- jr5' - -y r i- kj? $ THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY,. DECEMBER 30, 1880. 0TJ2 AGENT ASD 00LLE0TDE. Mr. A.W. SuivrznATJGn is our au thorized agent to receive money from subscribers to The Advertiser, and give receipt for the same, when re quired. He will commence on or About January 1st, to call on delin quent subscribers, and "will see all of tbem as rapidly as he can. lie will also solicit for new subscribers. Vo hop3 each one will be ready to pay the small sum due U3. Although small, they are numerous, and in the aggie gate amount to several hundreds of dollara. AVe know that all are able to pay, but through negligence, or forget fulness, or failing to see us or our agent, have failed to do so. Now please hand the pay to Mr. Sultz baugh, who will see that you are duly credited; and we promise yoir that in the future, as in the past, we will work incessantly to send you weekly one of the best country papers in the SUite. Yours, "to live and let live." G. "V. Fairbrotiier & Co. Coffins and Hearse by Stevensen & Cross. New supply of nice cakes at Fur man & Palmer's. For the best and cheapest cook ttove go to Stevenson & Cros3 About three inches of snow fell here Friday last; and two inches more " fell on Monday. For a "boss" set of glassware call on T. L. Jones. He lias a large stock and more coming. Nemaha county is well healed, having a candidate for Speaker and a candidate for a committee- The best French china tea sets consisting of 55pieces, moss rose, gold band and other st3"les. See sample. Stevenson & Cross. Annual election of officers of Ex-"-celsior Lodge, No. 15, Iv. P., this, "Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th. J. H. Bauer, C. C. Anyone wishing to buy an outfit for housckepiwj can save money by buying of Stevenson & Cross, as they keep everything in that line. AnX On the margin of your Advertiser, or on the wrapper, indicates that the time paid for has expired, and that a settlement and renewal is solicited by ua. tf "Bread is the staff of life," and Homewood & Shifter's flour is what ladies generally use now when they 22i-cUcAgf the "staff," Can maueat the stores and groceries at Brownville and Nemaha City. 27tf ".Ye are authorized by the Hon. T. L. Schick, legislator-elect, to announce that he is a candidate for "some good committee." AVe hope Mr. Schick will make it, and earnestly request Messrs. Howe and Daily to intercede for him. that his towering ambition to "get on some good committee" is gratified. This cold weather, when constant hot fires are a necessity, and stoves are crowded with f uel, let every one use the utmost caution to avoid being burned out of house and home. See that your flues and smoko escapes are perfectly safe, and do not trust ser vants and children to- take: care that the fire is safe on leaving home, but see to it yourself. A little forethought and caution may prevent vast loss and suffering. The closing exhibition of the Brownville high school last Thursday evening was only moderately well at tended. The reason that the opera house was not jammed and crammed with people, as is usual on these occa sions, was doubtless owing to the small admission fee charged. Free shows draw the best in this city. "Wo rather like Prof. Wilson's plan of charging a fna at the door, as it brings out a re spectable audience of only these inter ested in school matters. The features of this entertainment were- all very pleasant, and were creditable to teach ers and pupils. Prof. "Wilson, the principal, we are pleased to say, is do ing good work in the school. That he is the right man in the right place is evidenced by the fact that thescholars .like him, and the patrons of the school sustain and speak well of him. - In our issue two weeks ago we said we hoped Mr. Schick would not permit himself to be used, as a mere ' 'tool, to serve the ends desired by Mr. Howe's malicious enemies, uut it appears that that hope was not well grounded. The Lincoln Globe recently gave the remark of a gentleman from Nemaha, that "the but of Nemaha politics was in Lincoln," then. That same gentleman also said that "while Schick's candidacy is a larce, ne is mo best timber we have from Nemaha through whicli to stab Howe, and that's what we are after." Yet Mr. Schick has the effrontery to say, in his letter,to us, that "your insinuates of malice on their part (those hr.ndling hintf arc unjustifiable, There isi 't a man i Nemaha county that beeves .. i ... .o, irA iinitiKfi;i1tln "insinuiuw " ..j-.-v .. ivay, we did not insinuate 1, and do charge, brcadly, iiWmrivocally that Mr. 'fieinsrused. uot as a bona fide Schic ,. , i." - 0iir not as a fit man ; canaia. instrument to1 Tvpmihi countv in securing the ' defeat emahacoim . "We seldom indulge Bpcw- r.v:u tTh: in' .;n..Qf;nnq. .13 -SIT. " -e , liiiuttmv -i thos "Rtitfcfh? the 3 -LLHLBrnri mtHrii BUSEJE3S BREVITIES. .Corn gathering is suspended. For first clas3 groceries call on T. L. Jones. Groceries of all kinds by Steven son & Cross. Best brands of flour kept by Ste venson & Cross. Extra copies of the advertiser at A. W. Nickell's. The legislature convenes Monday 3d prox., at noon. Great sale of furniture by the Reg ulator. T. KicnARDs; The be3t brands of flour always on hand at T. L. Jone3. Hardware, largest stock and low est prices by T. liichards. Hickory nuts, V-.tnuts and figs at Furxax & Palmer's. Goo.l hleighing but jint tl ink of footing the bill at Si an hour. "Want butter and eggs. Highest price paid by Stevenson & Cross. Lamp chimneys of every descrip tion at Jokes. - A full and complete stock of fur niture kept by Stevenson & Cross. Coffins and furniture, a large stock of all styles by Stevenson & Cro33. Money loaned at 9 per cent, on improved farms. T. L. Scitick. Best Bread in the city at Furman & Palmer's and don't you forget it. Fresh Bread, pies and cakes al ways on hand at Furman & Palmer's. Dr. Collins, Dentist, Brownville, Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not at home on Fridays. Don't suffer with an aching tooth when yon can have it extracted with out pain by Dr. Collins. Axes, axes, plain, beveled and double-bitt, the best slock and cheapest by Stevenson & Cross. Our city stores were never so v. ell supplied with nice holiday goods, and the trade has been immense." Best Bread in Brownville at the now Bakery of Furman & Palmer al ways fresh and clean. Give them a trial. Be a good, law-abiding citizen, and you will be respected, and your hous3 will not have to be walched,and you'll not get fined. Mi. Marion Thompih, an old and much respected citizen of Atchison county, Mo., residing at Phelps, died suddenly last week. Call now and pay for your paper and start in on the new year even with the printer, who has served you so faithfully each week, at a cash outlay, in the year that is gone. Married. In Brownville, Dec. 2Cd, 18S0, by Elder Chas. Bo we, Mr. "Win. Stinson and Miss Nettie Sedcras. Also, on December 2Gth, by Elder Chas. Rowe, Mr. T. 13. Finch, of Ne maha City, and Miss Lucy Polock, of Brownville. The Uxiox House, this c'ty, is the most popular dollar-a day house in the west, and is receiving patronage as it deserves and merits. It is the best place for farmers to stop to get a good dinner, and every d:.y its tables are crowded. In the desk of the Union may always be found the best brands of cigars. Those who have not put up at this popuI.tr hotel are invited to stop and give it a trial. Brownville is beginning to realize the fact that Nemaha will make a city after all. JSre:naha Times. No one more heartily wishes Nema ha continued prosperity than we c'o. But if the bridge, or transfer, is put at Aspinwall, three miles belov) JUTtma ha, will that not "boom" ahead of all? There are no better banks on the river than at Aspinwall, and bed-rock has oeen found at a depth of thirty feet, and tha surveyors are hunting a line we.it from Aspinwall. - These fads, it seems to us, are not at all calcul ted to enthuse either Nemaha or Brown ville very much. This issue of The Avertiser shall end all unpleasant or unfavorable notices of our always much estcmed friend, Mr. Schick, unless he deems further controversy profitable to him, and ass-ilts us again. "We should not have paid the attention to him that we have this week, only to repel the at tack he made" upon cur veracity and motives in a neighboring newspaper. We have nothing 1 ut feelin b of kind ness for him, notwithstanding his un kind, ungenerous and entliely unjusti fiable and .premature attack upon us: hoping he will be an efficient legislator. TnE Advertiser always has more of pity than spite for a young man who "bites off more'n he can chaw." Christinas day was pleasant, and pas33d off very quietly in our city. There was snow on the ground, and the few sleighs and sleds in the city and country were out. T ere was a Christmas tree attach of the churches, and the children were never better supplied "with presents, and the people generally had a merry Christmas. "We, however, know of but one instance whvre the hand of plenty was extend ed to gladden the homes where luxu ries -ire nire. Our big hearted county treasurer, Mr. Gilmore, supplied sev eral oiich with their Christm;r turkey and chicken. "He that hatr pity upon the poor Iendeth unto the Lord." Mr. Gilmore never lets an opportunity pass to make such loans, and it is to be hope! that many others did like wise. Those who have not in these holidays made such a loan mr.y yet do so it is not too late. Deep mow cov ers the grounl. severe winter weather prevails, and in every locality worthy objects are to be found the oppor tunities a-o numr rous. This is a city jt churches and of plenty, and no case of suffering and destitution should go unrelieved. Acts of charity .are treas ured in the green home of memory, and the blessings of the poor are the choicest flowers in the pathway of life. "When you pray for tho poor, then go at once and be the agent m an- swering that prayer. One "square meal" to a hungry child or mother', or q . fa mora annreciatod than any nraver. however long and loud it may be. I.O0AL PERSONALS. Miss. Sallie Judkins arrived home, on a visit, Christmas morning. Master Eugene O'Pelt, of Lincoln, is visiting his young friends in this city Ider M. M. Goode, will preach in the Christian church this, Wednesday, evening. --Mrs. Annie Prscoo spent Christ mas with Mrs. Cine. Body, at Fair mont, Nvibrak?:. Miss Celia Furnas spent Christ mas with her sister, Mrs. W.J. "Weeber, at Osceola, Neb. Gov. Furnas eat his Christmas dinner with his daughter, Mrs. W. J. "Weeber, at Oceola. John Tho.npson, now an empVye of the Ora..ha Herald, is spending the holidays at home. Mrs. V. B. null and Mra. II. A'. Christy, mother and sister of Mrs. S. A. Osbo "ii, who have been spending several wesks visiting in this city, left for thilr home at DeWitt en Monday last. "We met Col. Tom Majors going to Omaha the other day, and he says well, he said a good deal the sum and sub stance of "which was, though, that he was there and meant to be until Ne braska gels her due in congressional halls. Tlaitsmouth Herald. Ex-Governor Furnas, of Brown ville has been up here for some days on Masonic Insurance business. "We were much pleased to see the governor again in a friendly way, and greatly enjoyed a visit from him, during which we talked over many thing3 of the days gone by. vlattsmotith Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Opelt, of the Arlington, and their help also, were remembered by Santa Ciaus on Christmas. The em ployes of the house, presented the hostess with a beautiful silver ppr'ume case, and the lu3t with a gold headed cane and a gold charm for his watch chain. The proprietor of the house did not forget his help. They were remem bered with articles of apparel and a sum of money. State Journal. Mrs. Geo. Lounge, living in the southern part f the county, was op erated on last Wednesday by Dr. B. Bell And ew3 for intra-uterine fibroid tumor. Ths -ase has been in the hands of eiev n different physicians. Mrs. L. is getJng along nicely. Ife malia Ti.nes. There is no ru3stion that Dr. An drews is the be3t surgeon in this part of the country. He has, with his much practice, e 'per;ence, and thor ough elucallonal qualifications, the very bejt and most .approved instru ments an 1 applian;e3 for ruick, per fect and successful operations. W3JL2DAY CIX!IES. Xitirgest display aatl finest Tarlcty la !Iie city, opposite Postafflco, at . cemttii'a. A farmer near Nai onee, Nebras ka, raised a small crop of broom-corn last season, and his experiment re warded him well. He sold his crop at 6G5.00 a ton, and his entire crop.which brou .lit h'm $403.00, cost him. besides his own labor, only about S100.C0. We suggest that some of -our farmers ex periment with a few acres of broom corn the corning season. AllliliJdi onirsi-cl.S'83 grocer ies Jrcsli msd nfee al S. Sec nian'x, opposite p'-'stcfScc. Bain wagons the best and sale by Stevenson & Cross. for IVoJlco Is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidate for teachers of the primary or common schools of this county, at the Court House, in Brownville on the first Saturday in Philip Crother, each month. 21-tf Co-Superintendent A daughter o2 Henry Caldwell, living nea- Fairview, died h.st week, Age, about nine years. Laughing G-isI L,au;r2n:ijr Cas ! Dr. G. II. Collins, our "old re'iable" dentist, extracts teeth without pain by the use of nitrous oxide (laughing gas.) tes e B 1 C3 Q tt Q V? U tflb23 W. W. HACKNEY has' removed froi his old store into the State Bank building opposite Brick Block. He ex tends a hearty invitatior. to all of his old customers, and a very great many new ones, to call and see him at his new place of business. He pledges himself to treat them with all the cour tesy he is capable of bestowing. E2 .4JE8, CORN Highest market price paid by E. 11. DO'GLAS & CO. Planus anil Organs. First-class for les3 than ever offered before. Address J. It. Dye, 16tf Brownville, Neb. Salt ChaaD at Hill's. EEoliclav Grifts At lower prices than any other house in town. Examine and be convinced. At Book and Drug store of W. II. Mc Creery. 3S02.II I Y CJATB2SS, .t'5CrittXS, Every thing nice, and just ,jvhat you want at Paemr & Furman's. Rest assorinienJ of liorse blanZiets and lar r ucs at J. I?. Bauer's. A large stock of candies and nuts for Christmas, at Stevenson & Cross'. Newton and ScliTittler and Plat- -wagons, spring form wagons stocii and chain pumps, for sale by David Cinro&sll. J! Highest market price paid by D. E. Douglas & Co. 5ra c ui.Sm K ffl Kl Mil t- s a ti&ti ?? ra 1 TO OTTR CUSTOMERS. Thanking yon for your patronage in the past, and desiring a continuanee in the future, we are Respectfully Yours, STEVENSON & CSOSS. Brownville, Neb., Dec. 22, 1880. Ed. AdverT-Seu: Answering your favor of Dec. 10 requesting more ex plicitness, I will say that I referred to the authority which you assumed to withdraw my name in favor of Mr. Howe as candidate for the speakership: I refused your earnest solicitation on that behalf as you well know. Your statement beside being untrue was an injustice to me as well as the friends who have had the kindness to honor mo by mention' ng my name in timt connection. i our insinuations of mnliro nr tliftir unri- nvn iiniiicttfiild Very Bespectfullv, T. L. Scnici:. t answer. s In order to m-ike th!s matter intel-i ligiblo to our readers we will first state I that in tho issue of The Advertiser of tho 13th inst. appeared a Bhort article referring to an interview we had had with Mr. Schick regarding the use of his name in connection with the speak ership of the Nebraska house of repre sentatives. Soon after the paper was issued we received a note from Mr. Schick whfch said that he had net "authorized" us to make the statement wo hid. "We at once answered his let ter, brieily informing him that we did not rsgard Jiis authority of much im port.ine in preparing matter for our paper, and to state explicitly what portion of the remarks wo had attri buted to him at the interview were incor.ect. "We then waited patiently a week for Mr. Schick to give us the desired information, but it did not come, nor has it yet. On the 22 1, just as wo were joing to press, after he Jiad been six days laboring to ni3ke up his mind what to say in answer to our request, he sa.uls in the above letter, which we find in the Sheridan. Post. Had Mr. Schick answered our inquir, even in the evasive manner he finally did, in time for us to publish it with such re mark as tho subject demanded from us. it would have appeared in our columns last week. Now then we will notice Mr. Schick's letter. First we declare that our re port of what ho said in the interview reierra.l to was true, and that we gave as nairly a3 wo could remember, his very words. Secondly, we assumed no authorltv to withdraw Mr. Schick's nam2, for we did not withdraw it, as the p iper is evi Jence. "Wo did not ask h'im to withdraw in favor of Mr..Howe, as Mr. Schick well, knows, and never thought of such a thing, from the very simple fact that he did not impress us with the idea that he desired to ue a real candidate for tho speakership. Aftjr Mr. Schick had pro teste 1 that he had no prior knowledge of the announcement of his candidacy in tue PjJ, that ho had no idea as to who .vas the outhor of it, and declar ing thaE lie did not desire to be, and had no hope of being successful, we then said "-o him, "well Schick, then let me say in my columns that I am authoriz ed to say that you are not a candidate, and that will obviate tho necessity of of Th-: Advertiser antagonizing you, as you well know I am advocating Mr. Howj, and of course cannot advocate you ; and then harmony will at lciist apparently prevail in the Nemaha del egation." AVe further told him, what we candidly believed, that such an an nou cement would not only vindicate him as a man of commendable mode3ty, but would be for his political welfare and a credit to his good sense and Judg ment. Mr. Schick is much mistaken yi his opinion as to the object of our sought interview with him. He seems to th;nk it was for an "earnest solicita tion" in behalf of Mr. Howe. Nothing of the kind. It was to earnestly sol'cit Mr. Schick not to make a regular dam phoilof himself. He is not in Mr. Howe's way at all. "Well, after wejiad made the request for authority to say ho was not a candidate for speaker, and advi ed him the best wd could, or 7iis own sal:e,Q hesitated for a.brief time, and ii s lit w-i-; aboufto g've his consent, Major Daily or Tom Majors who jtood behind him, in imagination, shoyjd an imaginary pin into his rump, and spoilt it all. An(l this is wlu.t he said-'-Iiis very w.drds: "2?o T guess you n "Int say anything about it. I don't expz -t to be elected, but it may help, ma to a good committee! ! 7" And soon as we coulu recover irom me shock oi this peculiar announcement to a news paper man, and a Howe man, we left. Mr. Schick we verily believe is the. on ly legislator in the worl I that would thus give himself completely away and then force its exposure in a newspaper. In giving the conversation that occur ed between Mr. Schick and ourself last week, we in mercy to him suppressed that part of it, thinking: that perhaps his good sense wold suggest to him to not compel us to denounce him as a sham and-humbug candidate for Speak er, seeking honorable positions on com mittees through false-nretenses. Had we announced, ; us with doing,T lick charges ot a bona fide candidate fifc but a can- didatefor a comivi wuld havo been the whole truth SEWING EXACKIST33. Buy tho New American with self thre iding shuttle and self-setting need le lightest running machine; it is the boss; no humbug. For sale by t T. BICHABD3. -AtUntion Smokers. - T. L. Jones has the nicest stock of pipei. cigars, cigar holders, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, etc in Brownville. Call and be convinced. ESerit SANTA 0LAU3. "We hope the abve named good old gentleman has made the hearts of all the children glad with the gifts which he distributed on Christmas eve, through the agency of grand-pas and grand-mas, and aunts, uncles, and ev erybody who has a kind heart and re veres the name of the children's pat- ron Saint. Santa Ciaus is a familiar name, and all tho young folks expect a v'3 ri'm '"m 'Christmas times, yet there are many who have no idea who he is, except that he is a Jolly good old gray-beard, who comes down the chimney and filb their stockings with candy and nuts. Now we will tell the young readers of The Aiver- tiskr some'.hing about Santa Ciaus, "We are indebted to the Dutch for the name of Santa Glaus, or Klaus, that being the name of those people for St. Nicolas, aad tho traditions and good deeds of St. Nicolas are perpetuated in the name of Santa Ciaus in this coun- , try. Well, who was St. Nicolas NicVjlas, fi3 some spell Wi We do not know much about him, from the fact lhat he lived so long ago tl.at his history i3 incomplete. But there is enoujh to inform us that St. N., in about the year A. D. 300, was bishop of Myra, in Lycia, a country in Asia Minor. Of his personal history hard ly anything is certainly known, and the great popularity of the devotion to him rests mainly on the traditions, both in tho West and in the East, of tho many miracles wrought through his intercession. He is regarded in Catholic countries, as the especial pat ron of the young, and particularly of scholars. In England, his feist was celebrated in ancient time3 with great solemnity in the public schools. .A cu rious practice, founded upon this char acteristic of St. N,. still exists in Ger many. On the vigil of his feast, which is held on the Gth of December, a per son in the appearance and costume of a bishop assembles the children of a family or a school! and d:stributcs among them, to the good children, lit tle presents to please them, while the bad children are punished. A legend of St. N. is that "he supplied three maidens with marria.ee portions l.v se cretly leaving money at their wfnUow, and as his day occurred just before Chriiimas, he thus was mide the pnr veyor of the gifts of the season to all children in Flanders and Holland who put out their shoe or slocking in the confidence that Santa Klaus, or Krecht Clobes, as they call him, will put in a prize for good conduct,, before morn ing. Another legend described the saint as having brought three murder ed ch Idren to life again; and this ren dered h"m the patron of boys, esrec iallv school Lovs." BEDPOED. Miss Lou Tucker is spending the holidays at home. John Stokes, who has been very ill with inlla.nniatory rheumatism, is aga;n able to be out. The e is a g-eat amount of sick uess from sor? throat and lung fever in this section of the country, M;ss Kate Cox, formerly a teach er in the Brownville schools, now of Humboldt, will spend a few days of tho present vacation at the farm resi dence of Chr3 Tucker. A person who thinks himself wiser and better than other people wnl spend his time in shunning and trying to out shine his neighbors, while a person who really i3 wiser and better will spend his time in trying to make his neighbors as wise and useful as h'mself. Bain "Wagon3, whips and cross-cu saws by Stevenson & Cross. ISyglenlc. The Express, Calcaijo, says or Warner's Saf 9 Kidnpy.tml L'vorCiire : "lt!s,ln the high est sense, hygienic, and can be osed bj"yomiK and old with cqunl advantage. It gives Jhe only relief yet attained, that can be termed permanent, .In ir!hfs Disease. and this alone should rank :t higher In tha lists of medical trlninphV lm3 "Woven wire beds, all sizes and low prices at Stevenson & Cross'. Wan led. One or more sets of books to post up and keep in orderdouble entry style. Eooks opened, closed and corrected. A few more private students at reason able rates. 20-tf A. "W. Sitltzraugiu "Wagon Timber for sale by David Campbell. Cash Pall for Wheat. Tiie 2i;s-st market price paidfor good wheat at Glen Hock Mills. 4a, JO.H - OiTA CO. Stoves, furniture, andqueensware by Stevenson & Cro3s. Indebted to ma "will please call and settle at once as ail claims will hz placed in the hand of an attornsy for collection. LOUTS 7 OTZEAI?. Call and Sec The splendid stock of fresh candies and confections at Palmer & Furman's. t-j-i-.- i ,:t.i i r cni. bv Stevenson & Cross. I STATE MATTEES. The State editorial association meets at Lincoln January 12th. "Anything to beat Church Howe," is the word with those who are jealous: aud envious of his energy ability and successes. J. W. Gavitt, of Nemaha county, tells us that as he was driving to this place, one day last week, and when within a few miles of town one of the largest grey wolves he ever saw in this country sauntered past him within a few rods of his team, unconcernedly and with as little fear as a dog. Wolves are getting bold. Humboldt Sentinel. "A squarer, fairer man than Tom Majors does not move in the political circles of Nebniska." Item. A short time ago a young man named Gormanie Bowers, Douglas count)', was cruelly beat?n by another young man named Lorenzo Flckard Bowei'3 died from the miunes lie re ceived, and Pickard is in jail to be tried for murder. Probably all this comes from a few drinks of rotgut whisky. Tha annual meeting of the Otoe old settlers association will be January :)d. Tho first ballot for U. S. Senator will be ta"ken January 17th, and there must be at least one ballot a day until a Senator is chosen. Fctv-threo vote3 will be neces sary to chose a speaker. Pawnee county has an old settlers reunion Jan. 1st. Mis3 Lina C. Masters, a teacher, near Elk Creek station, Johnson coun ty, on Saturday morning last week, un dertaking to cross the A. & N. railroad track just ahead of tho express train, slipped, fell on the track and was killed. She was a very estimable young lady. The present Christmas is the big gest Christmas on record. We have elected a good man for president; every man can get work who wants it; hard times have disappeared; Tecum eh is growing; corn and hogs are "up." and everybody feels good. Besides all this, the indications certainly point to a new railroad. Chieftain. The Grand Island Times, regrading the Olive case, agrees with The Ad VERTI3EK, and in the following, hits the nail on the head: "Wo never had any doubt as to the guilt of Olive and Fisher and thr.t they would have been hanged, had Judge Gaslin entertained any regard for his official position, and not made it a case of persecution instead of prosecution. Through his intense eagerness to grati fy publ'e clamor and gain cheap notor iety therrbv. ho was doubtless guilty of committing the numerous er rors upon which are based the grounds for a new trail. The cry that is being mad i bv a lot of hair-brained idiots who immediately jump at the conclu sion thattho supreme judges have been infill "need bv money in granting a new trial, is a shame and an outrage upou deeen w. To intimate that such men las Uli ef. Justice Maxwell can be cor- rnptel or influenced by rroiie". is ridic dons and absurd, and will only be m ide by irresponsible blatherskites who "an only judge by what they would do if an opportunity for being corrupt ed oTrcd itself to them under liko cir cumstances. Tiie haymakers of Thayer county have sold 8125,000 worth of baled hay this season, so they say. Salem, Richardson county, has organized a coal mine company. A hunter of Indianola recently killed 13 d-jr in one day in violation of the statute. On account of the recent cold weather grading was suspended vn the ligh grades on the road and work is done mainly on deep ones. Arapahoe , r tower. The people of our state who de mand soino legislation to correct abus es and extortionate rates, are not in favor of "vexing and injurious legisla tion," but such wise measures as will be benefi il to the" people as wt.ll as the railroads. Stivard Reporter. There thats good sense a proposi tion. be just, to protect the people, encourage capital and enterprise.' "We are all in favor o" that. The Stare Agricultural and Horti cultural soIoiies meet January 19, at Lincoln. Slaves, SI yj-3. . Thos. Itichards for the best Go to stoves. Sandwich 4 hole mounted sheller, for sale cheap by Stevenson & Cro33. For your ncss go to saddles an'jj liar J. E3. 2?aucr's. 'Bissolutba Holico. The partnership heretofore existing between Drs. Foster & Andrews, of Nemaha City, is dissolved by mutual consent, on and after January 1st, 1881. All accounts duo the firm must be im mediately settled. Persons thus in debted will take notice and call at their office in Nemaha City. L. M. Foster, B. Bell Andrews. Dissolution of Paitnersbip. The partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned is this date dissolved by mutual consent, G. "W. Fairbrother Sr., G. "W. Fairbrother Jr.. and B. F. Sumters, having purchased the entire interest of T. C. Hacker in the office of The Nebraska ADVEr- tiser. All debts owingoy i airorotn er & Hacker will be paid by the new firm, and all debts owjng on subscrip tions or otherwise to Fairbrother & Hacker will be paid to the new firm. G. "W. Fairbrother, Sr. T. C. Hacker. An Ilein or Appropriation. In telllnj; of Warner's S.ir Kidney and Liver Cure, ti-. 7 7)'Vr--i, Hnloir, N. Y. says In Its Wahn;tnr. Items: -It seems to botrenerat'y undersloo 1 fiat an especial ap proprl ittmi will bemide o Jthc purchase, for the ! of the m-intiets of Sen.itc and House, or Warner's Sufe PilU auu Warner's Sale Bitters." i0ro3 Cranberries, maple syrup and buckwheatFlouratStevensou & Cross'. STOVS8 ! STOVSS ! The Charter HotBhtst is the best be cause it consumes the least fuel and bakes mo3t even and weighs more than -me nfhpr stnvft in the market. Regu- later. T.Kichabiw. BEOWvTLLE FUBHO SCHOOL Eoll of Honor for the Term Encin res. 24th, 1880. FIRST KOZ.X.. The flMt roll of honor Include tho names of pupil who were neither absent nor tardy during the term. men scnoor, Mary Hacker. Stella Uctzcl Walter Gil more. Cora Ponn, Hubert Watte, Mattle Hacker, Minnie Mercer, Allca Atkinson, Robert Mulr. GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. Mary noover, Martha Worthing, Lena Neld hart, Horace Carr. . INTERMEDIATE DITAETMEST. Kato Mlddleton. Ella Hardenbarger. SECONDARY DEPARTMENT. Nettle Piscoe, Ell Stevens, Pearl McCotn ber, Tom Body. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Leo Royse. SECOND ROX.I.. The second roll includes the name? of those who were absent or tardy enly when excused beforehand. Mary McComas, Allle McComas. Grace Stewart. Mamie Carson. Eddie Ultaore, Etta Armstrong, Lou Dort, Minnie McGee. Ad.I a Deary. Roll of noaoi for the month ending Dec. 21th, ISiy): man school 1st boll. Alice Atkinson, Molllo Bar eness. Cora Ponn. Kobert Mulr, Hubert Walto, Eddie Glbton, Lu Dort, Mattle Hao . I er, Mary Hacker, Stella Iietzel. Minute Mer cer. Allle McComas, Walter Gllinorc, Adella Deary. 2d roll, Mary McComas, John Den, Grace- Stewart. BKAMSTAR DEPARTMENT. 1st roll. Minnie Ucrcr, Mary Hoover. Lena Neldhart, Curtis Tlsdel, Otto neltrerj Ullla Hoover. Uose MeCuniber, Lllllo Uel iner. Martha Worthing. Lorenzo Whecldon. Frrd Wheeldon, Horace Carr, WlIIIo Camp bell. 2d roll. Anna Browning. Frank Thomp- Hon, Frank Dort, Minute Scatnn. James Ma son, Ella McXaughton. Taul Gllraoro, Mary Mooney, Annlo Wlbley, Eddie Lorance Chttrlla Hacker, Harry McComas, Johi. Smith, Annie Mooney, Gs-jrgo Hannafoid, Willie Lnzaoce. 1st INTERMEDIATE DKPAKTMENT. Tearl Mliitck, Heatle Wlbley, Llllio Bnr chea1. Fannie Richards, tnphle Neldhart, Katie Mlddletou, Ida Havens, Etta Hacker, John McCumber, Charles Stevens, Henry Wheeldon. Eddie Sanders, Liud Careen, Al bert.ritevfciis. 2J INTEXMEDIATS rfP.rARTMENT. Willie Andrew. Nellie McCimas, Itafe Mason, LUHe Worthing, Mike Mooney, Mol lieKleln, Albert Smtth, Hclle Lorance, Geo. MIddleton, May Worthing. Lester Douglas. Nora Andrews, GorJen Stevens. Ella Hard onbarger. SECONDARY DEPARTMENT, Nollle PtiNCoe. Pearl McCumber, Ell Ste vens, Tom Hotly, Lulu Z'Hik, Rena Nace. Co ra Etnpsni, Frank Ile.'mer, Arthur Sanders, Teddy Docker, Willie Havens. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Maggie Sedonw, Efflo Wheeldon, Heltie Palmer, Winnie Audrow, Motile B:nttnn, Liute Russell, Eddie Wheeldon, WHIIe Smith, Lee Royse. Charlie Helrucr, Duvld Hacker, B. Worthing Died. At the family residence in Bro.vnviHe. Nebraska, Dec. 27th, lcWO, Naniy Rebecca, wife of Benson M. Bail r. in the 30th year of her :.ge. The community was greatly shocked on Tuesday morning when the news was heralded throughout the city that this estimable and universally beloved lady had died suddenly tho night be fore. Up to tha hour of 1 er death, the deceased possessed her usual good health, so far as could be known, and when she died it must have been in stantaneously, but she was alone, and to her last struggles there w;s no wit ness, and must be foreverunknown. Mr. Bailey that evening attended the meeting of the Temple of Honor, and as th meeting was a protracted one. he did not return home until about midnight, when he fonnd his wife ly ing prostrate on Vie Aor at the foot of the sta .way, dead and cold. She had evidently started with her lamp to -go u? stairs to her room, and the lamp stood upright on the third step of the stairs. Thi3 is about all that is knowii of the last hours of the life, and the death, of Mrs. B. M. Bailey. The de ceise 1 was a daughter of ilr. George Harmon and a sister to-Mrs. J. L. Mc Gee. Tha bereaved husband, family and friends, nave the profound sympa thy of th. entirctniuunity. The funeral services took place at 1 p. m. 20th inst., conducted by "Rev. E. J. WIls, assisted by EM. Rowe and Rev. H. O. Scott. JDoIemL Oai'dL -9 Sour Ivwiufc, Pigs feet, Maf&eral, Pickles, Hal i but, Codfish, Sardines, Oysters, Chickens. Ducks, Geese, Turkeys," Hams, Allen, Hisddart. 1 Homewood and Trow bridge flour Svrups, Vinegar, 3 . M 1 Oil, Apples. Baskets, Buckets, Wash tubs, "Washboard3, Brooms, ,Soap of all nakes. Spices of all kinds, Sugar, Coffee, .Tea, Crackers, Etc., Etc., Is so e w o 2 s c c - Butter&Eggsj Potau).j3 Peas, Beans, Hominy, Rice, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, s j; -2 I XU and a ful' lin of notions and dry goocLs, boots and shoes, Ii; ts and caps, andq ueensware, and china tea sets. China tea sets, consisting of 50 pieces, for $13. Call and see. Deco'-sted bed room et3, con- sistini of thirteen pieces, cheap for SI 3. Call at Dolen's and Le convinced that he sells cheaper than anyone else. HJVs Journal of Health says "Ladies would all be benefitted by a liotle exercise in the open air every day.' An hour shotting si:ow now vi ill bring a rose t:nt to the chek, we varrai.t. Tiie Lest and wisest physicians advis-! not to let a cold cr cough con tinue, but break it up immediately .and the best thjjrr found yet is "Nickell's, compound couii syrup. j As wv go to press we learn that Mrs. II. VT. Shubert, died suddenly on the 29th inst., at her home near Aspin wall. Diseases peculiar to re-nalfs speedily en ed wllho it t'it tHklngof n iueois medicine by tho new and wonderful remedy, Pror. Guli metto's French Kidney Pad. CouIj no IHore- XickeU's cough syrup will cure any ! ordinary cough and cold. Sample free.. The weather has been extremelj cold this week, the thermometer rang ing from fifteen to eighteen degrees below zero. At daylight "Wednesday morning it was eighteen below, and afc t2n o'clock fifteen below. :NickeH's BakingPowders.warrant--ed equal to the best, and only 20 cents a pound. The bone and Muscle producing Malt, the Nervequletlng Hop, the superb Malarial an tidote Quinine, and other precious ingredi ents, combined without fermentation, aro tho IngreJlontsof "Malt Bltterj,"' prepared by the Malt Bitters Company. All Of Nickell's. Mark Twain's books at Palmer A Fnrsian have the best stock of holiday candies in the market. m MARD Over a Mltllos or Prof. Gnllmetle'o Txtatcu ;c iil ffiirt) Hav Alrrtdr brrn sold : trynnd Franca evorv ui.e or which ana l veti per ectsat-i.v.-irtMn.aud li.-u per formed cures ev ery tins, when used according tn directions. We now ny u the n.Ulcud aad doubting ones that we will py the abovi- reward for a s!rKl cum ZD-A-ILVCIE! BACK Tbatthe Tad falls to cure This G-ent R-acdr will VOdlTIVELY Mid PEKMAXtM J.Y .urs Luro'iago, Lani Sactt, Scicllca, ti rav el, Dlalieteo, Uropsj-. UvlRlt' Dlimw oftlir ICIdnrj'K, Incontinence nnd Ut- nUcmof the. Vrlur, InCnnmtlon of t lie XCIdnrya, Cnlnrrii of His- ltlnIttrr, II)rH Colored Urlnr, Po! In it f iTack, hide op l.olnn, XrrvMi A. Jk r, at'tJ In lactal'dls rderai-fihP '! ni.J d t.'naryOr srann whether ruitracnay rr. cu.Ulteasa oroUj erwNc. I,.1 DIRS- If you arc s'jJT.-tf-j fwai Femala Wenlcnes. Leicorrhccu. or v disuse of ti Kidni'jrs. Bladder, or Urinary O aus. YOU CAN BE CUKSD ! Without swallowlns.niueous medicines, by iIjo. ply vcarlng PROF. GUILKETTP'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, wiucn critES by At:-i.Rpriov. Ask you" d-i'gslst for WtOF. GP.LMETTirS FKbStH K DMiYl'AD I'd fake no other ir h has not Kut't. send JI.0C and yon ill rtceivtU Pad by mrn ma'". Tf.e11M0NIr.L3 FROM TH3 ffiOPIB. JUIKJ'BUCiTAXAN Iwvcr. Toiedo, O. . y -OiJPfif 1'rof. Uutlaaetts'a Hunch Kidney ro cured meoflK'nibaKO In tUrvr week's time. My case had been Kiven upby me best Dot tors in. rnab!e. Purine a'l this Met I auffe'ed unuld asonrnnd paid out larRem.Disormoney. O KOPJ; E VETTSt:. J. Y.. To!do. O . ay -"I suffered lo torea years with Sci ;t!ca and Kid ney Disease, and often had to go about on crutches. ( was eniire'y and peinne:iilr PUTed after wear n; l-of. CiUi'mctte'a rrenchKidncy Pad fanr weeks." SQU'RE N. C. PCOTT. Svh arsta.O.. write: "I li.iv been a (treat Miflerer for 13 years witbr Br'ghi's Deaseor th Kid.tejs. For weeks at time I was u 'nb e to get out of bd : took ta rela o'med'c ne. i ut they jsavem ,n,y temporary r liof. I wore two orProf.GulInic UpN Kidney .Veda "x weeks and I nmr know Inii entirely cred.'" JilW IIEMXjEKiOIE, Toledo. 0..a: "Forjpara I naveheon ctmfliied a prvnt iiati f the time to my bed, with Lucorrnoct a. d femala weakness, i wornneo'lii metis's Kidney Pads .tnd wn- cn-vd 1 1 one month." II. B UKF.K3T. Wholesale Grocer, Flndlay; Ot, writes: I fcT?"ered for a yKTS with lame baet and 1st three weekw wts vermrentty cured bj werlajc oiteor l'ror.nullmette a Idney pads." B. F KEri.TNn.x.D..mtuc;bt. Lngangport, (nd. w.ien sending In an order lor Kidney raus. wr :es: I wore one ofthe first ones we had anfl I re ceived morer)e"eatrrom I: than anytninjj I ter med. Infacttt.e luH elve better i;eiierl satisfac tion than ft-v K'dney remedy we so'd " RAY & UlIOKMAKClt. Druggists. Hannibal. Mo.. WearaworfetnirupaliTtly trade IrryonrPaiSa. and are heariuc of good results from tbem vry day." PROF. GOILMra'oTRINCH TO FIB Will positively cure Ferr and Ague. Dnnte Auie. Ague Culce. Bilious rver. Jnnndlre. Iy-nefs-a, and aH diseases r"he I.'ier. Stoavexb and Ei'od Pr.ce $1.50 oy mall Se'id for Prof. UnlW inette's Treatise oa the KIdner and I.lver. fre by mall. Address i'lti:."LU PAD f(l , Totedc, Ohio. For sale by W. H. McCreery. Thero Isnoclvlltzetl nat'on In the Western: IIcmli!ie.e In w'n c!i tiie ullliy oi Hontet I Hmliint'-il!lft.js meijcln, is not knowii nuuapfrf-ti-ire . npiieiiMnmi'illcioc lor nil rivuvon nnri nU r!!mte, it is especially milted to the coinpiuints eenerntett by ther wentlir,hlnzthepnrest and bet Tegetablo stlmninntln thewnrlil. For sal hy Pruaslstnand Bpniera, to whom apply for HosteUur'e Almnimc lor lbSI. T. A. Balh. Joseoh Body. BATH BODY . proprietors art.now prepared toaccornmodata the public with Good, Sweet, Fresh Higtiest market price paid for Beef Hides AND T.A.XjXiO'W- First door east of P.O. BrowaTllIe. .L & X Urge, nw iqJ eoaplcte CoJ la W lock, coutAJBt-sr w th svioy vtHcn, i& tot- liwtay ebinten A. CosapctentWoauifiood 3elfct:oa ax Vttrc.Tearraaiati.comD&iikl JiifteeloBrtJrrroom. Jkrice to IiniUedi. A4tc (aWiTM. "PrwtiiartoQ. it .autti, telibaey ud MatnmoirT ceuparrJ, Cjc&I Dvtw. CmImsmsI. U a4 Covufcrp. laptdiaiui m 1u rue, ban i iU;-IctU. tiW LiS etuiUrvi, U T Kwrtac ad Jtwr, UfU riku of cuntd woo. Ul ulsd T rniM jiri.wr W Waa ictr cawri ad trtsrat. A boek fjr yriTU &a4 rwMiifc.TT m&taf, ttiit jrC. iit fjSX FUtt Zacransc, by bbJ, 4t0cc i!'r,H.RRkVAT MEDICAL ADVISER' 0 Sjphilis. QonoTTbcea. Uleet. Stricture. Varico cele. &c alia oa Spensatcrrheoa. Sexual bebJlltr. kJ Irapoteney. ftoa Self Abuse b4 Dicnin. tiuar Scan, 1mwh ffo.Mnru.A.miMUSMKtj.l'kiNctSDraT.Dta. wiScli Mniir, Jlra.tj lrfty:nl )vcr.,Mv. UIr mi. rl, :jmy.r m ub,ps7, pTX nnaent.mit prml w; i.aiUnc Jpr, f.r tk, car, afalt fmM dli. tu TV. mw 40 Utci. 50 Mou, HciisliiTia,' Ltitsrs ea 2iis:li7rKUii:rff 10a, FO R ONE DOLLAR ", Mad " "" ' - ftllUHHViHattMBBBHEABVB bore described books, a 1, Douwd ia on si40i couuiaiajc 36 paxes, and otr 107 illustrations. Tbe cooiMoer volsme is positive! the scosC popi!ar 'dieU Bwk oobliabed. Tbe author u aa ipn tnci pbfsieiaa or nar r,r prscticr, (as is well ksawaV aat lb Wf-e.clTra.asdnJr'r tria,nl k4 dtwa.tU Vr f.a4 m Cs .alw, t U.M. nS n rro jmfmtm or ii. ;tm. ml, m-t, 'W nTrbatraibLrsnniiicar tk. a.,4 -FUTaTX -CaEOXIC ! rowace snap uara w ftfmtnt tat br,ka. DW,BOTTSTD!SPEWSAnY. r"W" 13 tsrr. earae from lmrr- Kina! a,soatio.s, aeir-abosr r.rxaalrxefstes. cnrocic uiifus aul comcitLa.ea l ibi OiMascs resttHiac i i.oi irti'M or mail ass err'e". Where- psuM. per sonal ossultanon is preftrrrJ. wfcieh is free ami iktiird. pes booa To to JOiw-re J br paheat cJesirins tr.ilmtsl miilrl Irtw to aay aMrn oo aerhcaiioa. Ttr bks or rrrirxneti! aJdreia- ini-iiui IB, J a .art& t& St-. St. Loal. iicv- mSmrm VluSS-k C"i? .rJM HgSTiTTgifc il CELEBRATED l H&& & STOMACH V m HEAT UBEET. sgm X r- ir V oa"v. 5s F y k