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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1881)
TAka& x -- THE ADVERTISER EOAZ. ADlEERtriSE&lEatS. m&s ' 2" 9mrf "r tSk Ar m far Vfel A ml. L - A A - G-. W. Fairbrotlier& Co., Pnlllsli'rR. Proprletom. Subscription, $2.00 Per Year in Advance. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY. U. S. Court convened at Lincoln Monday, this week. The Grand Lodge, I. O. (i. T. meets at Lincoln, 10th inst. It will take 5S votes to elect Pad dock or his successor. The llcv. Br. E. IT.Vhapin, of X. Y., famous as a Universalistnreacher.died on the 20th inst. Omaha is going to have another liridge across the Missouri river, for cars, teams and pedestrians. . Xone so blind :is thoso that refuse to see. Lincoln (Hole. And the fool is wise in his own con ceit. i?ee Globe. A cable dispatch says there are prov inces in J'ussia in which the inhabit ants are starving to death'by hundreds. and the authorities refuse to give any relief. A special congressional election, held on the 23th ult., in the X. II. district, to elect a successor to Hon. E. Y. Farr, dceiscd, resulted in the election of Hon. Ifciy, a Republican. The superintendent of census an nounces the approximate population of the United States to be something over liftyjnillions. He will soon bo able to give the. exact figures. The Circuit Court of the District of Columbia has decided that an absence of seven years or more on the part of a husband, with no tidings from him. raised the presumption 5that he was dead, and that the wife could act as a Jtmme unit. If the writor hereof bad :i vnto on the U. S. Senatorial question, it would lie cast for that staunch old stalwart, John M. Thayer, the only "born Senator'jXebraska ever had, and whose return to the Senate w;ts prevented by a combination of sorehead U 'publicans and Democrats. Mrs. T.lll -r. of Fond du lac, Wis., was a HulT.'rer from pneumonia, and helpless. A warm tint-iron was order- ih! to 1 placed on her chest. Her. liM.sK-iTid tin habitual drunkard ap pliel a heavy iron, ami so hot that it burned thro'igh'the cavity of her chest, and she expired in tho.Jgre.itc.-it agony. The aati-tenr.i.'-an-s newspapers in Kansas are ranking a noise over the suicide of a brew r iulthat State, who, they say, killed himself in'a fit of de spondency because of the constitu tional amendment which. he claimed, ruined his business and broke him up. They do not count the thousand to one, whom the use of his beer may have driven to the same unfortunate end. One-off tha best and most clearlv de - filial unintentional boosts Senator Paddock ha.sreceived from the news papers is the idiotic opposition of the Lincoln Globe, especially its late repro- iluctiou of the lies and slanders of omeguerrilla that skulks behind the nam ile plume of 'Junius." Whether Mr.P.uldoekis re-elected or not, he de serves fair play and gentlemanly treat ment at Xebraska's hands. The Plattsmouth r Herald says the Cass county delegation "will vote just as they please" for the U. S. Sen ator. As to the Xemaha statesinen.we don't know the true inwardness of any of them except Mr. Schick. At home he has been for Paddock; but the probability is, after he gets to Lincoln, and under tho magnetic soft talk of ourSenator.lie will experience a change of heart, favorable forejudge Dundy. George Alfred Townsend J'.sked ev Colleetor Mnrphy what he thought of the charges reported to have been made by IJayard about Senator ('.inkling having received money in connection with revenue frauds, Mr. Murphy re plied: "It is all noiHe. I have several times tried to m.tke money for Conk ling, and he would n"ver take a dollar if it coneerne 1 any publi'.sbii.siness or anything that might com" before the Senate." The Prohibition Committee, through iLs secretary, at Lincoln, Xeb.. has pub lished :i challenge to the opposition to joint discussions, in the principal towns' and cities of the State, of tho terrible' off ects and results to and upon tho people of theSfatc, from the use and trallic in intoxicating liquors. The prohibitionists propose to pay all ex cuses of such discussions. Xow, if there is any merit in saloons and whis ky drinking, :is man' seem to believe, will not some of thcir- champions ac cept this challenge? We will see. We should be glad if tho people of Xebraska were permitted for once to cast their votes as thej' pleased. Lin-c-tln Globe. If the little Lincoln demagogue, has not been voting as it pleases, it should cnit loose from its masters, and hence forth keep its own! dirty little face clean, and this will keep it busy, and in the course of time may render it respectable. Meantime it may learn that the people of Xebraskaarc neither knaves nor fools, but vote as they please, and vote intelligently. The Lincoln Globe says that Tin: Advertiser says Senator Paddock is "egotistic." We remember of saying something that might be so construed, in reply to a telegram which the Globe published, purporting to be from Sen ator Paddock, but we qualified it in the next sentence by saying that we be lieved the Globe lied about Senator 1-nllftflf :mil tbnf. flip tnlncr-ii.i -..., n t " V , "". forgery. e :isk pardon of the Sena- tor lor oemg leu mio such a remark from any assertion made by the unscrupulous-and irresponsible Globe as wp. have found it to be. ESTABLISHED 1856. i Oldest Paper in the State. It is about time for the IJrownville Advertiser to withdraw another candidate in favor of Church Howe. Lincoln Globe. Mr. Schick having refused ns au thority to withdraw his name as an apparent, but in truth as a bogus can didate for speaker, his object being to get "a good committee" through such false pretension, and although he he sought us to help him in his little pet ty scheme, while we did not withdraw his name, wo then and there deter mined, inasmuch as Xemaha countv had a real bona jlde candidate, who stood a fair prospect of being success ful, that no sudden upstart like sleepy .Schick should prosper in his illegiti mate candidacy. We have always supported Mr. Schick when his name has been properly presented, and shall do so again when lie is on the Repub lican ticket. Our course is consistent, and our statements have been careful ly made to conform to the truth, and any snappishness ormalicious out bursts manifested by Mr. Schick, or any of his organs, fall on us like water on a ducVs back, and we move right along in'the straight line of dutv. "We advised Mr. S.-hick as a friend, in the matter of the speakership, but when he declared he desired "to continue to seem to be a candidate, but had no hope or desire to be elected, that ho would not support Mr. Howe, who ran on the ticket witli him, and was e"inontly qualified, by long service as a legislator, and otherwise, for the po sition, we of course needed no further evidence that lie was fearfully affected with that fell destroyer of young "ac cidents," viz: tho big-head; and that he could see more greatness in being a cats-paw for others than in acting the part of a highmiuded, magnanimous, independent gentleman. Mr. Hitchcock has no rival in the west, and none more capable and worthy of the office. Mr. Hitchcock represented Nebraska for the six years previous toS Minders' election, and the many bills for the relief and benefit of our young and growing State, among which was the appropriation for tho government postoiliee building at Oma ha, the timber-culture act, and the ameud'nents thereto, the bill for tho sale of the reservation of old Fort K'arney, and th 1111 for the admis sion of Colorado as a State, testify to the deej) interest he manifested in'the prosperity of the west. .S7. Paul Pio neer . The fnot reliable and intelligent of Washington letter writers say that lMr - "ch-ock stands high in tlioonin- '-1 " "'" 1IC,ll,,"K;t- !"i '"- most sure to be his Secretary of the Interior. Hon. Ed. Parker, who Iwas a -member of the Xebraska legislature in an early day, was arrested in Omaha on Thursday last, charged with stealing a registered letter pouch from u Union Pacific tramfat Central City, in March. 1ST". Parker is a habitual drunkard, and has been a wanderer for years. Seinurd Blade. Old settlers all remember Ed. Parker as a respected and honored citizen fif teen years ago. Ho then was a whole souled, jovial tippler, who treated his friends to the whisky, and had a "good tim?." And whisky has ruined him. lint for whisky to-day he would still be respectable, instead of the ha bitual drunkard, vagabond and sus pected thief that he is. The Senatorial persimmon to be now between Paddock and Dundy. Paddock's pole is the longer, but if he fails to bring down the prize on the first formal effort, he never will.. Pad's pole will decrease in lengeli from that moment Dundy's will lengthen, and he'll win, in all probability; but the contest will end, in wise P.uldoek fails on Ihe first ballot, between Ootid v and VanWvek. A bill has been introduced in the South Carolina legislature, making dueling a felony, holding all parties connected with a duel liable to severe punishment, and ho that kills his man in a duel guilty of murder. S. c7 is progressing a little. At Georgetown, Ky., :sth ult, three brothers-in-law of Tlieo. Lee attacked him with the intention of whipping him, when a desperate fight ensued. Lee killed one of his assailants, and was himself severely, though not fa tally, injured. A convention of county school su perintendents, of Xebraska, meets at Lincoln, January 9th. Senacor Saunders is reported as far voring the election of VanWyck to the Senate. George MeGee fought with the brave One Hundred and Forty-fifth at An tietam, Gettysburg, and on a do'en other battle-fields. At Xorth Anna a rebel minnie ball bored a hole in his right leg, just below the groin. Mr. McGce had to take a crutch for a com panion, and he has used it ever since, but now lie may toss the crutch aside! On Monday, after staying with him sixteen years, the b;dl worked its way out. It weighed one ounce and a quarter. Plattsmonth Herald. & to If there is any reward for hard work, and tireless effort, the temper ance people of Xebraska deserve suc cess in their undertaking this winter. If our advices do not deceive thev ai'p working as they never worked be"fore. i and evidently intend to leave no stone I . v....v.., .,,.,. iy raiu i uucurneu to accomp.isli their aims. It may also be said that the opposing ele- '"""' oc mie, out on tlie contvarv. is busy at work planning and devisin"" means whereby the followers of Finch fatal than ever before '.in its nX may lie routed, horse and foot.-.S7 V.liaf form it p,a Z i.," . . S1?: Journal. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. San Francisco recently sent all the Chinese lepers to be found in the city, fourteen in number, back to China. Chicago has small-pox. About 81-j.OOO is to be expended in decorating the city of Washington for the inaugural ceremonies next March. Dakota and Xew Mexico are knock ing at the door of the Union. "r. D. Ivelly, Penna., will probably be the Speaker of jthc next Congress. Snow is a foot deep at J Uordontown, X. J., and 15 inches on Long Island. In Xew York, Xeil Mc.Grew, while drunk, threw adighted kerosene lamp at his sister, and she was burned to death. At Ilawesville. Ky., recently, Chas. MeAdams shot and killed Philip Hyal, in a quarrel. A dead baby, with two well formed heads, is at the Smithsonian Institute. Albert Magee was recently killed at Bradford, Pa., by a nitro-glycerine ex- plosion.and Thos. Perry was was bad ly injured and his hearing destroyed. Magee was torn to shreds, and the largest pieces ot Ins body round were his heart and lungs. The terrific con cussion broke windows at the distance of a mile away. Two negro brothers, namcdt'Camp bell, were hanged by a mob at Horse Cave, ICy., 23d ult, for knocking down and robbinsr a white citizen i Ti'iinfifl fZ'irilnnr At Ansonia, Ct, chief of police Hayes was killed while arresting a dis orderlvfcharaeter. At Smithville, V.i., 2Sth ult, a man named Dunn, in a broil with some ne groes shot two of them dead and cut a third one fatally. Anthony Deiters. a veteran of Wat erloo, and one of Xapoleon's old guard, died at Wheeling, W. Ysi., 2Sth ult., aged t3. At Glen Falls. X. T.. while John Shaw was sitting in his residence, he was shot, through a window, and kill ed, by an unknown assassin. Thos. McCaw, Chicago, was killed at midnight, bust we?k, by McCaw's wife's p:ira:nour, Win. Taylor, a saloon keeper. Mrs. Horton. aged SO, at Augusta, Ont, w;is murdered by her son on Christmas day. IJe wi? drunk. At Detroit, 20th ult, 'Mrs. John Ferguson, while being beaten by her drunken husband, shot him dead. At McGirk's Station. Mini ton coun ty. Mo., 20th ult., George McGirk was killed by his insane brother, Taylor, who had just returned from the insane asylum. The English soldiery are prohibiting the Irish laud leaguers from holding meetings. On tho 2Sth ult.. Cambridge, Mass., celebrated her 2."0th anniversary. The father of Colonel Ellsworth lludesill, of Akron, Ohio, supposed to be in the wast, would like to know what has become of him. The foot and mouth disease among cattle prevails in some localities iii England. At Princeton. Ind., 20lh inst., Mrs. IJorcas Burchfield, havingsome trouble with her brother-in-law, Thos. Burch liebl, shot and killed him. Editor McClnre. of theThiladelphia Tims, says that Senator Bruce, color ed, is respected by all classes in Miss issippi. At Jacksonville, Ula. the froze on the tress last week. oranges The report of the death of Victoria, the Ap i:-he chief, lias been confirmed. There have been twenty-eight mur ders and fifty-seven suicides in St. Louis during the'past year. Mrs. Ellen Campbell.rfor many years Superintendent of the Xorth Carolina Deaf and Dumb and Blind Institute, has been dismissed for indorsing Judge Totirgee's book, "A Fool's Er rand," in a private letter to a northern friend. The population of Illinois, by the late census is :,OS3,320. A barber named Doug. Black, at Sidney, Xeb., a few days ago, while drunk, attacked Mr. Smith, a U. P. de tective,, when Smith shot him, it is thought mortally. The Whisky Trane. CixcixxATi, December 3Q. The forthcoming report of Superintendent Maxwell to the ehamber of commerce says of the whisky trado of this citv the past commercial year: "It has been a season of singular prosperity, which has come, not from great profits, for competition has been very active with other markets and goods have been sold generally on slender margins, but it lias arisen from largely inci'aased bus iness, unusually good credit and from faithfully collected revenues. It is be lieved that in tho past twenty vears there has been no such exemption from bad debts. The production of Hamil ton countv for the year ending isso, was: High wines and continuously distilling spirits, 11.7S3.270 proof gal lons, showing an increase of 1.100,000 over the preceding year. The aggregate production of this county and "the "dis trict across the river, which, in a busi ness sense, belongs to Cincinnati. w:us nearly 15,000.000. The taxes on this aggregate amounted to S12.300.000. .showing an increase of Siosnnno. "lt1! tion, having reached 10.2.-,0,000 gallons. The scourge of diphtheria covers a the wisest physicians. Tnter-0 :c-rtn. -" -... cuo .-lll UL BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 1881. DIPHTHERIA. AND 0E0UP. DIPHTHERIA. Hnll'n Journnl of Health lor December. Diphtheria is generated by breathing impure air, sucli as comes from dump apartments, dirty cellars, gutters, sinks. decaying matters, pools of standing liquids and other sources of filth. It is usually confined to persons from two to fifteen years of age. The atmosphere, the breathing of which causes the dis- ease, seems to be full of living things, vegetable and animal, the bacteria and micocoppiiis, some of which lodge in the throat and form white splotches. which are distinctive of the malady, and whose presence quickly poisons the blood; hence there should not be a mo ment's delay in sending for a physician, as the march of the disease is always rapid and its virulence increases every hour. As with most other diseases, diph theria is more likely to attack those whose systems have been dibilitated by illness, poor diet, or any cause-what- ..-. : : j it.,, ai l . I i:t-i. jn) uTauuii ul mi: uiroai. pre pares tho way for the disease. Any person affected should be taken to aii upper room, into which no one should come but those in perfect health, and who have not the slightest scratch or sore on any part of the body, particular ly the hands. The room should lie ven tilated all the time, all discharges should J he quickly removed, the clothing fre quently changed and at once covered with water containing carbolic acid. Diphtheria taken from another per son is more malignant than when gen- eraten uv uad air. TRKATMKNT OF DIPHTIIKRIA. Take from two to five grains of chlor ate of potash, put it far back on the tongue, allow it to melt gradually, and repeat ever- hour until a decided im provement takes place, which is usual ly in a few hours. One of the best plans of treatment is the following: GARGLE. Chlorate of potassa. . . Hot water Alcohol Creosote Muriatic acid Tiiis is to be used as; thirty minutes. .2 drachms. .. ounces. ..4 drachms. . .S drops. .30 drops. i gargle every INTERNALLY USE THE REMEDY: Chlorate of potassa 3 drachms.' Water 0 ounces. Sugar l ounce. Tincture of muriateof iron 2 drachms. Dose. A teaspoonful every four hours. It is claimed that 'the abovp treat ment will cure nineteen cases out of twenty. The principal point is to find out what will destroy tho bacteria. Tannin will kill them in two hours. A solution of copperas, that is, sul phate of iron, will kill them; also chlorine water and dilute muriatic, sulphuric and nitric acids. If copperas is used as a gargle, it should not be used stronger than a piece half as large as nutmeg, dissolved in a pint of water: or a level teaspoonful of- tamnin dis solved in a teaspoonful of warm Water: but it is better to rely on chlorine washes above named; and U would be a safe plan, should any member of a family have diphtheria, for each of the others to gargle tho mouth every hour with chlorine solution. Instead of using solutions, a few grains of either chlorate of potash, tan nic acid or.copperas, known nssuhihate of iron, may be placed dry, far the tongue, to dissolve gradu spread over the surfaces. It i simplo method of applyingthcseTi ies. and would be-more likelv to reach farther down the throat and ta remain longer in contact with tho diseased surfaces than when applied in gargles or swallowed. These remedies are powerful to cure in prnportionftb the promptness with which they are used. cnorp. Is inflammation of the Wind-pipe, which causes it to be contracted, mak ing breathing dilficult, and sometimes impossible. Croitp is the result of cold, though there is generally an he reditary disposition to it. It comes on with an increased fre quency in breathing in the evening; the next morning tho child is better, ami at night worse again, and on the third or fourth night, or sooner, it is regular croup. The child is restless, breatho hard, wheezes and lias a dry cough, if proper remedies are applied the first or even the second night, but few children will die of croup. Give two teaspoonfills of epsoin salts and put the child to bed; then apply mustard draughts, or "mustai'd leaves" to its feet. Wring out a flannel cloth in hut water, and wrap it around the neck as warm as it can be borne, protecting tho bed with dry cloths. If the breathing is not easier, and tho skin not getting moist in 3 or 4 hours, mix half a tea spoonful each of powdered alum and ipecac in half a glass of tepid water and give it. If it does net vomit in ten minutes repeat the dose with a tea cup of warm water every five minutes until there is free vomiting. If the bowels are constipated use a "Xelaton Suppository for children" every 3 hours, until there is a free If this treatment is applied earlv, it will seldom fail. If, however, the" dis ease is well established before treat ment is commenced, and the above plan of treatment should fail to afford relief in 12 hours, then give ten grains cal omel, mixed with one drachm of salt petre, called nitrate of potash ; divide twelve powders and give one even two hours. Itewpitulation.'WhQn a child un der seven years of age presents symp toms of croup, give two teaspoonful of epsom salts, put it to bed and applv mustard draughts and cloths wrung out in hot water around the neck. If no decided improvement in three or four hours, give an emetic of half a teaspoonful each of alum and ipecac in half a glass of tepid Water, repeating every ten minutes if necessary, until free vomiting is produced. Every mother should keep on hand, for such an emergency, a bottle of syrup of ipecac, and give two teaspoonfuls every ten minutes till free vomiting is induced. This treatment. With good nursing, at the commencement of an attack of croup, will generally bo suf ficient to "effect a cure. During con valescence the little patient should have good nourishment. The Omaha Republican proves very conclusively that the editor of the Omaha Herald is the worst kind of a journalistic fraud anil thief. bbhm B-. A raw RAILROAD. The Kansas Oity, JEfebraska and Western. The articles of incorporation have been prepared and were in the hands of Mr. W. If. Miller yesterday. They wil 1 he filed with the Kansas secretary of stato in a few days. The incorporators are John Duncan, T.B. Bullene, S. li. Armour, Col. K. Coats, E. L. Martin, L. Dragon, J. M. Xave, T. J. Lvnde, and W. II. Miller of this citr. J. H. Hrnwn nf Wv,lniu .IW-; along the lino of the road, whose names it was impossible to obtain vesterdav. The capital stock Is one million dollars. The road will run from Kansas city to Falls city, in Xebraska, and will pass through Oskaloosii, Grasshopjer Falls. Muscotah and Hiawatha. Surveyors urealready in the field locating the fine. the incorporators mean lots of business. This road runs through magnificent country, thickly settled, and will cross the Kansas Central (narrow gauge?) at Grasshopper Falls, the Central branch at Muscotah, the St. Joe. and Western nt Hiawatha, and tap the Atchison and Xebraska at Falls city. The object in constructing a road over this routo, be sides securing a heavy local business, is to tap tho roads west of Leaven worth, Atchison and St. Joseph, and give the people along these roads what they have so long and earnestly wish ed for direct connections with Kan sas city. The advantage of such a road to tho trade of Kansas city with the Xorthwest is too apparent to need any demonstration at this time, and the character of the men their well known financial strength gives overv assur ance that the road will be built Kan sas Cittf Journal. t As there is a good bed already graded, and now apparently abandoned, be tween Xemaha City and Falls City, and only twenty miles, it would be an easy matter for the K. C. X. & W. to take in Xemaha and this section of Country, than which the road will not traverse a richer section. Very 35roSI to T2iEn3t of. If not uhove helnt; taught by a man, use Dobbin's niectrloSoap next wash day. Used without nny warfh boiler or rubbing hoard, and nseddliroroT-tly from any other soap ev er made. It seems very droll to think of a quiet, orderly two hours light work on wash .lay, with no heat and no uteain, or .smell or the washing throug'i the lioiisolnntoiiil of a Jong day's hard work; hut hundred of thousands nf women from Nova Scotia to Texas have proved for themselves that this is done by using Dobblns's Eleetrlc Soap. Don't buy It, however. If too feet In your ways to uc It according to directions, that are as simple as to eem almost ridiculous and so easy thnt a girl of 12 years can do a Krjie wash v.Ithout hclim tired. It positive ly will not Injure thejnnest fabric, has been before tho public for fifteen years, and Its sale doubles every year. If your grocer has not got lr, he will get It, ns.'whole sale grocers kei t J. .M.Catnpbe'!, "'e apent, tt0w aril. Neb. I. L. CKAfJT.v it Co., Hyle.o.w. Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED TN 1856. OLDEST stat8jgenc"i iiv rvjSEJii,vvsii:. WilHaaa U. Hoover. Dofc.s a geiicial Itoal Estate Business. Sells Lands on Commission, examines Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgages, and all Instru ments pertaining to the transfer of Real Es tate. Has a Complete Abstract of Titles to all Heal Estate In Nemaha County. ED. L00MIS, FASHION A RLE BOOT A XI) -StfeSJ SHOE :IAKK!t, Ki .- - i''r3lss uiannrwpM or ij rells Livery Stnble. r- '"- -o T Work done to order and MUNfucth'n guaranteed. Repalri'g Belly i' prapily the UPHOLSTERIHG AND CANING Neatly and promptly done by MIKE rSI,THAT73Sl, CA 111 NET MAKER, and CARPENTER and JOINER Shop : doors east of Post oniee. nilOWXVlLLE, - - - NKltUASIZA Br. J. C. liberty, Formerly nf Ht. Jop, has permanently lo- cated InJOrownvllIe, Neb.j FIXE WORK A SPECIALTY. Ottlco Southwest corner Main and First Pfs B. M. BATLEY, SHIPPER AXD nEAI.KR IX LIVE STOCK JtliO WS'VILLR. XEBRASKA. Fanners, please call nd get prices ; I wanl to handle yo"nr stock. Offlee First National Rink. PJ A.T CLIXE KASIIIONARLE HOOT ASD SHOE XAKER L CUTOX WORTC mswleto order, nn.l fltsolurny ;naranttei. Itepalrlnu nratlr and proniutly donr Shop, Xo. 27 Jfaln street. Brown ville.Noh. J. L. ROY UNDERTAKER, CotTl ill mnde on short notice. Three mlls wet of Mrownvllle, Neb. J AV. GIBSO V, 3LACKSmTII and iioust: SHOEU WorScdone to order and satisfaction guaranteed First street, between rll!n and Atlantic. Brown vHICNeh. A S. IIOLLADAT rxt Phy.lclan, SrBeo.., Ob.tetrlclan. Graduated In 1831. LocntJd In Drown vllle 1 .". ' OIHce.U Main street. Brownvllle. Neb. I Ttt n T ft n V li. J ! KI -V U , ! ' Attomev and Counselor nt 1.-r. ' -.. . ... '-7 ruitvraversiflii) JianK.rirowaTiwt.eD s. A. O S B 0 R . ATTORNEY ATlAIV. OtHce.Na.Sl Main street, Hrawnril. Neb mDENTSTRY. How LostHowSrlestored Just published, a ntw edition of Dr. ( ttlver wellN Celebrated Ksy on the rullclcure (with out medicine) of Hpennatorrbopiw or Herutnn Weakness. InvoIuntnrySemloal Lfww, Impoten cy. Mental add Phyileal Incnpacltr, Impediment JoMarrUne. etc.. etc: also. Consumption. KplUp sy ind Kit, induced by self-indulgence i.r sex mil ot trnvu franco , Ac. The celebrated nnthor. In tht nAmlrnV TCmuor lcenrly demn3trntet. from a thirty yem-V hiic cvslu! practice, tu:it the nlttrmlnz coa-equencet I hi rtrii-auiLv may np rnmraiiy enren: pointing out it mode orciiremonenslmolp. certain, ami cirwt- imi, ay means 01 winch every julfrtrer. no. niitttpr ' .7 ",! t7."".l"??JnJ:.??t"-r cure Wnweir prl- TlSaiM&XW90' ?ent Under unnl lr Kiilnln Rnri-lnno tn nm ail. drew, pwt-pslfl, an receipt ofMx cent, or two potnse stamp. Addrt-s.1 the PuhllMiers, TH2 CULV22772LL HSDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. P.O. Box.:J3S6. In ly Attention Everybody! When in PJERTJIyoTi need not pay mow than $1.00 for any $1.50 Medicine 70 cts. 35 cts, 9 a - u llxrlt $1.00 U 50 ct. a 15 CiiSi for any Box Pills, &c. The Cheapest House for other Drugs. BOOKS & STATIONARY, ORGANS and o! her MUSICAL IXSTRUMESTS J. PATTERSON. PEllU, NEIi. We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved liirf Can 1'rnre What tve Claim. ta- There are no failures nml noiIUnp IoliitiurntK. IT jii ni-o tronlVlctl it It li NIVK IIE.VfA('lEI90ii iiui I.ViiTlIr ttuit quIellyMireIn. liuiilrl luivcbeen already. W'c filial! he plcitMMl to mail a liect or tcKtlmonlnlK fo nny Intr-stJMK carter's" Little uvTrTiLls Also cure nil forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti pation anil Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relieve dlxtn-ss from too hearty eating, correct Disorders of the Stomui'h, Stimulate th Ll.-er, mul Itesu lutetlifBnwvIs. They do all this by taking Just one little piU at n dise. They are purely vegeta ble, ilo not KrijxMir purge, attd "e us nearly per fet'tasilis iio.d!efiraiiII to be. Jriee2" cents, 5 for (I. -v-M l. Iriu-ji-t'. m-rywInTo cr.eiit by mail. CAIlTEIt MKDXt'IA'S CO., KKIE. PA- B. G. WHITTEfflORE, DEALER'IN GclOOERIrlS, PROVISIOXS, SE vVING HACHTJBS SKWIXfJ JIAfHI.VK RKIUIItS A SPECIALTY, willpay tlie highost market price for scrap Iron and rags, Main st.. West Mrownville. For Sale. O.TC 13 A3.F SXTEnES'r IT TB5E SHSEIMN MILL. For particulars call on or address. GEO. IIOMI3WOOD, Sheritlan, Xoh ist HARPER'S WEEKLY. IliLTJSTHATSID. TMs rpr'od'ent. bv;its Wi nnt sr'iolni'lr illseiK Kluns oniieipirwtl.insor IIih ilr.y, n- v-elt as Iiv tt lllutnllins winch nrH praVaxst lv the hrst'iirt lrs bus alunys .-x ! miwt jMiwerrul wml ben eflilil!;if;i.ticiipnti the putrie mind. T ! 'Vel htofii', Ii.HueiKe III alH. be fmmil on the lIe of morality, i-nllstitcnineiit' mid rellne- lIR'Ilt. HARPFUS WEEICLV.One Year. .. II UPEU's M a.ZINE. One Year .i HARPER'S AZAR,One Yer 4 o- The Three above ptihllcnt Ions. )n Year 10 0 Any Two aliove named. One Year 7 0 HARfER'SYOL'NG PEOPLE. One Year 1 Tt rttapr free to all mbtrritwri in the Vniltd Mkitei or tUnnili, The Volumes of the H'ci-'v begin with the first Number for J.inunry of i-nen've.xr. Wlien no time U meutiiined. It will lu uiKlerstixxl that the nub srrlber wishes to isunineiice with nfler the receipt of older. Tlie lust Eleven Amiiinl Volumes ot Harprr's Wrrkly, In np.nt cloth bit itinu. will he sent by mall. poiio;e putil, or by expi-esst free ot exmne (pne viiled the trelsiht does nut exceed one duller per volume), for 7 iJ each. t'loth cnes fur euch volume, suitable Tor hlnilinz will bo sent by mil, iMistpain, on receipt of I on ench. Uemlltances should hemsdeby rosfOillcc Mon ey Order or Draft, to nvoirt chance oflos XtwiiaiHT arc not ta ,py thu uiUvrtUrnrnt irtth n"ri' rx)rrionIa oMJlurjKr A- Brtitlrru AddriHS HAltPEU ,fc mtOTUnitR. New York. iTT? H3 KiUid::dlSi7 at 13 jr. sth tr::t, ST. LCSD, HJ. rjIHE riiyiicUni in ttur) ' t i' i M! aiI well tantm laid. X"tionarert?o!irpiJuiiV. Intiamnt tirfrtr. nn of Eirritnre in lb irea!nui.t of Ihronlr lNrr. hatr iud tkcir Li.i an4 at,i.ity ej rauch iu; cciur to thai of the c r 'mirr (racliuourr. Ibit llicr have -.uirrd x uilwul rtj'juliuo thriuz'. iheir trntarct nf com; ! cif! cawi. 1NDISCRETJON.T EXPOSURE rr'-e- ii.-a i.J.BrirWl in;6ti u 1 philiv l.onorrbi-a, t.lrtl. Mrlrturv, UrrUlk.aU Irlnarj Tranblf u.d jrpliilltic or Jtrrrurtai Jl-ction of ha ihrit. kla or bones trcaleJ wHh ucet on seirniific pnn elplc, without utinj it7iy e ctter rnu.n.u Mnliciur.. YOUHC JV1EN 'nJ ,bPtc of n','u' i re r- "-- - "" frm; from the eflVr'i of Scrmil.n rlirx or smlcl nraiir-, Ihe matt of Mlf-ahcw in Toulh or rzcrs4 in maiarra rrar. are rerciaoen! l$e frodcrtt somfof Ike fa,.owiiir tftrcf f- inenllr curti Thi dlv diiiinru, (.rrtowlDriS, dimi rn of iU. cnu h, mdiirilioii, COCStiTatlOQ. deP01td8JfCr. ronfil,?nn Of Itfr. I. armmn n M. Dprtvni.ftiAfia MuI.Lm cirtr. defrctire m"m ri-."rTual rihiuition, isipotrnrr er lo of dubIt Tiror. which or it I lie Tittini f r Lunor-t or mirrure. (rnonil rnniaralmn n prrlerrrtl, wliicli is FltEE and im H. Lilt of qnetfinci to bramwerrd br patienttdeurla treat. Tnent mailed free to any aadrrif on appliratina. l'enoa taTfrinj rn.H Ituplnre tkinld wnd th.lraddmV and lrn tanethlnr li lU.Jr ad.antare. It U ant a Iru.uP lomiuuiiieati ii.rrict'reisiMntial, aiidtr ai.. I i.iUphi Hit. ULTTs. IS .North Slh M., t-u Loula. Mo. S on reives tiy niakinx M. ey vtca n tolrleii cbanee tufiffertd. thereby alw.iys keepu.s poverty from jour rlimr. Those who al- way.iiat:eanrantui;eor tli good chances formnlclu-' money that are fferisl. generally become wealthy, while tho-e who o not improve such chances remain In pov erty. We want msnv men, women, hoy and alrls to work for us richl h-rfieiroun liK'ailtiew. "L " X!"tX L" '? ",K "I nil tha; rou need. frei'. No one who snca;es fail to make money very raplrlly. You can devote your whole time to the uort, or only ronr ypare moment, i'ull In'ormntloii nnd al; th2tl needrd sent tree. Adlre. mims..s ,t to., Portland. 3l:ilne. 21yl ri3 ! '""T ernSe4 "run wifnlitlc siffia V J i v. :m. nir-i lflt-atrl t f.irt ir1 fr.e mi ifhlreiboa. NX iixscts iiFJii:nr i. K W Manf c CsrjiW-. lh Jk Sarlrt Ms 2 iy SU Louia. Mo. ffJPBMSflBY eax m e d EKaks VOL. 25.-NO. 2 k imn, &&g?i . a a. 3 V Iz&is Wtacm TIME by the FORELOCK! AND Ul'Y YOUR G-eo.A-ik-wrio-litj In UNION HOTEL, weit of Court House, BROWIYILLE, riJEBH,. A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and yon will flnKmy stock full of tlio Cioheet PERSONAL FURNITURE In tlie county. ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAINS, NEUKLACEjs. MATINEE CHAINS..LOCKETS. CHAUMS.SimACELETS LADIES SETS "BREAST PINS. CUFF PIN-", SLEEVE- BUTTONS STUDS, COLLAR BUTTONS. . E TC. SOLID GOLD BRINGS, Plain Gold, Band, Comejiirropaj:. Ainetliyxt nnd SilVer Call and seethenewestntyles In Watch Cases The 1880 Silver Dollnr fase.and tho Patent Dust Prool Watch, mil go under tvatrr. "DTT'Tr) I'OCJ executed aRnsnal.TBrlng XV Hi L X IXYO'In your work nnd havelt done In the heat manner at reasonablecharg es. The Early IJJrit Cntche,thr "Worm. A Large supply or NlckelTImepieceK with ALARMS. A great boon these Dark Aiorning.s. VlTIIOIMXi:!! nv tiik I. S. 0VKI:531KT. O F- 13 X? O TV 1VV J1LX, Isl p aid-up Capital, $50,000 t AutJiorUncd a 500,000 18 r-REPARFDTO TRANSAtT A Seneral Banking Business O BUY AND SELL 00DT & 0UEEEN0T DEAFTS on all the principal cities nrthe "CrntedrStates and Siiropo MONEY LOANED On npnrovecl security onlv. Time Drnrts discount vl. and apecfal .tccomtnodatloiis irranted to deposit crs. Dealers In OO VKltNMKNT BONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Reclred'pa-abte on demand, anil INTEBKSTal lowed in, timecertillcates ofdepnslt. DrUEC'TOnS.-Wra.TrDe'n, R. Jr. Bailey. SLA llantlley. Frank E. Johnson, Lntlier llimrtlov V ni. Fralsber. J0H. L. CARSO.V, .R.T.VVISON. Cashier. President LC.McNA ITisilTON.Asst.Cashter. a -fyr . j- Rs?S5rri "T rS, - ?7Tn is 8 tt Opposit Lumber Yard. ?.f:iin St. O-OOID BIGS AT REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Coz&sacrcial Men, AND Driver Furinshed wlien tlosircd. IForscs hoarded by tho !ay or week and ! armors teams fort and cared for at fair rates. STEEL BOILER FERRY. At Brownvllle, Nebraska. BEST CROSSING- ON THE ' Missonii River. NEW BOAT, ATTf " 9 V 3 . r3 j WTCIESjJM CLOCKS rf3" r3a 5SJ 3 rll SI NoilOnai DaiiK LS!?T feS l . rr-ezr -?cy -r3T&rris . r v' -v s1- irzj? li.v V -A , WB tL. Hlli ,h, LI -da? y - -r 1 "-I iKt . Rates Lou; Camps Shady Roads Good, Indemnity Ample. i Connects with all 'Trains, i LEGAL NOTICE. CHARLES LUCAS will lake notice thnt rt petition uns been filed In the District Court of Neuirtlm county. JT ebrasku, wherein Lavlnn Lncnx i$ plntntliTand Charles Lucas Is defenduni. Theobjeciand prayer of said petition Is to obtain n divorce. Maid tieietinnnt is required to answer-or otherwise plead to said petition an or beford February 11th. 1SS1. S.A.OSBORX. 29 1 Att'y for PVtT. USQAIi NOTICE. THOMAS W. CHRIS WAN will take notlcO that a petition han been filed In the Ditt trlct Court or Xemaha county, .Nebragka. wherein Laura li. Christian Is plalntlffand Thomas W. Christian 1h defendant. Theob. Ject and prayer of ald petition Is to obtain n divorce, and for the care and custody of her child. S'tld defendant Is required to answer or otherwise piead tn ttald petition, on or before February Hth, 1SSI. S. A. OSBORX. 3J-4 Att'y for Pl'fT. ESTATE OF ELIZABETH STEVENSON, Deceased. In the County Conrt of 3fe- maha Couhty, ehraKri. in the matter ox allowing the tlnnl Ddmlnlatratlon nceonut of John S. Stevenson, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Stevenson, deceased. Notice is hereto given that January ISth.ltSl, at 0 o'clock iv in., nt the office of the County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, In Brownvllle, Nebraska, hn.s hern Used by the court as the time and place for examining and allowing said account, when and where all persons interested may appear and con tent thesnme. Dated December 21st. ifSO. -"7 w4 JOHN s. STt'LL. County Jndge. ESTATE OF SARAH J.TtTRLOtOH. J3e ceaMul. In the County Court of Nema ha County, Nebraska. In the matter of al lowing the Una! administration account of A. II. Gllmore. administrator of the etttato of Sarah J. Fnrlungh. decenxed. Nollce la herehv given that January 7th. A. D. 1831, nt 9 o'clock a. in., at the office of the County Judge of Nrmnlia f'oiuity, Nebraska, In Brownvllle,, has been fixed by the court as the tltne aim place for exnmtulng and allowing icitii aoconnt, alien and where all person Interestel may appear and con tesl the wine. Dated DeivmherT. ISSO. 26wl JOHN S. .STILL. County Jndge. Es STATE OF JOHN M. POLSFUS DECEAS- etl. In the Countv Court of Nemaha County Nebraska. In the matter of allow ing thermal administration account of John Freerlehs oilml Ist-ator of the extalo of John M. PoNfu.s ileeeased. Notice l.s hereby irlvon that Jauuary 7th A D. 1XMI at 12 o'clock iheofficeof the bounty Judge of Ne- maha County. Nebrnshn. In Brownvllle, No t niska, has been llxeil by the conrt n tho time and plnce for examining and nllowlng said aeennnt, when and where nil persons In terested tuny RpiMMiriiod contest the Fame. Dated Decern ler.s. lsMl. 'Mv4 JOHNS STl'LL, f'ounty Judge. Eimmi. HwinJMiWUBaanskL.w. waawt NEMAHA CITY. enmiT Hill Nemaha Gitv, BY J Louis bStro"b7e. First door south of the lumber!ynrd. Call and getiqunre meal f-r 2.S eeiitn. A good Ktoek of confe,tlonri also kept on hand. Mr, and Mrs. Stroblo having had much experi ence as restaurateurs, are well qualltled to please their patron.. fQMJt a ximes Iosnalia City, Seb., GENERAL HERCHUiDIS E ? i-'.f.vrr.r timnmrtiKN CAXXJCl) COOPS. COXFKrTlOXS.Etc. ICecps a varied stock of everything the pea pie want. Call rmd see him. 3P croiliev 5J BOOTS. SHOES. AND HABNESS Made nnd repaired es well ns can be dono anywhere, and at short notlco AXD VERY JiEASOXAIiLE TEJi.VS. & WILLIAMS. DEALEIltS IX DRV GOODS, GROCERIES. R EA D YJrA DE CL O THING, NOTIONS, Etc , Etc., Eta. Nemaha Ciiy, Nebraska, Will seil good iik cheap ns any house In. Southeastern; Nebraska. LIVERY AND FEED SSTBLE. Good tiugijlort and horses, charges reaa onr.hle. Bcst'of enro taken of transients took. .VAV7.7f.r fn - 'Kit. DAVID A. MORTON, Kemalia Citjf Xcbrartta, Machine repairing and horseshoeing a upo eial'y. fttyHorteX, LEVI JOHNSON, PROPRIETOR, NETJIA-HA. CIT-y WE3M Centrally lotated; Gool fnre, and t otfon. Die npared to make enesta comfbrtable Good b,r:i for horses and Char, Mteasoztablr. IVnrurr'a .Safe IMlts are air Immediuta I stimulus liirnT I'p-d Jver. sind curu Costlvo- iipsh. iiysprni.!. Uni(iiisties.s, i:.lh-tts Diarrhoja. MaUna. Fever and iw. n I are usvOjI nt times In in ir' hi U s aws to cnusea free and .ictmu nf the Itotie's. Thi host ntl dote for all Jlal.inal Potsm. Price.'J5c.a box. TVnrnerSnroNrrvincniiii'tIV!rlvesTrif. g and ieep to Hm- vnT-r-nir.t ures Urtxlacbe anil m Nf :ir.lgi,i. ITevc-pts Kp.rvptic Fits, and Is tlm ft i-il remisty ri,r Nitvuus i'rostrat tm brought; 3f)ri by excsviive !rlnX:ig. overwork, mental S shin ks hm! o'hor kuimi. It relu-ves the Pulni a rr al. insnuM.. a,i H never iiijiinons u tho B system. A-ie lst of all Nervim-s. Ibittlea of iwii -les; price, 50c an.4 iji. Wnnter's Safe H?meilles nre solil hyDrutTKlsts mid Dealers in JTeillelne every. re. ram & do, rrrjpfietors, Rochester. X.Y. ?&& Bt2 ml P.r Pamphlet a-J"1' tt'.d lest"iiiilIs. C SB fPt. R B OI T9 itJikl OX IMl'i:VEr O PER CrlNT. REAL EST VTE AT t? INTEREST, WITHOUT COMMISSION Address or cult on fJolm F. Lyon. At MARSH HOUSE, Fridays and Saturdays of each week. rS-Prlvdeqesiveuor Miyincotr Ion.or-uA 3-my considerable part, nt jiy- &-tlin" Interest lulls dui-.-Q 52tr JACOB MAROHN, ERCHANT TAILOR, and dealerin f'inet'nglisli, r'leuon. vutrA anri;r'any Cloths iellne5, ttr., hir. j.u.. orTg wdvtf llLdlHun src .jtxx.ia i an ii uiimwja-BSBaaBaBBtmmxmmmm a'H'WI l' H lil."!-J 4 " T '""UTT "111 -!.,., .. JJ fit l p r . J P-j A3 1.9 B msm& fsS-'it'- 'Oli'i'Ji.? Fl i-ih.- msttiL-'iSSjiElL 5 f ?k;-4 &r TO LOAN