Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, December 09, 1880, Image 1
SPW - -r. "WTffirV as XSGifcT. ATTC! TRE ADVERTTSEK fNuwavT FAIRBROTQER &. HACREB Pabllhers JL Proprietors . S-sisrrirticu S2.CQ rsr Tear s Aivarce. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY. Congress convened Monday 6th inst. X r l;P m .. i H " im, & mm w 4 x .K i 1 B H ?HHE -, i hi fc fc . f v t I lft. H k. A A k. a r9 A - k a. A in -.f h Wm-T. McCaller is in jaS at waukeefor forgsry. Rer. JBscms; of Chicago, recentiv rtrr3 iffrrf "the eid doctrine of a lit eral endless hell, if adhered to. woeld sk belief, not only in that dogma but in GkxPhHaself." The Beckwith Boose. Osakesh. Wis., eras berned 3d inst. Loss, ,WO. A frj Pare died from seirecatioa by sa&eke. The fire originated from broken kerosene lamp. Thre are recevedsefacieBt census returns fnxa Alaska to make an esti mate which iateat the territory con aina about 30,000 soeis, only 300 of wfeci are "white people. ' irK?'!r Tribune: There were zm ciphers ia Hie last Democratic cara- aad peinf elly acquiring wisdom Te -liner OctxnCi Omaha says, -About everybody ia Nebraska, excepting Xosewater of the Bet. is foe Hitchcock" for Secretary of the Interi or. Yes, Rsy is sloshing around atone after the T. P. cappers." D. J. XcCann. who has for so long a tiwe been haxased by the Secretary of ibe Interior, under the charRe of eaabEzfig & barrels of iear while a svppty contractor for the Btaekfcet arsBcy, has iaalhr beea aoeitted by a jury a Cheyenae. Tfce Iaeoin (rtoAe and two or three other papers, notw of them very re mjddbiefoc their indueaee in State laxuscs, are just rantine ad teerin tUtr shirts, about Church Howe.,1 Tbatfd -cod sign for Church. It . that he us bound to be Speaker. Soie that nhe EepebUcan states men now tarn their isantie intellects ID BB MIU3. ili.5cH...-i j-. tv Iteen. more or kse soiled, has been -crashed, Cincinnati Bmpurer. Nothwr -mild be aaore novel to a fuH-Uoodc-I Democrat than the preaeo ttum ot a -wash bfU." Pat the IteHi oc:atte prty to soak in strong aoap stfcte. and in three veeks' tksM you Mimid have to collect it with a straia rr. Inter fht&n. . An Iowa, man, a democrat, to zkr a dose of castor oil, as the penalty of mi election bet. We nope the dose will be larce enontit to forever pnrgehim of demo cratic tentSeneied. U he takes good cswrt of hiserf. the dose ia certain to o him ETOod. Taeumjek Chief tain. If he is like some of the Democrats lirocisd here he w51 he interred as soon aa the physjc operates. Colored veovl from the South are sc81 decking wusiu and there will be no fonrery in gained upon mm tnat ..nougn ne re V . tw. Trr "" irfv peatedly strove to overcome it, and the ext The Democracy k Iowly - soiemnlv nro- ife53"6 Tflferroei wfat we see in the ewri30 per week, that there Uille J.r-rttr. In the last i afCttf ' ia aach suffering among theei. as many are destitatH; and contribntions are called for. Appeal is made to the bectrvnknt peopie jotChicago for lum ber with whirii to build sheds or bar xaeics for the -cutttaiolation of tl e T!fttJKi. - n n - ' Ittck Pvrt Journal: Pranamtioc arc hez rapidiy perfected for dykicg a- Xisfacjeri river front ra tbetsconntyt Cook's Laadia: southward a nale or marc Some Srtt.O&i was ap propretCbl for this purpose as the last seesioa of Consress. and the work is boRcdone under the supervision, of an asent ofthc rovecataent. The object i to prevwt the rivar front cutting away vsloWe lands in Missouri and 2ebs2ska. Pkiip awl ilxrt, the editors, and Byrne and Post, the publishers, of the 2w York Trttik, have been iadieted for pnblbhing the libekms article heod- cd "Lyin and sticking to it," regard- MjingGen. GarfeMa denial of the genu- . -c .ness of tbe itorey letter; and also fur phie-hin the xae-sieMle. . S. Moray is aJ6d mdieted for perjury. And is in the soariht. The vfflaiihs are having fnc . v.-r die Morev letter than a.a.t . -Ussl. .sva Me, if boC all ot theB. wiil t- ure to etiats the peai ?ersr. The penalty for criminal li bel m Xw York is oae vear ia the ry aad $rso one. ooe of The finer haired Democrats Hewitt. for instance ooht to suSer the extreme penalty, bat they were smart jnoegh to keep jnst ootside the pftftc of ernacKility. - ' -p j"n ' .Vnd nw kis proposed t elect Grant I". S. Senator, to succeed Francis Kenan, of New York, but the nrope4 Uon will probably fall as Sat as other siKrestiuns for boistermg up the fed xap: eetehriousoes6 of thisaatioeal beg gar. Omaha KenUd. It ia stid, by Miller's friends, that he is becoatiitg a aental WTeek, aad they are nsing persuasive means to induce htm to an&nnoa the editorial chair of xictwcc ibb bbt oe irae : aoc , ur r .r -9z i . ' iwt it is eerairnly tre that G. S. Miller ' failing in his ability as an en-! scmpulej journalist of tiie lowest I A recent dispatch gave the majori pedwose nfer. Wejlo not believe it j is taken from the social returns is rrt-ia5 thf k: ?tw mtttPr vitM I m VT state in the union, as fol- Miller, bat imtaie. lowborn aeanaesc, wiijcit is mtensiaed .ia his brodass otst the faihires of TiMen aad his de tected viHaiaJes. aad villains Miller besng oae of them and Ms own ex posed rascally efforts with Croain, Hewkt, Pekwa sad Patrick ia the ef- tortto 7. steal or bundle the elec- -.. 1 f i fc -j -. . - l.r.1 . . . . 1 usttrpeirationki the result of the nsfp nwin 1 1 -b . . . Pic MBkr-wnat a contrast be- twee kim aad the Man he would as- Bas6S AXatwnh-vkig been led agafei to victorv bv Gr.vnt. stand un-: -!,-; i- .. Z. K-i. -t-n , i VlVdCS. JK. UK p K3AZS.C T UU2t JilXtCi 2 dosenac negative friends gather about a It of despondency, occasioned by un- original earht-feathered bird oniv three ' can-Greenbacker, at the late eIeeri.-Ti. hua and mysteriously nod and whisper requited love, threw herself in front of thousand pieces were struck ofL At bas withdrawn all oooosition to 3Ir. -George L-is verging on imbecilitv- a passenger train, at Fainnoont, HI frae f Y7! d,7 4M5 en7v fealh- 'm f -d te probabilities are the Iat-r,.r7- r . ' Vu-,-.r,-Cvn tbe eades trul a tortune to the ter gentleman will receive the certin- --sKa ' M " rtad ' ms-a.r kCled. . COj- coHtor? and cnnoflcr-htrr.ter. cat? of election. ilH- " . ESTABLISHED 185S. Oldest Paper is tie State . A Practical Hbstratian of the Damning Z5ect3 of the Xiauar Traffic John V. Bell, of Palls City, on Tuesday of last week, wh3e in the act of hxiraessisg a team, dropped dead. The titebe Jminuxl has the foilowiag ppropriate remarks regarding the sad affair: Deceased was a younman of Intel ligence and business capacity, and bet for one evil habit would have been a not only unfitted him for the affairs of At NasbYffieCTeniL, 2d fast, Dan. life, bet was undoubtedly the cause of Smith, colored, was tried, and senten his sudden and untimely death. He ggjj to 21 vears imprisonment for ;tt was addicted to the use o f strong drink, p t h. a white girL Soon aod so firm a hold had the appetite tiJ . , t mised to touch the accursed stuff no , .- -. - T . . ,.iilJ3Wic. hc sccmtn WVi w-tM "o --r and bis good resolutions gave way be fore the awtul eravmgs oc tne appeiite for rum. It is not pleasant to speak of the faults of the dead, but when we re member that in this ease as in thous ands of others, the excessive use of strug drink bad ceased to be a fault and bad eoate to be a weakness, we think we will be pardooed for refer ring to it, not for the purpose of cast in odium anon the name of the de- n-inl m tcri-rCi-lM living ania5t tbe tembie fate that awaits him who -tarritsj loe? at the wine." Oh, it is an awful, terrible thought! A young an of promise hurted into rternitv without a aaoaent's warning; a loinr wife made a widow ; an inno eeat bbe made an orphan by alcohol; and vet the wee men the law makers legalize the safe of poiaon, and exact noJiinjr from him who deals it out save I .. n. .u.lH WaIIIov. n? itamn? f a rem ftitiij uuuiiuc, . jtKlif j their acts by the aiument that the monev so obtained is used to edu cate the fatherless eiiiMren made fath erless by the damnable tniSe. What acoosofc'itioa this is for the mother; .l..,l.f. fUar Ur- w"uus t.rc 5 "-- - CH1JU ia kU 8C tUUtilLCU. UU tllr ixirtrv the father paM for that which destroy ed his life. This is an awfni warning, bat will it be heeded r There are others in this eity whose death in the same manner wfHtR not surprise the community; will they take warning? This is not the Srst death that has secured in this town from aleholtc po'aon. and we are as certain as w can be o anvthircr ia j the future, that it will not be the last one. A wife and little 3-year old son are left to mocm for the voon husband and iktner prematurely taken away from them by alcholic liquors. What a direct and te- Ible lesEoa lo youn men just now beginni.rg to acquire the appetite for sum a ants. ;. SsqgJacttinr- Brown- issue Ov that sheet everything is Church Howe, bui Mr. Daily, who was sapposed to have ieen elected senator from that t cottntv is never taentiooed and there is another man elcred from that county but his name e never mentioned. LiurtHH h'lodf. And. judging from the Giobe, bow many has Nemaha? Only one. Church Howe monopolizes the whole attention of the dispeptic Eaton. Eaton has Church Howe on the "Jsrain, and if readers of that sheet hare failed any day within six months post to see a notice of Church Howe it has been an exception to the universal rule. From the time that ifrHowe's candidacy was made known long before the conven tion to the present time, the Globe has been stinging its filth, skunk-like, at ( him. A majority of the best and most j honored gentkmen in Xeeiana county, j o.u.- Mta. a. jm. xc-f Eardlefc sf this fact, and f decent I journalise, aad fair pl3y, aad the UVA 4 U sVVKT - e-nit tfL- si worst of all. on utter disregard of truth, the Giobe has, with but. a few excep tions, daily attacked Mr. Howe. And it has, and wHl contiae to be, our province to defend hies, aad the Honor e- t . a? r imr peopte waose repcesemauve ne j is, against the GlnbJs attacks; born, t we are conviaeed, by their very truthfulness, of nialke solely. Mr. Daily, we believe is perfectly well sat isfied with the AuvEariaER's eoerse toward hint : aad he asked as long ago j to not hold him rannsihl far anv seeming attack that he might make an us through the Globe. We believed him, and worked harder for his elec tion than we worked for any other can didate. Let the Giobe give the occa sion, attacking Mr. Daily, or any other of our en, aad The Abterxker will defend them as vtgorvesij as it has Mr.iowe. Ta tlM BHtor of the E-rakL BlomlVTOX Neb 2s"v. ss, iSce. Would you please answer in te-nor-row's Herald if Hancock srot a asaiori- ty of the popttlar vote over Garneki at f T . ; i . 1 . bin; aii& wxia. t.xps& . ll .r.. n miii t4 kHr I ., . . .t ; . . z ' thX, s .i .i: ., "." I wo srt ne riioricT bmi rwsc ntffn Please answer and oblure several reed- ers of the Herald. RE.V.DCK. lows: For Garfield. 4.439.415; Han cock. 4.435.514 ; Weaver. 305,Ti9 ; Dow. 8,644: scatteriKT. 1,798. Total. 94.- 595. GaraekTs oluralitv. 3.4l.- -Oma- ja Herald. It will be perceived that in the en- j !- above, the enquirer asks for the i maw :i hpt-sewn Rrw ? TTn.i " - o. ..u. . - The HeraM dodge the qnesiwn ; . .3 I1 , T Vak I ! r ri Tr ( k - v-v r " l 0eS rfa t i. i.i 1 .. - ... I Trrr m" - t Z lti: fy , this year, the production of the South was o1? 4128JQ0 bushels, or about ,S && act8i coa" sgmPQaa- j i-. -TT- "' t Carrie Haines, a young fadr of 26. ia MISQELLASEOUB BEwS. At Ft. "Wayne, IntL, John Maher and Isaac Morris have been sentenced to the penitentiary for life for murdering Barnhardt Myers. At Bellfontaine. Ohio, 2d inst, James Sloan suicided by cutting bis throat Three jadges of election have been arrested at Manchester, Yvl, for refus ing to receive the ballots of Republi cans. ra r in tii7"- tt:" 11 Hiru . iittiii .S -V- O... w I nrornnTTonwl thonfficflrs rtrriTad ?mith to the street and hung him until he wasdffiid. That's a virtuous country down there, where they also mob "Re publicans to death for attempting to vote thPir sentiments. Philip Kling. of Franklin "Wisconsin suicided by shooting. 30th ult. A noted forger and swindler who passed himself as 'Lord Courtney" with other aliases, is in durance vile in New York. Robert H. Berdeli, an. ex-president of the Erie Railway has-been arrested ;' in X. Y. for perjury. Two roeghs, named Sylvester and Halverson. who invaded an! Indian camp at First Lake Wis and oerrag- ed an Indian woman, have been sent to jail, nine and six months, respec tively. Wm. A. Thomas, teller first national bank, Newark, X. J. is u:der.;$ 10.000 bonds for making false Sixty-two soldiers, in one rjiment at Fort Townsend. have Indisli wives. Xeal Dow. the prohibition candidate for President received only 66 votes in his own State. E. W. Fair, a Congressman of Xew York, died 3oth ulL, of pneumonia. Aged 40. An unknown man leaped oS. the St. Louis bridge, 30th ulL, and was drown ed. John S. Sapp, a saloon keeper, Coun cil BhiSs, was killed and robbed at his sateoe, after business hours, on the night of 3oth ult. He was years .I - m m " E."S. Stra-srs. LOOKS LISEBTSrSESc Quiner Whig: .Manager Green, theQ.. JLand P., has received orders to immediately survey the extension of r tJaag.2ZTj23ftntO the pneers will be put in the field for purpose early next week. The "Wabash managers contemplate the eariv eom- i pletkm of the Q M. and P. to the Mis souri River. B. 3. ALSO FIGURING. A corps of K. R. engineers crossed the Missouri river from Nebraska at Aspinwall this week and surveyed across the bottom to the blafEs near Mill Creek. Rock Port JournaL THE WICKED WABA5H. The Wabash railway company is constantly adding to its ranirScitions. The Quincy. Missouri & P.tsific rail rottd. in operation to Milan. Mo., and which is one of the many short lines acquired by the Wabash within tfie hist year or two. is now beins extended frooi Milan to Trenton, a distance of I thirty miles. The whole of the exten- j sion is under contract, and the road is partly jrraded the entire distance. The iron wilJ be laid early next sprinjr. Last week the emrineers employed by the j vvaoasu were directed to make two surveys, one of an extension frata - Trenton to a juion the gt. Louis and Omaha line of the Wabash, ami one to St. Joseph. The latter will mnusn the necessary link for a direct route between the trans-Missour di vision of the "Wabash and Toletkt. Ckimgo Time. Organhing a vTMikj ?-rT k 5"euraska. The State iewcroi of the 1st has an article calling upon the whisky men of un-psbra3ka to organize and fight the proposition to amend tle State Con- stitution which is to prohibit the sale j and manufacture of akohnhc liquor j the same as is now in force ra Kans;is. and also to be in readiness to fight any j pronioiuoa law wcicn mav be intro- : duced. The whisky men are nervous ! and well they may be, and it is useless for any newspaper to call upon them to organize, they are already organized and a lame amount of money will be raised to influence, not to sav buv leg- ! kskitton. It is the temneranee neooie vrtm need to organize and they must ocsaaize at once before it is everlast ingly too late. The proposition to amend the Constitution shoufcl receive the support of every temperance man in the state, and we hope the incoming legislature will submit this question to the people at an eariv dav and at a j special election. The cry that aa elec amount tion will cost Nebraska a ktrse i,J" of money, will fall rerv . . x .... na- waea we cousiiertnatondninHie ,:-,,.. ... . msy row b lftte to cost tne state aore than would the election, aad the state hi many scores of such every month. Lincoln. Globe. XONEY BY THE 3aLLIONS. New Tors; December 2. In con nection with the stringency of the money market, bank presidents inter viewed say millions of dollar- are in vaults for want of n. Tn rh nsasnT- odfce there are 50.000,000 in foreisk t which has been eorirr here sw Aucut 2d. It is estimated that --j- (W1- j , . -j so g. j, , atK rf i - - c t i - . I T Z ZT " .. I ine riatna suver aouars are not all exactly alike. In reproducing and mni- f tipiying the necessarv dies for coining. tbe artists introducedsome slight alter- ation and changes. On some of the j engraal dies the eairle's ttiil has eight ' feathers - on others hnt wnrpn Of ria ' ! nexi weeK tne total amount ot god in I racea. ana tnat woes will begin about ' this port will reach $62,000,000. March 4. The new church will tak f - : l.. !.. 1.1- vr.ii- . - BEOVNYILLE, ISTEBRASKA, SZEEOT TEEESEAHS. A H03EE FOE JLGED COLOHED PEOPIX. Oxceotaxi, December L. John T. Crawford, an eccentric man who died about two weeks ago leaving an estate valued at from 830,000 to $100,000, was reported to have made provision for building a houie foraged colored men. The will has been opened and it is foond he has left the entire property for that purpose, directing that the home shall be built on eighteen and one-half acres at College Hill. The will cannot be probated owing to the death of one of the witnesses, Wm. Von. Tleck, and the absence of the other, John H. Friscb, who enlisted several months ago intherpgular army and is supposed to be somewhere in the west, COI.OEADO GKOWa. Denver. Coi.Xov. 30. The ofa- eial returns of the state give the Gar- field electors an average-majority of 3,- 000; Pitkin (rep) for governor a little i- over 5,000 majority. leading the rest of the state ticket about 2,300. Total vote, 5,000 an increase of 2tJ,000 over 1STS. THE AKKAKSAS VOTE. j Little Rock, Aeic Nov. 30. Gov. Miller to dav proclaimed the result of j the presidential election in this sta e. Nov. 2d as follows: Hancock, S0.4S1; Garfield. 41,M1; Weaver, 2,11; Han cock's majority over all, 14,649. DESTROYED BT WHISKT. Far3ILat, Ixd Nov. 30. Last night Wm. Burres. who had beeudrink inc and quarreling with ererv one e met. specially with his familv f took up a double barreled shot jrun, and while his wife was sleeping with her babe in her arms, shot her through the head,"killing her instantly. He was arrested and taken to Winchester. He elaims, however, that the shot was accidental. He thr ate. e 1 shooting her once before with the same weapon, while drunk. OCTSTANTrNG CCHRENCT. Washington, Nov. 30. The fol lowing is a statement of United States currency outstanding at this date: Old denrnnd notes .3 69.7 Lesul tender aot?-. all lssae 3S.-1.01 One yar note of 1!". , . . . -td.ifcvV year notes of ISd . liSSB Two year coupon notes of 1SR 2?.W Componnd Interest notes 22W Fractional cnrrancyra!l lhsces K3V.1 Ki rotnL i3Ui.684.iai I DANA'S SAY THE UXKI-rHST CUT OF j ALL. WASircwrox, 30. The Xew York Sun to-day has a sensational editorial on the reuabintv ot a Democratic ma-1 jority in Cougress. It places no de- w.nd'ence on any Democratic majority ir the next Senate, and sicnincantlv adds: -rnstable as water they shall jot excel in any real controversy. i It says the Southern Democrats who traded away Tilden make up the chief I strensth of the Democratic party in i the Senate, and they will trade away i SS'rifOfee-MttrAeeK their country, and havenever repenteJ. maj by possibility if the terntation is very great, betray their party." It j thinks Mr. Garfield need not be con I eemed about metiiMr anv antrctrinn I in flux Tanoti PETROLEUM FOX NOTE3TBEE. TiTUbvrLLE. Pa., X)v. 30. The T:-' tusville jforninff HerakCs monthly re port, to be published to-morrow, will give: Wells finished in Xoveraler. 337 ; ! new production, S,3 barreb : dry ' hote. 8 ; wells now drilling, 445 ; new rigs up and rigs building. 45d. There is 4Ja large increase in the num ber of drilling wells and rigs up over j October, and the amount of new pro-' duciion slightly increased. The re port , looked upon as neither bearish nor bullish. GETTING ALAEMED. Xew Yoek. Nov. 30. The Evening t .ir"Ai a.ira umu, (hivj;ic auviceb are taaf, the large movements of Gold to this country are attracting serious atten tion in London, and it is not unlikely that the Bank of England will use its large power to prevent ir London. Nov. 30. The bullion withdrawn from the Bank of England on balance to-day is .110,000. PLYXOCTH CHURCH SENSATION. Xew Yosk, Xov. 28. Among the attendants at service in Plymouth Church to-day was General Grant, who, in company with ifenor Romero, sat in H. B. Cl.Khns pew. General Grant entered the church about ten minutes before the service bemm. Ills His presence was soon noticed and a whispered announcement went from pew to pew. and soon he beeatae the cynosure of all eyes. At the close of tne service he sat down to wait until the andience had gone out. but so great was the desire to see him that hardiv any one went out. and those who did so passed around to the rear door in order to see the distinguished visitor better. as there seemed no prospect of the chureu being ernptieL Mr. Deeeh er remounted ti'e platform and desired mcu. jl. 3pCTi.11 acivice cut uk anu if you wish to worship a man. This is a aoupe tor tne worship or God. At 1 this General Grant arose and started down the aisle. The crowd of pontons then gathered in front of the church, aad all waited until he was driven away. GENERAL GAR5TZI.DS CHT"RC1I. Ciscinxati. Onio. Nov. 3tt. The of ficers of the Diserptes, or Christians" Giurch, of which General Garfield is a member, to whom have been intrusted the duty of obtaining and receiving funds for a church in Washintrton worthy a President, meets here to-mor- and Treasurer show that subscriptions , are coaine in very satisfactory, aalj there no longer remains anv serious i Almost every State in the L'Hion has aireadv resptKhied. aad it is easy to see that the movement is meetinc with a J., .tl t Ti- - I ed that abont 4.000 to sa.v.wii wtli h - - - --.... ..... . . - . - fice in Washistoa at which the Presi- dent-elect worshiped last Sundav 1 . , : A dispatch from St. -Toseph. Mou says: -General Joseph Craig, who ntn as a Democrat for Concress in this dis-; trirfc oitrr Xhlri"-,,-! t,kk1 tc (n.ttre 01 te iiLue -z-.-vjij xramo etn- TEHUPtSDAY, DECE1LBER 9, 1880. .tte&tion Everybody! Wnen'inTSEtJyoTi need 3iot pay more than $1.00 for any $1.50 Medicine 70cts." " 1.00 " 35cts." " 50 ct. " 15 cts. for any Boz Pills, &c. The Cheapest House for other Drugs. BOOKS STAtToNARY, ORGANS asd other XUSICaL IXSTRCEXTS J. PATTERSON. -VgEKlIr 2TEB. EY TO LOAN OS" IMPROVED PES CE"T REAL ESTATE VT 3 INTEREST. ON5Y2iESTE2S. WITHOUT COMMISSION Address or call on Jolm F. Lyon. At MARSH HOrsE. FriiliTH and Satnrdaya of ench weet. .-PrtTHejn zlven of paynsofi" Uvin.or- Crf-Hny cun.i!derl prt. at itnvSa j-ttrae miuredt tills due.-i 32tr if ED. L00SHS, FASHTO-VA3LE BOOT .VXD SHOE MAKER, lat door wet of 0PeU's Livery SUble. i! Worlc done to order and 'tS-Siik satisfaction gnoranteed. B. G. WHIHEHOR DEALER. Df GROCZHIZS, PHOVISIOXS, S3WHG iACEiys EEP1IES A SPECIALTY, wHlpy the ti!ir"st nwritpt price for wrap iron and rass. iCiln st, Vest Brownvtlle. For Sale. j ; OVE n 4IF IXTEREyr IX THE t QIJ?t5T7AM WTT.T. MaaWaWaaiaai Btaail i For particulars call on or address. GEO. HOiCEVOOD, Shenldan. Neb ist. Neatly and promptly done by CAT.NET MAKER, and CARPENTER and JOINER fihon X -ioors east of Po.r Office. BROW.VVir.LE, - - - NEBRASKA c Onts sent fnw tn thost win Tciak. sa nwin Ihf most pleasant -nrt nrmfcibiif ' a A ija! not rpqutrwl W w17l fhm ma. Hj erfrrth nr. K -adav nrxl u .wants is ast1y m de wiilioatsiayinsavrar frnm hoov-aiirhf. No risk wb"T-. Xn-Hw ir.. i- untru ai injur-. msibt aj. kii nvfr Tr- t un Td y-rtc bor awl rirta artk creni tnv JCn tm Tvbo Is wlllfnc m iiiirU JW1 to malr rar mono Trr dsv than enn h nw -n a ir)c at xwv n-rjfnnrr -mpi TwH-nt T1km tIm err t hig trfll 2ml s sh rt mint tn Ibrmmt. A-sh H. H.vtxrrr it Co.. Purtfcimi. UUm. 5yl B. M. P. AT LEY, SnrPPER ATJ) QRALXRIX YtTVTHi ST O C IK. "Farmer?. pl.e coll atul st prtoi ; Irv-ae haixJM yonr tocJr. OCir- Flr;t National Rink. TAPOB MAROHS. HSSCHAST TAILOR, 'iaeSarllih.Fr-ach. ntch sad FaDejrTntb Testlax. Etc.. nts. Brewrevflle. .cbraUa. PAT C L I X E , q FVHTOVBLE Si BOOT 1 VD SK0E 31 V.KER P 3t CL"1"1V Tour Tinrl-lo ortPr. an.t flW nhrir y L. SOY, TTTIB "SRT A1ER. CC Biadcsa hart ntic(. TSres nrfli "rest nf Ira-xaTille. Xe. rt-TT. GIBS:) V tj-vcfcsniTn aso horse shoes Wr!cilone "t jra"":m-t iitiBfersJ-MisBariateed ?lrt traat. 'vt-r,-i M:an and Atlantic. Srowi K 5. HOLLADAT. - Priyleli. nrff.n. Hlxt trlciiin- Graf1 In I5S1. Teat- a amwiTTOe !. OSca.U If-Oa iffwt. BrmrnTilJs. -"Hi. I . S t A U 1 H. BSfiADT '' Attorney a.nrf Counselor t Law, -!ceo7er-ltM Saait.B. tbt1!!i 2eli. s. A. OSBOR.V, ATTORS2Y ATLITT. QOca.y. 5? 2 str-et. 2rxTHe. 52 T S. ST ULL - A ITTOaSEfSAT LAW. Oaca of Cwtnty Jad?-. 3rv avlUe. Narvik 1. attorS"v ax law. aa,, overPastociCe.n.W3rtiie-tbraaka. , l : , -. J LUtET yru ra rtarrs "f . itj we-1 k-r arti- fy OR ,BU n? nM Uil2-7VlM- eskb f -Jryffjwc i t trz-Bcc ef Orrai Dhwii v bui tbcrtc J. itaLrr so mc ?" - .Tar cf J orSirary Fcit3r lr tact Juve 3cczrp x "-n-TTrai rr-fuixi aroe - -an5t f c-c- ip- eases. ISOISCRETIOHi-EXPOSUf?Ep-g'" 9i-iBBaK-Ksa--sB-n-rgs3iBHi -Bcmct ut mm -- u-nimrx, -1-. 3rrtar, urraiti. 4 Ctuukt-t Trvaibir- -! 7P-Qte cr lrr-4t xirclwm 9f ibe tr-ni. kh or b ri r:e vt acta, as pcwn c pn ealn. n-it ncr Mer-rr r --r Phiimmj Mc-icump. YOUNC WEH -rtHrfa-WeiltwioaftBfr liffffffaB-Hffj-ifffffB ferier Ir- the et of ppnxr--ra r mtml Wfiiifu, tbe rrt f cf-c-iuc ta TaetA r vxcm fct mar4 Tn are pe5ciy ere. Ti dxs cmjc l-dinjiacmeot t&c ?,e--rafgVc: 'J-t-wii, tiorches, CEziBV- rrro-Bsex drm-e at mc" crcT- iajXfnoo. coes&pzuas. -c-pca-e-c-, eaaf-ifw of mess, -versum lo -crtr -wrrtiTe lneg-rr scxi ezaxesti-r uprrrr cr Ion ef BuTiE-3r -ri?c-rs "Jienftwr Tiiiiienori-r-irc PATIENTS TREATED -rM-,tETrr-. MnnaM tar irs powbie. pcnosucNVLanss ja crzicrcti, --- is JS22 a4 xrtt el. Lf of uaffMicBso Mtfnmrrrt br-pstirma mcsuis treat. rVr &riarfra(Uptar bevM ml thHr addn .'V Camui qjcafc" w-x cv5ui. sdsn-. ir -wf--i n,J B- BCTT-. fi . t,fa. 31 OLDEST Real Estate Agency UN" rsTESRAS T A . m "v V mj J" w iliiam S3.m loover, Does a seneral Roal Estate Buainesj Sells i Lands on Commission, examines Titles ' malces Deeds, Mort5ags. and all Instra-' ments pertaining to tne transfer of Real -tate. Haaa Complete Abstract of Titles to all Real Estate In .Nernahn. County. Toanelve- by maWinc . -y vtena zotcen coanceuoCerfd. thereby always teeplocpovertr torn ocr Cor. Tboae wfco at l watrMaieaiivamur?oriln cixul cnances Tar maatng money uac are oCered.scneraIly became tay.whiiehoe who do not Improve aadi ciianees remain In pev- i i erty We want many men tvnmen. boys atd ' ! ziria to wort for ns rltt In their own locaUoes ; Th business wilt jmy more Uian ten timet orCi in&rrosja. XC-fijriiah an expensive oatst.antl I T ml thtc yoa need. free. 5a one wtw emmjc fcn- ' ' to make money verr rapidly Tou caa devote i vourwhole ti ue to the worfc. or oaly your span I m.imeny. Fait informanon and al. teat s aeeard mumenta. at i incorziason anu ai. uu. i nm ee. Addres, , & Co. Ported 1881. HARPER'S WEEKLY. H.I.TJ5THATSD. Thta ?er!odkaiI. nyJlM able and molary dlscas Mmix oflhequtsliona of the day. iu wett ai by IM HtaMtraOwaa weichare prepared by the bfst art ata has ahrays ezerted a m3t pewezt aad ben KefaitiaSaeace apoa the pobile mind. rhe weCst of itn hJJuence will always be faand ss the side f morality, eail;hteomeat aadredoe menc OARPETi'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S WEEKLY. On Year -34 0 -J 80 4 tf) HARPERS MAGAZINE. One Year HARPER'S BAZ.VR.OBe Yenr The Three a&ove pebllcvt tens. One Year 1 W Any Two above named. One Year 8 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year 1 50 P--xUicr tree to aS. rutxcrZberx si Ar VnMtA teUi The Volume of the TJetfc?y begin mtn tie arst. JTamber far January t en en year. Waea e tioie is zaentioBed. it will be amiert.v! Uut the in scriser wwitea ui cosiaeoce wita the Nssiber ae2t after tfee recpt of order Ta kut Eleven .Utnoal Vofnmes ot Sarpcr'x TfeeA. ia aat doth btotdiBcr- wtil be wt fcy mail. pu;e paid. r hy espresa. free uf rzp-mtrf ifr vtded Ue freicht daea aot exceed ose itoUar per voucae. 5r JTJW each. CIth Caies lbr each votanie. ssitaMe r Madias. vrtll be seat by znail. stntpoL, oa reenpt of H i each. I Heniinaoces shooid be cade by PosrtMSce If oa- I ey Order or Draft, to avoid choaee mTtma jfewtp'iptTS rr nof m rup ax atirrrnsmunu wun ota tke erprezs anisr if Sarfer Jt Brtkerz. HARPER fc HHOTHERS. N-w Torlc HfiRPER'S MAGAZINE HitTSTSATSQ. -Stadyln? the subject object iveiT- and frsni I edocatfainal pint of Ttew itinc to prorl-e Uwt which, taen<ueftner wi.lbof the most serrlre en Uh iarzttaamber iioueaso cnnctiMtmi that, it I coo.d nnve bat one wore ioc s. pebue library. I xoald sie a rnrnpiete set nt Harper' x JfimUUy." Charh?s Francte Aihma. Jr ififTT-" -y f"i-Ttinf Htir dhr Ml mii.ajwifc l7s Hitii ant, fr ui- ho fperrer-ce or its piMHOers hj matte tanitfeorjun!T'aMiMrsstwtth the desires of the pudrc. waicn uiey w u I spare a eort to gratify. FT.ii'p ar's i'cxd.odicnla. Karper's ilajaziae, oae "S"a-r S 4 00 Harper's T5.'9ly, 4 00 Hurpcr's Satr, 4 00 Ttta THr-e aliove named otx'b- licatiom. c:a T"ear 10 OO ; r j i. uwuva ttit-ttoi-, A jtear 1 Harper's "xotisc People I Teoxl 150 ju 1 POSTAGE z.-; "o aH sntxteribeci m tb roitrg States r Canada. T!h Tterae of tb X-vtMUv hra Trttk tfce 'Sitmben tor Jaw tj lemibr mf eacu year Wlx'i no tUm is MH-cxtietl. it iV b tindrwit tliat Sfce soteci iber K-wto-s u) lx-Jn Witt the car-pnt ywir. A ewapiete Pt of Ssrjp-'i Mngnzw; conjprwnc to4vohs. in me etoOi Xtimttka. will b snt by P-"". fs!t at eiyo at pefekar on r-wnt (KSSjerwtiwie. tosl TtMnme. by mail aott tuA. 3 . Ciota casus, fer Msdio?. 33 centa or mtil. ywHpNM. KmJttancM rtooltf h- mu4 hy PowoCco Jfane-r Order or Draft to a 4: ctmar of Uvn .Yiimmii j 1 T" nor la rrtpff tkts -lir' iisrjiumi triiA t tr erprtzi anlcr ef Harper t Bru&tr ASZZK33 HARPER & BROTHERS. -VEir TOR K. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTltATEn. Tbfe yvr erfcnWrol m yre-aitKeBtly a wr axl Site tm htmvrhM t Htv iim- r frnm tnr tfc lolt fnr3Mtf: In rcnr4 tn FmttUoa is dr ant irnnmrirT tfee ticrM it1 matt approved rmXtorar, with de-np-! :trtieV- W ivHt IniB aCH?m:e ami ntanl mrs . will, it ?. rar. and Bway xeint aa &joi!rttc Tytej. ;K- variety ta tea ct- E?2r3 PEEIODIOALS. HARPER'S 3AZ.VR. 0 Year St FiRPER-S MAGAZINE. Oae iar 4 W H RPER WEEKLY. Oa- Year 4 Tte Tb rtt; aw ve pujt KtiUnaa. Ot Ynr V j Any Two above rvuai. One Yr T 1 HAHFEa-S YOUNG PEOPLE. O- Yeac 1 Pnntane Frte c jhj".Vti m Lmmf t Srx or Cauii. Tk Vetera f e Bca bo&n rrK t r t NamkerSK- Jaaatry of rack y e. . keaattas fc iMh- "!. U trut b aentmd t ! seritttrwtobtfriueaiaaMiaee wttbn. skur?x aftT tbt rcipt af w4vr Tite Srven AwaJ Va mm af Hkt Bazas, in ateiita tM dtne. w fc em. "rr omIi. tite . r by expr . frn mC xyae rro 4tf t fr-fcttt da aot xead oat iar pr vol- BT' for JT.fl -HCS. Cih Ca?ei Sr eaca vo-?. aMe ft r Otod c wUl te at by aaL ape. e reii f JtHHeacfe BrttMKilMBUhaa !vr r"taO aey Or4r or Drxit z avwiJ e- a' !l Jt pii 1 j at tof to copy tto mfiwrfujnciC M ouTCx- v?raK onier qf Eians 3tKi. A.ie9a H tSPER t BSrrTKSIt-. Sew Tr)c . -if . THE HEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. Te Largest aad Bet Faisilj Pa tter in te World. 51 (f j0 ,. 5.7 jjiple Co try Tree SEmr YORK SSERTTEIl, 37 Parli Row, "Vcv-r York. jpsx O.ta-. faranled frn. wrtk At - c b . . - !raa-Me5w Bess :a jMt7ne. i Si S " ";ctivI :l1 iKHWHiami eay vae fL?"' ra aa osr ""ri tigH are o? SPOOLS & CUSSEHOY D2AFTS "- - " njcipie me ir-.-un. bmi ay caa a'e sreatpmfis front tic Try art. JTo. a cia fill' wlf is irUlisc arrfc Woe uv . sactarrat ja cnn. Sny aait jiit csn earn fatric san M .7 uT(i 3t-vit at tli fcajrtn- o'w-r mw hao5-lil 4tui ta a tjo v-fe. 5kUr; Mice it evr It loont belbr-. v U who eosnse aw wrjrtvMi attteeastfaadrapHUtyttti Mck the?- arr- a4e to nviie moay Ym cm otishzs n Nhi bta--dnr-ns-ynar "piir Ume az zrev.1 crdc Vm rt sot inirest captSU la It. W safe" all tfce rSr. The-! vrim aeJ feadv ioa"r abtm'H write in as at ooc. All feralaiied fre-. Addr Tars Co ab3ia ifata1. -urt YOL. 25STO. 25. ' WiSi2VKB & )mu fe. sfc Vir AJ , t7:5c,J I IAKE ! . USE by the FORELOCK ! AXD BCYTOCR mW& MD CLOCK! -OK- ( y at t Q-O..A Pk VV tprhT.. la CON" HOTEL, w-sr of Grurt Koasc, BSOWITVHi2, iZ 2723X, A thing of beauty is a joy forev aad voa will find my stocte foil oftho choleet PERGONAL FURNITURE In tfre county. ROLLED PLATE VEST CHAXN3. NECKLACES. HATINEE CHA IS.-LOCKETS. CHARMS, BRACELETS LAlrZSSETS. BREASTPIN?. CUFK PIN3. SLEEVE BCTTONi. STUDS. COLLAR BUTTONS. .ETCi. ETC. ETC-' SOLID GOLD RIXG-S, Plain GoM. Band. Canveo. Topaz. Amethyst and Silver. Call anJfve newest r vies ta Watch Cases TfeelSSO S.lver Do tar r.v. ami the Pteut Dst Prior Woan. wilt ra vnsUrr wtsirr. T Tn"D A TT? Q exees'ed as Hanoi. Brine 1 Hi 17.3. LJaO njorworkaadJHave44 done In the bent manser at reasena&teehar? es. The Early Bird Catcliesjtlle "W"o: A Larynpply of Ntekei TlHpeccs wt :i!5. a -rrwtt hom the rrw-v 3Iomta2. UrniOKIZED BT TUS C. S. COVEI153E5T. First National Bank or BROTTKYILLE Pnid-tip Capital, $.50,090 500,000 Authorized St 5 PRSr-ARTDTO TRANSACT A Gsssi Bs."",'tk? En-i-s; ' BXTT A "VD SELL an all the srtachMl cities f the United Stte3 and Zztrope MONET LOANED OnxpcrovHecnrHyoo!- Tlm Tnrr -rhewont (Hi. and pta; aecniaHdatwa msM to 4esit er. Dterl GOVEESlCErr 80X1. STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES XJEPOSITS Hc-lT-d-pa.ratelont-manrt aiMt INTEREST at teTe-lon afdoait. OrRZCTORS. Wm T Dn. S 3f Ball.r- V A Hasdley FraaJc E. Johnson Latter Soadler ! Wm. Frairfher. J0H5 L. CaRSOX, i- S- D Vf r0?f jj-h ?r tCHs-VAr TIT V Awtruftir P-33ldnt. sAm SBSSs2g Opposit Lurcher Yard. Mainst. COOID jZG-S AT REASONABLE RATES. Special A"'witoiations for Co2aersial Men, AND- Driver Furinshed when deare!. Horses boarded by the day or week. and r aimers id aad cared for at fair rr5. TT?T?T .Ti t? -?T5 FiT MIMl I Jfl i';. rri L&U 33 ----' -i-- C ; tt. BEST CHOOSING TKS .- . . A -, ? v-r-. l-tivex.. NEW 30AT, j Bates Loir, Carnj Shady. ' Jioad? Good, j Indemnity Ample. , a 'c3rrjc?lEb? jt . "J . T.. 4 . 1 '" . I IHW i 3 ft s Earn & I as as a 2 ' T3R w .-tTy"r . '5rr l r i -----ae---" SHERIFFS SALE. Notice ! hereby stTen. th&t ox vfrtne of an order of sale lmsed oat of tne District CacrtorNemaiia. Cocnty. Sale of Nebraska, and Wae directed as SUeriJTof said Cocnty upon a decree and Jtrdsmeni rendered by said Cwsrt. ta a case wherein, Charles 1 . GroM ia plalntlS.and Jacob Bonn waa d fandiint. I wltt offer for sale, as public aao tioc. at the door of the Cetsxs Konte la BrownvlDe. n said. Connty. o ""Friday, DeeiBbr 31 si, A. 1 ISOv as 1 o'clocfc p a, the CoUowin? describeti lands, la Nemaha County. Nebraska, to-wltt The northwest qcarterof section twelve 12. ta township Ave 5). rage twelve I21 eaat. containing one hnndred aad sttty .' Ifi0 acres, luid the norlfewest q,Cirtr of nection cam ber six . la toahty acraher Ave 5 aorta of ranee naailyr thirteen p3ett coBt&lnrmr. one- feandred and Jay -4-KU-(V 34- lt)w acre, and the soathwe-'t acarter of ectkm nnmtMrtix 9, In- township nonx oerflve.'i). aortn franco UttrreeB SBeast. eontainlBcoBhaaIred and fifty -efc?ht aad; S7-MH US r-lw" acre. torehr wltfc all the-lfBprovemenfeiaadprlvHegeaiertobeiQns- Taken on uld order of sale a& tea property of Jacob Baas. Tecum of slev a Ji. Dated, thin 3th dy of Noveintwr. KKL 21wa JOHN K. KXETKNER. Shertgl CHSRIFFSSALE. , O Nottei-fc hereby ztvea.tfiai.oy vlrtnAcr in order .f sale lsced oa of tbe District Court of Nemwbn. Conaty. State fct Nebraska. aaU to aio rftreeted aShrlffof said" County, noon a decree ad jwistmeB. randered by said Coart. Xm. a ense- wherein Scale I- Groaa was pfcuatiff. aad Jkkh Bona was defend ant. I wHl ofler ftr sale, at pnblic aactton. at the door of the Coart Hocse ta Rrowayllls. sasaM Cocnty no Friday. Dcembcr24(h,X.O. 1SSO, at 1 o elock: p. m . the foltowtn-r described lands. In Nemaha. Cjnnty.Nbrak3. to-witr The north hair t V and tne oHteea-t qoarter i H of section number two tlj. ra towa&hlpi ncmber five tv raa-?e namber twelye fK east, containinir tour haadred aad ehtltty rial- acres, tocether wllh all the Improvo atents.and prlvUe5e thereto belonirlssc. Takn on nld order of sale aa the property of Jacob Bass. Terma.oXsale.caab. TMted. lbl!rSidayof"NoT3bT.-IS!'0L. 3wS JOHN M.KLECKNEB.Sherlfi: TO HALL HOCCHINS AND VHOM IT may concern. Yea are hereby notified that the southwest jjoArter of the southwest quarter of nection twenty-firmr, township itx. ranire thirteen, sttoated ta Nemaha, count v. Nebraska, taxeilta the name of Hall Hoachlns. wan on the 4th. day orNoyember. tSTS. soM ftr the taxes doe tbereon for the year JKTT tn X R. Uphaat for TAT4-W0, and the time for redemption of said above de scribed prop-Tty from saca tax sale will ex pire e. the 1st day April. 1S3L J. R UPHAiL, 3w3 Owner of said CerUfieate. TNo-US-.: CHERIFF SALE. NOTICE IS EHRSBT O Zlvea. Mat by vtrtae of aa order or sale issued ot of toe D&trlet Court of Nenjaaa Cocatr, State of Nebraska, and to me direct ed as Sheriff of sad Comity, npon a decreo aad Jodvyneat rendered by said court, la a case wnenrtn Edward Weisenrelder waa plaintiff, and Sarah Cheney fiarmerly Saraa JoaekVi:en Jonesaany Jhook.George R. Mioofe. Herbert Jones. Mary A-SlaeIe.A.T liale, Saiah L. ThompMn. Alonso L.P. Thorapsoa. Fred A. Junes, and Ernest E. were defendants. I will aCer for sale. it ptbh'-Hcttoa. at. slxs Jooc of the Coon Ho- n Brown -I11?. m -ald eoenty, on Satardajr, Oteembr ISta. A.D. ISSO at I o'eVek p. ra.. the fiaUowias described. lands, in Nemaha. County. Nebraska, ta-wlte All ol WoeteH on ft aad two (2). five (5j. six ). seven T eht rt ). aad sixteen '18), of tho Uwtte. of HlUdoie. with all the vacated, streets aad alleys to said Mocks belonging;. aceordise; to Uh reeorded plat of salt! own site of HUfodaie. teeetber with, ail tha lm prraveaaeotH and privileges thereto beloeg- Taken oa said order of sale- m tlipproperty of Sarah Cheoev. Allen Jone-. Fanny J. -Hwofc. G-ors-3 R. Soook. Herbert Jones. Mary A. Stable, a. T SlnJe, Sarah IThomp son. Aiorao L. P. Thoiapsoo. Fred A. Junes, anI rniest E. Jones. TVi mi of sle eaon. DtUM. tfcJ I-Tth Jay of Nomher. 1350. 2iW JOHN M. KXECKNER.berliE. NEMAHA CITY. M MB 113ft m ! a ,301.1 IJLV I AliUAU 2 Yizfi ricoiHynHiii Nemaha Gily, ET Louis StrolIe Ffr3t door -)'itt of tue laager yard. CII ,iiu wt a sqtuire ment ioc S cents. A nnd. Hfoek.ur enofctloaK al-o pt on aaal Mr, ,-vo'i Xrs. StcoQ4 lav-ms oatl mtb esn-en- is 'BHtaaranwrs, ara well qimrcflf! to pU-a-s their potron.4. New Store, New Gocds. AT :mi".rVELA. enrsr, s?s4 385, a a 5S 2j V Having removed into tr rpaoj new business hHise. open out witL the LARGEST ANT) BE?T seiectto ef general mep"hanhse ever broohs to Nemaha, uicluding a full line of DBT GOODS, Groceries, Furniture, Heady-Hade Clothing, 3 cots. Slxoes, Hals-1 Caps, Tr-u?iki$. etc. A spier tid selection of Ladies cIoa3 and circular Special bargains ia. weoien goefe of ail kinds. Our ens tooer3 have our thanks f,Lheir for mer patronage, and are reqaested to call and 3ee us at our nw pia4?e of bos mese. DEALN" BROS- Teraiia City, Te HEBERAl MERCH4HDIS 13 fUJIICr GROCKBtHS CAXXBD GnoDO, OO.VrKCTJO.Vy. Keep a yarlI -tnclc )f ry-rytblnzShe peo ple want. Call sad see hid. B. BeEAndrzc. 2LT. Foster FOSTZI- A3TDLi WS, Physicians & Surssons, Xocanlia City, 3eb. JJlczU promptly attended night or day Br. Aa4rei nkea Cb mle aad Sorjlcal Dh of vonfl a -eHlvy Also, Nf eil.- vl dad Srr1?i ItivieH of The eye. Hav xt bad apoLlal tTHtalsu In srery. and a ac vi Tartd yraette i aete d cliran Ir (tlrfftKe. two.. hor- (intar. old a.cen, zrnalttt fr y. !br- (I nl n irlan ta kic. NaiileweHkiK, and dKa- of te bnrr. lafus1. tiirnat . ifctrn' if opr atlooai perft'-f nd. and err e.teil Jn cares prooijtrd :&r-fv F rtsofcie. J, UO !? SOOTS. SHOES. AITB HAHNESS Maiie aad. r?Irai aa -xeli as cart te do aar Tiere an i at snort noL.ce JTD r:r Ra. 1 ..Trir T2. TITUS WILLIAMS. JZALKRt J.T DRY GOO US. GROCERIES. RZAUYXADE clotjiisg, SOTIONS. Etn , Etc, Etc KemabasCity, Nebraska, Will 1 suwda aa dun? as any iMcae tn toonta-ojtra. 2Tbcalca. UYERT AMD FEED S4TBIE Cool bnele aad Ersa, cnnrjea rea HaMa. 23tof rareti-af traaestatccic. I3AYID A. MGBT0N, zn mi BJ mm 111 I 5T?j 7? a City, yelrraska. Mucat&4 rptrbrz aarf boc-tboclas a. ip 1 et?-. Connects witK all Trains. i