy day,
When a now household finds Us place
Among the myriad homes of earth.
Like n now star Just sprung to birth.
And rolled on It harmonious way
Into the boundless realms of space."
Peru, Nebraska, January 1st, 38ST. tt
A purchaser for a general stock of
goods that yvill invoice from three to
five thousand dollars, located :n south
eastern Xebraska, on the Atchison &
Xebraska railroad, in a live, growing
towit. A large, al
ready established. For information,
address this office.
to bo reasonably prosperous, last week
he made an assignment of his effects
to his creditors; and this is advanced
as tho cause. But yve learnthat his
creditors'did not force him to make the
assignment and that It was at his own
will and option. So financial cmbarass
ment could not have been the cause.
Some threo or four yreeks ago Tidrow
took a dose of Morphine that, but for
the prompt and timely efforts of friends
and physicians, yvould have killed him.
It ysus generally thought at the time
that it yvas simply an over dose in al
laying tho pains of neuralgia: but a
few of his friends then bolfeved he at
tempted self destruction, and yve learn
that he subsequently told his yvife that
such yvas his intention. Another the
ory is that he had becomo a constant
drinker of intoxicating liquors; and
that yvhile he never frequented saloons,
he imbibed deeply yvhisky and some
sort of poisonous bitters yvluch he kept
on hand in his own house. "We hav-
H6W Spri.Il0' n Jl-W!-vs regarded Tidrow as a tein-
cfrvnlr roll 1 1 - 1 porance man, yvere incredulous, until
blOLK. Kj&ll and take told that such yvas tho fact bv his
To our many friends and patrons.
Thanking you for your liberal patron
age in the past, and promising tj make
it to your advantage to continue it in
the future, yve remain
Respectfully Yours.
Closing out of win-
wish to make room
for lour
advantage of the low
prices offered By
McGee & Moore.
List of Letters
Remaining in the postoffice at Broyvn
ville, Xebraska, for yveek ending Jan.
1, 1881:
Burget, Mrs. Jane Reed, Mrs. .7. II.
Davis, Mrs. Amanda Summers. James
Broyvn, John
Persons calling for any of the above
yvill please say advertised.
T. C. IIackkr, P. M.
Is hereby given that all cattle run
ning at large within the city limits, on
and after January Sth, 1S81, yvill be
taken up, according to law.
J. C. O'Dell,
City Marshal.
Bain wagons, the best and for
sale bj-Stevenson & Cross.
Newton and Scnuttler
wagons, Spring and Plat
form wasrona ntrl-- a-nit
chain pumps, for sale by
David Campbell.'
Atq Item of Appropriation.
In telling of Warner's Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure, tho Republican, Hudnon, X. Y.
says In its yVashlngton Items: -'It seems to
be generally understood that an especial ap
propriation will be made for !tbo purchaso
for the use of the members of Senate and
Houae, of yvarner's Safe.niU and Warner's
Safe BItters.'J ajnrt
' Sandwich Sheller. 4 holo mounted
power, aoa dollars, by Stevenson &
friends intimately acquainted yvith his
habits, and tliat for the last j-two or
three years he yv:is scarcely ever free
from the influence of intoxicants. "We
regard tho suicide of Tidrow as rather
a peculiar case, and finding no sochd or
business reason even approximating to
tho ordinary or common, that so fre
quently serve as a pretext for self des
tiuction in these times, yvo can only at
tribute it to v. morbid condition of the
mind and system, probably superinduc
ed by strong drink, and a methodical
monomania yvhich led him to premedi
tated suicide; lie having gotten his
business in as good shapo as he could
to securo those yvho had trusted him,
before taking the last and fatal step.
Tho deceased left a yvife and six
children, at home, and ono daughter
married. Tidrow was a son-in-Iayv of
Rev. AV. H. Shockey.
The farmers of G.ygo county met in
Beatrice on the 23d ult. ajul- organized
the "Gage County Farmers Alliance."
David Reed was elected President and
IT. L. Ozman See'y. for the ensuing
3ear. The following resolutions yvere
passed :
Jiesolced--First, That all property in
the State both real and personal, "pro
tected by law, and not devoted to' public-uses,
should pay its just and fair
proportion of tho taxes needed to
maintain the government.
Second, That this alliance holds that
tne rauro his are justly entitled to In
fairly remunerated for the amount of
private funds invested in tlwjir con
struction, by charges upon freight and
passengers transported. That such
eliarges should,, as- far as- possible, be
so adj'usted as to operate equally upon
the producing interests of tho country
without iliscrimination or partialit3.
Third. That the known policj- of the
railroad managers to regulate rates bv
I '-what; the articles shipped will bear,"
rather than tho service rendered, is
subversive of public rights and calcu
lated to concentrate the3 productive
wealth of the country in the- hands of
these co-rpocatf&ns; and that ft is the
right and duty of the legislature of this
State to enact layvs that shall protect
the public against tho unjust manage
ment practiced by railroads.
Fourth, That this alliance- recom
mends that the farmers of the State
give-special attention to the primary
caucuses of their rpspective parties,
and labor to secure- for legislative of
fices the nomination of men known to
he identified with the agricultural in
terests of the btate, and earnestly urge
upon the farmers of the State to. refuse
to vote for any legislative- candidate
yvho yvill not answer each of the follow
ing questions affirmatively:
1st "Will you, if elected, favor the
enactment of laws compelling railroads
to base their charges upon the 'cost and
risk ofjservice,' instead of the practice
of railroad managers of dKirging'what
the traffic yvill bear," of yvhich question
transporters are noyv sole judges?"
2d "Will you, if elected, favor the
enactment of laws prohibiting favorit
ism and unjustdiscriminations, through
secret rates or otherwise?"
4th "Will you, if elected, labor and
vote for the enactment of a layv plac
ing the personal property in the State
upon the same basts of "taxation yvith
real property?"
3rd "Will you, if elected, favor the
enactment of a layv establishing a board
ot railroad commissioners, to see that
the laws relating to common carriers
are executed, and to stand between the
railroads and those yvhose interests
compel them to use them ?"
")th That contributions by railroads
to defnij election expenses of candi
dates or to party campaign funds and
tho granting of free passes are demor-
auzing-aim dangerous in the public in
terest, and should be prohibited by layv.
Ctfi That the executive- board of
this Alliance bo requested to take such
measure :is ro thorn sTinTl jofm mnuf
efficient to form during the- cominir 3'
yvinter auxiliary alliances in every pre
cinct of the county.
7th That the Gago Co. Alliance urge
upon every farmer to support those pa
pers that do and yvill support our interests.
Sour Kraut,
Pigs feet,
rl Allin TTmMirf
a "."" V
luiuu-woou anu
Troyvbridgo flour
Wash tubs,
Soap of all
Spices of
all kinds.
V. a
". e
s a
Oat Meal,
Corn Meal.
and a full line of notions and dry
goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps,
and queens -care; ;uul china tea sets.
Etc., Etc..
China tea
pieces, for Sl.'l.
sots, c msisting of ."(
Call :m 1 see.
Decorated Led room. sets, con
sisting of thirteen pieces, cheap for
Sl.5. Tall at Dolen's and be convinced
that he sells cheaper than auyouu else.
Highest market price paid l.y
One or more sets of books to post up
and keep in order double entry style.
Books opened, closed and corrected. A
few more private students at reason
able rates.
2t-tf A. W. Sri.Tzit.Yroii.
Buy the Xeyv American yvith self
threading shuttle and self-setting need
le lightest running machine; it is the
boss; no humbug. For sale by
T. Rich.yhds.
B. Bell Andrews, M. D.
IVemaha CItj-, HTcb.
Calls in the Country Promptly Attend
ed, day or night.
OPECrAT. ATTENTION given to 8nrsical
of thieve. WCnn ttD1 SQrstca- diseases
S- Patients from abrond cin bo furnished
wttli plnsant rooms nml accommodations.
looo mm
Ovrra 3niijor'
rrof. Guiimue'-
. roiacu
IIhvp Alrpo.lT
this CtHltJ-
tT ami .France
every mi or
"'' I'rfrctat-
unictkHi. and
has jxr-
iornieil ccrrs er-
ry time.
usod fvccoMInff
3 to rtlreciteris.
yy e now but to
the n!!l!cted m
dmibMrijf onw
thntwe will pj
the nbuvf reward
fir a nloxle essw.
.-?-,? 5
Thntthe Pail faIN to cur. TliN IleruMf
will POdiriVKLY iino rKltJI.M--rrXY ctire
Lumbni;o, Iiame llack. Sciiit It-n, Grv
rl, Diabetes, l)rotty,t Urlght's Disease
of the ICIrtiiey, Incontinence nnd Kc-
If nt ton of t lie Urine, Inlloiiintloiior tlip
Kidney, Cntm-rh of the ltlailder. High.
Colored Urine, Pnln In the Hack. Side
or I.olnii, Xtrvonn AVenkiirss. nrui jtt
fact alluii-jrdersof the BlaiMcr and I'rlnarr Or
iran whet 3er contract! A by prW ate nfonue or oth-erwlt-e.
1 .A MI'S, If you are mi ft-in? fronr Female
Weak n -."?. Ivticorrhfi'a, or any il:tM,.o or the
Kltlney. Itl.MMcr.or Urinary Orjcain
Without swallowlns'nnuscous med.clnefl, by sim
ply wearing
Asfc your rtniMist for l'KOF. OUlLMiriTE-5.
FUKNCIIKIONKY PAD n nil take no other I
he ha notKOtlt. hmii! f!.(m! j-uu will receive Wte
rati oy jruurii num.
JU ItfJK iiuuir A SA.V. !..
"One of I'rot (inllniWlf r . rp h Kirliiv pi,?..
cured nieoflJ nihaco In thrr.- .,?)'.-, time. Jly
cmehndb-rn jdven up by U lifit Doctor a Ib
rurable. Durlnc all this tin I Hunretl untold
axony anil paid out lance huh.. iti inorifr.
K(IUi:K VETTKK. J. P.. Toledo. O.. pars :
"1 suffered for three years with ScUtkn and Kid.
ney DHeac. atnl nftcn had logo nhoHt on crutches.
Lvraa entirety and peramnoutlr cured after wear
ing Prof. liillim-tte' FrenctCKldney Padlftmr
SQUIItK X. C. SCOTT. Srlvanla. O.. writes :
"I hare been n itrest Mifferer for 15 year with
TtrlKlit'ft Diea!eof th Kidneys. For week.i at a
time I was iinahlo to Ret out of bed : took barrel
of medicine. -ut they Kiive me only temporary re
lief. I wore two ofProt.t'ullniette'it Kidney Pad
lr weeks, and I now know I am entirely cured."
MRS IIKi.iJO'JKROMr, Toledo. 0..ays:
"For years I have been routined, a Kreat jart of
the time to my bed. 'th l.ticorrbaa and female
weakness. 1 wor- one ofOullmette's Kidney Pad
and wa cured In one month.'
II. (iltKKN, Wholesale !rocer. Ftndhiy. O..
I v-nlfered for SI rw with lame bark and In
threaweekK wim petumer ntlv cured by wearlup
oneof prof. nutlmcMe' Klilner Piufci."
It. F. KRKSLINO.M. D.. llniKKbt. TBOt5port.
Ind. when ondlnjj In an unler for Kidney Padn.
"I worenneofthe tlrt onei we rtifamt I re
ceived mnrebe-ellt rroiu It than MiivtHlojc I erer
nel. In fact tlie Paili Ivejhetter ce'iieraUatljftic
tton than any Kldnev rnnilr we oId."
RAY islIOKMKKK, DruxKHta. Hannibal,
"We are wurktiurupn lively Vailp Iwy'Hir Paib,
and are beurtugofKood reiu'ti from I lie in n.tsTy
Toledo. 0..ay
Will positively cure Fever uh1 AKHe. Unrub
Anne. ARlie t'nke. Illllous Fever. JuHieltre. Iyn-
f'epsla.nnd alt illkeaexof the I.lver. Sumneh auil
Hood Price ;tj h malt rilid Air Prof, (inll
mette' TreatUe on the Kidney and I.Wt. free by
mall. Addr.M I'ltKXC'II PAD CO.,
For sale bv W. H. McUrery.
The Charter Hot Rl:ist is the best be
cause it consumes the least fuel and
bakes most even and weighs more, than
any other stove in the market. Regu
lator. T. Richards.
JLaugJilsifr Cos I 3ausJi!nj? Can!
Dr. G. H. Collins, our "old reliable'
dentist, extracts teeth without pain by
the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas.)
"Wagon Timber for sale by David
Cash Paid for Whsai.
TIiq hi gliest market price
paid for good wlieatat Glen
Rook Biills. 4-uf
Stoves, furniture, and queeuHwatre
Stevenson & Cross.
There U nnoIvMtzetl nat'on In tbo 'estorrr In wlr.cb the utility of llostet
ter'M StoMiRi-h Hitter im n tonic, correollve,
nnd .nntMilIIloua nu-tlclnt. 1k not known
nnd appreeliitj!. While it In h niedtolne tor
nil eitsnu nnd nil ellnmteH. It In eMj.ieoIn.Ily
HUlteil to the complaints Kenernteil I17 tho
wenther. being the purest unit best vi-Ketabto
wtlmtilnnt In the wiirM.
For Rnlo by DntKulst.Hnnd D-nlers. to whom,
npply for HoMtetter's Almitnnc for 18S1.
As I have heard rumors that there
is some mystery connected with the
death of the late Airs. H. Af. lisiiley. in
her sudden demise, I think it proer,iii
tins piioiic manner, tosiate mat l was
called, in 1113 professional capacity, im
mediately after the deceased had been
discovered, and found, from the gener
al appearance of the deceased the
placid expression of ihe face, and every
symptom connected therewith, that
she, be3ond doubt, died of heart dis
ease. I do not deem a more elaborate
statement ofTthe case necess;rr3. but
will add that, my "professional opinion
has, to some extent, been confirmed,
from the fact that her mother died sud
denly in a liko manner, and that the
deceased was hereditarily predisposed
to cardiac disease.
C. F. Stkwakt, if. D.
Indobted to mo -will please
call and nettle at once as all
claims "will be placed in tiie
hand of an attonffey for
Co to
SIovck, Stoves.
Thos. Richard for tho
A Ire. new cd impl,i r.iiWr to Werf
IKk, couiataincffuh many tthtn. tbc fc
.omc hjptn - A. t nmpetiitt WnmuluwiJ,
S.NttlAD nf Wif ..Lf
M lucoiuruubi. Slrrilitr in Womn, cstur ind Irr.tmrnt,
-'"r i.i'ii, Anile, to iiuiuana,. Advice to Wive.
rrcnlitutinn. 11, twin, Cthbicr uA MitnraeoT cnufarrJ.
CjU DunM.CwillD,mii. In. 4 CniutK lapHflann u Xu.
ruo. Slncf'cW Ut, tntUKri. U .f Marmn J
""? I1 rku ' mrrt1 "". ImI4ic 1xk m)u
w W,ntt. their rtu i9l trntniit. Abcikfpmiu mI rMtrr.'
tt!Br. of S13 ffr. with full PUre SnfT,na,a bj naif. Irft-'W SOcettW.
Oi. 8yphjHa. Gonorrhoea. GJet. 8trictur. Virico
cele, &c alio on Spermatorrhea. Sexual Debility
M Impoteajy. Irnm. btl,tJ,e nt Kireear,. mn.
e" . E?"i!";'- sr . ATtnlM te 3eei.i7. Fl, ,ht 1.,. Ini
fS'(M.P.fwlT,M..i7. t..fn.,i ?.r. n, ; -rlKe
rafrepe, cr tuiiiniT. rl"if trr,rmet,d. rreu nu, nhabM.
Ip f jr tie rare ,f ,11 sn,te dwun; H fi.f.w Si pl.w,. to niu,
'Jitilal Airi:8.' lertsre sa Uisi::d k tf:ish::l, its.
FOR ONE DOLL AR " " i t i -
BBBSBtSBmBtdSBBtSSSBBr v dcnced hookf, bm
It Oonmi m one- luaie. rout.m.or. J06 piftt. ,sj o,er WO
uluitralinnt. Tb coraMnnt lolanr i, poiilxtlr th rott
roputar Mr4iaI Boor, yntta,,!. The anther i in rirn
njl phruran ct. man rt?art practice-, (a, n well kowv
n4 lh, a., tnn, .l nlee fgr ireatsieat lal 4ea, Ht U fa. ut
treat .tin. n Ueee nSM froea impvltwe ef tie eTHera. earl, ,rrr e.
"L --J?I,J:.f '" "' eei axler lae fce4 ef "PBIVAIX
e - CliaONIC iltM,-TMlit etaap. taj.a i. ceTauat foe l.ka
rTaaaattaeaBBTaBBBTaaVradaalevaKwaBTaaaaBWraaararB in 17. rrp
.: ukwci ii cwup.icaieu om, arl l.Mi,ea retals
from Impure arirul aivicunane. elf-aba,r or ariaal eieruee.
ratlrntf treated bj- mail and ripreia. Where soluble. Bar.
onal c-o.llatmo 11 pre 'erred, which it freaimj jaeited. (Jne,.
Iiona tr is tntwtni br rafieEta ilri.nar IreatoirBt maile.1 fre.
' "J VV"! "n aprlKatiiB. Tor ho.ta or Ireirment i-Mrrt,
r, 13 orth 8th SU Ht. Lonla. M.
Sandwich 4 hole mounted sheller,
for sale cheap hy Stevenson & Cross.
For your satltllc-s mail linr
ness so to J. II. Wauer'n.
Pianos anil Orfrans.
First-class for less than ever offered
hefore. Address J. H. Dyk,
lfitf Brownville, Xeb.
AnrntirelrXrwafx! pnailieelf tffecliTer
niBin, ior uw apeeay ana perrsaoeDt.
iBIerbre tmh tbo nSaai7 pinui ef Ufa. Tl,u mole ef treatneat taa
Jl the tert fcieerj eeeere n. aal a, aw a peewiuevt eocrrM. Tbera
la b anaiiim ai true trrepanaoa. IriileilaaeriuaaiuMn
Coupli uo ill ore.
Xickell's tough syrup will cure any
ordinary cough and cold. Sample free.
vneiiun aawi, tiua FrvparKMa. iTaeticat afMr,aMe eaaUee a to
poetueelT txarutea thai It will nn perfeet aatUfactao. It reo
rtl or the Herfaral Prefeeaioa to U the mort ratmal ayraaa ,t. "
" ' teaehiBi iTl eonar thj eery Trenlea! tr.rU.. IS. Vrartj I
.t , M Ml I-.M. 1
fa ,! i...
(e.4 &. a Pinfnyie P.Mth:.e ta A.i
m. tie w-M i,fciri U. 1W, . W f
U ta. Imm U W. mm M if ar
2tA. I ( N 1 .
. a. J. JM.if ewtaMaMav
r-e aj t- aaia,aMilMlailti.
'!, m. Ua
atlnai.a wVflm
LaMlta. B
Bain "Wajrons, whips and cross-cu
saws hy Stevenson & Cross.
Salt Cheap at Hill's.
Is hereby given that I will examine
all persons who may desire to offer
themselves as candidate for teachers
of the primary or common schools of
tills county, at the Court House, in
Brownville on the first Satnrday in
each month. Philip Crother,
21-tf Co-Superintendent
Xickell's Baking Powders, warrant
ed equal to the be3t, and only 20 cents
a pound.
Femnlo weakness, cftusedf by dernngeI
kidneys, permnnently nnd positively cured
by the use orProf. Gullmette's French IKId
ney Pads. For sale by V. II. McCreery.
The bone nnd Muc"c prtxlncfnc Malt, the
NervequletlnK Hop, the Hiiperb Mnlarinl an
tidote Quinine, and other precious InRredl
ents, combined without fermentation, are
thelnftrcllontsof "Malt Hitters." prepared
by tho Mult III Hers Company.
The Ezpreir, Chicago, ay of Warner's Safe j
Kidney and Liver Core : "It !.. In the hlh -eot
some, hygienic. and can be used bryounjj
and old -TTfth efjunl advantage. It Rives the
only relief yet attained, that can be termed
permancnt.Jn IJrIehfs,Dl4efte.. and this
alone should Tank It hlher In tho 1!Mk 1 1
medical triumphs." 2t)m3
All Of
Inrk Twain's books at
"Woven wire beds, all sizes
low prices at Stevenson & Cross'.
The best and wisest physicians)
advise not to let a cold or cough con- j
tinue, but break it up immediately .and
the best thing found yet is Xickell's
compound cough syrup.
S T U L L .
Oflice of County Julge, Brjwnvllle, Nebriisk..
M..L.t nnA Mel. fa, -a e. f-f Tnriu a... v
.. mm " wi.Mm a HWI.WI J1U.
ViiHotlrltfl textlinoitita tl Kfflenry of
Jrnf. llitrrin' Sfini)il ritntHlrs. tnlieit,
from Jvrttcrfrrereiceil from 1'ntronHt
Irvliana. Apr r I Ith. ITJ. The- rem fy workmr perfeeffr.
HJ eptlepv- from weakne,,. Uw eirli? yrt naif.
Chlcara. Aor. 1. 1379. I am Ihorontrftle core-I irvl feel Up.
p. The yotiBc man in Ihe eounirr la rolling !ierter.
Mhamrt. Sepf. !. IST9. I rrcnre-I inmwh henett rVnn!rV
ae of yr remedie that I wnl in try ree in aaoeher eae.
Thia la of tour; itanJinr in I will need lom.tkur. eery imor,.
Mich.. Jan. 25. 1FT9. I raarerited 8p ronr paekafeaTraeaV
erne; aetvl me annlher aa win aa suble. That Baeai;-r
atapfe! all appamt fro ihle. hut rhere ta a weakaen yen, aa-1
I "uhjou woall priTiarrr'na x for the rare ( Meat.
Iowa, Oct. Wth. IST9. I mh jlmmr inrprraeJ at ynor Vsi.
rlllee. They here w.irkef 'ike a charm on me. , , w,,
fwic-aamchi.f irugii I wj bkntr. I enant,
Terre of the rnr. S tin o-Lt. aJ there, wm w cure ear tu
hut mw I am m pl hrniea 'f n cure.
Tl e ,t irriBia, lfft 179.-1 wetrtM yeeir meAcMe.a!
T", V ."JJ"' W"1"'11 T fkawMaA I.
rl'VFi"e . J',r """ aeaj mn aMeber Ue
will kbJ TQiaal; Ihe orVr, I (b. '
, r" aFlinvMnn anil Sitrnroti.
Mlivwn. Jooe Xcn. 179 -H, ,r,rw ar.1 iwe acUee aeaather
BrttofUleFMIiIiee. The pafMM net whom I lu.e tr4uai of
"jwjnx- ia aliiion f I unifle rV.a.aj fa.t ixcFHr. an4 J '
Smak another will it hirw all rie ht.
. . , From a Irnr;oiT.
Marytan-r. epr i. .7.ti,t J,,ry we r.t from ye .,
tot of your rcmeilr. f.r one of our ea.tomere. nei it hi, inaaV
lZtf"L"rr "' h,m- -V.e h"' """ "er maw .fcx
".aa the una way. aujw.ih by return suit we XaY. 3 Ub
WANTED t::l"TT ?? '
"CyeUpeilU nf Thine. "oMh-Vnonii.;
To lh ., . rth -, w rtfc-reiei. we ramiah iUSTfr
nd pre term that will Injure , worker or Slllol 1IZZ'
Armrc..nTm.iTII.N L PI n. I lL.t.5LH2mI!fc
R GENTS -VLAliI Ur -hc " "rzr
B--" - f Pkrorul Bos a-t BiWea. rrrtn
JTlteloeBtlllperct. NaloairJ,h'C.StL6u,Jla.