Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 16, 1880, Image 2

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    "T '
4- -
Washington", December C.
Fcilov Citizen of the Senate and Ifctac of Jifp-
I congatulate you on the continued and in
creasing prosperity of our country. By the
favor of Divine I'rovidence we have been
blessed during the past year with health, with
abundant harvests, witlfprofitable employment
for all our people, and with contentment at
home, and with peace and friendship with
other nations. The occurrence of the forty
fourth election of Chief Magistrate has af
forded another opportunity of the people of
the United States to exhibit to the world a
significant example of the peaceful and safe
transmission of the power and authority of
government from the public sen-ants whose
erms of office are about to expire to their
newly chosen successors. The example cannot
fail to impress profoundly the thoughtful peo
ple of other countries with the advantages
which the republican institutions afford. The
immediate general and cheerful acquisccnce
of good citizens in the result of the election,
gives gratifying assurance to our country and
and to its friends throughout the world that a
government based on the free current of an
intelligent and patriotic people possesses ele
ments of strength, stability and permanency
not found in any other form of government.
Continued opposition to the full and free
enjoyment of the rights of citizenship, con
ferred ujk)ij the colored people by the recent
amendments to the constitution, still prevails
in several of the latclae holding states. It
has. perhaps, not been manifested in the re
cent election to any large extent in acts of
violence or intimidation. It has, however, by
fraudulent practices in connection with the
ballots, with the regulations as to thd places
and manner of voting and with counting, re
turning and canvassing the votes cast, been
successful in defeating the exercise of the
rights, preservation of all rights the right of
sullrage which the constitution expressly
confer ujiouour enfranchised -citizens.
constitutional amendments.
It is the desire of the good people of the
whole country that sectionalism as a lactor m
our politics should disappear. They prefer
that no section of the country should be uni
ted in solid opposition to any other section
The disposition to refuse a prompt and hearty
obedience to the equal rights amendments to
the constitution, is all that now stands in the
way of a complete obliteration of sectional
lines in our political contests. As long as
tiiese amendments are Hagrantly violated or
disregarded, it is safe to assume that the ik'o-
ple who placed them in the constitution, as
cmltodyiiig the legitimate results of the war
for the Union, and who believes them to be
wise and necessary, will continue to act to
gether and to insist that they shall be obeyed.
The paramount question still is, as to the en
joytnentjof the right by every American citi
zen who has the rcodisite "qualifications to
freely cast his vote and to have it honestly
counted. With this question rightly settled,
the country will be relieved of the contentions
oi the past; i-grnes win lnueeu ne oy-gones,
and political and party issues, with respect to
the economy and efficiency of administration,
internal improvements, the tariff, domestic
taxation, education, finance, and other import
ant subjects will the rect-ive their full share of
attention; but resistance to a nullification of
the results of the war will unite together in
resolute purpose for their support all who
maintain the authority of the union, and who
adequately appreciate the value of the victory
achieved. Jhisdctciiniuation proceeds lrom
no hostile sentiment or feeling to airy part of
the people of onr country, or to any of their
interests. the inviolability oi the amend
ments rests upou the fundamental principle of
our government, the- are the solemn ex
pression of the will of the people of the Uni
ted States. The sentiment that the constitu
tional rights of our citizens mu-t be main
tained does not grow weaker. It will continue
to control the government of the country.
Happily the history of the late election shows
that in" many parts of the country where oppo
sition to the fifteenth amendment has hereto
fore prevailed, it is diminishing, and is likely
to cease altogether if firm and well considered
action it taken by congress. I trust the house
of representatives and the senate, will sec to
It that every case of violation of the letter or
spirit or the lutcenth amendment is thorough
ly investigated, and that no benefit from sucli
violation shall accrue to any person or party.
It will be the duty of the cxectitive, with
sufficient appropriations for the purpose, to
prosecute unsparingly nil who have been en
gaged in depriving citizens of the rights
guar nteed to them by the constitution. It is
not, however, to be forgotten that the best
and surest guarantee of the primary rights
of citizenship is to be found in that capacity
for self protection, which can belong only to
a people whose right to universal sullrage is
supported by uuiversal education.
iopular education.
The means at the command of the local
and state authorities are, in many cases,
wholly inadequate to furnish free instruction
to all who need it. This is especially true
where, before emancipation, the education of
the people was sadly neglected, or provided,
in the interest of slavery. Firmly conviucc i
that the subject of popular education deserves
the earnest attention of the people of the
whole country, with a view to wise and com
prehensive action by the government of the
United States, I rcsiectfuHy recommend that
congress, by suitable legislation, and with
proper safeguards, supplement the local edu
cational funds in the several states, where the
grave duties and responsibilities of citizenship
.have been devolved on uneducated people, by
devoting to the purpose grants of the public
lauds, and, if necessary, by appropriations
from the treasury of "the United States,
Whatever the government can fairly do to
promote free jwpular education, ought, to be
done. Wherever general education is found,
peace, virtue, anil social older, prevail, and
civil and religious liberty are secure.
In my former annual messages, I have asked
the attention of congress to the civil service
system of the government My views con
cerning the dangers of patronage or appoint
ments fur personal or partisan considerations,
have been strengthened by my observation
and experience in the executive oliice. and I
believe the dangers threaten the stability of
the government. Abuses, so serious in tlicir
natuie, cannot be tolerated. They tend to
become more alarming with the enlargement
of the administrative service, as the growth
of the country in population increase the
number of officers and policemen employed.
The reasons are imperative for the adoption
of fixed rules for the regulation of appoint
ments, promotion and removals establishing
a uniform method, having exclusively, in
every instance, the attainment of the" best
qualifications for the position in question,
buch a method alone is consistent with the
equal right " of all citizens,, and the most
economical and ctlicieut administration of th .
public business. ComjHititive examinations,
in aid of impartial appointments, have been
conduuteil, for some years past, in several of
the executive departments; and by my direc
tion this system has been adopt ed'in the cus
tom houses and post offices of the lamer cities
of the country. In the city of New York over
two thousand persons in the civil service have
been subjected, on their appointments and
tenure of place, to the oiK.Tation of published
rules for the purpose, during the past two
vcars. The results of these practical tests
nave been very satisfactory, and have con
firmed my ojMiiion iu favor of this svsf em of
selection" All are subjected to the tests, and
the result is free from prejudice bv personal
favor or partisan influence. It secures for the
position applied for, the best qualifications at
tainat le among the composing applicants. It
is an etfectual protection from the pursuit of
importunity, which, under any other course
pursued, largely exacts the time and attention
of appointing ollictjs, to their great detriment
in the discharge of other official duties, pre
venting the abuse of the .service for the mere
furtherance of private or part" purposes, and
leaving the employes of the goven ment freed
from the obligations imposed by patronage to
depend solely upon merit for retention and
ajlvanccmcnt,'and, with this eonstantincent-
ive, to exertion and improvement, these in
valuab'e results have been attained in a high
degree in the oihccs wierc the rales lor ap-
poiniinent by eompctnne examination have
beeu applied." A method which has so approv
ed its; If by experimental tests at points where
such tests may be fairly considered conclusive,
should be extended to all subordinate posi
tions under the government I believe that a
strong and growing public sentiment demands
immediate measures for securing and enforc
ing the highest possible elliciency in the civil
service and its protection lrom recognize!
abuses, and that the ex- erieuce re erred to
has demonstrated the :easibility of suchmeas
urcs. The examinations in theVustom homes
and postoflices have been l-eld under many
embarrassmei.ts and without provision for
compensation for the extra J lior performed
bv the officers who hsve conducted them, and
whose commendable interest in the public ser
vice has induced this devot on of time aud la
bor without pecuniar' reward. A continuance
of these labors gratuitously ought not to be
expected, and without appropriation by con
cress for compensation, it is not practicable
to extend the system of examinations gener
ally throughout the civil service. It is also
highly important that all such examinations
should be c- nducted upon a uniform system
and under general supervision. Section 1753,
of the revised statutes, authotizes the presi
dent to prescribe for the regulations for ad
mission to the civil service of the United
States, and for this purpose to employ suitable
persons to conduct the requisite inquiries with
reference to "the fi!ness of such candidate, m
respect to age, health, character, knowledge,
and ability fpr the branch of service into
which he seeks to enter;" but the law is prac
tically Inoperative for want of the requisite
appropriation. I therefore recommend an ap
propriation of $25,000 per annum to meet the
expenses of a commission, to be appointel by
the president, fn accordance with the terms ol
this section, whose duty it shall be to devise a
just, uniform and efficient system of competi
tive examinations, and to supervise the appli
cation of the same throughout the entire iv
II service of the government. I am persuaded
that the facilities which such a commission
will afford for testing the fitness of those who
apply for olhcc, will not only be as welcome a
relief to the members of congress as it will
be to the president and heads of departments,
but that it will greatly tend to remove the
causes of embarrassment which now inevita
bly and constantly attend the conflicting
claims of patronage between the legislative
and executive departments. The most effect
ual check upon the perniciom competition of
influence and official favoriteism in the be
stowal of office will be the sub:-titution of an
open competition of merit between the appli
'ants in which ever- one can make his own
record with the assuraucethst his success will
depend upon this alone.
I also recommend such legislation as, while
leaving every officer as free as any other citi
zen to express his political opinions and to use
his means for their advancement, shall also
enable him to feel as safe as anv private citi
zen in the refusal of all demand's upou his sal
ary for political purposes. A law which should
thus guarantee true liberty and justice to all
who are engaged in the public service, and
likewise contain stringent provisions against
the use of official authority to coerce the polit
ical action of private citizens or of official sub
ordinates, is greatly to be desired. The most
serious obstacle, however, to an improvement
of the civil service and especially to a reform
in the method of appointment and removal has
been found to be the practice, under what Is
known as the
by which the appointing power has been so
largely encroached upon by members of con
gress. The first step in the reform of the
civil service, must be a complete divorce be
tween congress and the executive in the mat
ter of appointments. The corrupting doctrine
that "To the victors belong the spoils," Is in
separable from congressional patronage, as the
established rule and practice of parties in pow
er. It comes to be understood by applicants
for office and by the people generally, that
representatives and senators are entitled to
disburse the patronage of their respective dis
tricts and state. It is not necessary to recite
at length the evil resulting from this Invasion
of the executive functions. The true princi
ples of the government on the su'-Jcct of ap
pointments to officf, as stated in the national
conventions of the leading parties of the
country, have again and again been approved
by the American people, and have not been
called in question in any quarter. These au
thenticated expressions of public opini m upon
this all important subject, are the statement
of principles that belong to the constitutional
structure of the government Under the con
stitution the president and heads of de
partments are to make nominations
for office, the senate is to advise
and consent to the appointments and
the house of representatives is to accuse
aud prosecute faithless officers. The best in
terest of the public service demands that these
distinctions be respected; that senators and
representatives who may be judges and accus
ers should no: dictate appointments to office.
To this end the cooperation of the legislative
department of the government is required
alike by the necessities of the case andb"pub
lic examination. Members of congress wil'
not be relieved from the demands made upon
them with reference to appointment to oliice
until bv legislative enactment, the pernicious
practice is condemned and forbidden. It is
therefore recommended that an act be passed
defining the relations of the members of con
gress with respect to appointments to oliice by
the president, and I als recommend that the
provisions of section 1707, and of sections fol
lowing, of the revised statutes, comprising the
tenuieof office act of Mar h 3d, 1SG7, be re
pealed. Believing that to reform the system
and methods of the civil sen-ice in our coun
try is one of the higacst and most imperative
duties of statesmanship, and that it can be
permanently done only by the co-operation of
the legislative and executive depaitments of
the government, 1 again recommend the whole
subject to your considerate attention.
It is the iecognlzed duty and purpose of the
people of the United States to suppress polyg
amy where it now exists in our territories, and
to prevent its extension. Faithful mdzealous
efforts have been made by the United States
authorities in Utah to enforce the laws against
it Experience has shown that the legislation
upon this EUject to be effective, requires ex
tensive modifications and amendment The
longer action is delayed, the more difficult it
will be to accomplish what is desired prompt
and decided measures are necessary. The
Morman sectarian organization, -which up
holds poligamy, has the whole power of mak
ing and executing the local legislation of the
territory. By its control of the grand and
petit juries, it possesses large influence over
the administraton of justice. Exercising, as
the head of the sect do, the local political
power of the territory, they are able to make
effective their hostility to the laws of congress
on the subject of poligamy, and, in fact, do
prevent its enforcement " Poligamy will not
be abolished if enforcement of law depends
on those iio practice and uphold the crime.
It can only be suppressed by taking away the
political power of the sect which encourages
and sustains it The jxiwer of congress to
enact suitable laws to protect the territories
Is ample. It is u )t a case for half way meas
uies. The political iover of the Mormon 6ect
is increasing. It controls now one of our
wealthiest and most populous territories. It
is extending steadily into other territories.
Wherever It' goes it establishes poligamy ai.d
sectarian political jxiwer. The sanctity of
marriage and family relations are the comer
stone of our American society and civilization,
religious liberty, and the separation of church
and state ire among the elementary ideas of
free institutions. To re-establish the inter
ests and principles which poligamy and mor
monism have imperiled, and fully re-open to
the iutcl.ient au 1 virtuous immigrants of all
creeds that part our domain which has been,
iu a great degree, closed to general Immigra
tion oy the intolerant and immoral institu
tion, it is recommended that the government
of the territory of Utah be re-organized.
I recommend congress to provide for the
government of Utah by a governorand judges,
as commissioners, appointed .by the president
and continued by the senate "a government
analogous to the provisional government es
tablished for the territory of northwest Ohio
by the ordinance of 177. If, however, it is
deemed best to continue the exist ieg form of
local government I recommend that the right
to vote, hold oliice, and set on juries, in the
territory of Utah, be confined to those who
neither" practice nor uphold polygamy. If
thorough measures are adopted, it is believed
that within a few years, the evils which now
atllict it will be eradicated, and this territory
will, in good time, become one of the most
prosperous and attractive of the new states of
the union.
Our relations with all foreign countries
have been those o undisturbed peace, and
have presented no occasion for concern as to
their continued maintenance. My anticipa
tion of an early reply fiom the British govern
ment t the demand of indemnity to our fish
ermen for injuries suffered bv that industry at
t orzune uay, in January, i&i!, winch I ex
pressed in my last annual message, was disap
pointed. Tins answ er was received only In the
latter part of April, in the present year, and
when received, exhibited a failure of accord
betweeu the two governments. As to the
measure of the insliore fishing privilege, se
cured to our fishermen by the treaty of Wash
ington, of so serious a charaete that I made
it the subject of a communication to congress,
iu which I recommended the adoption of
measures which seemed to me proper to be
taken by this government, in maintenance of
the rights accorded to our uuder the
treaty, and towards securing indemnity for
the injur- these interests had suffered. A
bill to cam-out these recommendations was
under consideration by the house of repre
sentatives at the time-of the adjournment of
congress in June last Within a few weeks I
have received a communication from her nia
justy's government, renewing cons deration of
the subjects, both of indemnity for inju.ies at
Fortune bay and of the interpretation of the
treaty, in which the previous eorresnondenee
had shown the two governments to be at va-
riance. Upon loth these topics a disposition
toward a mem
friendly agreement is manifested bv
theiecogmtiou of our right to indemnity for
the transaction at Fortune bav, leaving the
measure of such indemnity to further confer
ence, and by an assent to the view of this
go enimentpre-ented in previous correspond
ence, that the regulation of conflicting inter
ests of shore fishing on the provincial sea
coasts, and vessel fishing of our fishermen,
should be made the subject of conference aud
concurre t arrangements between the two
government. I sincerely hope a basis may be
found for a speedy adjustment of the very
serious divergence of views in the interpreta
tion of the "fishery clauses of the treaty of
Washington, which", as the correspondence" be
tween the two governments stood at the close
of the last session of congress, seemed to be
In the imtortant exhibition of arts and in
dustries which was held last year at Sydney.
New South ales, as well as in that now m
progress at Mellwurne, the United States have
been efficiently and honorable represented.
Exhibitors from this country at the former
place received a large number of awards in
some of the most considerable departments,
and the participation of the United States was
recognized by a special maik of distinction.
In the exhibition atMelboume the share taken
by our country is no less notable and an equal
riifri nf success is confidently expected. The
state of tranquility and peace now enjoyed by
all the nations of the continent of Europe has
its favorable influence upon our diplomatic
and commercial relations with them. Wc have
and ratified a convention with the French re
public for the settlement of the claims of cit
izens of either country against the other. Un
der this a commission, presided over by a dis
tinguished publicist, appointed in pursuance
of the request of boh nations, by his majesty
the emperor of Brazil, has been organize 1 and
has begun its sessions in this city. A congress
to consider means for the protection of indus
trial property has recently been in session in
Paris, to which I have appointed the ministers
of the United States in France and in Belgium
as delegates. The international commission
upon weights and measures also continues its
work in Paris. I invite your attention to the
necessity of an" appropriatira to be made in
time to enable this government to comply
with its obligations under the metrical conven
tion. Our friendly relations with the German
empire continue vithout intemiption.
At the re ?ent international exhibition of fish
and fisheries at Berlin, the participation of
the United States, notwithstanding the hasie
with which the commission was forced to
make its reparations, was extremely success
ful and meritorious, winning for the private
exhibitors numerous awards of a high class,
aud for the country at large the principal
prize of houor offere'd bv his majesty the em
peror. The results of this great success can
not but be advantageous to this important and
growing industry.
There hive been some questions raised be
tween the two governments as to the proper
effect and interpretation of our treaties of
naturalization, but re t dispatches from our
minister at Berlin, sho ! that favorable pro
gress is making toward an understanding, in
accordance with the views of their govern
ment, which makes and admits no distinction
whatever between the rights of native and
naturalized citizens of the United States. The
complaints of molestation by naturalized citi
zens abroad never have been fewer than at
There is nothing of importance to note In
our unbroken, friendly relations with the gov
ernments of Austria, Hungary, Russia, Tur
key and Greece. During last summer, several
vessels belonging to the Merchant Marine of
this country, sailing in nautical waters of the
West Indies were fired at, boarded and
searched by armed cruisers of the Spanish
government The circumstances as reported
involve not only the private injury to persons
concerned, but all seemed too little observant
of the friendly relations existing for a century
between this country and Spain. The wrong
was brought to the attention of the Spanish
government in a serious protest and remon
strance, and the matter is undergoing investi
gation by tire royal authorities with a view to
such explanation as may be called for by the
fact. The commission sitting in this city for
adjudation of claims of our citizens against
the government of Spain, is, I hope, approach
ing the terminations of its labors. The claims
against the United States under the Florida
treaty with Spain, were submitted to congress
for its action at the last session, and I again
invite your attention to thfs long-standing
question with a view of fina" disposition. At
the invitation of the Spanish government a
conference has recently beeii held at the citv
of Madrid to consider the subjects of the pro
tection by loreign powers, oi the
in the empire of Morocco. The minister of
the United States in Spain was directed to take
part in the deliberations of this conference,
the result of all the powers represented. The
instrument will be laid before the senate for
its consideration. The government of the
United States has also lost no opportunity to
urge upon that of the emperor of Morocco
the necessity, in accordance with the humane
and enlightened spirit of the age, of putting
an end to the persecutions which have been so
prevalent in that country of persons of a faith
other than Moslem, and "especially of the He
brew residents of Morocco.
The consular treaty concluded with Belgium
has not vet been officially promulgated, owing
to the alteration of a word in the text by the
senate of the United States, which occasioned
delay, during which the time allowed for rati
fication expired. The senate will be asked to
extend the period for ratification. The at
tempt to negotiate a treaty of extradition with
Denmark failed on account of the Danish
government failingto insert the usual clause,
providing that each nation shouldpav the
expenses of the arrest of persons whose ex
tradition it asks.
The provisions ma e by congress at Its last
session for the expense of the commission
which has been appointed to enter upon ne
gotiations with the Imperial government of
China, on subjects of great interest to the re
lations of the two countries, enabled the com
missioner to proceed at once upon their miss-on.
The imperial government was prepared
to give prompt and ivepeotful attontion to the
matters brought under negotiation, and the
conferences proceeded with such rapidity and
success, that on the seventeenth of November
last, two treaties were signed at Pekin relat
ing to the introduction of Chinese into this
country, and one relating to commerce. Mr.
Trcscot, one of the commissioners, is now on
his way home, bringing the treaties, and it
is expected they will be received in season
to be laid before the senate early in January.
Our minister in Japan has negotiated a con
vention for the reciprocal relief of shipwreck
ed seamen. I take occasion to urge once
more upou congress the propriety of making
provision for the erection of suitable fird-proof
buildings at the Japanese capital, for the use
of the American legation, aud court house and
jail connected with" it. The Japanese govern
ment, with great generosity and courtesy, has
offered for this purpose a most eligible "piece
of land. In my last annual message, I invited
the attention of congress in the subject of in
demnity funds received some years ago from
Chiua and Japan. I renew the recommenda
tion then made, that whatever portions of
these funds are due to American citizens,
should be promptly paid aud the residue re
turned to the nations respectively to which
they justly and equitably belong.
The extradition treity with the kingdom of
the Netherlands, whielfhas been for sometime
in course of negotiation, has, during the past
year been concluded and ratified.
Relations of friendship and amity have beeu
established between the government of the
United States and that of Roumania, and we
nave sent a diplomatic repesentative to Bu
charest, and have received at this capital a
special envoy, who has been charged by his
royal highness, Prince Charles, to announce
the independent sovereignty of Roumania.
We hope for the speedy development of com
mercial relations between the two countries.
In my last annual message I expressed the
hope that the prevalence of quiet oil tfce bor
der between this country and Mexico, would
soon become so assured as to justify the mod
ification of orders then iu force to our military
commanders, in regard to crossing the front
ier without encouraging such disturbances as
would endanger the peace of the two coun
tries. Events proved in accordance with
these expecations, and the orders were ac
cordingly withdrawn, to the entire satisfaction
of our own citizens aud the Mexican govern
iuent Subsequently, the peace of the border
was again d:sturbeI by a savage baud under
the command of Chie'f Victoria, but, by the
combined :.nd harmonious action of the mili
tary of both countries, his band has been
broken up and substantially destroyed. There
is reason to believe that the obstacles, which
have so long prevented the rapid aud conven
ient communication between the United
States and Mexico by railway, are on the
point of disappearing, and that several im
portant enterprises of this charactei will soon
be set on foot, which cannot fail to contribute
largely to the prop erty of both countries.
from Guatemala, Columbia, Bolivia, Venezue-J
la and Nicarauga have recently arrived at this
capuai, wncre distinction and enlightenment
afford the best guarantee of the continuance
of friendly relations between ourselves and
these relative republics.
The relations between this government and
that of the United States of Columbia have
engaged public attention duringthe pastvear,
mainly by reason of the project of the Inter
oceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama,
x be built by private capital under conces
sion from the Columbia government for that
purpose. Tiie treaty obligation existing be
tween the United "States and Columbia, bv
which we guarantee the neutralitv of transit
aud sovereignty and property of Columbia in
the Isthmus, makes it necessary that the con
ditions uuder which so stupendous a change
in the region embraced in this guarantee
should be effected, transfonning, as it would,
this isthmus 'rom a barrier between the At
lantic and Pad 3c oceans, into a gateway and
thoroughfare between them, for the navies
and merchantships of the world, should re
ceive tne approval oi this government as be
ing compatible with the discharge of these
obligations on our part, and consistent with
our interests a the principal power of the
western hemisphere. The views which lex
pressed in a special message to congress in
March last, in relation to the project, I deem
it my duty again to press upon vour attention.
Subsequent consideration has'but confirmed
myopinion"thatit is the right and duty of
the united States to assist and maintain such
supervision and authority over any inter
oceanic canal across the "isthmus that con
nects North and South America, as will pro
tect our national interest."
rEKC. Bolivia avo rnn.T.
The war between the .apublic of Chili on
one hand and the allied ..-publics of Peru and
Bolivia on the other, still continues. This
covernment has not felt called upon to
interfere in the contest that is within the bel
ligerent rights of parties as independent
states. We hare, however, always held our
selves iu readiness to aid in accommodating
their differences, and hav at different times
reminded both belligerents of our willingness
to render sudi service. Onr good offices in
this direction were recently accented bv .ill
belligerents; but I regret to announce "that
the measures which the ministers of the Uni
ted ciaies at cauungu uim uuua were author
ized, to take, with a view to bring about peace,
were not a success. In the course of war
some questions have arisen affecting neutral
rights. In all the ministers of the United
States have, under their instructions, acted
with promptness and energy in the protection
of American interests.
The relations of the United States with the
empire of Brazil continue to be most cordial
and their commercial intercourse steadily in
creases, to their mutual advantage.
The Internal disorders with which the Ar
gentine Republic has for some time past been
afflicted, and which have more or less influenc
ed its external trade, are understood to have
been brought to a close. This happy result
may be expected to redound for the benefit of
foreign commerce of that republic as well as
to the development of its Tast interior resour
ces. In the Samoa government King Malietoa,
ander support and recognition of the consular
representatives of the United States, Great
Britain and Germany, seems to have given
peace and tranquility to the islands. While it
does not appear desirable to adopt as a whole
the scheme of tri-parte local government which
has been proposed, the common interests of
the three great treaty powers require harmony
in their relation to native 'orm of government,
and this mav be best secured oy simple diplo
matic agreement between them. It would be
well if consular jurisdiction of our representa
tive at Asia were increased in ex ent and im
portance so as to guard American interests in
surrounding and outlying lands of Oceanica.
The obelisk,
generously presented by the khedive of Egypt,
to the city of New York, has -afely arrived II
this country and will be erected fn that me
tropolis. The commissioner for the liquid
ation of the Egyptian debt has lately conclud
ed its work, and the government at the ear
nest solicitation of the khedive, Lave accedad
to the provisions adopted by it, which will be
laid before congress for its information. The
commission for the revision of the judicial
code of reform lor the tribunal of Egypt is
now in session In Cairo. Mr. Farnam, consul
general, and J. M. Balcheldon, Esq., have
been appointed as commissioners to partake
In this work of organization of reform of the
tribunal? aud will probably be continued for
another period of five years.
fn pursuance of an act passed at the last
session of congress, invitations had beeu ex
tended to the foreign maratime states to join
In the saultary conference in Washington, be
ginning the first of January". The acceptance
of this invitation by many "prominent powers,
gives a promise of success in this important
measure designed to establish a system of in
ternational notification by which the spread of
infections or epidemic diseases mav be more
effectually checked or prevented. The atten
tion of congress is invited to the necessary ap
propriationsfor carrying into effect the provi
sions of the act referred to.
The efforts of the department of state to
enlarge the trade and commerce of the United
Stites, through the active agency of the con
sular officers, and through the dissemination
of information obtained from them, has been
of unrelaxed interest in these efforts, as de
veloped in our commercial communities, and
the value of information secured by this
means, to trade and the manufacturers of the
country, were recognized by congress at its
last session, and provision was made for more
frequent publication of consular and other
reports by the department of state. The first
Issue of this publication is now being pre
pared, and subsequent issues may regularly
be expected. 1 lie importance of, and interest
attached to, reports of consular officers, are
witnessed by the genera! demand for them by
all classes of merchants and manufacturers
engaged in our foreign trade. It is believed
the system of such publications is deserving
the approval of congress. A necessary appro
priation for its continuance and enlargement,
will commend itself to your consideration.
The prosperous energies of our domestic in
dustries and their immense production of sub
jects of foreign commerce, Invite, and even
require, ac ive development of the wishes and
interests of our people in that directiou. Es
pecially important is it that our commercial
relations with the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
of South America, wii h the West Indies and
the Gulf of Mexico, should be direct, and not
through the circuit of the European system,
and should be carried on in our own bottoms.
A full appreciation ef the opportunities which
our front on the Pacific ocean gives to com
merce with Ja jan, China, and the East Indies,
with Australia and the island groups which
lie along these routes of navigation, should
inspire equal efforts to appropriate to our own
shipping, and to administer by our own capi
tal, a due proportion of this trade. Whatever
modifications of our regulations of trade and
navigation may be necessary or useful to
meet and direct these Impulses to the en
largement of our CX 'haiiKPO and of onr carry
ing trade, I am sure the wisdom of congress
will be ready to supply
One initial measure, however, seems to me
so clearly useful aud efficient that I venture
to press it upon your earnest attention. It
seems to be very evident that a provision for
regular steam postal communication by aid
from the government has been the forerunner
of the commercial preponderance of Great
Britain in all the seas, the greater share iu
whose trade is now the desire and intent of
our people. It is also manifest that the efforts
of other European nations to contend with
Great Britain for a share of this commerce
have been successful in proportion to their
adoption of regular steam postal communica
tion with the markets whose trade they sought.
jiexico anu tne states oi aoutu America are
anxious to receive such postal communication
with this country and aid in their develop
ment Similar co-operation may be looked
for, in due time, from eastern nations and
from Australia. It is difficult to see how the
lead in this movement can be expected from
private interests. In respect to foreign com
merce quite as much as in Internal trade, pos
tal communication seems necessarily a mat
ter to demand the attention, and thus pertain
ing to the government
I respectfully recommend to your promot
attention such just and efficient measures
as may conduce to the development of our
foreigu co-nmercial exchange and the build
ing up of our carrying trade. In this connec
tion I Jesire also to suggest the very great
service which might be expected In enlarging
and facilitating our commerce en the Pacific
ocean, were a transmarine cable laid from San
Francisco to the Sandwich Islands, and thence
to Japan at the north and Australia at the
south. The great influence of such means of
communication on these routes to navigation
in developing aud securing a due share to our
Pacific coast in the commerce of the world,
needs no illustration or enforcement. It may
be, such enterprise, useful and in the end
profitable, as it would prove to private invest
ment, may need to be accelerated by prudent
legislation by congress in its aid, and I submit
the matter to your careful consideration. And
an additiocal.'and not unimportant, although
secondary reason for fostering and enlarging
the navy may be found in the unquestionable
service to the expansion of our commerce,
which would be rendered by the frequent cir
culation of naval ships in'the seas and ports
of all quarters of the globe. Ships of proper
construction and equipment to be of the
greatest elliciency in case of maratime war,
uugui oe maue constant anu active agents in
time of peace, in the advancement and par
ticipation of our foreign trade and in the nur
ture and discipline of young seamen, who
would naturally in some uumbers mix with
and improve the crews of our merchant ships.
Our merchants at home and abroad recog
nizing the value to foreign commerce of the
active movement of our naal vessels aud the
intelligent and patriotic zeal of our naval of
ficers to promoting every" interest of their
countrymen, is a just subject for national
The condition of the financial affairs of the
government, as shown by the report of the
secretary of the treasury, "is very satisfactory.
It i believed the present financial situation of
the United States, whether considered with
respect to trade, currency, credit, growing
wealth, or the extent and" value of our re
sources, is more favorable than that of any
other country of our time, and has never been
surpassed by that of other country at any
period in history. All of our industries are
thriving; the rate of interest is low; new
railroads are being constructed ; vast emigra
tion is increasing our population, capital and
labor; new enterprises in great numbers are
in progress, and our commercial relations with
other countries are im roving.
The ordinary revenues from all sources, for
the ,flscal year ending Juue 30, 1SS0, were
(cents being omitted) from customs, $1S6,
522,0G4; from internal revenue, $124,009,373;
from sales of public and. $10,110; tax for
tax on circulation deposits of naial banks.
ti,114,971; for repayment of interest by Pa
cific railway companies, $1,707,367; from sink
rag fund for Pacific Railway companies,
796,621; from customs " fees, fines,
penaltias, &c, Sl,14S,S00: from fees,
consular, letters patenta and lands,
$2,837,029; fnom proceeds of sale of govern
ment property, $232,616; from profit of coin
age, etc, $2,792,15; from revenues of the
District of Columbia, 1.S09,469; from mis
cellaneous sources, $4,099,603; total ordinary
receipts, $333,526,610. The ordinray expendi
tures for the same period were, for civil ex
penses, $15,693,963; for foreign intercourse,
-,...,.., ,4 .muiiiuo, ),ij,ii)( ; ior pen
s me, including $19,341,022, arrears for pen
sions, o6,.ii,l!4; for the military establish
ment including river and harbor improve
ments and arsenals. $38,116,916; for the naval
establishments including vessels, machinery
and Improvements at the naw ytjrds, $13,536,
vV S mifceUaneous expenditures including
public buildings, lighthouse, and collecting thl
revenue, $44,535,691; for expenditures on ac
count of the District of Columbia, $3,272,3S4;
for interest on the public debt, $95. 7575751
for premium on bonds purchased, $2,795,320;
iuuai oruinary expenditures $26.,642,957,leav
Jng a surplus revenue of f6o,SS3,653,whic i,with
an amount drawn from the cash balance in the
treasury of $S,0S4,434, making $73,96S,0S7,
was applied to the redemption of bonds for
the sinking fund of $73,652,900. Of fraction
al currency, $251,717; of the loan of 1S5S,
405,000; of the iemporary lora o' $100,000;
of bounty land scrip $250,000; of compound
interest note?, $165,000,000; of 7-30 notes of
1S64. $520,500; of one and wo year notes
$370,000; of old demand notes. $495,000; to'al
$73,968,057. The amount due the sinking
fund for this year was $37,931,643. There was
applied thereunto the sum of $73,904,617, be
ing $35973,S73 in excess of the actual require
ments, for the year.
from all sources during the fiscal year, ended
June 30th, 1SS0, was $333,520,610 an Increase
over the preceding year of $59,699,420. The
receipts thus far of the current year, together
with the estimated receipts for the remainder
of the year, amount to $350,000,000, which
will be sufficient to meet the estimated expen
ditures of the year, aud leave a surplus of
$90,000,000. It is fortunate this large surplus
of revenue occurs at a period when it may be
directly applied to the payment of the public
debt, which will soou be redeemable. No
public duty has been more constantly cher
ished in the United States than the policy o
paying the nation's debt as rapidly as possi
with less cash iu the treasury, and exclusive
of accruing iii'erest, attaine'd its maximum
of $2,756,441,571 in August, 1S65, and has
since that time been reduced to $1,SS6,019,504.
Of the principal of the debt. S 103,753,100 has
been paid since March 1, 1S77, effecting au
annual saving of interest of $6,107,593. The
burden of the interest has beeu diminished by
the sale of bonds bearing a low rate of inter
est, and the application of the proceeds to
the redemption of boudsbearing a higher rate.
The annual saving thus secured since March
1, 1S77, is $14,290,453. Within a short period,
over $600,000,000 of five and six per cent,
bonds will become redeemable. This presents
a very favorable opportunity, not only to fur
ther reduce the principal of the debt, but als
to reduce the rate of interest on that which
yiu remain uupaiu. a can iue aneuuou ui
tary of the treasury in his anuual report, and
recommend prompt legislation to enable the
treasury department to complete the refund
ing of the debt which is about to mature.
The continuance of specie payments has not
been interrupted or endangered since the date
of resumption. It has contributed greatly to
this revival of business and to our remarkable
prosperity. The fears that proceeded and ac
companied resumption, have proved ground
less. No considerable amount of United
States notes have been presented for resump
tion, while very large sums of goll bullion,
both domestic and imported, are taken to the
mints and exchanged for coin or notes. The
increase of coin r notes. The increase of
coin and bullion in the United States since
January 1, 1879, is estimated at $227,399,423.
There a'o still in existence, uncancelled,
$346,6Sl,0i6 of United States legal tender
notes. These notes were authorized a? a war
measure, made necessarry by the exigencies
of the conflict in which the United States was
then engaged. The preservation of the na
tion's existence, required, in the judgment of
congress, the issue of legal tender paper mon
ey. That it served well the purpose for which
it was created is not questioned, but the em
ployment of notes as paper monev indefinitely,
after the accomplishment of the object for
which they were provided, was not contempla
ted by the farmers of the law under which
they were issued. These notes long since be
came like any other pecuniary obligation of
the government, a debt to be paid, and when
paid to be cancelled as mere evidence of an
indebtedness no longer existing. I therefore
repeat ivbat was said in the annual message
of last year, that the retirement from circula
tion ef'United States notes, with the capacity
of legal lender in private contracts, Is a step
to be taken in our progress towards a safe and
stable currency, which should be accepted as
the policy and" duty of the government and in
terest and security of the people.
At the time of the passage of the act now
in force requiring the coinage of silver dollars,
fixing their value and giving them legal ten
der character, it was believed by many sup
porters of the measure that the silver dollar,
which it authorized would speedily become,
under operations of the law, of equivalent
value to the gold dollar. There were othe
supporters of the bill, who, while they doubted
as to the probability of this result, neverthe
less were willing to give the proposed experi
ment a fair trial witli a view to stop the coin
age, if experience should prove that the 6ilver
dollar authorized by the bill, continued to be
of less commercial value than the standard
gold dollar. The coinage of the siver dollar,
under the act referred to, began in March,
1S7S and has been continued as required by
the act. At the average rate per month to
the present time iiasneen 2,27b,492. The to
tal amount coined prior to the first of Novem
berlast was $72,S47,750. Of this amount $47,
034,450 remain in the treasury, and only $25,
763,291 are in the hands of the people. A
constant effort has been made to keep this
currency in circulation, and considerable ex
pense has been necessarily incurred for the
purpose, but its return to the treasury is
prompt and sure. Contrary to the confident
anticipation of friends of the measure at the
time of its adoption, the value of the silver
dollar, containing 412) grains of silver, has
not increased. During'the year prior to the
passage of the bill authorizing its coinage, the
market value of the silver which it contained
was from ninety to ninety--wo cents, as com
pared with the " standard "gold dollar. During
the last year the average market value of the
silver dollar has br en SSK cents. It is obvious
that the legislation of the last congress, in
regard to silver, so far as it was based on the
anticipated rise in the value of silver as a re
sult of that legislation, has failed to produce
the result then predicted. The longer this
law remains in force, requiring, as it does, the
coinage of the nominal dollar, which, in real
ity, is not a dollar, the greater becomes the
danger that this country will be forced to ac
cept a single metal as the sole legal standard
value, In circulation, and this a standard of
less value than it purports to be worth in the
recognized money of the world. The consti
tution of the United States, sound financial
principles, aud our best interests, all require
that the country shouldhave, as its legal tend
er money, both gold and silver coin, of in
trinsic value as bullion, equivalent to that,
which, upon its face, it purports to possess.
The constitution, in express terms, recognizes
ijiu gum uuu sihlt as uie oniy true legal
tender money. To banish ether of these
metals from our currency is to narrow and
limit the circulating medium of exchange, to
the disparagement of important interests.
The United States produces more silver than
anyfother eountry, and is directly interested
in maintaining it as one of the two precious
metals, which furnish the coinage of the
world. It will, iu my judgment, contribute
to this result if congress will repeal so much
of existing legislation as requires the coinage
of silver dollars containing only 412 grains
of silver, and instead will authorize the secre
tary of the treasury to coin silver dollar, of
the equivalent value, as bullion, with gold dol
lars. Tin's will deiraud no man, and willjbe
in accordance with'fainiliar precedents. Con
gress, on several occasions, has altered the
ratio of value between gold and silver In
order to establish it more nea lyin accordance
with the actual ratio of value between
the two metals. In fi ancial legisla
tion every measure In the discretion
of greater fidelity in the discharge of
securing obligations, has been found by ex
perience to diminish the ratio of iuterest,
which the debtors are required to pay, and
increase the facility with which the .money
can be obtained for every legitimate purpose.
Our own recent financial history shows how
surely money becomes abundant whenever
confidenca in exact performance of monied
obligations is established.
The secretary of war reports that the ex
penditure of the war department for the fis
cal year ended June 30, 15S0. was $39,9 773.
The appropriations for this department for
the current fiscal year amount to $41,993,630.
With respect to the army the secretary invites
attention to the fact that its strength is limit
ed by statute (section 1115 revised s.atutes)
to not more than 30,000 enlisted men, but that
provisions contained in appropriation bills
have limited expenditures to enlistment to
25,000. It is believed the full legal strength
is the least possible force at which the present
organization can be maintained, having in
view efficiency, discipline and economy. While
the enlistment of this force would add some
what to the appropriation for the pay of the
army, the saving made in other respects would
be more than equal to the additional outlay
and the efficiency of the army would be large
ly increased. The rapid extension of the rail
road system west of the Mississippi river, and
the great tide of settlers which has poured in
upon the new territory, impose on the milita
ry an entire change 6f policy. The mainte
nance of small posts along the wagon and
stage routes of travel is no longer necessary.
Permanent quarters at pointsselected, of "a
more substantial character than those hereto
fore constructed will be required under exist
ing laws. Permanent buildings cannot be
erected without the sanction ofconress, an J
when the sale of military sites and buildings
has been authorized, the" moneys received re
verted to the treasury and could only become
available through new appropriation. It is
recommended that provision be made by gen
eral statute for the sales of such abandoned
military posts and buildings as are found un
necessary and for the application of the pro
ceeds to the construction of otner posts.
While many of the present posts are of but
light valuefor military purposes owing to the
changed condition of the country, their occu
pation is continued at great expense and in
convenience, because they offer the only avail
able shelter for troop.
The absence of a large number of officers
of line in active duty, from their regiments, is
a serious detriment to the maintainance of tLe
service. Constant demand for small detae'.
meats, each of which should be comminded
by a commissioned officer, aud the various du
ties of officers for necessary service-away from
their commands.- o cawftf a s earftfiin the
number acquired company duties. With a
view to the lessening of this drain to some ex
tent, it is recommended that the law authoriz
ing the detail of officers from active list as
professors of tactics and military science at
certain colleges and universities, be soameud
cd as to provide that all such details be made
from the retired list of the army. Attention
is asked t3 the necessity of providing legisla
tion for organizing, arming and disciplining
die active militia of the country, and liberal
appropriations are recommended in this be
half. Report of the adjutant general of the
army and chief of the ordinance touching
this subject fully set forth in importance. The
report of the officer in charge of education in
the army shows that there are seventy-eight
schools now in operation iu the army, with an
aggregate attendanccof 2305 enlisted men and
children. The secretary recommends the en
listment of one hundred and fifty schoal mas
ters, with the rank and pay of commissary ser
geants. An appropriation U needed to supply
judge advccntes of the army with suitable
libraries and the setary recommends that a
corps of judge advocates be placed upoi the
same footing as to promotion with other staff
corps of the anny. Under exclusive laws,
the bureau of military justice consists of but
one officer, the judge advocate general and a
orps of judge advocates, of eight officers of
coual rank (major),with the provision that the
limit of the corps shall remain at four, when
reduced bv casualty or re.-ignation to that
number. The consideration of the bureau of
military justice and corps of judge advocates
upon the same basis with other staff corps of
the army, would re remove an unjast discrim
ination agaiust deserving officers, and sub
serve the best interest of the ser.iee.
Especial attention is asked to the report of
the chief of engineers, upon the conditi in of
our nautical defences. From personal inspec
tion of many of the fortificatious, the secre
tary is able to emphasize the recommendations
made, and to state their incomplete, and de
fenceless conditions is discreditable to the
country. While 'other nations have been
increasing their means for carrying on warfare
and attacking maritime cities, we have been
dormant in preparation for defence; nothing
of importance has been done toward strength
ening and finishing, our casemated works
since our late civil war, during which the
great guns of modern warfare and heavy ar
mor of modern forticatfons and ships came into
use among nations, and our earthworks left,
by the sudden failure of appropriations, some
years since, in all stages of incompletion arc
now being rapidly destroyed by the ele
The two great rivers of the North American
continent, Mississippi and Columbia, have
their navigable waters wholly within the lim
its of the United State, and are of vast impor
tance to our internal and foreign commerce.
The permanency of the impo tant work, seems
now to be assured. There has been no fixture
whatever in the maintainance of the maxi
mum channel during the six months ending
August the 9th last. Tills experiment has
opened a broad, deep highway to the ocean,
and is an improvement, 'upon the permanent
success of which, congr itulations may be ex
changed among people abroad aud at home,
and especially among the communities of the
Mississippi valley, whose commercial exchanges
float in the unobstructed chaunel safely to and
from the sea. The comprehensive improve
ment of the Mississippi river and its tributa
rie i Is a matter of transcendent importance.
These great water ways comprise a system of
inland transportation spread like a net work
over a large portion of tne United States, and
is navigable to the extent of many thousands
or miles. Producers aud consumers alike
have common interest in such unequalled fa
cilities for :heap transportations of the coun
try. The channels of coaimunication and in
terchange are the property of the nation. Its
jurisdiction is paramount over their waters
and the plainest principles of public interest
require their intelligent and careful supervi
sion, with a view to their protection, improve
ment and enhancement of their usefulness.
for a distance of about a hundred miles from
its mouth, is obstructed by a succession of
bars, which occasion serious delays in naviga-
onanda heavy expense for lighterage, and
'.ounage depth of at least twei'ty feet at low
ade 6hould be secured and miintained, to
uieet the requirements of the extensive and
growing inland and ocean commerce !t sub
serves. The most urgent need, however, for
this great water way is the permanent im
provement of the channel, at the mouth of
the river, from Columbia river to San Francis
co, a distance of over 600 miles. There is no
harbor on the Pacific coast, which can be ap
proached during stormy weather. An appro
priation of 150,000 was made by the Forty
fifth congress, for the commencement of a
break-water and harbor refuge, to be located
at some point between the straits of Fuca
and San Francisco, at which the necessities of
commerce, local and general, will be best ac
commodated. Tlio amount appropriated Is
thought to be Inadequate for the purpose In
tended. The cost of the work, when finished,
will be ven- great, owing to the want of natu
ral advantages for a site at any point on the
coast betweeii designated limits, and it has
not been thought advisable to undertake the
work without a larger appropriation. I com
mend it to the favor of congress.
The completion of the new building for the
war department is urgently needed,and esti
mates for continuing its construction are es
pecially recommended, 'the collections of
books, specimens, aud records constituting
the army medical museum and library of na
tional importance. The library now "contains
about 51,500 volumes and 57,i0pain' llcts re
lating to medicine, surgery and allied tonics.
The contents of the army medical museum
consist of 22,000 specimens, and are unique in
completeness with which both military sur
gery and disease of armies are illustrated,
their destruction would be an irreparable Toss,
not only to the United States, but to the
world. "There are tiled in record and pension
division over 16,000 bound volumes of hospital
records, together with a great quantity of pa
pers embracing the original records of the hos
pitals oi our armies dunng the civil war.
Aside from their historical value, these
records are daily searched for evidence needed
in the settlement of large numbers of the pen
sions and other claims, for the protection of
the government against attempted frauds, as
well as for the benefit of honest claimants.
These valuable collections are now in the
building which is peculiarly exposed to danger
of destruction by lire. It is, therefore, earn
estly recommended that appropriations be
made for a new fire-proof building, adequate
for the present needs and reasonable future
expansion of these valuable collections. Such
a building should be absolutely fire-proof. No
expenditure for mere architectural display is
required. It is belived that a suitable struc
ture can be erected at a cost not to excee I
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I
commend to the attention of congress the
great services of the commander-in-chief of
our armies during the war for the Union.
whose wise, linn and patriotic conduct did so
much to bring that moment of our conflict to
a close. The legislation of the United States
contains many precedents for recognition of
distinguished'niilitary merit, authorizing rank
and emoluments to be conferred for eminent
. the appointment of a captain-general of the
anny, with suitable provisions reiatiug to com
pensation, retirement and other details,
would, in my judgment bo altogether fitting
pro ,er, and "would be warmly approved by the
The report of the secretary o' the navy ex
hibits successful and satisfactory management
of that department. During the past fiscal
year the total expenditures for the year were
"$12,916,639, leaving unexpended at the close
ol the year, f'J,l41,(Si or the amount availa
ble of the appropriations. Appropriations for
the present fiscal year, ending June 30. 1SS1,
are 15,095,061, and the total estimates for the
fiscal vear ending June 30, 1SS0 are $15,953,
751. The amount drawn bv warrant from July
1, 1SS0, to November 1, lSiO, is $5,041,590. The
recommendation of the secretary of the navy
that provision le made for the establishment
of some form of :ivil government for the p. o
plc of Alaska is approved. At present there
is no protection of persons or property fn that
territory, except such as is offered by officers
of the United States ship Jamestown. This
vessel was dispatched to Sitka because of fear
that without the presence of national author
ity there was impending danger of anarchy.
The step taken to restore order has been ac
cepted in good faith by both white and Indian
inhabitants, and the necessity for this method
of restraint does Hot, in my opinion, now ex
ist If, however, the Jamestown should be
withdrawn, leaving our people as at present
without the ordinary judicial and administra
tive authority or organized local government
serious consequence's might ensue. Thelaw
provides only for the collection of revenue,
the protection of property, and the transmis
sion of the mails. The problem is to lpply
local rule to a population so scattered and so
peculiar in its origin and condition. The na
tives are reported to be teachable and self-sup
porting, and if properly instructed doubtless
would" advance rapidly" In civilization and a
new factor of prosperity would be added to
our national life. I therefore recommend req
uisite legislation upon this subject Th sec
retary of the navy has taken steps towards
the establishment" 'f naval coaling stations at
the Isthmus of Panama to meet the require
ments of our commercial relations with Cen
tral and South America, which are respective
ly growing in importance. Locations emi
nently suitable, both as regards our naval pur
poses and the uses of commerce, have been
selected; one on the east side of the isthmus
at Chriqui Logoon, in the Caribean sea, and
the other on the Pacific coast, at the bay of
Galfito. The only safe har'jors sufficiently
commodious on the isthmus are at these
points, and the distance between them is less
than 100 miles. The report of the secretaryof
the navy concludes with valuable suggestion?
with respect to building up our merchant mar
ine service service, and which deserves favora
ble consideration from ccrgress.
The report of the postmaster general ex
hibits the continual growth and the high state
of efficiency of the postal service. Operations
of no department of the government, erhaps,
represent with greater exactness, the Increase
in the population and business of country.
In I860 the postal receipts were $S,51S,067; in
1SS0 the receipts were $33,315,479. All inhabi-
L tants of the country are having proper mail fa
cilities, and naturally watcn tne postoince
very closely. This careful oversight on the
part of the people has proved a constant stim
ulus to improvement During the past year
there was an increase of 2,132 postoflices, and
the mail routes were extended 27,177 miles,
making an additional annual transportation of
1.0,301,191 miles. The revenues of the postal
service for the ensuing vear are estimated at
$3S,S45,174 and the expenditures at $42,473,932
leaving a deficiency to be appropriated out of
the treasury of $3,620,797. The universal pos
tal union has received an aicesslon of almost
. all the countries and colonies of the world
maintaining organized postal services, and it
is confidently expected that all other countries
and colonies now outside the union will soon
unite therewith, thus realizing the grand idea
and aim of the founders of the union of form
ing, for the purposes of international mail
communication, a single postal territory em
bracing the world, with complete uniformly
in postal charges and conditions of interna
tional exchange, for all descriptions of corres
pondence. To enable the United States to do
its full share in this great work, additional
legislation Is asked bv the postmaster general,
to whose recommendation especial attention
is called. The suggestion of the postmaster
general that it would be wise to encourage,
by appropriate legislation the establishment
of American li jes of steamers by our own cit
izen to carry mails between our own p rtsand
those of Mexico, Central America, South
America aud of trans-Pacific countries, is
commended to the serious consideration of
congress is also invited to suggestions of
postmaster general in regard to postal sav
The necessity for additional provision, to aid
in the transaciion of the business of the feder
al courts becomes each year more apparent
The dockets of the supreme court, and of
the circuit court, ingreaternumberof circuits,
are encumbered with the constant accession
of cases. In the former court and In many in
stances in circuit court, years Intervene be
fore it Is practicable to bring a case to a
hearing. The attorney general recommends
the establishment of an intermediate court
of errors and appeals. It is recommended
that the number of judges of the circuit court
In each circuit, with the exeption of the sec
ond circuit, should be increased by the addi
tion of another judge; In the second circuit
that two should oe added and that anintenne
diate appellate court should be formed iu each
circuit, to consist of the circuit judge and cir
cuit justice, and that in the event of the ab
sence of either of these judges the place of
the absent judge should be supplied by the
judge of one of the district courts in the cir
cuit. Such appellate cour coublbe safely In
vested with large jurisdiction, and circuit de
cisions would satisfy suitors, in many cases
where appeals would still be allowed to the
supreme court. The expense incurred for this
intermediate court willbe very moderate.
The increase of the appropriations for the
expenses of the department of justice. This
rec mmendatlon Is commended to the care
ful consideration of congress. It Is evident
that the delay of justice, in many Instances
oppressive and disastrous to suitors, now nec
essarily occurs in federal courts, which will
in this way be remedied. The report of the
secretary "of the interior presents an elab
orate account of the operations of that de
partment during'the past year.
It gives me great pleasure to say that our
Indian affairs appear to be in a more hopeful
condition now than ever before. Indians have
made gratifying progress in agriculture, herd
ing and mechanical pursuits. Many who were
a few years ago in hostile conflict with the
government are quietlysettllngdown otifarms
where they hope to make their permanent
homes building houses, and engaging in occu
pations of civilized life. The introduction of
freighting business among them has been re
markably fruitful of good results, in giving
many of them congenial and remunerative
employment and in stimulating thtir ambition
to earn their own support Their honesty and
efficiency as carriers is highly praised. The
organization of a police force of Indians, has
beeu equally successful in maintaining law and
order upon the reservation, and in exer-ei-ing
a wholesome moral influence among
she Indians themselves. I believe with the
tecretary of the interior in the recommenda
tion that the pay of this force be Increased as
an inducement to best class young men to en
ter it. Much care and attention has been de
voted to the enlargement of educational facil
ities for the Indians. The means for this im
portant object have beei verv inadequate. A
few additional hoarding schools at Indian
agencies have been established, and the erec
tion of buildings has been begun for several
more, but Increased appropriations for this in
teresting undertaking are greatly needed to
accommodate the large number of Indian
children of school age. The number offered
by their parents from all parts of the country"
for educating in government schools is much
larger than can be accomodated with means
at present available for the purpose. The
number of Indian pupils at the nonnal school
at Hampton, Virginia, uider direction of Gen
eral Annstrong, has been considerably in
creased, and their progress highly encouraging.
The Indian school established bv the interior
department In 1S79, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania,
uuder direction of Captain Pratt, has been
equally successful. )t has now nearly two
hundred pupils of both sexes, representing a
great variety of the tribes east of the Rocky
mountains. Pupils in both these institutions
receive, not only an element lryEngl sh educa
tion, but are also instructed in housework, ag
riculture, and useful mechanical pursuits. A
si nilar school was established this yearat For
est Grove, Oiegon, for the education of Indian
youth on the Pacific coast In addition to
this, thirty-six Indian boys and girls were se
lected from the eatem Cherokecs, and placed
in bo rding schools In North Carolina, where
thev are to receive anetementarvEmrlishedu-
eation, and training in industrial pursuits.
The Interest shown bv Indian parents, even
among so-called wild tribes, iu educating
their children is very cratisving, and gives
promise that results accomplished by efforts
now making will be of lasting benefit Ex
penses for Indian education so far have been
drawn from the permanent civilization fund at
the disposal of the interior department; but the
fund is so much reduced, continuance of this
beneficial work will In the future depend on
specific appropriations by congress for that
purpose, anil I venture to express hope that
r . .. . .. -.." .
congress will not permit Institutions so fruit
ful of good resu't6 to perish for want of means
lor their support On the contrary, increase
of the number of such schools appears to me
highly advisable. The past year has beeu un
usually free from disturbances among Indian
tribes. An agreement has been made with the
Utes, by which they surrender their large
reservation in Colora"do in consideration of an
annuity to be paid them, and agree to settle In
severality on certain lands designated for that
purpose, as farmers, holding individual title to
their land in fee simple, Inalienable for a cer
tain period. In this way :ostly Indian wars
have been avoided, which, atone time, seemed
imminent, and, for the first timeiuthehistory
of the country, an Indian nation has given up
its tribal existence to settle in severalty and
live as individuals under common protection of
the laws of the country.
throughout the country during the past year,
with but few noteworthy exceptions, have
been carried on for two yeare by Victoria and
his baud of southern Apaches, has virtually
come to an end oy the death of that chief and
most of his followers on Mexican soil. The
disturbances caused on our northern frontier
by Sitting Bull and his men, who had taken
refuge in British dominion, are also likely to
cease. A large majority of his followers nave
surrendered to our military forces, and the
remainder are apparently in progress of dis
integration. I concur with the secretary of
the interior In expressing earnest hope that
congress will at this session, take favorable
action on the bill providing for an allotment
of lands ou different reservations In severalty
to Indians, with patents confering fee simple
title inalienable for a certain period, and
eventual disposition of the residue of the re
servations, for general settlement with con
sent aud for the benefits of In bans, placing
the latter under equal protection of the laws
oi the country, this measure, together with
vigorous prosecution of our educational e
forts will work mos important and effective
advance toward solution of the Indian problem
in preparing for gradual merging our Indian
people into the great bodv of American citi
zenship. A large increase is reported in the
disposal of
during the past year, which marks prosperous
growth of our agricultural industry, and vig
orous movement of the population towards
our unoccupied lands. As this movement pro
ceeds the codification of our land laws as
well as proper legislation to regulate the dis
position of public lands become of more press
ing necessity, and I therefore invite the con
sideration of congress to report the accompa
ing draft of a bill, made by the public land
commission, which was communicated bv me
to congress at its last session. Early action
upon this important subject is highly desira
ble. The attention of congress isagiin asked
to the wasteful depredations committed on
our public timber lands and the rapid and in
discriminate destruction of our forests. Ur
gent necessity for legislation tothisend is now
generally recognized in view of the lawless
character of the depredations committed, and
the disastrous consequences which will inev
itably follow their continuance. Legslation
has again and again been recommended to ar
rest this evil and preserve for the people of
our western sta'.es and territories the timber
needed for domestic and other essential uses.
The report of the director of geological sur
veys is a document of unusual interest Con
solidation of the various geological and geo
graphical surveys and exploring enterprises,
each of which has heretofore operated upou
an independent plan without concert, cannot
fail to be of great benefit to all those indus
dostries of the country which depend upon
the development of our mineral resources.
The labors of the scientific men of recognized
merit who composed the corps of the geologi
cal survey during the first season of theirfleld
operations and their inquiries, appear to have
been very comprehensive and will soon be
communicated t congress in a number of vol
umes. The directorof the survey recommends
that the investigations carried on by his bu
reau, which so tar have been confined to so
called public land, states and territories, be
extended over the whole country, and that the
necessary appropriation be made for this pur
pose. This would be particularly beneficial to
the Iron, coal aud other mininginterests of the
Mississippi valley and of the eastern and
southern states. The subject is commended
to the careful consideration of congress.
The commissioner of agriculture expresses
confident belief that h-.s efforts in behalf of
the production of our own sugar and tea
have been encouragingly rewarded. The im
portance of the results attained have attract
ed marked attention at home, and have re
ceived the special consideration of foreign
nations. The successfn cultivation of our
own tea, and the manufacture of our own su
gai, would make a difference of many mil
lions o dollars annually in the wealth of the"
nation. The commissioner asks attention
particularly to tin coutinucd prevalence .of
the infectious and contagious cattle disease,
known and dreaded in Europe and Asia as a
cattle-plague, or pleuro-pneumonla. A mild
type of tins disease, in certain sections of our
country, is the occasion of great loss to our
farmers, and sarious disturbance to our trade
with Great Britain. The value of meat cattle
exported from the United States, for eight
months, ended August 31,1SS0, was more than
twelve million dollars, and nearly double the
value for the same period in '79. Your early
attention is solicited to this important mat
Is attracting deserved attention, and colleges
for instruction, theoretical and practical, In
agriculture and mechanic arts, including the
government schools recently established for
instruction of the Indian department, are
gaining steadily in public estimation. The
commissioner asks special attention to depre
dations committed on lands received for fu
ture support of public instructions, and to the
very great need of help from the nition for
schools In territories and In southern states.
Recommendation heretofore made. Is repeated
and urged that an educational fund be set
apart from the net proceeds of the sale of pub
lic lands annually, the income of which and
remainder of net annual proceeds to be dis
tributed on some satisfactory plan to states
and territories and the District of Columbl.
The success of the public schools of the Dis
trict of Columbia, and the progress made un
der intelligent direction, board of education
and superintendent, in supplying the . duca
tional requirements of the district with thor
oughly trained and efficient teachers, is very
gratifyiug. Acts of congress from time to
time, donating public lands to several states
and territories in aid of educational interests
have proved to be wise measures of public
policy, resulting in great and lasting benefit
It would seem to be a matter of simple wis
dom which has been so fully vindicated by ex
perience to the District of Columbia. I again
commend the general Interests of the District
of Columbia to the favorable consideration of
congress. The affairs of the District, as
6hown by the report of the commissioners, are
In very satisfactory coudition.
The secretary of the interior asks attention
to the want of room in the public building of
the capitol, now existing, and in progress of
construction, for the accommodation of the
clerical force employed, and of public records.
Necessity has compelled renting private build
ings In different parts of the city for the lo
cation of public offices, for which a large
amount of rent is annually paid, while the
separation of offices belonging to the same
department, impedes the transaction of cur
rent business. The secretary suggests that
blocks surrounding Lafayette square on the
east, north and west, be purchased as sites for
new edifices fo- the accommodation of gov
ernment offices, leaving the square Itself In
tact; and that, If sucti bulld'ngs were con
structed on a harmonious plan of architec
ture, they would add much beauty to the na
tional capitol, and would, together with the
treasun and new state, navy and war depart
ment building, form one of the most Impos
ing groups of public edifices In the world.
In my annual messages heretofore, and In
my special message of December 19th, 1S73, 1
have urged upon the attention of congress the
necessity of reclaiming the marshes of the
Potomac, adjacent to the capital, and I am
constrained by its Importance to advert again
to the subject These flats embrace an area of
several hundred miles. They are an impedi
ment to the drainage of th city anil seriously
impair iti health. It is believed, with this
substantial improvement of Its river-front, the
capital would be, in all respects, one of the
most attractive cities in the world. Aside
from its pennanent population this city Is
necessarily the place of residence of persons
from even" section of the country en
gaged In . public senice. Many others
reside here temporarily, for the
transaction of business with the government
It should mt be forgotten that the land ac
quired will prfibablybe worth thecost of re
claiming it, and navigation of the river be
greatly improved. I therefore ag.iin invite
the attention of congress to the Importance of
prompt provision for this much neede I and
too long delayed improvement. The water
supply to the city is inadequate. In addition to
the ordinary use throughout the citvVto the
consumption by the government and "is twss
sarily vcrygreat In the navy yard, arsenal and"
various deportments, and the large quantity
that is required for the proper preser
vation of the numerous parks and
cleansing of sewers. I recommend
tide subject receive the early attention of
congress and that in making provision for
increased supply, such Ticans be adopted as
will have m view 'he luture growth or the
city. Temjxiray expedients for such purpose
cannot but be wasteful of money, and there
fore unwise. A more ample reservoir, with
corresponding facilities for keeping it filled,
should, in my judgement be constructed. I
commend again to the attention of congress
the subject of remoial fiom their prcsentToca
tion of the depots of several railroads entering
the city, and I renew the recommendations of
my former messages in behalf of the erection
of a building for a congressional library; com
pletion of the Washington monument, and of
liberal appropriations in support of the be
nevolent reformatory, and penal institutions
of the District.
Signed Rutherford B. Hayes.
Executive Mansion, December 6, 1SS0.
The organ rolled its notes from the
growling diapason to the gentle flute;
and the congregation accompanied by
tleep sepulchral coughs to coughs
scarcely audible, because they had not
yet heard of the wonderful efficacv of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
3Ir. Setemup's Mistake.
BnrllrKton Hawlceye.
Mr. Setemup came down stairs to a
10 o clock breakfast with a vacant coun
tenance and a backward tendency in his
hair that made his two eyes ache. He
sat down at the table and picking up his
knife and fork, glared in an uneasy
wonder at something in the platter be
fore him. It had evidently been fried
in butter and was intended for food.
Mr. Setemup harpooned it with his fork
and lifted it up bodily, gazing at it with
ever increasing wonder. "What under
the sun," he exclaimed at last, "is this
thing?" "Well," replied his patient
wife with just the shallow of a sigh, "it
looks like your new soft felt hat, and
that is what I thought it was. but vou
pulled it out of 3'our pocket when you
came home this morning and said it was
a nice porter house steak, and you
wanted it broiled for breakfast. Yon
needn't give me any ol it; I'm not hun
gry." And Mr- Setemup, who was
just wild to know what else he said when
he came home, and what time it was,
for the life of him didn't dare ask.
ItcfiiMMl Women.
Refined amTcducatetl women will sometimes
suffer in silence foa years from kidney diseasr,
or constipation and piles, which could easily I e
cured by a package of Kidney-Wort Drug
gists sell both dry and liquid. Home Journal.
A poet young and hearty
Went merrily bis way,
Aloft unto the sanctum of
An editor so gay.
"I have here an epic,"
Remarked the laureate,
"Which I would Hke to have you prist
At some convenient date."
The port's lovely widow
Strews flowers o'er his tomb;
The wily editor still keeps
A bull-dog in his room.
Before you begin your heavy spring work af
ter a winter of relaxation, your system needs
cleansing and s'renghening to prevent an at
tack of Agm Bf.inus or Spring Fevr, or
come otLtrr :; rl::g S.rkncs that wl unfit you
for a season's wrlc You will save time, much
sicnness ar.u great expense it you will use one
bottle of Hjp Bitters in your family this
month. Don't wait. See other column.
- "J i
iiAtf vEn'1
" 33,S i5""'rMiti
z. "'Slime: