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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1880)
THE ADTERTISES! TBXBSDAr, OCTOBER 14.1se. 22a Be of HaSssSBjtnni- vSePestgce. THCE OF CLOSCTG B.4 M. -jtfa JifiOp-m. ir c. & c . Prtfe. -ftJiHfrQ.Tn. K. C- fc C. a. 3Sortfe- iOp.Ha. Tmi Baly- Pre IAe- c MaAiys, Wedsesday and PrttTs . fcCOa.EX. Ffetas Meadays aaA FrK&FS Trfa.m. AXKTVAI- H. X. :rtfe 7:23 a-ra- B. -t If '-tnffr feaS p.ia K. C. 4; r. B. Ptfa i p-ss. Cit K. Vartfc. 53t9p.22- Tcsawh Daftr SwcTJae 139 pni- xeeKSb Tuesdays. TacrMifiTS "Pwteaefc.eCr i 'i,Wiii Twccays i Saaaiwiy? fc p. -SOSee beers. S a. m. to S X. C HACK.HK.F. it. Seaeol books at NiekeiFs. Seaooi sapeiies at N ekeITs- D't &S to kear Dr. Andrews. Harrah for Garleld and Arthur III ia- sen CoBgress will be Bepeb iieaa. Glorr! New sapely of nice cakes at Fur raaa x Palmer's. aid Pelark & aeraken locking creature? See card headed Nebraska Stat NoT3il SeaooL" F.tgnsa tbe shyksck k y, ke woa't carrv his ern -ward. Hip!kp!Herrak:: A Mttle Poe- rsat is earn, if yea please. Best breads of Seer kept by ffe vee&an Cress. The raSroad news far BrewnvS is esfeecheeriBg. The beet bread? e Seer always a bead at T. I Jeaes'. Be; B. BeH Arr3 at tke eera hoeas Hkm, Tisarsday. vea. "Fr S Vest zad rfceapet w Bv go e Steveaewi : C?ae. - A frfl aad :apie stock f ar niUKe keft kr 3wveaea & Cr?a. psiiiie aotiee resrdne resp'JBS&iMtj foe M eaiiys read ifc. Tiie ew froffl 14nie sTsa't a laoiaBS. jRLM:miiig w uc ki: .-1 ,-. 4 .- - Xe?rs is asws. vm Grberoatke B. JLtk! h eo8B2aer-d. vestwaFd. at Xewtss City; also ea tke sefc eootgagt two afles vtat of on. Ha. fior Pi$er TiQe: Died ia dug ciqr ea tke M ia5t : ck4ea Mataa, Ge TT. se f ITffljam ftad Elizabetk SerrT ased one year, v?r Z9scks sad twesty-six days. Dr. Asdrea syesSs t-3igkt. otkec sfeekas will ke preseat. Ltev erykody tna oet. Tera otK. k-ys. aad kt ratify and jsbOate oer Ae ck noaa sews froa Okio aad ladiaoa. Tbe Uaeola file' is takisc tke lst pfea t defeat sowe, oraS.e tke Ifepobiieaa tkket ia this coeaty, 07 its at(aapt to deieat Afr. Howe; aad it is aot krtia aay oae sre tkas. Mr. Dairy -wkai ft artsestes to serve. BepafeSeaa HaBo, Democrat, have yea there 3Ir. heard from Doawcrat O, dasaa Mafee -what does tksl aiac to! HepoWicaa WeB. y sseda't get iad aboat it. It is astORtskiaeto see tke aaaeeat ofofe eoaisettDrieaTiBctke Eail-roadSfcoreeoadcfedk5-"W"aa. Tairovr, at Asaui waS. He wants S.00 po& of better at 25 eis. per roead 5gaW dozen of ecgst S ceass per dosea aad C-W cmctoaxars to carry away ar oodts past oat by hsc!f aad tfere-e goodeierks. tf - Tke TJkios HocsE. is city, is tbe BKtet popakg doQar-a-dRv koase ia the west, aad fe remviagaaaaase :is it deserves aad merits. It is tke best place for fanners to scop to gee a good diaaer, and eery day its tables are crowded. Ia tkedeskeftbeUHioe nsay always be foaad tke kest braads of dears. Taose wko have aot pet Hp st this -aopaiar hotel are iavked to stop aad rive it a trial. TTe observe that Steveasoa & Cross areTaaehg iato tke fall trade with their aeaal drive aad eaerrv. Hast week they sold several car loads of stoves cook stoves, coal stoves, par lor stoves, ocaee stoves, aad. all sorfe of stoves coteiflOB, aeat, rick and costly as erer oraaaeated a parlor. Aprea&s a gentlesaan frwa NeaKtha said, I gotaS tkec- prices aad saved moae by baying a stove from Stevenson & CrossJ" Aad so it is with fever thing. and m every braack of basjness carded on by this live era. They have every thing. aaytfeiBg: f eraitere, herdware, tinware, waaea, greceries, gaas ev e departaeat falL aad they sell thevparchese to seS aad every day vragoa loans of goods are taken away from their door by faraaers sow per chasiag their stoves, aad staples, and jaxaries for winter coaaforts. IVe soeek of thKSrafrospersoaal knowl- edce, and wh3e we accord to it enter prise ffTid merit, we can also say to farmers, poor- a and. rich, that we siacerely beMeve aH can get bargains for cash of S. & C that they cannot cad elsewhere. iMWBW lM jULU51NbUUI oALt. I Trill close out BUT CLOT Ladies' and CMldrens Shoes, Notions, Bib bons and Eaney Goods, at and ZBiKSZEjCrW" All who want J1 -5fe.3.. J Trill call soon, as 1, &&i , tsjia I also offer my residence and store honse property for sale, and possession given short ly. " LOUIS LOWMAN. BUSSES Xeacfe-rs b-s1 quarters at N ickeTs. Cash peM t or batter aed 3 at Gates. For first elass groceries eali oh T.L. Jones. Niekeli' dferrks care sever falls. Sae&ple f rte. - We bn4 sonie more rafa test'Saa- 1 da- aad nzkt. Extm copies of ke advertiser I at A. W. yickr5. Seke kilKfeafc, cft-h aini Xo. 1 Bfeerel at Gsues. Qa3i8S sad faraitlice.a large Stock TaS styles by SseveasoR & Tross. ifQT to ka oa Ee Bsta?e se carfty. Apply to TTm. H. Hoover. CaH at A W. "SKkeil's drat Store fb'M rla3r mt be mode to'sie before j- - a Tt . t j ;i p-yeHt estijsotes. or tnej-srHI be denied Itsp HBaeys of every descrip-1 saJJTmmhsUm tuajf JOV0 1 RepWin VanT Bafla-oad. Lnreia, JTetorastea, October 3th. ISSO. Heatiag stoves, all kiads, at prices wwr t jt . j-j-ihi 1 n , 1 t sac &H. at Steveasoa & Cross. A .. ... . . r . -, ,-. .. , On the .th rast. a B. & iL rail- &KrkamMiSidE.vapocaterfar! . . . T . sale ekea'e "R. S. Haxsafosb rMd meiaS' s Riwnee Ctty. . " , j. t t" .f Ij Mr. A.E. ToczaBn, General ITanaser A ok: stofk of kestiar stoves aad '.,. , , -r , T .. ". t- "" c -, , ! i road, was presentand addressed w3! be sold low bv steTeason. & Cross , . T f ., , Fresk Bread, pies aad cakes al- ways b nad at Fsnaaa Sc Palmer's-' If yoa waat stoves, faraitare' aaeeasware etc very kw, call oa Ste- veasoa & Cross. Saterday w-js a htd&y in Braws viHe. Haadreds of faraaers teass were ia tke city. Dr. ColSas, 3ntfet. Brewnviae. OSce koars, fa. ta. ta i p. m. 2Tot at koe a Fridays. Moaey loaaed ob improved farsss. 19 per cent, iaterest. 3T coeaussMa -ims i. J iSCiijrtJlL. Best Bread ia BrewaviSe at tke aew Bakerv of Farsaoa & Palsaer al ways fresk and eieaa. Give tkem a triaL Sseveasoa .t Gross faavite all who wisk to bay aaytkiae kept ia tkek- Kae to look taroock tkeir varied stock Gods sold io w BfestckoffaH wall paper aadf wiadow saadea, jest received at Niek eFs Drag Store. "We arepfeaeed to aoto that Dr. B B. Aadrews was apeoiated Coasts Physician by tke Ceeaty Cosaailssion- week. w"m. Hawxky, two rattes norik west T Xeawka. City, will aeH at aae- tioe, lStk inst-, a lot of cattle, of kick grade. J. "VV. GaTittaactkaaeer. - Titas & TVSfiaas, Xsnaka Cat y have tke largest stock of geaeral mer ehsadise ever oaosed ia that place, and are seQiag cheaper than aHyboiy. AH raefflfcers of the Teapie of1,. HoBor are eaxaesy reeaested to be at tke kali aext Moaday evening, as im-i port&at besiaess is to be considered. Tke Xebtaska Citr Prew, 30tk alt. kad tke follewiag: ayor T. B. Stevens and CoL E. W.Terrv will leave for Osaka this aoraiag to seec tke atanagers of &e Wabask, SL Loafe aad Paeiscraaroad. CoL Terry received a 1 dispatch froM Soioa Haapkrey, Esq.. to saeet kaa at Osaka to-day. m . rl j? -r m- bead, reqaest ns to return thanks to DiailKetS Call On MC the siagers who kindly assisted the ' (-pp ,- l?ronTP vuhemi txt hi ill 1 lai thexxt. tiw T" no. IT J r J!. T- r it t wmvm. AA tU Al ..rFl.TTij fcX. .,397 4.1TL. k2T i festival on hist Tharsday eveniag, and! esaechiliy to iDss Cora Gates, the lead er aad directress; fafiy appreeiariBg that their services added iarseiv to the pieasere of the occasioa. Those who wonM enjoy a nice drive, (if the weather is aesatcioBSlL plenty of Esasie, pieaty to eat, and a j general genial good time, can do so by attending the band ptense, at Sage's Grove, Sheridan. Tharsday this week. j There are five bands in the coeaty, to- wk: urownvme, -eaiafia city, aer- idan, Pera aad Bratten. Aad a band IfroHa. Jvebraska City wiH. probably te there and also one from TecaEasefe. The basiness sea of Beatrice heM a meeting last week to eoasider certain TxwrruxH TPTWTirtp? tckiia mirta. "feer . rkA su fTr.wfc err, -. .,,- , it . road into Nebraska at Brownviile. c G.DorseysEggested that a convention of represeatative men oa the probable j l" u-. , . TT"' 1 TtrzxA rtai rxuT fn. jmct -n 1- tv-i-- E TO , zw L'Tfdrag and book store of IT. H. ilc- -l- f me litecLias. cuis2wagjt U. lx. XHXSey, EHjah Filley and Jacob "RV?m, to visit I Tecumseh. BrownvSle ssd Nebraska City, regarding the matter. my entire stock of GOODS, E3 I IsT G-, mg cr-sn Vwf I Trill close ont t !? EaHy! Bally! Eally ! On tke evening irst. Thuxsdav 14th Dr. B, Bell Andrews, and COX,. SA2L SIGH, Will address the Garfield and Arthur Chib, in the opera house this city. Public Notice- "VnyrrCE s hcrei?- given that I wUl aafbe nBOBs!il fine rvrtxvT" inr fmfAHi?ro fuc-oroa. aoscat of sub- contractors, except i b?9b rnj- written order, speef fylas oihocii t land. tlner payia-nt. Also. I will not be responsible for the payment of laoor of snfe- eKifrartr'3 eaa p.ojres to nsy srealeT Boat taan may tjeowla tOf.cb-ctntract- T . ... ..."". 1 ivlu smnimrc ta -f 1&L rknr ftizi mnTT ZT 7T ' 7 V """""- . , " . . .. T c-2Tii. n uic xertHi awl iU-tctru. cata from Janaary 1st. 1SS5. Boeds to the aaKteat of ST,00 are required to he voted fifteen five tkoesaad doHcr beads bax ikey are to he annegotia ble aad caaeelkd. one each vear, for taxes. Daria? iir. Toezaiias remarks he said. "Tke road from Xeaiaka City west throegh Xemaha eoanty win not badge froai tke center of of that eoenty entil we hear tke resnlt from this coeaty. aad. then it will co according ly." The vote on the proposition in Pawaea will take place Novemcer 2d. Of coarse it wiB earry by a big majori- ity as it is very fair, and the debz easily paid. Bam wagons the best and for Isaie bv Stevenson 5: Cross. Coming, the largest stock of overcoats, winter cloth- in$ in the market. CHEAP SAM. School Uoo'i? At tke Drac aad Book Store of TF. H. McCeeeet, Brownviile, Neb. Tke eatertaiaaieat given hy the BrownviBe baad at tke opera hoese Taarsday evenfeglast, was usesnaHy eajoyabie. It eoosisted of vocal and instrassental music and plenty to eat ; aad wooad up by a few honrsdaaeing. Tke proceeds were for tke benefit of the band, aad the worth of that insti- ( tutkxi being appreciated there was a a geaeral torn out of ladies aad gen- t tleaaes, aad akkoagh tke charges were small, to each iadividaaL tke receipts wereaboat S0.00. Tbe baad boys are grathied, aad feel gratefal to all for their patronage, aad especially so to tkose ladieswho took koM wkk a will, 3&& made a success of the festival. "O Eor yonr yarns and -. w . u. Attention Snickers. T. I Joaes has ordered the largest 1 stock of nne cigars ever broairht to his market. Come aad see him. If y 010 ivaTit cheap glass sets I will seZlihem cJieaper uha71 the cheapest. I CHEAP SAM. tTotbh wire beds. aH sizes and IqW prices at Steveason & Cross'. EreryIan, Woman and Cliild. Take Notice, Aad never fail to go to the Begniator ; when yoa want to see the ttrgest stock T nrrTHJtirrft fetn.ns tooWlTt-nwt -fi-Tr-v-i " y "" i -,tiaire' andagrkaitoral implements. '.Prices so low that it would seem to sease person that goods surely B6Tg: " anbm cr.T.c Fresk bice grass and Timothy, at the Creery. LOOEHSES! Old stoves reEned and made as W1 " I as new atlowfsnres,by'wlErngBrost IJOALPEBSE Thos. Shurts retxmied froniDead wood last week. 3Hke ilooney, thegenlallrishboy, and a white Democrat, is in the city. "We had the pleasure of meeting in this city, last Saturday, ifr. Swart, of the Tecumseh Chieftain. Bev. Bumham, of Illinois, wiE preach at the Baptist church, this city, next Sunday, at 11 o'clock and in the evening. Dr. Andrews, of Xemaha City, wiE address the Garfield Qnb this Thursday evening. As theDoctorwas for more than a year a prisoner at Art dersGnvSIe, he wiE teE us something; of that rebel heE; and the people wiE hear the most interesting speecbof the campaign. Let the opera housebe fifl- ed early;in the evening. EDublSsilEsetfcg; stEbwaru. The Bepublkaas of Howard, in this county, had a roasrag time at that place on Saturday last. The gathering was of a picnic order. AS came with weE fifled baskets. Farmers came from afl parts of the county, bringing with them their famiEes. The attend ance 01 males was tne largest ever known in the county, showing an in terest on their part hitherto without precedent. The meeting was held ia the pleasant grove near the viSage where a stand was erected, and an abundance of seats provided, that the crowd eonki be made comfortable, and thus be the better able to enjoy the meeting. The meeting was held from 19 o'clock in the morning antE kite ia the eve ning. Got. Farnas occupied tke stand aad spoke antl neon. Eefreshaients were then spread, aad the wants of the inner man satisfied. Everybody was fed to SB, and many baskets-f uE left. The good women of that precinct know how to gratify the appetites of "the voters of oM Xemaha." After dinner Gen. Tan "Wyck of Otoe addressed the crowd. Also candidates foe tke legislature, Daily and Eeymond. The speakers, all, alive to the interest of the occasion, were eloquent, logical, convindng. and kit Democracy many teEing blows. Governor Furnas was especiaBy felicitoes in hisBianners and the selection of his toyte, making one of the best speeches of his Ef e, and of this campaign, here, Holding tke audi ence in deep interest for atieast oae hour and a half. Tlie Governor being wefl posted, aad weE armed with doc uments, presented facts that Democ racy cannot sHt-fessfoBy garisay, and strengthened the causeMn that locality. The eoraec band of Xelraska Cliy was ot band, and with the best of mu sic added to tke Ere and enjoyment of the occasion. Afae TTBEams, with his' Gcrieki drummer Roys wax thare, aa v, tk fife and drums, gave sack martial masic as oaly he aad his boys can make. J. W. Brush of IjHKion pcecinet was on hand, aad favored the crowd with his oid fashioned sod stirring kettle drum masic. He is a whole team on a drum. This was one of tke finest gatherings ever held in the county. May there be manv more such. "We understand that the Hancock Sag which Mr. Brarton has had float ing over his place of bnsieess from a hickory pole was torn down by some vandals, a few nights ago. Stevenson & Cross, oa tke same night we beMeve, had tkeirs also, torn down. Tha snp positionis that whisky had more to do with tke dastardly coodoet than party Bmagnaacy. TVe cannot find words suflk ieatly severe to properly ex press our condemnation of tearing down the stars and stripes, it matters not whether the Sag bears the Bepob Ecan orDeeaecratie names. One party has as mseh right to float thei- flags as another. Republicans beEeve in free flags, a fair vote .and an honest count. .TEBRJLSSA STATS NOSJ1AL, SCHOOL. Two Special J-Classes for Sexr SladentM, One in the Elementary coerse, and one in the Higher coarse, w3I be form ed on Monday, Oct. 25tk, 1SS. AS persoes wishing to join either of these classes should be present at the time above named. McGee & Moore have just opened a new stock of queensware and lamps. Call and see see them. There are quite a number of sol diers in this vicinity, who were prison ers at Andersonvflle, and wiE be pres ent on Thursday evening to hear Dr. Andrews recount the scenes and ter rible hardships which they survived. iit 01 letters Bemoming in the postoaee at BrownviBe, Nebraska, for week end ing; Oct. 9, 1SS0: Dougher. Mrs. M. A. iuhn, TJx&e. Evarts, Dr. Parker, EMza. Irvine, Miss. Warv George. Johnson. Miss Lizzie. POSTJX CASD5. Stag. B. Metis. Persons calHag for anv of the above w31 please say adeeriid. T.C. Hackee, P.M. One horse and two J horse Buckeye grain drills. Call and see (sample. Eobert Teare fatJiiu -kte..v.- THE UiL THE EEGTJLATOR OE PEICES, is novr opening a mamoth Stock for the "Win- ter trade, 1 can now assure onr patrons that every department is replete Trith the latest novelties. Onr Stock, both in variety and the bargains it contains, offers at tractions unsurpassed by any house in the country. We call very especial at tention to the latest noveltieiinDEISS GOODS, TIL VETS, SATINS, BROCADES, SH,FEINSE3 and TRIMMIN&S of all descriptions to match, now on sale. We Guarantee by oiir to save our customers Years Trading. We also Ghmrantee afli our goods io be just as represented, andmost resvectfullv invite all to call and examine iJiisl SrQneensware Prices. iro. 2 (Prcceearss f t'ie Comity GomniissiQiiszs- OcU3fcerTerinII8SO. Began and held at the conrt hoese in EnWHvBe, Nebraska, on the 5th, 6tk, 7th. Sth and 9th of October, 1SS0. The foBowiflg. amongst other business, was had aad done, to-wit: In the matter of tke personal tax of James Sales, the county treasurer was directed to take the p-ncpat ot bis pe-"sonal property tar for the years 1SW to lS7tf, incinsve. Tn the matter of tne tax on lot 2. 1 fWock 6$, Xemaha City, tke coeaty treasurer was directed to take tfce priacipal on snid kt,foc the years lSi to iSUo", inclusive In the matter of the sale 01 be east pjtrt of lot 1 in section 10, township 4, range I east, 3 xai SQ-100 acres. Tke county treasurer was directed to make out a certificate of txr-ebase in the name of Xemaha county for the taxes on said land for the years ISTO to 1STS, I inclusive, and the treasurer is author ized to take an amount of not less than fiJty per cent of the amount of tax dae thereon and fees. And the eoortty clerk fepireeted to assign saMeertin cate to the purchaser. In the matter of tke sale of the eest one-half northwest one-fourth section 10, township 4. range 15 east, SO acres. Tbe county treasurer was directed to make out a certificate of purchase in t&e name of Xemaha county, Xebras- ka. for the taxes oa. said hind foe tke yeiit-s 1ST4 aad 1ST5. And when any person assists to purchase said laad and wiR pay an amount of not less than fifty per eent of the amount of taxes dae for the said years.tke coeaty clerk is to assign the same to the per chaser of saal certificate, in the name of the eoanty. Ia tke matter of the sale of lots T and S, ia block lf, in Peru, for tke years IST6. 1STT and 1STS and 1S8S, the county i reasucer was directed to make out a certificate of purchase of said lots, in the name of Xemaka coeaty, Nebraska, and the county treasurer is auf hot ized to take an amount net less than fifty per cent of the amount of the tases fo- the yeas aforesaid, aad fees, and tbe county clerk to assign the certificate to tke pa-rkaser. In tbe matter o the pe-sona! ax against A. P. IVii'e-, for t!e years 1S74, 1S73, IS7, IS77 and 1S7S, the comity treasurer was autkorrEed to take $23.23 en said tax and costs. The poE tax assessed aganst A- B. T7&Irfield, To: the years 1S, 1S70 aad 1S7, aad a doe tar for 1579, .was or dered stcken oS. Thepoltax assessed .asdast Wsl. BoeEsterff. a cripple, was stricken off for tke year 1S7U. Cale'. Denafe was appointed a jus tice of tke pence and Peter "Welter a coastible for island preetaet. It was ordered by tke Boa -d of Coai missioners that the Eupetvisor of road distikt Xo. 1, Island preciaet, pceeeed to open a county road, ISo. 192, and in said Island preciaet. It was also ordered that the county surveyor proceed to snrvey and mark said rood, 2Co. 192. The superintendent of the eoanty farm submitted his report for the six months ending Oct. 1st, tSSO, showing: three males and two females; totaL 5. Expenses to Oct. 1st, 1SS9, $140.70. The Board of County CommissiOBers located a section line road on the sec tion Ene between sec 5 and 6, 7 aad S, 17 and IS, 19 and 20. 20 and 38, and 31 and 32, township 5. range 13 east. The Board appointed the f Bowing persons supervisors, to-wit: J. TV". Ford, for Bead Dist Zsb. 4, Doegfcs; D. A. Morton, for Xemaha City, in Nemaha City precinct,; John Christy, for Dist. No. 4, "Washington precinct; Ira Parker, for Dist. No. 1, BrownvEle precinct; uohn "YV. Biehy, for Dfet.No. 3, .London precinct: John Xoiand. for Dtst. No. S, Beaton precinct; H. F. Palmer, for Dist. No. 1. IVashingtOB precinct; 5. "W. Kennedy, for Dist. No. 1, Eondon precinct; E T. McAdams. for Dist. No. 3, Pera preciaet; H. T. Afjyi ?&-, forDist. No. 1. ia. Nemaha City precinct; C. D. Daadas, for Dist. No. 2, in Douglas preemet; Jaaaes Doyle, for Dfet. No. 1, is. AspiswaB precinct. The facial bonds of the f oOowing I named road supervisors were approv ed: J. W. Ford. D. A. Morton, John Christy, Ira Parker, J. W. Biehy, J. Eoiand, H. F. Palmer, S. W. B-T-MeAdams, CD-Dundas. The eoTmty treasurer was authorized . to take the principal of tke personal tax for the year 1S77. due frem J. G3- fcert. MODEL ZE3IOTTS: M uniform Laic Prices moneu at the end of then BLOCE. Tbe treasurer was authorized, to take tke pdaeipal of the tax foe tke years 1S72, 1S7, JS74, 1S77 aad 1S7S, oa tke personal tax of J. SbeMefiberger and cost. Tke eoanty treaserer wassiaaoLtaed to take the poacipol of tke tax of John McNbwa for theyears iSf,!S70, 1S71, lS7i, IS73, 2S7U, aad cost. Tke county r-essarer was aotkortsed to iae tke p9cipal of e tax for the years 1S71, 1872, 1S73, 1S74, 1S75, 1577 aad 1S7S, oa tke n pt n w i-4 a e 1-4 sec Zr tp. . r. 13 e IS acres. The coeaty treasurer is authorized to receive the pr'aeipal of the tax dnte for tke years 1S75, 1S7. 1S77 aad ISIS oa lots 2, 3, 4. a aad , ia hitxte. 114. in Peru. Tke county treasurer is aataoraed to take tke priaeipul of tke tax dae for tke year 1S72 oa tke n w 1-4 n w 1-4 sec 3, tp. 0. r. 1 e. The county je-dse filed his report of fees collected for the six raoaths end ing Sept. 30th. 1SS0, amoeatiag to 9.40, which report was received by tke Board. Tke county commissioaexs easpioyed Dr. B. BeH Aadrews as coaaty akysi ejaa for the poor farm for the year coeBsenciag Oct. 1st, 1SS0. In tke matter of atteraeys Brownviile B. B. bond sait: for Whereas, suit has bees. against tke Board of Cooaty Coeaiis- Isioaers of Xeataha eooaty, Nebraska, fouaded apon Brownviile precinct bonds, aad it being neeessary to em ploy attorneys to defead the same, it Ir is eoaskkred by tke Board that John S. StaB. S. A. Osborn aad J. H. Broody are hereby employed to defend Brown viBe precinct as it now exists, aad aB expeasas iaeerred ia aefendiag saM preciaet are to be kocaajby said pre ciaet. Oct. 74k, 1. ' J. H. Ss69r J. H. PoKt3CA2r, F. Beb-jekjt, Cooaanssioners. In the matter of the sale of lot S ia block 7, in Brownvaie. tke county fcreasnrer is directed to make oat a tax eertiSeate ia the aaae of Nemaha county, Nebraska, for tbe parekase of tke sakl lot for the taxes for tke years 1S74. 1S75, 1S7, 1S77 aad IS7S, and if any person wishing to purchase said lots w3l pay into the treasury the amount of not less than fifty per ceat of tke taxes for said years, aad fees. ike eoanty deck fe authorized to as sra said eertiSeace. in the aaateof the comy, to the purchaser. On tke personal fax of L. M aliens, tke coonty t-easarer fe ataorzed to take the principal of bis tax for the yeas S& sad 188. On the personal tax of Joaa Moore, tke eoeity treasurer is amhorraed w take the seat of 34 JO, with ia&erest, for tke year lS7f. Tbeeoaaty treosarar is aataoriaed to take the priaeipal 9t' LE. Caa mings'' persoaal tax for 1S74. O. K. Fisher was appointed supervi sor for road district No. 2, aad John El Smith for road detriet No. 3 ia Nemaka Citv preciaet. The Scia! bond of Jacob Good, sa pervisagr for road district No. 1, La fayette pvee act. aad tbe baad of J. EL Smith, supervisor for road district No. 3, in Nemaha City precinct, were ap proved by the hoard. Tke county clerk is directed to pea ce -e Wants for jastices of tke peace. The contract far eatdag the coeaty wood was awarded to Joseph Siess. The contract for faraisbiag the county with weod was awarded to Herbert Jones, James TToif and J. T. EUgore. In tke matter of tke boaacEng of road district No. 3, BrowaviQo pre ciaet, sec 13 and 5. 1-2 of sec 12. tp. i, r. 15 e. and tke corporate aaaiss of the city of BrownvEle cosmoses said dis trict No. 3. Ia tke matter of heildiag a bridge on tke Neesaha river oa tke town Ene, between tp. 5, r. 15 e. it was conaneed for wsatof aeaas. Afeo, bridge oa Losg Branch, at I ike soethwest corner of sec 15, tp. 4, r. 12 e. aad afeo a bridge oa Eoag's Branch, en sec 24 aad 25, tp.4, r. 13 e. were also ceatinaed for want of funds to beSd with. Bokert Deadas appiieatioa relative to taxes on school laad coetjaaed. In the matter of the fee btSs of Thomas HuteMns. a jestiee of the peace, and G. A. Qapp, a justice of the peace, in certain. State cases, not al lowed, for want ef funds to pay them with. "Wheress, the eitfeeas of London i1 "aU "ITI re also i I R& l F I S ai F k r 3i c, ir -i a aa ai 11 ,i r r ; a wa m tj ww as mr. .- 4 t h 9 0 1 isyr iif i mm LllffiL SJl r-fci 3 Boots, Sho 1 Hats, Caps, Trunks, Talises, &c. i Us precJBet,ia Neraska eoaaty. Nebraska, knvemadeaa orgaaizatkw to defend! said preciaet agaiast the BrowavDle preciaet boaes, is-eed ia TS70, aad have made a eoatraet Ttk T. L. Seaiek aad Tjsmb. BQhaiey & Laai bertsoB to repceseat said preciaet ia all Utiga:O0 eoarereiag sakl boads, apoe their own resfoes&Blhy aad at their own e:pease, aad whereas, tke coaeerreaee ef tke county eommfe sionezs, as the agent ef said preciaet, is necessary to authorise said attor neys to appear for said aredact ia aay iuigatioe coorerBg said toads. Now. therefore, we, tke coaatycoeiaitssioa ers of said coeaty, io approve of said coBtraet, aad aethorize said attorneys to appear for said ptectaet in aay sack litigation, it being expressly nader scood that Loadon precinct shaft bear all the expense so iacarred aad that said attoraeys do aot have aay aasbor ftr to represent EowaviBe preciaet as aow cousi hated, ia said Bagatioe. nor saaQ aay autbority be gives to tke at toraeys appoiatcd oa kooralf of Btows viBepretiactteiepreeeat orhiad sakl Loadoa preeiaex. Oct. Stfe, 1301. J. H". Skckhc J. H. POKL3CA2T, F. RgaeEKr, The coeaty clerk Sed has report of fees coBeeted from Apcfl 1st 1280, to Oct. 1st. 1830. aaMmatiogto $507J57. Amount of expenses far the qaarter eadteg Seat. 3tta, isSf : Oat of gaaeral feed. 83417 Out of road fand. 572 - Tetad SffiSJ7 Ordered J,tfeiit tbe Board adoara aatil Taexsaay moxaiag. o'ejoek. Oe toher26ia, i, for the perpoee of set ttag with the coeaty treaserer. EasdEs 3efess. Hoa. "Wm.Da3y, Hoe. Charek Howe. x. L. Schick Esq.. M. B. Beyaatn. eaa-i delates for tke Legisbuare; Hoe. Jao. H. Shook, caadidate for County Cora-1 ewsfaioaer wEl meet the people of Ne aiaha eoanty at tke fofiowiag tiates aadpiaees: Neanaa City, Monday eveaag. Oct. ISth. AsatawaE. Taesday araMag. Oet. ifth. St. Deroia, ITedaosiiBy aveaiag, Oct. 26tk. Botefield Seiwol Hoese, Taarfciy ev eaiag Oet.lst. BedSonl (Oaeter Seawa Hoese) Fri day eveaiae: Oct. 22e. Sherioaa aa?a aKotiag aad basket pw-BJe in Sage's grove Satetaay Oet. 2d ac ! 1 o'clock A. M. Dfetiage'sketl speakecs from abroad wffl address tJes aieeting. Pa. Saterday eveeiag. Oct. 2ti. Steiaaea's School Hoese, Monday eveniag, Oct. 25th. Joaase, Taesday eveaiae. Oct. 2ett. Pcdeak, "Wedaesdav eveaias. Oct. 27tk. Glen Bock, (Centos: Seaeai Hoese) Taeisdey ereaiag. 0et.26ck. Loaeoa. Qdiaiek's Seeeoi Hoese) Friday eveia. Oct. 2tik. Sheridan, Saturday evea. Oct. ietk. BrowBvflle, 3rndef eTeasag, Nov. isc Speakiag to eBaeBee at 7:S8 each eveBiag. jrrieads of tke candidates wS please see that tee koeses are aroeecry warm ed aad hgkted. Tira eat evervkedv. For the best flour in ine market get the Ui edge at Cheap Sams. He warrants every sack. Piano and Organs. First-stes for less than ever oaered beibre- Address J. B. Dxe, letf BrowaviDe, Neb. Eor the best stock of men's and boys' OS clothing call on Mc Gee & Moore. "Want better aad eggs. Ussiest price paid by Steveaeoa & Ctose. Tfeefeceadls3cle preaacKr 3Iols. tie es&, eamWu-J wilfeet teczsezLZatteB. are in receipt of a fif3 fflifl and Groceries. ftr iH m STOITSS! STOTTES! TbeChaner notBLiotisthefcestbe- cause it consumes the least fee! aad bakes aiost even aad waasaMre then aay other stove ia the aavkec. Raest fettor. T. RjcJL5as. Higaest sKurket price paid by D. B. DoadBS&Oo. 50 Empty barrels for sor ghum ai Moore's. hum at McGee & Best Bread in the city at Farsaan & PabBerT5- and doat yoa focgafc k. . If ymo want a oar gain call and see me, for I will not beundersold by anyone. CHEAP SAM. Cash Paid for Wheat, The iighest mirrlket pTice idior jro o d "K"iie3.t at G-Ien Sock Mills. -53: JO.HITDDAST,; CO. SIEWZSG- 5IAC52KSS. Buy the New Amereaa with salf tbreadag sbntteand seif-seitiagaeed-le Eghtest running machine; it is ike boss; Bohambog. For sale by T. Bjchasbs. S. G. Blnst' Whsat Press Drill, S"ewtcrj and Slsuttler Tv"ago3ss For sale by David CampbelL Pifty Blue Soldier Overcoats at McGee & Moore's. If tfcere ever -was Tmtin tor as-so eosaplaiMt Ua Osrtr UtW 4ec Petes ace a spci c far :fc S-u tn irho. ami. rTzy elrapftUTeesr.ttt x ck pcevtiMTe tf tafees wbe Ue pyrnnch to iete. Curler's XU)eLlTerFK art dirUr as afce liver sad bUe.aad a ta vagr resaov ta caw; fce dtapoiati C03J31SXCTIlX. THi: BROVS'VXI.I02 MARKETS. BaorTTTnxs. October 11. Iffi. soc.t&e Ubb mC zniae to pced. Steers, fair t cfcee IJtW w Wfceai.cfcfiaH S 79 3re m .tnMa. 20 STZEZT2CAJlSSr-PMO&GCEi CORiM.T33 w ..T. fCoraireaI,?MO S S1 I BcKer Mfe- 39 IHcs ?$ 3 Lar 7 It Patoies jftfr 69 OaQ3 sprtas-u Ceksas.eressd,? 5. TRrxejs. dres.1. ? a Weod.p coes S 7M. S .2 2&aS5J AVI RETAIL,. 5JCT r.BttTis Sa-ranaali HIH 3aB 153 Am as 3 2 To IJ 1 W 1 eo 1 eo a so ISO ICO ICO ICO Glea BeKSan v. Glea Heck: spetatg w 9ii&iKnciae9Jkst. Gratoaza. Bran. aa Shoeto ssiz.ed. jr&t- t ?ca- raSx A k - ' V - 9 i 1 2XE3.C CUSS a tibC bcow n. '. Cctrea.7J- O.G.JaTa.354lEn 3&KS.3M&. Tea. OT CrasfeerrJes. p-r Drii.CarB.fr2 S 260 ieo 35 t0 7&anm :s Brfed Apptes. 10 Jr BrfedPexckes. S S 5sc Pared Peacfees. ? S PlitiCberries, -ss Sjrnppergal lLari Coal Oil. perzattee Wtte Fbfa, per &SC 3aaSerei, perkfc Salt, per barrei prr 19 i!-. Vv TttIi ear r ! 1 PT . gKRH SXSZST CSU O a t m Kfess. . A- W.i.fctfa llilHi2i? I S21I1M5 Li Li TEraWt mSmT9W Ss.Lmts.2.